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We would value your input and would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to fill out

this interview. An investigation into the yields of two rice seedlings to determine which is more
profitable and cost effective. Thank you for time and effort in helping to filling out this
Researcher: Students of CCHS

1. How many years of experience do you have with this type of farming?


2. What type of rice do you plant?


3. How many dose of fertilizer do you add to your rice?


4. If you have experience with more than one type of rice, which one do you think is more profitable and
less costly?


5. What are the things you need, so that you will have healthy growth?


6. Before on go on to this kind of farming, give an average of how much money you have to get?

7. What are the types of diseases have you experienced with rice?


8. What are the name of the fertilizer do you throw on your rice?


9. What are some of the preparations do you make before you sowing?


10. How many times do you spray chemicals on your rice?


11. State some of the reasons for you answer in question 10?


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