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07:55 Registration & Coffee

Welcoming Remarks
08:55 Official Start: 9th Mexico Infrastructure Projects Forum
Dora Mancera, Partner, Industry Exchange LLC

Attracting Private Investment for Nearshoring and Meet Energy Demand

09:00 Keynote Presentation: Iván Rivas Rodríguez, Secretario de Economía, Estado de Nuevo León

Nearshoring: Mexico´s Golden Opportunity to Develop its Economy, Industry & Society
09:15 Presentation: Strengths of Veracruz in the face of Nearshoring
Rómulo Sanchez, Director General, Agencia Estatal de Energia de Veracruz

09:30 Panel discussion: Nearshoring Demand and the Importance of Developing Sust
• Prospects of nearshoring in Mexico and infrastructure readiness
• The role of the energy sector and the potential to ignite Economic and Social Development in Mexico
• How are states and local governments attracting nearshoring prospects?
• The importance of a reliable energy supply in Mexico
• The role of local, state, federal governments, and the industry while assessing nearshoring opportunities
• Mexico´s energy policies and North America´s challenge to meet climate objectives.
• The role of natural gas as a catalyst for nearshoring
• How are foreign companies implementing their environmental commitments in Mexico?
• Impact of price volatility and high energy prices on Mexico´s national income, family budgets and national
• Nearshoring: Energy Supply Infrastructure
• Actions taken by Local and State Authorities to Promote the Energy Transition
Emanuel Loo, Subsecretario de Inversión de la Secretaría de Economía, Nuevo Leon
Carlos Adrian Garcia Basto, Director General, Agencia de Energia del Estado de Campeche
José Ramón Silva Arizabalo, Secretario de Desarrollo Energético, Gobierno del Estado de Tamaulipas
Rómulo Sanchez, Director General, Agencia Estatal de Energia de Veracruz
Moderator: María José Treviño, Directora General, Acclaim Energy

10:20 Coffee Break and Networking Session

Decarbonization Pathways for Mexico´s Heavy Industry

10:50 Keynote Presentation: Mexico´s Energy Transition: Renewable Energy and Transition Fuels
Abraham Zamora, Sr. VP Corporate - Government Affairs and President, SEMPRA Infraestructura &
Asociación Mexicana de Energía - AME

11:10 Panel Discussion: Mexico´s Heavy Industry´s Energy Transition and Decarbonization Strategies
• Challenges and Solutions for Mexico´s Heavy Industry at the Most Transformative Period in Modern History
• Which companies are first movers, and what is the underlying rationale?
• Nuevo Leon´s Environmental/Green Taxes as a Mitigation Tool and its Effect on Competitiveness
• Decarbonizing Energy Intensive Sectors: Steel, Cement, Metals, Transportation…
• The Role of Natural Gas in Mexico´s Energy Transition Towards Decarbonization Goals
• Managing Fugitive Emissions from Extractive Industries

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• Hydrogen Opportunities for the Private Sector: Road Transport, Cement Manufacture, Electric Mobily, Industry
Celeste Rebora, Director Hydrocarbon Projects, Grupo Valoran
Gustavo Fausto Ortega, Director General, Grupo México Energía
Carlos Medina Ayala, Director - Sustainability & CO2 Agenda for Mexico, CEMEX
Ana Laura Ludlow, VP Chief Government Affairs & Sustainability, ENGIE México

Power Generation in Mexico

12:10 Panel Discussion: Balancing ESG Goals with Economic Growth & Future Energy Demand
• Mexico´s Current & Near Future Energy Demand
• The importance of Natural Gas in Reducing Emissions and Promoting Sustainability
• Growing Energy -and Clean Energy- Demand of Transmission Lines and Generation Plants
• Power Generation Needs & Trends in Mexico
• Generation Sources and Impact on Electricity Rates
• Energy security & the Role of Renewables in the Diversification of Power Supply & Generation Diversity
• How to handle social impact, new regulatory guidelines, licensing, and grid connectivity?
• The future of distributed generation
• Impact of the Evolution towards Efficient Electrification of Industries and the Increase in Demand for Clean
Energy in México
• Storage and commercialization of Photovoltaic Energy in Mexico
Enrique Alba Carcelén, CEO, Iberdrola Mexico (invited)
Narcís De Carreras, CEO, Valia Energia
Patricia Tatto, Vice President America, ATA Renewables
Alejandro De Keijser, Director de Energía y Sustentabiliad, Deacero
Moderator Eduardo Sanchez, Director General of Renewable Energy Agency, Nuevo Leon

