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Problem Problem


Excellence in Problem Solving and Critical Thinking Skills

The purpose of the module is to give you an
overview about how can you build Excellence in
your Problem Solving Skills

At the end of this module you will learn the

➢ What is Problem Solving?
➢ What do we do today to solve the problems?
➢ What are the Excellence requirements?
➢ What are the various Problem Solving

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What is Problem Solving?

Problem Solution

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What is Problem Solving?

Problem Solution

Let us look at an example of Problem Solving?

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house
You are a major food processing company
making oil from corn and soybean. The five
units that filter the oil are located in one
building. On the day problem was noticed, a
foreman rushed into your office and said “.
There is oil all over the floor of the filter
What would you do?

What are the structural elements here?

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house
You are a major food processing company
making oil from corn and soybean. The five
units that filter the oil are located in one
building. On the day problem was noticed, a
foreman rushed into your office and said “.
There is oil all over the floor of the filter
What would you do?

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What is the structure of a problem?

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What is the structure of a problem?

No oil on the

Oil on the

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What are the typical Examples of a Problem?
• From the day we introduced the computers, we have had
nothing but trouble in getting our inventories balanced. I
just don’t understand it
• Emory Jackson was referred to us as a outstanding
engineer, but he certainly has not fulfilled expectations in
this department.
• Our number 11 paper machine never produces more
than 80% of its design capacity, no matter what we try
• Some days we meet our schedules without any trouble.
Other days we cant meet them at all. There just does not
seem to be any good reason for the discrepancy
• The system worked well for months. Then, in the middle
of the morning three weeks ago, it went dead. It is still
dead, and we don’t have the slightest idea of what
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How would you solve this problem?

Most people will think of

the possible solutions
If they are lucky, the
based on their own And then choose one
problem get addressed
knowledge and solution to apply
for some time
experiences of similar

But it comes back after a If they are unlucky, the Why does the problem
period problem persists persist or recur?

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Why does the problem persist or recur?
Because we don’t analyze the problem to find the
root cause before offering the solution!

Problem Solution

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Excellence in Problem Solving
Requires us to find the root cause of the problem so that we know the
solution will remove the root cause and the problem will not recur

Problem Solution

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What is Problem Analysis?
• Provides you the skills needed to
– Explain any situation in which an expected level
of performance is not being achieved and
– The cause of the unacceptable performance is
• Is a systematic problem solving process
• Helps you identify the root cause/s of a
problem so that
• You are sure of taking appropriate corrective
action that can correct the problem and
prevent it from recurring

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What methodologies can you use for Problem Analysis?

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What did we learn in this module
➢ Problem Solving is about finding a solution to the remove the deviation from the
“Should be” state occurring in the problem
➢ Most of time and most of us jump to finding our favorite solution to the problem
without finding the root cause of the problem
➢ This leads to either problem persisting or recurring
➢ Excellence in problem solving requires us to find the root cause of the problem
so that we know the solution will remove the root cause and the problem will not
➢ This can be done by doing the problem analysis before generating the possible
➢ Problem Analysis is a systematic problem solving process that helps you identify
the root cause/s of a problem so that you are sure of the right solution that can
correct the problem and prevent it from recurring
➢ There are many methodologies which can be used depending on the
requirements, like
✓ 5 Why analysis
✓ Ishikawa diagram
✓ Pareto Analysis
✓ Fault tree analysis
✓ FMEA and
✓ KT Problem Analysis
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What is in it for you in next module?
Understanding various problem solving methodologies

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Excellence in
Problem Solving

Problem Analysis

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
The purpose of the module is to tell you about the
Problem Analysis Methodologies to help you build
Excellence in your Problem Solving Skills

At the end of this module you will learn the

➢ What are the various Problem Analysis
➢ When can you use each of these?
➢ How can they help you identify the root cause of
a problem?
➢ What are their limitations?
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What methodologies can you use for Problem Analysis?

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5 Why Analysis

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When to use?


Want to

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How does it help find the root cause and
what are the limitations?
• Repeated asking
“Why” helps go
deeper to the
systemic levels and
focus on solutions
that have broader
• Can not work if the
problem is occurring
for the first time
and/or people do not
know the causes
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Fishbone Diagram

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
When to use?


Want to Repetitive
find and non
possible repetitive
causes problems

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How does it help find the root cause and
what are the limitations?

• It only helps you

generate possible
• You need to use
other methodologies
to find the root cause
• By itself it can not
find the root cause

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Pareto Analysis

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
When to use?


Have data
on the
count of

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How does it help find the root cause and
what are the limitations?
• It helps you identify
vital few causes that
account of majority
(80%) of problem
• You need well
spread data to come
to statistically valid
• Can not include the
unknown causes
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Fault Tree Analysis

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
When to use?


Want to Repetitive
know and non
possible repetitive
causes problems

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How does it help find the root cause and
what are the limitations?

• It helps find all

possible causes
• Can not tell you the
root cause/s by itself
• Need to use other
methods like Pareto
Analysis etc. to find
the root cause/s

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
When to use?


Want to
causes with
max risk

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How does it help find the root cause and
what are the limitations?

• Helps identify parts

of process that has
max risk of failure
and need to be
• Need a lot of good
understanding of the

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
When to use?


Want to Repetitive
know ALL and non
possible repetitive
causes problems

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How does it help find the root cause and
what are the limitations?

• Helps list ALL

possible causes
• Depends on the
knowledge of the
• Need to use with
other methods to
eliminate the causes
to find the root cause

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Effect-Cause-Effect Method
ECE Method helps find the root
cause of a Undesirable Hypothesizing
situation. reasons

Changing the
Hence pinpoints the underlying Deriving the
hypotheses on
causes as Core Problems resulting
not finding their
different effects

Confirming the
Persuade others by explain the Checking their reasons on
entire process of constructing existence finding their
ECE and providing solid proof existence

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
When to use?


Want to Repetitive
eliminate and non
possible repetitive
causes problems

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How does it help find the root cause and
what are the limitations?

• Helps eliminate the

possible causes to
narrow down the
root cause
• Does not need a lot
of data
• Works as well as the
possible causes

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Kepner Tregoe Problem Analysis

When to use?


