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Vol. 18 No. 2 Tahun 2022

P-ISSN: 1829-524X, E-ISSN: 26143437

The Effect of Perceptions and Reference Groups on Interest in Using Islamic

Bank Payroll Through Religiosity

Ade Risa Fitriani Mursidah1, Cut Erika Ananda Fatimah2

123Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding Author:

Nama Penulis: Ade Risa Fitriani Mursidah


Abstract: The university is an educational institution that can positively help the development
of Islamic banking. It can be seen from the existence of Islamic banking and Islamic economics
majors in the Faculty of Economics and Business. This research aims to analyze the direct and
indirect influence between perceptions and reference groups on Interest in using Islamic bank
payroll with Religiosity as an intervening variable, a case study at the Faculty of Economics and
Business, UIN Jakarta. This study analyzed 70 respondents using quantitative methods and SEM
PLS data analysis techniques using SmartPLS. The results of this study indicate that perceptions,
reference groups, and Religiosity directly or indirectly influence Interest. This study will explain
how perceptions, reference groups, and Religiosity towards interest variables use Islamic bank
Keywords: Islamic Bank Payroll, Perception, and Interest
Abstrak: Universitas merupakan suatu lembaga pendidikan yang dapat membantu
perkembangan perbankan syariah ke arah yang positif. Dapat diketahui dari adanya jurusan
perbankan syariah dan ekonomi syariah dalam Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis. Tujuan dari
penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh langsung dan tidak langsung antara
persepsi dan kelompok acuan terhadap minat menggunakan payroll Bank Syariah dengan
religiusitas sebagai variabel intervening, studi kasus pada Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis UIN
Jakarta. Penelitian ini menganalisis 70 responden dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif
dan teknik analisis data SEM PLS menggunakan SmartPLS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan
bahwa persepsi, kelompok acuan, dan religiusitas secara langsung maupun tidak langsung
mempengaruhi minat. Penelitian ini akan menjelaskan secara lengkap bagaimana persepsi,
kelompok acuan, dan religiusitas terhadap variabel minat menggunakan payroll Bank Syariah.
Kata kunci: Payroll Bank Syariah, Persepsi, dan Minat
Mursidah, Fatimah
. Submit 20 Januari 2023 Diterima 20 Januari 2023 Terbit 20 Januari 2023 .

How to recite:

Mursidah, F., dan Fatimah. 2023 The Effect of Perceptions and Reference Groups on
Interest in Using Islamic Bank Payroll Through Religiosity. Iqtishoduna, Vol. 18 (2): pp.


Indonesia is a country that implements a dual banking system. Indonesia has a

majority of the population that adheres to Islam. Based on a report by The Royal
Islamic Strategic Studies Center (RISSC), around 231 million Indonesians are Muslim.
This achievement has succeeded in bringing Indonesia to first place as a country with
the largest Muslim population in the world (Fauziah, 2022). Seeing the large Muslim
population and Islamic-based institutions in Indonesia is a great opportunity to
explore the potential of Islamic banks. Institutions with Islamic nuances in Indonesia
can be classified as the number of universities and Islamic-based schools.

According to the ministry of religion report, there are currently 58 Islamic

universities in Indonesia known as PTKIN. This number consists of UIN, IAIN, and
STAIN. Of these 58 Islamic educational institutions, of course, they have many staff,
employees, and students. This is a great potential for the development of Islamic
banking. One of the causes of the development of Islamic banking is the growth of
assets in Islamic banks, namely the increasing collection of third-party funds. This
has explained that if Islamic educational institutions use Islamic banks as salary
channeling institutions, this can help banks increase their DPK assets (Ibrahim, 2013
in Hardiyani et al., 2018)

Indonesia has the largest Muslim population in the world, along with the many
Islamic-based educational institutions in Indonesia, which are not directly
proportional to the market share owned by Islamic banks in Indonesia. As of
February 2022, the Financial Services Authority (OJK) reported that the market share
of sharia banking was only 6.65%. From these figures, 93.35% of the market share is
controlled by conventional banks. This explains that the Indonesian people do not

IQTISHODUNA Vol. 18 No. 2 Tahun 2022
choose a bank according to the religion they adhere to, or it is also not in line with
one's level of Religiosity (Puspaningtyas, 2021a)

