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Peet LN | s AEP Model Dard your ICF-00W1 E Model vce Manual previusty ee Canadian Model US Model FM/AM MULTI-BAND RECEIVER SPECIFICATIONS. SW seivity: di (0.60) at 18-30 We S¢NIN = 6 dB, 30% modulation with Power Requirements: 120 se, S0/G0 He (Canadian mods) NT oe aN 170,435,270 or 240. ae stele ae eee Bajeots Ws, AEN, URE moa Selectivity MASH and SSBICW a detarery ate B68 taaewrered|ecce]| fey cord OCO-120%or 12 V car bettery Mode aes ee 3 OCO-120¥or 12 V carb —_ No an Power Consumption: 7 ac IUS mod!) sana wae wide | NARROW SHEE [AER UR, Candian mode) t aaa | a Maximum Power Ovtput: 1000 mi at 10% ditortan inde epsration oe - “e008 | veskis | @SkHe | O5kHe Spusker: Aporox. 10cm (4 none) a Input: TIMER (mina oot Dimensions: ADBrOX 459 (<1 Ih) «227i rm TF Teh x9 fl nchor Outputs: REC OUT (nine. 1 Sutput nal On (608) Weght: Approx. 6.9%s, 13h with batteries eutput imeedanee Kh EARPHONE imimjack 1 Antennas: EM: teltcopc anceona {or Bi earphone SW lecopie antenna HEADPHONES Ietereo binaural ack. 1 {carol stone terminals (90 — 78.0) {or 8 mero or monaural heedpones HF vas connector (90 ~ 780) fw bultintestog antenna SAFETY RELATED COMPONENT WARNING pecans eee erates eee COMPONENTS IDENTIFIED BY SHADING AND MARK Fraquancy Ranga: FM: 87:5 ~108MHs (2.43 ~ 2.78m) (LON. THE SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS, EXPLODED Mu: 630 — 1,608 kHz (868 — 18) m) ‘SW: 1.8 SOMME (187.5 10m) VIEWS AND IN THE PARTS LIST ARE CRITICAL TO SAFE OPERATION, REPLACE THESE COMPONENTS ATTENTION AU COMPOSANT AYANT RAPPORT WITH SONY PARTS WHOSE PART NUMBERS APPEAR. ALA secURITE | [AS SHOWIN IN THIS MANUAL OR IN SUPPLEMENTS PUBLISHED BY SONY. ® LES COMPOSANTS IDENTIFIES PAR UN TRAME ET UNE MARQUE A\ SUR LES DIAGRAMMES SCHE: MATIOUES, LES VUES EXPLOSEES ET LA LISTE ° DES PIECES SONT CRITIOUES POUR LA SECURITE os ® DE FONCTIONNEMENT. NE REMPLACER CES cows Sa oa ocean oo wer SERVICE MANUAL (OU DES SUPPLEMENTS PUBLIES PAR SONY. |\CF-6800W MODEL IDENTIFICATION (Specification Labels) Canadian model HEU SE smo eteney wasn FREQ RANGE: FW'875—108MHR™ MWS30-Ie03KHE ‘h Vecsowes a9 anos? oc ==isiee GSE" RZ000Y Sanam FLASHLINT Sah Be ad % avon cow 141, MOS IC (IC2) HANDLING PRECAUTIONS Since the insulation resistance of the oxidized film fof MOS IC is generally very high and the film is extremely thin, the static electric charge on clothing fr the body will eause the insulation to breakdown, Observe the following preceutions when replacing this IC. 1. Maintain all the pins at the same potential by ‘wrapping the IC in aluminum foil or other similar material (See Fig. 1). stuminum foi} Fig. 1 2. Ground the work bench for static electricity (See Fig. 2) (Place a sheet of aluminum onto the bench.) sheet of aluminum Fig. 2. AEP, UK, E model SONY. An? BN 3 gEND RECEWER won wo. ICFeg00m Fara'mance: ” Ew'a75-ioeuie“uwsso-teasear ‘Sh ig-aomuel29 aands) oc=isves USE #20107 StasDaR® FLASHLIONT ac: fioviaay280/240v~9W S0/60H2 US model fSoetertecereececmtenecat ‘xr a ae 3. If it is necessary to touch the MOS IC direct, grasp the IC at a point other than the pins Moreover, wear cotton gloves or 4 cotton finger sack, (Gloves made of nylon or other similar material are not recommended. The state elect- ricity on your body can be easily discharged by wrapping a ground wire around your wrist.) LR 0 wos 1c Fig. 3. 4. Short all the pins of the IC before beginning any Work. Also ground the soldering iron Ground ne soaring iron. go Fig. 4. © a) ICF-6800W SECTION 1 OUTLINE 1.1, CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION ‘This receiver has a high degree of stability whieh is achieved by replacing the first local oscillator of the shortwave doublesuper heterodyne circuitry witha PLL synthesizer. The following is a brief circuit description. 1) Fig, 5 is a block diagram showing the principle of the PLL circuit employed in this set consider this block diageam Say a I MHz signal comes into the receiver from the antenna, In order to convert this signal to the first intermediate frequency [19.055 MHz (st intermediate frequency of the receiver)) the frequency of VCOI has to be 20.055 MHz At this time, the frequeney of VCO? is set at 29 MHz, When these two signals are fed to the mixer 1 an 8.945 MHz signal [29 ~ 20.055 = 8.945 MHz} is produced at the output of the mixer 1, This signal is now fed to the mixer 2. Meanwhile, a J0MHz signal from a fixed oscillator is also fed to the mixer 2. When the two signals are mixed by the mixer 2, 41.055 MHz signal (10 ~ 8.945 = 1.055 MHz) is, produced as the output of the mixer 2, and is then fed to the phase comparator. Meanwhile, a separate signal from an oscillator is also fed to the phase comparator as shown in Fig. 5 [Here this oscillator will be referred to as the Let us inafter VFO.| ‘This phase comparator compares the phase dif ference of the output signal of the mixer 2 and VFO. If thete is a phase difference between these ‘two signals, this difference is produced at the ‘output as a DC voltage and applied to the varicap (variable capacitance diode) of VCOI to regulate the oscillating frequency of VCO1. At this time, as long as the frequency of VFO is 1.055 MHZ, VCO! will produce a stable oscillating frequency ‘of 20.055 MH ‘This is the basic operation of the PLL circuit 2) How are 2 MHlz, 3 MHz signals received? Let us consider how a 2 MHz signal is received, ‘The frequencies of each of the circuits will now be as follows. 2MIz GMI) 4MH2 VCOI 21,035 MHZ 22.05SMHz 23.055 MHz voo. 30MHz = 31MHz 2M VFO 1.055MHz 1.055 MHz 1,055 MHz By having each of the oscillators produce the frequencies listed above, 2 MHz signals can be 72- ceived, but if one were to attempt to cover 1 MHz to 30MHz in this manner, VCO2 and VCOI would have to be similar type oscillators, which would be extremely difficult from the standpoint of production, siowat. ¢om iene ANTENA yan t ver wn L__19 088 m ‘2 awnel poss mite (21.085 mane) |_¥C° 2.968 une ive mix ixe [OMT pase 29 Me | cone Gomes paron rons : (exe) ior Fig. 8 ICF-6800W 3) VCO? of ICF-6800W Accordingly, the circuitry of the ICF-6800W is put together as shown in Fig, 6, in determining the oscillating frequencies of VCO2. Es (Tat) Fig. 6 (The oscillating frequencies of VCO2 are generated jn increments of 1 MH2 between 28 MHz and 37MHz. Further explanations on these oscilla: tions will be provided later on.) 8, VCO? determines stability of PLL With a PLL circuitry as shown in Fig. S, itis the stability of the three oscillators, VCO2, the 1OMHz fixed oscillator, and the VFO, that determine the overall stability of the PLL, By using a crystal oscillator for the 10MHz fixed oscillator, ample stability can be ob- tained, As for the VFO, since its oscillator frequency is not so very high, stable oscillation can be obtained even with an L-C oscillator, ‘Therefore, VCO2 determines the ultimate stability of the PLL, Fig. 6 shows a block diggram of the circuitry of VCO2. By forming another PLL to stabilize VCO? oscillate as stable as VCOL. . Functions of VOO2 (refer to Fig, 6) 1OMiz is divided to 1/10 by means of a divid- ing circuit, to generate 1 MHz. pulse signals. Next these pulse signals are made into integral- fold pulse signals of 1 MHz by means of a pulse generator. A pulse generator is a integral pulses of the input signals when this happens, pulses of (n x 1 MHz) (n are integral ‘numbers of 1, 2, 3, and so on) are generated, reuit that generates These pulse signals are now fed to the phase detector, Meanwhile, the signal from VCO2 is also fed to the phase detector, and the phases of these two signals are compared, with any difference being produced as a DC voltage. ‘This voltage is fed to the variable capacitance diode of VCO2, to enable it to generate stable oscillations per every IMHz (28, 29 and 80 on up to 37 MHz), 4) Frequencies of each section of receiver Next, each of the frequencies of the different sections of the receiver have to be changed in ac cordance with the frequency of the signal being received. However, from the standpoint of the makeup of the circuitry, it is difficult to change ‘VCO? in the same manner as VCO, Accordingly, these changes are accomplished in the following 4. Functions of controls When the 10MHzstep selector control for SW BAND SELECTOR is turned, the oscilla ing frequency of VCO] is also switched in steps of 10 MHz, When the I MHz-step selector control for SW BAND SELECTOR is turned: 1. The oscillating frequency of VCO1 is also switched in steps of I MHz (0-9 MHz) 2, The oscillating frequency of VCO2 is also switched in steps of 1 MHz (28-37 MHz); When the MW/SW TUNING DIAL is turned ‘The VFO frequency changes. In this manner, the frequencies of each of the sections change as the three controls referred to above are moved. Refer to Page 10 for the relationship between the oscillating frequencies of each of the sec- tions of the receiver », Oscillating frequeeny ranges of each section and frequencies during reception VCOI: produces oscillations from 18.975 MHz to 49.075 MHz. dividing this spectrum into