Baldwin 1998

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Parameter Sensitivity of Kinetics-Based Hydrometallurgical

Reactor Models

Chemical and Bio-Resource Engineering, Universiry of British Columbia, Vancouver ,BC V6T 124, Canada

Department of Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, McGill University, Montreal, QC H3A 2K6, Canada
In this paper, we have studied the parameter sensitivity of two hydrometallurgical models: REACTSIM (for gold pressure
oxidation) and ZINCSIM (for zinc pressure leaching). The parameters investigated include: the oxygen mass transfer
coefficient, kLa, the activation energy for pyrite oxidation, E,, pyrite and marmatite dissolution stoichiometry, the con-
stant kinetic parameter for ferrous to ferric oxidation and the apparent equilibrium constant for ferric precipitation, KE.
Model predictions were found to be more sensitive to the kinetic parameters under certain conditions than others. For
ferrous to ferric oxidation kinetics, a dramatic model sensitivity was found to the constant kinetic parameter with an
apparent discontinuity at values close to those found in bench scale experiments. The usefulness of simulation programs
was demonstrated when non-intuitive results were obtained showing ZINCSIM sensitivity to sulphate production to
be opposite from what was expected. In the case of KE, solution chemistry was not as sensitive as the heat balance,
which was affected significantly.

Dans cet article, on a etudie la sensibilite des parametres de deux modeles hydrometallurgiques : REACTSIM (pour
I’oxydation sous pression de I’or) et ZINCSIM (pour le lessivage sous pression du zinc). Les parametres etudies incluent :
le coefficient de transfert de matiere de I’oxygene, kLa,I’energie d’activation de I’oxydation de la pyrite, E,, la stoechiometrie
de dissolution de pytie et de marmatite, le parametre cinetique constant pour I’oxydation de l’etat ferreux a ferrique et
la constante d’equilibre apparent pour la precipitation ferrique, KE.On a trouve que les predictions du modele etaient
plus sensibles aux parametres cinetiques dans certaines conditions pratiques que dans d’autres. Pour les cinetiques
d’oxydation de l’etat ferreux a ferrique, on a observe une forte sensibilite du modele au parametre cinetique constant
avec une discontinuite apparente a des valeurs proches de celles trouvees dans des experiences sur banc d’essai. L’utilite
des programmes de simulation a ete demontree lorsque des resultats non intuitifs ont ete obtenus, montrant que la sensibilite
de ZINCSIM a la production de sulfate est a I’oppose de ce qu’on pensait. Dans le cas de KE,la chimiqe de solution n’etait
pas aussi sensible que le bilan de chaleur, qui a ete affect6 de maniere significative.
Keywords: reactor modelling, hydrometallurgy, pressure leaching, pressure oxidation, parameter sensitivity, kinetics.

to which variability in kinetic data influences the predictions

H igh pressure hydrometallurgical reactors for pretreat-
ment of gold ores and concentrates and for leaching of
other materials like zinc concentrates are now widely used
of the REACTSIM and ZINCSIM simulation packages. This
analysis reveals information on the accuracy of applying
in Canada and the rest of the world (Berezowsky et al, these models over a wide range of operating conditions.
1991). These are complex 3-phase reactors, which involve Recommendations can be made as to which kinetic parameters
dissolution and precipitation reactions strongly dependent need to be determined more accurately, in order to carry out
on the solution chemistry, temperature and vessel pressure. improvements to hydrometallurgical reactor models in general.
The success of these hydrometallurgical options for mineral The two models discussed in this paper were developed at
treatment has prompted researchers to develop mechanistic McGill University by the Hydrometallurgical Group. The
models for simulation and optimisation of such processes. parameters that we have chosen to investigate include (i) the
However, the complexity of the interconnected and multi- IMSS transfer coefficient for oxygen, (ii) the activation energy
phase reactions renders the modelling exercise difficult, and for mineral oxidation, (iii) the extent of elemental sulphur
possibly subject to inaccuracies if any kinetic data input into produced when pyrite is oxidised in the gold pressure oxida-
the model are not precise. tion process, (iv) the constant coefficient kinetic parameter
In this paper we study two simulation packages: (i) gold for ferrous to ferric oxidation, (v) the extent of sulphate pro-
pressure oxidation (REACTSIM) (Baldwin et al, 1993), and duced when marmatite is leached in the zinc pressure leach
(ii) zinc pressure leaching (ZINCSIM) (Baldwin et al, 1995). process, and (vi) the apparent equilibrium constant used for
These models are unique in that they are based on the intrinsic iron precipitation.
kinetics of the reactions as determined in bench-scale labo- First, we present the modelling philosophy followed by a
ratory experiments. They can be used to model processes concise description of the two models. We highlight the rea-
with variable feed composition, provided appropriate kinetic sons for choosing the parameters under investigation and
data are available for oxidation of each mineral. Other models summarise values reported for them in the literature.
have also been developed for zinc pressure oxidation
(Crundwell and Bryson, 1992, Dreisinger and Peters, 1987). Materials and methods
Assumptions made in the various modelling exercises and in BACKGROUND
the laboratory experiments vary widely, and the impact of
their variation on the validity of the model predictions is not Figure 1 illustrates a typical flow sheet of a gold pressure
known. In t h s study we have attempted to address the extent oxidation or zinc pressure leach process. The reactor is an
autoclave with multiple stages. This is modelled in REACTSIM
‘Author to whom correspondence should be sent. E-mail address: and ZINCSIM as a series of perfectly mixed reactors. The
george@M 1NMET.Lan.McGill.CA feed: ore or concentrate, enters the autoclave as a slurry. In

