Reincarnated As A Wolf With Cheats - Chapter 41-100

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Chapter 41 - A Desperate Plea

Shin was surprised to see Aaron and Kira appear in front of him. Moreover, he was
confused by looking at Aaron's expression.

It was as if Aaron was looking down on Shin perhaps that was something normal
that one would feel after looking at Shin who was literally a pup!


"Can he even speak?", Aaron asked Kira.

"Of course he can!", Kira exclaimed.

Shin was way too small when compared to any other warrior wolf. Kira and Aaron
were in a league of their own so it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that Shin was
too tiny in front of them.

"What's your name pup?", Aaron tried to maintain the superiority and asked in a
deep voice.

"Shin, that's my name...", Shin said almost immediately as if he was expecting

Aaron to ask that.

"Huh?", Aaron was surprised when he heard that name.

He almost immediately turned his head towards Kira as if he wanted to confirm

what he heard.

"He is right, his name is..."

"Ahem, whatever he told...", Kira nodded his head without actually calling out
Shin's name.


Kira had bragged about Shin saying that he had found a wolf of healing attributes.
Now the casualties would definitely be reduced each time.

At first, Aaron couldn't believe that however after just hearing the name of the pup,
a chill ran down his spine.

'How is this even possible?'

'Why does he have the same name as...'

Aaron's mind went blank as he thought about it. Of course, he was bewildered but
more than that it was as if he was seeing someone break the laws of the world.

Then again, Shin's reincarnation had no theory in itself so it didn't matter to Shin
"I heard that you are capable of using Healing magic..."

"Is that true?", he asked.

"...", Shin remained mum for a moment. He turned his eyes towards Kira as if he
wanted to know if Kira was the one who told about this.

Kira avoided the eye contact for some reason, well anyway, Shin had to answer
that right now.

"Indeed, that's absolutely true.", he answered with confidence.

Right after he said that one could see a little smile-like expression on Aaron.
Although he was shocked, it seemed as if he was happy at the same time.

Well anyway, Aaron had come for an entirely different purpose. It is true that he
wanted to verify Shin's power but more than that he wanted to ask for help.

"Um, then can you please help us?", Aaron asked in a low voice.

"Help?", Kira and Shin asked with astonishment.

Both of them had no idea about the help which Aaron asked. Kira didn't know in the
slightest that asking helo was Aaron's purpose of visit.

"Yes, actually many of our kin are hurt gravely..."

"We don't know any method of healing them, we have no idea where the elves are

"So will you please heal them?", Aaron asked.

Shin looked at Aaron's eyes directly. Aaron almost immediately withdrew his gazes
and lowered his head.

Earlier, he was acting a bit arrogantly due to which Shin was starting to hate him,
but now he could see his sincerity and love towards his own Kin.

It was completely silent for a while. Kira had no say in this matter because he
wanted to leave this to Shin.

"Lead the way..."

Shin broke the uncanny silence by saying this.

Aaron lifted his head the moment Shin said that. For a moment he couldn't believe
his ears but after seeing Shin standing firm, he understood that what he heard was
not a lie or illusion.
"This way!", he walked back towards the place where all the injured laid in wait.

All the remaining wolves of the Biola clan had stopped chatting when they found
Aaron walking back towards the massive cave. Due to this other White wolves
noticed Kira and Shin also walking towards the large cave.

They couldn't help but ask what was present inside the cave and thus the
conversation continued and the info about the injured ones spread like wildfire from
one member of the white wolf clan to the other.


A cool breeze blew from the cave where Aaron was heading to. Even though there
were no sources of fire, it was still well illuminated, of course, it was thanks to the
crystallites that illuminate in the dark after absorbing the Sun's energy.

Shin was unaffected by that. All that he had in his mind was to see the injured

All three of them entered the cave and in a minute or two, they arrived at the
interior area which was quite large.

Many brown and white wolves laid there. All of them were suffering for reasons

They were sweating profusely and were breathing heavily.

Kira was shocked when he looked at them.

His eyes started to shine, basically, that was a sign of using the Complete
Perception skill.


"Are poisoned?", he said in a low and deep voice.

"Yes, please heal them!", Aaron had finally found someone who could use healing
magic and that was why he was desperate because the more time passed, the
more members would die.

"I'm sorry, I don't think my healing powers will have any effect on them...", Shin
said while looking at them carefully.

"What!?", Aaron raised his voice when he heard that.

"How can you say that even before trying?"

"Are you really a healer or are you just a fake?", Aaron marched towards Shin with
great force as if he was going to attack him.
Just before he could reach Shin, Kira used his gigantic forelimb to stop Aaron from
moving forward by just slamming his head to the ground.

"Calm down Aaron, don't be hasty!", Kira said in a low but confident voice as if he
was giving advice.

"B-but...", Aaron was teary. He was basically crying the reason for which maybe
because he loved his kin a lot.

Kira looked towards the members who were suffering from the poison.

'I was wondering why he was so desperate and I guess now I know why...'

'No one could just stand and see their wife and children suffer and die from poison,
could they now?', he wondered.

To be continued...
Chapter 42 - Cursed
Kira could feel the pain of his so called brother. He thought that Shin was also being
hasty because he hadn't even tried yet.

If he failed after trying, then it would be understandable, but how he could he just
say that just by looking?

Kira wondered about it too and then looked towards Shin after raising his head and
shifting his gazes from Aaron to Shin.


"Master Shin, can't you at least try?", Kira asked.

Shin turned his gaze swiftly towards Kira and then said, "I'm absolutely positive
that my healing magic will have no effect on the poison..."

However even after hearing that, Kira seemed unconvinced.

"Sigh, listen, my healing magic is only capable of healing the damaged body

Even before Shin had finished saying, Kira said, "Isn't that perfect? You can heal the
parts that were damaged by poison!"

Aaron had stopped crying and felt relieved all of a sudden when he heard this.

"Sheesh, that's what I'm saying..."

"I can do only that much, I won't be able to remove the poison from their bodies so
no matter how many times I heal them, they would still remain poisoned!"

"In the end, their suffering would only increase after decreasing for only a

"That would be worse than death, don't you think?", Shin asked Kira and Aaron

Both of them were lost in deep thoughts after they heard him say that. According
to whatever he said, he was completely right.

Instead of hurting them for the rest of their lives, it would be best to kill them and
relieve them. But who would say that to Aaron?

He would definitely not accept that, at least that's what Kira thought.

"And anyway, they aren't poisoned in the first place..."

"Huh?", Kira's eyes widened when he heard that.

Even Aaron was shocked when Shin said that.

Both of them were completely sure that they were poisoned but according to Shin
that was not the case.

"How can that be? I checked them with my Complete Perception..."

"They are definitely poisoned!", Kira proclaimed.


Shin, who was looking at the members intensely, now looked at Kira when he said

He just asked a simple question, "Do you trust me more or your Complete

Of course, the answer was obvious, one would trust his own skill more with which
they would have been familiar since long. It was the same for Kira too, he trusted
his own skills more than Shin, but he couldn't bring himself to say that.

If he were to say that, it would be quite disrespecting to Shin and right now Aaron
needed help which only Shin could have provided.

Kira wasn't aware of Shin's background but he had indeed heard him say that he
had met the Elf Celestial so right now he had to do his best to side with Shin.

"Of course, it's...", however he fumbled.

He was not great at lying anyway so Shin knew it right away.

"Stop, no need to tell anything..."

Shin realized that he had no achievements at all. Of course, if his skills were shown
to all, no one would hesitate to choose Shin, but right now all he did was hide his

In reality, he never got an opportunity to display them. Kira and everyone else just
assumed by themselves that he was a healer. Regardless, he never revealed either.

Kira was mum for a while after which Aaron slowly tapped on Kira's upper paw as if
he was asking him to lift his heavy forelimb and release him.

"Then please tell me, master Shin, what has happened to them?", Aaron inquired.

"Sigh, they have been cursed...", Shin sighed when he said that.

"C-cursed!?", both, Kira and Aaron, were shocked when they heard this.

"Yes, and it is no ordinary curse."

"It's a powerful one!", one could see Shin's serious expression while saying that.


Kira was confused though, through his perception, he saw some thread like
structures flowing in their entire body. He assumed them to be poison.

Of course, that was not a baseless assumption, he had seen this earlier too when
he had used to skill one a beast attacked by a snake.

That was why he was sure that the threads were none other than poison, but it
seemed like those were threads of curses!

It was only now that he understood that. Even Aaron seemed convinced with what
Shin said.

"Now it all makes sense...", Aaron said with a surprised expression as if he had
figured out something.

"Hmm?", Shin paid attention to him and listened to what he had to say.

"All those magical herbs failed to work because the problem wasn't physical..."

"It was a curse that made them suffer!", Aaron was now deeply thinking of a way to
break the curses or at least lift them somehow.

However, he couldn't think of any solution because his knowledge was limited. Out
of all the wolf brothers, he was the only one who never went to far places so he
didn't have any idea about methods regarding curses.

So all he could do was leave the rest up to Shin but he wondered as to how Shin
was able to find out that they were inflicted by a curse.

He was about to inquire that right before which Kira ended up asking, "But how did
you end up knowing that they were affected by a curse?"

Shin smiled when he heard the question.

"That's right..."

"How did I come to know...?"

He probably repeated the same thing that they asked but oh well, he was sarcastic
because he knew how he found out that they were inflicted with a curse.

