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A little bit of this, a little bit of that

1 2 3

a building

7 6 5 4

8 9 10 11

15 14 13 12

Miss a
16 17 18


Personal Best Work with a partner. Write the singular and plural forms of the words in the game, e.g., watch, watches. Then compare your
list with another pair. Which two things are always plural in English?

Personal Best A1 © Richmond 2018


2A Grammar
A little bit of this, a little bit of that
Singular and plural nouns; this, that, these, those

Sts play a game in pairs or groups of three. The aim is to review this, that, these, those; e.g., This is a pen. Those are keys, and singular
and plural nouns, e.g., watch, watches.

1 This is a camera.
Make one copy of the resource sheet for each pair or group of 2 Those are watches.
three. Players will also need a small coin to spin during the 3 This is a towel.
game and something to use as a counter to move around the 4 Those are cars.
board; e.g., another coin or a small piece of paper with their 6 This is a tablet.
name/initial. 7 These are shoes.
8 Those are books.
PRACTICE 9 That’s a cell phone.
10 That’s an umbrella.
1 Put sts in pairs or groups of three. Give each pair/group 11 This is a house.
a copy of the game and a coin. Use the coin to remind sts 12 These are sunglasses.
of heads (the front of the coin) and tails (the back of the 13 Those are pants.
coin), and make sure each student has something to use 14 These are credit cards.
as a counter. 16 That’s a jacket.
2 Explain the game. The aim is for sts to try to get to the 17 Those are keys.
finish first by spinning the coin, moving their counter, and 18 This is a purse.
making a correct sentence with this, that, these, or those.
For example, This is a camera. Those are books. Elicit that
a short arrow shows that something is near, so sts should PERSONAL BEST
use this/these and a long arrow shows that something’s
not near, so sts should use that/those. Sts work in their pairs/threes and list the singular and
3 The first student to spin the coin so that it lands on plural forms of each of the words in the game, e.g., watch,
heads starts. They move forward one square and make watches. Then they compare their lists with another pair/
a sentence about the item(s) in the picture. If the other three. The two items which are always plural in English
player(s) agrees the sentence is correct, the student stays are pants and sunglasses.
on the square. If the student makes a mistake, they move
back a square. If sts can’t agree on whether or not an EXTRA PRACTICE
answer is correct, they should ask you for help.
4 Sts take turns spinning the coin, moving forward one Fast finishers work in their pairs/threes and take turns
square if it lands on heads and two squares if it lands on pointing to different items on the resource sheet and asking
tails. Go through the answers at the end. What’s this/that? What are these/those?

Personal Best A1 © Richmond 2018


Find the objects

STUDENT A Find seven more objects and draw them in your grid.


Personal Best Which of the items in the grid do you have with you today? Which do you have at home? Tell your partner.

Find the objects

STUDENT B Find seven more objects and draw them in your grid.


Personal Best Which of the items in the grid do you have with you today? Which do you have at home? Tell your partner.

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2A Vocabulary
Find the items
Personal items

Sts play a game in pairs. The aim is to review personal objects, e.g., a pen, a book, a camera.

Make one copy of the resource sheet for each pair of sts. Cut
or tear the sheet where indicated. PERSONAL BEST

PRACTICE Sts tell their partner which of the items in the grid they
have with them today and which they have at home.
1 Sts work in A/B pairs. Give each student one half of the
resource sheet. Tell them not to show it to their partner. EXTRA PRACTICE
2 Explain the game. Sts take turns asking questions to find
seven objects hidden in their partner’s grid. Student A Fast finishers work in pairs and turn to page 110 of the
chooses any of the empty squares in his/her grid; e.g., E3 Student’s Book. They take turns testing each other on the
and asks What’s in E3? Student B finds the square in his/ spelling of each of the fourteen objects from the game.
her grid. If the answer is nothing (as it is in this case), the
turn passes to Student B. If there is an object, Student
B says what it is and Student A draws the object in the
relevant square in his/her grid. Then it is Student B’s turn
to ask a question. The winner is the student who finds
all seven of their partner’s hidden objects first and draws
them in the correct squares in their own grid.
3 Set a time limit for sts to play the game and monitor. At
the end of the game, ask sts to compare their grids to
check they have the correct objects in the correct squares.

Personal Best A1 © Richmond 2018


Scrambled colors
Solve an anagram. Then find an object of the same color.


R 0

Personal Best Work with a partner. Turn the resource sheet over. Try to remember the thirteen colors. Write each one. When you have
finished, look at the resource sheet to see how many colors you remembered and to check your spellings.

Personal Best A1 © Richmond 2018


2B Vocabulary
Scrambled colors

Sts play an anagram game in teams. The aim is to review colors, e.g., red, yellow, blue.


