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PEED Rates of reaction > 8.1 Measuring the rate of reaction ‘+ loam how the rate of reaction can change + measure the rate of reaction + use graphs to discuss and measure the rate of reaction + explain why the rate of reaction changes. With @ partner, list as many of the ways you can of telling anomalous result that a reaction has taken place. collecting a gas Can you suggest ways in which you could measure how over water quickly a reaction takos place? collisions Share your ideas with the class. gradient rate of reaction 8 Rates of reaction > Rate of reaction ‘When magnesium ribbon is added to dilute sulfuric acid, you can tell a reaction is taking place because bubbles of hydrogen gas are given Off. When you carried out this reaction in the laboratory, you may have noticed that at the start of the reaction a lot of bubbles were given off uickly. As the reaction came to an end, fewer bubbles were produced. Eventually, no more bubbles were produced. This shows that the rection started quickly, then slowed, and eventually stopped. How could you measure how quick the reaction was? This is called the rate of reaeiion ‘The rate of reaction can be measured by working out how much of ‘one of the products has been made in a given time, or how much of a reactant has been used up in a given time. {In the magnesium ribbon experiment, it is difficult to measure how quickly the reactants are used up or how quickly the magnesium sulfate 4 formed. The easiest way to measure the rate is to measure how quickly the hydrogen gas is produced. You can do this by measuring the volume f gas produced in a particular period of time. “To collect the gas, you can attach a syringe to the top of a flask so that no hydrogen can eseape, as shown in the diagram. You can use the scale on the syringe to ‘measure the volume of gas produced at different times during the reaction. on > 8.1. Measuring the rate of reaction Questions 4 2 Write the word and symbol equations for the reaetion of ‘magnesium with sulfurie acid. This three-part table shows the results obtained from an experiment using the apparatus shown above, oO 0 120 40 240 64 30 10 150, 48 270. 66 60, 20 180) 5A 300 66 90) 26 210 60 330 85 How can you tell from the table that the reaction has finished at 270 seconds? ‘Suggest what might happen in the experiment if you used a lot ‘more magnesium and acid, so that more than 100 en of hydrogen ‘245 Was formed. What eould be done to reduce the risk of an ‘accident if more than 100 ent? of hydrogen as produced? When a graph of the results inthe table is plotted, itis easier to see the pattern that they make. The graph shows that one of the results does not fit the pattern. This is called an anomalous result 0 0 0 ‘otal volume ot 40 Molec cm? 050 100 15D 200 250300 350 Timing Which of the results is anomalous? Explain how you identified the ‘anomalous result, and say what you would expect the result to be. 273 > 8 Rates of reaction > ‘When you measure the rate of reaction, you find that the rate of reaction ‘changesas the reaction proceeds. Another reaction you could look at the one between calcium carbonate and dilute hydrochloric acid. As carbon diotide gas is lost from the flask, the mass of the flask decreases. If you measure the mass every 30 seconds, you find that the ‘mass decreases quickly at first but, as the reaction continues, the mass decreases more and more slowly. Using the graph A graph of the results from investigations into the rate of reaction can be used to measure the rate of reaction at any given time. The slope or gradient of the line tells you how quickly the reaction is taking place, ‘The steeper the slope, the faster the reaction This graph shows the results of an investigation into the rate of reaction between caleitum earbonate and hydrochloric acid, che acho “The eacaon ‘becoming slower, complete. no ma ‘more productis ‘being Formedt ‘mass of carbon dined produced ‘Thereacuonis sverr artnet Time ‘The line is steepest at the start of the reaction. ‘This is when the reaction is fastest. As the slope of the line becomes less steep. the reaction is ‘becoming slower. When the line levels out. it shows that no more carbon dioxide is being lost. This means that the reaction has ended. ‘This araph shows the rate of reaction between copper carbonate and hydrochloric acid, You can use a graph like this to measure and compare the rates of reaction at different times during the reaction. You ean use 2a> 8.1. Measuring the rate of reaction the graph to find out the average volume of carbon dioxide gas given off per second in the period between 10 seconds and 30 seconds. o 0 MH He Tineins “To do this you should draw a line at 10 seconds on the horizontal axis up {to where it meets the line of the graph, labeled A. Then draw another line «a 30 seconds up to the point here it meets the graph, labelled B. ‘Draw line C between A and B as shown, ‘The distance of C represemts the time taken, in this ease 20 seconds. ‘The line D shows you how much carbon dioxide was produced in this time, in this case 20 ony I 20 em? of earbon dioxide is produced in 20 seconds Then on average the rate of reaction over this period of time is 20 em’ in 20 seconds or Vem” per second. Questions 5 Write the word equation for the reaction between copper carbonate and hydrochloric acid. 6 Use the graph above to find the average rate of reaetion between |G and 80 seconds. How does this rate of reaction compare with the rate between 10 and 30 seconds? 25> 8 Rates of reaction > Per en What makes a good graph? Method 1. With a partner discuss why you may need to plot a graph ‘of your results when you carry out an investigation. Discuss the things that make a good graph; some of the things you might consider ar how you know which variable to put on which axis what scale to use what labels you use how the points are plotted how you decide to join tho points. Make a poster, slide presentation or some other sort of presentation to illustrate how you produce the best possible graphs. Present your poster or presentation to another group or the whole class. Assess the presentations that ather groups make to you. 8.1. Measuring the rate of reaction Think Measuring the rate of reaction In this activity, you are going to measure the rate of reaction between calcium carbonate ‘and hydrochloric acid. You could do this in several different ways. You could do it by ‘measuring the mass of carbon dioxide lost (using a top pan balance, as in the diagram after question 4 earlier in this topic). Or you could collect the carbon dioxide and measure the volume produced either by using a gas syringe (as shown earlier in this topic in Rate of reaction) or by using a trough of water and a measuring cylinder filled with water, as shown here. This is known as collecting a gas over water. Answer questions 1-3 before you begin the practical task. Method 1 Assemble your equipment and put the calcium carbonate in the flask. 2 Add the hydrochloric acid; start the timer and measure the initial mass or volume. 3. Aftor 30 seconds, measure again. Continue to take measuremants ovary 30 soconds Until you have three consecutive readings that are the same. ‘Questions 1 Make a list of the equipment you will need. 2 Write a risk assessment for your investigation. 3. Prepare a table for your results. 4 Plot a graph of your results and describe how the rate of reaction changes over time. 5 What problems did you have when you cattied out this reaction? How might these have affected your results? How could you improve the reliability of your results? o or) Deceeg Perey es Will the method used have any eflect on the accuracy of the results? Sree Why does the rate of reaction change? ‘We can use ideas about particle theory to answer this question. Fora chemical reaction to take place, the particles of the reactants. involved have to collide with one another with enough energy to react together. © yochlone acts © calaumcatbonate A the start ofthe reaction there are aft of particles ap ‘that have not reacted. Collisions happen frequently. e. ° ‘This means that alot of carbon dioxide is procluced NS f * iin the first 30-second period. “ ¥ ole ‘ w\ ad As the particles react, the number of particles that ‘have not reacted gets lower and lower. The chance of Sar iane ‘two unreacted particles colliding with each other NAY dgcreases. This means that less carbon dioxide is formed in the lator 30-second periods This means | i that the rate of reaction is slower. t Eventually, all the particles have reacted. There are no e\ ‘more collisions that result in the production of carbon dioxide gas The reaction has finished. Rares

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