'Maybe, because of this warning?'

[ Warning ]
[ Heavy Curse Field found 50 metres ahead ]

[ Advice: Step back or stay at the same place without advancing any further ]


"Master Shin?", Kira called out to him in order to know the answer.

'I can't tell them this, can I now?'

To be continued...
Chapter 43 - Incurable
Shin didn't answer at all. All he did was just smile.

Kira was left expectant and so was Aaron. But oh well, their curiosities subsided
when their focus changed to the sufferings of the members again.

"Master Shin, do you know of a way to cure this curse?", Aaron asked.

"Cure the curse?"


"Ah, you mean, a way to lift the curse?", Shin asked.

"Yes...", Aaron was worried because he had no idea about curses.

"Hmm, well, the easiest way to lift the curse is to find the one who cursed them...",
was what Shin said.

Both, Kira and Aaron's eyes widened.

They understood what Shin tried to tell them. If they were to find the one who
inflicted the curse, they could force him to remove the curse as well!

But they had no idea who it was, at least, Kira wasn't aware of it. However, Aaron
might have known it all along.

"Tell me Aaron, since when did they start to suffer?", Shin asked.

Aaron, thought for a bit and after recalling, said, "Uh, it was a week ago..."

"I'm sure of it, they have been suffering for a week..."

Shin heard it clearly and then started to think about it. He didn't want to jump into
baseless conclusions so he kept inquiring or questioning Aaron.

"Hmm, if the curse took effect a week ago, did something happen around that
time?", Shin asked.

"Something...?", Aaron was confused about what Shin wanted to know.

"Yes, something out of the ordinary...", Shin said.

Aaron wondered about it for a while but found nothing out of the ordinary that had
happened in the past week.

"I don't recall something unordinary happening..."

"We didn't even fight for the last whole month...", was what Aaron said.

Shin wondered about what he said. But if Aaron found nothing suspicious then how
could Shin found who wasn't present to experience it.

"Wait, did you say that your clan didn't have any wars for the past one month?",
Shin asked.

"Yes.", Aaron nodded his head.

"So you mean to say that you had a war last month?", Shin asked.


Aaron looked towards Kira and nodded his head.

Shin was confused by such an action but he thought not to mind that.

"We did..."


It seemed like Aaron finally realized something after thinking about the war.

"...", Shin could see Aaron's expression changing continuously.

First he was surprised or shocked as if he realized some hidden truth right after
that he could see rage covering Aaron's eyes.

Killing intent started to get released from him soon after that. It was as if he was
getting ready to kill someone just by recalling something.

"Is something wrong?", Shin asked while looking at Kira. He thought that Kira might
have some idea about this and he was absolutely right.

Kira knew why Aaron was getting angry. It seemed like it was some incident that
had happened a month ago, even before Shin had arrived in this world!

"Yes master Shin, actually...", Kira thought about explaining what had happened in

However it seemed like he was hesitating because he wanted Aaron to relay the
incident directly to him.

"Master Shin...", Aaron understood what Kira wanted.

He calmed himself for the time being and then started to narrate everything that
had happened at least according to him.

"I'm sure of it, this is the work of Giol...", was what Aaron said.
It was another new name which Shin wasn't aware of.

"Giol? Who is that?", Shin asked.

"Master Shin, Giol is a wolf just like us, but he is of a complete different attribute..."

Yet again, that was mysterious. A new attribute which was different from Kira as
well Aaron!

"Second brother Kira is of Dark Attribute...", Aaron said.

'Wow, that's news to me...', indeed, this was the first time he heard what type Kira

Up until now he had been assuming that Kira was yet another Warrior wolf but a
highly evolved version. Warrior wolves are of physical types and do not hold any
special characteristics, at least not until they undergo further evolution.

"And I am Earth attribute..."

"But Giol on the contrary is Shadow Attribute who specializes in curses..."

The moment Aaron said that, everything became clear to Shin. But for a moment
he couldn't distinguish between a Dark Attribute and a Shadow Attribute.

However on further thinking about that he was able to understand them. Also,
Aaron explained it to clarify.

"Unlike Dark attribute that specializes in Dark Magic when their power increases by
several folds during night time, Shadow magic utilizes the power of Death."

"In order words, a Shadow wolf can also be called as a Grim Reaper or Death wolf
that inflicts curses on whomever it"

When Aaron explained and distinguished them, it became clearer.

"In the last war, we had to fight against the clan of Gior whose leader is none other
than Giol!", Aaron grit his teeth when he said that.

It was obvious and clear that it was Giol who inflicted curse.

"The battle ended rather quickly and since then they didn't attack till now..."

When Aaron said that, Kira and Shin started to think the reasons for it.

Although, something was definitely suspicious because the time of attack of the
Bears also happened within a span of a month!

"I've also heard that 3rd brother was attacked by a hoard of Ogres last week...",
Aaron said while looking at Kira.

Now the suspicion increased. It was as if someone was trying to wage wars but with
different clans.

It was as if some sort of Clan Wars was happening or was soon to happen.

However, right now the method to lift the curse had to be discovered because they
couldn't possibly go and beg Giol to lift the curses. Also, attack the Gior clan would
be far too dangerous right now since the situation wasn't confirmed.

'Well, I guess as soon as I get rid of these curse, I would be able to ask much more
questions about the world...', Shin thought.

'Ah, maybe...'

'Maybe he can help...'

'Sigh, this will be the second time asking for his help...', Shin sighed.

"Hmm, alright, give me a day's time, I will figure out a way to lift the curse.", Shin
said boldly after thinking something.

To be continued...
Chapter 44 - The Rain Of Skills
Kira and Aaron were rather baffled when they heard him say that with ease.

Until now Shin had been saying that his healing skills wouldn't work so they
expected him to show at least some discomfort.

Instead of that, he seemed quite confident and they had no idea about the source
of his confidence.

But Kira knew that Shin wouldn't just lie. Aaron was also not suspicious of his

For some reason, after talking for some time, they thought that they could trust

Also, since the moment they had started calling him 'Master Shin', they had
automatically developed a respect for him and that didn't fade even by a bit.

Of course, Aaron wasn't able to control himself earlier and was off to hurt Shin, but
he was now calm and was able to comprehend everything properly and calmly.

Therefore both of them trusted him at the moment. Moreover, Aaron was so
desperate to save his family that he begged again and requested to find the
solution as soon as possible.


Basically, they thought that Shin had to be present at that place in order to analyze
the curse by taking a look at them personally. Therefore, both of them had to exit
the cave and wait for Shin to come out.

Until then, they were tasked with not allowing anyone else to enter the cave in any

"Phew, finally they left..."

Right after Shin said that he walked towards the members who were inflicted by
the curse.

As soon as he started to near them, the warning notification popped up again.


[ Warning ]

[ High Curse Density Detected ]

[ The system advice the host to step back ]

However, Shin didn't listen or even see the warning message that popped up. He
had something else in his mind.

It was as if he had thought about something beforehand and was now marching
boldly while grinning.

[ Warning ]

[ You have been Cursed ]

[ Your HP will start to decrease ]

As he was only 20 meters away from them, he got affected by the curse. It was a
type of curse that depleted HP.

'Has the curse from their body grown so strong that it is able to inflict anyone who
hasn't even touched the bodies directly?', he asked himself.

Of course, curses don't usually spread but according to Aaron, all of them started to
suffer one by one.

After hearing that, he understood that the curses were contagious, which meant
that they were able to spread.

That was why he labeled the curse to be quite powerful.

Despite knowing that, he still walked towards them probably because he was sure
of something or had some amazing plan in his mind.

And it seemed like the plan indeed worked or to be precise, he gained a new skill.

[ Warning ]

[ You were cursed ]

[ Your HP will decrease ]

At least, those were similar to the older notifications.

[ Congratulation ]

[ You have gained an active skill 'Total Curse Immunity' Lv. max ]

[ Total Curse Immunity -> As long as the skill is active, the host won't be affected
by any curse ]

That was a useful skill which he got. That was precisely what he was aiming for.

He was satisfied with that, but it seemed like the system reacted to the curse which
had already been inflicted on him.
[ Congratulation ]

[ You have gained the active skill 'Curse Eraser' Lv.1 ]

[ Curse Eraser -> The host can lift the curse from the inflicted ]

'What the...?'

'Is it that easy to gain skills?', Shin wondered.

This wasn't the first time the system had surprised him, but getting skills so easily
was the biggest surprise for him.

All he had to do was expose himself to the abnormality and tada, a new skill would
be generated in an instant!

He smiled because of this since he would definitely become the strongest being
who would not be affected by any abnormal conditions, but little did he know that
this thing would become the biggest hindrance sometime in the future!

Well anyway, he succeeded in doing that anyway on top of that he received a

bonus to remove the curse from others.

"Haha, I thought about asking help from him again, but it seems like there would be
no need for that!", he smiled while looking at the brank new skill.

And just about when he was going to use the skill on the other hurt ones, a sudden
notification popped up.

[ Warning ]

[ You have been inflicted by a curse ]

[ Your HP will decrease ]

[ Less than 20% of your HP remains ]

[ HP: 11/60 || Max. HP: ??? ]

[ Advice: Use the skill Curse Eraser on yourself ]

Indeed, the feature of giving advice was excellent because Shin wouldn't panic at
crucial moments.

Now too, a solution was right in front of him and it was indeed an excellent one.