Aqueous Feed(Hp0
(Au).Elecfrolyie (Zn))

Recycled Solids (Au)

Figure 1 - Flow diagram of a typical gold pressure oxidation or

zinc pressure leach process.

the gold pressure oxidation operation, this may need to be

preheated such that the autoclave operates autogenously.
The required preheat temperature depends on the “fuel”
content of the feed. It was observed that the heat released by
oxidation is proportional to the sulphide and arsenic content
of the feed. Thus, the wt% of sulphide and arsenic in the
feed represent the fuel content. For gold pressure oxidation Figure 2 - Flow diagram of the inputs and outputs for the mathe-
the fuel content is varied by adding recycled oxidised solids matical model.
as shown in Figure 1. Aqueous feed can be added to any
compartment of the autoclave. In zinc pressure leaching, where k,a is the mass transfer coefficient times the spc-
acid is required, and is added in the form of recycled electro- cific surface area of the bubbles, H is Henry’s constant,
lyte, usually in the first two compartments where most of the P52 is the oxygen partial pressure in the gas phase and
reaction occurs. Oxygen is sparged into each compartment.
These reactors operate under high total pressures (approxi- Po2 is the oxygen partial pressure in the liquid phase. The
mately 30 atm in the case of gold pressure oxidation and 12 mass transfer coefficient is specific to each reactor and
atm in the case of zinc pressure leaching), so that the oxygen therefore is hard to predict. Usually, model simulations
solubility is sufficient for the reactions to proceed at effi- are used to determine this parameter, where k p is calcu-
cient rates. The discharge from the autoclave contains: the lated from model predictions that have been compared
metal ion solution, which is sent to the refinery (in the case with actual plant data. That value is then used in subse-
of zinc) or for neutralisation (in the case of gold); and reacted quent predictions for the same reactor configuration under
solids, which include un-leached material and precipitates. different operating conditions. In reality, the value of k, a
The precipitates contain mainly iron, but some gold or zinc could vary depending on the hydrodynamics and possibly
may be lost in form of metals incorporated in the precipitate the solids content in the reactor. This would have a large
crystalline matrix. impact on the performance of the process if it was opcrat-
The key features of these models and the parameters ing in the mass transfer controlled regime. Because of the
under investigation in this study are summarised below. importance of knowing the operating regime of the auto-
Reactor model clave and the effect of mass transfer on the overall kinet-
ics of the leach reactions, we have investigated the effect
Reactions in all three phases are modelled, as shown in ofkLaon simulation results for a gold pressure leach auto-
Figure 2. Oxygen entering each compartment is trans- clave using BACTSIM.
ferred from the gas-phase to the liquid-phase. Opthisation
of oxygen transfer is important since oxygen consumption lntrinsic kinetics
and power consumption of the agitators constitute the
major operating costs of the autoclave. CO, is released Intrinsic kinetics for each reaction are input into the
due to decomposition of carbonates and needs to be model. This includes the parameters of the Arrhenius
purged from the vessel. This contributes to lowering of expression:
the oxygen utilisation. Also, steam is lost through the vent k = A exp(-EJRT) l/min . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . (2)
due to evaporation, which contributes to heat losses from
the process. The rate of ferrous to ferric oxidation in the the pre-exponential factor, A , the activation energy, E,.
liquid phase is included in the ZINCSIM model. Ferric and the order of the reaction with respect to oxygen (in the
iron concentration needs to be known, so as to calculate case of pyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite and
the rate of marmatite leaching and the amount of iron galena, where rate of oxidation = k [ 0 2 ] ” )or ferric ion con-
removed by precipitation. The solid phase comprises min- centration (in the case of marmatite and sphalerite, whcre
erals, which are being leached into solution, precipitates, the rate of leaching = k[Fe]”). These parameters were
and un-leached material. The dissolution processes are obtained from experimental data published in the literature.
modelled using population mass balance techniques. It was observed that kinetic data reported for the same min-
eral, but from different studies, varied somewhat. For
Oxygen mass transfer
example, in the case of pyrite oxidation, values reported
Oxygen mass transfer rate (OMTR) is determined using for the activation energy vary from 46 to 110 klimol,
the following equation: depending on the temperatures at which the experiments
were performed. Some of these data were obtained at tem-
OMTR = -“-(pi2
k a - po2)mol/(L.min) . . . . ,
peratures lower than those encountered in pressure oxida-
H tion. Using these parameters to extrapolate kinetic rate