three bands, Voo2: produces oscillations from 28 MHz to 37MHz in steps of 1MHz (28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36 and 37 MHz) VFO: produces oscillations continuously from 0.975 MHlz to 2.075 MHz, These three oscillators enable reception from IMHz to 30MHz, This is accomplished in the following manner. Band switching is carried out per 1 MHz by changing the oscillating frequency of VCO2, while for frequencies in between, overall reception is provided by changing the oscilla. ting frequency of the VFO. For example, when a 7.5 MHz signal is to be tuned in, the frequencies of each of the sections becomes as follows: 19,055 MHz + 7.5 MHz = 26.555 MH 28 MHz +7 MHz = 35 MHz VFO: 1,055 MHz +0.SMHz = 1,555 MHz Y @ a) (MHz units are changed by VCO2,and units less than 1 MHz are changed by the VFO.) In the case of a 15.5 MHZ signal, the different requencies are as follows: VCO1: 19.055 MH2 + 15.5 MHz = 34.555 MH Vco2: 28 Miz +5 MHz = 33 MHz PO: 1.055 MHz +0. MHz = 1.555 MHz , Functions of filters Fig, 7 is essentially the block diagram shown In Fig. $ to which the frequencies of each of the sections are indicated when receiving 1 MHz, 10 MHz, and 20 MHz signals When receiving 2 10 MHz signal, the output of mixer 2 becomes 8.945 MHz and is then fed to the phase comparator. However, the oscillating frequencies of the VEO range from 0,975 MHz to 2.075 MH it is not capable of oscillating es high as 8.945 MHz, This would make it seem impossible to receive 2 10MHz signal. However, this is not the case: 4 signal like this is received in the following ICF-6800W First let us take a look at the characteristics of the mixer. This will tell us the following, When signal A which is of a certain frequency is mixed with signal B which is of a different frequeney, the following signals are produced, Frequency of A: fg Frequency of Bf) L fo- 2 fort x fo 4 ‘These frequencies are fed out from the output ‘of the mixer ‘The following frequencies are fed out from the output of the mixer 2 when receiving a 10 MHz signal as indicated in Fig. 7. 1. 1OMHz ~ 1.0SSMHe = 8.945 Miz 2. LO MHz + 1,055 MHz = 11.085 MHz 3. 10MHz 4. 1.055 Miz 3 ar 19.066 mis meur Frou ANTENNA MIXER 1 be (oun, BoMner 20055 ue (29055 mive)|_ Vcor (69.055 Mie! . 005 une 1.055 ame (1.058 tae) Whose aie) Beet veo2 mixe pHase coupararor| 2owne (as ne) Panne vanieD IN 1 mb: STEP BY "SW BAND SELECTOR” 10956 mie Baus ATO" tone veo | (esse mn) Bouts ar” osc 11055 Me) Fig. 7 1055 Me Le To veo 1.058 me | ms a PHASE 2.945 mie 2S Mt Conan} fev! 11.055 mre p—aror ioMbe came 1.058 Mite ose" 1.056 wits 25 une veo ie LPF cune Fig. 8 ICF-6800W Utilizing these characteristics of the mixer, a filter is fitted after the mixer 2, o that fre quencies above 3.5MHz will be filtered out (Gefer to Fig. 8). This means that when recei- ving © 10 MHz signal, only the 1.05S MHz frequency will be passed through. This signal is fed to the phase comparator and compared with the frequency of the VFO. ‘This then is how the reception of 10 MHz signal is carried out utilizing the filter. A filter js incorporated between the mixer 1 and the mixer 2 too, for the same purpose, ‘The frequency of VCO1 is controlled by first comparing the signals by the phase comparator, obtaining the difference in the form of « voltage difference, and feeding this differential to the variable capacitance diode of VCO1. As shown in Fig. 7, whether it isa 1 MHz, 10MHz, or 20MHz signal that is being received, the frequency that is fed to the phase comparator is always 1.055 Miz, This would make it seem that VCO1 will constantly be oscillating at the same frequency, however, the oscillator circuit of VCOI is switched by means of @ switeh for 1MHz level signals, 10MHz level signals, and 20 MHz level signals, and so it never ‘oscillates at the same frequency. 5) Why is it necessary to adjust the frequency range of VCOI? As stated earlier, VCO1 is regulated by means of the voltage produced at the phase comparator. ‘The voltage here is approximately 0.8 V to $V. ‘The oscillating frequencies of VCOI at the maxi mum and minimum of this voltage range becomes the frequency range of VCOL Fig, 9 shows the relationship between the voltage that is applied to the variable capacitance diode and capacity. Fig. 10 shows the relationship of the oscillating frequency of VCO when the voltage changes. wax a! g & g : erenos urow 3 SS a VaRiCAns — vourace | = MAX. Fig. 9 max. La _ VOLTAGE MAX. Fig. 10 ‘The frequency when the voltage fed to the variable capacitance diode is at a minimum and the fre- ‘quency when it is at @ maximum are determined in the following manner. ‘As shown in the block diagram in Fig. 11, the frequencies that are fed to the phase comparator ‘must satisfy the frequency rango of the VFO. ‘The question now is how far below 0.975 MHz, and how far above 2.075MHz are acceptable. ‘The conclusion is that it must be within the following ranges FREQUENCY veo SHOULD BE BETWEEN 1995 nae AND 2076 ite mux bof] Lf mixe veo2 rome ose! ure / las mae PHASE berecror| veo | 0975 mie 2075MHe @ (2) Down to minus 0.975 MHz below 0.975 MHz (2) Below 3.5 MHz and above 2.075 MHz Unless within the ranges of (1) and (2) above, the PLL circuitry will not function normally (1) is determined in the following manner, ‘The frequency of 0.975MHz is an absolutely indispensable frequency because of the relation- ship with the VFO. Unless the frequency of VCOI does not come down to 0.975 MHz even when the voltage to the variable capacitance diode {s lowered, there will be no change in frequency when the MW/SW TUNING DIAL is tured, and so it must be below 0.975 MHz. Concerning frecuency below 0.975 MHz, in reality, there could not be a frequency of minus 0.975 MHz, but hers, we shall refer to anything below zero as a minus frequency. 0.975 Mie oune 0.975 une Fig. 12. ‘The frequencies that are compared in the phase comparator are neither plus nor minus but are compared in terms of absolute values, and so the frequency of minus 1MHz will be handled as I MHz by the phase comparator. Let us consider what happens when the frequency goes down below minus 0.97SMH2 when the voltage of the variable capacitance diode is at its Let us say for the sake of argument that it goes down to minus 1MHz when the voltage of the variable capacitance diode is at its mink Now if the signal that ie being fed to the phase comparator is minus 0.98MH2 (the YFO fre- quency is 0.975 MHz), this frequency will be hnandied as 0.98 MHz, and so it will be judged as being higher than the VFO frequency, and 4 voltage in the direction of lowering the capaci tance of the variable capacitance diode will be fed to the variable capacitance diode from the phase comparator, Meanwhile, a minus 0.98MHz signal being fed to the phase comparator means that the signal that is being fed to the mixer 2 may also be considered to be minus 0.98MHz, The signal from VFOI that is fed to the mixer 1, if VCO2 is producing a 28 MHz signa, will be 27.020 MHz. This is because VCOI~ VCO2= output of the mixer 2; VCO1 will be oscillating at a frequency that is 0.98MHz lower than the frequency of ICF-6800W VCO2. (The word minus in minus 0.98 MHz is applied when the frequency of VCO1 is lower than that of VCO2,) COI is oscillating at 27.020 Milz. However, the voltage that is being fed to the variable capacitance diode tends to lower the oscillating frequency, and 80 the frequency comes down even further, going as far down as the minimum voltage being fed to the variable capacitance diode. In this instance, the frequency will come down to minus 1MHz because of the voltage being fed to the variable capacitance diode, and so the oscillation will continue to the frequency that Itas gone down to minus 1 MHz, and then stop there, In this instance, it will come down to 27 MHz and then stop there. Jn this manner, when it drops below minus 0.975 MHz, the PLL will no longer function normally. ‘The upper range of 2,07SMHz to 3.SMHz is etermined in the following manner, Concerning ‘any frequency below 2.075 MHe, the situation is the same as stated earlier in that it must not go down because of the situation with the VFO. The reason that it must not go above 3.5 MHZ is that prior to being fed to the phase comparator, the signal goes through the low-pass filter. ‘This low-pass filter will only pass frequencies up to around 3.5 MHz, and concerning frequencies above 3.5 MHz, the signals will not be fed to the phase comparator. ‘This means that the phase comparator will deter: ‘mine that the frequency is low, and therefore feed a voltage to the variable capacitance diode that will tend to raise the frequency, Accordingly, VCO1 will now oscillate at an even higher fre quency to the point where the voltage being fed to the variable capacitance diode will attain its maximum level, and there the oscillating. fre quency will settle From the foregoing, the frequency that is fed to the phase comparator will be determined as follows: (1) Must be below 0.975 Mitz down to minus 0.975 MHz when the voltage being fed to the variable capacitance diode is