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Ilyn B. Taganile

Out of 30 participants, In the essay writing con- "During the competi-

Farhana S. Alibasa, a grade 7 test, the participants were tion, I thought that I really
student, was hailed as Champi- brought to a room where they don't have a chance to win the
on in Essay Writing and Ilyn B. are going to write their piece contest but then when I sur-
Taganile, a grade 11 student, and they were given only one passed the elimination rounds
was hailed as 2nd Placer out of minute to finish writing their and made it to the final round,
14 participants in Extempora- piece. I felt like I am about to get my
neous Speaking during the " I learned that joining a goal and that is to be the
Summer Literary Festival 2023. competition will not just help champion. I was extremely
The said literary festival you to know more things but happy even I did not made it
was participated by different also to meet more friend. Pero but still I won the 2nd Placer,
schools in the 2nd District of nung tinawag ako bilang champi- still I am proud to myself",
Z a m b o a n g a S i b u g a y. on sa essay writing ay para T a g a n i l e s a i d .
"Kini na programa akong binuhusan ng malamig na
gimugna namo arun kamo tubig. Ang aking saya at proud Taganile won
matagaan ug oportunidad nga sa sarili ay abot langit" Farhana 7,000 pesos cash as 2nd Plac-
mahasa pa ang inyung pagsulat, A l i b a s a s a i d . er, Farhana Alibasa won
pagpamaba, ug kritikal na The Extemporaneous 5,000 pesos as
pangisip" added by Doc Marly Speaking Competition was champion.
T . H a s i m conducted in 2 elimination
The Summer Literary rounds, the participants are as-
Festival was conducted by signed into 3 groups. Each
Zamboanga Sibugay Media group were assigned with specif-
Club Inc. in partnership with ic topic then the participants are
Doc Marly Hasim held at Ro- given 7 minutes to prepare and
deric's Resort, Ipil ZSibugay on deliver a
June 10. maximum of 5 minutes-speech.


R.T. Lim hails champion in mass casualty incident;
Gango NHS learners participate in the 1st Provincial Rescue Olympic 2023
Ilyn B. Taganile

Page 2 leader, were among the members of RT Lim

R e s c u e T e a m .

“ Being the youngest member in the

R.T.Lim rescue team put me under a lot of
pressure, but I always told myself that I
could do it because I had been training for
many days. I overcame my fear by believing
in myself and having the courage to partici-
pate in every game in the rescue Olympics,
and as a result I performed well in each one”,
added by windel Visitacion Jr.

R.T. Lim Rescue team participated in the The RT Lim Rescue team was
1st Provincial Rescue Olympic 2023 and was acknowledged in the Municipality of RT Lim
hailed as champion in Mass Casualty incident held for they brought another achievement in the
at Municipal Gymnasium Diplahan,Zamboanga w h o l e m u n i c i p a l i t y .
Sibugay on 18th day of July.
" I am very happy to be one of the
3 learners from Gango National High participants of the 1st Provincial Olympics
School - Ilyn Taganile, Windel Visitacion Jr., and I will use my knowledge in rescue to
Keneth L. Aplicador and the DRRM Coordinator help other people”, Keneth Aplicadpr said.
Luzviminda M. Dappie, who stood up as the team