constants at the appropriate temperatures of both pressure ions in the model. In the ferrous ion material balance
oxidation and leaching can lead to enormous inaccuracies. equation, ferrous ions are generated from dissolution of
One study of pyrite oxidation, in the temperature range iron containing minerals and are consumed by oxidation
140 to 180"C, found two distinct straight lines on the to ferric ions. In the ferric ion material balance, ferric ion5
Arrhenius ln(k) versus 1/T plot (Papangelakis and are produced from oxidized ferrous ions and are removed
Demopoulos, 1991). The activation energy found between by precipitation as jarosite (Baldwin et al, 1995).
140 and 160°Cwas 46.2 kJ /mol and between I60 and 180°C
was found to be more than twice as high at 110.5 kJ/mol. Stoichiometry
Because the modelled gold pressure oxidation processes
operate at high temperatures (190 to 25OoC), the kinetic The mass balance equations in each simulation package
equation with higher activation energy for pyrite oxida- are based on the stoichiometry for every reaction. Since
tion was used in REACTSZM. Still, since only three data the zinc pressure leach process was developed so as to
points were used to determine this parameter from the avoid sulphate production, most sulphides are oxidised to
Arrhenius plot, a large uncertainty can be expected. From elemental sulphur at the temperatures encountered there
the scatter of points on the plot we deemed the activation (140 to 150°C). One exception is pyrite oxidation, which
energy to be accurate to within f 10 kJ/mol. Later, we pre- produces sulphate. In the gold pressure oxidation process,
sent the sensitivity of model predictions to this magnitude where higher temperatures are reached (200 to 250°C). all
of parameter uncertainty. the sulphide minerals are assumed to oxidise to sulphate.
However these assumptions are not absolutely accurate
Ferrous to ferric oxidation for both processes. In zinc pressure leaching, it has been
found that up to 5% of the non-pyritic sulphur could be
The rate of ferrous ion to ferric ion oxidation has been oxidised to sulphate (Chalkley, 1993). The stoichiometric
modelled in the literature as a second order reaction with equations for sphalerite oxidation to elemental sulphur
respect to ferrous ion concentration and first order with and sulphate are given below:
respect to dissolved oxygen partial pressure:
ZnS + Fe2(S0,)3 -+ZnSO, + 2FeSO, + So . . . . . . . (6)
d Fe2'
= k2 [Fe2+]?Pol mol/(L. min) . . . . . . . . . (3) S + 3/2 0, + H,O + SO$-+ 2H+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (7 1
We can see that the amount of sulphur oxidation changes
where, the moles of oxygen consumed and sulphate produced.
k,- = A exp(-80.3/RT) L/(mol.min.atm) . . . . . . . . . . (4) The rate of mineral leaching depends on the oxygen pre-
sent in solution and the rate ferrous to ferric ion oxidation
Reported values for the rate constant, k,, are variable and and iron precipitation depend on sulphuric acid concen-
highly dependent on the solution chemistry. A study by tration. Thus, assumptions on the extent of sulphide con-
Dreisinger and Peters (1989) examined ferrous to ferric version to sulphate are expected to impact on the model
ion oxidation rates in solutions with various zinc sulphate predictions. In addition, the heats of reaction differ
and sulphuric acid concentrations. Values for the rate con- markedly. For ZnS conversion to sulphate, A H::: =
stants derived from their data varied by 40% even after -818.6 kJ/mol, which is almost 30 times greater when
accounting for the sulphuric acid and total sulphate con- compared with A H::, = -29.6 kJ/mol for ZnS conversion
centrations. In another study of ferrous to ferric ion oxi- to elemental sulphur only. Thus, even if only 5% of ZnS
dation, Baldwin and Van Weert (1996) found k2 to be is converted to sulphate, this may influence the energy
0.0 192 L/(mol.min.atm) in a solution with initial concen- balance and the predicted operating temperature. Results
trations: 1.O M H,SO, and 0.1 M FeSO,. For the ZZNCSZM for ZZNCSIM simulations performed with various amounts
model, an empirical expression obtained fiom the Dreisinger of sulphate produced from 0 to 5% will be presented later.
and Peters (1989) data is used for the pre-exponential factor:
Gold pressure oxidation simulations using REACTSIM at
higher temperatures assume pyrite and arsenopyrite oxidise
A = l o x 109(1.0+5.0[cu2+]o~s) all the way to sulphate. However, studies in the literature
have indicated that anywhere between 0 to 30% of oxi-
dised pyrite forms elemental sulphur (10% in McKay and
.. ...
[SO~-]'[H2S04]-o'5(L.mol)'~5/(min-atm). Halpern, 1958; 7% in Gerlach et a]., 1966, and 25% in
Bailey and Peters 1976). The stoichiometric equations for
sulphate production and elemental sulphur production,
where, [SO:-]' is the total sulphate concentration exclud- respectively, are given below:
ing sulphuric acid. In our model, we have assumed that
the orders with respect to Cu, SO, and H2S04 in this cor- 2FeS, + 7 0 , + 2H20+ 2FeS04+ 2H2S0, . . . . . . . . ( 8 )
relation are accurate, and we have investigated the sensi-
tivity of ZINCSIM predictions to the constant coefficient 2FeS2 + 40, -+ 2FeSO, + 2S0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (9)
of Equation 5 in the range 5.0 to 14.0 x lo9 (L.mol)'.S/
(mimatm). This wide range of values was chosen because Also, as expected, the heat of reaction for these two reac-
of the aforementioned40% variability in the Dreisinger data. tions are quite different: AH:, = -2,600 kJ/mol for
Equation (8) and AH::, = -826.5 kJ/mol for Equation (9).
In ZINCSIM , the ferrous and ferric ion concentrations in Results for REACTSIM simulations performed with various
the aqueous phase in the autoclave are calculated by amounts of pyrite (between 0 to 30%) oxidised to ele-
including material balance equations for ferrous and ferric mental sulphur will be presented later.

