Financial Model

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Financi al Model ling

Nobel col legeHal abaCampusdepar tmentaccount ingandFi nanci al degr eepr ogr ammes3r dy ear
student sFi nanci al Model l
ngMi dExam
Name- -----
- -
-ID- --
Dep- --
Chooset hebestanswer
1,whi choneoft hef ol l
owi ngt ruest at ementi sf inanci al st atement smodul ear ea
A, oper at i
onal ---capi tal ---
wor ki ngcapi tal --
-asset- -
financi alstat ement s---
output s- -
B, oper at i
onal -
--wor kingcapi tal ---
asset -
--capi tal---taxat i
on- --fi
nanci al statement s---
out put s---
C, oper at i
onal -
--asset --wor ki ngcapi tal --
-capi tal---taxat ion- --
f i
nanci al st atement s- -
-out put s--
D,oper at ional ---
capi tal---asset -
--wor kingcapi tal---taxat ion- --fi
nanci al st atement s--
-out put s---
2,Conceptr ulesandpr ocedur est hatt oget hermakeuponacceptaccount ingpr act i
givent imear ecal led AAI CP B GAAP CGAP Dnone
3,Anyf or m ofaccount ingwhi chenabl esabusi nesst obeconduct edmor eef fi
ci ent l
regar dedas- --
-account i
ngAf inanci al Bmanagement Ccost D none
4,whi chcanbegener al l
yusedt ocal cul atet henetpr of itaf t
ert ax esofanent i
ty A Bal ance
sheetBi ncomest at ementC cashf lowDal l
5,theFi nanci al st atementt hatr epor tasset s, li
abi lit
y ,ownerequi tyi st he
ABal ancesheetBi ncomest atementCcashf lowDal l
6,changei ni ncomest atementandbal ancesheetaccountaf fectcashandcashequi valence
dur ingaccount ingper iod
ABal ancesheetBi ncomest atementCcashf lowDal l
7, t hei ncomest atementmodul econt ai nedwi tht heFi nanci al stat ementofmodul ear ea
A l ay out B l ocat i
on C pur pose D al l
8,whi choneoft hef ol l
owi ngi sat ypeofasset
Acur rentBnoncur rentC, AandBar ecor r
ectanswerD, exceptA
9,theNetchangei ncashHel df rom Whatwasl inksi nt ot hecur rentasset ssect i
onoft hebal ance
sheet ,addi ngt ocash
A, i
ncomest atement B Bal ancesheet C cashf lowst at ement D, None
10,ar ev enueandex pensesi sr epor tedont hei ncomest atement ,r esultingint hecr eat ionofan
asset ,liabi l
ity, ont hebal ancesheet
A, Incomest atementandcashf lowst atement B, incomest atementandbal ancesheet
C, bal ancesheetonl y D, all financi al stat ement s
11,whi chf inanci alst at ement scont entand l ay outi nt hi sdocumentar ebased ongener all
accept ed, nonj ur isdi ctionspeci ficfinanci al stat ement s
A, account ingst andar d B, f i
nanci al st atement sl ay out
C, financi al stat ement si mpactD, li
nksbet weenf i
nanci al statement s
12,Whi chmodul ef inanci alst atement st heFi nanci alModel l
ingconv ent ionandmet hodol ogies
useddev elopi ngf inanci alst atement s
A, account ingst andar d B, f i
nanci al st atement sl ay out
C, financi al stat ement si mpactD, li
nksbet weenf i
nanci al statement s
13, thepr oper ti
esownedbyabusi nessent erpr isear ecal l
A, asset B, l
iabi lit
yC, stockhol der sequi ty D, owner sequi ty
14, Ifr ev enuewas$45, 000, ex penseswer e$37, 500, andwi thdr awal swer e $10, 000, t
ofneti ncomeornetl osswas
A, 45, 000neti ncomeB, 6,500neti ncomeC, 37, 500netl ossD, 2,500netl oss
15, thecur rentassetcat egor ywoul di ncl ude
A, cash B, accountr ecei vabl e C, suppl yonhand D, all oftheabov e
16,i ft ot alasset si ncr eased $20, 000dur ingaper iodsoft imeandt otalliabili
tyi ncr easedby
$12, 000dur ingt hesameper iodt heamountanddi rect i
ons ( incr easeordecr ease)oft heper iod
changei nowner sequi tyi s
A, 32, 000i ncr ease B, $32, 000decr ease C, $8, 000i ncr ease D, $8, 000decr ease
17,i ncomest at ementl ayoutasummar yoft her ev enueandex pensesofanent ityi nor dert o
calcul at eear ningbef orei nt er est ,tax ,depr eciat ionandamor tisat ion ( EBITDA)r ev enue2000,
costofgoodssol d400andoper atingexpendi ture500cal culatet heEBI TDA?
A, 1000 B, 1100 C, 2000 D, 2900
18,incomestatementlayoutasummar yoftherevenueandexpensesofanenti
,tax, (EBI
Whowmanynetpr of
A,1000 B, 1100 C,200 D, 1200

1Incomest atement Ad/ ttomoneyoft heothermodul est ypesduet othef
2balancesheet Bchangei nincomestatementandbal ancesheet
3cashf l
owst at
ement Ct hestatementoff inancialpositi
4Funct i
ty Dr evenuesummar i
zest heamountofr evenueear
5,ownerequi t
y E,stockholders
SayTrueorf al
1 r evenueisreportedaspositi
veear ningont heincomest atement
2 t helayoutofabal ancesheeti
sgov ernedbyt heaccountingstandar dandr eport
3,costofgoodssol di soft
enreportedasanex penseont hei ncomest atement

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