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Syllabus : Future Tech Olympiad 2.

Introduction to Future Tech Olympiad Syllabus

This syllabus is designed to help students in classes 9 to 12 prepare for the future by gaining a
deep understanding of advanced technologies. It covers topics such as Digital Literacy, Digital
Etiquette, AI, AR, VR, Blockchain, and IoT. Additionally, this syllabus integrates concepts from
computer science books, ensuring a well-rounded and practical learning experience. Students
will have the opportunity to apply their knowledge through projects and research, enhancing
their skills for the future.

1. Digital Citizenship

Introduction to Digital Citizenship

● Defining digital citizenship and its importance in the digital age.

● Recognizing the role of individuals in online communities.

Online Etiquette and Responsible Behavior

● Practicing respect and kindness in digital interactions.
● Understanding the consequences of cyberbullying and online harassment.

Digital Footprint and Privacy

● How online actions can leave a digital footprint.
● Protecting personal information and privacy online.

Cybersecurity and Internet Safety

● Awareness of online threats and dangers.
● Best practices for staying safe online.Media Literacy
● Analyzing and evaluating online information and sources.
● Identifying fake news, misinformation, and digital manipulation.

Copyright and Intellectual Property

● Understanding copyright laws and intellectual property rights.
● Properly crediting and using content created by others.

Critical Thinking and Digital Resilience

● Developing critical thinking skills to navigate the digital landscape.
● Building resilience to online negativity and misinformation.

Balancing Screen Time and Well-being

● Recognizing the importance of a balanced digital life.
● Strategies for managing screen time and maintaining physical and mental well-being.
Digital Citizenship in Social Media and Gaming
● Appropriate behavior and etiquette in social media and online gaming communities.
● Dealing with online trolls and harmful content.

Becoming a Positive Digital Citizen

● Encouraging positive online behavior and community-building.
● Empowering others to be responsible digital citizens.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

Introduction to AI
● What is AI?
● History of AI
● Types of AI
● Applications of AI
● AI ethics and responsibility

Machine Learning
● What is machine learning?
● Supervised learning
● Unsupervised learning
● Reinforcement learning

Deep Learning
● What is deep learning?
● Neural networks
● Convolutional neural networks
● Recurrent neural networks

AI Programming
● Introduction to Python
● Programming for AI
● AI libraries and frameworks

AI Project Development
● Project planning
● Data collection and preparation
● Model development and evaluation
● Model deployment and maintenance

AI Applications in Different Domains

● Computer vision
● Natural language processing
● Speech recognition
● Machine translation
● Robotics

AI Research and Development

● Current trends in AI research
● Open source AI platforms
● AI standardization
● The future of AI

3. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Development

Introduction to AR and VR
● What is AR?
● What is VR?
● Differences between AR and VR
● Applications of AR and VR
● History of AR and VR

AR and VR Technologies
● AR hardware
● VR hardware
● AR and VR software
● AR and VR development platforms

AR and VR Development
● Introduction to programming for AR and VR
● Building AR and VR experiences
● Testing and deploying AR and VR experiences

Advanced AR and VR Topics

● Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) for AR and VR
● Augmented virtuality (AV) and mixed reality (MR)
● AR and VR for different industries

Advanced AR/VR Development

● In-depth understanding of AR and VR technologies.
● Building immersive AR/VR experiences.
● AR/VR in professional training and simulations.

4. Blockchain and Internet of Things (IoT) in Business and Industry

Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrency

● Enterprise blockchain solutions.
● Supply chain management and blockchain.
● Blockchain for financial services.

Introduction to IoT

● What is IoT?
● History of IoT
● Applications of IoT
● IoT architecture
● IoT technologies
● IoT security and privacy

IoT Programming
● Introduction to Python
● Programming for IoT devices
● IoT cloud programming

IoT Project Development

● Project planning
● Hardware and software selection
● Prototyping and testing
● Deployment and maintenance

Blockchain and IoT Integration

● Combining blockchain and IoT for secure data exchange.
● Case studies in blockchain-enabled IoT solutions.
● Developing and implementing real-world blockchain-IoT projects.

Students are invited to complete any 2 course following suggestive courses on
● Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals
● AI Foundations
● Cybersecurity Fundamentals
● Information Technology Fundamentals
● Explore Emerging Tech
● Data Science Foundations - Level 1

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