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Chapter 21

Electromagnetic Induction
Chapter Contents
z Introduction Introduction
z Magnetic Flux Scientist Oersted demonstrated by his experiments that electric currents
can produce (induce) magnetic field in space around it. The reverse of
z Faraday’s Law of Induction
results of Oersted’s experiments, was proved by the experimental
z Motional Electromotive Force demonstration of Faraday. The conclusion of these experiments was the
z Induced Electric Field electric current is generated by varying magnetic field.
In this chapter, we will study the experiments of electromagnetic
z Energy Consideration : A
Quantitative Study induction and their applications.

z Eddy Current
z Self-Inductance
It is proportional to the number of magnetic lines passing through
z Self Inductances of Solenoid
a surface.
z Mutual Inductance  
Mathematically B  B.A  BA cos  ...(i)
z L-R Circuit
Where B is the magnetic flux through a plane surface of area A placed
z AC Generator  
in a uniform magnetic field B.  is the angle between B and A.
z D.C Motor Equation (i) can be extended to curved surfaces and non-uniform fields.



If the magnetic field has different magnitudes and directions at various

parts of a surface as shown in figure, then the magnetic flux through the
surface is given by

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86 Electromagnetic Induction NEET


Fig.: Magnetic field Bi at the i area element. dAi


represents area vector of the i area element.
    i  n  
B  B1.dA1  B2 .dA2  ...   Bi .dAi ...(ii)

Unit of magnetic flux weber

Dimension of magnetic flux [ML2 T–2 A–1]

Example 1 : A uniform magnetic field exists in the space B  B1i  B2 j  B3 k . Find the magnetic flux through
an area S if the area S is in
(i) x-y plane (ii) y-z plane
(iii) z-x plane
Solution : (i) Since the field is uniform, we can use formula B  B.S
Now when area S is in x-y plane, it means S  Sk

Hence B  (B1i  B2 j  B3 k ).(Sk )  B3S

Example 2 : Figure shows a long straight wire carrying current I and a square conducting wire loop
of side l, at a distance ‘a’ from current wire. Both the current wire and loop are in the plane of
paper. Find the flux of magnetic field of current wire, passing through the loop.

I x
a x

x dx

Solution : Since the field of current wire passing through the loop, is same in direction (normally inward) but
not uniform in magnitude. Hence we will use integration method for finding the flux.

The small flux through a thin rectangular strip of length l and width dx, is given by
   I
d B  B( x ).dA  B( x )dA cos180   0 .   dx
2 x

0 I    al
. dx   0 , I..loge x x a = – 0 .I  loge
x a  l
 B   d B   
2 x 2 2 a

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NEET Electromagnetic Induction 87
On the basis of experiments faraday gave two laws about electromagnetic induction.
(1) If there is a change in magnetic flux linked with a coil then an e.m.f induced in the coil.
(2) The magnitude of the induced emf in a circuit is equal to the time rate of change of magnetic flux through
the circuit. Mathematically, Instantaneous emf
e(t )   (t )
  2  1 
The average induced emf e   t    t  t 
 2 1
The negative sign indicates the direction of induced emf and hence the direction of induced current in the
loop opposes cause of its generation which is in accordance with Lenz's law.
In case of a closely wound coil of N turns,

induced emf e(t )  N (t )
Lenz’s Law
The direction of induced emf (i.e., polarity of induced emf) and hence the direction of induced current in a closed
circuit is to oppose the cause due to which they are produced. For example, if the flux is increasing, induced
emf (and hence induced current) will try to decrease the flux and vice-versa.
It is based on energy conservation law.

Methods to Change the Magnetic Flux

Here are the general methods by which we can change the magnetic flux through a coil.
(i) Change the magnitude B of the magnetic field within the coil.
(ii) Change either the total area of the coil or the portion of that area that lies within the magnetic field (for
example, by expanding the coil or sliding it in or out of the field.

(iii) Change the angle between the  direction of the magnetic field B and the plane of coil (For example, by
rotating the coil so that field B is first perpendicular to the plane of the coil and then is along that plane).

Note :
(i) Changing a magnetic field in a loop induces voltage. If the loop is an electrical conductor forming a
closed circuit, then current is induced
e(t ) 1 d
(ii) Induced current i (t )    . (t )
R R dt
1 d 1
(iii) Induced charge q   dq   i (t )dt   dt   | d  |
R dt R

Hence q  |  |
q is independent of time interval during which flux is changing.

Applications of Lenz's law shall become more clear by carefully studying the following examples
(1) A conducting loop is kept in a uniform magnetic field B directed into the plane of paper. The magnetic field
starts increasing with time. As the magnetic field increases, flux (  B.A ) starts increasing. Therefore,
an induced current will flow into the loop. The current is induced due to increasing field, therefore, it will
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88 Electromagnetic Induction NEET

try to decrease the field. This can happen if induced current produces an outward field in the loop. Therefore,
an anticlockwise current appears in the loop.

B (increasing)

(induced current)

Conducting loop

(2) There exists a non-uniform field B = B0x (inwards) in x-y plane as shown. The field increases as we move
along +x-direction. A conducting loop is placed in the x-y plane. The loop is being moved towards +x-axis.
As the loop moves towards +x-axis, the flux linked increases because magnetic field increases. The induced
current will try to decrease the field. It can do so by decreasing the magnetic field in the loop. Therefore
an anticlockwise current appears in the loop.
y Motion

Induced current

Example 3 : A current I = 1.5 A is flowing through a long solenoid of diameter 3.2 cm, having 220 turns per
cm. At its centre, a 130 turn closely packed coil of diameter 2.1 cm is placed such that the coil
is coaxial with the long solenoid. The current in the solenoid is reduced to zero at a steady rate
in 25 ms. What is the magnitude of emf induced in the coil while the current in the solenoid is

Solution : Initially magnetic flux passing through the coil (one turn),
1  B.A  BA cos0
d 2
 0nI 
= 4 × 10 × 1.5 × 22000 × 3.464 × 10–4

= 1.44 × 10–5 Wb

Finally the flux becomes zero because the current reduces to zero.

|  | 1.44  105
Thus, e    5.76  104 V
t 25  103

The total emf = N × e

= 130 × 5.76 × 10–4
= 75 mV

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NEET Electromagnetic Induction 89

Example 4 : A bar magnet is dropped through a horizontal aluminium ring along the axis of the ring. What will
be direction of induced current in the loop for the observer shown? What will be the direction of
magnetic force experienced by the bar magnet?

S Observer

Solution : As per Lenz's law, induced current in the loop will be such that it will oppose the cause of change
in flux (that is motion of the bar magnet towards itself). Thus current flows in the loop so that it
is equivalent to a bar magnet with its North facing the approaching North pole of the magnet,
thereby repelling it. Thus current for the observer will be anticlockwise.

Magnetic force upon S S

bar magnet due to ring Observer
Repulsion Repulsion

Thus, acceleration of the bar magnet a < g.

Example 5 : Consider a coil (of area A, resistance R and number of turns N) held perpendicular to a uniform
magnetic field of strength B. The coil is now turned through 180º in time t. What is
(i) Average induced emf
(ii) Average induced current
(iii) Total charge that flows through a given cross-section of the coil?
Solution : When plane of coil is perpendicular to the magnetic field,  = 0º and after it is rotated through
180º,  = 180º
 Initial flux = NBA cos0º = NBA
and Final flux = NBA cos180º = –NBA
 Change in flux = || = NBA – (–NBA) = 2NBA

  | 2NBA
(i)  = Average induced emf = 
t t

 2NBA
(ii) Average current = 
R Rt

(iii) Average current =   Q 
t Rt R

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Example 6 : A conducting loop is moving from left to right through a region of uniform magnetic (B) field. Its
four positions are shown below. Show the direction of induced current in all four positions.

× × × × × ×
× × × × × ×
1 × × × × × × 4
× × × ×3 × ×
× × × × ×B ×

Solution : In situation 1 and 3 flux is constant and not changing with time, so there will not be any current
induced. In situation 2 the loop is gradually getting into the magnetic field so overlapped area is
increasing, so flux is increasing & hence the induced current will have the tendency to create
B field in opposite direction i.e. in outward direction. Hence, anticlockwise current will be induced
in the loop in situation 2. In situation 4 the loop is gradually getting out of the field, flux is
decreasing, so induced current will support the B field. Current induced will be clockwise.

Example 7 : There exists a uniform magnetic field B  B0 tkˆ in a region. A circular conducting loop of radius
r and resistance R is placed with its plane in x-y plane. Determine the current through the loop
and sense of the current.

Solution : The flux linked with the loop is

B  B0 t Kˆ
  B.A  (B0 t ) ( r 2 ) cos 0

  B0 r 2t O y
 B0 r 2
dt x
d  |  | B0 r 2
  B0 r 2  i  
dt R R
By Lenz’s law, i should be clockwise (as seen by an observer standing on z-axis) so that it can
oppose the increase in magnetic field.

Example 8 : A small rectangular loop is moving towards left with constant velocity through a uniform B field,
as shown. Counting of time t begins the moment the loop starts entering the field. Plot the
variation of flux through the loop with respect to time. Also plot the variation of induced emf
w.r.t time t.
× × × × × ×
× × × ×B × × v
× × × × × ×
× × × × × ×
× × × × × ×

Solution : Since the loop is moving with constant velocity, the flux will be increasing linearly so long as the
loop will be entering the B field. Once the loop has completely entered the B field the flux will
become constant. Now when the loop will start coming out the flux will linearly decrease to zero value.