at its minimum, | (2) Must be above 2.075 MHz up to 3.5MHz when the voltage being fed to the variable capacitance diode is at its maximum, Refer to Page 45 for the information on adjusting the frequency range of YCO1 ICF-6800W 6) PLL circuitry is locked by VCO2 ‘An important factor involved the PLL circuitry is VCO2. If the oscillating frequency of ¥CO2is not locked, the PLL circuitry cannot be locked either. VCO? is oscillating in increments of 1 MHz, from 28 MHz, 29MHz..... up to 37MHz, and if it is not oscillating correctly at these frequencies, the PLL circuitry will be unstable. VCO2 applies the locking as indicated in the illustrations shown in Fig, 13 and Fig. 14 below. in the locking of When the frequency is shifted upwards from the lower end, the locking takes place as shown in Fig.13. Fig. 13 When the frequency is shifted downwards from the upper end, the locking takes place as shown in Fig. 14, Locking RANGES KR ‘ The ranging of locking that takes place in this manner is referred 0 as the locking range or capture range, ‘The respective ranges are as shown below. ‘CAPTURE RANGE APPROX. Somme Leockine Rance approx S200KHe7 Fig. 15 ‘The center frequency fo signifies the different frequencies of 28MHz, 29MHz up to 37MHz which are spaced at intervals of 1 Mitz, ‘A sweep circuit is provided, and so even if there should be some shift of the frequency as shown above, as long as it is within the locking range, it will be locked at the fo. (If there is no sweep circuit, then it will not lock at the fo unless within the capture range.) Fig, 16 shows a block diagram of VCO2 lowase lsweee so att 1/10 puse | _lperecror| [evncurr| se, Joivive ny] SENE- berau ATOR Fig. 16 Within f1 to £3, VCO2 will be locked at s certain specific frequency fo by the output from the phase comparator circuit; however, if the oseilla- ting frequency of VCO? is at @ frequency between Mand f4, of £2 and £3, a voltage will be fed to the variable capacitance diode so that it will come within the capture range by the sweep circuit, and be locked at fo. If VCO2 should be oscillating at a frequency outside either end of this locking range, the locking function will not take place @ » ICF-6800W 1st UF 18.085 ws avo cocat] SoS XTAL ose a osc as | ta6oomne VOLTAGE APPLIED To-varicar FOR SWEEPING [pHase oerecror] joss 67 PuLse GenenaTor PHASE [7] comeanaron ica 172 DIVIDER ice i’ ! | | | I | | I I | | | | | | | | \ | | | | I 4 ICF-6800W FREQUENCY RELATIONSHIP ‘SW _BAND SELECTOR VoOTFRFO_] VOORFRE: VFO FREO. ewig NGS? fepsteay ona om Oo, agg’ OY TUNING ° © 19.055~20, 0550) 2s0n12 1.055 — 2.055 (M2) 1 20,055~21. 055 2 2 21, 055~22.055, 30 (VFO actually oscillates at frequencies from 0.975 3 22.055~20,055 a1 to 2075MHz. For example, at IMHlz, when the eae © Cor ail become 18.978 Mil” When the fe 5 24.055~25.055 58 quency of the VFO is 1.055 MHz, the ial scale 8 27.055~28. 058, 28 between readings on the scale drum in the MW 9 28,055~20.055, 37 and SW receptions on the one hand and the 2 ci eae ag frequencies onthe other 1 30,055~31. 055 9 ee fp O975MHe L055 Me — 2055 MMe 2075 MMe 3 32,055~23,055 a eoonie| EO FRE Te 4 33.055~34.055 2 ee et 5 34.055~35.055 Py i i 6 35,055~36. 085 a Fa aatoremmunsgie! 7 36.055~27.055 36 8 57.055~38.055 3% Fie, 18 9 38.055~39, 055 a 2» 0 39,055~40.055, 28 1 40.055~41. 055 2 2 41.055~42,055 30 3 42.055~49, 055 a 4 43.055~44.055 2 5 a0 ~ 45.0 2 6 45.055 ~46,055 4“ 7 46,055~47.0 8 4% 47.050~48.055, 36 © 48.055~49.055, au -10- e @ V9~e 3 1C3 (phase comparator) As shown in Fig. 21, 1C3 comprises a digital phase comparator consisting of a combination of gates and an active low-pass filter amplifier. The digital phase comparator compares the phases of the signals that come into the terminals and Phase comparison is carried out at the leading ledge of the pulse. (Refer to Fig, 19) ovo t ULL om tJ UU LIT @ourpur inphase Fig. 19 As shown in Fig. 19, when the phase of input © fs tagsng, the output ists (0) evel. When the @orece ion @ohoe advance |CF-6800W Basically, the active filter is composed of RI and CF. By applying negative feedback from the return of the CF, the linear zone is expanded at the 6 dBjoct curve formed by RI and CF. ‘As for its overall functioning, if for example the frequency of VCOI is higher than the intended © A positive puke signal will be sent out from the output of the comparator. © The output is filtered by the active filter, while the polarity of this amplifier is also reversed and so a DC signal that tends to become close to the ground potential is produced from the filter output. © The reverse bias fed to D27 drops, and the equivalent capacity increases ‘© Since DI1 is connected as an element of the oscillator’s L-C of VCO}, the oscillating fre- quency is lowered and locks on the desired frequency. Relationship between voltage difference between both ends of variable capacitance diode and capacity phase of input @) is advanced, it will be high (1) MAX re soing through the phase comontor are fed io the = & five filer, Tig. 20 tows an approximation of this active filter. g : erewos.urow i ees 5 aa sn = max Sontwaxor oar oLTaGe acnoss vanioar nL ark RISO See Ria? Th CHO. 33/630 Ri49 660 C108, RIa6 a 22, 1M 6.3v ICF-6800W e Role of Q72 (manual gain control) (Refer to Fig, 23) The antenna band-pass filter has a wide band- width of around 1MHz to 30MHz, and so both high-level and low-level signals come in together. In the case of the situations where the frequen- cies of the incoming signals are very close to cach other, such as in amateur radio, if there should bbe a station with a high-level signal in the immediate vicinity of the frequency the listener wishes to tune in to, the lowerdevel signal will receive interference from the highevel signal, and this could cause cross modulation. The role of this citcuit is to adjust the level of the input signal coming in from the antenna so that ‘the high-level signal will not interfere with the low- level signal, to reduce the effects of this cross modulation, Fig, 24 ‘ually carrying out this work on the printed circuit board, each of the pins of IC2 should be raised from the pattern, a test circuit as shown When y 4a cia ‘signal Fig. 23 00022 e Tee Geers a) ee EE EE 1C2 isa 4 divider, to demoltipy the frequency of the input to In order to reduce the input frequency of 1C3 to the onder of several Milz, it goes through #4 Giving process by means of 1C2, and the pube signals then fed tothe input of 1C3. A signal comprising a signal consisting of mic ture of the signals of VCO! and VCO2 to which & OMEI2 signal has also been mined is fed 10 the terminal @) The signal from the VFO is fed to terminal ach of the signals are converted into. pulse signals divided by 2 before being fed to the input of IC3, In order to ascertain whether IC2is defective or not, ll that has to be done isto ascertain whether the signals fed to terminal @) or (Dare divided by 2 when they emerge at terminal Q) or @. =12- - cea ha aque ad woe sil Vy tom Oe 8 ro Fi 26 Balanced-Type Ist Mixer (Q2 and Q3) (Refer to Fig. 26) Q2 and Q3 are referred to as a balanced-type mixer, and comprise a circuit that is used to extract only the necessary IF signal The signal from the antenna passed through the bandpass filter, then passes through the RF amplifier, again passes through a band-pass filter, and goes to the Ist mixer However, if the signals that have to be eliminated by these RF filters should be excessively powerful, the RP filters will be unable to cope with them and they may reach the Ist mixer If these unwanted frequencies should be the same as the Ist intermediate frequency, with the single-type conventional mixers used heretofore, they would go right through the mixer into the Ist IF amplifier circuit. If that should happen, since it will not be pos- sible to eliminate these unwanted signals in the ci~ cuits that follow the Ist IF amplifier, they will necessarily remain in the form of interference. 