Want to
generate and Non
eliminate repetitive
possible problems

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How does it help find the root cause and
what are the limitations?

• Helps generate
possible causes and
also confirm the root
• Does not need a lot
of data
• Depends on the
knowledge of the

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What did we learn in this module
➢ There are many methodologies which can be used depending on the
requirements, like
✓ 5 Why analysis
✓ Fishbone Diagram / Ishikawa diagram
✓ Pareto Analysis
✓ Fault tree analysis
✓ Effect-Cause-Effect (ECE) Method and
✓ KT Problem Analysis
➢ Some methods like 5 Why and Pareto Analysis can only work when the causes
are known and we need to find either the dominant cause or systemic cause
➢ Methods like Fishbone Diagram, Fault Tree Analysis, MECE can only help us
find the possible causes. Need to apply other methods along with them to find
the root cause
➢ FMEA works to prevent potential problems with the knowledge of the impact of
different parts contributing to the problems
➢ ECE method can only help in eliminating possible causes and getting to the
probable cause
➢ Only KT Problem Analysis offers a methodology which can help generate
possible causes as well as eliminate the possible causes to find the root cause
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What is in it for you in next module?
Understanding KT Problem Analysis Methodology

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Excellence in
Problem Solving

Understanding KT Problem
Analysis Methodology

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
The purpose of the module is to tell you about the
Understanding KT Problem Analysis (KTPA)
Methodology to help you build Excellence in your
Problem Solving Skills
At the end of this module you will learn the
➢ When to use KT Problem Analysis?
➢ How can you find the cause of a problem using
KTPA- Overview
➢ How can you find the cause of a problem using
KTPA- In-Depth understanding
➢ How to carry these steps of KTPA?
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
When to use KT Problem Analysis?


Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How can you find the cause of a problem using KTPA Process?

State the problem

Specify the problem

Develop possible causes

Test possible cases vs the
Determine the most probable cause

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How to carry these steps of KTPA?

Let us look at each step in depth?

State the problem

Specify the problem

Develop possible causes

Test possible cases vs the
Determine the most probable cause

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How can you find the cause of a problem using KTPA Process?

Drill down to the State what it is vs

Focus on one
State the problem level where the what it should have
deviation at a time
cause is unknown been

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How can you find the cause of a problem using KTPA Process?
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
Specify the the deviation
deviation and deviation and deviation and
problem and how much
what is not where it is not when it is not
it is not

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How can you find the cause of a problem using KTPA Process?

Brainstorm other Find distinctions Treat Distinction

Develop possible & Changes
possible causes with Changes as
causes between IS and IS
with people possible causes

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How can you find the cause of a problem using KTPA Process?

Ask for each possible List assumptions

Test possible cases vs the
cause explains each under they will explain
dimension all the dimension

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How can you find the cause of a problem using KTPA Process?

Compare the quantity Select the cause with

Determine the most probable
and quality of least and most
assumption reasonable assumptions

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How can you find the cause of a problem using KTPA Process?

Eliminate the most

Verify probable cause and see Verify the assumptions
the effects

X ?

X ?

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How can you find the cause of a problem using KTPA Process?

Drill down to State what it is

Focus on one
the level where vs what it
State the problem deviation at a
the cause is should have
unknown been

How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
Specify the the deviation
deviation and deviation and deviation and
problem and how much
what is not where it is not when it is not
it is not

Find Treat
distinctions & Distinction with
Develop possible other possible
Changes Changes as
causes causes with
between IS possible
and IS NOT causes

Ask for each
Test possible assumptions
possible cause
cases vs the under they will
explains each
specification explain all the

Select the
Compare the
Determine the cause with
quantity and
most probable least and most
quality of
cause reasonable

Eliminate the
most probable Verify the
cause and see assumptions
the effects

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How to carry these steps of KTPA?

What did we learn in this module
We learnt how to use the KTPA using a worksheet and the detailed steps

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What is in it for you in next module?
KT Problem Analysis Methodology Application

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Excellence in
Problem Solving

KT Problem Analysis
Methodology Application
Part I

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
The purpose of the module is to show you how to
apply KT Problem Analysis (KTPA) Methodology
to help you build Excellence in your Problem
Solving Skills

At the end of this module you will learn how to

➢ State the problem
➢ Specify the problem
➢ Develop possible causes
➢ Determine the most probable cause
➢ Verify

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house
You are a major food processing company
making oil from corn and soybean. The five
units that filter the oil are located in one
building. On the day problem was noticed, a
foreman rushed into your office and said “.
There is oil all over the floor of the filter
What would you do using the KT Problem
Please ask for any information you need
which will be give as available
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How can you find the cause of a problem using KTPA Process?
Drill down to State what it is
Focus on one
the level where vs what it
State the problem deviation at a
the cause is should have
unknown been

How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
Specify the the deviation
deviation and deviation and deviation and
problem and how much
what is not where it is not when it is not
it is not

Find Treat
distinctions & Distinction with
Develop possible other possible
Changes Changes as
causes causes with
between IS possible
and IS NOT causes

Ask for each
Test possible assumptions
possible cause
cases vs the under they will
explains each
specification explain all the

Select the
Compare the
Determine the cause with
quantity and
most probable least and most
quality of
cause reasonable

Eliminate the
most probable Verify the
cause and see assumptions
the effects

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house-Problem Statement
Drill down to the State what it is vs
State the problem Focus on one
level where the what it should have
deviation at a time
cause is unknown been

Problem Statement
• There is oil all over the floor of the filter house?

