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My opinion is that watching TV is not a waste of time.

Watching TV can broaden people's cognition, the world is very vast, but people only have
limited time and energy to understand what they see and hear, but TV can bring you a wider
world, children can not read books when they are young, children can not fully understand
the words of the family, so TV has become a door for children to understand the world,
There are many things in life that parents can not tell their children, but TV can make
children accept all aspects of knowledge more comprehensively. Adults are the same, there
are a lot of things don't know, these things are not limited to don't know what things, but in
the corners of the world happened, some people are experiencing at this time, something
that seems impossible but happened, such as "blood diamond", such as some things
happened in history, everyone knows the name, but don't know the specific, Then, the
establishment of some brands, the establishment of some human rights, and some
landmark moments will be presented in the way of movies. Because most people do not
know the cause and effect, presenting in the way of movies can better let people understand
a period of history and broaden people's cognition

I think the daily life of people in today's society is so tired that watching TV is a good way to
relax. For example, there are a lot of fun places for stars to do tasks together. For a family
returning home after a day's work, it is really good to sit together and watch a variety show.
It is impossible for people to deal with work and improve themselves rationally all the time,
just like eating, people have requirements for life, not just to survive. TV has visual AIDS so
it's easy to look at, and smirking at the screen isn't always bad behavior, but it can take your
mind off your worries or make someone who's struggling at work think differently. In
addition, watching TV can also enhance the relationship between family members. It is
difficult for people who have worked all day to get together except for eating. However, if
they watch TV together in the evening, they can not only relax but also discuss the content
of TV together, which is good for individual body and mind and family atmosphere.

Watching TV can also strengthen people's minds and make them more imaginative. In many
American TV series and Chinese TV series, there are a lot of suspense themed movies, some
of which are archetypal, some are fictional, but watching these imaginative plots can more
effectively help us to quickly decide and solve problems in the future. Both common sense
and thinking can be greatly improved. For example, in Hidden Corner, Zhang Dongsheng and
Zhu Chaoyang. There are also movies that reinforce the imagination, such as Annihilation,
with its strange events on Earth and its fantasy of alien life. The suspenseful ending at the
end of the play, as well as the description of magic and the imagination of the magical world
in Harry Potter can evoke people's endless fantasy. For some art practitioners, watching
these movies is undoubtedly the best help for their artistic creation.

In conclusion, cognition, relaxation, thinking and imagination can be obtained through

watching TV,

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