Apart from being seen from the religious side, several aspects cause Muslim
Indonesians to still feel reluctant to switch from conventional banks to Islamic banks.
One of them is that there is still a negative perception of Islamic Banks. For example,
the facilities and technology owned by Islamic Banks are minimal, and financing
applications are relatively more expensive. (Puspaningtyas, 2021b)

As for the government's role in suppressing the growth of Islamic banking in

Indonesia, the Ministry of Finance issued PMK policy number 11/PMK.05/2016. This
policy regulates an institution that uses more than one Payroll Bank (BPG). The bank
must consist of conventional and sharia banks. This provides an opportunity for
Islamic banks to become payroll banks for civil servants (ASN). Until now, there are
four Islamic commercial banks that have become BPGs, namely Bank Syariah
Indonesia, Bank NTB Syariah, Bank Aceh Syariah, and BJB Syariah. (Puspaningtyas,

One of the oldest State Islamic Universities in Indonesia is UIN Syarif Hidayatullah
Jakarta, a symbol and mecca for progress in national development, especially in the
field of religious development. The campus, which is located in Ciputat, South
Tangerang, Banten, has held UIN status since June 8, 2002. UIN Jakarta currently has
a Sharia Banking Study Program and an Islamic Economics Study Program. The
existence of these two study programs is very beneficial for improving the quality of
education in the development of human resources in banking and sharia economics.

UIN Jakarta began collaborating with Bank Syariah Indonesia in early 2022 as a
Salary Distribution Bank for UIN Jakarta employees and lecturers. Even though they
are in a religious education institution with requirements for religious knowledge, in
fact, many UIN Jakarta employees and lecturers have not yet chosen a Sharia Bank as
their Salary Disbursement Bank. The total number of UIN Jakarta employees and
lecturers totaled 2,098 people. One thousand three hundred ninety people were PNS
Lecturers and Employees, while for non-PNS, there were 708 people known. As of
August 2022, there were only 340 people who chose payroll from Sharia Banks

IQTISHODUNA Vol. 18 No. 2 Tahun 2022
, namely 122 civil servants and 218 non-pns. This shows that there is still a lack of
Interest from UIN Jakarta employees and lecturers in Sharia Bank Payroll. As for the
Faculty of Economics and Business at UIN Jakarta, conventional economics and
banking sciences were developed together with Islamic economics and Islamic
banking sciences as the reason for researchers making them the object of research.


Consumer Behavior

Consumer behavior is defined as a science that discusses how individuals, groups,

and organizations determine, buy, and use a product or service and also discusses
how goods, services, ideas, or experiences satisfy consumer needs and wants. Factors
that influence consumer behavior are cultural, social, personal, and psychological
factors (Kotler & Keller, 2016)

Cultural factors consist of sub-cultures that show more identity and special
socialization for their members. Cultural factors consist of the culture itself and sub-
cultures. Social factors consist of reference groups, family, and social roles and status.
Personal factors consist of age and life cycle stage, work and economic situation,
personality and self-concept, lifestyle, and psychological factors. Consists of
motivation, Perception, learning, belief, and attitude.


Perceptions are factors that influence consumer behavior. According to Kotler &
Keller, (2016) perceptions are included in a person's psychological sub-factors in
determining purchasing decisions. According to Harahap, (2020), Perception is an
exclusive assumption of something. A person's Perception or view of something
comes from the information obtained, which the results of this information will be
understood by consumers, then draw conclusions to form an assessment of that
something. There are three dimensions that shape Perception, namely perceiver,
target, and situation.(Robbins & Judge, 2013 in Harahap, 2020)

IQTISHODUNA Vol. 18 No. 2 Tahun 2022
Reference Group

Reference groups are one of the factors that influence consumer behavior, including
the social sub-factor. A reference group is a group that influences a person in making
his decision, either directly or indirectly (Fadilah et al., 2020). According to Engel,
Blackwell, and Miniard (2001) in Anoraga & Iriani, (2018), five dimensions were
found which showed measurements of the reference group, namely: reference group
knowledge about the product, credibility of the reference group, the experience of
the reference group, activeness of the reference group, power withdraw the
reference group.


According to Kotler & Keller, (2016) interest is consumer behavior that appears as a
response to objects that indicate a consumer's desire to make a purchase. Interest is
a consumer behavior that arises in response to objects that indicate a consumer's
desire to make a purchase. Interest in KBBI is defined as a high inclination towards
something, passion, or desire. So there must be something generated, both inside and
outside, to like something. In simple terms, Interest can be interpreted as a tendency
to pay attention and act toward people. According to Kotler & Keller, (2009) in Sari,
(2020) states that interest can be identified through several dimensions, including:
attention, interest, desire, and action.