3 However, in the case of « balanced-type mixer, the input signal that comes in from the balanced end does not itself emerge at the output end; only the converted frequencies emerge. ‘The ICF-6800W uses a balanced-type mixer like this, to balance the input signal end and eliminate the aforementioned interference, Let us say that a signal that is the same fre- quency as the 19,055 MHz Ist intermediate frequency comes into the input of the mixer in the schematic shown in Fig. 26. This signal will enter the Q2 and Q3 gates in the same phase, and will appear at the drains also in phase. They will then be fed to each end of the IFT Al, and so will cancel out each other, Meanwhile, the locaboseillator signal is fed to the source sides of Q2 and Q3 in opposite phase, and so the signal that goes through a frequency: conversion process by means of the local oscillator signal fed to the source side sppears at the drain sm opposite phase in the additive form, ‘Therefore, IFT Al is fed only with the output of the converter eircuit, and so it is possible to obtain fan IF signal that is stronger than that which can be obtained with a single-conversion type mixer. VT2 is provided for adjustment purposes to match the gain figures of Q2 and Q3, and to enable even more complete cancellation Note: The local oscillation components are also generated in IFT Al, but they can be eliminated readily by ‘means ofthe filter effect, iweur FROM 2h, ANTENNA FROM Local OscHLATOR Fig. 26 Functions of Q53-QS7 (phase detector) (Refer to Fig. 27) This circuit is provided in order to maintain the oscillating frequency of VCO2 at a constant figure. In other words, locks it at each point, wheth- er it is 28MHz, 29MHz and so on up to 37MHz, s© that frequency will not drift. Tt functions as follows. Basically, it mixes the signal from VCO2 that is being fed to the gate with the pulse signal that is being fed to the source, and extracts the differ ‘ential (AC component) to regulate VCO2. QS3 comprises @ balanced-type mixer. Signals that are fed to each of the gates of Q53 in the same vco2 inv ane |\CF-6800W phase also are produced at the drain in the same phase, and so only the DC components are produced at the output of the differential amplifier QSS through QS7, ourpur To varicap OF "veo? puise INPUT os vin Fig. 27 The pulse signals that are being fed to the sources are each being fed in opposite phase, and so the signals that have gone trough the frequency con- version process are fed to the differencial amplifier each in opposite phase, so that amplified AC com- ponents are produced at the output of the dif- ferencial amplifier. Let us say, for example, that the frequency of ‘VCO2is 30,00 MHz. ‘As shown in Fig, 28, the pulse signals that are added at the source include pulse signals that are intergral 1 MHz, "These pulse signals are generated by ‘means of a pulse generator frequency spectrum of ' the pulse devel T2346 Fig29 0 Me 4041 42 a3 A beat signal is generated between the frequency ‘of ¥CO2(30.001 MHz) and the pulse signal (30 MHz). (in other words, a 0.001 MHz beat signal.) This beat signal is fed to the differential am- plifier, each in opposite phase, and then derived as ‘the output, At this time, the harmonic components are eliminated by the filter circuit, This AC-component output is fed to the variable capacitance diode of VCO2 to vary the oscillating frequency of VCO2, If the frequency of VCO2 is 30MHz, then a zero beat is generated, and so there will be no AC components at the output; only the DC components, -13- F-6800W In this manner, the oscillating frequency is varied by varying the capacitance of the variable-capacitance diode by the AC components. However, if the response speed of this loop is faster than the varia- tions of the AC components, then the locking will take place instantaneously, ‘Through these means, variations in frequency are Kept within the accuracy of the erystal for the | MHz pulse generation. VTI is provided for making adjustments 0 that the functioning of each of the FETs of Q53 is equalized, Funetions of Q58-Q61 (sweep circuit) (Refer to Fig. 29) The sweep circuit is provided to carry out a locking function so that the oscillations of VCO2 0 not drift when the SW BAND SELECTOR control is tumed and the oscillating frequency of VCO2 does not get into the capture range and is unlocked If it unlocks from a locked condition because of temperature variations, then this would be an in stance of it getting beyond the locking range, and the sweep circuit would not be of any use at all, When VCO2 is in a locked condition, « signal is not fed to QS8, and so this sweep circuit does not function, The frequency at which VCO2 is locked has | width of several hundred kHz plus or minus the intended frequency; when within this range, it is pulled into the intended frequency much like an APC circuit, When not in this range, the lock is released, and the PLL circuitry is no longer capable of stable reception of the receiver. Suppose that the lock is released, Now a beat component is fed to the base of Q58, a8 explained in the section on the phase detector. ‘The signal amplified by the AC amplifier Q58 is rectified by D31 and fed to Q59. This serves to make Q59 ON. When Q59 goes ON, C203 will now be grounded, and this will disconnect AC-wise the negative feed- back circuit of R221. ‘The signal from the collector of Q61 that has passed through R224 and €204 is fed back to the base of Q60 through a positive feedback circuit, and because the negative feedback circuit is cut out, Q60 and Q61 start oscillating at low frequencies The output of these oscillations is extracted and fed to the variable-capacitance diode of VCO2, to slowly change the capacitance of the variable capaci- tance diode, ae When the frequency of VCO2 is moved up to the width of its locking range by this sweep circuit, it will try to lock ina certain frequency. When VCO2 locks in, there will no longer be 4 beat component at Q58, and so Q59 goes OFF, and the oscillations of Q60 and Q6I will stop. The sweep circuit functions in this manner so that VCO2 will lock quickly in a certain frequency, pee (048 and 049 (display switch) (Refer to Fig. 30) The ICF-6800W is equipped with a counter that provides a digital readout of the frequency being tuned to. This part of the receiver has a high current drain (approximately 100mA), and 30 it {is equipped with a display switch to enable it to be itched off when it is not needed. Fig. 30 is a schematic ofthe display-switeh circuit. Q48 and Q49 constitute a bistable multivibrator; when the power switch is ON, Q49 will be OFF and Q48 will be ON. (In an inactive state, because of R196, 049 goes OFF.) When Q48 is OFF, a high voltage is fed to the base of 47, and s0 it goes ON, When Q47 goes ON, it lowers the base potential of 046, and so Q46 also goes ON, and a Bt voltage is supplied to the counter section. 46 is a PNP or, and it goes ON when its base potential drops in more than 0.6 V below the emitter. When $7 is switched ON, the positive end of 255 is grounded so the potenti a point @) drops auickly. This amounts to the same thing as feeding in 4 negative pulse signal, When in an inoperative state, C179 and C180 ‘are maintained at the potentials shown in Fig. 30. When a negative-puse signal is applied, it passes through C179 to the base of Q48, and O48 turns OFF. There is no voltage difference between the two ends of C180, and s0 the nogative-pulse signal will not pass through it, while the pulse signal is applied 0 Q49 after pessing through R198, and s0 it become an extremely small pulse, tran e co] a a+ To COUNTER When Q48 goes OFF, the collector potential of O48 goes up, to feed a charging current to C180. (049 goes ON by this current flow. When Q49 goes ON, Q48 goes OFF. When Q49 goes ON, the collector voltage of 049 becomes close to zero volts, and so Q47 also goes OFF, When Q47 goes OFF, the potential of the base of Q46 rises, and Q46 also goes OFF, Asa result, the supply of the B+ voltage to the counter seetion stops. When 87 is pressed, these functions are repeated by @48 and Q49 alternately, When ST is pressed again, Q48 and Q49 revert to their original state, sand Q46 goes ON In this manner, each time $7 is pressed, 46 repeats going ON and OFF, Function of R196 ‘This resistor determines the bias of the base 048, in order that Q48 will go OFF without fail after the RADIO switch has been switched ON. ® rogsive pulse ” FRequency biseay |CF-6800W Frequency Counter The frequency counter of the ICF-6800W provides a digital readout of the frequency being tuned in, Fig. 31 shows a block diagram of its circuitry. Digital readouts are provided only during reception of MW and SW bands. During MW reception, the frequency of the VFO, and during SW reception the oscillating fre- quency of VCOI, are counted respectively. Q25 and Q26 go ON during MW reception land SW reception respectively, and provide frequency readouts of either MW or SW. ‘The functions of each of the circuits will now be explained. ICT (RE amplifier) Provided to amplify the signals from the VFO or VCOI for feeding to the next stage, and has a bandwidth ranging from several hundred kHz to several score MH, IC6 (divider) ‘Phe signal that has passed through 1C7 is divided by 40 in ICs, This is because unless the input signal of 1C4 is demultiplied by 1/40, the frequency countout will not be accomplished properly. Fig. 30 counTeR veo RE AMP 1/4 DIVIDER 0. 