He almost immediately used the skill since he couldn't waste any more of his time
since it would be fatal to himself.

His eyes started to shine with white-Light which indicated the usage of the skill. Of
course, the system notification also popped up which acted as a clear indication


[ You have used the skill 'Curse Eraser'Lv. 1 ]

[ The skill has been targeted to the host ]

[ Star 01 curse will be erased immediately ]

[ Erasing... ]

Shin had to wait for a minute or two until the skill could completely erase the curse
or in a better word, lift the curse.


[ The host has been freed from the curse 'HP Eater' ]

[ Due to the activation of the skill 'Copy', a new active skill 'HP Eater' Lv.1 has been
generated ]

[ HP Eater -> Drains the 1 HP of the target per second ]

[ Active Duration: 00:00:02:00 (2 minutes) ]

[ Cooldown Timer: 00:12:00:00 (12 Hours) ]

"What the-?"

It was awkward, way too awkward. More than that, he was baffled and awed.

He was speechless because yet again, he gained another new skill.

But more than that, he was surprised by seeing the new information like Active
duration and cooldown timer!

"Wow, I need to prepare myself mentally because I might go crazy if the skills fall
like the rain!"

To be continued...
Chapter 45 - The Dragon Attribute
He was quite happy because he was gaining skills even without asking and with
each new skill he was growing stronger!

The possibilities of attacking or defending would definitely increase with more


"Well, now let's help them...", he walked closer without worrying about anything

He had to use the skill 'Curse Eraser' on the inflicted ones. So he didn't waste any
more time.

He arrived near a member who was a giant wolf. Of course, the wolf wasn't as huge
as Aaron or Kira, but it could still be considered to be huge, maybe as huge as


[ You have used the skill Curse Eraser ]

[ Erasing... ]

Just by seeing that Shin was relaxed. It seemed as if he was soon going to get rid of
all the curses but who knew that there would be a new twist waiting for him.


[ Failed to erase ]

[ Curse level is higher than Skill level ]


Now that was a shock to him indeed. He took the situation too lightly. He thought
that since he had gained a remarkable skill, it wouldn't take him long to remove the
curses, but it seemed as if he was wrong!

It was only now he realized that the Skill level also affected the erasing of a curse.

"Damn, it failed?"

"And here I was going to take it easy..."

He couldn't comprehend the situation at all and even if he did, he was just too
surprised to think anything straight.

There were two specific reasons for that, one, his skills failed despite the fact that
he had leveled up after the fight with bears, second, the situation was much graver
than he had realized.
"Sigh looks like I have to ask his help again..."

"Let me summon him..."



Kira and Aaron stood near the cave. Unfortunately, they couldn't hear Shin's voice
because he didn't talk much loudly anyway.

All the eyes were on Kira and Aaron. They wondered what they were doing there.

Siara thought about going near Kira and inquiring about it, but she herself had been
preoccupied with chatting with others.

Furthermore, she wasn't in any good mental condition because she constantly
having flashbacks regarding Shin.

Coincidentally, Kira's and Siara's eyes met. Just as this happened, Siara withdrew
her gazes and continued chatting again.

'Oh ya, I wanted to ask about the attack of the Bears...', Kira recalled the fact that
he was about to ask about the uncanny expression which Siara had when she saw

He wanted to find out the truth of the fight. The reason was quite simple, the Bear
bodies which he found on the way didn't have any attacks the represented a wolf.

It was as if a much larger beast had attacked them so he wanted to get into the
depth of this matter.

"Aaron, I have something to inquire. I will be back in a while."

After hearing that Aaron nodded his head. Kira then walked towards Siara.

He passed by many wolves who stopped chatting almost instantly as soon as Kira
arrived near them. It was in a way, paying respect.

"Siara, come with me...", Kira said in a low voice.

"Yes...", Siara who was just lying down and chatting, stood up almost immediately
and followed Kira.

All eyes were on them, but not for long since both Kira and Siara vanished from
their sight.

They basically went behind a tree and then walked a bit further to find a place with
"Yes Your Highness?", she said in a low voice.

"Siara, tell me, why were you so frightened after looking at Master Shin?", Kira
asked it right away without wasting much time because that was the main part
which he wanted to know about.

The moment Siara heard the question, she couldn't help but be astonished. She
was baffled enough to take a step back without realizing it. Moreover, her heart
started to pound causing her to become nervous.

She was basically frightened even now. Kira saw through her.

'She becomes frightened just by recalling or thinking about it?'

'Just what the heck did she experience that made her behave in such a manner?',
Kira asked himself.

"Tell me Siara, just what about Master Shin is so scary?", Kira asked again.

Siara couldn't possibly escape now. She couldn't disrespect him and didn't want to
in the first place so she mustered all her strength and spilled all the beans out
about what had happened.

"Your Highness, first of all..."


"We need to rectify ourselves..."

When Siara said that, Kira got confused.

"Rectify? What do you mean?", he asked.

"I mean, we need to correct our knowledge about Master Shin.", as soon as she
mentioned his name again, her voice got lowered.

Her eyeballs were shaking vigorously, anyone could say that she was traumatized.

"Huh?", Kira knew that something was up with Shin's background and now after
hearing her say this, he thought that the subject of the matter definitely lied from
where Shin came from.

"He isn't just any wolf with a healer attribute...", she said.

"What do you mean?", Kira wanted her to clarify.


"He is..."

"He is a Wolf with dragon attribute too...", she raised her voice as she said that.


Kira didn't know how to react to what she said. Moreover, he thought that he
misheard something.

"W-what did you say?", he asked her to repeat it for him but no matter how many
times she said that it wouldn't possibly change!

"He is a wolf with Healing as well as Dragon attributes!"

After he heard that again, his eyes started to shake. He started to tremble too.

"A being with dragon attribute came walking to our clan? And it's Shin?"

He forgot to call him 'Master' due to which strong wind started to blow all of a

Of course, Kira could feel the chill which was intensified thanks to the cool breeze.

He started to tremble too because what he heard was out of the ordinary.


"How can this be?"

"Throughout history, there were only five beasts with dragon attributes..."

"Our God Shin was one of the five beasts with the power of Legendary Dragons..."


"And now a pup contains a dragon attribute? Are you absolutely certain Siara?",
many things were going through his mind right now.

"Yes, I'm completely confident that he has the power and blessings of the dragons

And from then on she started to narrate what exactly had happened back then!

To be continued...
Chapter 46 - The Flashback - Part 1: A Quest To Save Siara
"We have to reach the Biola clan as soon as possible."

"Walk with haste but no need to run..."

Siara was guiding all while staying in the front. She was looking out for any danger
or any beast that could harm them.

The seven elite female members had spread themselves properly. The one leading
the group was Siara while the second strongest member of the elite group was
guarding the back.

The remaining members were at the opposite borders of the right and left sides of
the group.

All of them were extremely cautious. They had to be because they couldn't afford
to make any mistake.

It was night time and wolves were definitely not scared of it, but oh well, other
larger beasts also roamed during the night. So, they had to be extremely careful.

Also, they had to make the least noise since it wouldn't be good to attract any sort
of beast, not that they could prevent themselves from giving out directions.

They successfully managed to travel half of the distance and now they started to
feel a bit safer. Since Siara had been constantly telling them that there was nothing
to worry about, they were at ease.

She was motivating them to stay strong however she herself was worried because
she had already started to detect some strange movements.

Her ears were extraordinarily sharp. The strange movements and the sounds
produced by them were detected by her quite easily despite all other noises.

"Elen! Take them and run towards Biola clan right now!", she raised her voice as
she commanded.

Elen, the second strongest member, who was at the back had also detected some
strange shadows but she thought that it was her own mind making things on its

But after hearing Siara, she understood that her suspicion was on the mark!

Everyone else heard that and started to run with all their might towards the Biola
clan. Of course, Elen took the lead almost immediately.

Since Siara was forced to scream and tell everyone, all the bears got alerted too.
They understood that they had been found out and due to that they made their
moves almost immediately.
Fortunately enough the wolves had the advantage because they were agile even in
the smaller and narrow areas. They were swift and due that they were able to
escape while taking a narrower route.

However, it was impossible to have no casualties at the moment. Some of them

had already fallen prey in the hands of the bears. But Elen was tasked with taking
all of them to the Biola clan so she couldn't afford to lose the momentum by
stopping and turning back.

Amidst this, Shin was constant;y looking at all the areas since he couldn't spot the
positions of the bears.

But he could constantly feel the killing intent emerging from almost everywhere.

He had heard Siara saying that she would stay back taking care of the bears. Even
if she failed, she would at least be able to distract the bears.

Everyone wanted to bring Siara along with themselves because they wouldn't
possibly let someone like her die, but her orders were absolute too since she held
the second highest power in the clan.

That was why everyone ran just like she said. But that was nowhere justifiable, in
reality, they were too busy saving their own asses that they didn't have time to
think about Siara. In the end, everyone thought about themselves!

Already 10 minutes had passed by and now everyone had almost reached the Biola
clan when suddenly Shin started to slow down.

'For real? After coming all the way here?', he was annoyed more than usual by the
system notification that appeared.


[ Main Event: Quest 01 - Savior ]

[ Tasks ]

[ -> Save Siara from the Bears ]

[ -> Kill The Bear King ]

[ Rewards ]

[ -> Addition of Extra Class Soul User ]

[ Warning ]

[ -> Failure in completion of Quest will lead to deduction of all stats by 10 ]

'My luck sucks...'