0 time(t)

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NEET Electromagnetic Induction 91

Since emf induced  = – , it means emf is negative of the slope of the -t graph. So, emf is
negative constant in the beginning, then it becomes zero and then it becomes positive constant
and again it becomes zero.

emf ()


0 time (t)

1. A conducting ring of radius r is placed perpendicularly inside a time varying magnetic field given by B = B0 + t.
B0 and  are positive constants. E.m.f. induced in the ring is

(1) –r (2) –r2

(3) –2r2 (4) –2r

2. Magnetic flux through a circuit of resistance 20  is changed from 20 Wb to 40 Wb in 5 ms. Charge passed
through the circuit during this time is

(1) 1C (2) 2C

(3) Zero (4) 0.5 C

3. Select correct statement about Lenz’s law

(1) It explains the physical significance of the negative sign in Faraday’s law

(2) It is a consequence of conservation of energy

(3) It speaks about the transformation of mechanical energy into electrical energy

(4) All of these

4. As shown in the figure, a magnet is moved with a fast speed towards a coil at rest. Due to this induced e.m.f.,
induced current and induced charge in the coil is E, I and Q respectively. If the speed of the magnet is
doubled, the incorrect statement is


(1) E increases (2) I increases

(3) Q remains same (4) Q increases

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92 Electromagnetic Induction NEET

5. A magnet N – S is suspended from a spring and when it oscillates, the magnet moves in and out of the coil
C. The coil is connected to galvanometer G. Then, as the magnet oscillates, G shows


(1) No deflection
(2) Deflection to the left and right but the amplitude steadily decreases
(3) Deflection to the left and right with constant amplitude
(4) Deflection on one side
6. As shown in figure, A and B are two coaxial conducting loops separated by some distance. When the switch
S is closed, a clockwise current I flows in A (as seen by O) and an induced current I1 flows in B. The switch
remains closed for a long time. When S is opened, a current I2 flows in B. Then the directions of I1 and I2
(as seen by O) are

(1) Respectively clockwise and anticlockwise (2) Both clockwise

(3) Both anticlockwise (4) Respectively anticlockwise and clockwise
7. Two different loops are concentric and lie in the same plane. The current in outer loop is clockwise and
increasing with time. The induced current in the inner loop is
(1) Clockwise (2) Zero
(3) Anticlockwise (4) In a direction that depends on the ratio of the loop radii
8. There are two loops A and B placed coaxially along vertical line. Loop A is allowed to fall freely towards loop
B. If constant current flowing in loop A is as shown in the figure, then find the direction of flow of induced
current in loop B as seen from the bottom of loop B

(1) Clockwise (2) Anticlockwise

(3) No current will induce (4) Can’t be determined
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NEET Electromagnetic Induction 93

9. An aluminium ring B faces an electromagnet A. The current I through A can be altered. Then which of the
following statement is correct?


+ –

(1) If I decreases, A will repel B

(2) Whether I increases or decreases, B will not experience any force
(3) If I increases, A will repel B
(4) If I increases, A will attract B
10. A conducting wire frame is placed in magnetic field which is directed into the paper. The magnetic field is
increasing at a constant rate. The directions of induced current in wires AB and CD are

× × × C×

× × × ×

× × × ×
× × × D×

(1) B to A and D to C
(2) A to B and C to D
(3) A to B and D to C
(4) B to A and C to D


Let us consider a straight conductor moving in a uniform and time independent magnetic field.

l v

d d dx (t )
The rate of change of this magnetic flux will induce an emf given by e   B   ( Bx (t ))  Bl .  B v
dt dt dt
 
In vector form e  v  B  l

This emf, which is obtained due to the motion of conductor instead of changing the magnetic field, is known
as motional emf.

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Note :
1. The expression for motional emf can be explained with the help of Lorentz force. Force upon charge
q in the conductor PQ due to its motion, is given by F  q(v  B ) = qvBsin90° = qvB. Its direction is from
Q towards P. Work done in moving the charge from Q to P is W = qvBl. So induced emf   Bvl
2. The equivalent circuit of the figure is given by replacing the conductor S P
QP with an electric cell of emf e = Bvl, internal resistances r as the
1 e = Bvl
resistance of arm QP conductor and external resistance R. The R
induced current i  .
r R R Q

Some Examples of Motional EMF

× × × × ×
vsin v

A(+)  B(–)
A(+) O R  = Bvl sin
 = Bv(2R)
(a) (b)

 A B B(–)
l (–)
(+) r

1 1
= Br 
= Bl 

× 2 × × × 2 ×
(c) Disc
Motional EMF in some closed loops

× × ( B) × × × A ×
v v v
l R l

(a) (b) (c)

i=0 i
Bvl Bvl R
2BvR 2BvR Bvl

i 

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NEET Electromagnetic Induction 95

Example 9 : A conducting rod OA of length l is rotated about its end O with an angular velocity  in a
uniform magnetic field directed perpendicular to the plane of rotation. Find the emf induced in the
rod, between it’s ends.

v A


Solution : It is an example of motional emf where velocity of different points upon conductor are different.

So e   de

  B.v ( x )dx

  Bxdx

 B.l 2
Note : The point O upon rod is at higher potential than the point A by B l 2 .


A changing magnetic field produces an electric field.

  d B
 E.dl  dt

Note :

(i) The electric field produced by stationary charges is called electrostatic field and for such a field
 E.dl  0 i.e., electrostatic field is conservative.

(ii) In case of electromagnetic induction, line integral of induced electric field E around a closed
path is not zero i.e. induced electric field is non-conservative. In such a field, work done in
moving a charge round a close path is not zero.

(iii) Just as a changing magnetic field produces an electric field. Similarly a changing electric field
also produces a magnetic field.

Example 10 : There exists a uniform magnetic field in a circular region of radius R centred at O. The field is
perpendicular to and out of the plane of paper and its strength varies with time as B = B0t. Find
the induced electric field at a distance r from the centre for (1) r < R (2) r > R
Solution : Induced electric field is given by
  d B
 E.dl  dt

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(1) r < R. Consider a ring of radius r (< R) centered at O. The induced field at the periphery of
the ring is circular such that

 E.dl  E  2r . As B  (B0t ) r 2 B

d B R B = B0t
  B0 r 2

 E  2r  B0 r 2

B0 r
E ( E  r)
(the sign comes, when clockwise electric field lines are developed)

(2) r > R. Consider a ring of radius r (> R) centred at O. Again following the same procedure

 E.dl  E  2r
B  (B0 t )R 2 (as field is present only in region 0 < r < R) E,dl

d B E,dl
 B0 R 2 r
r R B
 E 2r  B0 R 2

 B0 R 2  1
E  E  
2r  r


11. A vertical rod of length l is moved with constant velocity v towards east. The vertical component of earth
magnetic field is B and angle of dip is . The induced e.m.f. in the rod is

(1) Blv sin 

(2) Blv tan 

(3) Blv cot 

(4) Blv cos 

12. The current carrying wire and the rod AB are in same plane. The rod moves parallel to the wire with a velocity
v. Which one of the following statement is true about induced emf in the rod?

(1) End A will be at lower potential with respect to B

(2) A and B will be at same potential v

(3) There will be no induced emf in the rod A B

(4) Potential at A will be higher than that at B

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NEET Electromagnetic Induction 97
13. An aeroplane rises vertically with a speed of 100 m/s. The aeroplane has wings span 10 m and horizontal
component of earth's magnetic field perpendicular to wings is 5 × 10–3 Wb/m2. The induced emf across the
ends of wings is
(1) 50 V (2) 0.5 V
(3) 5V (4) 25 V
14. A rod AB slides on a V shaped wire with speed v as shown, such that at any time OA = OB = l. Magnetic
field in the region is perpendicular downwards and has strength B, induced emf in the rod is


(1) Zero (2) Bvl

3Bvl Bvl
(3) (4)
2 2
15. If given arrangement is moving towards left with speed v, then potential difference between B and D and current
in the loop are respectively × B × × ×

× × 2R
× ×
× × C × ×

× × × ×
(1) BvR and non-zero (2) 2BvR and zero
(3) 4BvR and non-zero (4) 4BvR and zero
16. A copper rod of length l is rotating about mid-point of rod, perpendicular to the magnetic field B with constant
angular velocity . The induced emf between the two ends is
(1) B l 2 (2) Bl 2
(3) 2Bl 2 (4) Zero
17. A semicircular loop of radius R is rotated with an angular velocity  perpendicular to the plane of a magnetic
field B as shown in the figure. Emf induced in the loop is
× × ×

× × ×

 × × ×

× × B ×
(1) BR2 (2) BR 2
3 1
(3) BR 2 (4) B R 2
2 4
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18. A force of 10 N is required to move a conducting loop through a non-uniform magnetic field at 2 ms–1. The
rate of production of electrical energy (in watt) in loop is
(1) 5 (2) 20
(3) 10 (4) Zero
19. A flexible wire bent in the form of a circle is placed in a uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of
the circle. The radius r of circle changes with time t as shown in the figure. The graph of magnitude of induced
emf |e| versus time in the circle is represented by

c d

a b

1 2

|e| |e|

(1) (2)
t t
1 2 1 2

|e| |e|

(3) (4)
t t
1 2 1 2

20. Radius of a circular loop placed in a perpendicular uniform magnetic field is increasing at a constant rate of
r0 ms–1. If at any instant radius of the loop is r, then emf induced in the loop at that instant will be
(1) –2Brr0 (2) –2Br
(3) –Br0r (4) –2Br0r


Consider again the motion of conductor QP in perpendicular and uniform magnetic field. The motional emf
across the conductor QP, e = B.v.l




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NEET Electromagnetic Induction 99
The induced current in the loop PSRQP

e B v
I  ...(i)
Rr Rr

Magnetic force upon arm

   B 2 2
F m  I    B   I [jˆ  B( kˆ )]  v ( i ) ...(ii)

Note that this force arises due to drift velocity of charge (responsible for current).
Suppose the velocity of conductor is constant. Then external force required to move the conductor.