Religiosity is included in sub-cultural factors that can influence. Where one of them
discusses a person's religion or religion according to their respective cultures.
According to Glock and Rodney (2015) in Nurmaeni et al., (2020), Religiosity is a
state in a person's soul that encourages them to think, behave, behave, and act in
accordance with the teachings of their respective religions. Religiosity can be
measured through hablumminallah and hablumminannas behavior (Mansoer, 2008
in Aisyah & Umiyati, 2018).

IQTISHODUNA Vol. 18 No. 2 Tahun 2022

Payroll is a system for providing electronic and mass employee salaries, which are
generally via direct deposits or direct transfers to employee accounts that can be
monitored in real-time. (Atsari, 2013 in Hardiyani et al., 2018) Each bank has its own
strategy for product development. In Islamic banks, in terms of raising funds, namely
one of the implementations is payroll which is one of the strategies. Islamic banks
use this strategy, namely by determining the bank's agreement with the institution
that is invited to work together to determine the time according to the agreement. In
this payroll, the bank only provides relief to institutions that use this service in
providing salaries to their employees, so the bank also does not promise to provide
benefits on institutional funds that are stored and rolled back by the bank.

The Effect of Perception (X1) on Interest (Y)

According to research that has been conducted by Rahim, (2022); Sandala et al.,
(2021); Saptasari & Aji, (2020), Perception has a significant effect on Interest. At the
same time, research conducted by Waadarahmah, (2022) found that Perception did
not have a significant effect on Interest. So, the hypothesis can be formulated as

H1: There is a significant influence between the perception variable on Interest.

The Effect of Reference Group (X2) on Interest (Y)

Referring to the research that has been carried out by Sandala et al., (2021) that the
reference group has a significant effect on Interest, the hypothesis is formulated as

H2: there is an influence between reference groups on Interest

The Effect of Perception (X1) on Religiosity (Z)

According to research Auliarahman, (2020); Tarvi & Sartiyah, (2019), there is a

significant influence between Religiosity on Perception, so a hypothesis can be

IQTISHODUNA Vol. 18 No. 2 Tahun 2022
H3: there is an influence between the perception variable on Religiosity

The Effect of Reference Group (X2) on Religiosity (Z)

Referring to previous research by Ata et al.,(2022) that there was an influence

between reference groups on Religiosity, the hypothesis is structured as follows:

H4: there is an influence between the reference group and Religiosity

The Effect of Religiosity (Z) on Interest (Y)

Based on previous research Saptasari & Aji, (2020) stated that Religiosity has a
significant effect on Interest. Contrary to that, research conducted by Rahim, (2022);
Waadarahmah, (2022) found that Religiosity does not have a significant effect on
Interest. The formulation of the hypothesis is as follows:

H5: There is a significant influence between the religiosity variable on Interest

The Effect of Perception (X1) on Interest (Y) through Religiosity (Z)

According to Syanwani, (2022) research, Religiosity is a moderating variable.

Meanwhile, according to Huzaifah, Religiosity does not moderate the Interest in

H6: There is a significant influence between perceptions of Interest through


The Effect of Reference Group (X2) on Interest (Y) through Religiosity (Z)

H7: There is a significant influence between the reference group variables on interest
through religiosity.


This study uses a quantitative method, namely research that uses statistical figures to
present research results in a descriptive form. Members of the population in this
study were 187 employees and lecturers of the Faculty of Economics and Business at
UIN Jakarta. Sampling was carried out using the probability sampling technique,
using the simple random sampling method using the Slovin formula:

IQTISHODUNA Vol. 18 No. 2 Tahun 2022
n = 1+𝑁(𝑒)2


n = the number of samples sought

N = total population

e = 10% tolerance margin of error (Sugiyono, 2015)

n = 1+187(0,1)2

n = 65,15

In this study, the number of samples can be calculated

The sample in this study was 70 employees and lecturers of the Faculty of Economics
and Business at UIN Jakarta. The data obtained came from distributed online and
offline questionnaires. Secondary data sources were obtained from books or articles
on research websites. The Likert scale was used for the measurement scale.

Figure 1 Structure Inner Model

The data analysis technique carried out is to test the data quality in which there is a
validity test and a reliability test. Followed by processing and analysis using the
Partial Least Square (PLS) approach.