SSLG Pres delivers his 1st SOLGA

Ilyn B. Taganile

Students and teachers gathered at the

Gango Covered Court at 1:00p.m. to hear Presi-
dent Alvarez speech. The Gango Drum and
Lyre Corp. welcomed him with music, and eve-
ryone, including visitors, stood up to show re-
"Atung nasinati nga ang Gango NHS
Supreme Secondary Learner Goverment naay
kabutbut-on ug naay kasing kasing sa pag alagad.
Kini ang tinuod nga serbisyo, serbisyo nga walay
sweldo pero andam mutabang para sa kalambu-
an natung tanan. Mabuhay ang GNHS, sabay-
sabay tayung aangat bilang mag-aaral ng ating
pamantasan" according to SSLG Pres. Alvarez
The Supreme Secondary Learner Gov- d u r i n g h i s s p e e c h .
ernment Pres. Jhon Rom Alvarez delivered his
first State of the Learner Government Address Pres. Alvarez shared the accomplish-
(SOLGA) at Gango National High School, Cov- ments and contributions of SSLG
ered Court on September 1. organization in Gango NHS during his speech
Gango NHS was the only in Zamboanga and the upcoming activities of the School.
Sibugay who initiated the SOLGA, with Presi- Gango NHS Supreme Secondary Learn-
dent Alvarez being the first who delivered his er Goverment is pursuant to DepEd order (DO)
address in Gango National High School`s histo- no. 47 s, 2014.



Online Killer
Keneth L. Aplicador

Many students around the world However, if someone keeps

experienced bullying, especially cyber- on bullying a lot of people, continu-
bullying. This is caused by the development ously bully others, many people will
of technologies such as mobile phones, suffer. Bullying not only harms its
computer, laptop and etc. People use tech- immediate victims but also creates a
nologies and use application such as Face- toxic environment that negatively
book and Messenger to send photos and impacts the mental well-being and
message to bully. Students in Gango Nation- overall experience of the entire com-
al High School are experiencing cyber- munity.
bullying. Students recently shared their expe- It is surely a tough issue.
rience of cyber-bullying, highlighting the Cyber-bullying is a real issue that
urgent need for intervention and support. could extremely affect individuals if
According to Republic Act No. not to take action immediately. Eve-
10627, the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013 the act ryone needs to follow the Republic
that protects people from bullying, including self-esteem to the victim. The constant Act No. 10627. Elimination of cyber
cyber-bullying. People need to stop this kind exposure to online harassment can result bullying can help students to express
of bullying because it can highly affect indi- in enduring feelings of embarrassment themselves, boost their confidence,
viduals especially and isolation, affecting the victim's emo- and focus to their academic perfor-
students. This can tional well-being. mance.
Students who are cyber bullied If we want a real change,
If we want our affect the social and
mental well-being may struggle to concentrate in school, we need start within ourselves. If we
school to be a and academic per- leading to a declined academic perfor- want our school to be a cyber-
formance of stu- mance. The stress and fear caused by bullying free, then let's start to
cyber-bullying dents. Everyone cyber bullying can affect mood, energy change today. Students, we are lucky
needs to follow the level, sleep, and appetite that could ulti- we're still young. We still have
free, then let's act to help the stu- mately impact their ability to focus and enough time to change and to stop
learn. this kind of issue that many people
start to change dents and teachers
lessen the victim of On the other hand, the physical suffer and some of us may be part of.
today. cyber bullying. So, effects of cyber bullying include disrupted "Each of us deserves the freedom to
how can cyber- sleep patterns and complaints such as pursue our own version of happi-
bullying greatly af- headaches and stomachaches. This can ness. No one deserves to one bullied.
fect students? cause negative impact on the academic
Cyber bullying can lead to in- performance and overall well-being of the
creased stress, anxiety, depression, and low students.