   B 2 2
Then F ext  Fm  F ext  v ( x ) ( i ) ...(iii)

The mechanical power delivered by external agent in pulling the loop,

  B 2 2 2
P  Fext .v  v ...(iv)

The heat dissipated in the loop per second, due to induced current

dH B 22v 2
 I 2  (R  r )  ...(v)
dt Rr

Mechanical energy delivered in pulling the loop by the agent appears as electrical energy.

When bulk pieces of conductors are subjected to changing magnetic flux, induced currents are produced in
them. However, their flow patterns resembles swirling eddies in water. This effect was discovered by physicist
Foucault (1819-1868) and these currents are called eddy currents.

Eddy currents are used as advantage in certain applications like:

(i) Magnetic braking in trains (ii) Electromagnetic damping

(iii) Induction furnace (iv) Electric power meters

The flux linkage through a coil (of N turns) is proportional to the current through the coil. Thus
NB I  NB = LI
Where L is a proportionality constant known as self inductance or coefficient of self induction. If current through
the coil varies, then induced emf across the coil is

d dI
e  N B   L
dt dt

The unit of self inductance is henry

Dimension of self inductance [ML2 T–2 A–2].

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100 Electromagnetic Induction NEET


Consider a long solenoid having number of turns per unit length n. Consider a section of this solenoid, of
length l. We have to find self inductances of this section. Magnetic flux linkage through the coil under
B  B.A  (0nI )( An)  0n 2 A  I

L   0 n 2 .A   l
Note : If the space inside the solenoid is filled with a material of relative permeability r, then
L = 0r n2A × l

Energy Stored in a Self Inductance Coil

When current i flows in conductor, then work required to maintain the current dW  L ( idt )
Li 2

W  Lidi 
2 , This is the energy stored in the inductor.

1 B2
Energy Density =
2 0
If current in inductor changes from i1 to i2, then change in energy


L i 22  i12 
Direction of Induced emf in Inductor
(a) When the current is increasing (b) When the current is decreasing
 = Ldi/dt  = Ldi/dt
i i

(c) When the current is increasing (d) When the current is decreasing

 = Ldi/dt  = Ldi/dt
i i

Consider figure which shows two long coaxial solenoids
each of length l. We denote the radius of the inner
solenoid S1 by r1 and the number of turns per unit length
by n 1. The corresponding quantities for the outer
solenoid S2 are r2 and n2, respectively. Let N1 and N2
be the total number of turns of coils S 1 and S 2 ,
r1 S1
When a current I2 is set up through S2, it in turn sets
N1 turns S2
up a magnetic flux through S1. Let us denote it by 1.
N2 turns
The corresponding flux linkage with solenoid S1 is
Fig.: Two long co-axial solenoids of same length l.

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NEET Electromagnetic Induction 101
N11 = M12I2 ...(i)
M12 is called the mutual inductance of solenoid S1 with respect to solenoid S2. It is also referred to as the
coefficient of mutual induction.
For these simple coaxial solenoids it is possible to calculate M12.
M12 = 0n1n2r21l ...(ii)
We now consider the reverse case. A current I1 is passed through the solenoid S1 and the flux linkage with
coil S2 is,
N22 = M21I1 ...(iii)
M21 is called the mutual inductance of solenoid S2 with respect to solenoid S1.
M21 = 0n1n2r21l ...(iv)
Using Equation (ii) and Equation (iii), we get
M12 = M21 = M (say) ...(v)
If a medium of relative permeability r had been present, the mutual inductance would be
M =r0 n1n2r21l
It is also important to know that the mutual inductance of a pair of coils, solenoids, etc., depends on their
separation as well as their relative orientation.

Combinations of Inductors
(a) Coefficient of self inductance of two coils in series
L1 L2

di di di
 = 1 + 2, or,  L =  L1  L2 or, L = L1 + L2
dt dt dt

Note : If M is the coefficient of mutual inductance between the two coils when they have flux linkage
in same sense, then L = L1 + L2 + 2M but for flux linkage in opposite sense L = L1 + L2 –2M.

(b) Coefficient of self inductance of two coils in parallel



Let us consider two coils of self inductance L1 and L2 connected in parallel with each other. The EMF
across the two coils is  and the currents in them are i1 and i2 respectively. Therefore,

di di 1 di 2   
i = i1 + i2 or,   or, –  
dt dt dt L L1 L2

1 1 1 L1L2
or,   or, L
L L1 L2 L1  L2

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102 Electromagnetic Induction NEET

Mutual Inductance in some arrangements:

1. Mutual inductance of two solenoids :

 0 N1N 2 A
N1 = Number of turns in one coil
N2 = Number of turns in other coil l
A = Area of cross-section
l = Length of smaller coil
2. Two concentric and coplanar loops :
(a) Two concentric circular loops (r << R) r
 0 r
(b) A small circular loop and a rectangular loop (r << a, b)
r b
 8 a2  b2 2
M 0 r
4 ab a

Coefficient of coupling
Suppose two coils carrying currents i1 and i2 are placed close to each other. If self inductance of two coils
are L1 and L2 respectively and their mutual inductance M.
11 = L1i1 (flux in coil 1 because of current in coil 1)
22 = L2i2 (flux in coil 2 because of current in coil 2)
21 = Mi1 (flux in coil 2 because of current in coil 1)
12 = Mi2 (flux in coil 1 because of current in coil 2)
If the two coils are placed very close to each other then flux linkage between them is maximum and there
will be no difference between self flux and mutual flux.
So, 21 = 22
and 11 = 12
i.e., Mi1 = L2i2
and Mi2 = L1i1
 L1L2 = M2

or M= L1L2 .

This is the maximum possible mutual inductance between the two coils.

In general M  L1L2 as only a fraction of self flux is linked with the other.

This fraction is called "coefficient of flux linkage" or "coefficient of coupling"

k =

, ,
K=0 K1 0<K<1
(a) (b) (c)

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NEET Electromagnetic Induction 103

Example 11 : Figure shows two concentric loops of radii R and r (R >> r). A current i is passed through the
outer loop. Find the flux linked with inner loop and the mutual inductance of the arrangement.
Solution : At O, B  . As R >> r,
 We can assume that same field B acts
on the total area of inner loop. O
0i i
   r 2
  0 r 2
M  .
i 2R

Example 12 : Find the mutual inductance between two coaxial loops of radii R and r (R >> r) with separation
between the centre x.
Solution : Let a current i flows through coil of radius R. The field produced at the centre of the other coil is
 0 i  2  R 2 z-axis
B 2 2 3/2 . y-axis
4  (R  x )
As R >> r, this field can be assumed to be acting
on the entire area of the smaller loop. R
Thus  = B  A
 0 i  2  R 2
i.e.,    r 2 r
4  (R 2  x 2 )3 / 2
 B
as M x-axis
 0 R 2 r 2
 M
2 (R 2  x 2 )3 / 2

Example 13 : Two coaxial coils are very close to each other and their mutual inductance is 5 mH. If a current
(50 A) sin 500t is passed in one of the coils, then find the peak value of induced emf in the
secondary coil.
Solution : i = 50 sin500t
As 
   (5  10 3 ) 50 (cos 500t )  500
 = – 125cos500t
 Peak value = 125 V.

Example 14 : Find the mutual inductance of two long concentric solenoids for a length l. The area of cross-section
of inner solenoid is A and number of turns per unit length are n1 and n2. (See figure)

Area ‘A’

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104 Electromagnetic Induction NEET

Solution : A current i is passed through inner solenoid having n1 number of turns/length. The magnetic field
is B = 0n1i. This magnetic field exists uniformly across the area A. The flux linked with outer
solenoid is

 = (n2  l)  B  A (∵ n2  l = number of turns in length l)

 = (n2  l)  0n1iA
 = 0n1n2Ali
as M = /i
 M = 0n1n2Al.

Example 15 : Prove that energy stored in a current inductor, per unit volume is , where B is the magnetic
field inside the inductor.
Solution : When a current I flows through a solenoid of self inductance L, the energy stored in the space
1 2
inside solenoid, is given by U  LI ...(i)
Now, self inductance L = 0n2 × A × l ...(ii)
where n is number of turns per unit length, A area of cross section and l is the length of solenoid.

U (0 n 2 A   )I 2 ...(iii)
Supposing the solenoid to be long enough, the magnetic field inside the solenoid is given by
B = 0nI ...(iv)

1 2 22 1 B2
Thus U  (0 n I )   A   A ...(v)
2 0 20

where A × l = v (Volume of space inside the solenoid)

U B2
Thus 
VolumeV 20

Example 16 : Compare the expression for magnetic energy density with electrostatic energy density stored in the
space between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor.
Solution : The electrostatic energy stored
1 q2 q2
U  d ...(i)
2 C 20 A
0 A
(where C is the capacitance, C  , q is the charge upon capacitor)
Now the electric field in the space (between plates of capacitor)

E ...(ii)
0 A

From equation (i) and (ii),

1 q 
U    0  A  d
2  0 A 

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NEET Electromagnetic Induction 105
 U .0 E 2  Volume
U 1
Hence  0 E 2 ...(iii)
Volume 2
This expression can be compared with magnetic energy per unit volume which is equal to


Example 17 : What is the physical role of self inductance?

