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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Business

Unit number and title Unit 31: Statistics for management

Submission date 02/06/2022 Date received (1st Submission) 02/06/2022

Re-submission date Date received (2nd Submission)

Student Name Le Thanh Truc Student ID GBD201583

Class No. GBD0906 Assessor Name TINPQ

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Student Name: Le Thanh Truc

Student ID: GBD201583

Class: GBD0906

Instructor: Pham Quang Tin

Word count: 3293

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 6

1.1. Background of the topic ........................................................................................................ 6

1.2. The reasons why you choose the topic ................................................................................. 6

1.3. Objectives of the topic........................................................................................................... 7

1.4. Scope of the topic .................................................................................................................. 7

1.5. Meaning of the study ............................................................................................................ 7

2. Literature review........................................................................................................................... 7

3. Methodology............................................................................................................................... 10

4. Data and data sources ................................................................................................................ 10

4.1. Design survey .......................................................................................................................... 10

4.2. Collecting Data ........................................................................................................................ 12

5. Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 12

References .......................................................................................................................................... 13

APPENDIX ........................................................................................................................................... 16

SURVEY ON FAST FOOD CONSUMPTION BEHAVIOR .......................................................................... 16

PART I: CONTENT ................................................................................................................................ 16

PART II: RESPONDENT’S INFORMATION ............................................................................................ 17

1.1. Background of the topic
According to (GSO, 2019), the GDP growth rate in Vietnam grew at a remarkable rate of 7.02%
in 2019. Vietnam's population reaches more than 96 million people and becomes the 15th
most populous country in the world, ranking 3rd in Southeast Asia after Indonesia and the
Philippines, which is an attractive market for fast food businesses (tuoitre, 2019). According to
(vnfranchise, 2010), Thereby, it shows that the quantity consumed in Vietnam is very large.
Therefore, the standard of daily life will be improved, and the demand for fast food services
will also increase. Specifically, most fast-food eating habits have changed dramatically over
the years. Instead of choosing foods like rice, vermicelli, etc. as before, today, the young
generation all love fast food. Therefore, the demand for fast food is increasing day by day.
Since the outbreak of the disease, the decline in sales, as well as the consumption focus on
healthy food, has had a significant impact on fast food brands. But since the transition to the
new normal, according to many market statistics, the fast-food market is starting to prosper
again along with the trend of fast, convenient, and time-saving in the last few years (mqflavor,

1.2. The reasons why you choose the topic

Food plays an important role in human life. The development of the economy leads to people
having less time to spend on their meals, so instead people tend to solve their meals quickly
and can satisfy their needs. body energy. And that is also the reason for the birth of famous
fast-food companies. And since then, it has become a popular eating trend in Vietnam in
general and Da Nang in particular. Besides, the issues related to fast food have not been
studied seriously, so people's knowledge has not been provided much. Therefore, the study
and research on the fast-food market is still a strange problem with many aspects that need to
be explored, and approached, .... Research on this topic seriously to provide people with the
necessary information and knowledge, helping them understand and know how to consume
fast food reasonably.

1.3. Objectives of the topic
The trend of fast-food consumption behavior is becoming more and more widespread in
Vietnam in general and Da Nang in particular and has received a positive response from
everyone, especially young people in Da Nang. Thereby, the main objectives of this study are:
• Researching information and factors affecting the decision-making to choose fast food
consumption according to the perception of young people in Da Nang
• Analyze and evaluate the feelings of young people in Da Nang when using fast food
• Proposing solutions to provide people with sufficient knowledge, helping them
understand how to consume fast food in a reasonable and safe way

1.4. Scope of the topic

For the research scope of this topic, we conduct research focusing on young customers in Da
Nang, who consume fast food at least once. Consisting of 100 people who are mainly young in
Da Nang, the answers were collected from May 26, 2022, to July 16, 2022. This survey was sent
online by Facebook, Gmail, Zalo...

1.5. Meaning of the study

This study provides necessary information about fast food to help people perceive fast food
consumption behavior among people in Da Nang, especially young people. This study aims to
help them understand and know how to consume fast food reasonably every day so that they
can ensure the health and safety of their daily eating.