From Disposable to Sustainable

Keneth L. Aplicador

Tumbler in school reduces environmental impact and promote school

throwing of disposable plastics and pro- sustainability. Using a tumbler is a symbol of a
motes sustainable school. Tumbler is not a positive change and progress of the students
single use product, when student bring because using tumbler shows that they care of
In recent years, Gango National their own tumbler, they avoid buying water the environment.
High School is aware of the bad effects of dis- in disposable cellophane. Students buy in But, what will happen if students
posable plastics to the environment. The dis- piso-vendo water dispenser and they use ignore the negative effects of using disposable
posable plastics are very common in school. their tumbler in drinking again and again plastics and not finding an alternative solu-
Every day, students are throwing countless of avoiding throwing disposable plastic cello- tion? Using disposable plastic in school only
disposable plastics such as plastic cups and phane. By this, it can help to lessen solid gives a negative effects. It can affect the clean-
plastic cellophanes after recess or eating foods waste in school. liness of the environment of school. It also
and drinking water. It seems small garbage but Using tumbler also encourages affect our environment, not just it is non-
it becomes a big problem and it has a big im- students to drink more water because it is biodegradable but also plastics cellophane are
pact to the school. easier to carry and more water you can put made from wood which when we over use it,
The disposable plastics have a lot of in. It also helps students to stay healthy and producer of plastic cellophane will still con-
negative effects to the environment and to the hydrated. Bringing own tumbler can save suming trees to make more.
school. Throwing disposable plastic can con- students a money. When students bring Students, it is our responsibility to
tribute land and water pollution which is against their own tumbler and water they avoid protect our environment. We are lucky that
to the Republic Act No. 9003 the Solid Waste buying, by bringing own water it can ensure we are still young that we have a lot of things
Management Act. Burning disposable plastics that the water is clean and save some mon-
to do to make a big impact environment. It is
can contribute to the air pollution that can ey. From these, it can promote a healthy
affect our atmosphere that can cause global student and sustainable school. our duty to preserve our mother earth to the
warming. Increasing our awareness of the nega- Furthermore, tumbler is an next generation. It is our duty to find a solu-
tive impact of the disposable plastics can help effective solution to our problem of the tion to the common problem we face to our
protect our environment and can lessen the solid waste. Students using tumbler reduce nature and community. So, small changes in
solid waste of our school. Through this, stu- the consumption of disposable plastic our daily lives can make a big difference, like
dents would find alternative solutions in the cellophane. It encourage students to be instead of using disposable plastic, and change
problem. Instead of using a disposable plastic aware of the bad effects of disposable plas-
it with tumbler.
cups and cellophanes, they replace it with tum- tics. It reduce the usage of students in
bler. single-use plastic products that they can
make conscious choice and reduce their



Keneth Aplicador bags 2nd place in RFOT Pop quiz

Ilyn B. Taganile

Page 4 Out of 6 participants from different

regions, Keneth showed his intellectual ca-
pacity for bagging the 2nd Placer. Kenneth
brought pride and honor to his school and
made Gango NHS proud of him.
Moreover, the quiz undergone vary-
ing difficult levels: 1 point in easy level, 2
points in the moderate level. And 12 points
in the hard level, accumulating a total score
o f 1 5 p o i n t s .

"I am happy and proud of my achieve-

ment, and I am motivated to strive hard just
to win the first place for the next quiz bee"
according to him.
Keneth Aplicador was hailed as 2nd
Placer in Pop quiz during Regional Festival Of Keneth spent 1 and a half month
Talents (RFOT) with 1 point gap between preparation before earning the 2nd place
Dipolog City participant held at Kabasalan Na- among participants.
tional High School last June 23.

Cabarles reigns as Ms. Scimath 2023

Ilyn B. Taganile

Gango NHS - Stella Shane C.

Cabarles, a 17 y/o student from Grade 12
curriculum was proclaimed as Ms. Sci-
math 2023 during friday night on October
2 0 .

She won all the minor and major

awards such as best in production num-
ber, best in talent, miss witty, SSLG choice
award, best in gown and best in uniform.
Cabarles, the reigning Ms. Scimath will
Out of 5 participants from each
represent Gango NHS for her next pageant
curriculum from G-8 to G-9, she won the
which is the Ms. Teen RT Lim 2024.
title and bested all of them.
Her adviser and coach, Ms. Helyn Tutor,
According to her, despite that it is
will be her trainer for her upcoming pageant
her first time to join a pageant, she still
which is the Ms. Teen R.T.Lim 2024.
remain positive that she could make it and
make her grade 12 family proud of her.



Why should we wear school our uniform?