Solution : Physically, the self inductance plays the role of inertia. It is the electromagnetic analogue of mass
in mechanics. So, work needs to be done against the back emf in establishing the current. This
work done is stored as magnetic potential energy.
1 2
W U  LI ...(i)
This is equivalent to (mechanical) kinetic energy of a particle of mass m,
K mv 2 ...(ii)
In above equations, L is analogous to m (i.e., L is the electrical inertia and opposes growth and
decay of current in the circuit).

(i) Growth of current in L-R circuit : The equation of current is given by KEY
I = I0(1 – e–t/)
where, I0 =
Final current 
and = (Time constant) L R
Also at t = 0, I = I0 (1 – e0) then I = 0
i.e., the inductor behaves as open circuit.
and at t = , I = I0 (1 – e–) = I0 =
R t
i.e., the inductor behaves as short circuit.
Graph of current versus time
if t  L / R  time constant, then I  I 0 (1  1/ e)  0.63I 0
Thus, time constant of growth L – R circuit is equal to that time in which the current grows to 0.63 times
the maximum value.
dI I0 – t / 
The rate of growth of current is e
dt 
(ii) Decay of current in the L–R circuit :
The equation of current is given by
I = I0e–t/, (where I0 = initial current and  = )

if t  L / R  time constant, then I  I 0 e 1  I 0 / e  0.37I 0

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106 Electromagnetic Induction NEET

Thus time constant of decay L – R circuit is that time in which the current decays to or 0.37 times the
maximum value.

Key I0



21. A wire of fixed length is wound on a solenoid of length l and radius r. Its self inductance is found to be L.
l r
Now if same wire is wound on a solenoid of length and radius , then self inductance will be
2 2

(1) 2L (2) (3) 3L (4) 4L
22. The length of thin wire required to manufacture a solenoid of inductance L and length l, (if the cross-sectional
diameter is considered less than its length) is

LI 4LI 2LI LI

(1) 20 (2) 0 (3) 0 (4) 0

23. A conducting ring of radius b is placed coaxially in a long solenoid of radius a (b < a) having n turns per
unit length. A current i = i0 cos t flows through the solenoid. The induced emf in the ring is

(1) Zero (2) 0ni0 a2 (3) 0ni0 a2 cos t (4) 0ni0 b2 sin t
24. In what form is the energy stored in an inductor?
(1) Electrical (2) Heat
(3) Magnetic (4) Both electrical and magnetic
25. Which of the following pairs of coils has zero coupling constant?


C2 C1
(1) (2) C1 (3) (4) All of these
C1 I I

26. Two coils of self-inductances 2 mH and 8 mH are placed so close together that the effective flux in one coil
is completely linked with the other. The mutual inductance between these coils is
(1) 10 mH (2) 6 mH
(3) 4 mH (4) 16 mH
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NEET Electromagnetic Induction 107
27. The equivalent inductance of two inductor is 2.4 H when connected in parallel and 10 H when connected in
series. The difference between two inductance is (Neglecting mutual induction between coils)
(1) 2H (2) 3H (3) 4H (4) 5H
28. In an A.C. sub-circuit as shown in figure, the resistance R = 0.2 . At a certain instant VA – VB = 0.5 V,
I = 0.5 A, and current is increasing at the rate of  8 A/s . The inductance of the coil is

(1) 0.01 H (2) 0.02 H (3) 0.05 H (4) 0.5 H

29. A coil of self inductance 50 H is joined to the terminals of a battery of e.m.f. 2 V through a resistance of 10 
and a steady current is flowing through the circuit. If the battery is now disconnected then time in which the
current will decay to of its steady value is
(1) 500 s (2) 50 s (3) 5s (4) 0.5 s
30. The ratio of initial to final current through the battery when the switch is closed in the figure is


4 3
(1) Zero (2)  (3) (4)
3 4

As the coil rotates in magnetic field B, the effective area of the loop (the face perpendicular to the field) is
A cos, where  is the angle between A and B. This method of producing a flux change is the principle of
operation of a simple ac generator. An ac generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Coil Axle


rings Alternating emf

Fig.: AC Generator
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108 Electromagnetic Induction NEET

at any instant
 = t
 = NBAcos where N = Number of turns.
= NBAcost t

e = = + NBA sint
dt 
e0 = NBA (peak value of emf)
e = e0 sint
alternating emf is produced in the coil
This e.m.f induced in the coil, produced a potential difference across the ends of load then it is called A.C
v = v0sint

A current carrying coil placed in magnetic field experiences a torque and start to rotate. As the coil rotates,
there is an induced emf in it opposite to applied emf.
V = applied voltage
E = Back emf [E   (rotation speed of motor)]
R = Resistance of armature

I= = current in armature
Input power = VI
Heat loss = I2R
Out put power = VI – I 2R = EI

= =

  100%
(i) When out put power is maximum, back e.m.f E = and  = 50%
(ii) Back emf  speed of rotation.
(iii) When motor is just switched on, speed = 0, back e.m.f E = 0

(iv) Iinitial =
(v) When motor runs unloaded i.e., at full speed back emf is maximum, I is minimum.
(vi) The back emf varies sinusoidally I also varies sinusoidally in dc motor.

‰ ‰ ‰

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nm nment
sig ssig
As A Assignment

5. A rectangular metal loop ABCD is moving in uniform
transverse magnetic field (B) with constant velocity
(v). The induced emf in the loop is
[NCERT Pg. 216]
1. A uniform magnetic field exists in space as
 X X X X X X X
B  4iˆ T. The magnetic flux through an area A b B
 X X X X X X X
S  (2iˆ  4 ˆj ) m2 is [NCERT Pg. 207]
(1) 6 Wb (2) 2 Wb l v
(3) 8 Wb (4) 4 Wb X X X X X X X
2. Magnetic flux (in Wb) linked with a closed loop D C
varies with time t (in s) as  = 2t 2 + 1. The (1) Bbv (2) Blv
magnitude of induced emf at t = 1 s is
[NCERT Pg. 208] 1
(3) Blv (4) Zero
(1) 1 V
6. Change in magnetic flux linked with a coil is 6 Wb.
(2) 2 V If resistance of the coil is 2 , then charge flown
(3) 3 V through the wire is [NCERT Pg. 216]

(4) 4 V (1) 1 C (2) 2 C

(3) 3 C (4) 4 C
3. A copper rod of length 2 m moves in a transverse
uniform magnetic field of 3 T. It is moving with 7. Electric current flowing in a coil of self inductance
constant velocity of 2 m s –1 in a direction 2 mH is increased from 1 A to 2 A in 2 ms.
perpendicular to its length. The induced emf across Induced emf in the coil is [NCERT Pg. 222]
its ends is [NCERT Pg. 212] (1) 1 V (2) 3 V
(1) 8 V (3) 2 V (4) 4 V
(2) 10 V 8. Two closed conducting loops have mutual
(3) 12 V inductance of 1H. Average e.m.f induced in one
loop if current in the other changes by 2 A in 1 s,
(4) 14 V is [NCERT Pg. 222]
4. A metallic rod of length l is hinged at one end. If (1) 1 V
it is rotated with angular velocity  in a plane (2) 2 V
perpendicular to uniform magnetic field B, then emf
induced across its ends is [NCERT Pg. 214] (3) 3 V
(4) 4 V
(1) Bl 2
2 9. Dimensional formula of [Li 2 ] is (where L is
inductance and i is current) [NCERT Pg. 223]
(2) B l 2 (1) [M1 L2 T2 A2]
(2) [M1 L2 T–2]
1 2
(3) B l (3) [M0 L0 T0 A1]
(4) Zero (4) [M1 L2 T–2 A2]

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110 Electromagnetic Induction NEET

10. A current 2 A flows through a solenoid of self 15. A straight wire of length  is moving with speed v
inductance 3 mH. The energy stored inside in a direction perpendicular to length. If a uniform
solenoid is [NCERT Pg. 223] magnetic field of strength B is existing in the
region, which is perpendicular to both  and v, then
(1) 4 mJ (2) 6 mJ
emf across ends of wire is proportional to
(3) 8 mJ (4) 10 mJ
(1)  [NCERT Pg. 212]
11. On the basis Lenz’s law, which of the following
physical quantity is conserved? [NCERT Pg. 210] (2) v

(1) Mass (2) Charge (3) B

(3) Momentum (4) Energy (4) All of these
12. A conducting loop is kept vertically in the
increasing magnetic field as shown in figure. The SECTION - B
direction of induced current in the loop will be Objective Type Questions
[NCERT Pg. 212]
1. The unit of magnetic flux in SI unit is

 (1) weber (2) gauss

(3) oersted (4) tesla

2. A 10 m long copper wire remaining in the east-west

(1) Clockwise horizontal direction is falling down with speed of
(2) Anti-clockwise 5 m/s. If the horizontal component of the earth’s
magnetic field is 0.3 × 10–4 Wb/m2 then the emf
(3) Zero
developed between the ends of the wire is
(4) Insufficient information
(1) 0.15 volt (2) 1.5 volt
13. If given arrangement is moving towards right with
speed v in the uniform magnetic field, then induced (3) 0.15 millivolt (4) 1.5 millivolt
current in the loop is (resistance of loop is R)
[NCERT Pg. 217] 3. Dynamo is designed on the principle of
(1) Electromagnetic induction