IQTISHODUNA Vol. 18 No. 2 Tahun 2022

A. Discriminant Validity
Table. 1 Output Outer Loading

Variabel Indikator Outer Loading Information

Perception X1.1 0,908 Valid
(X1) X1.2 0,959 Valid
X1.3 0,851 Valid
X1.4 0,915 Valid
X1.5 0,937 Valid
X1.6 0,878 Valid
X1.7 0,877 Valid
X1.8 0,898 Valid
X1.9 0,899 Valid
X1.10 0,906 Valid
X1.11 0,966 Valid
X1.12 0,912 Valid
X1.13 0,903 Valid
X1.14 0,901 Valid
X1.15 0,881 Valid
Reference X2.1 0,731 Valid
Group (X2) X2.2 0,858 Valid
X2.3 0,885 Valid
X2.4 0,855 Valid
X2.5 0,792 Valid
Interest (Y) Y.1 0,741 Valid
Y.2 0,851 Valid
Y.3 0,783 Valid

IQTISHODUNA Vol. 18 No. 2 Tahun 2022
Y.4 0,888 Valid
Y.5 0,808 Valid
Y.6 0,912 Valid
Y.7 0,915 Valid
Religiosity Z.1 0,894 Valid
(Z) Z.2 0,930 Valid
Z.3 0,908 Valid
Z.4 0,883 Valid
Z.5 0,908 Valid
Z.6 0,944 Valid
Source: Processed with Smart PLS 4.0

The indicator is declared valid if the loading factor value in

confirmatory research is >0.70 or a loading factor is >0.60 in explanatory
research. (Ghozali & Latan, 2015). It can be concluded that all indicators in
the study are valid because they have a factor value of > 0.7.

B. Composite Reability

Table 2 Output Cronbach’s Alpha dan Composite Reliability

Cronbach’s Composite

Persepsi 0,984 0,985

Kelompok Acuan 0,884 0,899

Minat 0,933 0,945

Religiusitas 0,959 0,961

Source: Processed with Smart PLS 4.0

The rule of thumb for Cronbach's Alpha and Composite Reliability is

that it must be greater than 0.7, even though a value of 0.6 is still
acceptable (Ghozali & Latan, 2015). It can be concluded that all variables
are reliable because they have a value > 0.7.

IQTISHODUNA Vol. 18 No. 2 Tahun 2022
C. R-Square

Table 3 Output R-Square

R Square R Square Adjusted

Minat 0.839 0.831

Religiusitas 0.640 0.629

Source: Processed with Smart PLS 4.0

Based on the output in table 3, it can be seen that the interest

construct has an R-Square value of 0.839 which means that Perception,
reference group, and Religiosity can explain the interest construct of
83.9%, and other variables outside the research influence the rest. The
religiosity construct has an R-Square value of 0.640, which means that
the perception construct and the reference group can explain the
interest construct by 64% while other variables outside the research
influence the rest.


Table 4 Output Path Coefficients

Original Sample Standar T P Values

Sample Mean Deviation Statistics
X1->Y 0,626 0,581 0,138 4,549 0.000

IQTISHODUNA Vol. 18 No. 2 Tahun 2022
S 0,885 0,902 0,067 13,221 0.000
X2>Y 0,169 0,167 0,061 2,786 0,006
X2->Z -0,247 -0,224 0,152 1,626 0,107
cZ->Y 0,252 0,286 0,119 2,121 0,036
: Processed with Smart PLS 4.0

The direct influence of perception (X1) on interest (Y)

The t-test table in table 4 of the variable coefficient of Perception (X1)

has a t-count value of 4.549 and a significance value of 0.000, and it is
known that the count value (4.549) > t-table (1.96) and a significance
value of 0.00 <0.05.

Relationship of the Direct Effect of Perception (X1) on Religiosity


The t-test table in table 4 of the variable coefficient of Perception (X1)

has a t-count value of 13.221 and a significance value of 0.000. It is
known that the t-count value (13.221) > t-table (1.96) and a
significance value of 0.00 <0.05

Relationship of Direct Influence of Reference Group (X2) to

Interest (Y)

The t-test table in Table 4 of the Reference Group variable coefficient

(X2) has a t-count value of 2.786 and a significance value of 0.006, so it
is known that the count (2.786) > t-table (1.96) and a significance value
of 0.006 <0.05.