'Now I have to run all the way back to help Siara?'

'I mean, can you be serious? I have to save Siara who is tons of times stronger than
me from someone who is proclaimed to be the King of the Bears?'

Ridiculous it may sound but it was for real. The system wouldn't voluntarily send its
host to die but that didn't mean that it would give him easy missions.

It was a common saying, 'Higher the risk, better would be the rewards.' and based
on that, Shin thought that it would be the best to do what the system asked.

He slipped out of the group by taking the advantage of the chaos that was still
present as they ran towards the Biola Clan which was no more than a mile away.

He hid behind the bushes and saw all of them vanish into the heartbreaking

"Alright then, Siara, here I come!", right after saying that he used the skill Dash to
cover all the distance as fast as he could.

There was obviously no time limit for the mission. This had happened the second
time probably, the earlier one belonged to hunting the Mariorack deer which was
still incomplete.

Regardless, right now Shin put all his concentration in running towards the place
where he saw Siara the last time. Of course, he followed the footprints or the paw
markings that were left on the ground.

It took him five minutes or so to reach the place where Siara was. He could see that
she was badly hurt.

She was practically bathing in blood, both hers and the Bears.

Needless to say that many bears were either fatally injured or were dead.

But that 'many' was quite little in front of the large Bear army!

'I can't believe, is this where I die?', it was too hard for Siara to keep her eyes open.

In front of her, the Bear King stood gallantly as if he was grinning at the situation in
which she was in.

'Now what do I do? How do I save her?', Shin practically questioned himself.

He hadn't decided this while running, it was only now that he wanted to know since
he could see that Siara was surrounded by so many bears on almost all sides.

Fortunately, he had a system to hear his questions and maybe give advice or

[ Advice: Use the skill Transformation to become a Half-Dragon Wolf ]


To be continued...
Chapter 47 - The Flashback - Part 2: Appearance Of The Half-Dragon Wolf
On seeing the advice, Shin understood that the situation was dire.

Also, he hadn't used the skill Transformation until now, not even once. Therefore,
he had to take a look at its details.

Needless to say, the advice was in his best interest and he knew that too. There
could be thousands of advice generated by the system, but the system particularly
chose one so there could be some catch to it!

His eyes started to emit white light.


[ You have used the skill Transformation ]

[ Choose the one to which you would like to be transformed ]

[ -> Midnight Wolf ]

[ -> Dark Wolf ]

[ -> Flame Wolf ]

[ -> Half-Dragon Wolf ]

Needless to say, he had to choose the Half-Dragon wolf and he did the exact same.

"I choose Half-Dragon wolf!", he exclaimed after raising his voice while running
towards Siara.

Of course, he howled but that didn't intimidate anyone. Well, that was to be
expected, his howling was nowhere near the actual a.d.u.l.t wolves since he was a

But that was more than enough to grab their attention towards Shin.

Everyone, almost all of them turned their attention towards Shin. Indeed, that
included Siara too.

Although she was lying on the ground while waiting for her death, she heard the
howl and looked almost immediately in the direction of the voice only to find Shin.

There was a raised piece of land or plaza from where Shin jumped. It was from this
place that he saw Siara surrounded by the Bears.


[ Command accepted ]
[ Transformation will commence at once ]

He was in mid-air when suddenly the notification popped up again. Right after that,
his body started to emit an intense amount of white light.

It was bright, but not blinding. Needless to say, the light didn't reach many areas.

"What is that?", asked one of the bears.

They were definitely shocked by the howl earlier and were now baffled by the light.

Siara's eyeballs were shaking as she saw Shin transform into something

His limbs grew longer and his body became larger. Large claws appeared in his
paws which eventually became as hard as metal and turned into black color.

The small tiny tail which Shin had grown longer. The tip of the tail now had a
diamond-like shape with a similar claw-like structure which was also of black color!

His entire tail was white except the tip. The body was larger but was white.

Needless to say, his face grew larger and his teeth became sharper and stronger.

Black scales started growing over his body like armor. Soon enough his face was
covered with armor too leaving only his eyes open.

And, the eyes had turned yellow with a think black pupil which resembled the eyes
of a dragon.

Now, his body was totally covered by scales which indeed acted like armor. The
only parts that were exposed were his mouth, limbs, ears, tail, and eyes. It wouldn't
be an exaggeration to say that he was a dragon but the fact was that he was a half-


"What is a dragon doing here?"

Suddenly all the bears fell in chaos, They started running here and there. They
were perplexed and confused at the moment.

Of course, dragons had wings but there were dragons that were devoid of wings
and Shin resembled one of them.

"Stop everyone! What are you scared of?", the Bear King raised his voice n such a
manner that the chaos turned onto silence in just a second.

He roared after all on seeing which everyone stopped and turned their attention to
The Bear King was very much distinct from the remaining ones. As Lan had
reported, only the Higher level Bears were present here. Therefore, almost all of
them were quite huge. But the King was way more huge than them.

Probably Siara had sensed this due to which she asked the seven-member squad to
run instead of fight back.

"He is just a normal wolf! What are you all scared of?", he asked in a dominant

"A normal wolf?"

"He is a normal wolf?"

They started questioning and asked each other the same thing to verify if they had
heard it right.

They easily believed him because they had seen a small figure of a wolf before the
appearance of the dragon form. That was probably Shin's mistake, if he had
transformed into a dragon and then appeared, there might have been no openings
but oh well, what's done is done, now there was no use in thinking about the spilled

'Damn...', but Shin did have to worry now.

He could have used the chaos to his advantage to rescue Siara but it seemed like
the chaos subsided too early.

"Then what is the beast in front of us, Your Highness? Isn't it a dragon?", asked one
of the Greater Bears.


The Bear King had to answer that because the beast was now in front of them. He
had to come up with an answer because if he happened to fail to answer, then the
entire army would fall into chaos once again.

"He is a Wolf with Illusion attribute!", he sid this loudly after thinking for a moment.

The bears believed that almost immediately. The reason was that they couldn't feel
any aura from Shin, of course, that was because his Aura control skill was activated
to max which was concealing his aura.

Also, a dragon wouldn't possibly wander in such low-level forests after all. If it did,
then all the beasts would have evacuated or escaped by now!

"Yes, he is no dragon! He is a wolf! An Illusion wolf!"

"Everyone, let's just kill him for tricking us!", said one of the Greater Wolves.
'Damn, this isn't looking good...'

'The tide has turned, I'm completely sure that I am not strong enough to defeat
them, at least not these many bears!'

'What should I do? Maybe the tide was never in my favor, to begin with...'

'Should I just escape?'

And just when he was thinking that, to his surprise, a notification popped up.


[ Congratulation ]

[ You have... ]

To be continued...
Chapter 48 - The Flashback - Part 3: Hidden Mission And New Skills

[ Congratulation ]

[ You have completed the Hidden Mission 'The First Transformation' ]

[ You have succeeded in transforming into a Half-Dragon wolf ]

[ You will be provided with the following rewards ]

[ -> Level Up x1 ]

[ -> Generation of New Skills befitting the transformation x3 ]

[ -> New Parameters 'Fear' and 'Respect' will be added ]

[ Fear -> The host can see the target's fear count ( How much the target fears the
host or how much others fear the target ) ]

[ Respect -> The host can see the target's respect count ( How much the target
respect's the host or how much others respect the target ) ]

Believe it or not, Shin had no time to see the entire message. If he did, he would
have utterly been killed since all of a sudden all the bears attacked him from
almost all directions.

He jumped as high as he could and thanks to his bigger body and stronger limbs,
he jumped twice as high as the tree that was next to him. Of course, the tree
wasn't the largest in the forest, it was not the shortest either.

It was at least 10 meters tall, the tree that is.


Shin was nervous now, he could see all the wolves looking at him from the ground
with a fierce gaze. Especially the Bear King, he as the one who made Shin shiver
with the fiercest gaze!

'Now what do I do?', while Shin was wondering that, another notification popped up.

Of course, it was the continuation of the previous one but for Shin, it was like a new

[ Generation of new skills have been completed ]

[ You have gained an active Ultimate skill 'Dragon's Roar' Lv.1 ]

[ Dragon's Roar -> An Ultimate skill that gives out a loud roar similar to that of a
-> Inflicts fear in foes

-> Decreases MP by 2 per second until the skill is active ]

[ You have gained an active Ultimate skill 'Dragon's Aura' Lv.1 ]

[ Dragon's Aura -> Produces an aura similar to a Dragon

-> Inflicts fear in foes

-> Increases all the stats by 10 for 120 seconds ]

[ You have gained an active Ultimate Skill 'Hymn Of The Dragons' Lv.??? ]

[ Hymn Of The Dragons -> A song dedicated to dragons ]

-> Can summon dragons of any order

-> Summoning depends on Hymn

-> Decrease in 80% of MP ]

And that concluded all the notification.

Shin was still in mid-air when these notifications appeared. Of course, they
appeared at the same time and not one by one. Regardless, Shin didn't care about
them since he could hear the voice in his head!

The new skills did fascinate him, but now was not the time to be awed by them or
think about them.

He wanted to escape the situation and not only that, he wanted to save Siara and
complete the quest too.

'Just what the heck should I do?'

'I am a half-dragon right now but I have no idea about what I should be doing!'