B (2) Self induction
a v (3) Mutual induction
(4) Pascal’s law
4. The magnetic flux passing through a coil is
 = (20 cos 5t + t2 + 50t + 25) weber. What will
(1) Zero (2) be the induced emf at t = 1 s?
(1) 52 V
Bva Bva (2) 72 V
(3) (4)
R 2R (3) 100 V
14. According to Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic (4) (100 + 50) V
induction, magnitude of induced emf in a coil is
5. The net magnetic flux through any closed surface
proportional to [NCERT Pg. 208] kept in magnetic field is
(1) Rate of change of voltage (1) Zero
(2) Rate of change of resistance 0
(3) Rate of change of electric flux linked with the 4
coil (3) 40
(4) Rate of change of magnetic flux linked with the 40
coil 

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NEET Electromagnetic Induction 111
6. Two inductor each of inductance L are joined in 12. The length of a solenoid is 20 cm. Its area of cross
parallel. Their equivalent inductance will be section is 10 cm2, and the number of turns is
1000. Another coil of 500 turns is wound in the
L middle. Their coefficient of mutual induction will be
(1) Zero (2)
2 nearest to
(3) L (4) 2L

7. Figure shows a straight wire placed between the (1)  104 H
pole pieces of a magnet. Induced emf will be
developed across the ends of the wire, when it is (2) 10104 H
moved towards
(3) 2104 H
(4)  2 104 H
13. After the time equal to the time constant, on
N S closing the RC circuit, the charge grows to (q0 =
peak charge)
(1) 0.37q0 (2) 0.63 q0
(3) 2 q0 (4)
(1) N (2) S 2

(3) P (4) Q 14. A small square loop of wire of side l is placed

inside a large square loop of wire of side L (L > l).
8. In the circuit shown, what will be reading of the The loops are coplanar and their centres coincide.
ammeter long time after closing the key? The mutual inductance of the system is proportional
l l2
5 5 (1) (2)
5 10 H
10 V L L2
(3) (4)
A l l
15. The armature current in a DC motor is maximum
(1) 1 A (2) 2 A when the motor has
(1) Just started
4 3
(3) A (4) A
3 4 (2) Picked up maximum speed

9. Energy stored in a coil of self inductance 40 mH (3) Intermediate speed

carrying a steady current of 2 A is (4) Just been switched off
(1) 80 J (2) 0.8 J 16. The armature of a DC motor has 20  resistance.
It draws a current of 1.5 A when run by a 220 V
(3) 0.08 J (4) 8.0 J
DC supply. The value of back emf induced in it, is
10. If N is the number of turns in a coil, then self
(1) 150 V (2) 170 V
inductance varies as
(1) N0 (2) N 2 (3) 180 V (4) 190 V

(3) N 1 (4) N –2 17. In the circuit shown below, the key K is closed at
t = 0. The current through the battery is
11. A disc of radius 0.1 m is rotating with a frequency
10 rev/s in a normal magnetic field of strength V K
0.1 tesla. Net induced emf between its centre and
rim is L R1
(1) 2V (2) 2  10–1V
(3) 2  10–2 V (4)   10–2 V

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112 Electromagnetic Induction NEET

22. If for a coil having L = 2 mH, current flowing

V (R1  R2 ) V
(1) at t = 0 and R at t =  through it is I = t2e–t, then the time at which emf
R1R2 2 becomes zero is
(1) 2 s (2) 1 s
V (R1  R2 ) V
(2) R1R2 at t = 0 and R at t =  (3) 4 s (4) 3 s
23. If the flux associated with a coil varies at the rate
V V (R1  R2 ) 1 Wb/min, then the induced emf is
(3) R at t = 0 and R1R2 at t = 
2 1
(1) 1 V (2) V
V V (R1  R2 )
(4) R at t = 0 and R1 R2 at t =  (3) 60 V (4) Zero
24. When the current changes from +2 A to –2 A in
18. Two conducting circular loops of radii R1 and R2 are
0.05 second, an emf of 8 V is induced in a coil.
placed in the same plane with their centres
The coefficient of self inductance of the coil is
coinciding. The mutual inductance between them
(assuming R2 << R1) is (1) 0.1 H (2) 0.2 H

0 R22 0 R12 (3) 0.4 H (4) 0.8 H

(1) (2)
2R1 2R2 25. The inductance between A and D in the circuit
shown is
0 R22 0 R12
(3) (4)
R1 R2
19. A wire loop is rotated in a uniform magnetic field A D
3H 3H 3H
about an axis perpendicular to the field such that
an EMF is induced. The direction of the current
(1) 3.66 H (2) 9 H
induced in the loop reverses once each
(3) 0.66 H (4) 1 H
(1) Quarter revolution (2) Half revolution
26. What is the charge induced in coil of 100 turns of
(3) Full revolution (4) Two revolutions
resistance 100 , if magnetic flux changes from
20. A metal rod of resistance R is fixed along a 2 T m2 to – 2 T m2?
diameter of a conducting ring of radius r. There is
(1) 4 C
a magnetic field of magnitude B perpendicular to
the plane of the loop. The ring spins with angular (2) 2 C
speed  about its axis. The centre of the ring is (3) 2.8 C
joined to its rim by an external wire W. The wire
W have no resistance. The current in W is (4) 0.4 C
27. A rectangular coil of single turn, having area A,
Br 2 rotates in a uniform magnetic field B with angular
(1) Zero (2)
2R speed  about an axis perpendicular to the field.
If initially the plane of the coil is perpendicular to
2 2Br 2
(3) Br 
the field, then the average induced emf when it has
R R rotated through 90º is

21. A long solenoid of N turns has self induction L and BA

area of cross-section A. When a current i flows 
through the solenoid, magnetic field inside it has
magnitude B. The current i equals to (2)
(1) (2) BANL BA
L (3)
(3) (4) 2BA
AL ANL (4)

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NEET Electromagnetic Induction 113
28. Two circular coils can be arranged in any of the W2  W1 n(W2  W1)
three situations shown in the figure. Their mutual (1)  (2) 
5Rnt 5Rt
inductance will be maximum in
(W2  W1) n(W2  W1)
(3)  (4) 
Rnt Rt
34. Figure shows a circular wheel of radius 10.0 cm
whose upper half is made of iron and lower half of
(a) (b)
wood. The two junctions are joined by an iron rod.
Uniform magnetic field B of magnitude 2×10–4 T
exists in space shown. The wheel is set in pure
rolling. If it takes 2.0 s for the iron part to come
(c) down and wooden part to go up then average
induced emf during this period is
(1) Situation (a) (2) Situation (b)
(3) Situation (c) (4) All situations
29. A small coil of radius r is placed at the centre of
a large coil of radius R, where R >> r. The two
coils are coplanar. The mutual induction between
coils is proportional to (1) 1.57 × 10–6 V (2) 1.5 × 10–7 V

r r2 (3) 15.7 × 10–6 V (4) 1.55 × 10–8 V

(1) (2)
R R 35. Lenz’s law is a consequence of the law of
conservation of
r3 r
(3) (4) (1) Charge (2) Mass
R2 R2
30. If I = 5 A and decreasing at a rate of 103 A/s, then (3) Momentum (4) Energy
(VB – VA) is 36. The adjoining figure shows two bulbs B1 and B2,
resistor R and an inductor L. When the switch S
15 V
1 5 mH is turned off then
(1) 5 V (2) 10 V
(3) 15 V (4) 20 V L
31. In a dc motor, if E is the applied emf and e is the
back emf, then efficiency is
E e e (1) Both B1 and B2 die out promptly
(1) (2)
E E (2) Both B1 and B2 die with some delay
2 2
 E  e  e (3) B1 dies out promptly but B2 with some delay
(3)   (4)  
E  E (4) B2 dies out promptly but B1 with some delay
32. Alternating current can be measured by
37. A metal rod of length L rotates about an axis
(1) Moving coil galvanometer passing through its mid-point. The potential
difference between the ends of rod is
(2) Hot wire ammeter
(3) Tangent galvanometer (1) BL2
(4) All of these
33. A coil having n turns and resistance R  is (2)
connected in series to a galvanometer of
resistance 4R . This combination is moved 3
in (3) BL2
time t second from a magnetic flux W1 weber to 4
W2 weber. The induced current in the circuit is (4) Zero

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114 Electromagnetic Induction NEET

38. The magnitude of the earth’s magnetic field at a 42. A cylindrical bar magnet is kept along the axis of
place is B0 and the angle of dip is . A horizontal a circular coil. If the magnet is rotated about its
conductor of length l, lying north-south, moves axis, then
eastwards with a velocity v. The emf induced (1) A current will be induced in the coil
across the rod is
(2) No current will be induced in the coil
(1) Zero (2) B0lv
(3) Only an emf will be induced in the coil
(3) B0lvsin (4) B0lvcos
(4) Both a current and an emf will be induced in
39. Two conducting rings of radii r and 2r move in the coil
opposite direction with velocity 2v and v 43. Two circuits have mutual inductance 0.6 H. If
respectively on a conducting surface S as shown. current in one circuit is changed from 0 to 1.5 A in
There is a uniform magnetic field B perpendicular 0.01 second, then average induced emf in the
to the plane of the rings. The potential difference other circuit is
between the highest points of the ring is
(1) 30 volt (2) 45 volt
(3) 60 volt (4) 90 volt
v 44. Inductance of a choke coil is 3 H, if current through
2v 2r it changes from zero to 10 A in 0.5 second, then
magnitude of average induced emf in the coil is
(1) Zero (2) 8rvB (1) 20 volt (2) 40 volt
(3) 4rvB (4) 10rvB (3) 60 volt (4) 80 volt
40. An ideal coil of 10 henry is joined in series with a 45. When load is applied on DC motor, the speed of
resistance of 5  and a battery of 5 volt. Two armature coil decreases, then current through
second after joining, the current flowing (in ampere) armature coil
in the circuit will be
(1) Increases
(1) e–1
(2) Decreases
(2) (1 – e–1)
(3) Remains constant
(3) (l – e)
(4) First increases then decreases
(4) e
46. L-R circuit is shown, the energy stored in inductor
41. A uniform rod of mass m is moving with constant long time after closing the key is
velocity v0 in a perpendicular uniform magnetic field 24  L = 100 mH
B as shown. The resistance of rod is r. The current
flowing through rod, R1 and R2 will be

