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General Physics 1: Problem-Set

1. A lunar lander is making its descent to Moon Base I. The lander descends slowly under the retro-thrust of its descent

engine. The engine is cut off when the lander is 8.0 m above the surface and has a downward speed of 0.9 m/s. With the

engine off, the lander is in free fall. What is the speed of the lander just before it touches the surface? The acceleration

due to gravity on the moon is 1.6 m/s2.

2. A hot-air balloonist, rising vertically with a constant velocity of magnitude 9.00 m/s, releases a sandbag at an instant

when the balloon is 30.0 m above the ground. After the sandbag is released, it is in free fall. (a) Compute the position and

velocity of the sandbag at 0.250 sand 1.00 s after its release. (b) How many seconds after its release does the bag strike the

ground? (c) With what magnitude of velocity does it strike the ground? (d) What is the greatest height above the ground

that the sandbag reaches?

3. The rocket-driven sled Sonic Wind No. 2, used for investigating the physiological effects of large accelerations, runs on

a straight, level track 1070 m (3500 ft) long. Starting from rest, it can reach a speed of 325 m/s to 1500 mi/h 2 in 1.500 s.

(a) Compute the acceleration in m/s2, assuming that it is constant. (b) What is the ratio of this acceleration to that of a

freely falling body (g)? (c) What distance is covered in 1.500 s? (d) A magazine article states that at the end of a certain

run, the speed of the sled decreased from 283 m/s 1632 mi/h 2 to zero in 1.40 s and that during this time the magnitude of

the acceleration was greater than 40g. Are these figures consistent?

4. An egg is thrown nearly vertically upward from a point near the cornice of a tall building. The egg just misses the

cornice on the way down and passes a point 30.0 m below its starting point 5.00 s after it leaves the thrower’s hand.

Ignore air resistance. (a) What is the initial speed of the egg? (b) How high does it rise above its starting point? (c) What is

the magnitude of its velocity at the highest point? (d) What are the magnitude and direction of its acceleration at the

highest point?

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