13:00 LUNCH

Energy Logistics: Transportation, Storage & Supply

14:30 Panel Discussion: Transportation and Storage Infrastructure Needs for Mexico’s Hydrocarbons
• Railroad Infrastructure and Fuel Delivery Capabilities
• How is Transportation Reducing Emissions and Moving Toward Decarbonization?
• Intermodal Transportation Capabilities
• Transportation and fueling system solutions for Liquid Natural Gas
• Transloading and Contractors of Additional Infrastructure
• Infrastructure Deficits for Refined Fuels Transport and Storage
• Fuel and Gas Storage Terminals
• LNG on Mexican Rails and Marine Terminals?
• Where are the Opportunities for Private Involvement in Transportation and Storage Infrastructure?
Carlos Garcia, VP Commercial Operations Latin America, Valero
Alejandro Doria, President, Bulkmatic Mexico
César Cadena, President, Clúster Energético de Nuevo León
Rocío Cárdenas, Senior Commercial Director, SEMPRA Infraestructura
Moderator Raul Ferro, Energy Director & Partner, Industry Exchange

15:30 Coffee Break and Networking Session

CENACE – Centro Nacional de Control de Energía

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Mexico Projects
Infrastructure Forum – Monterrey
Projects Forum
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- Monterrey

16:00 Keynote Presentation: Dr. Ricardo Mota Palomino, Director General, Centro Nacional de Control de
Energía - CENACE

Mexico´s Electricity Market

16:20 Panel Discussion: Update on the Wholesale Electricity Market: Energy Efficiency and Risk
• The importance of energy efficiency for Mexican Companies
• The susceptibility to the Mexican economy and consumers to large swings and volatility of energy prices
• Managing market risk, credit risk, operational risk
• The new focus on energy procurement
• Evolving strategies to support multiple energy sources
• Challenges with Clean Energy Certificates (CELs) and proof of origin
• Prospective of distributed generation and behind the meter infrastructure for qualified users
Angie Soto, Managing Director, NX Buena Energía
Francisco Con Garza, Presidente, Asociación de Comercializadores de Energía
Ricardo Mota Palomino, Director General, Centro Nacional de Control de Energía – CENACE
Jose Francisco Castro, Energy Planning, Ternium

Financing Key Energy Infrastructure Projects

17:20 Presentation: Mexico´s Macro Economic Outlook: 1H 2024 and Forward

Alejandro Padilla, Chief Economist & Managing Director of Research, Grupo Financiero BANORTE

17:35 Panel Discussion: Sustainable Finance of Key Energy Infrastructure Projects

• Finance and Investment Perspectives for 2024-2030
• How will the expansion in Mexico’s electricity generation matrix be financed after 2026
• Exodus, Paralysis or Reactivation?
• Investment Needs in Mexico´s Energy Sector
• How does the Increase in Interest Rates Affect the Feasibility of New Energy Project Financing?
• Energy policies in Mexico, and their potential impact on energy security
• How to mitigate risk and turn energy scarcity into a surplus
• What opportunities exist for the private sector for energy investors in Mexico?
• What needs to be done to facilitate investment in sustainability?
• Is there a Demand for Alternative Sources of Financing where New Investors can Participate?
• Available investment vehicles in Mexico: CERPIs, CKDs, FibraE, IPOs, taxes, and how can managers take
advantage of the new investment vehicles? What benefits are these expected to bring to investment in Mexican
energy and infrastructure projects?
• What types of projects are more applicable to local bank participation versus international
Sophie Brossard, Director Corporate Coverage, BNP Paribas
Eduardo Barrera, Managing Director Investment Banking, BBVA
Aniceto Huertas, Partner, Beel Infrastructure Partners
Marcelino Madrigal, Energy Division Chief, Inter-American Development Bank (Invitado)
Moderator: Alejandro Padilla, Chief Economist & Managing Director of Research, Grupo Financiero BANORTE

