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Personal Best Reflective Writing assignment

Module: COA122
Length: 600 words
Weighting: 10% of module assessment
Deadline: Monday, 20 November 2023, 11:00

The aim of this assignment is for you to reflect on your development of skills relating to the Personal Best
programme and to critically review your approach to learning.

What to include
Start by selecting one Element of Personal Best where you have made efforts to develop experience,
skills and knowledge, from the list below:

Global Citizenship Leadership Goal Setting and Planning
Community Engagement Culture and Creativity Wellbeing
Ethical Practice Interpersonal Skills Money Management

You may have had opportunities to develop these Elements within this module, but you can include
learning from other modules and from extra-curricular activities.

Using a reflection model (Gibbs or Kolb), critically reflect on and record your learning in one
Element of Personal Best, including details of actions you took, areas identified for improvement
and the next steps you will take to develop this Element or skill further.

To complete the Reflective Writing assignment, you should

1. Present your written reflection using a logical structure, ensuring the reader can easily understand
the skills you have gained or developed.
2. Demonstrate cohesive thought, evidencing your reflection and personal development with reference
to exercises completed in the Personal Best app (Skills Profile and Goal Setting).
3. Ensure there is clear evidence of critical reflection and self-awareness, identifying strengths,
weaknesses and clear goals for further development and learning.
4. Refer to a model for reflection (e.g. Gibbs or Kolb) ensuring you reflect on each stage of the model.
The model used must be referenced appropriately in line with your departmental citation guidance.

In preparation for this assignment, you should already have completed the Skills Profile and the Goal
Setting exercise via the Personal Best app. In your assignment introduction, please confirm that you
have completed the Skills Profile and also list the three Elements for which you have set goals. However,
please note that for the rest of the assignment and your reflections, you should focus on one goal only.

Resources to support you are available within this Learn module page and in the Personal Best – Next
Steps lecture, including description of the models for reflection. Remember, when you produce reflective
writing, you should write in the first person (e.g. I found that.., I have a tendency to...).

Please note, you must submit your work as a PDF. To ensure your work is assessed anonymously, do
not add your name anywhere within in the assignment, and save your submission as follows:
studentIDnumber_ModuleCode_PB e.g., “F123456_23COA122_PB. Please copy the whole filename into
the header of your document.

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