Windel B. Visitacion

Every school has its own are: it can promote a healthy envi- fashionable clothes that can only
policy to wear specific clothes. ronment within the school, because give us problem? Buying uniform
Some of them allow students to it can prevent discrimination and that's not too expensive can bring
wear school uniforms, while some bullying due to what they are wear- many good benefits to you within
allow students to wear casual ing. This leads to a sense of equality the school campus.
clothes. within the school. I encourage everyone to
In Gango National High Moreover, it can decrease wear your uniform so that we can
school, students are required to hustle to students because they will
have a better school experience
wear uniform enable for them to be no longer spend time to choose
identified as a student of Gango whatever clothes to wear. It also within the campus, not only that, we
NHS. promotes a sense of neatness in the can also prevent a much bigger
Should students really need entire school. By wearing uniform, problem like bullying, harassment,
to wear uniform in the school cam- we can prevent students from wear- etc.
pus? ing inappropriate clothes such as
cutter jeans, crop tops and other As a student leader I want
As a student from Gango revealing clothes. to teach all learners across Gango
NHS, I greatly support this policy I really believe that through NHS to fully understand the value of
because it can give some various wearing uniform, all of us can have a
wearing uniform.
good benefits to students and also school where everyone can feel
to the school. Some benefits that equal, respected and free from any
can be obtained by wearing uniform judgment. Why spend money in

Tool for a Better and Brighter Future

Windel B. Visitacion

A lot of learners have been improving. success. I believe that reading is a

dealing with problems in terms of I also realized that the powerful tool that can truly change
their grades and finishing education. words that I don't understand before your life.
What could be the root of this seems to have meaning in my mind If you want to have a bright-
problem? This is because they have now. And from that small improve- er future, start reading now before
difficulty in reading comprehension, ment, I continue to give more time it's too late. If you could do it now
lack of knowledge and understanding for reading. don't wait for tomorrow.
that tends them to get low score in I realized that before, I didn't
exams which to failing grades. All of give importance and time to read,
these were caused by not giving my life has no direction but, when I
enough time to read due to laziness. start to engage myself in reading. I
If we let our laziness take over our found progress and improvement to
lives, what will happen to our future? myself. Slowly I'm starting to achieve
I can still remember when I my dreams. Reading is the reason
was in elementary in first grade, my why I am a consistent honor student
teacher would always tell me that I up until now.
should read, so that I will finish my In addition, reading is a life
education and to be a successful per- changer because, it is the reason
son someday. Those words marked behind my success. From a little boy
in my mind which convinced me to that doesn't have achievement, to
read. someone that is an honor student,
As I started reading, my campus journalist and SSLG protocol
mind was saying, reading is very bor- officer. All of these successes and
ing, but every time I remember my achievements are because of reading.
teachers’ words, it gives me the My goal is not just to inspire
boost to read books at home. After all of you but, to convince that you
reading for many weeks, my teacher should invest your time in reading
noticed that my reading skills and my because it can open the gates of im-
score in any task that in school are provement, achievement and



Meet our President

Farhana S. Alibasa
As a student who dreams personalities. They met an artist It is an opportunity to
to be one of those representatives named Antonette Taus, she is the be chosen as a representative in
in national events, it is my dream founder of Cura Foundation and a national program to jump into
to partake at big opportunities and the speaker of the event.
help myself to detect some things a new journey ahead us, to give
She shared some infor-
that maybe I am good at. pride and honor to the school
mation about her organization in
Luckily, one of the stu- and to share the lessons we've
which it focuses in saving and
dents in Gango National High protecting the learned for others to have ideas,
School has been chosen to partake
environment. to be conscious and compel
at Learners Convergence Philip-
Her organization can them to change their social be-
pines 2023.
foster the learners to think more
He is Jhon Rom M. Alva- havior to create a difference in
about the environment's situation
rez, an active SSLG President and our community.
and compel them to make an
is entirely a good beau ideal to his
action to make a better place to
fellow student and a good leader.
live in.
Learners Convergence All health representa-
Philippines 2023 is one of the tives were gathered at our Lady
most indelible moments in his life. of Socoor College and discussed
He was given a one hundred per- different health issues, cam-
cent of support and the teachers paigns and different plans re-
put their confidence and trust in garding to health. Going home,
him which he is grateful for forev-
he is carrying the important les-
sons he have learned that he is
The first day of the event, excited to share and discuss with
they were gathered at Marikina his fellow students.
Convention Center where they
witnessed variety of amazing per-
formances and different famous

