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ü Nataly De Los Milagros RETO PINO

 Karla Antonet Zapata Cuyan.
 Sergio Manuel Fafan Palomino
 Leydi Nayeli Vidaurre Siesquen
(AC-S02) Week 2 - Task: Assignment -
What are you doing now? (PA)
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Antonet(A): Hello friends, how are you?

Leydi (B): Hello Antonet, very good.

Sergio (C): Hi Antonet, I'm fine, and you?

Antonet (A): I'm fine, thanks. Guys, would you like to go to the beach tomorrow?

Leydi (B): I'm sorry, but tomorrow I'm busy. I always get up at six am. I bathe and have
breakfast at seven am. and then I go to university. I leave for lunch at one pm and go to work
at three pm, I go out for dinner at seven pm. and then I go to the gym to train, I sleep at eleven

Antonet (A): I understand you. He is very busy. And you Sergio?

Sergio (C): What a great idea. I really like it. Let's go Antonet.

Leydi (B): Guys, I have an excellent idea. Why don't we go to the beach at the weekend?

Antonet (A): I'm so sorry, but I have other things to do this weekend. I wake up at six am. I
bathe and have breakfast, Saturday at eight am. I go to work, have lunch at one pm, and go to
law classes at two pm. I get home at ten pm and sleep at eleven pm. and on Sunday I'm going
to the university from eight am to one pm, the rest of Sunday is dedicated to my family.

Leydi (B): Wow! You have many activities. And you Kevin?

Sergio (C): Well, Saturday awakes at seven am. I shower and have breakfast, I go shopping at
the supermarket, I have lunch at one pm, then I do my university work, I usually watch Netflix
and I go out to dinner with my girlfriend at eight pm, I go to sleep at eleven pm. On Sunday, he
woke me up at eight am. I bathe and eat breakfast. Then I go to play soccer with my friends, I
have lunch at two pm with my family, I go out with my girlfriend, she likes to go to the movies, I
have dinner at eight pm and watch TV, I go to sleep at eleven pm.

Leydi (B): It's a pity we can't go. Maybe another time, bye.

Sergio (C): Bye.

Antonet(A): See you.

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