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Open Sky International

Confidential scholarship application file
Confidential application file for Grant

Please read the note on page 5 before completing this form

Please read the note on page 5 before completing this questionnaire

1 Child _

HAS First and last name(s) - Full Names

B Date of birth - Date of Birth

VS Entry class or level - Term/ Year Of Entry

Reserved for school

2 Parents - Parents
For school use only

Father/ Step Father Mother /Step Mother

A Name(s) - Full Names

C Address(es) - Address(es)

D Profession (Retired, Employed, Business manager or liberal profession, Unemployed) - Occupation (Retired, Employed, Self-Employed, Unemployed)

E Name and address of employer or business

F Are you the director or owner of the company? - Are you a director or owner of this company or business?

Yes / No - Yes / No

Briefly describe your field of activity, number of

employees, turnover and net profit.

Briefly describe the business, number of

employees, full year turnover and Net Profit

If “yes” indicate the percentage of your shares and that of your partners
If “ Yes” state what percentage proportion of the company or business you and your spouse/partner own

Telephone - Telephone

Mobile Phone
Fax - Fax Number

Mail - Email address

© Open Sky International 2013 Page 1

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Open Sky International

Confidential scholarship application file

Confidential application file for Grant

Reserved for school

3 Income (Information included in tax notice)
For school use only

Please indicate all sources of your income during this tax year

(Please enter below your current earnings and expected income from all sources for this tax year)

Father/Step Father Mother/Step Mother

Gross salary and other similar earnings (including all taxable benefits and emoluments)

€ €

Declared professional industrial and commercial income - Profits of business, farm, estate or profession
€ €

Pensions, net annuities - Gross Pension, Widow's Pension, etc.


€ €

Gross capital income - Gross investment income from

Real estate companies
€ €
Building Companies
Banks € €

Dividends - Dividends € €

Social security benefits (including Child Allowance)

€ €

Separation or maintenance allowance

€ €

Is there a legal separation decision or agreement? If yes, please state the annual amount Is there a tuition.
Court Order/Separation Agreement? If Yes, please state annual amount payable for school fees
Yes / No - Yes / No € €

Benefits in kind provided free by reason of employment

€ €

Other income not included in part (A) to (I). Please state sources - Any other income not included in (A) to (I) above. Are you in receiving income or
benefiting from the income of any trust or similar.(please state source)
I € €

Sources - Sources

Reserved for school

4 Outgoings (Information included in tax notice)
For school use only

Father/Step Father Mother/Step Mother

Income tax - Tax payable on income declared above (including tax deducted at source)

€ €

Other expenses (Please specify)- Anyother interest payable (Please specify)

€ €

Annual charges on main residence - Annual rent payable on principal residence


€ €

© Open Sky International 2013 Page 2

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Open Sky International
Confidential scholarship application file
Confidential application file for Grant

Reserved for school

5 Dependent children
For school use only

Please include the child who is directly affected by this form (if more than 4 children, provide details on a separate
sheet) - Include the child to whom this application (if more than 4 children, give separate sheet)

Last Name and First Name(s) - Forename

Date of birth - Date of Birth

School or College

HAS Annual school or other educational fees (including extras and sundry disbursements)

€ € € €

B Compulsory additional charges

€ € € €

Amount of financial aid awarded by the State

Government assisted places schemes, scholarships, bursaries or allowances given by school

€ € € €

D Other form of help - Assistance form any other source

€ € € €

Please state the source

Please state source

Reserved for school

6 Other dependents
For school use only

Please give details

7 Other important information - Any other relevant information

If necessary, please continue on another separate sheet - Continue on another page if necessary

© Open Sky International 2013 Page 3

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Open Sky International
Confidential scholarship application file
Confidential application file for Grant

Reserved for school

9 Verification of income
For school use only

Please provide supporting documents

Please enclose documentary evidence of the income figures, please tick those you are enclosing

Copy of the tax notice Father/Foster father Mother/Foster mother

Copy of income Father/Step Father Mother/Step Mother

Copy of the last three pay slips Father/Foster father Mother/Foster mother
Last three payslips Father/Step Father Mother/Step Mother

Other supporting documents (Please specify) - Others (please specify)

The law punishes anyone who is guilty of fraud or false declarations (law no. 68-690 of July 31, 1968, article 22).
Open Sky International will be obliged to withdraw the grant awarded and will have to request reimbursement due to false declarations in the confidential grant application file -The Grant will be
withdrawn and the value of any amount of Grant previously credited against our/ my child's fee account School forthwith if we/ I have fraudulently, knowingly or recklessly provided false information
in relation to the award of the Grant.