Shelter of Champions
Farhana S. Alibasa

Gango National High They shaped and colored

School is a community with Inspire. They inspire the darkness of students’ lives
smiles and love. A small school learners by doing something and helped them to keep on
but the teachers and students have good by challenging their stu- swimming on the waves of live,
a big heart. It is commonly called dents’ imagination and intellect. even if the sharks would grab as
as the "Home of Champions" by Moreover, they build a mutual lower.
the students and a school filled trust and respect their students. The students have the
with good-hearted and friendly Motivate. They motivate abilities to sing, dance, play in-
people. their learners through creating a struments, draw, play sports and
This school feels like good relationship with them, many more. They obey the
home. The nature, birds and stray encourage the learners and being teacher, help in shaping the
animals walking freely. The fresh, inspirational. school and give importance to
cold wind brushes our skin, trees Empower. They empow- their studies. In addition, they
dancing when the wind arrive. er their students by being patient have won many awards in differ-
They painted this school and sympathetic. ent competitions that has given
just like what the nature's color is pride and honor to the school.
Furthermore, the teach-
— green. They colored it perfect- ers are a very good beau ideal to My school is open for
ly. Not just because they want it their students and help them to everyone; a school bimmed with
that way, but because it feels that find themselves and lend a help- laughter, pretty smiles and love.
way. ing hand in time of difficulties. The teachers and students have a
The teachers provide men- good relationship to each other.
They play a pivotal role Gango NHS is truly a
torship and create meaningful in parenting every student. They
learning experiences and prepare champion for having a great, tal-
were the one who comfort us ented, beautiful surroundings
great effort into preparing lessons when were in a distressful situa-
and giving extra time and energy and academically good people
tion and mourn with us when surrounding it.
to the students. They also give we're sad.
good impacts in every student’s It painted my life with so
lives such us to inspire, motivate They motivated, encour- many colors, that how matter
and empower them. aged and compel us to crawl into arduous it is to accomplish and
higher opportunities, that even dark, is a color too.
we, students, never thought it
was possible.


Remarkable Day!
Farhana S. Alibasa

Teachers helped me The students were cap- Moreover, the event

Page 7 many ways, even in turing and took videos at the was not yet done. A student
hard times. They are like the beautiful moment we're cher- from grade 9, 11 and 12 will
sun, which shines bright and ishing. The student’s shouts and perform by singing. As their
give light to our future. And cheers were giving the energy. performance started, our ears
as the Teachers Day come, The students were cap- were blessed by their calm and
let's erase the tiredness they turing and took videos at the beautiful voice. It gave us
felt with enjoyment and thrill. beautiful moment we're cher- mixed emotions and feelings;
On October 5th in ishing. The student’s shouts and the emotions and feelings that
Gango National High School, cheers were giving the energy. is hard to explain.
the SSLG plotted a plan for The blissful in the teacher’s And then, there was a
the teachers in Teachers Day. eyes were visible to see. It was game for the teachers that they
The hit of the hot sun just the begging of the event totally enjoyed because the
gave color to the school. The and it was already on fire. happiness was visible in their
event start with the teacher’s In the afternoon, there eyes. It was like the air brought
performances and the crowd will be a performance from stu- them back to their childhood
got wild like a bull got out in dents in each grade level. The days.
a cage. They performed by program started and again, the It was totally enjoyable
dancing, singing, acting and crowd got wild and bimmed and remarkable. The tiredness
many more. It gave us mixed with shouts and cheers again. and stress were relieved with
feelings that we're shouting to Their performances were so the amazing program. It was
the top of our lungs. good. It was like wishing for like the waves of the ocean
the sands of time to stop so that brought us to a new memory to
we can cherish every single keep and cherish forever.
moment of it.