Standard Reactor and Feed Settings for REACTSIM Simulations Standard Reactor and Feed Settings for ZlNCSlM Simulations
Parameter Value Parameter Value
Number of Compartments 5 Number of compartments 4
Volume of Compartment # I 8.7 m3 Volume of compartment 1 22.4 m3
Volume of Compartments #2, 3 , 4 and 5 4.3 m3 each Volume of compartment 2 17.4 m3
Total Reactor Pressure I7 atm Volume of compartment 3 17.2 m3
Temperature 1 90°C Volume of compartment 4 17.4 m3
Total Presssure 12.5 atm
Mineralogical Composition
Pyrite 66.5 %wt Mineralogical Composition
Arsenopyrite 26.0 %wt Marmatite (8.9% Fe) 60.5 wt%
Flow rate of Feed Solids 2.3 tonh Marmatite (3.5% Fe) 23.9 wt%
Feed Slurry Density 73 %wt solids Pyrite 1.08 wt%
Pyrrhotite 2.65 wt%
Galena 6.36 wt%
Apparent solubility product for iron precipitation Marcasite 1.08 wt%
Flow rate of feed solids 270 kglmin
In zinc pressure leaching, iron is leached into solution Feed slurry density 70.0 %
from marmatite, pyrite, pyrrhotite and any other iron minerals Feed slurry temperature 15°C
in the concentrate. Iron precipitates from solution in various
forms: jarosite; goethite or hematite, depending on tempera- Aqueous Feed Streams
To Compartment 1 To Compartment 2
ture, and the iron and acid concentrations. Much qualitative
information exists in the literature on the nature of iron pre- Flow rate 1380 L/min 500.0 L/min
cipitates in zinc pressure leaching. For the Cominco zinc Temperature 60°C 30°C
pressure leach conditions (140°C 12 atm, 30 g/L acid) iron Zn2+ 50.0 g/L 50.0 g/L
Acid 161.0 g/L 161.0 g/L
was found to precipitate as jarosite. Lead, leached from
galena in the concentrate, forms insoluble lead sulphate that
combines with ferric ion in solution to form lead jarosite:

0.5PbS04 + l.5Fe2(S04)3+ 6H20


Mj(Hi - I f o ) = c

(J/min) . . . . . . . . ( 1 3 )
-+ Pb,,, Fe3(S04), (OH), + 3H2S0, . . . . . . . . . (10)
where, NI is the number of feed streams coming into the
Otherwise, ferric ion precipitates as hydronium jarosite: compartment, which would typically include the slurry from
the previous compartment or fresh feed and any aqueous
1.5Fe2(S04)3+ 7H20 -+ (H30)Fe3(S04)2(0H)6 feeds. Miis the molar flow rate of feed stream i in mournin,
+2.5H2 SO, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11) Hi is the enthalpy of the incoming feed stream in J/mol and
H, is the enthalpy of the slurrj exiting the compartment in
However, little thermodynamic, or other quantitative J/mol. The term on the left hand side of Equation (13) rep-
data, have been reported that could be used to predict the resents the heat removed. The term on the right hand side of
type and amount of precipitate formed under certain condi- Equation (1 3 ) represents the heat generated. NR is the num-
tions. Femc ion and sulphuric acid concentrations from the ber of reactions occurring in the compartment. AHrxnjis the
exit of several zinc pressure leach operations were surveyed heat of reaction in J/mol for reactionj at the steady state
during the ZINCSIM development (Baldwin et al, 1995). temperature of the compartment and E~ is the extent of reac-
From these values, an apparent equilibrium constant, KE, tionj in moumin.
was used as an approximation for the solubility product for Equation (13 ) has been cast in the form Heat Removed =
Reactions 10 and 1 1 : Heat Generated since the classic Van Heerden Diagram
approach is used to find the steady state temperature (Van
KE = [Fe3+]/[H2S04]moVmol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12) Heerden, 1952). In this method, the material balance equa-
tions are solved for fixed temperatures over the temperature
A value of KE = 0.219 moVmol was chosen for the stan- range of interest. The Heat Removed and Heat Generated
dard ZINCSIM simulations of the Cominco pressure leach. values are plotted on the same set of axes versus tempera-
Since this value is based on plant data rather than controlled ture, as can be seen later in Figures 10 and 14. A steady state
laboratory experiments, it may not be applied suitably to temperature is found at the intersection of the two lines.
processes other than the Cominco operation. In this study, That is where Heat Removed equals Heat Generated.
we have investigated how the range of uncertainty in this Unstable steady states occur where the slope of the Heat
parameter impacts on model predictions. Values for KE from Generated curve is greater than the slope of the Heat
0.150 to 0.300 mol/mol were used in model predictions. Removed line at the intersection. Otherwise, the steady state
is assumed to be stable.
The heat balance
The simulation programs, REACTSIM and ZINCSIM,
perform a heat balance for each compartment of the auto- To examine the parameter sensitivities, model simula-
clave so as to calculate the stable, steady state operating tions with different parameter values over their range of
temperature for that compartment. The heat balance equa- uncertainty were compared with standard simulations.
tion used is given below: Standard model input parameters for REACTSIM are given


Standard Values for Parameters and the Range of their Values
used in the Sensitivity Studies
Parameter Standard Value Range
1. Oxygen mass transfer coefficient 35 5-50
(1 /min), k,a
2. % Reacted pyrite converted to 0 0-30 60
elemental sulphur
3. Pyrite oxidation activation energy 110 100- 120
(kJ/mol), E,


4. Ferrous to ferric oxidation constant 10 5-14 3 4 .5 b I H 0

coefficient kinetic parameter Fuel Content of the Fccd (S + As wt%)
(x I 09 (L.moI)'.s/(min.atm))
5. % Reacted marmatite converted to 0 0-5 Figure 3 - REACTSIM predicted feed pre-heat temperature ("C)
sulphate required for operation at 190°C versus the fuel content (S + As
6. Iron precipitation equilibrium 0.129 0.15-0.30 wt%) of the feed at four different assumed k,a values: 10 (open
constant (mol/mol),K E square), 20 (filled square), 35 (open circle) and 50 (filled circle)

in Table 1. The Cominco zinc pressure leach conditions

(McKay, 1994) were chosen as the standard conditions for Y.5a , I

ZINCSZM simulations and are presented in Table 2. The

parameters investigated and their range of values are pre-
sented in Table 3.

