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Script: The Lift-Off

(A short Conversation between two Jamia Baitussalam

students after they see the liftoff of a space shuttle!)

ABDULLAH: Wow! What a marvel of western civilization?

What’s your opinion MUGHEERA Brother?

MUGHEERA: No ABDULLAH Brother this amazing feat of

engineering is built on the knowledge base provided by the Muslim

ABDULLAH: what? How it’s even possible that we Muslims

were the pioneers of engineering and technology?

MUGHEERA: Let me amaze you more…when look at the night

FOALHAUT… these are in fact Arabic names and around two-
third of stars have names of Arabic origin.

ABDULLAH: But today everybody in the western world

calls Muslims savages and barbarians. Something is really
wrong with this picture…

MUGHEERA: Yes of course! Let me tell you about the personal

library of Hazrat Amir Muawia RA. which was known as Bayt al-
Hikma ("House of Wisdom"), and it formed the basis of all the
science and technology in today’s world.
ABDULLAH: Ma Sha Allah! Brother I didn’t know that tell
me more about this personal library of Hazrat Amir
Muawia RA.

MUGHEERA: Yes Hazrart Amir Muawia RA was very fond of

knowledge also he wanted to glorify the Islamic state. To quench
his thirst of knowledge he created a personal library in Damascus.
Then latter on Caliph Al-Mansoor moved it to Bagdad when he
had laid the foundation of Bagdad that’s why Baghdad became the
hub of knowledge at that time. Then His grandson CALIPH
Haroon AlRaseed re-established the legendary library Bayt al-
Hikma ("House of Wisdom") in Baghdad and during his rule
Baghdad began to flourish as a world center of knowledge, culture
and trade.
Hence he invited scholars all over the world to join Bayt al-Hikma.
The library expanded into a great center of Science Technology
Engineering Arts and Mathematics at Bagdad. That’s why this era
of knowledge is rightly called the Golden Age of Islam.

ABDULLAH: Wow when the whole Europeon were living in

Dark Ages we Muslims pioneered STEM and Arts in their
educational institutions in the Golden Age of Islam.

MUGHEERA: Do you want to know the most amazing part?

ABDULLAH: Yes Brother of course.

MUGHEERA: The car battery used to power TESLA the most

expensive electric car in the world was invented by the Muslim
scientists. A few years back an archeological expedition discovered
strange pots with structure exactly like modern day car batteries.

ABDULLAH: Brother I am in shock…what happened to all that

great progress?
MUGHEERA: Halku Khan happened... when his savage army
looted and plundered Bagdad... they destroyed millions of books
and manuscripts. Hundreds of scalars were killed… the waters of
the Tigris river ran black with the ink of books and red from the
blood of the people. Remaining scholars escaped and dispersed all
over the world but some work continued knowledge centers like in
Egypt and in Al Undlus modern Spain.
When Europe woke up from its slumber after the renaissance, they
took all these knowledge to Europe where they created their very
own houses of wisdom. And that’s how we were left behind.

ABDULLAH: Brother is there any effort by Muslim going

on these days to revive their Golden Age?


best example of modern day Bayt al-Hikma ("House of Wisdom")
that will revive the great concept of Hazrat Amir Muawia RA. It
will not only provid an alternative system of holistic modern
educational system to the Muslim Umma but also will become the
greatest center of Religious, STEM and Arts education like it was
in the Golden age of Muslims, In Sha Allah.

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