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Name: Nina Khairina Kuswanda

Class: XII MIA 1

1. Simple Present Tense
Subject + Verb 1 (e/es)

For general facts, habits, repeated actions

Example : Jacob writes a novel in the morning (Jacob menulis sebuah novel di pagi hari).

2. Present Continuous Tense

Subject + to be (is/am/are) + Verb (ing)

For ongoing actions, temporary situations

Example : Jack and Michael are studying for examination (Jack dan Michael sedang belajar
untuk ujian)

3. Simple Past Tense

Subject + Verb 2 or irregular verb

For finished actions in the past

Example : I played basketball in the school yesterday (Saya bermain bola basket di sekolah
kemarin )

4. Simple Future Tense

Subject + Will + Verb

For future plans, predictions and promises

Example : I will visit my family in Jakarta later (Aku akan mengunjungi keluargaku di Jakarta

5. Present Perfect Tense

Subject + have/has + Verb (ed) past participle

For unfinished actions with a connection to the present

Example : Jeny has eaten the apples (Jeny telah memakan apelnya).
The Psychology of Money
1. People do some crazy things with money.

Simple present tense (Subject + Verb 1 + Object)

2. Everyone has their own unique experience with how the world works.

Simple present tense (Subject + Verb (has) + Object)

3. And what you’ve experienced is more compelling than what you learn second hand.

Present perfect tense (Subject + Have + Past participle + Object)

4. You know stuff about money that I don’t, and vice versa.

Simple present tense (Subject + Verb 1 + Object)

5. Americans spend more on them than movies, video games, music, sporting events, and
book combined.

Simple present tense (Subject + Verb 1 + Object)

6. It probably seems crazy to you, too.

Simple present tense (Subject + Verb 1 (s) + Object)

7. We can’t put our kids through college without crippling debt.

Simple present tense (Subject + Verb + not + Object)

8. The New York Times wrote in 1955 about the growing desire.

Simple past tense (Subject + Verb 2 + Object)

9. Bill Gates went to one of the only high schools in the world that had a computer.

Simple past tense (Subject + Verb 2 + Object)

10. “Maybe we’ll have our own computer company someday”.

Simple future tense (Subject + Will + Verb + Object)

11. Gates is staggeringly smart, even more hardworking, and as a teenager had a vision for
computer executives couldn’t grasp.

Simple present tense (Subject + Verb + Object)

12. “We would have kept working together”.

Past future perfect tense (Subject + Would have + Past participle + Object)

13. I want you to be successful and I want you to earn it.

Simple present tense (Subject + Verb + Object)

14. You’ll get closer to actionable takeaways by looking for broad patterns of success and

Simple future tense (Subject + Will + Verb + Object)

15. Freedom and independence are invaluable.

Simple present tense (Subject + Verb + Complement)

16. And they threw it all away because they wanted more.

Simple past tense (Subject + Verb 2 + Object)

17. Gupta sat on the board of directors of Goldman Sachs, which surrounded him with some
of the wealthiest investors in the world.

Simple past tense (Subject + Verb 2 + Object)

18. When things are going extremely well, realize it’s not as good as you think.

Present continuous tense (Subject + Verb ing + Object)

19. “You didn’t let outdated laws get in the way of innovation”

Simple past tense (Subject + didn’t + verb 1 + Object)

20. Economist Bhashkar Mazumder has shown that incomes among brothers are more
correlated than height or weight.

Present perfect tense (Subject + Has + Past participle + Object)

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