Make one copy of the resource sheet for each team. If you
Sts work in pairs. They turn over their resource sheet and
decide to play the game with cell phones (see stage 2 below),
try to remember and write all thirteen colors. Then they
make sure that each team has a cell phone with a camera and
turn the resource sheet over again to see how many colors
that sts are willing to use their phones for the game.
they remembered and to check their spellings.
1 Sts work in teams of three or four. Give each team a copy
of the resource sheet. Fast finishers work in their teams and take turns pointing to
2 Explain the activity. Each team has thirteen anagrams of things around the classroom and asking “What color is this/
different colors. Sts have to put the letters in the correct that?” The first person to answer correctly wins a point.
order to work out the colors. Once they have solved an
anagram, they have to find an object in the classroom
which is the same color. They should make a note of the
object or take a photo of it. Do the first anagram as an
example. Write EDR on the board and elicit RED. Then
ask sts to find an object that is red and make a note of or
photograph it.
3 Before you begin, explain that the winning team is the
team that finishes first, or manages to solve the most
anagrams and find the most objects. Teams don’t need
to work through the anagrams in order or find objects in
4 Set a time limit for sts to play the game and monitor. Then
go through the answers as a class and compare objects.
Teams get one point for solving an anagram and one point
for finding an object that matches.

1 red 8 gray
2 green 9 brown
3 yellow 10 blue
4 gold 11 black
5 orange 12 white
6 pink 13 silver
7 purple

Personal Best A1 © Richmond 2018


Anyone for tennis?

Complete the sentences with an adjective or a noun.

My parents are
The _______’s not ________.

She’s a/an
________ woman.
Is your classroom

Are these pens It’s an old

_______? ________.

That’s a fast
They’re big
Your job is
My ______’s
All of the ________ not brown.
These exercises
are expensive. are _______.

Personal Best Work with a partner. You have one minute to say as many sentences as possible about the things on or near your desk.
For example, My backpack is blue. Use at least one adjective and one noun in each sentence. Your partner will time you and
count your sentences.

Personal Best A1 © Richmond 2018


2B Skills
Anyone for tennis?
Adjectives and nouns

Sts play a game in pairs. The aim is to practice adjectives and nouns; e.g., It’s an old purse. They’re big dogs.


Make one copy of the resource sheet for each pair of sts.
Sts work in their pairs. One student says sentences about
the things near or on his/her desk. For example, My
PRACTICE backpack is blue. This is an interesting book. They have one
minute to make as many sentences as possible, using at
1 Sts work in A/B pairs. If you have an odd number of sts,
least one adjective and one noun in each. Their partner
have a group of three and make this a three-way game,
times them and counts the number of sentences. Then they
A/B/C. Pre-teach: ball.
swap roles. At the end, ask sts to tell you some of their
2 Explain the game. A starts. He/She chooses a ball and sentences and check for accuracy.
completes the sentence in the ball with an adjective
or a noun. B thinks of a different adjective or noun to
complete the same sentence. Then it is A’s turn again. EXTRA PRACTICE
They continue taking turns to make sentences with the
same ball until one student makes a mistake or runs out Fast finishers swap partners and play the game again.
of ideas. When this happens, the last student to make a
correct sentence wins a point.
3 Do an example with the class. Split the whole class
into two groups, A and B. Draw a ball on the board and
write She’s a ______ teacher inside the ball. Ask the As
to complete the sentence; e.g., She’s a good teacher.
Make sure they say the whole sentence. Then ask Bs to
make a new sentence by replacing the adjective; e.g.,
She’s a boring teacher. Continue until one group makes
a mistake or runs out of ideas. Then award a point to
the other group. NOTE: All sentences must be correct
and make sense. For example, She’s a teacher boring is
grammatically incorrect and She’s a purple teacher doesn’t
make sense.
4 Set a time limit for sts to play the game in their pairs
or groups of three and monitor. If sts don’t agree on a
sentence, they should ask you to decide. At the end of the
game, ask different sts to complete the sentences in the

Personal Best A1 © Richmond 2018


The missing possessives

Read the speech bubbles. Say BEEP BEEP instead of the missing word. Listen and complete the speech bubbles.


Hello. I’m Eva. What’s

BEEP BEEP name? (your)
We’re students.
That woman is BEEP BEEP
teacher. (our)
This is my brother.
BEEP BEEP name’s
Peter. (His)
Is this Mandy
BEEP BEEP purse? (Mandy‘s)

Maria and BEEP BEEP sister
are from Colombia. (her)
The hotel is very good
but BEEP BEEP rooms are
expensive. (its) (NAME)‘s

BEEP BEEP job is very

interesting - I’m an our
engineer. (My)
This is Javier BEEP BEEP
jacket. (Javier’s)

The teachers are in the
classrooms with BEEP BEEP
students. (their)
You and Mike are American. his
BEEP BEEP parents are from
Chicago. (Your)

Personal Best Look around the classroom. Make sentences with possessive adjectives and ’s to describe some of the people and objects.
For example, Jenny is our teacher.

Personal Best A1 © Richmond 2018


2C Grammar
The missing possessives
Possessive adjectives, ’s for possession

Sts play a game in small groups. The aim is to review possessive adjectives and ’s for possession, e.g., your parents, my job,
Mandy’s purse.


