Final PBL Report

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A PBL Report

Submitted By


ABHAY DESAI [Roll No. 2112]
VIRAJ DAGADE [Roll No. 2111]
VARAD HADAWALE [Roll No. 2118]
ESHAN DAGADE [Roll No. 2114]

In Partial Fulfillment of the requirement

for the award of

Completion Of Project Based Learning Course

Under The Guidance of
Prof “Shikha Dwivedi”
Jayawantrao Sawant College of Engineering

Department of Engineering Sciences


This is to certify that, “Our GROUP A2 has successfully completed the PBL

Activity entitled “DOCTOR APPOINTMENT SYSTEM” under supervision of

Prof. Shikha Dwivedi and prof. Ashwani Dake as prescribed by the Savitribai

Phule Pune University, in academic year 2022-23


Place: Pune

Prof. Ashwini Prof. Shikha Prof. Dr. Prof Dr R.D

Dake Dwivedi Poonam Kanphade

PBL Guide PBL HOD S.E Principal


Every project is successful largely due to the effort of a number of wonderful

people who have always given their valuable advice or lent a helping hand. We
sincerely appreciate the inspiration; support and guidance of all those people
who have been instrumental in making this project a success.
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and regards to our Project
Guide, Prof. Shikha Dwivedi Department of Engineering Science, for being the
corner stone of our project. It was her incessant motivation and guidance during
periods of doubts and uncertainties that has helped us to carry on with this
We would like to thank Prof. Dr Poonam Lambhate, Head of the
Department, Engineering Science for providing necessary guidance, support,
motivation and inspiration without which this project would not have been
We would like to extend our special thanks to Dr. R.D. KANPHADE,
Principal of Jayawantrao Sawant College of Engineering, for encouragement
and valuable advice.
We would also like to extend our sincere thanks to the Management of
Jayawantrao Sawant College of Engineering, for providing all the
necessary infrastructure and laboratory facilities.
Last but not the least special thanks to our family for their support and
kindness, sSincere thanks to all our friends, specially, for their friendship and
support throughout.


In our daily life we face a lot of problems. Disease is one of most common issues for a person’s
life. If anybody is ill and wants to visit a doctor for checkup, he or she needs to visit the hospital
and waits until the doctor is available. The patient also waits in a queue while getting appointment.
If the doctor cancels the appointment for some emergency reasons then the patient is not able to
know about the cancelation of the appointment unless or until he or she visits the hospital. So, it's
necessary to get a consultation with Doctors whenever we got affected with various diseases. As
the internet is now available for everyone therefore anyone can use the online appointment
system to overcome such problems and inconvenience for the patients. Vision of this project is to
create doctor patient handling management system that will help patients to book doctor
appointment and fulfil their prospects. In this system doctors are allowed to manage their booking
slots in online, patients can make their appointment to book empty slots too. This is the system of
reservation for counselling by patients name. This system manages different kinds of doctors at a
time and patients can choose their expected one for booking. The system also remains of the
blood donor module which is allowed for blood donation registration as well as finding blood group
for future use.

Comparative Studies
Our modern age of technology is greatly dependent on internet. An online system is also known
as a Web-based system. As the world is going so faster so there is always a desire to
communicate faster and effectively. There are no such things that comes out without any
limitations but we focused to overcome the best we could do. Our main focus was to determine the
features for the patients. They are the large community of this system and they deserve to get the
most out of this system. By using this system both doctors and patients become beneficial. A lot of
patient’s daily visit to healthcare clinic or hospital and facing problem regarding have no
knowledge about doctor specialty, wait for a long time to get doctor appointment and patients have
no about doctor fee. There are several way to booking an appointment. A person can either go to
the hospital directly for consultation or make an appointment from home through internet by Web-
based system. To solve this problem we have developed an appointment system which improve
the patient’s satisfaction like patient can get reliable and timely access. So that we wish to offer
such a system which will help them a lot. Our system will provides best result and save their
valuable time too.

Helping people to search for doctors and get appointment is our main objectives. User can search
doctors which can make sure to find specific doctor an easy task. A platform where doctors can
check patient previous medical history for better checkup. To build a system with perfection,
requirement collection is a must. The study will gives a clearer idea of people’s need and the
system that we are planning to build as well as how much we are going to cover. The document
will also describe all the interactions between patients, doctors and admin. By above document
anyone will be able to understand the project at a glance. In this project. A doctor can
- Get appointment request
- Access to this request
- Check previous medical history
- Able to get patient profile
- Give appointment
And Patient can
- View doctors list
- Easily take doctor appointment
- See when his/her expected doctor available
- Able to see categorized doctors department
- Purchase medicine
- Hire ambulances
- Get blood from donors

 Admin Login: The system is under supervision of admin who manages the bookings
 User login/registration: Users have to first register themselves to login into the system.
 Three clinic areas: The system will provide users with three clinic areas of different
 Appointment availability check: User can click on spaces to view the availability.
 Appointment booking online for date and time: Users can book appointment for their
required date and time.
 Automatic cost calculation: The system calculates the total cost incurred for parking
based on the time that user has asked for booking.
 Booking cancellation: User may even cancel their bookings by login into the system
 Email on appointment booking: When user is successful in appointment confirmation
and 'thank you' email regarding the alot booked.
 Feedback: The system has a feedback form, where user can provide feedback into the

User side functionality:

 Book appointment
 Cancellation
 Receipt
 Feedback
 Recharge Account

Admin side functionality:

 Administers booked
 Cancellation
 View User Data
 Feedback view and reply

Software Requirements:
 Windows Xp, Windows 7(ultimate, enterprise)
 Sql 2008
 Visual studio 2010

Hardware Components:
 Processor – i3
 Hard Disk – 5 GB
 Memory – 1GB RAM

 The project can be implemented in hospitals and clinics
 It can be utilized by companies and organizations (hospitals, schools, colleges) to automate
their parking system.

The architecture is structured to allow users to make use of portable computer system,
desktop computer system, and mobile phone as web browser to access the booking
system. Client-server architecture was used and we used thin client-server. The medical
appointment booking system has two components namely: the server-side and client-side
that run on the browser. In the client © 2018 IJCRT | Volume 6, Issue 2 April
2018 | ISSN: 2320-2882 IJCRT1812133 International Journal of Creative Research
Thoughts (IJCRT) 936 approach almost all the processing work was done on
demand at the server end and the client task was to display data and information on the
screen. While in thin client-server architecture, the web browser is the client. This
architecture was used because with it users will not be required to install any software on
their PCs expect a standard web browser, which often come, with most PC operating
system and almost all the current standard mobile phone. Clients would also not require
any powerful PC; users can use any PC with a web browser such as laptop/notebook,
mobile phone, and desktop PC. The servers would require higher configuration (in terms of
hardware) because it would be regularly subjected to heavy load.

Discussion and Conclusion

Doctor and patient appointment system is a very exciting topic to work. After going through the
work, we faced many challenging tasks. Day by day healthcare system become an important part
of our society. So we have decided to build this system. We researched so many system that
showed us the direction how to develop our system. We interact with the people that what type of
problem they facing. They were very happy to take this system as it is give them some relief in
modern age. Despite everything we achieved, we faced many challenges to finish this project.
After all it’s an online web-based system so in real life both doctor and patient need to follow the
using rules otherwise its goal will be failed.


[1]. Business process modeling <>
[2]. HTML, CSS, PHP<>
[3]. Use Case Diagram<>
[4]. Bootstrap<<>>
[5]. GitHub <>

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