Indeed, this was the first time he had transformed so he wasn't sure how the body
worked exactly/

Just a while ago he estimated the power of the jump different too. Of course, he
would eventually get used to it, but right now he was way too inexperienced to
fight in such a body.

That was the sole reason why he was worried, but thanks to the system, his mind
was set at ease!

[ Advice: Use the skill 'Hymn Of The Dragons' ]

'Huh? Didn't I get such a skill a moment ago?'

'The system already wants me to use that?', Shin asked himself in his mind.

Needless to say, the system was right, but it was up to Shin to decide whether to
would use it or not.

All the bears that were staring at Shin opened their mouths widely. Some tiny shiny
light orbs started to gather in their mouths.

In the end, they formed a large orb that protruded out of their mouths. It was
shining with yellow light. They were all aiming at Shin so it was evident that it was
some sort of attack!

The Bear King felt that there was no need to attack since his subordinate would
take care of it, but little did he know that their attacks would fail!

Fail? So easily? Yes, their attacks failed. It was not because Shin used some secret
trick, it was because they fired it late!

They thought that if Shin was quite close enough to them, the attack wouldn't miss
and it would have a maximum effect too. That was why they allowed Shin to fall
until he reached the level of their heads!

Unfortunately enough, they missed. Since Shin had grown in size and had scales
like armor, he was way heavier.

Due to that, he had more mass, and thanks to that the velocity with which he was
falling was even greater than normal. They anticipated it wrong and by the time
they fired the attack, Shin was already on the ground.

Of course, Shin did do a small thing to increase the velocity of his fall.

Initially, his head was towards the ground due to which he could easily see that
they were ready to attack him. Later, his head was tended towards the top.

How so? Did he change his position?

Well, something similar. He forced his body to form a ball or rather a sphere-like
shape thanks to which the air friction decreased and he fell much faster.

Even though it was by little, he still gained some time, and thanks to that he
escaped the deadly attack.

It would be inappropriate to say that this was all planned, but he did come up with
this idea at the moment! Guess what, science was not completely useless after all
in this world.



All the heads of the Intermediate Bears were flying in the air. Even the Greater
Bears were no exception, their heads were also cut off.

Blood emerged from the bodies as if it was a fountain. It started to rain, of course,
it was blood instead of water, a blood rain perhaps from the cut heads which were
high in the air!

It was a breathtaking sight.

To be continued...
Chapter 49 - The Flashback - Part 4: The Dragon Summoner
Siara had managed to kill 20 Intermediate Bears and 3 Greater Bears on her own,
but there were still 80 Intermediate Bears and 47 Greater Bears left with the King
too of course.

Now thanks to Shin's action, only 15 Intermediate Bears and 9 Greater Bears
remained. And yes, the King was alive too.

Since they all died thanks to Shin's action, he was given a tremendous amount of
Exp by the system which ended up aiding him to rise to the next level in an instant!

[ You have leveled up ]

[ You have leveled up ]

[ You have... ]

The same notification popped up at least twenty times.

After that finally, a different notification appeared when a strange sound was being
made, by Shin that is.


[ You have used the skill Hymn Of Dragons ]

Suddenly weird noises started to come out of Shin which took the form of a song.
Of course, it was probably the trashiest song or tune ever, it still linked to make
something unimaginable.


[ You sang the Hymn Of Shadow ]

[ You have succeeded in pleasing a Mid-Tier Dragon, The Shadow Dragon ]

[ Summoning a Shadow Dragon... ]

Suddenly a large magic circle was formed below him. It had tons of inscriptions on
it. Maybe, it was the Hymn that was engraved in the circle.

The circle was black in color. Shin was standing in the exact middle of it.


An intense flash of light, of course, black, emerged from the circle and rose
vertically! It practically engulfed Shin completely and he wasn't visible to anyone

Everyone was watching as this happened. Siara was absolutely bewildered by

seeing this.

Another circle formed in the sky parallel to the rising flash of black light. This circle
was also black but was distinguishable.

From that very circle, a pair of wings emerged out right after which a large but
flexible tail was visible. Following them was a massive body having a large head
with carnivorous large teeth.

"D-dragon? A real one?", asked one of the remaining Intermediate bears.

The parts weren't separate or detached, they all were connected. However, some
parts couldn't be seen or were actually invisible. Better to be said, they were
covered with black smoke.

[ Congratulation ]

[ You have summoned a Shadow Dragon ]

[ You have gained the title 'Dragon Summoner' ]

[ Your affinity with Dragons will be deepened and stronger Dragons could be
summoned ]

Shin just sang something on his own. Of course, he could feel the voice or rhythm
of the hymn deep within his soul, but it was totally different when he tried to sing.

Thanks to that trash-like but wonderful hymn, a shadow dragon responded.


The dragon roared with all its might right after landing on the ground. Its entire
body was still not visible since it was covered with some black-colored intense

All the Bears flinched the moment it roared. The Bear King was no exception.

The Dragon was huge, maybe two times the Bear King who was already 1.5 times
the size of the Greater bears!

Its tail moved flexibly but the dragon didn't attack anyone. It just stood there with
its four limbs as if it was analyzing something.

"That was a wonderful song...", it said without actually opening its mouth. Needless
to say, it was ancient Dragon magic that enabled the dragon to speak to everyone
without actually opening the mouth.

Of course, that was evident since there was a weird rainbow-colored mixed shine
on its body each time it spoke.
The dominant tone caused everyone to shiver. They were so scared that they
couldn't move even an inch.

The dragon then turned back and faced Shin without actually turning its entire body
back. It was possible thanks to its long neck.

He took a look at Shin who was standing there. He was surprised too because this
was the first time he had seen a dragon and indeed it was scary.

Just glancing at the Dragon's body one would faint. No one would even dare to look
into its eyes but it seemed like Shin was able to do that.

Both of them stared at each other for a moment. The entire area was filled with

"Well well, what do we have here?"

"A Dragon wolf?", the shadow dragon said this while looking at Shin.

Everyone heard that and now they started to doubt everything that the Bear King
said. That was because a dragon called a wolf 'Dragon Wolf' that was no ordinary

"Hmm. not fully-fledged are you now?", the dragon smiled.

"Would you sing the song for me again?", the dragon asked.


'How can I sing something which I don't even remember?', was what Shin asked

Well, the question to that was answered by the system.


[ The Hymn has been saved in the memory of the System and can be invoked by
the host at any moment ]

'Well, that's convenient...', Shin was relieved since the dragon wouldn't be mad as
he wouldn't refuse now.

"Yes, I would but...", Shin mumbled.

It was as if he had lost all his strength in front of a dragon. Of course, the dragon
wasn't concealing its aura so everyone was scared which included Shin and Siara

Its aura had started to slowly spread now when the Dragon realized that Shin was
frightened because of that.
"Hmm, now will this do any help?", the dragon completely concealed its aura as if it
was nothing.

Needless to say, Shin was surprised and impressed by this.

"Thank you..."

"Well actually...", he was about to tell the dragon about the bears when suddenly
all the bears started running here and there.

Since the aura was suppressed, they could now move with ease due to which they
started escaping which caused a large amount of chaos.

"Now now, I hate useless noises...", just after saying that the dragon turned its
gazes towards the Bears.

"Come to me kids, take care of these nuisances that are causing trouble!", that was
all the dragon said while glaring at the Bears.

The Bears were still running away while trying to escape from the dragon when
suddenly all of them stopped where they were. They couldn't move anymore or to
be precise, they had become like statues!

And from the shadows of the bears, red eyes could be seen.

To be continued...
Chapter 50 - The Flashback - Part 5: A Pact
The bears were now immobile. Each of them had shadows needless to say due to
the moonlight.

And in each shadow, a pair of red eyes could be seen. It was as if they were glaring
at the Bears.

Since Siara and Shin were the only ones that made no noise, they were perfectly
fine. But the Bears, who were the source of the Chaos, were immobile and were the
ones targetted by the Dragon.

All of a sudden the shadows started to move. From the shadows, large creatures
which looked like Centipedes appeared which wrapped the bears so tightly that
their body burst within a minute.

Another round of Blood-fountain could be seen. Within a minute, all the bears were

The Bear King did last for a minute more than the others, but that was no good
since he too ended up getting killed in the end.

Of course, the Bear King's body was stronger so his body didn't burst. The Shadow
Dragon was intrigued by this and slashed its body with its claws.

One slash and the Bear King was dead. In a moment, the chaos turned to silence
and the silence prevailed!

The Bears couldn't move their mouths and thus were unable to scream. It would
have pained a lot but oh well, they were dead now.

The marks of legs of the centipede-like monsters were left on the bodies of the
Greater Bears who survived the wrapping but couldn't make it out alive. Their
hearts stopped before their bodies could burst.

"Hmm, now it's peaceful."

"Now, please continue...", the dragon turned its neck back towards Shin while
asking him to sing the Hymn or song.

Well, Shin's eyeballs were shaking vigorously because he witnessed the terrifying
power of a dragon, a mid-tier one at that!

Saira had already fainted after seeing that. She was utterly terrified with Shin's Half-
Dragon form but more than that, she was traumatized by the ruthless way in which
the Shadow Dragon killed all the bears.

Of course, she had the misconception that the Shadow Dragon was Shin's slave or
Servent or Familiar due to which Shin became the source of her fear.