Make one copy of the resource sheet for each student.
Sts look around the classroom and make sentences with
possessive adjectives and ’s to describe some of the people
PRACTICE and objects. For example, Jenny is our teacher.
1 Put sts into groups of three or four. One person in the
group is the reader; the others are the players. Give each EXTRA PRACTICE
student a copy of the resource sheet and ask them to fold
it where indicated so they can see only their part of the Fast finishers write new sentences with missing possessive
resource sheet. adjectives/’s and test the rest of their group.
2 Explain the game. The reader has ten sentences. Each
one has a missing possessive adjective or ’s. The reader
chooses one of the speech bubbles and reads it out, saying
BEEP BEEP instead of the missing word/’s. The players
compete to say the correct word first and win a point. The
player with the most points in each group is the winner.
NOTE: If the answer is ’s, players must say, e.g., Mandy’s
or Javier’s to win a point.
3 Demonstrate the game with one or two example
sentences. Tell everyone to look at the players’ side of the
resource sheet. Read the following sentence: I’m Jane and
this is BEEP BEEP sister, Ann. Award a point to the first
student who calls out my. Repeat with The students are in
BEEP BEEP classroom to elicit their.
4 Set a time limit for the game and monitor while sts play.

Personal Best A1 © Richmond 2018


Family challenge
Choose a card. Your partner describes the relationship between the people.

Jim Jones Elsie Jones

Simon Jones Lisa Brown Dave Brown

+ +
M = married Anne Maxwell Tony Brown Becky Brown Carlos Gomez

grandfather grandmother grandparents mother father parents son daughter children grandchildren husband wife
brother sister boyfriend girlfriend

2 Jim and 4
Els ie Be c k y 5
Jim and
Jim and To ny Lis a
Beck y To ny and Elsie Els ie To ny
Els ie Dave
Dave Be c k y Lis a and Simon Simo n Be c k y
Dave and Lisa and Lis a
9 16
11 13
10 12 15
An ne Dave
Jim Becky
To ny Simon Car lo s
Els ie To ny To ny a and Tony Simon
Be c k y Jim Be c k y Be c k y
Elsie and

Personal Best Draw your family tree (or make one up). Describe it to your partner, without showing it to him/her. Your partner listens and
draws your family tree. Then listen to your partner and draw his/her family tree.

Personal Best A1 © Richmond 2018


2C Vocabulary
Family challenge
Family and friends

Sts describe a family tree. The aim is to review vocabulary for family and friends, e.g., mother, son, boyfriend, wife.


Make one copy of the resource sheet for each student.
Sts draw their family tree (or make one up). They should
limit their tree to the family relationships that they have
PRACTICE learned. They describe their family tree to their partner,
without showing it to them. Their partner listens and
1 Give each student a copy of the resource sheet.
draws the tree. They then swap roles.
Pre-teach grandchildren. Go through the names on the
sheet. Explain that when women get married in the UK
and the U.S., they usually take their husband’s last name. EXTRA PRACTICE
For example, David Beckham and Victoria Beckham,
Barack Obama and Michelle Obama. Have students look Fast finishers work in their pairs. They take turns choosing
at the tree as a class and find two married couples (Jim/ a name from the family tree, taking the role of that person
Elsie, Lisa/Dave) and two couples who are boyfriend and and making more sentences, scoring a point for each correct
girlfriend (Tony/Anne, Carlos/Becky). sentence. For example, in the role of Jim: Lisa is my daughter;
2 Put sts into pairs. Explain the activity. Sts take turns and in the role of Lisa: My brother is Simon. Tony is my son.
choosing a card. Their partner has to make a sentence My daughter is Becky.
to describe the relationship between the people on the
card, using one of the words from the wordbank. NOTE:
The student describing the relationship has to do this by
taking the role of the person whose name is underlined on
the card. For example, “Jim” (underlined) says: Elsie is my
wife. If the sentence is correct, the student wins a point
and crosses out the card.
3 Set a time limit for sts to complete the activity. Monitor
while sts work. Go through the answers at the end.

1 My wife is Elsie./Elsie is my wife.
2 My daughter is Becky./Becky is my daughter.
3 Our grandparents are Jim and Elsie./Jim and Elsie are
our grandparents
4 Our children are Becky and Tony./ Becky and Tony are
our children.
5 Our mother is Elsie./Elsie is our mother.
6 Our parents are Jim and Elsie./Jim and Elsie are our
7 My husband is Dave./Dave is my husband.
8 My brother is Tony./Tony is my brother.
9 My girlfriend is Anne./Anne is my girlfriend.
10 My grandmother is Elsie./Elsie is my grandmother.
11 My grandfather is Jim./Jim is my grandfather.
12 My son is Simon./Simon is my son.
13 Our father is Dave./Dave is our father.
14 Our grandchildren are Becky and Tony./Becky and Tony
are our grandchildren.
15 My boyfriend is Carlos./Carlos is my boyfriend.
16 My sister is Lisa./Lisa is my sister.

Personal Best A1 © Richmond 2018

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