2. Literature review
Fast Food Consumption - According to ( MCNEAL, et al., 1980), fast food is a cheap food that is
cooked and delivered rapidly, such as burgers, pizza, fried chicken, hamburgers, and sandwiches.
Fast food, according to ( ADAMS, 2005) , is created for quick availability, usage, or consumption
with little regard for quality or relevance. As income and education levels rise, more women are
entering the workforce, resulting in a shortage of time to make daily meals for their families. As a
result, fast food restaurants may be their greatest option for dining because of the affordable
prices, convenience, rapid service, and comfort with air conditioning, among other factors

(Applebaum, 1951). Thus, dining at fast-food restaurants not only satisfies customers' hunger,
which is necessary for convenience, enjoyment, entertainment, time savings, social contact, and
mood alteration, but also provides consumers with a sense of excitement, pleasure, and personal
welfare (Park , 2004).
• Consumer Attitude
Consumer Attitude - "About some component of the environment, an attitude is a persistent
organization of motivational, emotional, perceptual, and cognitive processes" (Alam &
Iqbal, 2007). As a result, attitude is a psychological concept that cannot be observed or
assessed directly but may be inferred from what individuals do or say. Feelings, affections,
moods, and assessments or attitudes are all affective reactions produced by the effective
system. As they become connected with a product or brand without conscious, cognitive
processing of facts about the product or brand, these favorable or unfavorable emotional
reactions develop attitudes. According to (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1981), the most essential
notion utilized by marketers to understand customers is attitude. Variables were conceived
as follows by ( Solomon, 2009), to investigate the influence of Consumer Attitudes in
Influencing Fast Food Consumption in Popular Fast-Food Restaurants. According to (
Solomon, 2009), consumer attitudes have a favorable impact on fast food consumption.
• Behavioral Intention
Behavioral intention - This refers to the motivating elements that drive certain conduct,
with the greater the desire to execute the activity, the more likely it will be completed
(sphweb, 2019).
When customers have particular behavioral goals for various difficulties, consumer buying
habits have become a source of worry in recent years. Consumer reviews and positive
reasons for choosing an item or brand have been equated with purchase intention,
according to some analysts: "thus, purchase intention is determined means the purchasing
decision of an object or regulatory body for a company based on research on specific
components of the decision to acquire it." Many consumers' attention is still drawn to their
desire to purchase fast food. Purchase intent is very important to researchers and should

be thoroughly investigated. The reasons for purchasing fast food have a significant effect on
the decision. Consumer intent plays a role in determining whether or not to purchase a
product. According to one study, people's actions are influenced by their expectations.
Intentions are said to be the foundation for actions. Targets that are one-of-a-kind should
be treated similarly. An act of intent is the intention to operate actively in line with that
intention. According to the notion of planned action, the intention is at the center of
conduct (Jian , et al., 2021)
• Price
Price is what customers pay to get (Khaipetch, 2017). Because they are students on a tight
budget, young customers say that the cost of a meal is an essential aspect that determines
their choice of fast-food business. Young people may easily keep their expenditures under
control by going out for affordable food. Fast-food outlets are therefore considered a
positive investment from their standpoint. Restaurants that provide a variety of larger and
superior selections at a reasonable price are regarded as tempting alternatives ( AKBAY &
ERGİN, 2012). Because they do not have full-time work and live on a tight budget, college
students are price sensitive. They want quick, high-quality meals with the proper taste and
level of service at a reasonable price. ( AKBAY & ERGİN, 2012)
• Convenience
The convenience factor is just as essential as the time and effort savings (Weissman, 2012).
Foods that save time in terms of purchase, cooking, and cleaning up are referred to as
convenience foods. There are many distinct varieties of fast food. While these foods are
quick and easy to cook, they have a lesser nutritional value and might be more expensive
than dishes that take longer to prepare ( Rahkovsky, et al., 2021). Young people believe that
fast food saves them a lot of time since they are usually short on time and in a hurry. Taste
was formerly a traditional aspect of influencing people's eating habits ( Glanz, et al., 1998).
However, as people's lifestyles have changed, the value placed on convenience has risen
dramatically. Fast food businesses are preferred by customers because of their
convenience, quickness of service, and flexibility. Fast food decreases the amount of effort

that the consumer needs to perform and saves time in a busy daily routine with a
demanding schedule ( AKBAY & ERGİN, 2012).