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house-Problem Statement
Drill down to the State what it is vs
State the problem Focus on one
level where the what it should have
deviation at a time
cause is unknown been

Problem Statement
• There is oil all over the floor of the filter house?
What is causing the oil all over the floor….?
• No 1 Filter is leaking oil
What is causing the No 1 Filter leaking?
• Don’t know for sure, have many guesses
Revised Problem Statement
• No 1 Filter is leaking oil

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house-Problem Statement
Drill down to the State what it is vs
State the problem Focus on one
level where the what it should have
deviation at a time
cause is unknown been

Problem Statement
• There is oil all over the floor of the filter house?
What is causing the oil all over the floor….?
• No 1 Filter is leaking oil
What is causing the No 1 Filter leaking?
• Don’t know for sure, have many guesses
Revised Problem Statement
• No 1 Filter is leaking oil
Does the Problem Statement focus on one deviation?
• Yes

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house-Problem Statement
Drill down to the State what it is vs
Focus on one
State the problem level where the what it should have
deviation at a time
cause is unknown been

Problem Statement
• There is oil all over the floor of the filter house?
What is causing the oil all over the floor….?
• No 1 Filter is leaking oil
What is causing the No 1 Filter leaking?
• Don’t know for sure, have many guesses
Revised Problem Statement
• No 1 Filter is leaking oil
Does the Problem Statement focus on one deviation?
• Yes
Does it contain actual as well as should be state?
• No
Revised Problem Statement
• No1 Filter is leaking oil when it should not be
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What did we learn in this module
Application of stating the problem to the Oil all over the floor case

Drill down to the State what it is vs

Focus on one
State the problem level where the what it should have
deviation at a time
cause is unknown been

You are a major food processing company making

oil from corn and soybean. The five units that filter
the oil are located in one building. On the day
problem was noticed, a foreman rushed into your
office and said “. There is oil all over the floor of the
filter house”.
What would you do using the KT Problem Analysis?
Please ask for any information you need which will
be give as available
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What is in it for you in next module?
Application of specifying the problem to the Oil all over the floor case

How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

You are a major food processing company making

oil from corn and soybean. The five units that filter
the oil are located in one building. On the day
problem was noticed, a foreman rushed into your
office and said “. There is oil all over the floor of the
filter house”.
What would you do using the KT Problem Analysis?
Please ask for any information you need which will
be give as available
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Excellence in
Problem Solving

KT Problem Analysis
Application Part II

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
The purpose of the module is to show you how to
apply KT Problem Analysis (KTPA) Methodology
to help you build Excellence in your Problem
Solving Skills

At the end of this module you will learn how to

➢ State the problem
➢ Specify the problem
➢ Develop possible causes
➢ Determine the most probable cause
➢ Verify

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How can you find the cause of a problem using KTPA Process?
Drill down to State what it is
Focus on one
the level where vs what it
State the problem deviation at a
the cause is should have
unknown been

How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
Specify the the deviation
deviation and deviation and deviation and
problem and how much
what is not where it is not when it is not
it is not

Find Treat
distinctions & Distinction with
Develop possible other possible
Changes Changes as
causes causes with
between IS possible
and IS NOT causes

Ask for each
Test possible assumptions
possible cause
cases vs the under they will
explains each
specification explain all the

Select the
Compare the
Determine the cause with
quantity and
most probable least and most
quality of
cause reasonable

Eliminate the
most probable Verify the
cause and see assumptions
the effects

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation?

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation?

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation? Leaking Oil NA

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation? Leaking Oil NA

Where Where is the object when the deviation is

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation? Leaking Oil NA

Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter
observed? the Filter House locations

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation? Leaking Oil NA

Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter
observed? the Filter House locations

Where is the deviation on the object?

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation? Leaking Oil NA

Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter
observed? the Filter House locations

Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch At other location on the

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation? Leaking Oil NA

Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter
observed? the Filter House locations

Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch At other location on the
When When was the deviation observed first?

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation? Leaking Oil NA

Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter
observed? the Filter House locations

Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch At other location on the
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of Before 3 days ago
the shift

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation? Leaking Oil NA

Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter
observed? the Filter House locations

Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch At other location on the
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of Before 3 days ago
the shift
When since that time has the deviation
been shown? Any pattern

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation? Leaking Oil NA

Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter
observed? the Filter House locations

Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch At other location on the
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of Before 3 days ago
the shift
When since that time has the deviation
been shown? Any pattern Continuously in all shifts When the shift is not in

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation? Leaking Oil NA

Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter
observed? the Filter House locations

Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch At other location on the
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of Before 3 days ago
the shift
When since that time has the deviation
been shown? Any pattern Continuously in all shifts When the shift is not in
When, in the history of life cycle of the
object was the deviation observed first

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation? Leaking Oil NA

Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter
observed? the Filter House locations

Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch At other location on the
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of Before 3 days ago
the shift
When since that time has the deviation
been shown? Any pattern Continuously in all shifts When the shift is not in
When, in the history of life cycle of the As soon as the oil goes
object was the deviation observed first into the filter, at the start of At any time later on in the
the shift shift

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation? Leaking Oil NA

Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter
observed? the Filter House locations

Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch At other location on the
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of Before 3 days ago
the shift
When since that time has the deviation
been shown? Any pattern Continuously in all shifts When the shift is not in
When, in the history of life cycle of the As soon as the oil goes
object was the deviation observed first into the filter, at the start of At any time later on in the
the shift shift
How Much How many objects have the deviation?

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation? Leaking Oil NA

Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter
observed? the Filter House locations

Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch At other location on the
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of Before 3 days ago
the shift
When since that time has the deviation
been shown? Any pattern Continuously in all shifts When the shift is not in
When, in the history of life cycle of the As soon as the oil goes
object was the deviation observed first into the filter, at the start of At any time later on in the
the shift shift
How Much How many objects have the deviation? No 1 Filter Only All Five

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation? Leaking Oil NA

Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter
observed? the Filter House locations

Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch At other location on the
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of Before 3 days ago
the shift
When since that time has the deviation
been shown? Any pattern Continuously in all shifts When the shift is not in
When, in the history of life cycle of the As soon as the oil goes
object was the deviation observed first into the filter, at the start of At any time later on in the
the shift shift
How Much How many objects have the deviation? No 1 Filter Only All Five

What is the size of single deviation

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation? Leaking Oil NA

Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter
observed? the Filter House locations

Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch At other location on the
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of Before 3 days ago
the shift
When since that time has the deviation
been shown? Any pattern Continuously in all shifts When the shift is not in
When, in the history of life cycle of the As soon as the oil goes
object was the deviation observed first into the filter, at the start of At any time later on in the
the shift shift
How Much How many objects have the deviation? No 1 Filter Only All Five

What is the size of single deviation 5-10 gallons of oil leaked Less than 5 & more than
per shift 10 gallons/ shift

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation? Leaking Oil NA

Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of the At the other Filter locations
observed? Filter House
At other location on the Filter
Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch

When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of the Before 3 days ago
When since that time has the deviation been
shown? Any pattern Continuously in all shifts When the shift is not in use

When, in the history of life cycle of the object As soon as the oil goes into At any time later on in the shift
was the deviation observed first the filter, at the start of the shift

How Much How many objects have the deviation? No 1 Filter Only All Five

What is the size of single deviation 5-10 gallons of oil leaked per Less than 5 & more than 10
shift gallons/ shift
How many deviations are on each object?