01v10ER veo BUFFER iS 108 ico 025 ON in sw counren vcot osc +e} Burren’ 026° counren teal rome ose 10 o1vioeR| 50 ics \CF-6800W ICS (divider) This divider is provided to divide the 10 MHz generated by Q50 to 1 MHzsit isa 1/10 divider. Q50 is a crystal oscillator, and so it provides extremely stable oscillation. It is used to formulate the control and gate signals for the counter, IC4 (Counter) Basic Operation of IC4 Counter (Refer to Fi, 32) When a signal whose frequency is to be measured | applied to terminal 1, this signal enters the ‘gate circuit, A reference frequency of 1 MHz is applied to terminal 7, and this signal is applied to the control-signal generator ghrough the divider. This signal is further divided in the controlsignal generator so that a pulse lasts for a second as shown in Fig, 33-b, Actually, a display down to 1 kHz in AM and100 kHz in FM is sufficient. Thus, pulses in AM and in FM are set to be 320 smsce and 0.8 msec respectively. This signal from the controlsignal. generator is applied. to. the ste circuit This seal i referred to asthe gate Signal, The gate circuit acts ab an AND ict and an output sgoal appears when both @) and are at the stme level Thi output signal is divided and counted by te decimal counter, AAs shown in Fig 33,6 pulses counted for « dure tion of I second make up the frequeney 6H ‘Actually, high frequencies on the order of several fcore Mitz are receled. Since the gate signal lasts for a second, the decimal counter must count pulses on the order of 10°, Therefore, fn extremely highspeed counter e_estenti The gate signal and the frequency to be measured are divided in the same proportion and counted. “This method is aed "Preseaing | | Te a | EB uf yy @ saeouencr fF |_f Oro be MEASURED © care stoma — fe te, (ectually 160 mee.) Fig. 33. 16 {40 msce:) i] Decimal Counter The signal generated above is applied to the decimal counter and its frequency is counted. The decimal counter returns to 0 after counting from 0 to 9, and “1” of 10 is displayed on the next LED. Below, an explanation of the operation of the decimal counter will be given using an example of a decimal counter on the MasterSlave system (negative going triggen), In this method as shown in Fig. 34 the counter reads the signal while the input signal is at a higher level, as indicated by the heavy line, and generates signals according to the truth value table in Fig. 35 when the input signal changes from the high to the low level as indicated by the arrow, The signal to be measured is applied to input A. Output D is connected to input A of the next counter, and the next counter displays 1 when the count changes from 9 to 10, Output D becomes 1 at 8 of the truth value lable, but the next counter does not display 1. The reason for this is that the signal to input A of the next counter is at a high level for both 8 and 9 and only goes Jow when the signal changes to a low level after 9. ‘At this instance, the input A of the next counter becomes | and the tenth display displays “1”. ‘The frequency is measured by using this tech- nique, ‘The signals (outputs from A, B,C, D mentioned above) from the decimal counters are sent to the latch circuit immediately after the counting, When the gate turns on and off once and the counting goes off, all the decimal counters are reset to 0 for the next counting Se ee ee eee Fig. 34. LIcF-6800W _ TRUTH VALUE TABLE D[c[ela oe felofolo 1 fefoleo|[a 2f[elelile 3s fefelala + folileola 5s [efile la |le s f[ofilife 7 {[efilala @f[ifeofeole *tifefo]i ouTeuTs COUNTED OUTPUTS COUNTED o|c|a|a pecimaL DECIMAL COUNTER counTER 2no overt [4 rsr orci |4 10 NEXT COUNTER Suu FREQUENCY Fig, 38 10 Be COUNTED -17- Latch Circuit (Refer to Fig. 36) ‘The result of the decimal count is put in the memory of the latch circuit when the gate signal is terminated, The purpose of the latch circuit is to hold certain information for a certain period of time, In general, the latch circuit is made up of D type flipflops. Without the laten circuit, the display of the counter changes successively from 0 to 9 as the counter counts pulses while the gate is open. The display becomes held and readable only when the gate is closed. The display returns to 0 when a reset signal is received and starts counting the pulses again as the gate opens. This operation is repeated without stopping. Therefore, with the latch circuit the display is held when the counting is over and continues to be so even when the reset signal is received. The display changes to show the results of the next ‘count only when the next count is finished. A Gare ® pecan i i leat ‘| fe oscwal La counts FREQUENCY counts Frequency =| biseLays mumeeR ol Susi Wie FREQUENCY. ome ene mewonv ae | BEB ciate SEM EME AP meugeizes ara Fi 36 Multiplexer (Refer to Fig. 37) Gp oe ooo SAME SeouENT oF EACH ie tr Cb oo Bias SGOMENT OC AAS feeds Pn (aed ta ma IN PARALLEL ST Obert eee eae n cence eee feu eg eee eee I sig zg grovineo $0-THAT EacH SRD DIGIT Deir Lions SuecesivelY 47H pxctr re ieee dare eee eee Fig. 37 ® er ‘Segment Decoder ‘The purpose of the segment decoder is to change the output signals of the decimal counter to the signals that illuminate the corresponding segment (a2) of the LED. ‘The segment decoder operates as shwon below. When the figure “2” is displayed, for example, the signals shown in Fig.38are sent as the output signals from the segment decoder, Figure “2" SEGMENT ‘SIGNALS count SIOALS SEGMENT DECODER DISPLAY COUNT SIGNAL SEGMENT SIGNALS. a beaten. 0 oooo 1111110 1 dool 0 110000 2 oo10 a dat tod 3 oor Piariood ‘ 0100 6 11 O01 1 5 oro ota tao aia 6 Oar nO cece ea aaa 7 ont 11a @ 0 4 0 8 1000 fda aaada ° rool 1a. 044 Fig, 38 Segment Driver ‘This amplifies signals generated by the segment decoder to the level which required to operate the LED segments Digit Decoder ‘This generates signals for the multiplexer and the digit driver simultaneously, Sage _IcF-6800W _ Digit Driver ‘As previously mentioned in the explanation of the multiplexer, this IC provides the “Dynamic Drive” for the LED display. This illuminates the Ist to the Sth digits in order, 62-066 control the on-off operations of each digit’s LED. The on-off signals are sent to Q62—Q66 by the digit driver. Fig 39 shows an example of the timing of the outputs for displaying 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5. These waveforms are shown in ideal form. Actual wave- forms are much distorted. The outputs are put out when both the digit and segment outputs are in high level Zero Suppress Zero suppress is the circuit which disables display of zeroes preceeding the significant figure, 1s shown below. example: 00 100 kHz ‘These 0 figures are not displayed. IF Selector Since the frequency of the VCOI is 29.055 MHz, the counter would indicate 29.035 MHZ if counted as itis, even if one wishes to display 10 MHz when receiving SW. In order to get a display of 10MHz, 10MHz ‘must first be subracted from the VCOI frequency. ‘The FF selector performs this subtraction, The counter has a display of five digits. If 00000 is set to be displayed when 1905S is applied, 00001 kHz is displayed when 19,056 MHz is measured, In order to get this performance, a signal from which 19056 is subtracted should be applied when resetting the decimal counter for the next count. ‘These figures are calculated as follows. 100000 ~ 19055 = 80945 6 units The figure 80945 should be set in the counter before counting a given frequency. When 19055 is counted, the display of the ‘counters becomes 0, since 19055 + 80945 = 100000. 1 in the sixth digit is not displayed, since only 5 figures are displayed. ‘The IF selector selects the figures to set in the counter before counting. The following figures are set by the IF selector in this system, FM 89200 MW 99545, SW 80945 (WIDE, NARROW) 30943 (USB) 30947 (LSB) TERMINAL No. OF ies ) @ oiGir oureurs seouent J 6 4 oureurs For SSB reception, the received frequency is set at the carrier position. However, the local oscil lation frequency of the transmitter is 2kHz above for below the carrier frequency, and thus the IF selector adds or subtracts 2 kHz before counting, Dynamic chart of each signal ‘An output dynamic chart for 12345 is given below as an example. When both digit and segment outputs are at H (high) level, the output is on. FREQUENCY. 10 BE MEASURED ase ona | [erste [ coven soma JL___ IL TIMING CHART OF SIGNALS Fig. 40 a ICF-6800W 8 12. BLOCK DIAGRAM ® ie a ‘ a a rx fr a rawr 2 8 T 09 owe ANP ‘c & or [Loe wu ose [ae tat ‘ext ant (RFATT) oe Ea =a] ama sss in on Fe “ m0 we affect LO oi e an ACS {cut be Lad urFER Mo Osc | or oe va att T em ‘oN a wa “a - 7 — ray SI) Ee ETS t Ce —= ® te or 3.05 TSN) (ows ee rat eons] wane vosnce wen] “Se [MES ro [ome | ames ie a2 jure | “Use | os Voo-2 se we siren me f-—-| os EN ra mo] Tomi 88 me owner rf ruse ver 050 Lal ee 053~57 rome we ene coum or scrasaas [| QE ? a ro coumen PSY 1 [oseur | ay oF O86, 47 048 48 - [A FREOEEN] rT (Coisruay a =a Ww EARN) o ag [kee ie [3] a2 Sag | co me] a Le Fler [on oer hy awe | beg ame ore ee fi as | eI es i wea (mea L tr [a asc ow at 3M a oe J hes AY aye SL =| | a LA od 0 AMP Fee-00 oe be ay | [vee [Ste AL ae = rae OP cornell eS ig-oul yl te % “ ‘ = op ale Oe ~ a ek __] sue Le — ee 026 | 025, Lhd —22- SECTION 2 DISASSEMBLY ‘+ Follow the disasembly procedure in the numerical order ICF-6800W __ICF- REAR CASE REMOVAL (Page 25) ane se a [eFRONT PANEL REMOVAL| (page 26) Front pene! ‘@ MIDDLE CASE REMOVAL (page 27) * DIAL-CORD STRINGINGS (page 35 through 38) FM DIAL CORD STRINGING ‘page 35) PRESELECTOR DIAL CORD STRINGING (3) ‘age 37) PRESELECTOR DIAL GORD STRINGING (71 SCALE DAUM DIAL CORD STRINGING (age 28) =23- ‘TOP CASE REMOVAL (page 31) PRESELECTOR DIAL-CORD STRINGING (2) (Page 37) Control board can be removed for replacing controls, ICF-6800W © CHASSIS (A) REMOVAL (page 30) al ‘© MW BOARD REMOVAL (page 33) ‘© PRESELECTOR BOARD REMOVAL (page 32) precolector block ‘© MAIN BOARD. REMOVAL (page 29) ‘© MAIN CHASSIS REMOVAL (page 28) ‘main chassis SCALE DRUM DIAL-CORD STRINGING (Page 38) For scale-drum removal, sce page 29. ‘© COUNTER BOARD REMOVAL (page 30) counter board fin'the seid cate) ~~, j>- FM DIAL-CORD STRINGING (Page 35) ‘@ SCALE DRUM REMOVAL (page 29) =24- £ ICF-6800W _ @ REAR CASE REMOVAL © Unsotder solder janes. O74. 