Toilet Training

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Toilet/ Potty Training

Toilet training, also known as potty training, is a significant developmental

milestone for toddlers. The timing can vary from child to child, but generally, most
children show signs of readiness between 18 and 24 months. Here are some signs
that your child might be ready for toilet training. It encompasses muscle control,
sensory awareness, cognitive understanding, and communication skills.
Child is toilet/ potty trained when the child develops bladder control and is able
to tell and use the toilet.

When to start?
Usually around 2 yrs of age, when child shows some of the following signs of
 Child starts showing curiosity about the bathroom or imitates family
members using the toilet, it may be a sign of readiness.
 If your child's diaper stays dry for extended periods, it might indicate they
have developed bladder control and can hold urine for some time.
 Some children may start to communicate or demonstrate discomfort when
their diaper is wet or dirty. This shows an awareness of bodily functions.
 If your child can understand and follow basic instructions, they may be
ready for toilet training.

Helpful tips:
 Allow your child to become familiar with the potty. Let them sit on it with
their clothes on to make it less intimidating.
 Have a routine: Set regular times for your child to use the potty, such as
after meals or upon waking. Consistency helps establish a routine.
 Use Positive Reinforcement: Encourage and praise your child when they use
the potty successfully. Positive reinforcement can include verbal praise,
clapping, or small rewards.
 Dress your child in clothes that are easy to remove, making it easier for
them to use the potty independently.
 Be Patient: Understand that accidents will happen. Stay calm, and avoid
showing frustration. It's a learning process for your child.
 Model Behavior: Sometimes children learn by watching. Allowing them to
see older siblings or adults using the toilet can be helpful
Potty Training at KLAY

At KLAY we support your child in achieving various milestones. Let’s remember

that every child is different, and the key is to be patient and supportive. If your
child seems resistant or is not showing readiness signs, it's okay to wait and try
again later. Pushing too hard can lead to anxiety and resistance. Consistency,
positive reinforcement, and a supportive attitude will contribute to a successful
toilet training experience.

We recommend toilet training to start after 2 years of age, ideally in Senior

toddler class, as by then they start getting the bladder control.

Once you have started Toilet training / potty training at home for about 3-4 weeks
inform the teacher about the same.
 The child needs to come in pull ups / training diapers to the KLAY centre till
the child is completely toilet and potty trained.
 We do not recommend any other kind of training pants as in case of
accidents child isn’t getting affected emotionally and hygiene for all is very
important in a group set up like ours.
 The child will be taken to the toilet every hour; this helps develop bladder
 Once the child’s diaper starts remaining completely dry for consecutive 4-6
weeks we remove the active time diaper.
 The nap time diaper continues till the nap time diaper remains dry for
consecutive 4-6 weeks.
 The child needs to be both toilet and potty trained before he/she is
completely out of diaper.
 The teacher will keep the parent informed about the same.
 Staff will use positive reinforcement to encourage the child towards toilet

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