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation? Leaking Oil NA

Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of the At the other Filter locations
observed? Filter House
At other location on the Filter
Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of the Before 3 days ago
When since that time has the deviation been
shown? Any pattern Continuously in all shifts When the shift is not in use

When, in the history of life cycle of the object As soon as the oil goes into At any time later on in the
was the deviation observed first the filter, at the start of the shift shift
How Much How many objects have the deviation? No 1 Filter Only All Five

What is the size of single deviation 5-10 gallons of oil leaked per Less than 5 & more than 10
shift gallons/ shift
How many deviations are on each object? NA NA

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation? Leaking Oil NA

Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of the At the other Filter locations
observed? Filter House
At other location on the Filter
Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of the Before 3 days ago
When since that time has the deviation been
shown? Any pattern Continuously in all shifts When the shift is not in use

When, in the history of life cycle of the object As soon as the oil goes into At any time later on in the
was the deviation observed first the filter, at the start of the shift shift
How Much How many objects have the deviation? No 1 Filter Only All Five

What is the size of single deviation 5-10 gallons of oil leaked per Less than 5 & more than 10
shift gallons/ shift
How many deviations are on each object? NA NA

What is the trend ( Objects, deviations, size)

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation? Leaking Oil NA

Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of the At the other Filter locations
observed? Filter House
At other location on the Filter
Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of the Before 3 days ago
When since that time has the deviation been
shown? Any pattern Continuously in all shifts When the shift is not in use

When, in the history of life cycle of the object As soon as the oil goes into At any time later on in the
was the deviation observed first the filter, at the start of the shift shift
How Much How many objects have the deviation? No 1 Filter Only All Five

What is the size of single deviation 5-10 gallons of oil leaked per Less than 5 & more than 10
shift gallons/ shift
How many deviations are on each object? NA NA

What is the trend ( Objects, deviations, size) Stable- leaks daily, about the Increasing or decreasing
same amount

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What did we learn in this module?
Application of specifying the problem to the Oil all over the floor case

How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

You are a major food processing company making

oil from corn and soybean. The five units that filter
the oil are located in one building. On the day
problem was noticed, a foreman rushed into your
office and said “. There is oil all over the floor of the
filter house”.
What would you do using the KT Problem Analysis?
Please ask for any information you need which will
be give as available
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What is in it for you in next module?
Application of developing possible causes for Oil all over the floor case

Brainstorm other Find distinctions & Treat Distinction

Develop possible
possible causes Changes between with Changes as
with people IS and IS NOT possible causes

You are a major food processing company making

oil from corn and soybean. The five units that filter
the oil are located in one building. On the day
problem was noticed, a foreman rushed into your
office and said “. There is oil all over the floor of the
filter house”.
What would you do using the KT Problem Analysis?
Please ask for any information you need which will
be give as available
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Excellence in
Problem Solving

KT Problem Analysis
Application Part III

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
The purpose of the module is to show you how to
apply KT Problem Analysis (KTPA) Methodology
to help you build Excellence in your Problem
Solving Skills

At the end of this module you will learn how to

➢ State the problem
➢ Specify the problem
➢ Develop possible causes
➢ Determine the most probable cause
➢ Verify

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How can you find the cause of a problem using KTPA Process?
Drill down to State what it is
Focus on one
the level where vs what it
State the problem deviation at a
the cause is should have
unknown been

How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
Specify the the deviation
deviation and deviation and deviation and
problem and how much
what is not where it is not when it is not
it is not

Find Treat
distinctions & Distinction with
Develop possible other possible
Changes Changes as
causes causes with
between IS possible
and IS NOT causes

Ask for each
Test possible assumptions
possible cause
cases vs the under they will
explains each
specification explain all the

Select the
Compare the
Determine the cause with
quantity and
most probable least and most
quality of
cause reasonable

Eliminate the
most probable Verify the
cause and see assumptions
the effects

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Possible causes for No 1 Filter Leaking
Brainstorm other Find distinctions & Treat Distinction
Develop possible
possible causes Changes between with Changes as
with people IS and IS NOT possible causes

1. Vibration from the Pump house
2. New guys on maintenance not using the
torque wrench as they should be

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Possible causes for No 1 Filter Leaking
Brainstorm other Find distinctions & Treat Distinction
Develop possible
possible causes Changes between with Changes as
with people IS and IS NOT possible causes

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT Distinctions

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation?

Leaking Oil NA
Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter locations
observed? the Filter House
At other location on the
Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch Filter
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of Before 3 days ago
the shift
When since that time has the deviation
been shown? Any pattern Continuously in all shifts When the shift is not in
When, in the history of life cycle of the As soon as the oil goes into
object was the deviation observed first the filter, at the start of the At any time later on in the
shift shift
How Much How many objects have the deviation? No 1 Filter Only All Five

What is the size of single deviation

5-10 gallons of oil leaked Less than 5 & more than
How many deviations are on each object? per shift 10 gallons/ shift
What is the trend ( Objects, deviations,
size) Stable- leaks daily, about Increasing or decreasing
the same amount

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Possible causes for No 1 Filter Leaking
Brainstorm other Find distinctions & Treat Distinction
Develop possible
possible causes Changes between with Changes as
with people IS and IS NOT possible causes

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT Distinctions

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5 Has the square cornered
What is the specific deviation?
Leaking Oil NA
Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter locations Higher vibrations from the
observed? the Filter House feed water pump being
At other location on the closest
Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch Filter
Uses gasket
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of Before 3 days ago Monthly Maintenance
the shift check
When since that time has the deviation
been shown? Any pattern Continuously in all shifts When the shift is not in Oil flows under pressure
When, in the history of life cycle of the As soon as the oil goes into First time oil goes into filter
object was the deviation observed first the filter, at the start of the At any time later on in the with pressure
shift shift
How Much How many objects have the deviation? No 1 Filter Only All Five No New information