83% 14 ;0UK) Be F-6800W © FRONT PANEL REMOVAL Oars ‘Use a screwdriver shown balou. ra (6 inches} @ Remove knobs. tront panel © ATTACHING THE SW BAND SELECTOR KNOBS 1. Set the switeh shaft to its full-clockwise stop. gH aww _sexecroR o He 2. Attach the two knobs as shown above. without pointer (pReseLector) amon ts wireslpsker, FM ° ‘indicator LED, MEMO>L ITE). toe tector congo the i ead wis tthe Poor CED Note color coding a ‘neo: ory SF p ard te x eapenione TIMER jack ‘REC OUT ck ~26- 2 ® LICF-6800W _ Je WIDDLE CASE REMOVAL @ @raxe © Release tne cam. © Remove the midae case GRY trom tho battery negative spring. Qa prsxi © Femove tive lead wires. To operate ‘he sot in the condition, ply 9'V de to the indicated terials. ower amp boerd TOP CASE REMOVAL (Page 31) Control board can be removed for replacing controls. PRESELECTOR DIAL-CORD STRINGING (2) (Page 37) -27- ‘* MAIN CHASSIS REMOVAL main chasis @ remove thre sows @ IRR onmet a OUnsoicer ine food of the _— ceramic capacitor. born: 10 >, Oia @ rotesr claws PRESELECTOR BOARD REMOVAL (Page 38) Jumma! PRESELECTOR DIAL.cono STRING ( (Page 36) a SCALE-DRUM DIAL-CORD STRINGING (Page 38) For scale-drum removal, see page 27 MW BOARD REMOVAL (Page 33) © MAIN BOARD REMOVAL, ie O Remove scrow, TAP 3 x8. o Remora eed wes trom che FM DIAL-CORD jammp! STRINGING (Page 34) © SCALE DRUM REMOVAL Not: When, peroming te, dtcord bracket afer removing the serewa. = = - fae a: ae rane Orrr3x 10 =29- MIDDLE-CASE REMOVAL (Page 27) ‘© CHASSIS (A) REMOVAL O50 Berto his ramorl when any ‘econ required tothe porte Baneseh the chasis (a @ Peete ne cin chasis (A) @ Unsoider stead wire. © Lrro!c0r solder joints at the variable capacttor. @ COUNTER BOARD REMOVAL © eiease 120 wire trom the counter board at the main board. @rrses seta ee ‘counter board OFsx4 SD —30- @ ICF-6800W FRONT PANEL REMOVAL, (Page 26) ‘© TOP CASE REMOVAL ut te op cu on e the middle case and close it. low of the tp cate Room th ring laced in @ and Ce eet a3 |CF-6800W MIDDLE-CASE REMOVAL (Paze 27) J ‘© PRESELECTOR BOARD REMOVAL @ remove six ead wires and 9 coania) cable fom the main bod amon O rarsve KS . @ Hots tho aia cord witha place of tape. When making checks to the preselector board ‘operation, reconnect the lod wires a lls, ‘main basrd —32- & e MAIN CHASSIS REMOVAL (page 28) J ICF-6800W MW BOARD REMOVAL © Lrsotder the lead wires trom the MiV foriterod femov th connector o from the main board. Note: Men reattaching Driont the coupler corecty. © shite eae (4) When making checks to the MW-board operation, reconnect the lead wires referring to the following figure, and reconnect the connector removed. MMW BOARD (CONDUCTOR SIDE) vie 7 ww) Mw FERRITE: ROD ANT —33— |\CF-6800W INSTALLATION OF THE TUNING CAPACITOR (CV1) Note: Perform VCO-2 ADJUSTMENT after the installstion, @ Ser the crck shor (8) to the full counter. Clockwise stem. O80 the shate co tne tu conuntarclockwte stop @ Loot inten TAP 3% 20, aise °. “shaft with the drum. eyes i i a ont ° while pressing the capacitor in both the. inst? SO aa span oe The capacitor shaft may receive load \ ® Infien pressed to0 strong in this Tract samt (Besgeeecstnse) ari © Aron intttion check toe ve Ses ir tno en cman hy mod hand. ee ae ee MAIN BOARD REMOVAL (Page 29) | ‘© FM DIAL-CORD STRINGING 1. Dial-Cord Preparation USE enters ae ; A one fae BRS A aed —+ st iaraP UO ae ae (0-13716") 2. Drum Positions Positioning the Dial Drum(A) 7 When attaching on th When stringing the == = sinmunnn*@)=~@ ‘on the Tuning Shaft cee Set the tuning shaft to the full-clockwise stop (f min). Rotate the dial drum (A) in 90 degrees counterclock- wise from the position of the dial-cord stringing, Sation and place the a sene 10 its frequency. Reattach tom) ° -35— ICF-6800W PRESELECTOR BOARD REMOVAL (Page 32) 1 ‘© PRESELECTOR DIAL-CORD STRINGING (1) 1. Dial-Cord Preparation 9911-82632 Goad, Eg Ey tee 204763600 & x Bm ae — 582mm Biter 2. Dial-Cord Stringing Set the PRESELECTOR tuning shaft to the full clockwise stop. Check that the drum and drum {gear are oriented as shown and string the dial cord, PRESELECTOR wuning shaft attclockwive stop) ~36— ee FRONT PANEL REMOVAL (Page 26) J ‘© PRESELECTOR DIAL-CORD STRINGING (2) 1. Dial-Cord Preparation 9911-826:62 Core dal: 0.25 mm dia. 2. Dial-Cord Stringing Preparation Pass the dial cord through the hole || QO ivtwoneser econ unng snare 25 shown with the aid of a mal wire PRESELECTOR wing ~O Hang ie il ord on the @ shaft so that the cord does wea i te Bat 3. DialCord Stringing round here @ tum PRESELECTOR PRESELECTOR tuning shatt (fatveleckwive stop) 4, Dial Pointer Setting Set the PRESELECTOR tuning shaft to the ful counterclockwise stop and position the dial pointer as shown below. —37- 20 1 (inch) 0 ICF-6800W 0 L Jot vem) ° MIDDLE-CASE REMOVAL (Page 27) SCALE-DRUM DIAL-CORD STRINGING 1. Dial-Cord Preparation 12110, Crier ; 9.911826.52 Cor, a): 0.28 mm ea eyelet M25 2, Dial-Cord Stringing 3. Dial Seale Setting 1) Hold the gear (A) and strongly move the scale drum so that the cursor on the transparent plate places on the dial scale when the SCALE ADJ knob is turned to the left- and right-most stops Nota: The dial cord slips onthe drum (B) SCALE ADJ knob ‘immed tthe SCALE ADI turned Iofemost stop to the rightmost sop REI scave aps knob leeward +e sightwerd —, ‘tthe cal cru to e the full-counterclock wise Ser the gear (A) to the Taleounterclockwse sop. 2) adjust the SCALE ADJ knob $9 that the cunor place on the potion shown by CB) 5) Set the sear (A) to the fall-counterctockwe stop. Hold the sar (A) and mote hess orm one ty so thatthe dal seal places the polon at te ie Tighemact edge OF tne figure "0 —36— € e J oe SECTION 3 ADJUSTMENTS 1. FM IF ALIGNMENT 2, FM FREQUENCY COVERAGE ADJUSTMENT 3. FM TRACKING ADJUSTMENT Setting: BAND SELECTOR switch: FM AFC switeh: OFF VOLUME control: MAX TONE controls mechanics ‘mid positions FM cf signal generator See 22252 frequency Sona! {imoduteion turned off far Alignment 2) Procedure: ‘Repeat the procedures in each adjustment several times, and the frequency coverage and tracking adjustments should be finally done by the trimmer capacitors vou @ Irange:0.5 ~5V 20} [G EARPHONE TM FREQUENCY COVERAGE ADJUSTMENT "Adjust for « maximum reading om vou ( 109.5 Mile B65 Mie (ips Mi) (a7 5 Mia) cra Lat] (sin West Germany @| (2) FM IF ALIGNMENT 2 (10.7 Mi without modulation) ‘dios for 8V reading onvow @ TT FS ars us 1a 109.5Miz 36.5Mi EFL osu) (g7.sMb) ‘Adjust fora maximum reading on VOM FM_TRACKING ADIUSTMENT (©): In West Germany ‘Adjust fora maximum wading cnvou @) (10,7 with modulation) ALIGNMENT 1] IE —39- CF-6800W 4, MW IF ALIGNMENT 5. MW TRACKING ADJUSTMENT Setting: BAND SELECTOR switch: MW VOLUME control: MAX TONE controls: mechanical mid position Procedure: ‘Repeat the procedures in esch adjustment several times, and the frequency coverage and tuacking adjustments should be finally done by the trimmer capacitors AM rf signal 30% amplitude ‘Moddfation by Fore sana! vow range: 0.5-5V ac} ‘EARPHONE W MW TRACKING ADJUSTMENT @) \CKING ADJUSTMENT (D) Adjust for a maximum reading [ Aajust for « maximum reading on VON, 620kH2 Ls00KH: avi Ls 9 cis CPT (Serial No, up $0 30,000) TT-AS tSeriat No” 30,001 sd Later) 455ktle Adjust for a maximum reading on VOM. MW IE ALIGNMENT = 40— e ee oe ICF-6800W 6. VFO FREQUENCY COVERAGE ADJUSTMENT (MW FREQUENCY COVERAGE ADJUSTMENT) 7. MIXER BALANCE.2 ADJUSTMENT setting BAND SELECTOR switch: sw eae MODE switch: WIDE. BAND SELECTOR witch: sw Se VOLUME control: MAX aw a ROD: ONE controls mechanical mid pexton - ie . : * Procedure: marae all frange: 0.5-§ V ec} eee! | Eee = sion | Bases ain | Caer een ‘n — 20k a clockwise stop. Lis | (3kH2) —T Rall counter crs |) Le20KHE 2 | clockwite stop | TS | 3x) ‘modutation by EARPHONE (i ease aria: aa rai bod omental Adj Leeson eee a 1 Tune nt 201 Mie 2 am vom generator re | Boe TO | ASO | etn aH ‘around 19 MHz | ‘Adjustment Location: ~ main board — F-6800W 8. 10MHz OSCILLATOR OUTPUT LEVEL ADJUSTMENT, Setting: BAND SELECTOR switch: SW Procedure: ‘main board (conductor side) ‘Short out pattorns vr ‘external frequency counter 9. 