8943 Glory To His Name (Parts)

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GLORY TO HIS NAME Eb Soloist (Solo for Eb or F Instrument) JAMES CURNOW Allegro con spivito (d= 116) = ae 3 f o SS wp erese. i [20] "Glory To His Name” mf marc. 2B mp —— mf rall. 2s sim. i ee Meno Mosso [39] Andante Espressivo (J = 76) ¢ =) 2 nf ——_=— p—— of ; rall [47] A Tempo (¢ = 76) = , reas nf == f—— nf ceresc [54] Meno Mosso (¢ = 72) oo Ds_¥ al Coda ® Coda accel. ff ——————— Ifo (60| Rall. 3 mare. Sy Sp SAES 8043 909 The Sabation Army Southern Tentory, 1424 NorthentExpetey, Alanis, Cs, 20529 GLORY TO HIS NAME F Soloist (Solo for Eb or F Instrument) JAMES CURNOW Allegro con spirito @ = 116) > 3 f opt. == m Te Vie a oa = wf res. P O35) > =~ 7 [20] "Glory To His Name” pp Foy te S25 bebo Bp Boe ee = = _. 4 pestere THE Crit ee freer = Gls gbeertt Referees eae er =p rail. [3B] Andante Espressivo (@ = 76) nf ——= f—— nf ral [47] A Tempo @ = 76) eee = earns Thet tren The rents oa oo mf Sp mf erese ‘all. ; (4) ge = ng 8 at coun ® coda ages 5 ' Es reat polertet ae F Fo accel. f = P— Fy mare. —— ————— SAES 8943 ©1989. The Salvation Army Southern Territory, 1424 Northeast Expressway, Adlanta, Ga. 30329 C Instrument 1 GLORY TO HIS NAME JAMES. cuRNOW Allegro con — a — div, J Jisa¢ mp crese £ f — = hy in absenee of Part V)/— Play - (Solo) All _ ral. ————— fp. cresc. nf 2 [39] Andante Espresivo Meno Mosso [47] A Tempo a aoe mp —— mf cresc. legato rall. a ps. 8 al Coda mF cree. ral. of dim cel ® co - z z. z - 4 feet = 7 ae fo ees > rf = a i? a" __ poled plpiet bs F spipt chpiee te >a se oe SSS pila ie peri ieg e lL CC ff a SAES 8943 ©1989 The Salvation Army Southern Teritory, 1424 Northeast Expressway, Atlanta, Ga 30329 GLORY TO HIS NAME bo ahaa JAMES CURNOW Allegro con spirito div. - Gf only cone - play top) fae opt SS mp erese, crese. Play (Solo) a nf all. = “ orece => [39] Andante ace ‘Meno Mosso [47] A Tempo 4 mp crese. (legato) ral. e ae alo hee Ds. bl al Coda Pi oss ss nf’ “crese Oa accel. © com pie" nah ep) ge Ef cress has es ; we ocak: i. Sb eres. s cE : ; ge S f 7 7 = ral_—————— ca SAES 8943 ©1989 The Salvation Army Southern Territory, 1424 Northeast Expressway, Atlanta, Ga, 30329 GLORY TO HIS NAME Allegro. con spirito JAMES CURNOW Bb Comet TT f CF a (Play in absense of as ae [39] Andante Espressivo 7 Fase ee oe Ge ae ee mf rally = —= fp crese ft Z Meno Mosso (47) A Tempo ‘eres. © — * 5 Megato all. = = egato me ® Coda 7 = x sim. ae fp — B= = > : = : ral—_———— SAES 8943 ©1989 The Salvation Army Southern Territory, 1424 Northeast Expressway, Atlanta, Ga, 30329, GLORY TO HIS NAME pp a a ee eesti A F Hom I JAMES CURNOW +e IV = 3 Ea crese. ? fo= f f= f [20] (Play in absence of Part I Bb) Foyt ety 6 peeiree oe len 90975 pileriee gop nee poe za —— mp sim. “rese. mf Po sim, 