Get What’s In Front of You

Farhana S. Alibasa

Instead, I practice, practice and practice. I took the opportunity that I

When the day arrived, I inhaled know in my heart, that I will never
and exhaled. This is my first time joining regret.
this kind of contest. I can feel the cold To be a journalist is not real-
breeze of the wind brushes my skin, my ly easy. The struggle and depression is
hand shaking like I was hit by a lightning. not easy. And the thought struck in my
My heart beats fast like a horse in a race. mind, that writing really is hard. But
The thought that there are 30 despite of that, I pursued what I chose.
participants and I'm the youngest compet- Writing has been what I have
ing and that it was my first time, gave shiv- wanted since I was a child and I don’t
ers in my bones. want to lose this opportunity that I
When I wrote, I remembered and have.
applied the teachings of my sister. Struggle is a part of our life
After that, it was time to call the and that’s why, despite of the difficul-
winners! When my name hasn't called yet, I ties that I experienced as a journalist, I
thought I lost my chance to win. But I said didn’t make it a way to give up,
to myself that it's okay because it's my first instead, I used it as my tool to
Growing up, reading and writing time. We lined up and my heart boomed improved myself.
has been my habit. Every time I feel bored, like a bomb when my named was called as I chose to be a journalist not
tired or empty at everything, reading and the champion in essay writing. because I just want it, but because I
writing became my escape in reality. My sadness because of the nega- want it wholeheartedly.
My favorite author, Jonah Mae tive thoughts faded away. Everything was I want to get what’s in front
Pacala known as Jonaxx, inspired me so perfect. The blissful in my face is invisi- of me, even though I know to myself,
through her masterpiece stories. It gave a ble to see, but, the blissful inside me was. that I’m not good at it but I will strive
big impact in my life. Jonaxx, inspired me Sometimes, there is no impossi- and persevere to be good at the oppor-
to write; her flowery and dreamy stories ble if you strive and persevere hard to get tunity that I will take.
pulled me to write too. what you want. And this chance that I take, I
When I was in my grade 7th year, And that contest that I joined, know will help me to crawl into higher
there was an essay writing contest. I didn’t pushed me more to pursue what I want — opportunities that even I didn’t think
know about it until my older sister told writing. I dreamed of being a writer some- would be possible.
me. I was hesitant to join but her encour- day.
agement pushed me to participate. I will So, when I heard that our school
take the opportunity that is in front of me. will be choosing a new journalist, I imme-
How will I know if I’m good something if diately submitted my outputs and luckily, I
I won’t try, right ? got chosen to be one of the journalists in
We practiced every day and our campus.
night. It was exhausting and depressing,
yes! But despite of that, I didn’t gave up.