© Open Sky International 2013 Page 4

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Open Sky International

Confidential scholarship application file

10 Contract - Declaration Confidential application file for Grant

After reading the notes above, the confidential scholarship application file must be dated and signed by both parents or guarantors of the student concerned (see the reserved space at the
bottom of this page).
We accept the following terms and conditions in the event that our child is a beneficiary of the School Grant and a place is reserved for them.
a) Any award of a scholarship is subject to:
has. Receipt of all requested documents;
b. The signing of a signed contract (agreement);
vs. Upon payment of the security deposit provided in the registration file. b) Any
scholarship award is subject to an annual review and we undertake to complete the annual financial statement sent to us by the school and return it within the allotted time;

c) We undertake to inform the school of any change in our financial situation;

d) The amount of the scholarship could be reduced or withdrawn in the following cases:
has. Our child or we act in violation of the terms and conditions of the school regulations;
b. We would not have returned the annual declaration on time;
vs. We would not have provided the documents requested by the school justifying our financial situation;
d. If by management's decision, our child's attendance, progress or behavior no longer justify the award of a scholarship;
e. If our payment occurs more than 30 days late compared to the payment schedule;
f. In the event of a change in our financial situation;
g. If the school's resources are no longer sufficient to maintain a scholarship.
e) The scholarship will be canceled and its amount must be refunded if the information and declarations that we have provided voluntarily or recklessly prove to be erroneous or fraudulent,

After having read the attached notes, the following declaration must be signed by both parents/applicants (or see below).
We/I understand that if we/I are/am offered a Grant of my/our child and accept a place for him/her at the school, the following terms and conditions will apply as between ourselves/
myself and the School:-
a) Any award of Grant is subject to the receipt of: a. All
required supporting documentation;
b. A signed Acceptance Form
vs. Paid deposit
b) Any award of Grant is subject to annual review and we/I must complete an annual declaration of our/my financial circumstances on the form sent to us/me by the School and supply
all relevant supporting evidence by the return date indicated;
c) We/I will report immediately any material change in the financial position declared;
d) The Grant may be withdrawn or reduced if:
has. We/I act or our/my child acts in breach of the School's Terms and Conditions attached to the Acceptance From for our/my child at the School;
b. We/I have failed to return the annual declaration of our/my financial circumstances by the return date indicated;
vs. We/I have failed to produce any additional financial information required by the School to evidence our/my financial circumstances;
d. In the opinion of the Head, our/my child's attendance, progress or behavior no longer merits the continuation of the award;
e. We/I are more than [28] days in arrears in respect of any amount due and owing to the School;
f. There is any material change in our/my financial circumstances;
g. The School's resources are insufficient to maintain the level of award.
e) The Grant will be withdrawn and the value of any amount of Grant previously credited against our/my child's fee account will become repayable to the School forthwith if we/I have
fraudulently, knowingly or recklessly provided false information in relation to the award of the Grant.


Father/Foster father
Date / Date
Father/Step Father

Mother/Foster mother
Date / Date
Mother/Step Mother


In order to help as many parents as possible needing financial assistance to send their child to our establishment, we invite you to first search for financial assistance before sending us
this scholarship application.
Please tell us any other aid or scholarships you may have requested. Children whose tuition fees are paid by their parents' employers, totally or partially, are not entitled to access this
In order to help the greatest number of parents who need financial assistance, all those who apply for a Grant from the School are asked first to inquire if they are eligible for assistance
from any other source. Please state whether you have applied to trusts or foundations for a grant, and if so to which and with what result. If the employer covers the school expenses, you
are not eligible for the Grant.

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