Results and discussion


Oxygen mass transfer coeflcient, kLa

It was expected that the model sensitivity to this parameter

would depend on the regime (mass transfer controlled or Figure 4 -REACTSIM predicted fuel content (S + As wt%) of the
autoclave feed required for autogenous operation at 190°C (open
reaction rate controlled) that the autoclave was operating in. square), overall sulphide conversion (filled square) and autoclave
Figure 3 presents the calculated feed preheat temperature residence time (min) (open circle) versus assumed values for k,a
required for operation of the autoclave at 190°C versus the ( I /min).
fuel content of the feed for different values of parameter kLa.
The fuel content of the feed refers to the total sulphur and
arsenic content of the feed concentrate or ore. We use the tions are mass transfer controlled small variations in the
term fuel content since it was noticed that the heat released value of kLa give large differences in the model predictions.
from oxidation of the sulphide minerals studied (pyrite, To look more closely at the effect of the kLa parameter
arsenopyrite and pyrrhotite) was roughly proportional to value on model predictions, we calculated the fuel content
their combined sulphur and arsenic content. It is most desir- of the feed required for autogenous operation of the auto-
able to operate the autoclave autogenously, that is without clave at 190°C when the feed temperature was 30°C. This is
any preheat of the feed. For example, if the concentrate or presented versus kLa in Figure 4 (open squares). The figure
ore contains 4.5 S+As wt%, then from Figure 3, assuming shows that the calculated fuel content required for autoge-
kLa = 35 l/min (the open circles), the feed temperature nous operation at 190°C is very sensitive to kLa parameter
should be 40°C for autogenous operation at 190°C. If the values at low kLa and not so sensitive at high kLa values. The
fuel content of the feed is lower than 4.5 S+As wt% then the calculated fuel content decreases with kLa since at higher kl,u
feed must be preheated to higher temperatures. If the fuel values the reactions are not mass transfer controlled and
content is higher than 4.5 S+As wt% then cooling may be proceed more rapidly thus releasing more heat. Under these
required to prevent the autoclave temperature from exceed- conditions the feed should have a lower fuel content so that
ing 190°C. In Figure 3, four curves are presented for four the temperature does not exceed 190°C in the autoclave. In
different kLa values, 10, 20, 35 and 50 l/min, respectively. the model, we vary the fuel content of the feed by adding
The operating line for kLa =lo l/min is very far away from recycled oxidised solids to a fixed amount of concentrate.
the other lines and gives very different calculations for the The disadvantage of adding recycled oxidised solids is that
feed preheat temperature versus fuel content required for the residence time of the autoclave goes down. This can
autogenous operation at 190°C. For higher values of kLu (35 been seen in Figure 4. The Figure shows the residence time
to 50 l/min) the curves are closer together and the model increasing sharply at the lower mass transfer coefficients.
predictions do not appear to be as sensitive to uncertainties The longer residence time might be expected to yield hgher
in the value of kLu (35 to 50 l/min). This could be because sulphide conversions. However, the mass transfer limited
at these high kLa values the reactions are not mass transfer kinetics under these conditions are too slow and conversion,
controlled. However, for lower kLa values, where the reac- despite increased residence time, drops steeply at low k,u.

Standard E. / A -1
Low Temperature E , / A Fuel Cbntent 0
Sulphide Conversion
120 Standard E./A - 10 kJ -0.9 2
-0.8 20

