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Present & past

present simple(do/does)

coisas q contecem com frequencia

ex: a: How often do you eat out?

b: i eat out two or three times a week


presente CONTINUOUS (am/is/are + v-ing)

coisas q estão acontecendo agora

ex: he is solving puzzle


present perfect (have/has + past participle)

algo q começou no passado e ainda acontece no presente

ex: i haven't slept well lately/ recently.


present PERFECT CONTINUOUS(have/has + been + v-ing)

falar sobre a DURANÇÃO de algo q aconteceu no passado e ainda acontece

ex: he has been doing this for a long time.

Past simple (did)

Algo que aconteceu no passado de forma definitiva

Ex: i bought this house last week

Past CONTINUOUS (was/were + v-ing)

Descrever um cenário no passado

Ex: it was raining. The kis were sleeping

Past perfect (had + past participle)

Falar sobre um passado anterior a um passado

Ex: we had already had lunch when they called

Past PERFECT CONTINUOUS(has + been + v-ing)

Falar da duração de um evento passado anterior ao passado

Ex: the kids had been sleeping for na hour when it stopped raining.
Future perfect & future continuous
Future perfect ( will + have + past participle)

To describe an action that will be finished by a certain time in the future

Ex: By 2050, researchers will hopefully have found a cure for Alzheimer’s disease.

Future continuous (will + be + v-ing)

To describe an action that will be going on at a certain time in the future

Ex: One hundred Years from now, tourists will be taking trips to outer space.

Emphatic form
A primeira é tipo

Pega a palavra q faz sentindo enfatizar por exemplo




E enfatiza com do, does ou did

Do have

Does needs

Did believe

A segunda é tipo

Enfatizar com um se referindoa epssoa

Ex:i myself have no interest in art

You said it yourself

They themselves organized the 1ok run

To express a wish

I wish i were more active

Her friends wish she were more patient


After if in hypothetical situations or comparisions

If i were you, i wouldn’t miss any more class

If it weren’t for the small bathroom, this flat would be perfect

She walks as if she were a model

In that clause
Qualquer adjetivo como essential vem seguido de that

Ex: it is essential that children do physical activity regularly.

Ou dps de verbos do tipo ask, request, advise, reccomend, insist, expect and suggest

Ex: The diretor asked that the staff be in the meeting room at 2 p.m

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