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Public Perspectives on Secularism and

Religious Influence: A Survey on

Beliefs, Values, and Societal Dynamics

Poll Conducted by: Mohammad Abu Laila

Supervised by: Dr. Mazen Alfedawi
I. Introduction

A. Background and Significance of the Topic

The issue of secularism versus religious influence has long been a

subject of debate and discussion, with implications for governance,
societal norms, and individual freedoms. The delicate balance
between the separation of religion and state, the role of religious
teachings in shaping laws and policies, and the influence of
religious leaders in political decision-making are matters that elicit
diverse perspectives and can spark passionate discourse.
Understanding public opinion on these topics is crucial for informing
policymaking, promoting inclusivity, and fostering societal harmony.

B. Research Objectives and Rationale

The primary objective of this study is to gain insights into public

perspectives on secularism and religious influence. By conducting a
poll that explores individuals' beliefs, values, and attitudes towards
the relationship between religion and state, we aim to shed light on
the complexity of this issue and provide a nuanced understanding
of the diverse viewpoints within our community. Through this
research, we seek to contribute to the existing body of knowledge,
facilitate informed dialogue, and promote a better understanding of
the challenges and opportunities associated with secularism and
religious influence.
C. Overview of the Poll Methodology and Sample

The poll was conducted using an online survey platform, with a

diverse sample of individuals representing different genders, age
groups, educational backgrounds, religious affiliations, and political
affiliations. A total of [90] participants completed the survey,
providing valuable insights into their perspectives on various
aspects related to secularism and religious influence. The survey
included multiple-choice questions designed to elicit participants'
opinions on key dimensions of the topic. The responses were
collected anonymously to ensure confidentiality and encourage
open and honest feedback.

II. Key Terminology

Separation of religion and state: Refers to the idea of maintaining

a clear distinction and independence between religious institutions
and political governance, ensuring that religious beliefs do not
dictate or influence governmental policies.

Religious teachings and principles: Pertains to the doctrines,

values, and moral guidelines derived from religious texts and
traditions that shape the belief systems and practices of individuals
and religious communities.

Religious leaders: Refers to individuals who hold positions of

authority within religious institutions and are recognized as
influential figures within their respective religious communities.

Political decision-making: Involves the process of determining

policies, laws, and regulations that govern a society, often through
the involvement of political leaders, policymakers, and relevant
governmental bodies.
Regulation of religious practices and institutions: Encompasses
the oversight, control, and governance of religious activities,
organizations, and institutions by the state, which may include
imposing regulations, licensing requirements, and ensuring
compliance with laws.

Individual religious freedom: Signifies the right of individuals to

choose, practice, and express their religious beliefs or faith without
undue interference, coercion, or restriction from external forces,
including the state or societal norms.

Social cohesion: Refers to the ability of diverse individuals and

communities within a society to coexist harmoniously, with a shared
sense of belonging, mutual respect, and a commitment to common
values and goals.

Secular education: Denotes an educational approach that is non-

religious in nature, focusing on providing knowledge, skills, and
critical thinking without favoring or endorsing any particular religious
beliefs or doctrines.

Societal norms and moral standards: Relates to the accepted

behaviors, customs, values, and ethical principles that guide and
regulate individual and collective actions within a society.

Religious values: Refers to the ethical, moral, and philosophical

principles derived from religious beliefs and teachings, which shape
individuals' perspectives on what is considered right, wrong, or
III. Methodology

A. Description of the Survey Design and Data Collection


The survey was designed as a self-administered online

questionnaire to gather data on public perspectives regarding
secularism and religious influence. The questionnaire consisted of
multiple-choice questions that allowed respondents to select their
preferred options or indicate their level of agreement on a 5-point
Likert scale. The survey was hosted on a secure online survey
platform, and participants were able to access and complete it at
their convenience.

To ensure the reliability and validity of the data, the survey

questions were carefully crafted to cover a range of dimensions
related to secularism and religious influence. The questions were
reviewed by experts in the field and underwent a pilot testing phase
to assess clarity and understandability.

B. Sample Characteristics and Demographics of


The survey received a total of [number of respondents] responses

from individuals who voluntarily participated in the study. The
sample exhibited a diverse range of characteristics, including
gender, age, educational background, religious affiliation, and
political affiliation.

1. Gender:

Male: [41]
Female: [48]
Unspecified: [1]
2. Age Group:

Younger than 18: [1]

18-24: [56]
25-34: [28]
35-44: [2]
45 or older: [3]

3. Education:

Less than High-school: [1]

Highschool or equivalent: [11]
Bachelor's degree: [69]
Master's degree: [7]
Doctorate: [0]
Prefer not to say: [2]

4. Religious Affiliation:

Islam: [57]
Christianity: [5]
Non-religious: [25]
Prefer not to say: [3]

5. Political Affiliation:

Conservative: [8]
Moderate: [60]
Prefer not to say: [22]

C. Potential Limitations and Considerations

It is important to acknowledge certain limitations and considerations

of this study. First, the survey relied on self-reported responses,
which may be subject to bias or inaccuracies. Additionally, the
online nature of the survey may have introduced a selection bias,
as respondents with internet access and willingness to participate in
online surveys were more likely to be included in the sample.
Furthermore, the generalizability of the findings may be limited due
to the specific demographics and characteristics of the sample.

It is essential to interpret the results with caution and recognize that

they represent the perspectives of the participants who took part in
the survey. Despite these limitations, the data collected from this
survey provides valuable insights into public perspectives on
secularism and religious influence, contributing to a broader
understanding of this complex topic.

IV. The Questions

1. To what extent do you support the separation of religion

and state?