( )
R1 = 6r V = 12 V
v0 R2 =3 r
L (1) 12.5 mJ (2) 12.5 J
(3) 25 mJ (4) 25 J
47. A closed loop is moving with constant velocity in
uniform magnetic field as shown, potential
Bv 0L 2 Bv 0L 1 Bv 0L difference and current in element AB are
(1) , ,
3 r 3 3r 3 3r x x x B = 2 × 10 T

A x
Bv 0L 1 Bv 0L 2 Bv 0L
(2) , , x x x
3r 3 3r 3 3r 20 cm v = 20 m/s

Bv 0L 1 Bv 0L 1 Bv 0L x x x
(3) , ,
3 r 3 3r 3 3r B RAB = 0.8 
x x x x
Bv 0L Bv 0L Bv 0L (1) 0.08 volt, 0.1 A (2) 0.04 volt, 0.02 A
(4) , ,
3r 3r 3r (3) 0.08 volt, Zero (4) Zero, Zero

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NEET Electromagnetic Induction 115
48. Mutual inductance of circuit 1 w.r.t. circuit 2 is M12 53. An inductor coil having 500 turns, produces
and that of 2 w.r.t. 1 is M21. The self inductance of magnetic flux of 10–4 weber per turn when current
two circuits are L1 and L2 respectively then through it is 0.2 A. The coefficient of self
(1) M12 = M21 = L1L2 inductance of the coil is
2 2
(2) M12  M21  L1L2 (1) 2.5 mH (2) 25 mH
(3) M12  M21  L1  L2 (3) 250 mH (4) 2.5 H
(4) M12  M21  L1  L2 54. Two inductor coils L1= 9 mH and L2 = 4 mH are
49. An aeroplane is flying horizontally with speed placed closed to each other so that coupling
144 km/h. The length of wing of plane is 10 m and constant between them is 0.3, then the coefficient
vertical component of magnetic field of earth is of mutual inductance is
0.8×10–4T. The induced emf across the wing is
(1) 0.18 mH (2) 5 mH
(1) 1.6 × 10–2 volt (2) 3.2 × 10–2 volt
(3) 4.8 × 10–2 volt (4) 6.4 × 10–2 volt (3) 1.8 mH (4) 0.05 mH
50. Current in the long straight wire is decreasing with 55. A closed circular conducting loop is moving inside
time. The induced current in loop 1 and 2 are a uniform magnetic field as shown in the figure.
Select correct statements
i 2

1 x x x x
x x P x x
(1) Clockwise in loop 1 as well as in loop 2
x x x v x
(2) Clockwise in loop 1 and anticlockwise in
loop 2 x x Q x x
(3) Anticlockwise in loop 1 and anticlockwise in loop 2 x x x x
(4) Anticlockwise in loop 1 and clockwise in
loop 2 (1) Induced emf in closed loop is zero but between
51. Armature coil of AC generator having area of each points P and Q it is not zero
turn A and number of turns N is rotating in (2) Induced emf in closed loop is non zero but
magnetic field B with angular frequency . The peak between points P and Q it is zero
value of induced emf in it is given by
(3) Induced emf in closed loop as well as between
(1) NAB (2) points P and Q are zero

N (4) Induced emf in closed loop as well as between
(3) (4) NAB points P and Q are non zero
52. Two L-R circuits are shown. Select correct relation. 56. A conducting rod (AB) of length 30 cm, having
resistance 0.5  is moving on two parallel
horizontal, conducting and resistanceless rail as
R 1 L1 R 2 L2
shown in the figure. Current in resistance R = 2.5
( ) ( )  resistor is
E k E k
B = 0.2 T
x x x x x
i A
Key is closed simultaneously x x x x x
imx = x R = 2.5  x v =x 20 m/sx
R 2
1 x x x x x
t B
x x x x x
(1) L1 < L2 (2) L1 = L2
(1) 0.1 A (2) 0.2 A
(3) L1 > L2 (4) Data not sufficient
(3) 0.3 A (4) 0.4 A
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116 Electromagnetic Induction NEET

57. Part of a circuit is shown. When current in circuit 61. The coefficient of mutual inductance between the
is 3 A, rate of increase of current is 2 A/s. The two coils depends on
potential difference between points P and Q at this
(1) Separation between two coils
instant is
(2) Orientation of the coils
i = 3A 3 V L = 0.8 H
(3) Medium between the coils
P 2 1 2 Q (4) All of these
(1) 9.6 V (2) 10.6 V 62. Henry is equivalent to
(3) 13.6 V (4) 17.6 V (1) volt second (2) ampere second

1.2 (3) ohm second (4) joule second

58. A circular loop of radius R  m is kept in xy
 63. A metal plate is kept stationary and normally in a
plane in a space where magnetic field induction is time varying magnetic field, then

 
B  3iˆ  2 jˆ  4kˆ T . The magnetic flux passing
(1) Both emf and current are induced in the metal
through the loop is (2) A current but no emf is induced in the metal
(1) 1.76 weber plate
(2) 3.76 weber (3) An induced emf but no current is induced in
(3) 4.76 weber the metal plate

(4) 5.76 weber (4) Neither induced emf nor induced current is
induced in the metal plate
59. A conductor ABCD is moving with speed v along
x-axis in a region where magnetic field is uniform, SECTION - C
and directed into the plane of paper. The maximum
Previous Years Questions
induced emf is between points
1. A cycle wheel of radius 0.5 m is rotated with
x x B x x constant angular velocity of 10 rad/s in a region of
x A x x x magnetic field of 0.1 T which is perpendicular to
x x x x the plane of the wheel. The EMF generated
v between its centre and the rim is,
x x x x
D [NEET-2019-Odisha]
x x x x
(1) Zero (2) 0.25 V
x x C x x
(3) 0.125 V (4) 0.5 V
(1) AD (2) BD
(3) AC (4) BC 2. In which of the following devices, the eddy current
effect is not used? [NEET-2019]
60. A proton is moving along x-axis as shown in the
(1) Induction furnace
figure. The direction of induced current in the loop
is (2) Magnetic braking in train
(3) Electromagnet
Closed loop (4) Electric heater
x x 3. A 800 turn coil of effective area 0.05 m2 is kept
Proton v perpendicular to a magnetic field 5 × 10–5 T. When
the plane of the coil is rotated by 90° around any
(1) First anti-clockwise then clockwise
of its coplanar axis in 0.1 s, the emf induced in the
(2) First clockwise then anticlockwise coil will be: [NEET-2019]
(3) Anticlockwise always (1) 2 V (2) 0.2 V
(4) Clockwise always (3) 2 × 10–3 V (4) 0.02 V

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NEET Electromagnetic Induction 117
4. A thin diamagnetic rod is placed vertically between 8. An electron moves on a straight line path XY as
the poles of an electromagnet. When the current in shown. The abcd is a coil adjacent to the path of
the electromagnet is switched on, then the electron. What will be the direction of current, if
diamagnetic rod is pushed up, out of the horizontal any, induced in the coil?
magnetic field. Hence the rod gains gravitational
potential energy. The work required to do this
comes from [NEET-2018]
(1) The current source b d

(2) The magnetic field

(3) The induced electric field due to the changing
magnetic field X electron Y

(4) The lattice structure of the material of the rod [Re-AIPMT-2015]

5. The magnetic potential energy stored in a certain (1) No current induced

inductor is 25 mJ, when the current in the inductor is (2) abcd
60 mA. This inductor is of inductance [NEET-2018]
(3) adcb
(1) 0.138 H
(4) The current will reverse its direction as the
(2) 138.88 H
electron goes past the coil
(3) 13.89 H
9. A conducting square frame of side a and a long
(4) 1.389 H straight wire carrying current I are located in the
6. A uniform magnetic field is restricted within a region same plane as shown in the figure. The frame
of radius r. The magnetic field changes with time moves to the right with a constant velocity V. The

dB emf induced in the frame will be proportional to
at a rate . Loop 1 of radius R > r encloses the
region r and loop 2 of radius R is outside the x
region of magnetic field as shown in the figure
below. Then the e.m.f. generated is I

1 2 [AIPMT-2015]

(1) Zero in loop 1 and zero in loop 2 1 1

  (1) (2)
(2 x  a )(2 x  a ) x2
dB 2 dB 2
(2) – r in loop 1 and – r in loop 2
dt dt 1 1
 (3) (4)
(2 x  a )2 (2 x  a )2
(3) – R 2 in loop 1 and zero in loop 2
dt 10. A thin semicircular conducting ring (PQR) of radius
 r is falling with its plane vertical in a horizontal
dB 2 magnetic field B, as shown in figure. The potential
(4) – r in loop 1 and zero in loop 2
dt difference developed across the ring when its speed
7. A long solenoid has 1000 turns. When a current of is v is × × × ×
4 A flows through it, the magnetic flux linked with Q B
each turn of the solenoid is 4 × 10–3 Wb. The self- × × × ×
inductance of the solenoid is [NEET-2016] r
(1) 1 H (2) 4 H × × × ×
(3) 3 H (4) 2 H
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118 Electromagnetic Induction NEET

