Abdullah Al Mahi

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Course Code : EECE-106

AC Transient Analysis.

Name : Abdullah Al Mahi

Roll : 202316127

Level/Term : L-1,T-2

Course : Electrical Circuits and Simulation Laboratory 2

Date of Submission : 08 .12 .2023

Name of the Experiment: AC Transient Analysis.


The AC Transient Analysis lab intends to investigate how electrical circuits respond during the
transition phase induced by AC voltage application. It involves studying the transient behavior of
RL, RC, and RLC circuits both theoretically and practically, using SPICE simulation to validate
theoretical concepts. The primary focus is on honing analytical skills by calculating current,
voltage, and charge at different time intervals and under varying circuit conditions


RL Circuit:

Dynamic Equilibrium Expression: It represents the equilibrium state of an RL circuit when an

AC voltage is applied.
L + Ri=E m sin (ωt + λ )

Solution for Current: The solution for current in an RL circuit is provided, where impedance
and phase difference between voltage and current contribute to both steady-state and transient
Em Em Rt
i= sin (ωt+ λ−θ)− sin( λ−θ )exp (− )

RC Circuit:

Dynamic Equilibrium Expression: Represents the equilibrium state of an RC circuit with an

AC voltage source.
Ri+ = Em sin(ωt + λ )

Solution for Current: Similar to the RL circuit, the solution for current in an RC circuit is
given, involving impedance and phase difference affecting both steady-state and transient
E Em Rt
i= m sin (ωt+ λ+θ )− cos( λ+ θ)exp(− )
RLC Circuit:

Dynamic Equilibrium Expression: Provided an expression for the dynamic equilibrium in an

RLC circuit.
d2 i di 1 dq
L 2+R + =E m sin ( ωt+ λ )
dt dt C dt

Current Expression for Different Cases: There are two conditions outlined based on whether
certain factors are greater or lesser. The expression of current for these cases is specified based
on various circuit parameters.
Em E E
i= sin (ωt+ λ−θ)+ d exp(−at )sinh bt− m sin( λ−θ )exp (−at )coshbt
Z bL Z

Problem Statement:

We are asked to find certain variables for each circuit-

 Problem 1: Fig-7.1→ Schematics

 Problem 2: Fig-7.2→ Schematics
 Problem 2: Fig-7.3→ Schematics

We are to solve these with the help of Netlist & Schematics.

Problem 1: Circuit in Schematics

Graphical representation :


0s 5ms 10ms 15ms 20ms 25ms 30ms 35ms 40ms 45ms 50ms

The time constant is R*C=4.7ms

After 5*time constant = 4.7*5=23.5 ms
The circuit will be at its steady state after 23.5ms .

Problem 2 : Schematics

l representation :


0s 5ms 10ms 15ms 20ms 25ms 30ms 35ms 40ms 45ms 50ms

The time constant is L/R= 0.1 ms

After 5 time constant the circuit will be at it its steady state condition

Problem 3 : Schematics

Graphical representation :



0s 5ms 10ms 15ms 20ms 25ms 30ms 35ms 40ms
Here the time constant is 2*L/R = 2ms.
After 5 time constant =10ms ,the circuit will be at its steady state condition.


Transients occur in circuits during a change from one steady-state condition to another. When an
AC source is switched on, the circuit experiences a transient period before reaching a stable,
steady-state condition. This transient period involves changes in currents and voltages that are
not periodic functions of time.
For RL circuits, the behavior during transients is governed by the relationship between the
applied voltage, impedance, and phase difference. The expression for current in an RL circuit
involves both steady-state and transient terms, highlighting the change from initial conditions to
the final, stable state.
RC circuits exhibit transient behavior due to the charging or discharging of the capacitor. The
transient solution involves the charge, impedance, and phase difference between voltage and
RLC circuits, which combine resistance, inductance, and capacitance, exhibit more complex
transient behavior. The current expression in RLC circuits considers different scenarios based on
the damping factor and resonant frequency.

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