10– Ruby Raptors reign supreme in Sepak Takraw
Jhon Rom M. Alvarez

Feathers flew and feet flew faster as Meanwhile, as the game continues, The team finished the game by
the 10-Ruby Raptors painted the court with Justine Evangelio and Kenneth Mendoza made exhibiting an offensive masterclass and jaw
victory and triumph against 11-Humility Squad their way in clinching an amazing roll spikes, dropping techniques. The final whistle blew,
3-0 in a heart stopping Sepak takraw champion- their serves became more comprehensive echoing a 21-15 victory for 10-Ruby Raptors
ship game held at the recent concluded Intra- while the blocks and defence became their Crowning them as champion. For Russell
murals at Gango National High School last assets to win in the second set. But the Rap- Ortega ‘‘Talino at pokus ang kailangan ng
November 22, 2023. tors spirit remained undimmed. With focus isang grupo upang mapagtagumpayan ang
and hard work the team was able to deflect laban’’ he also added that this win is not just a
The said fight started at exactly 1:00 every Humilities attacks, Arnel Gumate and victory to us, it’s a victory of the entire 10TH
o’clock in the afternoon filed with spectators Rusell Ortega exhibits an amazing block while Grade Curriculum.
from both section, as the first set commenced the rest of the team became more focused on
the team was too eager to win the said compe- scoring. After all the hard work in the second The said team will once more gear
tition, through Russell Ortega, Froylan Cabarte, set, finally, the luck still landed on Raptors up for the District Meet Game which is set to
Arnel Gumate and Aeron Bolongon the team hand 21-18. be held at Surabay National High School this
was able to unleashed it’s laser like serves and upcoming December 2, 2023 were in they
gravity defying digs. Leaving the 11-Humilty By the third set, both teams amaz- will create another legacy and carries the
defense gasping for air. Despite Humilities ingly fought and gave an impressive plays. But it name of Gango NHS into a greater heights.
defense and roll spikes the Raptors are in their was already clear that Raptors fire burned
guts and still continues on bragging scores brighter, the supporters electrifying cheers
through sunback spikes and comprehensive fueled them to reach more and get the title.
blocks. This set ended in a triumphant 21-16
favored to 10-Ruby Raptors.

Gango NHS emerges victorious against Surabay NHS

Jhon Rom M. Alvarez
porters of both teams, the game became backlashes during the breathtaking finale.
more intense when Gango NHS Women Above all, Gango Women Spik-
spikers ,led by its captain ball Jannel Dag- ers emerges triumphant once again, se-
uman exhibited their strategic skills and pow- curing their victory and success.
erful spikes. Jannel Dag-uman said that ‘‘Our
Meanwhile, Surabay NHS also fight was never easy because both teams
proves their skills and indomitable spirits are skillful and smart when it comes to
through showcasing their defense against playing’’ she also added that discipline,
Gango Spikers, Alumbro was able to exhibits practice and prayer will help you in
Gango NHS Women Spikers powerful strike against Gango, but Janelle Dag achieving your goals in life she said that
secured a decisive triumph over Surabay -uman was able to block the spikes, while, this is part of the success and it should be
NHS in a thrilling District Meet game held Carla Juguilon gave an amazing 2 drops balls
at Surabay Covered Court last December prioritize upon entering the game.
leading them to win the first set. Looking ahead, the Gango
2, 2023. Were Gango NHS Women Spik-
ers passionately asserted superiority one’s As the second set got underway, Women Spikers are set to compete their
again and secures its winning spot and Surabay NHS unleashed their full potential talent once more at the upcoming SLC
hailed as champion for the second time. 25- through executing impressive defense, such as Meet, scheduled to take place at Tunga-
blocks, spikes and comprehensive receives. wan National High School this month of
16, 25-21. Casabuena together with Alumbro and the February 2024. Were they will be fighting
The said game commenced at rest of the team gave an impressive score’s against different schools within the entire
exactly 5:00 o’clock in the afternoon were that awakens their fighting spirits. However,
it was witnessed by passionate crowd and SLC 2.
Cassabuana made a crucial 3 service errors
spectators who are eager to witness the allowing Gango’s stellar Janelle Dag-uman to
amazing fight of skills and talent. showcase it’s bragging skills and powerful
The first set started with a huge spikes, Angel Tampos also contributed a 7
amount of crowds coming from the sup- consecutive service without having errors and


School Head

School Paper Adviser

Managing Editor News Editor
Staff Writers:
Farhana S. Alibasa– Feature Writer Ilyn B. Taganile– News Writer
Windel B. Visitacion– Column Writer Keneth L. Aplicador– Editorial Writer
Jhon Rom M. Alvarez– Sports Writer

Cartoonist:: Photographer:
Lawrence Pelare Janelle Camille A. Perez


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