IQTISHODUNA Vol. 18 No. 2 Tahun 2022
Relationship of Direct Influence of Reference Group (X2) on
Religiosity (Z)

The t-test table in Table 4 of the reference group variable coefficient

(X2) has a t-count value of 1.626 and a significance value of 0.107, so it
is known that the count (1.626) < t-table (1.96) and a significance value
of 0.107 > 0.05.

Relationship of the Direct Effect of Religiosity (Z) on Interest (Y)

The t-test table in table 4 of the coefficient of the Religiosity variable

(Z) has a t-count value of 2.121 and a significance value of 0.036 so that
the t-count value (2.121) > t-table (1.96) and a significance value of
0.036 <0.05.

Table 5 Output Path Coefficients (Specific Indirect Effects)

Original Sample Standard T P

Sample Mean Deviation Statistics Values
X1 -> Z -> Y 0,223 0,261 0,117 1,912 0,059

X2 -> Z -> Y -0,062 -0,052 0,031 1,987 0,050

Source: Processed with Smart PLS 4.0

The Indirect Influence Relationship of Perception (X1) to Interest

(Y) Through Religiosity

The t-test table in Table 5 of the Perception variable coefficient (X1)

has a t-count value of 1.912 and a significance value of 0.059, so the t-
count value (1.912) <t-table (1.96) and a significance value of 0.059

The Indirect Influence Relationship of Reference Group (X2) on

Interest (Y) Through Religiosity

The t-test table in Table 5 of the Reference Group variable coefficient

(X2) has a t-count value of 1.987 and a significance value of 0.050 so

IQTISHODUNA Vol. 18 No. 2 Tahun 2022
that the t-count value (1.987) > t-table (1.96) and a significance value
of 0.05


Based on the results of this study shows that there is a significant

influence of the perception variable on the interest variable. So the hypothesis
states that there is a significant influence between the perception variable and
the interest variable is proven. This is in line with research conducted by
Rahim, (2022); Sandala et al., (2021); Saptasari & Aji, (2020) however, this is
not in line with Waadarahmah's research (2022).

Then, other results show a significant influence of the reference group

variable on the variable of Interest. So that the second hypothesis, which
states that there is a direct effect between the Reference Group variables on
Interest in using Islamic bank payroll, is proven. This is in line with research
conducted by Sandala et al., (2021). There is a significant influence of
perception variables on religiosity variables. This is in line with Tarvi &
Sartiyah, (2019) and Auliarahman's, (2020) research. There is no significant
influence of the reference group variable on the religiosity variable. This is
contrary to research conducted by Ata et al., (2022)

Research also shows a significant influence of the religiosity variable

on the interest variable, in line with previous research by Saptasari & Aji,
(2020) but not followin Rahim's (2022); Waadarahmah, (2022). There is a
direct effect between the Religiosity variable on Interest in using a proven
Sharia Bank payroll. This is not in line with Huzaifah, (2019) but in line with
Syanwani's research (2022).

The last hypothesis, which states that there is an influence between the
Reference Group variables on Interest through Religiosity using Islamic Bank
payroll, is proven. Another finding in the study is that there are unwritten
regulations governing UIN Jakarta FEB employees using payroll. One of them
is that non-permanent lecturers are required to use a Conventional Bank as a

IQTISHODUNA Vol. 18 No. 2 Tahun 2022
salary distributor. Meanwhile, permanent lecturers may choose
Conventional Banks or Islamic Banks as their salary distributors (switching).
This causes no indirect positive influence between reference groups on
Interest because some groups cannot choose interests according to their
understanding of Religiosity due to the unwritten regulations that are applied.


Based on the results and discussion described, it can be concluded that there is a
significant direct effect between the Perception variable on Interest, the Reference
Group variable on Interest, the Perception variable on Religiosity, and the Religiosity
variable on Interest. Meanwhile, between the variables of Reference Group variables
on Religiosity, there is no significant direct effect. Furthermore, for the results of the
indirect effect research, both have a significant effect. Namely between the variable
Perception and the variable Reference Group on Interest through Religiosity.

This study has a weakness because the sample used is limited, namely, only
employees and lecturers of FEB UIN Jakarta. So that the research results cannot be
used for the public, employees, or payroll users in other agencies, another weakness
is the limited variables studied.


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IQTISHODUNA Vol. 18 No. 2 Tahun 2022

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