What is the size of single deviation

5-10 gallons of oil leaked Less than 5 & more than NA
How many deviations are on each object? per shift 10 gallons/ shift
What is the trend ( Objects, deviations,
size) Stable- leaks daily, about Increasing or decreasing
the same amount NA

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Possible causes for No 1 Filter Leaking
Brainstorm other Find distinctions & Treat Distinction
Develop possible
possible causes Changes between with Changes as
with people IS and IS NOT possible causes

Dimension Distinctions

What Has the square cornered gasket

Where Higher vibrations from the feed water

pump being closest

Uses gasket
When Monthly Maintenance check

Oil flows under pressure

First time oil goes into filter with pressure

How Much No New information



Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Possible causes for No 1 Filter Leaking
Brainstorm other Find distinctions & Treat Distinction
Develop possible
possible causes Changes between with Changes as
with people IS and IS NOT possible causes

Dimension Distinctions Changes

What Has the square cornered gasket

Where Higher vibrations from the feed water

pump being closest

Uses gasket
When Monthly Maintenance check

Oil flows under pressure

First time oil goes into filter with pressure

How Much No New information



Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Possible causes for No 1 Filter Leaking
Brainstorm other Find distinctions & Treat Distinction
Develop possible
possible causes Changes between with Changes as
with people IS and IS NOT possible causes

Dimension Distinctions Changes

What Has the square cornered gasket It is the new type installed for the first time
3 days ago at the monthly maintenance
Where Higher vibrations from the feed water None.
pump being closest

Uses gasket New type is used as stated above

When Monthly Maintenance check New Maintenance Guys started working

Oil flows under pressure None

First time oil goes into filter with pressure None

How Much No New information



Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Possible causes for No 1 Filter Leaking
Brainstorm other Find distinctions & Treat Distinction
Develop possible
possible causes Changes between with Changes as
with people IS and IS NOT possible causes

1. Vibration from the Pump house
2. New guys on maintenance not using the
torque wrench as they should be
From Changes in Distinction between IS &
3. New square cornered gasket from the
new supplier
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What did we learn in this module?
Application of developing possible causes for Oil all over the floor case

Brainstorm other Find distinctions & Treat Distinction

Develop possible
possible causes Changes between with Changes as
with people IS and IS NOT possible causes

You are a major food processing company making

oil from corn and soybean. The five units that filter
the oil are located in one building. On the day
problem was noticed, a foreman rushed into your
office and said “. There is oil all over the floor of the
filter house”.
What would you do using the KT Problem Analysis?
Please ask for any information you need which will
be give as available
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What is in it for you in next module?
Application of testing possible causes for Oil all over the floor case

Ask for each possible cause List assumptions under they will
Test possible cases vs the specification
explains each dimension explain all the dimension

Compare the quantity and quality Select the cause with least and
Determine the most probable cause
of assumption most reasonable assumptions

Eliminate the most probable cause

Verify Verify the assumptions
and see the effects

You are a major food processing company making oil from

corn and soybean. The five units that filter the oil are located
in one building. On the day problem was noticed, a foreman
rushed into your office and said “. There is oil all over the
floor of the filter house”.
What would you do using the KT Problem Analysis?
Please ask for any information you need which will be give
as available
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Excellence in
Problem Solving

KT Problem Analysis
Application Part IV

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
The purpose of the module is to show you how to
apply KT Problem Analysis (KTPA) Methodology
to help you build Excellence in your Problem
Solving Skills

At the end of this module you will learn how to

➢ State the problem
➢ Specify the problem
➢ Develop possible causes
➢ Determine the most probable cause
➢ Verify

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How can you find the cause of a problem using KTPA Process?
Drill down to State what it is
Focus on one
the level where vs what it
State the problem deviation at a
the cause is should have
unknown been

How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
Specify the the deviation
deviation and deviation and deviation and
problem and how much
what is not where it is not when it is not
it is not

Find Treat
distinctions & Distinction with
Develop possible other possible
Changes Changes as
causes causes with
between IS possible
and IS NOT causes

Ask for each
Test possible assumptions
possible cause
cases vs the under they will
explains each
specification explain all the

Select the
Compare the
Determine the cause with
quantity and
most probable least and most
quality of
cause reasonable

Eliminate the
most probable Verify the
cause and see assumptions
the effects

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Testing the possible causes
Ask for each possible List assumptions under
Test possible cases vs the
cause explains each they will explain all the
dimension dimension

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT Explains?

Vibr TW Sq G
What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation?

Leaking Oil NA
Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter
observed? the Filter House locations

Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch At other location on the
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of Before 3 days ago
the shift
When since that time has the deviation
been shown? Any pattern Continuously in all shifts When the shift is not in
When, in the history of life cycle of the As soon as the oil goes
object was the deviation observed first into the filter, at the start of At any time later on in the
the shift shift
How Much How many objects have the deviation? No 1 Filter Only All Five

What is the size of single deviation

5-10 gallons of oil leaked Less than 5 & more than
How many deviations are on each per shift 10 gallons/ shift
object? NA NA

What is the trend ( Objects, deviations, Stable- leaks daily, about Increasing or decreasing
size) the same amount

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Testing the possible causes
Ask for each possible List assumptions under
Test possible cases vs the
cause explains each they will explain all the
dimension dimension

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT Explains?

Vibr TW Sq G
What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5 Yes

What is the specific deviation?

Leaking Oil NA
Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter Yes
observed? the Filter House locations

Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch At other location on the No
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of Before 3 days ago No
the shift
When since that time has the deviation
been shown? Any pattern Continuously in all shifts When the shift is not in Yes
When, in the history of life cycle of the As soon as the oil goes
object was the deviation observed first into the filter, at the start of At any time later on in the Yes
the shift shift
How Much How many objects have the deviation? No 1 Filter Only All Five Yes

What is the size of single deviation

5-10 gallons of oil leaked Less than 5 & more than May
How many deviations are on each per shift 10 gallons/ shift Be
object? NA NA

What is the trend ( Objects, deviations, Stable- leaks daily, about Increasing or decreasing Yes
size) the same amount

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Testing the possible causes
Ask for each possible List assumptions under
Test possible cases vs the
cause explains each they will explain all the
dimension dimension

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT Explains?