3. Methodology
The reliability of this study depends on the correct and correct method selection. In this survey, a
quantitative research method is used. This quantitative method is used in this survey with 20
questions designed to collect the necessary information on the perception of customers when
consuming fast food among young people in Da Nang. This survey questionnaire was conducted
online using Google Forms. And the methods of implementing these quantitative research tables
are using the Likert scale from 01 - 05 to give quantitative answers.
• Descriptive statistics applied to the business data:
- Measures of Central Tendency: mean, mode, and median.
- Measures of Variability: range, variance, and standard deviation.
• Inferential statistics illustrating the differences between population and sample based on
different sampling techniques and methods:
- One sample T-test: Estimation and Hypotheses testing.
- Two-sample T-test and Independent Sample T-test: Estimation and Hypotheses testing.
Applying fitting techniques (correlations, regression analysis)

4. Data and data sources

4.1. Design survey

No Symbol Content References

Customers' attitudes (CA) towards fast food consumption behavior

1 CA1 I think that fast food is not good for the health
2 CA2 I think that fast food is clean and safe

3 CA3 I think that fast food can provide all the
necessary nutrients for a meal

( Seo, et al., 2011)

4 CA4 I think that eating fast food will make me fat

5 CA5 I think that fast food is delicious

The behavioral intention (BI) of the customer to consume fast food

1 BI1 I am inclined to use fried chicken rice for a

2 BI2 I am inclined to use French fries in a month
(Mirkarimi, et al., 2016)
3 BI3 I am inclined to use spaghetti in a month
4 BI4 I am inclined to use fried chicken in a month
Price (P) factors for customers in fast food consumption behavior
1 P1 Fast food is inexpensive.
( AKBAY & ERGİN, 2012)
2 P1 Fast food is a cheaper option compared to
alternative food outlets.

3 P3 I get good value for my money.

4 P4 “Get two meals for the price of one”

promotions increase my fast food consumption.

Convenience (C) factor for customers

1 C1 Fast food saves me a lot of time for me.

2 C2 Fast food simplifies my life.
3 C3 Fast food restaurants are open until late at ( AKBAY & ERGİN, 2012)
4 C4 Fast food is quickly prepared.
5 C5 Fast food is very practical.
1 D1 Male or Female (Mirkarimi, et al., 2016)
2 D2 Year of birth

4.2. Collecting Data

To carry out this study, the author uses two sources of data, which are primary and secondary.
The secondary is taken from the articles and used to systematize the theoretical basis and
design the survey. However, the focus of the topic is primary use and collected by
questionnaire by google form. By link https://forms.gle/Kctg9AchCozuYe958

5. Conclusion
This report has synthesized the necessary knowledge on the topic of the "fast food consumption
behavior" of young people in Da Nang by collecting, evaluating, and analyzing data from primary
and secondary sources. difference. From there, through this report, people can gain the necessary
knowledge about the factors affecting fast food consumption behavior to help use fast food more
rationally in daily life.

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The purpose of this survey is to understand the fast-food consumption behavior application of
young people in Danang. This survey consists of 20 questions and takes about 5 minutes to
complete. Please answer to the best of your ability.
The information you provide will be kept confidential and used for research purposes only. Thank
you for your participation!


1 5

Completely disagree Completely agree

No. Criteria Opinion

Customers' attitudes (CA) towards fast food consumption behavior

1 I think that fast food is not good for health 1 2 3 4 5

I think that fast food is clean and safe
2 1 2 3 4 5

3 I think that fast food can provide all necessary nutrients of a meal 1 2 3 4 5
4 I think that eating fast food will make me fat 1 2 3 4 5
5 I think that fast food is delicious 1 2 3 4 5
The behavioral intention (BI) of the customer to consume fast food

1 I am inclined to use fried chicken rice for a month 1 2 3 4 5

2 I am inclined to use French fries in a month 1 2 3 4 5

3 I am inclined to use spaghetti in a month 1 2 3 4 5
4 I am inclined to use fried chicken in a month 1 2 3 4 5
Price (P) factors for customers in fast food consumption behaviour
1 Fast food is inexpensive. 1 2 3 4 5
2 Fast food is a cheaper option compared to alternative food outlets. 1 2 3 4 5
3 I get good value for my money. 1 2 3 4 5
4 “Get two meals for the price of one” promotions increase my fast 1 2 3 4 5
food consumption.
Convenience (C) factor for customers
1 Fast food saves a lot of time for me. 1 2 3 4 5
2 Fast food simplifies my life. 1 2 3 4 5
3 Fast food restaurants are open until late at night. 1 2 3 4 5
4 Fast food is quickly prepared. 1 2 3 4 5
5 Fast food is very practical. 1 2 3 4 5


Please answer the following questions related to your personal information:
Question 1: Gender: 1. Male: 2. Female

Question 2: Year of birth: ………………………………………

Telephone number: ..............................................................................................................

Address: .........................................................................................................................


Our research team members may pay a visit or give you a phone call for an
interview, please confirm Yes. Thank you so much for your participation!
Da Nang, date …….. month ……..year ……..
Respondent’s signature Interviewer’s signature

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