-0.7 3

' I I -7
0 5 10 15
Fuel Content of the Feed (S
+ As wt%)
100 105 110 115
Activation Energy, E, (kJ mol-')
Figure 5 - REACTSIM predicted feed pre-heat temperature ("C) Figure 6 -REACTSIM predictions for fuel content (S + A s wt%)
required for operation at 190OC as a function of fuel content in the required for autogenous operation at 190°C and total sulphide con-
feed (S + A s wt%) using different values for the pyrite oxidation version as a function of the different assumed activation energies
activation energy (kJ/mol). E, and A obtained from high tempera- in kJ/mol for pyrite oxidation.
ture studies are referred to as the standard values. For this case, E,
was varied *I0 kJ/mol. The parameters from the low temperature
study were also used in the simulation to illustrate the vastly dif- and fuel content for autogenous operation. If the activation
ferent results obtained when kinetics are extrapolated far from the energy is 100 kJ/mol then the model calculates sulphide
range of conditions in which they were obtained. conversion to be 68%. However, if the activation energy
were 120 kJ/mol then the model would predict sulphide con-
In summary, from Figure 4 the model is very sensitive to version to be nearly loo%! Thus, *lo kJ/mol uncertainty in
k,a values in the mass transfer controlled regime, whlch for the value for the activation energy results is very different
the particular autoclave simulated here is where kLa < 35 model predictions. This is due to the highly non-linear rela-
limin. When the reactions are not mass transfer controlled, tionship between the reaction rate and activation energy.
accurate estimates for kLa are not necessary since the model The predicted fuel contents required for autogenous opera-
predictions are relatively insensitive to kLuunder those condi- tion are also quite different over the range of uncertainty for
tions. Thus, in order to use the model successfully, the user at the activation energy, as seen in Figure 6 .
least should know in which regime the autoclave is operating. These results show that the model predictions are very
sensitive to variations in the value for pyrite oxidation kinetic
Pyrite oxidation kinetic parameters parameters. The model is so sensitive to these parameters,
especially the activation energy, that a more systematic
For REACTSZM simulations, the high temperature (160 to approach should be taken in carrying out experiments for
180°C) Arrhenius expression from Papangelakis (1 991) was the determination of temperature dependence of rate con-
chosen as the most appropriate, since the autoclave operates stants. More than three data points are needed. Duplicate
autogenously at 190°C. This is referred to as the standard experiments should be performed to obtain error bars.
case in Figure 5. The activation energy here is varied in the Parameters should not be used to extrapolate for rate con-
range f 10 kJ/mol. Additional simulations were performed stants outside of the temperature range in which the data
using the low temperature activation energy, 46 kJ/mol. In were collected.
Figure 5, feed preheat temperature for autogenous operation Percent pyrite oxidised to elemental sulphur
is plotted versus fuel content. With such high activation
energies (by high we refer to the absolute value): 100 (open Simulation results for autogenous operation and total sul-
circle), 110 (open square) and 120 kJ /mol (closed circle), phide conversion are shown in Figures 7 and 8. Surprisingly,
the feed preheat temperature lines are still quite steep, show- the model predictions were largely unaffected by the
ing that the dependence of the rate constant on temperature amount of elemental sulphur produced despite the large dif-
is quite dramatic. For example, if the fuel content of the feed ferences in heats of reaction. This is true for the range 0 to
to the autoclave drops by I%, the feed preheat temperature 30% pyrite converted to Sopresented here. Also, predicted
has to be increased by 5OoC. Contrast this to the results overall sulphide conversions are affected only marginally.
using the low temperature Arrhenius parameters (closed As mentioned previously, the assumed stoichiometry also
square) where the activation energy is less than half. There, affects the mass balance, particularly the acid concentration.
a 1% change in fuel content necessitates a 15°C adjustment This is not evident in the refractory gold pressure oxidation
in preheat temperature to maintain the operating tempera- simulations since changes in solution chemistry are not
ture at 190°C. modelled in REACTSIM. The effect of stoichiometry on
Because the activation energy is in the exponent, small solution chemistry will be discussed in a later section on
changes in its value impact greatly on the value of the rate zinc pressure leaching, where iron and acid concentrations
constant for pyrite oxidation. In Figure 6, we have plotted are important.
the overall sulphide conversion and the fuel content of the
feed required for autogenous operation at 190°C when the ZINC PRESSURE LEACH MODELLING WITH ZINCSIM
feed temperature is 30°C versus activation energy. In these Rate of ferrous to ferric ion oxidation
simulations, the standard, that is the ones determined at
higher temperatures, Arrhenius parameters were used. It is well known in zinc pressure leaching that a zinc con-
Figure 6 shows the effect of variation in the activation energy centrate with low iron content will not leach. Oxidation of
*lo kJ/mol on the model predictions for sulphide conversion sphalerite and marmatite by dissolved oxygen is too slow.

'5 .
I - -
* -.J
?"A ;: 3:.5 ; 115
Fuel Content of the Feed (S
; 515
+ As wt%)
0 i
S 9 10

I1 12 I :I

Ferrous to Ferric Oxidation Kinctics (:oristarit ( x IO..')

Figure 7 - REACTSlM predicted feed pre-heat temperature ("C) Figure 9 - ZlNCSIM predicted ferrous (open squares) and ferric
for operation at 190°C as a function of fuel-contentof the feed (S + ion (closed squares) concentrations (g/L) in the first compartment
As wt%) assuming no reacted pyrite is converted to elemental sul- versus different assumed values for the constant coefficient para-
phur only (open square), assuming 15% of the reacted pyrite con- meter ((L.m~l)'.~/(min.atm)) in the kinetic equation for ferrous to
verts to elemental sulphur only (tilled square) and assuming 30% of ferric oxidation kinetics under zinc pressure leach conditions.
the reacted pyrite converts to elemental sulphur only (open circle).

m 32
2 0.995


(0, 1, 2, 3, 1 a n d 5

0.98 I I I I , I

0 5 10 15 '0 25 30 135 140 145 150 1.55 1 fiO

L/a I;& convertcd to So Tmipwatiire ( " ( ' )

Figure 8 -REACTSIM predicted total sulphide conversion using Figure 10 - Z/NCSIM heat balances for the first Compartment
the fuel content (S + As wt%) required for autogenous operation at conducted for different assumed extents of marmatite conversion
190°C versus the assumed amounts of reacted pyrite converted to all the way to sulphate. The dashed line represents the heat
elemental sulphur only. removed (GJ/mol) and the solid lines represent the heat generated
(GJ/mol). Increasing line thickness corresponds to increasing per-
cent sulphate from 0 to 5% in increments of 1 %. The circles mark
But, with adequate ferric ion as oxidising agent, zinc leach- the stable steady state solutions.
ing takes place at temperatures below 160°C. A positive
feedback loop exists in the reactions involved in the process.
Sphalerite or marmatite reacts with ferric ion to produce 9.5 x lo9 yielded extremely small concentrations of ferric
zinc in solution and ferrous ion. The ferrous ion is then oxi- iron. Under these conditions, the model predicts little or no
dised back to ferric ion by dissolved oxygen: marmatite leaching. There is a critical value for this constant
parameter where the ferric ion concentration suddenly
ZnS + Fe,(SO,),+ ZnSO, + 2FeS0, + So . . . . . . (14)
increases. The reason for this must be that marmatite leach-
2FeS04 + f0, + H,SO, + Fe,(S0,)3 + H,O . . . . (1 5) ing suddenly takes off, increasing the total iron in solution
and, through the feedback loop (reaction 15), the ferric ion
Thus, the ferrous ion product from the first reaction is concentration, which then further increases the marmatite
recycled back to ferric ion in the second reaction. Efficient leaching. The ferrous and ferric ion concentrations remain
leaching of sphalerite and marmatite continues as long as somewhat constant for coefficients greater than 9.5 x lo9.
ferric ion is not removed from solution by precipitation. This is due to the precipitation of ferric ions and the assumed
Thus, the rate of sphalerite and marmatite leaching depends apparent equilibrium. In this case, the model appears to sug-
also on reaction 15, the rate of ferrous to ferric ion oxida- gest that this value could be a bifurcation point of some sort
tion. Sensitivity of model predictions to the constant value comparable to ignitiodextinction phenomena seen in other
in the rate expression for ferrous to ferric ion oxidation can positive feedback systems. The standard value averaged
be seen in Figure 9. Here, we have plotted the ferrous and from the Dreisinger and Peters (1989) data is very close to
ferric ion concentrations predicted by the model for the first this point. Some of the measured ferrous to ferric ion oxida-
compartment of the autoclave versus several different val- tion rates reported in Dreisinger and Peters (1989), if used in
ues used for the constant coefficient in Equation 5. From the the model, would result in predictions of very low marmatite
graph, it can be seen that values of this coefficient less than conversions under the conditions investigated. Perhaps the

