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Analytical Exposition

Arranged By :
1. Sakilla Tri Maharani
2. Sultan Rifqi Fasyhabillah
3. Rhena Gracelia Sinaga
4. M. Syah Zikri

Group : 5

Along with the times and the complexity of the challenges faced in various fields, writing
papers has become an inseparable activity in the educational process and scientific
development. Papers as a form of scientific writing play a crucial role in exploring, analyzing
and conveying relevant ideas and findings. With this opportunity, the author would like to
express his highest gratitude and appreciation to all parties who have provided support and
inspiration, both directly and indirectly, in the preparation of this paper.
PREFACE……………………………………………….………………………….. ii
LIST OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………… iii
CHAPTER I : Introduction……….……………..…………………..……………..1
1.1 Background………………………………………….…………..………………..1
1.2 Problem Formulation….…………………………….……..…………………..…1
1.3 Purpose…………………………………………………………………………...1
CHAPTER II : Discussion………………..……………………..…………………2
2.1 Definition………….…………….…………………………….………………...2
2.2 Social Function…………………………………………………………………..2
2.3 Purpose…………………………………………………………………………..2
2.4 Generic Structure………………………………………………………………...2
2.5 Language Features……………………………………………………………….3
2.6 Example ………………………………………………………………………….3
CHAPTER III : Closing………………………………………………………….....5
3.1 Conclusion……………………………………………..…………………….…...5
3.2 Closing Remarks……………….………..………………………………….……..5

1.1 Background
Analytical exposition is a form of writing that attempts to convince readers or listeners
about an idea or opinion of the author. This text is often used to discuss controversial issues
or contain general matters in society, such as government policy, environmental problems, or
social issues.
Analytical exposition has a distinctive structure, namely an introduction that introduces the
topic, a body that provides supporting arguments, and a conclusion that summarizes the
overall idea or provides a conclusion. By exploring this background, readers can understand
the essence of analytical exposition as a powerful communication tool to form views or
attitudes towards something. It is also important to highlight the analysis of the role of
logistics and strong argumentation in compiling this text, because these are the main
characteristics in forming effective persuasion.

1.2 Problem Formulation

1. Definition of Analytical Exposition?
2. Social Function of Analytical Exposition?
3. Purpose of Analytical Exposition?
4. Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition?
5. Language Features Analytical Exposition?
6. Example Analytical Exposition?

1.3 Purpose
1. To find out the Definition of Analytical Exposition.
2. To find out the Social Function of Analytical Exposition.
3. To find out the Purpose of the Analytical Exposition.
4. To find out the Generic Structure of Analytical Exposition.
5. To find out the Characteristics of Analytical Exposition Language.
6. To find out Examples of Analytical Exposition.


2.1 Definition
Analytical Exposition Text is a text that contains the author's detailed thoughts about a
phenomenon around him. This text is included in argumentative text because it shows an
opinion or argument about something. The social function of the Analytical Exposition text is
to convince the reader that the topic presented is an important topic to discuss or receive
attention by providing arguments or opinions that support the main idea or topic.
Analytical exposition is one of argumentative texts which present some supporting idea on
why a certain writer's opinion is important. The opinion is formulated in a thesis which needs
to be proven by selecting arguments.

2.2 Social Function

To persuade the reader or listener that there is an important and correct matter that,
certainly, needs to get attention. The social function of the Analytical Exposition text is to
convince the reader that the topic presented is an important topic to discuss or receive
attention by providing arguments or opinions that support the main idea or topic.

2.3 Purpose
1. Persuasion, The primary purpose of analytical exposition is to persuade the audience
to accept or agree with the writer's point of view on a specific topic.
2. Explanation, Analytical exposition aims to explain a particular idea or issue in a
comprehensive and detailed manner.
3. Clarity, Another purpose is to present information in a clear and organized manner.
Analytical exposition often uses a structured format with a clear introduction, body,
and conclusion.
4. Critical Thinking, Analytical exposition encourages critical thinking by requiring the
writer to critically analyze the topic, present relevant evidence, and draw logical
5. Debate and Discussion, Analytical exposition often serves as a foundation for debates
and discussions. By presenting well-reasoned arguments and evidence, the writer
invites readers to engage in a thoughtful conversation about the topic.
6. Influence Decision-Making, In certain contexts, analytical exposition aims to
influence decision-making. This could be in areas such as public policy, business, or
social issues, where presenting a strong, evidence-based argument can shape opinions
and guide decision-makers.
7. Education and Information, Analytical exposition can be educational, providing
readers with new information or perspectives on a topic. It helps readers expand their
knowledge and gain insights into complex issues.
2.4 Generic Structure
1. Thesis, The part that introduces readers to the main topic of a text. Shows the author's
point of view. As with other types of text, a thesis contains the author's view of a
problem in simple terms. This section is also an introductory section of the topic or
main idea being discussed. The thesis is always in the first paragraph of the Analytical
Exposition Text.
2. Argument, Part of the author's opinion or argument to support the main idea. Explain
the arguments that support the author's position. The number of arguments may vary,
but each argument must be supported by evidence and explanation. (Describes
arguments to support the author's position. The number of arguments may vary, but
each argument must be supported by evidence and explanation.
3. Repetition, The final section contains a reaffirmation of the author's position and
opinion on the main topic. Reiterating the author's point of view / to strengthen the
thesis. We can use the following phrases to make a conclusion in repetition: (Restate
the author's point of view / to strengthen the thesis.