18.6MHz OSCILLATOR FREQUENCY ADJUSTMENT Setting: BAND SELECTOR switch: SW Procedure: external frequoney couter 5 + 1. Short out the patterns as shown above, corns [Esau] sainbome = Cn sore inter ‘Adjust L25 for # maximum reading on the VTVM. ‘The frequency counter should read 10 MHz +4100 Ha, If not, adjust the value of C213, pF 1 cas | apr | regency [sor | towers Adjustment Location: = main board — oy Adjust the value of C20 so that the frequency reading on the frequency counter becomes 18,6 Mlle #250 Hz, ~42— ec¢ e ee oe ICF-6800W 10, BFO ADJUSTMENT Setting BAND SELECTOR switch: SW Procedure: oscilloscope Ee Fla EARPHONE Set the receiver to tune in to 20.0MHz. Adjust AMRF GAIN control to set the TUNING ‘moter to about “5”, 3. Adjust L38 by setting the MODE switch to USB and LSB/CW alternately so that the waveforms ‘and tones in both modes become the same. Adjustment Location: = main bowed — 138 Setting: 11, 1st IF ALIGNMENT BAND SELECTOR switch: SW Procedure: AM of signal, ea een (range: 0.5 ~ 6 v1 oot i 20% amalinde : Imoaitation by imation b EARPHONE (conductor sie) \O —O Peseeaecores le hoe aes connect the miter teground, "AM signal gonarator vou frequency Adivst | reading ITAL 19.085 Miz TPT-A2 | maximom IEA Adjustment Location: main board — WerA2 ETAL ETAD =43- |CF-6800W 12, PRESELECTOR FREQUENCY COVERAGE AND TRACKING ADJUSTMENT. Setting: BAND SELECTOR switch: SW ros: twat 0! et Ayn t See ‘onesona” EARPHONE springs of L7 and L8 visible as shown on the right. Adjust the nuts so that the springs expose approxi- mately Smm (3/16") 3 | REE passes soon | mS, | SRSESESTO" | act TY ew] aurea] rot | saararal | anactocrete rau ‘Tune in the 7 oe set to 7 MHz Repeat step I to confirm the maximum indication of the VOM. If not, repeat steps | through 3, Core positions of L7 and L8 ‘approx. Sen oie") Lorca _ mut of L? PRESELECTOR shaft ~ 48 a9 ICF-6800W 13. VCO1 FREQUENCY COVERAGE ADJUSTMENT Note: Perform this adjustment from the lowest frequency Perform the adjustment from the step 1 to 3 successively Setting: BAND SELECTOR switch: SW Procedure: Note: For all tho stop, disable VCO? by touching CVI-11 ‘witha finger as shown below. WHEN THE INTERNAL FREQUENCY COUNTER IS DEFECTIVE external frequency counter at ‘main board (conductor side) TNTERNAL FREQUENCY [INTERNAL FREQUENCY iy nas ‘COUNTER 1s NORMAL [COUNTER IS DEFECTIVE ster awsw | adjust Stuncror — | ruxiN@ bia INTERNAL FREQUENCY | EXTERNAL FREQUENCY COUNTER INDICATION. | COUNTER INDICATION TOME switch ...0 | fulheounver | 2145 + 30k 721200 = 30K 1. |_ itt switeh 0+] clockwise 4 | aus—2175%Hi9 (21170 ~ 21230kHt2) (WD POM switch.-.0 11085 + 30K 30100 = 30 KHz MHz switch 279 |_falleloekwise | cre | cyois= ii07skitey | (30020 30130KH2) TOMER switch. 10] fulkcounter 117451 S0KH 30800 = 30x12 2, JIM switch 270 | Clockwise ta | ans tirisitiy | aor = 30830Kiuy ssw2) | ToMte switch. 19 ; 20745 + 3042 39800 = 30% ‘ IMizswitch...9 | fullctockwie | crio | eon 20775kiay | 9770 "39830KHa TOMI switch .. 20 | falFgounter 21745 + 30K 40800 = 30k 3. TIMER Switch :<"0 | dockvis tz | rnd 31778 | 40770" 40830 KH) (sw) [TOME eites «20, 30645 « 30K 49700 = 30H TMHe switch 79 | fllockwise | CTP | caogts= oe7skHl | _(49670~ 49730K1t2) = Loosen the sector knob a bit and tam and set to "0". TToueh thie cura fveo2) = 45 eo \CF-6800W 14. VcO2 ADJUSTMENT Note: This adjustment may not be made if the variable capacitor CVI-8-11 of VCO2 is installed improperly When itis replaced. Refer to the capacitor installa tion on page 34 Procedure: 1. Disable the sweep circuit as shown below. Ground lead of R225. main board ‘Comoonert side) 2. BAND SELECTOR switch: MW 3. Turn the MW/SW TUNING DIAL to obtain 2 (600 kHz indication on the internal counter. 4, MODE switeh: WIDE BAND SELECTOR switch: SW 5, SW BAND SELECTOR: any frequency between 10,000 and 19,000 kHz. vom 6. (range: 10V de} setpoint Ze ‘Note: Continue the steps when the ciruit of VCO 2 is chang fe or the phase detector (QS3, Q55-Q87) is replaced In other cases, skip the steps 7 through 10. 17, Set the SW BAND SELECTOR switehes as shown below to obtain a 15,500 kHz indication on the counter. ‘50 ano seLector : we 20 between the Choke oF “5 and * (continued on next page) -47- \CF-6800W 8. Adjust VTI so that VOM connected in step 6 indicates approximately 3.5 V. Keep the frequency indication on the frequency in 15,500 kHz by fine adjusting SW BAND SELECTOR, because the frequency changes when VTI is adjusted 9. SW BAND SELECTOR switches: 10. Adjust L36 so that the frequency counter indi- ‘cates just 10,000 kHz. 1OMHe, 11, SW BAND SELECTOR switches: 19 MHz, is 12. Adjust CTI1 so that the frequency counter cates just 19,000 kHz, 13, Perform step 7. Read the indication of the VOM as connected in step 6. ( @) V) 14, SW BAND SELECTOR: 15 MHz. 1. Slowly turn the 1 Mitz-step SW BAND SELECTOR switch from "5" to "6" observing the VOM indice tion. The VOM indication gradvally lowers and suddenly goes back up to. the frst reading Read the VOM indication just before the reading goes back ((B) V.). ‘This should happen between 15,000 and 16,000 kz, 16, Set the I Miizstep SW BAND SELECTOR switen to"5" (15,000 4H) 17. Gradually tum the 1 MItz step SW BAND SE- LECTOR switch from “'S" to "4" observing the VOM indication, The VOM indication sradually rises and suddenly goes down to the fist reading ta point. Read the VOM indication just before the reading drops. ( © V). This should happen between 14,000 and 15,0004 18 Qr Oy ont 'V become as follows Vv-@v @v- Ov should be equal If not, perform steps 7, 8 and 13 through 18. 19, Set the IMHz-step SW BAND SELECTOR switeh eh 20. Adjust L360 that the VOM reading becomes @) V and the counter indicates 10,000 kHz 21. Set the 1 MHz-step SW BAND SELECTOR switch to", 22, Adjust CTL so that the VOM reading becomes @®V and the counter indicates 19,000 kez 23. Turn the 1 MHz-step SW BAND SELECTOR switch from to "9" successively. ‘The frequency counter should indicate 10,000kH2, 11,000, kHz... 19,000kHz respectively. If not, repeat steps I through 22. 24. Remove the grounding wire installed in step 1 Adjustment Location’ main board — 136 en —48— ‘* Semiconductor Leads Layout 3sks7-62 2eK2aa-ec0 Bsxzeaeon 2sk107.24 SECTION 4 DIAGRAMS 2sas93 2saer7 2scr10.13, 2scis64 2scs33 1 Ve er: exre2 twge4013 Snore SN74LS200N sn7as7an = a9 ICF-6800W __ IC a r261 "4 yazan 108 S239 181558 ice vo1220 suisi2 [esesa) Fat Ni ICF-6800W _ICF-6800W | (Serial No. up to 30,000) : 4.1, MOUNTING DIAGRAM (1) = Conductor Side ~ AER OK WODeL canon Woe * ee : ae int - 5 1 1 pois * berts extracted fom the component sie. ‘arts extracted from the conductor side. ‘art mounted on the conductor side inccats side identified with oert number. +: B+ pattern ICF-6800W p to 30,000) zale ci (Serial No. u tes a zi 8 eis ah Per 8 ek J.) = < a 22 a it panes i sli * sp Bs ASR Cine SaaMie eee. S Five ee ee ee a a 1 F-6800W ICF-6800W | (Serial No. up to 30,000), ~ 52 42 (eral Novup 030000) (Serial No. up to 30,000) | ICF-6800W _ICF-68 con tor Lands Layout: Se pape 4a——_B | c I D i —53- ICF-6800W | (Serial No. up to 30,000) E F IWAIN B08ROI_ (COMPONENT SDE) -54— Serial No. up to 30,000) ICF-6800W _IC K | L —55— v 1eF-G800W (Serial No. up to 30,000) l N 13.8 sxreseson iz —56— parts extracted from the component side ports extracted from the conductor sie. + part maunted on the conductor side indicates side identified with part number. Be pattern siana path Fu sw 43, SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM oi wadeleaniaa (Serial No. up to 30,000) | ICF-6800W IC D Twa 60001 BOOW ICF-6800W | (Serial No. up to 30,000) D | E | F l G | H (Serial No. up to 30,000) | ICF-6800W LAMP BOAO) [POWER AMP BOARDL 6800W ICF-6800W | (Serial No. up to 30,000) cE ! M l N 1 i t ey Note All canactors are in uF unless otherwise noted. pF = uF 50 WV or less ore not indicted exeapt for electro tis. All resigtors ace in ohms, JAW ness otherwise note. et 1000 0, tt = 1000 est 9G}: fusible reser © fy chassis ground, = elected to yield optimum performance, © © panel designation. 2 swt :0~ 10 mie (811 BAND SELECTOR in “O°! © sw2 5 10~20KH2 (SW BAND SELECTOR in“10") © sw3: 20-20MHe (SW BAND SELECTOR in "20") ‘© Voltages are dé with respect to ground unless otherwnse ‘© Voltoge variations may be noted due 10 normal pro © 7: adustmant for ropa $B jote: The components identified by shading and mark A\ are critical for safety. Replace only with — art number specified. ‘© Radings are taken under no-signal (detuned) conditions with @ VOM (20 KEV}, Cossw (dew <>: AM (NAW and SW) © Saitoh Re. No, ‘Switch Position st SWANT op By MODE WIDE st Fw on, sa sw OFF 38 SW OFF se SW BANO SELECTOR | 0 s7 ‘AM. FREQUENCY OFF DISPLAY se LiGHT/eaTT oFF 8 MEMO-LITE OFF so | Power oFr su | arc OFF si2__| acme Dc. ee mem marque A\sont eritiques pour la securite. Ne les remplacer que par une piece portant specific. cnn Note: Les composants identifiés par un tramé et une i —60- (Serial No. 30,001 and later) | 1CF-6800W _ICF-68 44. MOUNTING DIAGRAM note ‘ {Serial Ni ae WwW ICF-6800W | (Serial No. 30,00! and later) 7 Ic (Serial No. 30,001 and later) | 1CF-6800W ae a + ts ICF-6800W | (Serial No. 30,001 and later) N | ° ima ere *T Heh l i ee t a i #0 parts extracted from the component side. #0 : parts extreted from the conductor sce (Serial No. 30,001 and later)| 1CF-6800W 45. SCHEMATIC DIAGRAM {Serial No. 30,001 and later) wan @oaran OOW _ICF-6800W | (Serial No. 30,001 and later) (Serial No. 30,001 and later) | 1CF-6800 ; H COUNTER fORROL CF-6800W _ICF-6800W | (Serial No. 30,001 All capacitors are in uF