All the so-called Kids of the Shadow dragon vanished right after they killed them.
Therefore, only Siara, Shin, and the Shadow Dragon were present there.

Shin was forced to sing the Hymn again which the Shadow Dragon listened
patiently and calmly.

For humans, beasts, or any other monsters, the song would be utterly disgusting,
that might be the case for other dragons too, but for the Shadow dragon, it was the
best song it had ever heard.

Well, dragons are one of those species which enjoy songs or hymns. Indeed,
different dragons would have different hymns which they would like. Thus, the
Shadow dragon loved this one and responded to Shin.

The song ended soon but the dragon continued to ask Shin to sing again. Finally,
after ten times, the dragon stopped asking.

"I enjoyed it thoroughly, thank you for singing for me...", the dragon said in a low
but dominant voice.

"I, the Shadow Dragon Argant, am really grateful for such a wonderful song!"

Well, the rarest thing in the world is probably seeing a dragon thanking someone.

'I wonder what's the use of this skill?'

'It did allow me to summon the dragon but was it only to sing a song for it?', Shin

If the Bears wouldn't have moved or caused chaos, then the dragon wouldn't even
give a sh*t about them. Therefore, Shin wondered and questioned the usefulness of
the skill when suddenly he found the answer for it.

"It was good boy, come here, let's form a pact!", the dragon said.

"P-pact?", Shin was surprised when he heard that.

"Yes.", the dragon smiled.

It was now no longer using magic to speak, it was genuinely moving its mouth and
speaking but Shin didn't notice the change.

"What's a pact?", Shin wanted to ask the question to the system and knew that it
would answer, but he wanted to build his relationship with the dragon and the best
way for that was to converse with it more!

"You don't know what a pact is?", the dragon was a bit surprised when he heard
Shin's question.

The reason for it was simple, all the beasts had at least some knowledge about it
and so should Shin, but the Dragon wasn't aware of Shin's origins, well he was a
human from a different world after all.

Also, he was a pup! How could a pup know about those things?

Well, right now Shin was in his Half-Dragon form which was much larger and
seemed to be at least as old as 6-7 years so the dragon didn't question his age.

"A pact is a bond formed between agreed individuals..."

"It allows one to keep track of the other and help when in need.", the Shadow
dragon said.

"Hmm, so it's like a contract?", Shin asked.

By contract, Shin referred to what one does on Earth. A bond paper is made and
the contract is signed based on which one must do work and earn or redeem the

In this world, the same meaning stood so the dragon denied it almost immediately.

"No, a contract is made only when one seeks to get benefits."

"But a pact is made on friendship!"

Shin was surprised by what the dragon said. In the end, he understood that the
dragon wanted to be his friend.

Who would let go of such an amazing opportunity? Well, some might, thinking that
this might have been a trap?

But Shin didn't. He readily accepted to form the pact.

"Yes, let's form a pact!", Shin replied with eagerness.

"Alright." right after saying this, the dragon close its eyes.

Suddenly a massive amount of energy started to get generated and a symbol

appeared in the mid-air. The symbol somewhat resembled a dragon. It was
completely black with a purple tint.

"Now, put a drop of your blood on the magic circle near you...", the dragon said
after opening its eyes.

"Magic circle?"


Shin realized that a magic circle was just near him, well, in front of him. He bit his
leg a bit and put a drop of blood on the black magic circle right after which a similar
symbol appeared in front of him.
Well, to be precise, it was a bit different. While the symbol in front of the dragon
was black with a dragon face-shaped mark, Shin's was white colored with a wolf
face mark!

The symbols then started to near each of them. The white symbol collided with the
shadow dragon while the black symbol collided with Shin.

Suddenly a large flash of light got emitted from both of their heads where the
magic circles collided with the respective colors, white on the dragon and black on

the light lasted for a minute right after which both of them stared at each other
with relief.

"Alright! It's complete!", the dragon said while breaking the uncanny silence.

"I will return to my domain now, if you are in need of me, summon me anytime and
I will help you!", the dragon said with calm eyes devoid of rage or fierceness.

"I sure will, of course, I will help you too when you are in need.", Shin replied.

"Haha, I hardly doubt that it will ever happen.", after saying this the Shadow dragon
vanished inside a circle which he formed.


"Finally it's over..."

After that Shin healed Siara. Needless to say, he dragged her to the nearby stream
right after which Kira and the rest of the gang appeared and so the story continued.

And Siara finished narrating. Although she didn't know the entire truth, she told
what she saw and the reason why she feared Shin.

To be continued...
Chapter 51 - Curse Lifted With Ease
"So that's what had happened..."


"What's shocking is that he transformed into a Dragon!", Kira was sweating

profusely. Well, he was trembling too.

Lan, who had initially come to deliver another message to Kira was shocked when
he heard this. He hid near the tree on the other side and listened to everything.

Of course, Kira had detected his presence long back, but he didn't say anything to
him. It was not a big deal anyway because he trusted Lan.

Dragons are the legendary beings present in this world. Not one nor five, there are
tons of Dragons in a land called Dragon's Paradise. They reside there. No one
knows where this land is and probably the Celestials are the only ones who know
about it.

Dragons are the beings that have the power to rival that of Gods. There were many
myths in which the Gods had to pay for messing with the Dragons but no one knew
if those myths were true.

Well, dragons reside in other places too and those places are considered to be one
of the deadliest places. The forest where even one dragon is said to be found is
deemed to be the deadliest forest in the world!

Therefore they are highly feared, respected, and worshiped by many, especially the
beasts and races that are closely related to dragons and originate from them.

Thus, there were some beasts in the past that had the power of the Dragons. In a
sense, they could not only borrow the powers of the dragons, they could even
destroy them.

In other words, they were as strong as dragons. Of course, that meant that they
could rival the true Gods!

No wonder that Shin, the Wolf God, went to Heaven in order to battle the Gods.

As Kira mentioned earlier, there were only five such beings that had ever had the
dragon attributes, well, throughout the history that is.

So it was unimaginable that Shin was also a wolf with dragon attributes.

"Lan, is there something you wish to speak?", Kira asked in a low voice after
thinking on this matter for a long time.

"Y-yes your majesty...", Lan said.

"Hmm, what is it?", Kira asked.

"I was told by Sir Aaron to inform you that all the members from the Midnight Wolf
who were inflicted by curses were now completely fine.", Lan said with nervousness
because he too was thinking about Shin at the same time.

"Is that so?", Kira's attention was totally diverted when he heard that.

Well, he was shocked again after all. Shin had clearly asked for a day's time, but it
hardly been an hour since then and they were already relieved of their curses!


'I guess what Siara said was indeed true! If he can borrow the powers of the
Dragons, then it makes sense that he is able to curse curses so fast.', Kira was
nervous, probably the most out of all of them.

"We'll talk later Siara.", Kira said this and left the place almost immediately.

"Yes Your Highness.", Siara nodded by bowing her head.

Lan bowed his head too as Kira passed by him and rushed towards the cave where
many wolves from both the clans had gathered.

The wolves who were inflicted by the curse were coming out. Kira was now
completely sure after seeing it with his own eyes.

But he wanted to talk with Aaron about this too and wanted to see the smile on his

That was why he rushed towards the cave only to find Aaron missing. Although
everyone bowed when he walked there, he didn't care about them.

All he did was ask about Aaron but no one seemed to know. Even Shin was missing
from the place.

'Weird, where might have they gone?', Kira wondered when suddenly Lan walked
towards him.

"Your Highness, are you by chance looking for Master Aaron?", Lan asked.

"Yes, do you know where he is?", Kira asked almost immediately.

"Yes, I saw him going towards the Cliff with Master Shin.", Lan nodded his head
while saying that.

"Alright.", that's all Kira said and rushed towards the cliff that was just ahead.

Well, it was not that far, but it wasn't close either. It took three to four minutes with
Kira's speed to reach the place.
There were many rocks and boulders here and there. It was a place with almost no

'The cliff is a bit further if I'm not wrong...', he walked gallantly while looking for
Aaron when suddenly he heard someone speak.

Just then he hid behind one of the boulders and just before hiding he was able to
see the back of a wolf.

'Who? Who is here?', he wondered and asked himself the answer for which he knew

"M-Master, I had no idea you were so strong..."


"Please side us in the upcoming War!"


'This voice...'

'It sounds familiar...', of course, Kira knew the voice since it was Aaron who was

Kira kept on hiding and hearing the conversation.

"War eh?", Shin asked.


Both of them were facing the other way. While Shin was sitting at the edge of the
cliff and staring at the moon, Aaron sat a bit farther than Shin near the boulders.

Of course, Kira was hiding behind one of these boulders.

"The moon is beautiful tonight isn't it?", Shin asked.

"Y-yes?", Aaron failed to understand why Shin said that.

"War and bloodshed..."

"I dislike them...", right after saying that Shin stood up and started to walk back
towards the Clan where all were present.

Kira pinned himself towards the wall to prevent himself from being detected by
Shin. But oh well, he was already detected long ago.

Nevertheless, he found out that the conversation between Shin and Aaron was
going on. But more than that, he was surprised to see Aaron bow his head in front
of Shin.

'Did he found out about Shin's powers?', Kira wondered.

Well, it was safe to call him 'Shin' in his mind so there were no side effects or
changes in the weather or some uncanny happening.

To be continued...
Chapter 52 - The Shadow Dragon
Shin had already walked back to the clan whereas now only Kira and Aaron were
left alone here.