2.5 Language Features

1. Tense
 The tense used is simple present tense
2. Thesis Statement
● Clear Assertion, The text typically starts with a clear and concise thesis
statement that presents the main argument or position the writer is advocating.
3. Arguments and Evidence
● Logical Reasoning, The use of logical reasoning to support the thesis, often
through the presentation of arguments and counterarguments.
● Evidence, Concrete examples, data, or facts that back up the claims made in
the exposition.
4. Connectives
● Transitional Phrases, Words or phrases that help to link ideas and arguments,
creating a smooth flow in the text.
● Conjunctive Adverbs, Words like "however," "moreover," and "therefore" that
indicate the relationship between different points.
5. Modality
● Modal Verbs, The use of modal verbs (e.g., can, could, should, must) to
express degrees of certainty, possibility, or necessity in presenting arguments.
6. Rhetorical Devices
● Repetition, Repeating key points or phrases for emphasis.
● Rhetorical Questions, Questions posed not to elicit answers but to make a
point or stimulate thought.
● Parallelism, Structuring sentences or phrases in a parallel manner to create a
balanced and harmonious effect.
7. Formal Language
● Complex Sentences, The use of complex sentence structures to convey
intricate ideas.
● Formal Vocabulary, The choice of formal and precise language to convey the
writer's position professionally.
8. Concluding Statement
● Restatement of Thesis, Summarizing the main points and reasserting the thesis
to leave a lasting impression.
● Call to Action, Encouraging readers to take a particular stance or action based
on the presented arguments.

● Objective Tone, Neutral Language, Maintaining an objective and neutral tone

to enhance credibility.
● Avoiding Emotional Appeals, Focusing on logical appeals rather than
emotional ones.

2.6 Example
The Impact of Social Media on Society

Social media has become an integral part of our lives, transforming the way we
communicate and interact. While it offers many benefits, it is important to critically examine
the impact of social media on society and consider both its positive and negative aspects.

Firstly, social media enhances connectivity and communication. It allows people to

connect with friends, family, and communities regardless of geographical boundaries. It
provides a platform for sharing ideas, information, and experiences, fostering a sense of
belonging and promoting cultural exchange. It has revolutionized activism and social
movements, empowering individuals to raise awareness and create social change.

Secondly, social media has a significant impact on mental health. Excessive use of
social media has been linked to increased feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety. The
constant exposure to carefully curated images and unrealistic portrayals can lead to low self-
esteem and body image issues, especially among young people. It is important to use social
media mindfully and promote healthy online habits.

Furthermore, social media has influenced the spread of misinformation and fake
news. The ease of sharing information on social media platforms has led to the rapid
dissemination of unverified or false information, which can have serious consequences for
society. It is crucial for individuals to critically evaluate the information they encounter and
verify its authenticity before sharing.

3.1 Conclusion
The conclusion from the Analytical Exposition material is that this type of writing aims to
analyze and explain a view or opinion in a systematic and logical way. In analytical
exposition, the author presents strong arguments or reasons to support a certain view or
opinion. The structure of this article generally consists of an introduction which contains a
thesis statement, several body paragraphs which discuss the argument in depth, and a
conclusion which summarizes the main points of the argument.
In writing analytical exposition, it is important to have relevant arguments, strong data or
facts, as well as logical and coherent sentence construction. The ability to detail arguments
and present them in a convincing manner is key in this genre of writing.
In general, analytical exposition can be used to discuss various topics, ranging from social
issues, economics, to contemporary problems. By detailing the argument in depth, the writer
can help readers understand and accept the views or opinions expressed. Therefore, the main
conclusion from this material is that analytical exposition is an effective tool in discussing an
issue or idea in an analytical and in-depth way.

3.2 Closing Remarks

Thus, we have written this paper with sincerity. If there are words that are offensive or do
not match the existing facts, we sincerely apologize. Thank you to the readers who are
willing and willing to read this paper and we are also waiting for your criticism and
suggestions to make this paper even better. Hopefully this paper can be a tool that can
increase your knowledge about Analytical Exposition. Thank you.

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