Vibr TW Sq G
What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5 Yes No

What is the specific deviation?

Leaking Oil NA
Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter Yes No
observed? the Filter House locations

Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch At other location on the No No
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of Before 3 days ago No No
the shift
When since that time has the deviation
been shown? Any pattern Continuously in all shifts When the shift is not in No Yes
When, in the history of life cycle of the As soon as the oil goes
object was the deviation observed first into the filter, at the start of At any time later on in the No Yes
the shift shift

How Much How many objects have the deviation? No 1 Filter Only All Five Yes No

What is the size of single deviation

5-10 gallons of oil leaked Less than 5 & more than May Yes
How many deviations are on each per shift 10 gallons/ shift Be
object? NA NA

What is the trend ( Objects, deviations, Stable- leaks daily, about Increasing or decreasing Yes Yes
size) the same amount
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Testing the possible causes
Ask for each possible List assumptions under
Test possible cases vs the
cause explains each they will explain all the
dimension dimension

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT Explains?

Vibr TW Sq G
What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5 Yes No Yes

What is the specific deviation?

Leaking Oil NA
Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter Yes No Yes
observed? the Filter House locations

Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch At other location on the No No Yes
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of Before 3 days ago No No Yes
the shift
When since that time has the deviation
been shown? Any pattern Continuously in all shifts When the shift is not in No Yes Yes
When, in the history of life cycle of the As soon as the oil goes
object was the deviation observed first into the filter, at the start of At any time later on in the No Yes Yes
the shift shift

How Much How many objects have the deviation? No 1 Filter Only All Five Yes No Yes

What is the size of single deviation

5-10 gallons of oil leaked Less than 5 & more than May Yes Yes
How many deviations are on each per shift 10 gallons/ shift Be
object? NA NA

What is the trend ( Objects, deviations, Stable- leaks daily, about Increasing or decreasing Yes Yes Yes
size) the same amount
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How can you find the cause of a problem using KTPA Process?
Drill down to State what it is
Focus on one
the level where vs what it
State the problem deviation at a
the cause is should have
unknown been

How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
Specify the the deviation
deviation and deviation and deviation and
problem and how much
what is not where it is not when it is not
it is not

Find Treat
distinctions & Distinction with
Develop possible other possible
Changes Changes as
causes causes with
between IS possible
and IS NOT causes

Ask for each
Test possible assumptions
possible cause
cases vs the under they will
explains each
specification explain all the

Select the
Compare the
Determine the cause with
quantity and
most probable least and most
quality of
cause reasonable

Eliminate the
most probable Verify the
cause and see assumptions
the effects

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Determining most probable cause
Compare the quantity and quality of Select the cause with least and
Determine the most probable cause
assumption most reasonable assumptions

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT Explains?

Vibr TW Sq Gk
What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5 Yes No Yes

What is the specific deviation?

Leaking Oil NA
Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter Yes No Yes
observed? the Filter House locations

Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch At other location on the No No Yes
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of Before 3 days ago No No Yes
the shift
When since that time has the deviation
been shown? Any pattern Continuously in all shifts When the shift is not in No Yes Yes
When, in the history of life cycle of the As soon as the oil goes
object was the deviation observed first into the filter, at the start of At any time later on in the No Yes Yes
the shift shift

How Much How many objects have the deviation? No 1 Filter Only All Five Yes No Yes

What is the size of single deviation

5-10 gallons of oil leaked Less than 5 & more than May Yes Yes
How many deviations are on each per shift 10 gallons/ shift Be
object? NA NA

What is the trend ( Objects, deviations, Stable- leaks daily, about Increasing or decreasing Yes Yes Yes
size) the same amount

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How can you find the cause of a problem using KTPA Process?
Drill down to State what it is
Focus on one
the level where vs what it
State the problem deviation at a
the cause is should have
unknown been

How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
Specify the the deviation
deviation and deviation and deviation and
problem and how much
what is not where it is not when it is not
it is not

Find Treat
distinctions & Distinction with
Develop possible other possible
Changes Changes as
causes causes with
between IS possible
and IS NOT causes

Ask for each
Test possible assumptions
possible cause
cases vs the under they will
explains each
specification explain all the

Select the
Compare the
Determine the cause with
quantity and
most probable least and most
quality of
cause reasonable

Eliminate the
most probable Verify the
cause and see assumptions
the effects

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Verification of the Most Probable cause
Eliminate the most
Verify probable cause and Verify the assumptions
see the effects

1 Comparison of the Square cornered

gasket with round cornered gasket
– Square cornered gasket was thinner and
– Can possibly lead to leakages
2 Replace the Square cornered gasket with
old round gasket
– Stopping the leakage confirm it to be the root
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What did we learn in this module?
Application of testing possible causes for Oil all over the floor case

Ask for each possible cause List assumptions under they will
Test possible cases vs the specification
explains each dimension explain all the dimension

Compare the quantity and quality Select the cause with least and
Determine the most probable cause
of assumption most reasonable assumptions

Eliminate the most probable cause

Verify Verify the assumptions
and see the effects

You are a major food processing company making oil from

corn and soybean. The five units that filter the oil are located
in one building. On the day problem was noticed, a foreman
rushed into your office and said “. There is oil all over the
floor of the filter house”.
What would you do using the KT Problem Analysis?
Please ask for any information you need which will be give
as available
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What is in it for you in next module?
Time to practice some KTPA assignments?

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Excellence in
Problem Solving


Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
The purpose of the course is to help you build
Excellence in your Problem Solving Skills

At the end of this course you will achieve the

➢ Understanding of what does it take to acquire
Excellence in Problem Solving and how
➢ Practice Excellence in your Problem Solving
➢ Get feedback on your Problem Solving Skills
➢ Improve and start building Excellence
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Lectures Plan
➢ Introduction & Overview
➢ Problem Analysis Methodologies
➢ Understanding KT Problem Analysis
➢ KT Problem Analysis Application (I-IV)
➢ First Practice of Excellence in Problem Solving
and feedback
➢ Second Practice of Excellence in Problem
Solving and feedback
➢ Third Practice of Excellence in Problem Solving
and feedback
➢ Summary
➢ Final Assessment of your Problem Solving Skills
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What is Problem Solving?

