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Release Notes – Tranzax Sprint 4

1. DTXCID- 358 (Work Page - Support display of Instructions) -

This was related to Support Display of instructions. An Instruction Panel

is added. In the workpagelayout.jsp file, instruction.jsp was added to
reflect the change.

2. DTXCID- 392 (Move Appointment to Repeating - Needs to match on

License GID when Appointment GID is null) –

When the Appointment GID is null, it should next check for a match by
License GID. If a match is found, it should replace the entry in the
existing appointment section with the new appointment. This service
needs to perform tasks with new logic

3. DTXCID-393 (Move Appointment to Repeating - Select not Copied

to Response) –

The select element should remain selected when entries are copied to
the repeating response section. To make change need to add the select
element to response section.

4. DTXCID-394(Non Custom Work Pages won't display) –

Some of the changes done for CID-358 and CID-360 were not being
copied to .EAR file.
5. DTXCID-371 (Get Previous and Next SubTask) –

This is new implementation to fetch the value of previous and next task
from repeating section and set these values in response page.

Test Plan


 DTXCID-371
 DTXCID-392
 DTXCID-393
 DTXCID-394

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