39] Andante Espressivo a 7 Play , 6 = = 3 ey Be 3 val — fp (Pan Bb) op = mp crese. fe Fee ff ‘Meno Mosso [47] A Tempo hb —s Stee Hoteg ee lo aa tes lo5} f ——m crese, " 1 legato [54] Meno Mosso ps. % al Coda legato ® Coda Pp eresc. sim. =y Vv) = —_ fF a 2 : rall—————— SAES 8943 ©1989 The Salvation Army Southern Territory, 1424 Northeast Expressway, Atlanta, Ga. 30329 GLORY TO HIS NAME Eb Horn Ill JAMES CURNOW Allegro con spirito A Pp an = ouetlee a f ————————— Gide slidedde ddeed 7 - t ae aa oe = ESrrabe batiat ad! “eres 7 =; [20] (Play in absence of Part III - Bb) trlene gh atigh sigh shih ates! ‘i. "sc Play (39) Andante Espressivo , $ 3 Ee ieee = ad gtr == = Meno Mosso [47] A Tempo ee era ral pe —-— , —— [54] Meno Mosso ps. & al Coda i ~Tegato fle ee f ‘cresc. ® Coda [oo] SAES 8943 ©1989 The Salvation Army Southern Territory, 1424 Northeast Expressway, Atlanta, Ga, 30329 GLORY TO HIS NAME Allegro con spirito F Horn Mit JAMES CURNOW Pp crese. sim. (5) — crese. — a = ae = a. f= ft [0] Pia} in absence of Part I~ Bb) sim. “isc. Play [39) Andante Espressivo [ m= TF LETS om fp (Part 1 - Bb) i) ey a Yall Meno Mosso [47] A Tempo. Ce ieeelepaio tall fe Sn 54] Meno Mosso ps. & al Coda bof = . = eb aoe Sees tet tele wot Frees rice hha ike ict fe 3 oa Ze sve ss ss Giar oo = dim. accel. ® Coda 2 DP crese sim. fp SAES 8943 ©1989 The Salvation Army Southern Territory, 1424 Northeast Expressway, Atlanta, Ga, 30329 GLORY TO HIS NAME Allegro con spirito Trombone T.C. 11 Baritone = rresc = ; pores ; —— Sco in aden of Pat WB) giana prrrerrrsrrr Sree: Play ~ 15 ay Es aS aii lata cm a [39] Andante Espressivo mf (Part I~ Eb) rail —=fp_ crese. ae ~—=rf ——— Meno Mosso [47] A Tempo ~—nf ——— legato rall if cea [54] Meno Mosso ps. 8 al Coda moe eS a ‘crese legato rall, ® coda co} — dim. ‘accel. oF iy eee Caster — ff? nr fen GLORY TO HIS NAME JAMES CURNOW Allegro con spirito f ip crese. f = (Play in absence [8] 8 _of Pare ut - 2b) ‘ PP ECEPErrrrisererrrrrrrrrrrrriteececiarrrrrrrrs sim, crese. Play ay a Ae ie wm FE f bof f= f 7 —— lee i = [39] Andante Espressivo mf (Pant 1M - Eyal fp crese — =p nf ——— Meno Mosso [47] A Tempo. I fee opuptub es mp legato rall. ff = mp— nf =—— [54] Meno Mosso ps. & al Coda ae at ea Serre > SS = Se Sch tro eo tier raSs crese. legato f dim. accel. : © com, ie repo fx epee ee etttecet fl — os EP Bae EAP 53 Ceres fp —— P crese, cp pepe ate rh OFF cierbebateehe IF ye — Ea BS ] — fr SAES 8943 ©1989 The Salvation Army Southern Territory, 1424 Northeast Expressway, Atlanta, Ga, 30529 oprional GLORY TO HIS NAME Euphonium TC. V Baritone oe Allegro con spirito JAMES CURNO| er . —— m ™ f fy crese f— 39| Andante Espressivo Meno Masso 1 = fa + — tt 4 oid dg ees Fe mpi ee a legato ral. ei — [47] A Tempo 54] Meno Mosso oS eee aegiate fa. 2 2 2 = mf wp erese. a > DS. ¥ al Coda ® Coda 2 ears gee =e 7 accel. P — SoA IO} IV. a Fi 3 ; ei SAES $943 ©1989 The Salvation Army Southern Territory, 1426 Northeast Expressway, Atlanta, Ga. 30329 optional GLORY TO HIS NAME Euphonium B.C. V ee JAMES CURNOW Allegro con spirito P crese sim. f Op tte a St Geet Cf dae ae: nf ae ‘fp crese a Andante Espressivo Meno Mosso _ mp —= mf crese. legato rall. [47] A Tempo [54] Meno Mosso mp —= nf ————— _—crese legato rall. a Ds. & al Coda © coda [0] crese. sim. = all —= P fp f ff SABS 8943 ©1989 The Salvation Army Southern Territory, 1424 Northeast Expressway, Atlanta, Ga, 30329 GLORY TO HIS NAME Allegro con spirito Eb Tuba T.C. IV JAMES CURNOW = rps == . - iP crese, sim. , (Part Vp (Pant V) “Bsc. wt ta eevee a f = p crese — 39] Andante Espressivo Meno Mosso my 7% : ce eee — yf ———_ arise egaio ral f a [47] A Tempo [54] Meno Mosso vee 2 be Jo ge ee = mpm FE ye tga a accel ps. & al Coda ® coda ti = w= veg sim. SABS 8943, ip x ©1989 The Salvation Army Southern Territory, 1424 Northeast Expressway, Atlanta, Ga. 30329 GLORY TO HIS NAME Bb Tuba T.C. IV JAMES CURNOW Allegro com spirito “im. a 7 pee ne} I : sim, P {a5} Ss t ry H—=L o Bee fp = (Part Vy B7 2 3 SV (Pant Vy (33) sim: crese [39] Andante Espressivo — = fp cre. f= ee ee mf ral Meno Mosso [47] A Tempo mp “cresc. 3 2 ~— pf = 7 legato Fall. [54] Meno Mosso accel. as rall. f dim. at Coda © Coan : o “orese. = legato = coe ‘Pp erese. a o Sim. a came a = all f * Play lower notes when Part IV is not a Tuba. SAES 8943 ©1989 The Salvation Army Southern Territory, 1426 Northeast Expressway, Atlanta, Ga. 30329 GLORY TO HIS NAME Allegro con spirito JAMES. CURNOW Tuba B.C. 1V Pig % pee a f K \ \ 9 +: AF BASS Se a? Soren oo eas vyias) as : fof fp crese a Meno Mosso [47]A Tempo 39] Andante Espressivo legato. ve 2% yebe oF esc. ral. fh mp f= ps. % al Coda ® Coda Play a = =S rall ‘sim. i Sr fp f wn SAES_ 8943 ©1989 The Salvation Army Southern Territory, 1424 Northeast Expressway, Atlanta, Ga, 30329 GLORY TO HIS NAME optional Percussion I Bells, Tambourine Allegro con spirito 3 (Bells - brass mallets) JAMES CURNOW $8 tambourine To Tambourine Pp crese. f P sim, crese 15 ® Se eee f p——f r—S (20 Bells ~ plastic mallets mp > ™p crese. mf ral. Meno Mosso Brass mallets [39] Andante Espressivo = wh rall. [54] Meno Mosso SN To Tambourine rall_————_f -— o Cota To Bells Brass mallets p eres Saye = SSee > f i raii———— ff SAES 8943 eee a ee ss GLORY TO HIS NAME optional Percussion I Timpani, Snare Drum, Suspended Cymbal, Bass Drum JAMES CURNOW Alllegro con. spirito iP crese, ‘crese, 4 f oh s> 54 S.C. with mallets [39] Andante Espressivo Snare off ~ ee —V p—f = mf SAES 8943, ©1989 The Salvation Army Southern Territory, 1424 Northeast Expressway, Atlanta, Ga. 30329

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