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1. What is the achievement you are most proud of in your past?

Concerning the achievement I am most proud of in my past I can say that I’m most proud of
managing as Office Manager, a successful team for three years. I oversaw a team of twenty
employees in an office setting. My team worked tirelessly to ensure that our activity ran
smoothly, and it showed in our company’s overall productivity. The director appreciated our
work output and saw that we were truly a team.
I consider supervising this team as my greatest accomplishment because of the growth and
work produced by us. I gained experience in how to be a better manager and employee. After
all, a manager is only as strong as the team that they’re leading.

2. Tell me about situation where you handled difficult client?

One situation where I had to handle difficult supplier in my case, was when the supplier with whom
we have concluded a contract became discontent and angry. I remained calm and spoke to the
supplier in a friendly manner. I then listened to his complaint and learned that he was upset because
he did not received the money on company account within the term. I apologized for the situation
and explained to him that it was a technical error, so, we will fix it immediately and we will transfer
the money urgently.The supplier ended up being happy with the solution.

3.What, in your opinion, differentiates Amazing Recruiter from a Good Recruiter?

In my opinion, one of the key differences between a good recruiter and an amazing one is that a good
recruiter will stand out if they take the time to get to know the candidat and his specific requirements but an
amazing recruiter will also have a wealth of experience and industry knowledge in candidate particular
sector. An in-depth understanding is essential to make the right call on a job or candidate.

A good recruiter might send email blasts to potential candidates, but an amazinrecruiter takes time to get to
know their client and builds genuine relationships with candidates and employers.

In conclusion, an amazing recruiter doesn’t just fill a position for short-term gain—they help match
prospective candidates and employers for a rewarding, long-term relationship.

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