Cocktail Reception
18:35 Cocktail reception
20:20 End of day one

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9th Mexico Infrastructure Projects Forum – Monterrey 2024

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Day 2 Registration
07:50 Registration & Coffee

Opening Remarks
08:50 Official Start Day Two
Jay Applewhite, Chairman, Industry Exchange

08:55 Keynote Presentation: Marco Antonio González Valdez, Secretario de Desarrollo Regional y
Agropecuario, Estado Nuevo León

The Role of Natural Gas in Mexico’s Economic Development

09:10 Panel Discussion: Economics and Commercial Considerations for Natural Gas in Mexico
• Trends and opportunities for supply and demand of natural gas
• Mexican Gas Demand for:
o Power generation and its role within the Mexican power stack
o Industrial uses and trends affecting the industrial sector.
o Petrochemical operations
• Market benefits resulting from natural gas marketing and trading.
• Supply sources alternatives in Mexico
• Financing and risk management for the natural gas trade in Mexico
• Options for driving price transparency.
Roberto Blanco, President, Gas & Power Alfa
Jorge Vera, VP Commercial, Esentia Energy Systems
Norma Rodriguez, Directora Abastecimiento, FRISA Steel
Gerardo Rojas, Energy Director, Ternium
Jorge Ocampo, Sr. Originator, BP Energy
Moderator: Julia González, Counsel & VP, Gonzalez Calvillo & Woman Energy Network- México Chapter

Last Mile - Natural Gas Transportation, Storage, and Interconnectivity

10:10 Presentation: Supplying Natural Gas to Underserved Segments of the Market

Grissel Montes, Excecutive Director of Planification, Centro Nacional de Control del Gas Natural-

10:25 Panel Discussion: Natural Gas Infrastructure Readiness for Domestic Production, Localized
Transportation, Storage and Last Mile
• Filling the Gaps and the importance of prioritizing interconnected transport lines for greater flexibility and
• Working with Cenagas to bring natural gas production and local supply to market.
• The role of small-scale LNG for natural gas distribution and energy supply
• Mexico´s Current Demand for Natural Gas Storage Services
• 'Last mile' pipeline construction opportunities for natural gas liquefaction, storage, and transportation
• Reducing dependance on US natural gas supply and mitigating potential disruption risk
Rodolfo Gamboa, Sr. Vice President Energy, Grupo Alfa
Warren Levy, CEO, Jaguar EP
Luis Nuñez, General Director, Compañía Mexicana de Gas – Grupo Diavaz
Alejandro Peón Peralta, Country Manager, Naturgy México
Raul Puente, General Director of Underground Storage, Grupo Cydsa
Paola Vázquez, Forecast and Process Director, Centro Nacional de Control del Gas Natural
Moderator Gabriel Ruiz, Partner, Holland & Knight

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Mexico Projects
Infrastructure Forum – Monterrey
Projects Forum
Forum 2024
- Monterrey
- Monterrey

11:20 Coffee Break and Networking Session

Development of LNG in Mexico

11:50 Presentation: Alberto Alonzo, Senior Country Advisor, Mexico Pacific

12:10 Panel Discussion: The long-term potential for LNG in Mexico

• Mexico´s LNG Export Project Pipeline
• How do the current international crisis impact LNG in Mexico?
• Is LNG regasification a viable solution to meeting the region´s gas demand?
• Leveraging Mexico’s existing natural gas infrastructure
• What are the expected market impacts for LNG exports from Mexico?
• Policy updates and interest from the Mexico government regarding LNG exports and natural gas
Juancho Eekhout, VP Bus Dev LNG & Net Zero Solutions, SEMPRA Infrastructure (Invited)
Fabiola Peto, Commercial & Regulatory Sr. Manager, TC Energía
Hugo Arroyo, CEO, TLA – LNG Altamira
Ignacio Castro Foulkes, Vice President Commercial, Invenergy / Energía del Pacífico (EDP) LNG

