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Shoik mohammed


1-0A Gase Sudy
Study ofof Opralting
prating Syslim:
sus LEm: Oc,
ocs, wimdoos, UN, Linux, Mac,

Android and loS. S-3

4 0os (OIsk OPerating Syatrn):
Dos was one of he earliest opexalng Syslem for
acommand-lne - únter face

Commanda to perform
Systom, ohich mans usext had to Lype
used n ha t920's and earyig90'
tak os wo
but s populoily dedined
inturfaco -based Opex atung Syst ms
Windos is a fonily of operating Syslanns developed by Mucrasaft
hu tntoduelin out'nes thu inpßanee of os m modem ampuling

tMareetShare aAdophon t
Ihe Cunrent modes maet
share adqlin
Thic &in pvecen

ass f eachas Leng usth jauas enfluencdog thei populaiby

The Prnol Sea fis Summaulge ho fndimas f casesady and
Of t ers a hoslale Compoudisfss o ha fe octued eperafng
Aompaualwe udy
qoating lims Commpnd ocase

Dos and Ul Dos and

ysdems camtt
Congaueive slady o pea
Inbodaclim provides an ove wíe o Oos and UNIX,

thew impotana tn eve lopnenl of pesson Cpatna

and Sever envoonments:

t sets the Conte xt for che DubSequent ompauisson

Commandlne Interfauee)The udy begins by éNamíng
of d
both Dos and UN(0.
Command line inderfaces
Sudy Conludes by Summarlze tuy kay fnding f ie
Gncisont The
Cons and weakness

lompte analyss & diftrent
of xbosed porating Syskms
9 Cose stady of PavauYs ALX. MP-Ux(AlP)?
Orale solarls, re e Bs0,1, of fouY
hensve Companisíon
this Case study preserts a Compre Bso,ticsOSOft
Orale solan's, free
UNIY- bosed
operating yons..Valuablu insiohts o IAe Strengths.
BM, lAX and tp-UY Alo)

and wealner ot Unx cpeiolmgys Lom

he arehleelesre and Cmal desrgn
the Sldy
Of ocacle Solans and Snaaa lasduwane paty'mpovrdm
OracLe Slans,Hee BsD,

and HP-UX.
luy of odrent lovsnur of linuy tucd oproling
Stm Gntos, bion Ro, kai linuM , Ohntu pense

ihe Cor Carprchoncivo Carnparn'sion of

Si lrmux baed orating Sy slovns Centos, de bian, Pedora,

kalilinuK, and open Susc
has gained Siqrificont

fopuloidy due t, Open Sour ce natve , vercatiiyan d

in VorHous darnalns
oide adopion

paramoun Concern foY modern

Surdy Ua o ONMantat
amines thu Sury
pdat's nd Vo sabdily

Gndusicn: infor med de cdviow about

eades help
l! nae
tovuY or ther
ecling tho most Silobla inu
Tocife uayaíce ne nl.
ComparativeSuty af baned Opaing
whindoUS 95,
WindoS ME,ndoS
lhËsConpoyatrve sludy povdey Cornprehentive
Mus analys
ven hestotical
bosed pnaing ytam
Waidos 4s,48 Qnd corndos C
,2000 Wmdos ME and
Lhe xp.
sudy exarnnes haid tical bo dc
User mpuuen lin
taaus. Jealares perfoe
Cy groundsyanhi
pexforman (os
rsquoiemant, pliatim sypdt, Sauuriy ond etiablig hardoa
+trtmril bakgiound
Ths elion datves mo he histoical dovelopnenr
coch coñdowx.based Operaing kyslam thair

hes Seem Compares he appialtin Sppt amd ftsae

Comceston: Th inal Seattm SummanlBe

CampoeNe hulevonae th Land Sope

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