Prrccnt. Marnlatite Oxidisrd to Sulphatr

Figure 12 - ZfNCSlh4 predicted marmatite conversion (open

Percent Marmatite Oxidisrd to Sulphatr
square), acid (closed square), ferrous ion (open circle) and ferric
ion (closed circle) concentrations (g/L) in the first compartment
Figure 1 1 -ZlNCSlM predicted steady state temperature ("C) for versus assumed amounts (in %) of reacted marmatite converted all
the first compartment as a function of percent oxidation of mar- the way to sulphate.
matite all the way to sulphate.

catalysing effects taking place in the zinc pressure leach version to sulphate. However, there is not a linear relation-
process to accelerate ferrous to femc ion oxidation are not ship between predicted steady state temperature and percent
seen or well characterised in bench-scale experiments. marmatite oxidised to sulphate. This is due to the highly
These kinetics deserve more complete investigation. non-linear nature of the heat balance equation, the extents of
reaction in Equation (13) being dependant on temperature,
Fraction of leached marmatite oxidised to sulphate and the coupling of the heat balance to the material balancc
equations. In addition, because the steady state temperature
Figure 10 shows the method by which ZINCSIM deter- increases with percent marmatite oxidised to sulphate, onc
mines the energy balance for the zinc pressure leach auto- would expect the extent of marmatite conversion to increase
clave simulation. The solid lines represent the heat generated also. But this was not the case, as can be seen in Figure 12
due to the reactions taking place in the autoclave. Six dif- (open squares), where the marmatite conversion drops from
ferent lines are presented corresponding to different model 0.75 to 0.695. Increased sulphate production results in
simulations run with different assumptions for the percent of increased acid concentrations, as can be seen in Fig. 12
marmatite oxidised to sulphate. The values used for the per- (solid squares). Acid concentration has an inverse effect on
cent of marmatite oxidised to sulphate increase with line thick- ferrous to ferric ion oxidation kinetics (see Equation 5).
ness, and equal 0, 1,2,3,4 and 5 respectively. It can be seen Thus, the ferric ion concentrations are lower with increased
in the Figure that the amount of heat generated increases percent marmatite oxidation tu sulphate (closed circles in
with greater amounts of marmatite converted to sulphate, as Figure 12). Thus, the extent of marmatite oxidation, which
was expected. The dashed line represents the heat removed. is proportional to ferric ion concentration, is less. This effect
This line does not depend on the amount of marmatite con- of increased sulphate production counteracts the increased
verted to sulphate and remained the same for all six simula- heat of reaction with greater percent conversion of mar-
tions. The stable operating temperature for each simulation matite to sulphate. This particular parameter sensitivity
can be found at the intersection of the solid lines and the study is an excellent illustration of the difficulty of intu-
dashed line. There are two intersections between each solid itively anticipating the effect of certain parameters on sys-
tem performance, due to the complex interrelationship of all
line and the dashed line, the first intersection is not a stable
events. At first consideration, one would have expected
solution, as determined by the criteria of Van Heerden (Van
more sulphate production, which gives off more heat and
Heerden, 1952). The second intersection, as indicted by the
raises the steady state temperature to result in increased
open circles in Figure 10, is a stable solution and the oper- marmatite conversion. However, the activation energy for
ating temperature is determined at this point. The closeness marmatite leaching is quite low (E, = 37.4 kJ/mol) and the
of the stable solution to the unstable solution implies that effect of temperature would not be great. But, as the simulation
reaction extinction may occur, should fluctuations in input results show in Figure 12, the conversion of marmatite actu-
conditions cause the steady state temperature to drop. This ally decreases with sulphate production, counter-intuitively.
has not been seen in actual zinc pressure leach operations. The negative effect of increasing acid concentrations
However, this multiple steady state phenomenon is typical counter-balances the heating effect. The actual compounded
for an exothermic reaction in a continuous stirred tank reactor, effect can only be predicted by doing the calculations and
and is not a surprising result. cannot be arrived at intuitively. This is one of the benefits of
Figure 10 shows that the heat balance is quite sensitive to simulation programs as tools to predict the effects of oper-
the assumed amount of sulphate produced in marmatite oxi- ating parameters on process performance, but, also, can be a
dation. The degree of uncertainty is only 0 to 5% marmatite pitfall in assessing the accuracy of the model.
converted to sulphate, but the predicted steady state temper-
atures at 0 and 5%, respectively, differ by 17OC. The effect Apparent equilibrium constant for iron precipitation
is non linear, as shown in Figure 11. Considering only the
effect of sulphate production on the heat of reaction, one The most obvious effect of this parameter to be expected
would expect a linear increase in heat generated, which would be on the ferric ion and sulphuric acid concentrations.
appears to be so in Figure 10, excluding the line for 5% con- This is shown in Figure 13. With increasing KE, acid con-