Unlocking Mexico´s Global Energy Potential – Strategic Alliances for the Development of
Mexico´s Natural Gas Infrastructure
12:55 Keynote Presentation: The Development of Natural Gas in México
Tomasz K. von Budny, Business Development & Government Relations, TC Energia

13:10 Keynote Presentation: CFE´s Role in Natural Gas Supply Contracts

Dr. Miguel Santiago Reyes, General Director, CFEnergía (invited)

13:30 Panel Discussion: Mexico´s Natural Gas Development – Regional Integration, Energy Security, and
Social Development
• Strategic Project Development with CFEnergía and Private Players
• What are the challenges and opportunities for distribution in Mexico?
• Future Development of Mexico´s Critical Energy Infrastructure
• Mexico as a Global Supplier of Natural Gas and Pipeline Capacity
• Keys to unlock Mexico´s path towards Energy Transition
• Mexico´s Energy Export Outlook amid an Unprecedented rise of Europe´s Demand
• Funding Options Available for Energy Infrastructure Projects
• The Role of Natural Gas Infrastructure in the Economic and Social Development of Mexico
• Mexico´s Infrastructure requirement to ensure Energy Security in Globally Volatile Market
• North America Energy Integration: Coordination and Interconnectedness in the Current Political Landscape
• Nearshoring, Manufacturing, Industrial Activity and Energy Supply
• Working with CFE to Facilitate and Advance Infrastructure Needs
Dr. Miguel Santiago Reyes, General Director, CFEnergía (invited)
Leonardo Robles, Vice President, Commercial & Business Development, TC Energia
Fernando Tovar, CEO, Esentia Energy Systems
Areli Covarrubias, Natural Gas Commercial Director, SEMPRA Infraestructura
Moderator Christopher Lenton, Sr. Editor Mexico & Latam, Natural Gas Intelligence - NGI

14:40 LUNCH

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9th Mexico Infrastructure Projects Forum – Monterrey 2024

Alternative Fuel Markets in Mexico and Development Potential

16:00 Presentation: The Billion Dollar Bottleneck for Alternative and Renewable Fuels
Arthur Deakin, Director of Energy, Americas Market Intelligence - AMI

16:15 Panel Discussion: Development potential for alternative fuels using natural gas, NGV, small scale LNG,
CNG, Biogas, and Hydrogen
• The importance of small-scale LNG for natural gas distribution and energy supply
• Growth potential for Compressed Natural Gas
• Transportation and storage logistics for alternative fuels
• Looking to the future of hydrogen fuel possibilities
• The role of natural gas in emissions reductions
• Mexico´s Potential to Produce Hydrogen- from Strategy to Reality
• Opportunities for Private Sector: Mining, Road Transport, Cement Manufacture, Electric Mobily,
• Blending Hydrogen and Natural Gas
• Alternative Methods to Producing Hydrogen ie. Biomass, Ethanol
• What are Incentives and Funding to Develop Hydrogen Infrastructure?
• Mexico´s Potential to Become Hydrogen Leader: Renewable Energy Potential and Developed
Energy Infrastructure
Christian A de Cosio Farias, Energy Manager, CEMEX
Maria Valencia, External Affairs Manager, Seisa Energía
Rajan Vig, Founder, Grupo Indimex
Moderator Patricio Gamboa, Founder, Energy Intelligence Consulting

17:00 Coffee Break and Conference Close

17:30 Closing Remarks

End of 9th Mexico Infrastructure Projects Forum 2024

Note: Agenda subject to change

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