Of course, Kira wanted to know about what had happened due to which he exposed
himself and walked towards Aaron.

"Aaron...", he said in a low voice.

"Kira...", Aaron looked at him and then lowered his head.

Perhaps he too had detected Kira's presence, not that Kira even tried concealing it.

"Are you worried about the upcoming War?", Kira asked.

Aaron just nodded his head. Then he turned towards Kira and said, "Help me, Kira, I
want Master Shin!"

"If he is with us then we will win definitely!", Aaron's eyes were completely wide.

It was as if Kira was looking at some maniac. It was weird, way too weird.

"Aaron...?", Kira called out to Aaron after seeing his weird behavior.

"Yes, definitely..."

"Master Shin can...", Aaron was mumbling to himself constantly as if he had gone

"Aaron! Are you alright?", Kira raised his voice.



Aaron snapped out of it when Kira shouted at him. Any longer and Aaron would
have been out of reach.

"What happened to you? Why are you so obsessed with having Shin in your clan?",
Kira asked.

He wanted to confirm if what he was thinking was the truth. He wanted to know if
Aaron was aware that Shin had a dragon attribute.


"Do you know how strong Master Shin is?", Aaron stared at Kira while asking that.

It was now starting to freak Kira out, the eyes, the wide freak-like eyes which Aaron
was showing right now were too disgusting and freaky!

"No, isn't he just a healer?"

"How can he be strong?", Kira pretended not to know anything while he already
knew everything since Siara had testified it.

"Listen, Kira, Master Shin is no ordinary wolf!"

"He is a wolf that comes once in a lifetime..."

"No! Once in a century..."

"No! Once in a Million Years!", Aaron had no words to describe. All he did was raise
the parameters with which he could measure Shin.

"What are you trying to say?", Kira asked while faking it even now.

"Have you never seen his true power?", Aaron asked.

"No, I have-", even before Kira could finish saying, Aaron spoke.

"I have! I have seen!"

"That moment..."

"No matter what happens, I can never forget that moment..."

He then started narrating what he saw and the reason why he was behaving in
such a way and was obsessed with having Shin join his clan.

An hour ago...

"Sigh looks like I have to ask his help again..."

"Let me summon him..."

Shin's eyes shined with white light yet again and a magic circle was formed.
Everything happened the same way as the last but the only difference was that he
didn't require to sing the complete song or anything else this time.


[ You have used the skill Hymn Of The Dragons ]

[ Pact with the Shadow Dragon Argant detected ]

[ Would you like to summon the Shadow Dragon Argant? ]

[ -> Yes/No ]

This time it was different because a pact already existed. Maybe the pact acted as
a link between Shin and the Shadow Dragon Argant.

Usually one had to transform into the dragon form to use such a skill but since it
was a skill granted to 'Half-Dragon', then it could be used by Wolf such as Shin too
since he was part of the other half!

All the dragon skills that he received could be used in any form and probably the
power and things differed, but at the end of the day, the bottom line was that he
could use the skills freely.

The magic circle this time formed in front of him and the Shadow Dragon appeared
from the circle.


As soon as it appeared, it roared loudly causing the entire cave tremoring. Since it
was a cave, the roar basically echoed and eventually exited the cave.

Aaron, who was guarding the cave, heard the loud roar and flinched.

Of course, not many heard because they were quite far away from the cave, but
some did hear. However, they thought that it might have been some random beast
nearby that could be taken care of by the guards so they didn't care.

Well, as for Aaron who was absolutely sure that the roaring sound came from the
cave, he started walking inside.

He walked as calmly as he could and hid his presence so that none could detect

More than that, he was basically paralyzed as soon as he entered the cave. The
reason for this was quite simple, the massive aura which he felt!

Since a dragon appeared out of nowhere, it emitted quite a large amount of aura
that spread throughout the cave almost immediately, and that was what Aaron felt.

But the Aura vanished within a moment as if it was concealed. After that Aaron
could walk with ease. Of course, the paralysis was due to fear and nothing else.

He was about to reach the area where Shin was present when suddenly he found a
shadow on the wall of the cave.


He quickly and swiftly hid behind a wall and prevented himself from entering the
place where Shin was present because he could see the shadow there.
"Hmm, curses, that's an easy job!", the dragon said.

Aaron heard the dominant tone. He realized that a dragon was present by looking
at the shadow on the wall.

He did try to peek but failed since he lacked the guts to do so.

Shin asked the dragon to lift the curses and the Shadow dragon did as he was
asked to.

Well, it was a piece of cake for him. Shin did hear that a Shadow Wolf did this but
the power of the shadow attribute would be much more dominant for a dragon than
a wolf!

Aaron used up all his courage to just stay there. He then tried to peek a bit right
when Argant vanished after completely lifting the curse.

Just when Aaron looked there, he found only Shin left.

"Huh?", he made a noise on hearing which Shin turned back almost immediately.

"Who?", Shin did ask that but he could clearly see Aaron standing in front of him.


"Did you see it?", Shin asked.


Aaron swallowed a whole lot of dry saliva and said, "I'm sorry, I was just worried..."


'Damn, he found out that I can use my skills to summon Dragons...', Shin grit his
teeth and then walked out of the cave without telling anything else.

All the members were waking up now one by one for which Aaron was quite
thankful but he had the same surprised expression on his face.

His eyes were widely opened when he said, "I can't believe that a legendary dragon
disguised itself into a wolf!"

Wrong, he definitely and totally got wrong!

Oh well, that was how his narration ended.


To be continued...
Chapter 53 - The Clan Wars
"What did you say?", Kira was completely astonished to hear what Aaron said.

He trusted Aaron completely so he couldn't help but believe him however whatever
he was saying sounded too good to be true!

Well, it was way too abnormal anyway.

'Siara told me that Shin could summon a dragon...'

'And now Aaron is saying to me that Shin can transform into a dragon?'

'Does that mean...'

'Does that mean that he is a dragon king or something and has tons of dragons in
his command?'

'Did he become tired of living his royal life so he came to lower realms and
disgusted himself into a wolf to experience the life of lower beasts?'

What an interesting and imaginative story Kira formulated. Well, he was completely
wrong and way off the charts.

He couldn't help but believe them because all of them could be relatable.

First of all, Shin was just a pup but still could speak, use healing abilities, run faster
than any of them, and could massacre the entire Bear Clan! How come any of these
were ordinary?

Kira was rather forced to believe and formulate his own story of what might have

He himself got chills just by imagining that.

Now he understood why Aaron was so desperate to recruit Shin into his own clan.

Shin was already part of the Clan that Kira ruled so he had no interest in giving him
easily after hearing and concluding all this!

"Listen, Aaron, you must calm down..."

"First of all Shin is part of my clan so he wouldn't possibly join yours..."

When Kira said that, Aaron understood that it was because of Kira that Shin didn't
want to join the Biola clan.

He was about to ask Kira to expel him out of his clan so that he could take him in,
but would Kira agree so easily?

Of course, no, he wouldn't let such a gem go that easily! At least not when he came
to know the truth about Shin, according to him that is.

But Kira was not that merciless to his brothers. After all, he trusted Aaron so much
that he asked his kin to take refugee in the clan of Biola!

"I will ask him to help you...", Kira said this in the end in order to console Aaron and
prevent him from making any foolish mistake that could create a rift between

"Really!?", Aaron's eyes sparkled when he heard Kira.

"Yes", Kira nodded his head and smiled.

"Thanks a lot, second brother!", Aaron was indeed joyed and the reason for which
was quite obvious, he was assured that he would win the Clan Wars!

So what exactly are the Clan Wars? Why is it so significant? What are the merits
and demerits?

Clan Wars are the wars conducted among the Clans of a species to determine the

Humans have learned how to colonize. They have their own Kings who have
dispersed themselves. There are tons of Kingdoms and they too conduct such wars
to determine the strongest Kingdom.

Well, many lives are indeed cost in this needless war, despite that it has been done
for the past 500 years! For them, it's called the 'Kingdom Wars'.

The beasts and monsters that are large in number and have colonies or clans that
are dispersed, conduct wars to expand their terrain or erase the enemy that they

A good thing is that no wars are conducted for the rest of the time among the clans
until the next Clan War gets started!

Unlike Kingdom Wars which are conducted once in four years, Clan wars are
conducted once every three years. Therefore, one can rest and maintain peace
with other clans for a maximum period of three years. Well, it could be extended in
some cases when some Clans would support the winner or the others.

The benefits of this War are quite simple, Peace is maintained for the rest of the
three years. One could expand the terrain or territory in the War by winning against

Also, one would get a name and fame in the battle.

But bloodshed would be inevitable in the battle. Many will lose their lives.

Of course, the Wars are based on different things, but in the end, it would be an all-
out war against each other.

Only those who would want a war would be allowed to participate while those who
wouldn't be required of any war would be assumed the position of judge or would
be left out.

In any case, these Clan Wars were feared by all because if one would lose, they
would become others' servants!

Biola clan had already lost twice and had now turned into a small Clan. Of course, it
would have vanished if Kira hadn't helped them.

Aaron was thinking of participating in it again so that he could win and reclaim the
lost territories and the members whom he had lost three years ago, not that he
knew if they were alive and fine.

"Sigh, alright, let's go back..."

"There is no use thinking about something that is going to happen in six months..."

"All we can do is prepare for it, it's better not to think about the results from now!"