IIeat <;eric~aic~I , A

(0.15, o.21

0.24. 0.27 antl 0.:10 rriol/inol

I1 I
0.14 0.16 0.1s 0.2 0.22 0.24 0.26 0.28
IiE (mol/~nol)

Figure 13 - ZlNCSlM predicted marmatite conversion (open Figure 14 - ZINCSIM heat balances for the first compartment
square), acid (closed square), ferrous ion (open circle) and ferric conducted for different assumed apparent equilibrium constants
ion (closed circle) concentrations (g/L) in the first compartment (KE,mol/mol) for iron precipitation. The dashed line represents the
versus assumed apparent equilibrium constants (KE, mol/mol) for heat removed (GJ/mol) and the solid lines represent the heat gen-
iron precipitation. erated (GJ/mol). The dots mark the stable steady state solutions.

centration drops and ferric concentration increases, as An apparent discontinuity was observed in the dependence
expected, although the effect is not dramatic over the para- on the constant coefficient in the rate expression for ferrous
meter range investigated. Ferric ion concentration only to ferric ion oxidation. We believe that the feedback loop in
increases from 2 to 3 g/L and the marmatite conversion marmatite leachmg with simultaneous ferrous to ferric ion
increases only a few percent (Figure 13). These results indi- oxidation contributes to this phenomenon. This result is sig-
cate that the model is not very sensitive to KE values over nificant since the constant coefficient parameter obtained
the range investigated. However, even with a few percent from averaged kinetic data from laboratory experiments
increase in conversion, the heat balance for the first com- reported in the literature is very close to the discontinuity.
partment of the autoclave changes significantly. This is This exercise also showed that models can be a powerful
shown in Figure 14, where the heat generated (solid lines) tool for predicting the effect of certain parameters where
and the heat removed (dashed line) are plotted versus tem- their effect is not intuitively induced. This was seen where
perature for six different KE values. In the Figure, the stable the effect of percent maramtite reacted to sulphate effected
steady states are indicated by the dots. Note that for the two the marmatite conversion in the opposite way to what was
lowest values of KE: 0.150 and 0.180 (the bottom two thin- expected. This was due to complex relationships between
ner lines), there is no stable steady state solution. The two reaction rates and solution chemistry. Another surprising
lines representing heat generated (solid line) and heat result was that the model predicted steady state temperature
removed (dashed line) do not intersect. It was observed pre- was very sensitive to the apparent equilibrium constant for
viously, that the two steady state solutions of the heat bal- ferric ion precipitation, KE, while the predicted solution
ance, the lower unstable and the upper stable, were very chemistry was not. In short, this study leads to two recom-
close to one another. This implied that with fluctuations in mendations: the necessity for accurate kinetic parameters
the process, the reactions in the autoclave could extinguish. determined over the range of interest to be used in the
This is what happens when lower values are assumed for the model, and the usefulness of the modelling exercise in deter-
apparent equilibrium constant. Here, the parameter sensitivity mining the effect of process parameters.
study illustrates a situation where, on the one hand, varia-
tions in the parameter over its range of uncertainty do not Nomenclature
result in significant changes for the model predictions of
solution chemistry. Whereas, on the other hand, non linearities A = ferrous to ferric ion oxidation kinetics pre-exponential
in the mass and energy balance equations result in very differ- factor, (L.mol)l S/(min.atm)
ent predictions for the stable steady state temperature. Thus, E, = activation energy, (J/mol)
= extent of reaction j, (mol/min)
this parameter value still needs to be determined acurately.
2 = Henry's constant, (atm/(L.mol)
Conclusions Hi = enthalpy of incoming stream, (J/mol)
H, = enthalpy of outgoing stream, (Jlmol)
AHm,,= heat of reaction, (J/mol)
In this study, we have investigated the sensitivity of two AfY,?z: = heat of reaction at 298K, (J/mol)
complex hydrometallurgical reactor models to the following k = rate constant, (I/min)
parameters: For REACTSIM: mass transfer coefficient, kLa, k, = second order rate constant for ferrous oxidation,
pyrite dissolution activation energy, E,, percent pyrite con- (L/(mol.min.Pa)
version to So, for ZINCSIM: the constant kinetic parameter KE = apparent equilibrium constant for ferric precipitation,
for ferrous to ferric oxidation, percent conversion of marmatite (mol/mol)
to sulphate and the apparent equilibrium constant for iron k,a = oxygen mass transfer coefficient, ( I /min)
M = molar flow rate, (mol/min)
precipitation, KE. Our results have shown that such models OMTR = oxygen mass transfer coefficient, (mol/(L.min))
are very sensitive to some kinetic parameters: k[,a in the
PlO2 = partial pressure of oxygen in the gas phase, (atm)
mass transfer controlled regime and the activation energy, En,
especially since it is in the exponent of the rate expression. 3 = partial pressure of oxygen in the liquid phase, (atm)
= gas constant, (J/(mol.K))

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