Problem Solution

Let us look at an example of Problem Solving?

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house
You are a major food processing company
making oil from corn and soybean. The five
units that filter the oil are located in one
building. On the day problem was noticed, a
foreman rushed into your office and said “.
There is oil all over the floor of the filter
What would you do?

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What is the structure of a problem?

No oil on the

Oil on the

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What are the typical Examples of a Problem?
• From the day we introduced the computers, we have had
nothing but trouble in getting our inventories balanced. I
just don’t understand it
• Emory Jackson was referred to us as a outstanding
engineer, but he certainly has not fulfilled expectations in
this department.
• Our number 11 paper machine never produces more
than 80% of its design capacity, no matter what we try
• Some days we meet our schedules without any trouble.
Other days we cant meet them at all. There just does not
seem to be any good reason for the discrepancy
• The system worked well for months. Then, in the middle
of the morning three weeks ago, it went dead. It is still
dead, and we don’t have the slightest idea of what
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How would you solve this problem?

Most people will think of

the possible solutions
If they are lucky, the
based on their own And then choose one
problem get addressed
knowledge and solution to apply
for some time
experiences of similar

But it comes back after a If they are unlucky, the Why does the problem
period problem persists persist or recur?

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Why does the problem persist or recur?
Because we don’t analyze the problem to find the
root cause before offering the solution!

Problem Solution

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Excellence in Problem Solving
Requires us to find the root cause of the problem so that we know the
solution will remove the root cause and the problem will not recur

Problem Solution

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What is Problem Analysis?
• Provides you the skills needed to
– Explain any situation in which an expected level
of performance is not being achieved and
– The cause of the unacceptable performance is
• Is a systematic problem solving process
• Helps you identify the root cause/s of a
problem so that
• You are sure of taking appropriate corrective
action that can correct the problem and
prevent it from recurring

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
What methodologies can you use for Problem Analysis?
➢ There are many problem solving methodologies for finding the root
cause like
✓ 5 Why Analysis
✓ Ishikawa Diagram/Fishbone Diagram
✓ Pareto Analysis
✓ Fault Tree Analysis
✓ Effect-Cause-Effect Method
✓ KT Problem Analysis
➢ Each methodologies is suitable for a type of situation
➢ Some methodologies generate possible causes and some help find the
root cause from the possible causes
➢ Some are suitable for recurring problems and some for non recurring
➢ Many of the methodologies need to be used along with another to find
the root cause/s of a problem
➢ Very few can be used when the data is not easily available
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
When to use KT Problem Analysis?


Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How can you find the cause of a problem using KTPA Process?

State the problem

Specify the problem

Develop possible causes

Test possible cases vs the
Determine the most probable cause

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How to carry these steps of KTPA?

Let us look at each step in depth?

State the problem

Specify the problem

Develop possible causes

Test possible cases vs the
Determine the most probable cause

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How can you find the cause of a problem using KTPA Process?

Drill down to State what it is

Focus on one
the level where vs what it
State the problem deviation at a
the cause is should have
unknown been

How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
Specify the the deviation
deviation and deviation and deviation and
problem and how much
what is not where it is not when it is not
it is not

Find Treat
distinctions & Distinction with
Develop possible other possible
Changes Changes as
causes causes with
between IS possible
and IS NOT causes

Ask for each
Test possible assumptions
possible cause
cases vs the under they will
explains each
specification explain all the

Select the
Compare the
Determine the cause with
quantity and
most probable least and most
quality of
cause reasonable

Eliminate the
most probable Verify the
cause and see assumptions
the effects

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How to carry these steps of KTPA?

Excellence in
Problem Solving

KT Problem Analysis
Methodology Application

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house
You are a major food processing company
making oil from corn and soybean. The five
units that filter the oil are located in one
building. On the day problem was noticed, a
foreman rushed into your office and said “.
There is oil all over the floor of the filter
What would you do using the KT Problem
Please ask for any information you need
which will be give as available
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
How can you find the cause of a problem using KTPA Process?
Drill down to State what it is
Focus on one
the level where vs what it
State the problem deviation at a
the cause is should have
unknown been

How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
Specify the the deviation
deviation and deviation and deviation and
problem and how much
what is not where it is not when it is not
it is not

Find Treat
distinctions & Distinction with
Develop possible other possible
Changes Changes as
causes causes with
between IS possible
and IS NOT causes

Ask for each
Test possible assumptions
possible cause
cases vs the under they will
explains each
specification explain all the

Select the
Compare the
Determine the cause with
quantity and
most probable least and most
quality of
cause reasonable

Eliminate the
most probable Verify the
cause and see assumptions
the effects

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house-Problem Statement
Drill down to the State what it is vs
Focus on one
State the problem level where the what it should have
deviation at a time
cause is unknown been

Problem Statement
• There is oil all over the floor of the filter house?
What is causing the oil all over the floor….?
• No 1 Filter is leaking oil
What is causing the No 1 Filter leaking?
• Don’t know for sure, have many guesses
Revised Problem Statement
• No 1 Filter is leaking oil
Does the Problem Statement focus on one deviation?
• Yes
Does it contain actual as well as should be state?
• No
Revised Problem Statement
• No1 Filter is leaking oil when it should not be
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Oil leak in the filter house- Problem Specification
How much is
What is the Where is the When is the
the deviation
Specify the problem deviation and deviation and deviation and
and how much it
what is not where it is not when it is not
is not

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT

What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5

What is the specific deviation? Leaking Oil NA

Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of the At the other Filter locations
observed? Filter House
At other location on the Filter
Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of the Before 3 days ago
When since that time has the deviation been
shown? Any pattern Continuously in all shifts When the shift is not in use

When, in the history of life cycle of the object As soon as the oil goes into At any time later on in the
was the deviation observed first the filter, at the start of the shift shift
How Much How many objects have the deviation? No 1 Filter Only All Five

What is the size of single deviation 5-10 gallons of oil leaked per Less than 5 & more than 10
shift gallons/ shift
How many deviations are on each object? NA NA

What is the trend ( Objects, deviations, size) Stable- leaks daily, about the Increasing or decreasing
same amount

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Possible causes for No 1 Filter Leaking
Brainstorm other Find distinctions & Treat Distinction
Develop possible
possible causes Changes between with Changes as
with people IS and IS NOT possible causes

1. Vibration from the Pump house
2. New guys on maintenance not using the
torque wrench as they should be
From Changes in Distinction between IS &
3. New square cornered gasket from the
new supplier
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Determining most probable cause
Compare the quantity and quality of Select the cause with least and
Determine the most probable cause
assumption most reasonable assumptions

Dimension Specific questions IS COULD BE but IS NOT Explains?

