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Moon Over Manifest


Miss Sadie’s Diving Parlor

overcast adj with clouds in
the sky and therefore not bright and sunny
EX: Saturday was cool and overcast.
vibrant adj energetic, exciting, and full of enthusiasm:
EX: Along with the changing color of leaves came
a vibrant spirit among the people of Manifest.
gazebo noun a small decorated building with
a roof and open sides, usually in a garden

quartet noun a group of four people who play musical

instruments or sing as a group

bocce noun Bocce ball, a ball sport

tournament noun a competition for teams or single players in

which a series of games is played, and
the winners of each game play against each
other until only one winner is left
promenade noun a path for walking on, especially one built next
to the sea

simmer verb to cook a liquid or something with liquid in it

at a temperature slightly below boiling
EX: The women were busy baking, rolling and
simmering their specialties.
labor noun the last stage of pregnancy, giving birth
EX: …Mrs. Cybulskis had gone into labor…
tent verb to cover something with a tent or similar
EX: Jinx waled past the tented booths.
hedge noun


overgrown adj (of people) grown large or too large

EX: Is this not just an overgrown game of
grimace verb to make an expression of pain, strong dislike,
etc. in which the face twists in an ugly way
cradle verb to hold someone or something gently
finesse noun great skill or style
caressing adj soft and gentle
EX: Then ball, she requires finesse and caressing.
boisterous adj noisy and not controlled:
EX: One boisterous Scot yelled.
meet up to meet another person in order to do
something together:
EX: And yet all of us, we participate in his myth,
we creat it, perpetuated it.
Con man a person who uses tricks to cheat people, to
get their money or possessions esp.
par adj of the best quality of its type:
EX: You’re a con man par excellence.

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