unless otherwise noted. oF = wa 50 WV or lessee not indicated except for electro is ‘© All restore are in ohms, 4W unless otherwise noted, a2 = 1000 2, 82 ™ 1000 ke eG tse restr. © ay chassis ground. © selected to yield optimum performance. © panel designation. = 501 :0-10MHe (SW BAND SELECTOR in “O") © s2 :10-200H2 (SH BAND SELECTOR in “10") © swa 20-20 Miz (SW BAND SELECTOR in “20"7 1 Volrapes are de with respect to ground unles otherwnse Voltage variations may be noted due 10 normal pro- duction tolerances, + edustmont for cepa re Note: The components identified by shading and part num and later) Readings are taken under nosignal (detuned conditions wath 2 VOM (20 Kx2/V) Co:sw Loew <>! AM (MAW and SW) po mark : FM. = Switen ot. No, ‘Switch Position st SWANT Roo 2 MODE WIDE st Fa on 34 ww oFr 35, sw oFF 3 SW BAND SELECTOR | O 7 AM FREQUENCY OFF DISPLAY sa LiGHT/BArT oFF 39 MEMO-LITE OFF sto | POWER OFF su | arc orr siz__| acioc be sia] REATT x Sense eR | Note: Les composaots identifiés par un tramé et une | marque A\sont critiques pour la sécurite, Ne les ' Portant le numéro j remplacer que par une piece spécitie, ee —68— at iathiainG GGRAN (Serial No. 30,001 and later) | ICF-6800W _ICF-68 = Conductor Side — (Seria No, 30,007 and later 1 TER OGE MOOEL ume = : Laat { fromm ! oh 2 \ 3 4 5 -69— =| (Serial No. 30,001 and later) ICF-6800W z j eon “ee Reve ne a eke ee * zx n* Pre See cee 3 corres q as on 8 aa ® 2a ao “ ° + ICF-6800W ICF-6800W == ICF-6800W SECTION 5 EXPLODED VIEWS -m4— ICF-6800W __ICF-6 ICF-6800W as bute ‘wo llowase 2 LQ ~ iia ww) -76- ICF-6800W BO0OW _—ICF-6800W = SECTION 6 ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST Ic RefNo. _Part No. Description Ref. No. Part No. Description SemiconDucTORS 55-66 472966247 2sCI364 067,68 72940204 28C920 Transits em arz67132sc71013 on 8729.63.47 2801364 a 812276200 39K37 72 -$729.663.47 _28C1364 (Sera No. upto 30,000) 2.3 e7z2aBeoL —28K23A ow 572980308 250930 Diodes 5,6 §-769.200-24 2SKLO7-24 QT eras66347—2sc1368 DI-6 71981585 181555 bre 871902611 17261 8 72721200 asKa22 vo 71942221 T22AM 9-12 B72980201 250930 pio 871902611 17261 Q13e72966247 —25C1364 Dil 81942221 1T23aM ais 72840304 25930 Q1s 872961277 2SA1027R DI2-14 BTIB81SS5 181555 Dis 82980308 280930 ais 72966347 asc1364 Die 8.i912200 —-yo1220 17876051410 SATII DIT atisonea1 17261 Qs 876033510 ascI474 Dis BT1941555 _ISISSS 19872966347 ASCI364 20 872961277 -2SA1027R pio Asri9.81sss 181555 20,21 f\s-719-20002 1082 2872980308 28920 pm 8719-71393 182139 2272238401 28K234-840 Blue pai-2ss-7194815s5 —ISISss 2372980908 28C920 px ee7191200-yDI120 ars e2731200 28K422 025,26 729.0308 28920 por,28 a-71990s43—FCSAER pa a719sisss —Isisss 27,28 B72966347 —D8C1368 p30 e-719412200vDI220 96763-21300 25861 Ds #71902641 17261 030 B729-40004 25C930 Ds2—8.719:301.03SELIOIR 31 672238401 28K234-H0 Ble 52-36 &729-803-.01 280930 Ds ga198isss —asisss IED 1990512 sList2 037296684 asc568P 3s ETI9-40208 —28C930 tee 39,40 872966347 28CI364 Qt aras12-77 — asatorTR rer 75162000 cx162 012,49 #729-403-08 —25C930 ier ssdo1s— wmeaor3 Qu e72966347 — ASCI368 13 875925081 —TCSORIP tea 879969825 Ms432sP O46 2961277 asat02TR 1c £:759.15510 —_uPRSsIC airs 872966347 aSCI364 50 $729-403.08 —2SC920 ter 875927060 TATIGOP Qs1—#728-403.08 28C920 ice 875990290 SNUALS290N 053 8761-51005 28K58 eee TH,2 —1.800071-Xx $300 aerate | Note:The components identified by shading and ma trargue Auont critiques pour la secure, Netes | Aare critical for safety. Replace only with femplacsr que par une piece portant le numéro | __part number specified. : i Tceneaderenatonseeransseekenatuetscewnnel! a] _ IW CICF-6800W 1403872.00 IFT, FM 1403959.00 IFT, FM Ref.No, PartNo, —_Deseripton RefNo. PartNo. —_Deveription ‘Transronmens Let AOTAGEXX Miotndctr 2 e2——EAIRATSXX. Milder 20a 12141743300 Maing LAS AITAGEXX. Melndeter 36 ul TS fladetsn00 Power ALP, UK, Conan, tat eaAS9G0K Mladen al Timed tas atten to 30,000) B A\1446157-00 (US mode) | IrrAL © 140409800 TFT, SW : LH6 40187 Mondctr 10g ne, Oe ee 149 1-407-157-XX_ Microinductor 10 sH nn san | tS en 93 3 Mint 230 ee re aris {oust 1-407-178:XX | Microinduetor 1 aH oD ee | Ls2 1.-407-188-XX Microinductor 6.8 uH (Geral No, up t0 30,000) Anse. tee | tse L407.188.XX Microinductor 18 ut cous } uss 14071S7-XX Microinductor 10 yt 7 1401-71500 Coil, SWantenna ae 116 1407-73200 Microinductor 3.3uH1 cal A-121-943-00 1,000 10V_ elect 83 AAN-123.074.00 2,200 10. elect, Lis 1401-71700 Antenna, MW ferrite-rod 84,85 ANN-108-364-00 0,015 mylar L200 1-407-160-XX — Microinductor 1BuH evil, pee eater erat 122 1-407-182-XX__ Microinductor 2.2uH ReUAse Sa eterna te vere tie 123 1407-184-XX — Microinductor 3,3uH CT3,4 Hie Las 1407-185-XX — Microinduetor 3.9uH CTB-101-141-138-XX 127,28 1407-161-XX — Microinductor 24H UH ne Yee 129-31 1-407-160-XX — Microinductor 14H Leeailaimel 135, 1407-180-XX — Microinductor 1.5 wH nm 136 1-405-713.00 Coll, SWose R401 A\1-202-723-00 22M %W composition a4 Pe VR2 122616200 Variable 50-4; TREBLE As L congrats marque /j sont eritiques pour la sécurité. Ne les Note: The components identified by shading and mark 2 critical for safety. Replace only with — Femplacet que par une pidce portant le numéro . = 80 — part number specified, | ICF-6800V | Qe teen, —_Deserovon | RefNo, Pan No. _Deserption | vTi 1-224-248-XX Adjustable; 470 2-B; MIXER | MISCELLANEOUS: BALANCE I Vez 124251XX Adjonable 47 kn-B:MIER — | TEL ANT 1501-17700 Antena, telewople BALANCE 2 CFI,2——-1-527-184XX Filter, ceramic; 10.7 MHz {Seri No. up 30,000 arm: CF1,2 1.527-795-71 Filter, ceramic; 10.7 MHz (Berth No 30001 and lated st 131622500 sige; SW on cer 102.4400 Fite, ceramic 2 1535220000 Slit MODE {Seri Nop 30.00) S3,4,51852-299.00 Pushbutton; FM, AW, SW cru 182731900 iter, ceramic 6 1516-942.00 Slide; SW BAND SELECTOR (eral No. up to 30,000) 34848-70500 Spring Contact; LIGHT/BATT, AM| sna PRvQUENCY DISPLAY cru 182729000 iter ceramic 3.884.04000 Contact (A) {Serti No, 3,001 and ate) cew 1527-56900. Fite, cenmie 9 3-884.029.00 Spring Contact; MEMO-LITE eee St aiean | ee vane e Cx 180992600. Connector, MAype coax on are ME 182032300. Meter: TUNNING, BATT INDICATOR ot sci Afasponenn hee ones | per 181830800. Lamp pit: 8 ¥. 80mA sit 188237000. side; RF AT See spnbi ais PL2——1.$18306.00 Lamp, ptot:8V, Soma 73181830800. Lamp, plot: 8 V,50 ma ae SP 150249400 Speaker x1 1827-31800 Unit teal 186 Me ji ee 2 182931700 Uni crystal 10 Ml } 1,4 180186200. Minizeaphone, tier _ 18 LSO7-447-XX Connector; EXT POWER IN ‘ACCESSORIES & PACKING MATERIALS beov { Arsoosio00 — Comectorzac i wieuen siz || Part No Description 6 (AEM E, Ux ode) ae ae } | Aitsos.si1.00 Connector; AC IN w/switch $12 | | f\1-s34-840-xx Cord, power; DK-38 (AEP mode (S,CANADIAN mode) | |Ar.ss1-21800 Cord, power; DKSD(UK mods) (Avssi-235.00 Cord, power; DKS (E mode JAtssi-soz00 Cord, power; (US, Canadian moded 1ss1s2100 Cord, power; DK52(E mde |] 3ss149s-00 tag, protection |] sssut19.00 iuson 384 120.00 Cushion ®) 3.886-122.00 Speer, dl || s.886.176.00 in, antenna terminal |] sop2063.11 Guid, shortune || 399307101 Instruction, antenna terminal || s0s-s301 Marl, ntraction : Note: Les composantsidontifés par une tame et une @ sore: he components dentitid by shading ard mark marque sont ertiques pout fa sécurité. Ne os ih wo ideal for tatey. Replece only wath Temple? que par une pide portant le numéro Bare number specitod ‘peat. — 81 ELECTROLYTIC caraciTORS oo) Ee |e Se emes [e (CERAMIC (SEMICONDUCTOR) CAPACITORS ICF-6800W \CF-6800W WATT CARBON RESISTORS va ew ye Te ees ee Te eT TT ia cai | (amen We Ca del eae neces al asl eth (es eee i arama rae rd peed El deel ee betel ed eae es en 1 aa ec) 16 | 120600] 10) ase] sk en | 1a sn0 | 1-46 6-9-2 is pamsmcal| i (coescn| te saseancn| iil oraee!| bel ceacoesal ons] comeseae| ia cers Ha/ieata] 2 |1Se-ar| Se |icewearl | cars| a |taware| ae |u| eaten $2) sabseel] 2 |itaccen| Se] iaucteade cdare| a | ramsrsnf oe [setenv 2] Fawares] i |esenn| Sa] aes a0e |e] ae | eects |e sce arb ‘a | 1-246-435-00) 270 | 1-246-459-00 | 2.7 | 1-246-483-00| 27k. foe se 4-246-531-0| 2.1m) 1-246-735-00 2 feral a |oxara| ss |taneeelen| oeere| a imemalsn| orara|eehnet iy aceon’ corneal me onpenlon coraen| ie female |joneeee eed ioeme 3.8 |1-2e6-n4-c0| 36 |1-266436-00| s0 |1-246-462-0 | 3.64 1-266-86-00| 36k | 1-246-510-00 |3608 | 1 3.64) 1-244-758-00 3s tcausen| a [tancamae| se | aeaasao}a.m|tomecero| an | aacatrat| st [1 dM Laer ts aeana| a lanena wl saa-aneatl | tan-sesa| uk) sascona| in|: aneen| Lal camens 2 cece © coe en celaeeeneslioe coc! oe coeen| oer ete ror 51 vawcinae| Sr |samsaeay| ste |tawena [sic raw an| s taweaicon| se |touhon 3 1278 3 |Taweman| at | ratecatee| co | aueanean|oce| rawwrco| an | vesieas| cn aorsean | | | 15 |aneazzan| os [1aorauses| 20 | txearea |? aweeneoo| J | cowctea | on] tates 0: Donate innm — | ve of nad HAROWARE NOMENCLATURE [aes [eee Pare | ne Cn eee Gea Revita | Heh et TT pe] Seanad ra Ss T = Toma | a Sepa | i Teno? eer] [Te eae >| =e 9:950.442.12 Sony Corporation © 1981 84 ‘1cosi3t Printed in Papan

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