● I strongly support: 31
● I support to an extent: 29
● Neutral: 14
● I somewhat disagree: 12
● Strongly disagree: 4

2. Should religious teachings and principles play a role in

shaping laws and policies?

● Yes, by and large: 11

● Yes, to some extent: 38
● Not at all: 31
● Not sure: 10
3. Should religious leaders have influence in political

● Yes, they provide valuable moral guidance: 12

● No, decisions must be politically independent of religious
influence: 39
● It should be limited to areas or issues specific: 35
● Not sure: 4

4. Should the state have the authority to regulate religious

practices and institutions?

● Yes, to ensure public safety and compliance by laws: 29

● No, religious practices must be regulated by themselves: 15
● It should be a collaborative effort between the state and
religious institutions: 38
● Not sure: 8

5. Should individuals be free to practice any religion or

belief system?

● Yes, of course: 44
● Yes, with some restrictions: 39
● No, there should be restrictions: 5
● Not sure: 2

6. Can a balance be struck between promoting social

cohesion and respecting diverse religious beliefs?

● Yes, it is possible to find a middle ground: 70

● No, bargaining will inevitably be on one side: 11
● Not sure: 9
7. Can secularism and religious influence coexist
harmoniously in society?

● Yes, they can complement each other and respect

individual freedoms: 29
● No, they are fundamentally incompatible and will always
create struggles: 17
● It depends on the specific context and willingness to find
mutual ground: 33
● Not sure: 11

8. Should public schools prioritize secular education over

religious teachings?

● Yes, secular education is more important: 19

● No, religious teachings should have equal importance: 27
● It should be a balanced approach: 33
● Not sure: 11

9. Do you believe that religious values should guide societal

norms and moral standards?

● Yes, religious values are essential to societal norms: 20

● No, ethical standards must be determined independently:
● It must be a combination of the two: 33
● Not sure: 8

Chart Results:
V. Results and Analysis
Based on the provided results, we can make the following

1. Support for the separation of religion and state: A

significant portion of the respondents (67%) expressed
support for the separation of religion and state to some extent
or strongly. This suggests that a majority of participants value
the distinction between religious institutions and political

2. Limited role for religious teachings in shaping laws and

policies: While a substantial number of respondents (49%)
believed that religious teachings and principles should play a
role in shaping laws and policies, a sizable proportion (31%)
disagreed. This indicates a division of opinion on the extent to
which religious considerations should influence the formation
of legislation.

3. Skepticism towards religious leaders' influence in

political decision-making: The majority of respondents
(43%) either disagreed or believed that the influence of
religious leaders in political decision-making should be limited.
This suggests a level of skepticism regarding the involvement
of religious leaders in political affairs.

4. Collaboration between the state and religious institutions:

A significant number of respondents (42%) supported a
collaborative approach between the state and religious
institutions in regulating religious practices. This indicates a
belief in shared responsibility and cooperation when it comes
to overseeing religious activities.

5. Emphasis on individual religious freedom: A majority of

respondents (59%) agreed that individuals should be free to
practice any religion or belief system, with some expressing
the need for certain restrictions. This highlights the importance
placed on individual religious freedom while acknowledging
the potential need for limitations in certain contexts.

6. Preference for a balanced approach: When asked about

prioritizing secular education over religious teachings in public
schools, a significant number of respondents (33%) expressed
the view that it should be a balanced approach. This suggests
a recognition of the value of both secular education and
religious teachings in the education system.

7. Combination of religious values and independent ethical

standards: A considerable proportion of respondents (33%)
believed that societal norms and moral standards should be a
combination of religious values and independent
determination. This indicates a belief in a multifaceted
approach to ethical standards, considering both religious
perspectives and secular reasoning.

8. Belief in finding a balance between social cohesion and

diverse religious beliefs: The majority of respondents (78%)
expressed the view that it is possible to strike a balance
between promoting social cohesion and respecting diverse
religious beliefs. This suggests an optimistic outlook on
reconciling societal harmony with the need to accommodate
religious diversity.

9. Varied political affiliations: The respondents represented a

range of political affiliations, with a notable presence of
moderate views (67%). This indicates a diverse set of political
perspectives among the participants, which can influence their
stance on secularism and religious influence.
10. Demographic diversity: The provided demographic
information showcases the diversity within the respondent
sample, including gender, age, education, religious affiliation,
and political affiliation. Further analysis could explore the
potential relationships between these demographics and the
responses, providing deeper insights into the varying
perspectives across different groups.

These inferences provide a snapshot of the attitudes and

perspectives among the respondents. They also highlight the
nuanced viewpoints present within the respondents and
demonstrate the complexity of the secularism vs. religious influence
debate. It underscores the importance of considering diverse
perspectives when examining societal attitudes towards these

It is important to note that further analysis and interpretation,

considering the demographic factors, would provide deeper insights
into the variations and correlations within different groups in the

VI. Conclusion

This study contributes to the field by providing valuable insights into

the complex dynamics surrounding secularism and religious
influence. The findings shed light on public opinions regarding the
separation of religion and state, the role of religion in shaping laws
and policies, the influence of religious leaders in political decision-
making, and the regulation of religious practices and institutions.

Moreover, the study explores the perspectives on the coexistence

of secularism and religious influence, the balance between social
cohesion and diverse religious beliefs, the prioritization of secular
education in public schools, and the guidance of societal norms by
religious values. These findings offer a nuanced understanding of
the opinions held by individuals within the surveyed population.

By examining the relationships between demographic factors and

opinions, this study also highlights potential variations in viewpoints
based on gender, age, education, religious affiliation, and political

Overall, the study contributes to the ongoing discourse on

secularism and religious influence, providing valuable insights for
policymakers, researchers, and individuals interested in
understanding public opinions on this important and controversial

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