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Keynote Intermediate Reading text Unit 8: Our pick — new gadgets Looking for an unusual gift? Or just someone who loves gadgets? Here are three novel pieces of technology that you might like. Netatmo’s June bracelet There are quite a few bracelets on the market for monitoring your health or level of activity. The Netatmo’s June bracelet is different because it is designed specifically for people who are wortied about getting too much sun, The gemstone bracelet costs $99 USD and comes in three colours — gold, silver or gunmetal. The bracelet measures the strength of the sun and then sends the information to an app on your phone, telling you if you need to wear a hat, sunglasses or to put on some sun cream. It doesn’t need any batteries, it looks great and it could also save your skin from sunburn. Goji Smart Lock The Goji Smart Lock allows you to open your front door with a simple tap on your phone screen, But it does more than that, Using an in-built camera, it can take pictures of people at your door and send a photo message to your phone. So if your child has forgotten their key, you can see that they’re there and send a digital key to their phone. (It can store any number of digital keys.) It runs on four AA batteries and (the manufacturers claim) is very simple to fit to your front door. Another advantage is that the Goji Smart Lock sends you a text message when all the doors are safely locked. It costs $278 US. Panono Panoramic camera Did you think all cameras were more or less the same? Think again. The Panono is a camera shaped like a football and has 36 image sensors on it, It weighs 300 grams and measures 11 centimetres in diameter, When you hold it, you want to throw it up in the air. And that’s exactly what you are supposed to do, An accelerometer detects when the Panono has stopped going up and at that point the camera uses all 36 sensors to take a single 360 degree photo, which you can view on your phone or computer with a special app. Like most cameras, it has a rechargeable battery. It’s made of strong plastic, so it won't break easily. But don’t throw it too hard! Price approx. $500

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