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Here's the list of things that students can include or look at when creating a poster for a

gender-based violence (GBV) awareness campaign on the University of the Free State

1. Support Services: Information about available support services for survivors,

such as counseling, healthcare, and legal aid.

2. Reporting Mechanisms: Details on how to report GBV incidents on campus,

emphasizing confidentiality and support for survivors.

3. Policy and Procedures: Highlighting campus policies and procedures related to

GBV, including disciplinary measures for perpetrators.

4. Prevention Programs: Promoting programs and workshops that educate on

respectful relationships and consent.

5. Security Measures: Information on campus security measures to protect against

GBV incidents.

6. Safe Spaces: Promotion of safe spaces and support groups for survivors to share
experiences and find solidarity.

7. Training: Encouraging staff and faculty to undergo training on recognizing and

responding to GBV.

8. Community Engagement: Encouraging students and staff to engage in

community efforts against GBV and promote a culture of respect.

9. Cultural Sensitivity: Acknowledgment of the South African cultural context and

addressing cultural norms that may contribute to GBV.

10. Community Partnerships: Collaborating with local organizations and community

groups working on GBV issues in South Africa.

11. Language and Communication: Providing resources and campaigns in local

languages to effectively reach a diverse student body.
12. Intersectionality: Recognizing how factors like race, ethnicity, and socioeconomic
status intersect with GBV experiences.

13. Crisis Response: Addressing specific challenges in GBV crisis response,

including access to healthcare and legal support.

14. Cultural Norms and Consent: Promoting the importance of clear and informed
consent within relationships.

15. Statistics: Sharing specific statistics on GBV on the University of the Free State
campus to highlight its prevalence.

16. Local Resources: Providing information on local support services and

organizations that can assist survivors.

17. Consent: Reinforcing the significance of clear consent in all forms of relationships.

18. Education: Promoting awareness campaigns, workshops, and resources

available on campus.

19. Bystander Intervention: Encouraging students to intervene safely when

witnessing potential GBV incidents.

20. Legal Rights: Informing students of their legal rights and protections under South
African law.

21. Community Support: Creating a supportive and empathetic campus community.

22. Local Art and Symbols: Incorporating South African art and symbols to resonate
with the local culture.

23. Multilingual Content: Providing content in multiple local languages to reach a

diverse student body.

24. Empowerment: Encouraging survivors to seek help and support while conveying
messages of resilience.
25. Social Media and Contact Information: Offering contact details for relevant
campus offices, support services, and social media channels for additional
information and resources.

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