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5th lesson plan

Teaching date: 25,26,27/11 /2020

WEEK 12:


Period 45 Lesson 2: Part 4,5,6

I. Requests
- By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
+ use the words and phrases related to the topics How do you learn English?
+ ask and answer questions about the importance of learning English, using
Why do you learn English? – Because I want to ...
+ develop listening,writing skills.
- Language focus:
+ Vocabulary:
+ Sentence pattern: Why do you learn English? – Because I want to ...
II. Teaching aids
-Teacher’s aids: - Students' and teacher's book - Tapescripts - Flashcards
- Power point/ sachmem software, projector/interactive
- Students’ aids: Student book, notebook, workbook
III. Main teaching activities
1. Opening activity – Warm up (4ms)
- Having few pairs of Ps ask and answer questions abot the importance of learning
English, using Why do you learn English? – Because I want to ...
2. New knowledge formation activity (12ms)
Part 4. Listen and number
- Tell Ps that they are going to listen and number the pictures.
- Ask them to look at the pictures and identify the characters and their activities.
- Play the recording all the way through for them to listen number the pictures .
- Play it again for them to check their answers.
- Get Ps to compare their answers before giving feedback.
- Play the recording a third time to confirm the answers.
- Key: a2 b4 c1 d 3
3. Practice activity (14ms)
Part 5. Write about you
- Tell Ps that they are going to write answers to the questions about how they
practise English and why they learn it.
- Have them read the questions and check their understanding.
- Set a time limit for Ps to do the writing independently. Monitor the activity and
offer help when necessary.
5th lesson plan

- Get Ps to swap and read their writing before inviting one or two Ps to read their
answers aloud and give feedback.
- Announce the answers to the class. Correct the Ps’mistakes when necessary.
Key: Answers vary
4. Application activity (10ms)
Part 6. Let’s play
- Tell Ps that they are going to play How do I learn English?
- Remind Ps how to play Charades, a guessing movements and facial expressions
to indicate words. Call on one or two Ps to demontrate the game. Make sure Ps
understanding how to play it.
- Divide the class into two teams. Show the first team a word. One pupil of the
team must act it out. If the second team guesses the word correctly, they get a
point. Then let the second team act out a word while the first team guesses. Put all
the words used in the game on the board.
- Set a time limit for PS to play the game. The team with more points at the end of
the game wins.
- Have the class make sentences with the words on the board.
IV. Adjustment after the lesson
5th lesson plan


Period 46 Lesson 3: Part 1, 2, 3

I. Requests
- By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
+ use the words and phrases related to the topics How do you learn English?
+ say questions and answers with the correct sentence stress.
+ develop listening,speaking skills.
- Language focus:
+ Phonics:
‘How do you ‘practise ‘speaking ?- I ‘speak ‘English ‘every ‘day.
‘How do you ‘practise ‘readinging ?- I ‘read ‘English ‘comic ‘book..
‘How do you ‘practise ‘writing ?- I ‘write ‘email to my ‘friend.
‘Why do you ‘learn ‘English ?- Be’cause I ‘want to ‘sing ‘English ‘song.
II. Teaching aids
-Teacher’s aids: - Students' and teacher's book - Tapescripts - Flashcards
- Power point/ sachmem software, projector/interactive
- Students’ aids: Student book, notebook, workbook
III. Main teaching activities
1. Opening activity – Warm up (4ms)
- Get Ps to read their answers to Activity 5 lesson 2 aloud. Give feedback and
introduce lesson 3.
2. New knowledge formation activity (12ms)
Part 1. Listen and repeat
a. Presentation:
- Tell Ps that they are going to practise saying the sentences, paying attention to
sentence stress.
b. Practice:
- Play the recording through for Ps to listen to the words and the sentences.
- Play the recording again. Have Ps repeat each word and sentence after the
recording until Ps feel confident.
5th lesson plan

c. Production:
- Have some Ps read aloud the sentences in front of the class.
3. Practice activity (12ms)
Part 2. Listen and circle a or b. Then say the sentences aloud
a. Pre-listening: Open prediction
- Tell Ps that they are going to listen to the recording, circle a or b to complete the
sentences. Ask pupils to guess.
- Get feedback from Ps and write Ps' ideas on the board.
Students' guess Answers

b. While - listening:
- Give Ps a few seconds to read the sentences in silence before playing the
recording for them to do the task.
- Play the recording for Ps to listen and do the task. Then play it again for them to
check the anwers.
- Get Ps to compare their answers in pairs before checking as a class.
- Write the correct answers on the board for Ps to copy down into their notebook.
- Key: 1.b 2. a 3.a
c. Post-listening
- Get Ps to work in pairs and practise saying the sentences.
4. Application activity (12ms)
Part 3. Let’s chant
a. Presentation:
- Tell Ps that they are going to say How do you learn English ?chant.
- Have them read the chant and check their comprehension.
b. Practice:
- Play the recording all the way through for Ps to listen and follow in their
books.Then play it again for them to repeat line by line.
- Show Ps how to chant and do the actions. Call two groups of four to give a
- Get two groups of Ps to sit face to face and practise chanting and doing the
actions:one chants the questions and the other chants the answers.
- Have them practise chanting and doing in groups.
- Go around to offer help, if necessary.
c. Production:
- Invite two or three groups to say the chant and do the actions. The rest of the
class claps along to the rhythm of the chant.
IV. Adjustment after the lesson
5th lesson plan


