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Bani Sweif STEM high School in Egypt

Official High School Transcript

Address: Educational complex languages, East Bani Sweif third 3rd
Phone Number:0822085868
Principal: Mr. Essam Elhakim

Contact: (school counselor ):

Student Name(Name English): Omar Yahia Mohamed Ahmad
Name in Arabic: ‫عمر يحيى محمد احمد‬
Date of Birth (D/M/Y): 10/01/2007
National ID: 30701102200376
Address: ‫قرية باروط ـ بني سويف‬
Governorate: Bani Sweif
Phone: 01210045835
School Year 2022­2023 (Grade 10)
Courses Credits Earned Final Grades Grade
Arabic 3 3.7 B+
English 3 3.7 B+
French / German 2 4 A
Mathematics(Honors) 3 3.7 B+
Mechanics(Honors) 3 3.7 B
Biology(Honors) 4 3.7 B
Geology (Honors) 4 3.7 B+
Chemistry(Honors) 4 3.7 B
Physics(Honors) 4 3.7 B+
Social Studies 2 3.7 B+
Religion 1 3.7 B+
Computer Science 2 3.7 B
Capstone 1(Honors) 4 3.7 B+
Capstone 2(Honors) 4 4 A

I do hereby self certify and affirm that this is the official transcript and record of : Omar Yahia Mohamed Ahmad
in the academic studies of 2022-2023.
Academic Summary
Final GPA: 3.74

❏ Grading Conversion Scale
❏ Capstone Topic List
School Principal Signature: Essam Elhakim
Date: 08/01/2024

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Bani Sweif STEM high School
New Beni Sweif, east of the Nile, the third district, the third neighbourhood, Egypt.

Bani Sweif STEM high school 2022-2023

Principal office:01100714171
Counseling office: 01226010700
Principal: Mr. Essam Elhakim
School counselor: Mr. Ahmed Nady
GPA Scale: Grading and Ranking
90-100 4 A+ 95-100
80-90 3.7 A 90-94
75-80 3.3 B+ 85-89
70-75 3 B 80-84
65-70 2.7 C+ 75-79
60-65 2.3 C 70-74
55-60 2 D+ 65-69
30-55 1 D 60-64
0-30 0 F 0-59

Capstone Topic list

The capstone is a transdisciplinary-project based approach course, students use what they learned in solving a
challenge related to Egypt real life grand challenges.

Here is the topic list for G10.

Academic Year semester Topic (challenge)

One of the Egyptian Grand Challenges is to improve use of

arid areas. To support this Challenge, students are asked
2022/2023 1st
to design and build a physical prototype of a dwelling
appropriate for development in arid areas.

to find a centralized (large-scale generation of electricity)

2022/2023 2nd
alternative energy solution beneficial to Egypt,

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