(1) Zero 15. In a coil of resistance of 10 , the induced current

developed by changing magnetic flux through it,is
(2) Bvr2/2 and P is at higher potential
shown in figure as a function of time. The magnitude
(3) rBv and R is at higher potential of change in flux through the coil in Weber is
(4) 2rBv and R is at higher potential
i (A)
11. A coil of self-inductance L is connected in series
with a bulb B and an AC source. Brightness of the
bulb decrease when [NEET-2013]
(1) Number of turns in the coil is reduced
(2) A capacitance of reactance XC = XL is included 0 0.1 t(s)
in the same circuit
[AIPMT (Mains)-2012]
(3) An iron rod is inserted in the coil
(1) 8 (2) 2
(4) Frequency of the AC source is decreased (3) 6 (4) 4
12. A wire loop is rotated in a magnetic field. The 16. The current i in a coil varies with time as shown in
frequency of change of direction of the induced the figure. The variation of induced emf with time
e.m.f. is [NEET-2013] would be
(1) Twice per revolution i
(2) Four times per revolution
(3) Six times per revolution
0 t
(4) Once per revolution T/4 T/2 3T/4 T

13. A coil of resistance 400  is placed in a magnetic

field. if the magnetic flux  (Wb) linked with the coil [AIPMT (Prelims)-2011]
varies with times t (s) as  = 50t2 + 4. The current
in the coil at t = 2 s is [AIPMT (Prelims)-2012]
(1) 2 A (2) 1 A T/2 3T/4 T
(1) 0 t
(3) 0.5 A (4) 0.1 A T/4

14. The current (I) in the inductance is varying with time

according to the plot shown in figure.

T/2 T/4
(2) 0
T/2 3T/4 T
t T
Which one of the following is the correct variation
of voltage with time in the coil?
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2012]
v t
v (3) 0
T/4 T/2 3T/4 T
(1) (2) T/2 T
T/2 t T

T/4 T/2 3T/4 T
(4) 0 t
(3) T/2
T/2 T

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NEET Electromagnetic Induction 119
17. A conducting circular loop is placed in a uniform 22. Two coils of self-inductances 2 mH and 8 mH are
magnetic field, B = 0.025 T with its plane placed so close together that the effective flux in
perpendicular to the loop. The radius of the loop is one coil is completely linked with the other. The
made to shrink at a constant rate of 1 mm s–1.
mutual inductance between these coils is
The induced emf when the radius is 2 cm is
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2006]
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2010]
(1) 10 mH (2) 6 mH
(1) 2V (2) V
(3) 4 mH (4) 16 mH

(3) V (4) 2 V Questions asked Prior to Medical Ent. Exams. 2005
18. A conducting circular loop is placed in a uniform 23. A metal ring is held horizontally and a bar magnet
magnetic field 0.04 T with its plane perpendicular is dropped through the ring with its length along
to the magnetic field. The radius of the loop starts the axis of the ring. The acceleration of the falling
shrinking at 2 mm/s. The induced emf in the loop magnet is
when the radius is 2 cm is (1) More than g (2) Equal to g
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2009] (3) Less than g (4) Either (1) or (3)
(1) 4.8V (2) 0.8V 24. The magnetic flux through a circuit of resistance R
changes by an amount  in a time t. Then the
(3) 1.6V (4) 3.2V total quantity of electric charge Q that passes any
19. A circular disc of radius 0.2 m is placed in a uniform point in the circuit during the time t is
represented by
1  Wb 
  m2 
magnetic field of induction in such a way
 1  
(1) Q  . (2) Q 
that its axis makes an angle of 60° with B . The R t R
magnetic flux linked with the disc is
 
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2008] (3) Q  (4) Q  R.
t t
(1) 0.01 Wb
25. As a result of change in the magnetic flux linked to
(2) 0.02 Wb the closed loop as shown in the figure, an e.m.f V volt
(3) 0.06 Wb is induced in the loop. The work done (in joule) in
taking a charge Q coulomb once along the loop is
(4) 0.08 Wb
20. A long solenoid has 500 turns. When a current of
2 A is passed through it, the resulting magnetic flux
linked with each turn of the solenoid is
4 × 10–3 Wb. The self-inductance of the solenoid is
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2008] (1) QV (2) 2QV
(1) 4.0 H QV
(3) (4) Zero
(2) 2.5 H 2
26. A rectangular, a square, a circular and an elliptical
(3) 2.0 H
loop, all in the (x-y) plane, are moving out of a
(4) 1.0 H uniform magnetic field with a constant velocity

21. What is the value of inductance L for which the v  viˆ. The magnetic field is directed along the
current is a maximum in a series LCR circuit with negative z-axis direction. The induced emf, during
C = 10 F and  = 1000 s–1? the passage of these loops, out of the field region,
[AIPMT (Prelims)-2007] will not remain constant for
(1) 10 mH (1) Any of the four loops
(2) 100 mH (2) The rectangular, circular and elliptical loops
(3) 1 mH (3) The circular and the elliptical loops
(4) Cannot be calculated unless R is known (4) Only the elliptical loop
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120 Electromagnetic Induction NEET

27. A conductor of 3 m length is moving perpendicular to 33. Two neighbouring coils A and B have a mutual
its length as well as a magnetic field of 10–3 T with a inductance of 20 mH. The current flowing through
speed of 102 m/s, then the force required to move it A is given by, i = 3t2 – 4t + 6. The induced emf at
with this constant speed is t = 2 s is
(1) 0. 3 N (2) 0.9 N (1) 160 mV
(3) Zero (4) 3 × 10–3 N (2) 200 mV
28. In a circular conducting coil, when current increases (3) 260 mV
from 2 A to 18 A in 0.05 s, the induced emf is 20 V.
(4) 300 mV
The self inductance of the coil is
34. The self inductance L of a solenoid depends on the
(1) 62.5 mH (2) 6.25 mH
number of turns per unit length ‘n’ as
(3) 50 mH (4) Zero
(1) L  n
29. In the circuit given in figure, 1 and 2 are ammeters.
(2) L  n2
Just after key K is pressed to complete the circuit,
the reading will be (3) L  n–1
(4) L  n–2
35. Two coils have a mutual inductance 0.005 H.
L R2 The current changes in the first coil according
2 to equation / = /0 sin t, where /0 = 10 A and
 = 100 rad/s. The maximum value of e.m.f. (in
K volt) in the second coil is
(1) 
(1) Zero in 1, maximum in 2 (2) 5
(2) Maximum in both 1 and 2 (3) 2
(3) Zero in both 1 and 2
(4) 4
(4) Maximum in 1, zero in 2
36. A magnet is made to oscillate with a particular
30. For a coil having L = 2 mH, current flowing through frequency through a coil as shown in figure. The
it is I = t2e–t then the time at which emf become time variation of magnitude of emf generated
across the coil during half cycle is
(1) 2 s
(2) 1 s
(3) 4 s
(4) 3 s
31. When the number of turns and the length of a solenoid
both are doubled, its self inductance becomes
(1) Four times V

(2) Doubled e e
(3) Halved
(4) Unchanged (1) (2) t
32. The time constant of L-R circuit is doubled if
(1) Both L and R become two times e e
(2) L becomes four times and R becomes two times
(3) L becomes two times and R becomes four times (3) t (4) t
(4) L becomes two times and R becomes eight times

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NEET Electromagnetic Induction 121
37. Two coils have self inductance L1 = 4 mH and 5. In the given circuit the reading of ammeter at
L2 = 1 mH respectively. The currents in the two steady state, when key is closed is
coils are increased at the same rate. At a certain R/2
instant of time both coils are given the same
power. If I1 and I2 are the currents in the two coils, E L
at that instant of time respectively, then the value R
I1 R
of I is 2
1 1
(1) (2)
8 4 E E
(1) (2)
1 R 2R
(3) (4) 1
2 (3) Infinite (4) Zero
SECTION - D 6. A wire AB of length 1 m is moving in perpendicular
magnetic field of 2 T as shown in figure. Force
NEET Booster Questions
required to move the wire with constant velocity
1. A circular conducting loop of radius R is placed in 3 m/s is
uniform magnetic field B with its plane
× × × × A ×
perpendicular to the field. If it is rotated about its
axis through centre normal to its plane with angular × × × × ×
frequency , then maximum value of induced emf × × × × F
× × × × ×
BR 2 × × × × B ×
(1) BR 2 (2)
 (1) 6 N (2) 3 N
R 2 (3) 4 N (4) Zero
(3) (4) Zero
B 7. If current I as shown in figure increases at the rate
2. In the inductor shown in figure, If current is of 3 A/s, then VM – VN is
increasing at uniform rate, then correct option is
1H 1H 1H

(1) VM = VN (1) 9 V (2) –3 V

(2) VM > VN (3) 3 V (4) – 9 V
(3) VM < VN 8. In an AC generator, the magnetic flux linked with
the rotating coil has maximum value  and
(4) VM  VN frequency of rotation of coil is f. Then amplitude of
3. Which statement is correct related to induced emf generated is
electric field due to changing magnetic flux?
 2
(1) It always varies with time (1) (2)
f f
(2) It is non-conservative 2
(3) f  (4) 2f
(3) It forms closed loop
(4) Both (2) & (3) 9. A square loop of wire of side l is placed at the
centre of a coplanar circular loop of radius R (R >> l).
4. The magnitude of area under curve of graph
Their centre coincide. The mutual inductance of
induced electromotive force and time gives
system is proportional to
(1) Magnetic flux (1) R 2
(2) Change in magnetic flux (2) R
(3) Energy (3) l 2
(4) Charge (4) l