Period 47 Lesson 3: Part 4, 5, 6,7

I. Requests
- By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
+ use the words and phrases related to the topics How do you learn English?
+ say questions and answers with the correct sentence stress.
+ develop reading and writing skill.
+ read and tick.
- Language focus:
+ Revise: + How do you practise ... ? – I .....
+ Why do you learn English? – Because I want to ...
II. Teaching aids
-Teacher’s aids: - Students' and teacher's book - Tapescripts - Flashcards
- Power point/ sachmem software, projector/interactive
- Students’ aids: Student book, notebook, workbook
III. Main teaching activities
1. Opening activity – Warm up (4ms)
- Get the class to chant do you learn English ? and do actions
2. New knowledge formation activity (12ms)
Part 4. Read and tick True (T) or False (F)
a. Presentation:
- Tell pupils that they are going to read the text about how and why Mai and Akio
learn English, and tick T or F
b. Practice:
5th lesson plan

- Give them a few seconds to look at the picture and ask : Who’s this ? What’s she
doing ? How does she learn English ?
- Explain the meaning of understanding each other.
- Get Ps to read the sentences and underline the key words/phrases before reading
the passage to find the relevant information. Give them an example.
- Set a time limit for Ps to do the task independently. Monitor the activity and offer
help, if necessary.
- Get Ps to swap & check their answers before checking as a class.
c. Production:
- Do choral and individual repetition of sentences.
Key: 1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.F
3. Practice activity (12ms)
Part 5. Write about how your friend learns English
- Tell Ps that they are going to write a short paragraph about how their friends
learns English.
- Give them time to read and complete the gapped sentences, using information
about their friends.
- Set a time limit for Ps to do the task independently. Monitor the activity and offer
help, if necessary.
- Remind Ps to use the structure learn .. by-ing .. in their writing.
- Remind them to write the first letter of each sentence and the name of their friend
in capital letters, and put commas and full stops at the appropriate places
- Get Ps to swap & check their answersin pairs before checking as a class.
- If there is time, ask one pupil to write the answer on the board.
4. Application activity (12ms)
Part 6. Project
- Tell Ps that they are going to work in groups of three and discuss how they
practise listening, speaking, reading and writing English.
- Ask Ps to copy the table below and then take notes.
How do we learn English ?
Name How we learn How we learn How we learn How we learn
to listen to speak to read to write
- Get one or two Ps to report their results to the class.
- If there is not enough time, give the activity as homework. Have Ps report their
results in the next class.
- Display their drawings in the classroom if you wish.
5th lesson plan

Part 7. Colour the stars

- Have the class read the statements and check their comprehension.
- Give them time to colour the stars and invite a few pupils to read the statements
- Give further support to Ps who find it difficult to achieve certain objectives.
IV. Adjustment after the lesson


Period 48 Lesson 1: Part 1, 2,3

I. Requests
- By the end of this lesson, pupils will be able to:
+ use the words and phrases related to the topics Favourite books.
+ ask and answer questions about what story/book someone is reading, using
What are you reading ? – I’m ........
+ develop listening and speaking skills.
- Language focus:
+ Vocabulary: The Fox and the Crow, Magic Lamp, Snow White and the
seven Dwarfs.
+ Sentence pattern: What are you reading ? – I’m ........
II. Teaching aids
-Teacher’s aids: - Students' and teacher's book - Tapescripts - Flashcards
- Power point/ sachmem software, projector/interactive
- Students’ aids: Student book, notebook, workbook
5th lesson plan

III. Main teaching activities

1. Opening activity – Warm up (4ms)
- Have the class report the results of their discussion for unit 7, Lesson 3, Activity
6. Then get them to play “Slap the board”, using words : book, read, favourite,
story, like, hobby, name.
- Introduce the new lesson by writing the title on the board and have Ps say it
2. New knowledge formation activity (12ms)
Part 1. Look, listen and repeat
a. Presentation:
- Tell Ps that they are going to read a story about Tony and Peter.
- Elicit Ps to talk about the situation in the picture by asking some questions: Who
are they? Where are they? What are they talking about?How often does Mai have
English? Does she have English today ? How does she practise reading?
b. Practice:
- Play the recording through for ps to listen.
- Play the recording again, pause after each sentence for Ps to repeat.
- Divide the class into 2 groups and ask Ps to role play.
- Have Ps work in groups to role play.
- Ps report the task.
- Check to make sure Ps can repeat and understand the content.

3. Practice activity (12ms)

Part 2. Point and say
a. Pre-stage:
- Tell Ps that they are going to practise asking and answering questions about what
story/book someone is reading, using What are you reading ? – I’m ........
b.While -stage:
- Have Ps look at the pictures and read aloud the phrases under each picture.
- Explain the meaning of the new words : The Fox and the Crow, Magic Lamp,
Snow White and the seven Dwarfs.
- Point the first picture and ask the questions about what story/book someone is
reading, using What are you reading ? – I’m ........ for Ps to answer chorally and
individually. Then tell them to practise asking and answering in pairs with the rest
of the pictures, using the prompts in the bubbles.
- Have Ps practise asking and answering the questions in pairs. Monitor the
activity, check Ps’ pronunciation and offer help when necessary.
c. Post-stage:
5th lesson plan

- Select some pairs of Ps to practise in front of the class.

- Ask some of them to speak to check their performance.
4. Application activity (12ms)
Part 3. Let’s talk
a. Pre-stage:
- Tell the class that they are going to practise further by asking and answering
questions what book they are reading.
- Get Ps to work in groups of four and use the questions and answers in their
- Set a time limit for them to practise. Monitor the activity and offer help, when
c. Post-stage:
- Invite a few pairs to demontrate their conversations in front of the class. Give
IV. Adjustment after the lesson

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