Sagario, Maria Tisha B. (Proportion and Scale Assignment)

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September 3, 2021 1

I. Give 5 Buildings that illustrate a golden section. Explain each example with a

Taj Mahal
The width of the Taj Mahal's grand central arch to
its width, as well as the height of the windows
inside the arch to the height of the main section
under the domes, have golden proportions. Taj
mahal follows the golden rectangle, where the
sides are in the golden ratio.

The distance between the center line of the
columns and the outside of the columns forms
a golden ratio proportion for the column width.
The horizontal dividing line on the structural
beam on top of the columns is in golden ratio
proportion to the height of the support beam.
The structural beam atop the columns is
proportional to the height of the columns in a
golden ratio.

Notre Dame Cathedral

The golden rectangle is formed by the horizontal
width of the outside of the left top section to the
inside of the top right section to the outside of the
top right section, as well as the vertical height of
the base of the second level to the top of the
second level to the top of the third level, and the
vertical height of the ground level to the top of the
first level to the top of the second floor.

September 3, 2021 2

Toronto’s CN Tower
The golden ratio is used in the design of Toronto's
CN Tower, which is the world's highest tower and
freestanding building. The ratio of the observation
deck at 342 meters to the overall height of 553.33
meters is 0.618 (phi reciprocal).

United Nation’s Building

The UN Secretariat Building, as it is known, was

begun in 1947 and finished in 1952. The basic
dimensions of 1130 to 698, as well as the ratio of
698 to 432, form a golden ratio.

September 3, 2021 3

II. Give 5 Buildings that illustrate regulating lines and explain the theory of
each building.

Santa Maria Novella

The facade's design is based on a complicated
geometrical pattern with harmonious proportions.
The two types of design on the façade, patterned
marble encrustation and order application, were
brought together by a system of basic geometric
shapes regulated by simple proportions. The
understanding that numbers influence musical
harmony, a notion known as harmonic proportion,
led to the assumption that numbers were
connected to visual harmony.

Pazzi Chapel
The Pazzi Chapel is made up of three volumes
that are arranged in a symmetrical pattern. These
volumes are strongly interconnected while being
distinct since they are placed outside and indoors
and range in size and degree of enclosure. The
employment of linear features, such as the front
colonnade and pilasters, provides the
superstructure that connects all of the building's
components. The entire structure may be viewed
as a system of these regulating lines that are built
in space before being translated into rooms,
walls, doors, and windows. My photographic
mapping was intended to show how the
consistency of the articulated lines unifies the
many levels of this area in reaction to this finding.

September 3, 2021 4

Villa Stein, Garches

Colin Rowe interprets Le Corbusier's
facades as "the primary demonstrations
of the mathematical discipline;" at
Garches, for example, Le Corbusier
"carefully indicates his relationships by
an apparatus of regulating lines and
figures and by placing on the drawings
of his elevations the ratio of the golden
section, A:B=B:(A+B)." [Rowe, p. 9].In
the example of Le Corbusier, these
regulating lines serve as scaffolding.
For further analysis of the use of
geometrical and arithmetical systems to provide internal order in buildings, see
Christopher Alexander, "Perception and Modular Coordination." This metaphor of
scaffolding can also be "inverted" and applied to the system of "skeleton" construction
originated by the Chicago School in the later half of the nineteenth century, where the
framework of iron columns and beams served as the primary "scaffolding" of the
building. (From the “Remembering the Mathematics of the Ideal Villa” by Rowe Colin).
Notre Dame
Both the square and the circles have a
relationship that we can perceive. The
square has four right angles, and the right
angle aids us in determining the scale of
anything. Not only are the forms identical,
but so are the regulating lines.

Villa La Roche by Le Corbusier

It is organized around three themes:
first, the relationship between the
regulating line and the dom-ino
frame; second, its position as a
proportionate device based on a
relation-defining system rather than a
module system; and third, its role as
a practical device in the design

September 3, 2021 5

III. Give two buildings of each intercolumniation style and explain the position
on the floor plan.

Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus

The temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus is in araeostyle. Which means that the
spacing between the columns are widely spaced, having a space of 4 diameters or
more, according to the rules of Vitruvius.

The Temple of Hercules

The temple of Hercules is in araeostyle has an average of 4.612 diameter which
means this temple is in araeostyle

Pantheon Portico
The Pantheon Portico has an eustyle intercolumniation, which means that their
column spacing averages in 2.25 diameter.

National Archives Building

The National Archives Building is in eustyle intercolumniation since its column
spacing averages in 2.25 diameter.

The Temple of Equestrian Fortune

The temple of Equestrian Fortune is systyle in which the plinths of the bases are
equal to the distance between to plinths and in which the thickness of two columns
can be placed in intercolumniation.

The Temple of Hephaestus

The Temple of Hephaestus is in systyle intercolumniation. Also, designed in Doric
style, systyle is a temple in which the thickness of two columns can be placed in an
intercolumniation, and in which the plinths of the bases are equivalent to the distance
between two plinths

September 3, 2021 6

The Temple of Apollo and Diana

The Temple of Apollo and Diana is in diastyle in between each column there is a 3-
diameter distance which means the spaces between them is way farther apart than

The Temple of Juno

The Temple of Juno has intercolumns of 3 diameters so it is in diastyle.

The Temple of Divine Caesar

The temple of Divine Caesar is in pycnostyle in an intercolumniation of which
thickness of a column and a half can be inserted.

The Temple of Mars Ultor

The Temple of Mars Ultor are 57 feet 9 inchess or 10 diameters high, and the
intercolumniation is 1 1/3 diameters. Therefore, this temple is in pycnostyle.

September 3, 2021 7

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