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122 Electromagnetic Induction NEET

10. Two circular coils A and B are arranged co-axially 14. A rectangular coil of area A, rotates in a uniform
and the steady currents are flowing in the same magnetic field B with angular velocity  about an
direction in both. Select correct statement. axis perpendicular to the field. Initially the plane of
coil is perpendicular to the field, then the average
A B induced e.m.f. after rotating by 90° is
BA 2BA
(1) (2)
 

(3) (4)
3 2
(1) If A is moved towards B, current in B
decreases 15. Two resistors of 2 , 4  and ideal inductor of 4
H are connected to a 12 V battery as given in the
(2) If B is moved towards A, current in A diagram. The steady current through battery is
(3) Both coils attract each other 4H
(4) All of these
11. In electromagnetic induction, the induced charge in
a coil is independent of 4
(1) Resistance (2) Change in flux
(3) Time (4) All of these
12 V
12. The potential difference across the ends of rod
moving with velocity v in perpendicular magnetic
(1) Zero (2) 3 A
field is
A (3) 2 A (4) 6 A
x x x 16. A coil of radius r is placed at centre of large coil
of radius R, where R >> r and coils are in same
x x x plane. The coefficient of mutual inductance
l v between the coils is
x x x
0 r
x x x (1)
0 r 2
Bvl (2)
(1) 2Bvl (2) 2R 2
0 r
Bvl (3)
(3) (4) Bvl 2R
13. Switch is closed at t = 0, then current in the circuit 0 r 2
L 2R
at t  is
2R 17. In the given circuit, current I is 2A and it is
L R decreasing at the rate of 103 A s–1. Then VB – VA

I 2 5 mH

A 10 V B
E E 2 (1) –9 V
(1) (2) e
R R (2) 19 V
E  e  1 E  e  12
(3) 10 V
(3) R   (4) R  e 2 
 e    (4) 9 V

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NEET Electromagnetic Induction 123
18. In LR circuit, key (K) is closed at t = 0. Which of 22. Radius of a circular loop placed in a perpendicular
the following quantities is not zero at time equal to uniform magnetic field is increasing at a constant
time constant of circuit? rate of r0 ms–1. If at any instant radius of the loop
is r, then emf induced in the loop at that instant will
L E be
(1) –2Brr0
(2) –2Br
K (3) –Br0r
(1) Current (2) Induced e.m.f (4) –2Br0r

(3) Power delivered (4) All of these 23. The magnetic flux through a stationary loop with
resistance R varies during interval of time T as
19. What will be the direction of current in the coil A as  = at (T – t). The heat generated during this time
the switch S is closed? neglecting the inductance of loop will be

B a 2T 3
S a 2T 2
a 2T
(1) Clockwise (3)
(2) Anticlockwise
a 3T 2
(3) Anticlockwise and then clockwise (4)
(4) Clockwise and then anticlockwise
24. A conducting rod AB of length l is projected on a
20. The armature of a generator of resistance 1  is frictionless frame PSRQ with velocity v0 at any
rotated at its rated speed and produces 125 V without instant. The velocity of the rod after time t is
load and 115 V with full load. The current in the
armature coil is
(1) 240 A
(2) 10 A
(3) 1 A
(4) 2 A
21. A positive charge q moves along the line AB, which
lies in the same plane as a circular loop of conducting
wire as shown in the figure. The direction of current (1) v = v0
induced in the loop is (2) v > v0
B (3) v < v0
(4) None of these
q 25. A copper disc of radius 0.1 m is rotated about its
centre with 10 rev/s in a uniform magnetic field of
0.1T with its plane perpendicular to field. The emf
A induced across the radius of disc is
(1) Clockwise  
(1) volt (2) volt
(2) First anticlockwise then clockwise 10 100
(3) First clockwise then anticlockwise

(4) No current is induced (3) volt (4) Zero

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124 Electromagnetic Induction NEET

26. A frame CDEF is placed in a region where a magnetic 29. A copper rod AB of length l, pivoted at one end A,

field B is present. A rod of length one metre moves rotates at constant angular velocity , at right
with constant velocity 20 m/s and strength of angles to a uniform magnetic field of induction B.
magnetic field is one tesla. The power spent in the The emf, developed between the mid point C of the
process is (take R = 0.2  and all other wires and rod and end B is
rod have zero resistance) 


R v
B l 2 3
(1) (2) B l 2
8 4
Q Bl 2 3
(3) (4) B l 2
4 8
(1) 1 kW (2) 2 kW
30. A short-circuited coil is placed in a time-varying
(3) 3 kW (4) 4 kW magnetic field. Electrical power is dissipated due
27. A simple pendulum with bob of mass m and to the current induced in the coil. If the number of
conducting wire of length L swings under gravity turns were to be quadrupled and the wire radius
through an angle 2. The earth’s magnetic field halved, the electric power dissipated would be
component in the direction perpendicular to swing (1) Halved
is B. The maximum potential difference induced (2) The same
across the pendulum is
(3) Doubled
(4) Quadrupled
31. In which of the following situations, the magnetic
 field can accelerate a charge particle at rest?
I. When the magnetic field is uniform with respect
to time as well as position
II. When the magnetic field is time varying but
h uniform w.r.t. position
III. When the magnetic field is time independent but
position dependent
(1) 2BL sin   . gL (1) I, II & III
(2) III only
(3) II only
(2) BL sin   gL (4) None of these
32. In the given circuit, bulb will become suddenly bright, if
 3/2
(3) BL sin   .(gL )
L Bulb
 2
(4) BL sin   .(gL )

28. A uniform magnetic field exists in the region given

by B  3iˆ  4 jˆ  5kˆ . A rod of length 5 m placed V S
along y-axis is moved along x-axis with constant (1) Switch is closed or opened
speed 1 ms–1. Then induced e.m.f. in the rod is
(2) Switch is closed
(1) Zero (2) 25 V (3) Switch is opened
(3) 5 V (4) 10 V (4) None of these

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NEET Electromagnetic Induction 125
33. Figure shows an L-R circuit. When the switch S is 36. In an inductor, the current I varies with time t as
closed, the current through resistor R1, R2 and R3 I = 5A + 16 (A/s) t. If induced emf in the inductor
are I1, I2 and I3 respectively. The value of I1, I2 and I3 is 5 mV, the self inductance of the inductor is
at t = 0 s is (1) 3.75 × 10–3 H (2) 3.75 × 10–4 H
I1 I2 I3 (3) 3.125 × 10–3 H (4) 3.125 × 10–4 H
37. A magnet is moved in the direction indicated by an
L2 arrow between two coils AB and CD as shown in
E figure. The direction of induced current in the straight
L1 wire is

(1) I1 = I2 = I3 = 0
(2) I1  , I2  I3  0 (1) A to B and C to D (2) B to A and C to D
(3) A to B and D to C (4) B to A and D to C
E E 38. The network shown in figure is a part of a
(3) I1  0, I 2  , I3 
R2 R3 complete circuit. If at a certain instant, the current
i is 4 A and is increasing at a rate of 103 A/s, then
VB – VA will be
(4) I1  , I2  , I3 
R1 R2  L1 R3  L3 i
34. The switch shown in the circuit is closed at t = 0. 1 12 V 5 mH
The current drawn from the battery by the circuit at (1) –11 V (2) 11 V
t = 0 and t =  are in the ratio
(3) –21 V (4) 21 V
39. Two coils A and B are wound on the same iron core
as shown in figure. The number of turns in the coil A
E and B are NA and NB respectively. Identify the correct

(1) 2 : 1 (2) 1 : 2
(3) 1 : 1 (4) 1 : 4
(1) Both the coils have same magnitude of magnetic
35. flux
(2) The magnetic flux linked are in the ratio

1 2 (3) The induced emf across each coil are in the ratio
EA  NA 
 
E B  N B 
(4) Both the coils have same magnitude of induced
3 emf
The figure shows three circuits with identical 40. An ideal solenoid of cross-sectional area 10–4 m2 has
batteries, inductors and resistances. Rank the 500 turns per metre. At the centre of this solenoid,
circuits according to the currents through the another coil of 100 turns is wrapped closely around
battery just after the switch is closed, greatest first it. If the current in the coil changes from 0 to 2 A in
3.14 ms, the emf developed in the second coil is
(1) I2 > I3 > I1 (2) I2 > I1 > I3
(1) 1 mV (2) 2 mV
(3) I1 > I2 > I3 (4) I1 > I3 > I2
(3) 3 mV (4) 4 mV
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126 Electromagnetic Induction NEET

41. A small square loop of wire of side l is placed 42. Two coils of self inductance L1 and L2 are placed
inside a large square loop of wire of side L (>>l). near each other so that the total flux in one coil is
The loops are coplanar and their centres coincide. completely linked with the other. Their mutual
The mutual inductance of the system is inductance (M) will be given by
(1) M = L1 L2
l L (2) M  L1 L2

(3) M  L1 L2

(4) M  L1 L2
2 2 0 L
(1) 43. A small square loop of wire of side l is placed
inside a large circular loops of radius r. The loop
2 2 0 L2 are coplanar and their centre coincide. The mutual
(2) inductance of the system is proportional to

2 2 0 l l2 l2
(3) (1) (2)
L r r2

2 2 0 l 2 r r2
(4) (3) (4)
L l2 l
‰ ‰ ‰

Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph. 011-47623456

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