Vibr TW Sq Gk
What What specific object has the deviation? No 1 Filter Filter Nos 2-5 Yes No Yes

What is the specific deviation?

Leaking Oil NA
Where Where is the object when the deviation is At the northwest corner of At the other Filter Yes No Yes
observed? the Filter House locations

Where is the deviation on the object? At the cleanout hatch At other location on the No No Yes
When When was the deviation observed first? 3 days ago at the start of Before 3 days ago No No Yes
the shift
When since that time has the deviation
been shown? Any pattern Continuously in all shifts When the shift is not in No Yes Yes
When, in the history of life cycle of the As soon as the oil goes
object was the deviation observed first into the filter, at the start of At any time later on in the No Yes Yes
the shift shift

How Much How many objects have the deviation? No 1 Filter Only All Five Yes No Yes

What is the size of single deviation

5-10 gallons of oil leaked Less than 5 & more than May Yes Yes
How many deviations are on each per shift 10 gallons/ shift Be
object? NA NA

What is the trend ( Objects, deviations, Stable- leaks daily, about Increasing or decreasing Yes Yes Yes
size) the same amount

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Verification of the Most Probable cause
Eliminate the most
Verify probable cause and Verify the assumptions
see the effects

1 Comparison of the Square cornered

gasket with round cornered gasket
– Square cornered gasket was thinner and
– Can possibly lead to leakages
2 Replace the Square cornered gasket with
old round gasket
– Stopping the leakage confirm it to be the root
Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Excellence in
Problem Solving

Three Practices of Excellence in

Problem Solving and feedback

Enrichmentors Building Businesses, People, Wealth & Health Successfully over 40 years
Assignment #1 First Practice of Excellence in Problem
Solving and feedback
• What is the problem?
– The acid leaching step of the printed circuit pattern was occurring unevenly-as if some
waterborne contaminant in the leaching solution was inhibiting the action
• What are the known possible causes?
– Temperature in the leaching bath is too high
– Cleanliness is not what it should be
– Water purity
– oil transferred from the operator's fingertips
• What is the most probable cause and why
– silicone packing material had begun to diffuse into the water and degrade the leaching
process because
• rejects were at their highest on Monday mornings, lower on Monday afternoons, and gone by noon on
• "Monday morning is the first work period following the non-work period of the weekend.“
• On each Monday, as soon as the tap was turned, water that had stood in the lines over the weekend
came into the printed circuit leaching laboratories
• A quick search turned up the fact that some valves had been changed several months before. These
valves used a silicone packing material. As water stood in the lines over the weekend, enough of this
silicone packing material had begun to diffuse into the water and degrade the leaching process
• The result? Many rejections on Monday morning, fewer in the afternoon, and none after Tuesday
noon. By then the contaminated water had been purged from the system.
• What question did you ask that led to the discovery of the unknown root cause
– "When does it occur?"

Assignment #2 Second Practice of Excellence in Problem
Solving and feedback
• What is the problem?
– Hawthorne branch showed a volume of transactions below the plan since July.
• What are the known possible causes?
– New Branch Manager who joined in July
• What is the most probable cause and why
– North American has been stretching out work on the B-70 bomber and laying off people for
some time. And Douglas is transferring a lot of its work from Hawthorne to Long Beach. . . .“
• Hawthorne branch was near the International Airport and the factories of North American Aviation and
Douglas Aircraft
• The economic situation in the Hawthorne area was not characterized by sudden, sharp, immediately
identifiable but gradual local economic decline that had resulted from these actions
• When did layoffs begin at North American? In late May and early June.
• How long after a round of layoffs would the impact be felt in the bank? No more than two or three
• How would the impact show up initially? By a reduction in deposits, then an increase in withdrawals
• When did volume first begin to fall off at Hawthorne? Early in July.
• Few hours of telephone research to check out the experience of other banks nearby. The same story
was told by all of decline in volume of transactions

• What question did you ask that led to the discovery of the unknown root cause
– It was in Hawthorne alone that the decline was observed. All other branches represented the IS NOT. The
question "What is distinctive about the Hawthorne branch when compared with all other bjcanches?" led to
discussion of its proximity to International Airport and the factories of North American Aviation and Douglas
Assignment #3 Third Practice of Excellence in Problem
Solving and feedback
• What is the problem?
– Model A Sewing Machine was selling poorly.
• What are the known possible causes?
– Model A has fewer attachments and selling benefits
– Sales features for the machines
– Salesperson’s commission on the machines
– Motivation of salesperson’s to sell the machies
• What is the most probable cause and why
– commission rate on Model A because
• "The salesperson makes the lowest commission on Model A, the next lowest on Models B and C, and
the best commission on the other three. That's normal enough-and besides, it doesn't represent any
kind of change. It's always been that way.“
• "Wouldn't there be some lapse of time after a new item is introduced before the salespeople begin to
receive their commissions and figure which sales bring in the greatest return? I mean, maybe the
realization that the commission rate on Model A is substantially lower than on Models D, E, and F
would take a little time to sink in. After a couple of months their motivation to sell Model A might have
• r, "there isn't much difference among the attachments of the six units." She thought it made more
sense to look at differences in sales features
• r. "Sales features for the six machines have been constant from the start. Anyway, how could that
possibly account for a falloff on Model A beginning a couple of months after its introduction?

• What question did you ask that led to the discovery of the unknown root cause
– "Could there be some lack of motivation to sell Model A?
– When did the sales of Model A started falling behind


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