What Kira said was right. If one would only think of the results without actually
thinking about the process, then it would only lead to failure in most cases.

Regardless, Kira and Aaron walked back to the clan where all the Midnight wolves
bowed in front of Aaron while paying their respect.

Some were thankful for healing their family member but more than that Aaron was
happy when he met his wife and children. Well, of course, one could have many
wives in this world and Aaron had 3 in total.

He had lost one of them in the Clan Wars to another Clan, one of them had been
cursed, and another was perfectly fine and was chatting with Siara.

The Shadow Wolf attacked them last month which actually broke the rules. But it
was to be noted that Shadow Wolf formed a clan after the last Clan Wars so they
didn't necessarily have any rules to follow.

Regardless, one thing was for sure, soon a massive War was going to cover the
entire forest of Caronthin, a totally different forest where all the wolves meet to do
the Clan Wars!

To be continued...
Chapter 54 - Monstrous Profile
Aaron was continuously worrying about the Clan Wars but nothing would come out
of worrying anyway so Kira advice him to take deep breaths and calm down.

He too went to the large cave to take a rest which was only for guests which Aaron
had asked to make.

Well, natural caves are quite hard to find, due to which Wolves can make caves or
dens on their own where they can stay.

That's how they have evolved after all.

In any case, it was late at the night, probably around 11 PM. All were sleeping while
the guards were guarding.

Some of the White wolf clan decided to help the Biola clan thus they were shifting
positions in regular intervals.

The same way they continued. Lan was also resting because he had to leave the
next day quite early.

Kira had tasked him to take a look at their terrain if it was safe enough to return
back after all they had abandoned their homes!

Shin was also resting, under a tree that is. Well, usually higher wolves are provided
with dens. Lower-ranking wolves are not provided with dens or caves because there
couldn't possibly be that large amount of space available to build so many dens!

But the fact was that Shin was provided with a den. However he insisted on
sleeping out under a tree the reason for which was quite simple, he liked cold
things and the climate outside was cold enough for him to enjoy.

Well, his Cold Resistance skill didn't have any effect because that skill was only for
extreme cold conditions and not all conditions! Therefore he could still feel the
exciting coolness in the air.

It was foggy but not much, only a bit due to which vision wasn't affected. Moreover,
who cared about it right now? The guards? Maybe they did, but other than them, all
were asleep so there was no need to even think about it.

It was soon a new day. Lan got up quite quickly and left as soon as possible.
Everyone rested until the sun rose and shone with its bright light!


'A new day...'

Shin rolled on the ground on the soft grass when the sunlight fell directly on his
He barely opened his eyes. All he did was just sit upright with his eyes closed
probably because he was still drowsy.

Well, he sat for around an hour in the same position finally after which he decided
to walk and stretch a bit.

He could find many more wolves here and there. They were chatting with each

Right now no one paid Shin any respect because they had no idea who he actually
was. The only ones who knew about his greatness or actually might have
overestimated him were Kira, Siara, Aaron, and Lan.

Surely, the ones from the White Wolf Clan were a bit respectful to him since they
had seen Kira calling him 'master', but oh well, in the end, they were too busy to
even notice such a small pup walking near them.

'Sigh, I never thought that I would be ready to evolve again so quickly...', he said
this after reaching the same cliff where he had a small chatter with Aaron the day

'I was level 24 just yesterday and now I am already level 25 only because all the
members got their curses lifted?'

'It wasn't even me! It was Argant who did that...'

'But in a way, indirectly it was me I guess...', Shin was not exactly sad or pissed off,
he was just annoyed by the fact that he had to complete another stupid mission to
evolve and that too so early!

'I can still recall that message that appeared that time...'

[ Congratulation ]

[ You have earned a new title 'The Curse Lifter' ]

[ You will be able to erase or lift curse much more easily ]


[ You have leveled up ]

[ You have met the requirements to evolve ]

[ Find a particularly safe place for the evolution to start ]

That was the message that had appeared back then.

'I mean, just look at that title, couldn't it have given me some better title?'
'A curse lifter? For real?', all he did was sigh.

He took a look at his monstrous profile and status to see how much he had

[ Profile ]

Name: Shin

S.e.x: Male

Age: 22 days 01 hours 11 minutes 01 seconds

Weight: 0.7 Kg (1.5 Pound)

Race: Lupus (wolf race)

[ Evolved Warrior Wolf ]

Rank: D || Max. rank: ???

Level: 25 || Max. level: 25

HP: 65/65 || Max. HP: ???

MP: 40/40 || Max. MP: ???

Exp: 980 || Max. Exp: 980

Atk: 70 || Max. Atk: ???

Def: 68 || Max. Def: ???

Speed: 85 || Max. Speed: ???

Int: 50 || Max. Int: ???

[ Skills Gained ]

[ Active Skills ]

1] Bite Lv.2

2] Dash Lv.4

3] Copy Lv.2

4] Heal Lv.2

5] Transformation Lv.1
6] Flame Wave Lv.1

7] Dark Manipulation Lv.1

8] All Seeing Eye Lv.1

9] Aura Control Lv.2

10] Dragon's Roar Lv.1

11] Dragon's Aura Lv.1

12] Hymn Of The Dragons' Lv.???

13] Total Curse Immunity Lv. Max

14] Curse Eraser Lv.1

15] HP Eater Lv.1

[ Passive Skills ]

1] Cold Resistance Lv.1

2] Heat Resistance Lv.1

3]Shock Resistance Lv.1

4] Predator Lv.???

5] Hunter Lv.???

6] Moonlight Warrior Lv.1

7] Language Translation Lv.1

'Sigh, come to think of it, the skill Dash leveled up twice when I was running to save
Siara and Copy leveled up when I learned the skill HP Eater...'

'The Dash skill didn't give me much of a shock because it was the longest distance I
had ever run with my fastest speed...'

'But the Copy skill sure was a surprise. It activated on its own and leveled up with
just copying one skill...'


[ Skill Dash Has leveled up ]

Lv.2 -> Lv.3

[ Skill Dash has leveled up ]

Lv.3 -> Lv.4

[ -> On usage, your speed will be raised by 4 ]

[ -> Dexterity of the limbs will be increased by 10% ]

[ -> Fatigue will be acc.u.mulated with the rate of 0.2 per second ]

[ -> Skill will get deactivated automatically when the fatigue reaches 30 ]

And the other was the skill Copy of course.


[ Skill Copy has leveled up ]

[ Lv.1 -> Lv.2 ]

"Well, it's good to be strong and I want to grow stronger..."

"And someday, I want to assume a human-like appearance..."

"But for now I need to find a safe place..."

And when he was saying that out loud, he heard some noise as if someone was
walking towards him.

He almost immediately turned his head to the back only to find the unexpected.


"What are you doing here?"

To be continued...
Chapter 55 - Unimaginable Stats
"What are you doing here?"

Shin was surprised to see the same wolf pup whom Shin had saved earlier, stand
right before him.

Well more than that, he was baffled to see her stats!

[ Profile ]

Name: ???

S.e.x: Female

Age: 20 days 00 hours 43 minutes 55 seconds

Weight: 0.4 Kg

Race: Lupus (wolf race)

[ White Wolf ]

Rank: E || Max. rank: ???

Level: 04 || Max. level: 05

HP: 18/18 || Max. HP: 20

MP: 17/17 || Max. MP: 20

Exp: 35 || Max. Exp: 40

Atk: 16 || Max. Atk: 20

Def: 17 || Max. Def: 20

Speed: 75 || Max. Speed: 100

Int: 20 || Max. Int: 20

[ Skills ]

1] Wind Run Lv.1

-> Uses the power of the wind to increase the speed by 50%

-> Can be used for 00:00:02:00 ( 2 minutes )

-> Cool Down Timer: 00:06:00:00 ( 6 hours )

'The heck is wrong with her speed stat? Seventy-five out of hundred?', Shin was
totally surprised because even his own speed stat wasn't as great when compared
to hers.

Well for the moment his was definitely higher, but that was only because he had
evolved and was supported by the system. As for the female wolf pup in front of
him, she didn't have any cheats or system and hadn't evolved even once so it was
terrifying to see how strong she was right now.

Shin concluded that she was some sort of Wind type or perhaps was blessed by the
God of Wind. She had a super badass skill right there which would increase her
speed by 50% which was no joke!

If she were to use that, then Shin would utterly be defeated even while using the
skill Dash!

'How did she learn that anyway?', he wondered.

The wolf pup came closer to Shin and started liking his fir in the face. Then his eyes
were licked and his ear too.

It would be rather disgusting but Shin didn't have any feeling of that sort. In fact, it
was a bit ticklish and relaxing for him. Iy was as if she was playing with him.

'Perhaps she recognizes me...'

Well, he was completely right, the pup recognized him and wanted to be friends
with him. She wanted to repay the debt which she had acc.u.mulated.

Usually, a wolf pup undergoes some minute changes from 14 to 24 days and this
period is called Transitional Period but in some cases, the days might vary.

As for Shin, the Socialization Period had already begun from 20 days which should
have actually started from the 24th day after birth.

That was the same for the female pup too, her socialization period had begun from
the 19th day!

Well, these were some rare cases anyway and probably happened to only a few like
Shin and the female pup.

''What happened? Do you want to play with me?", Shin asked.

The wolf pup almost immediately nodded her head as if she understood what he

"Alright then! Here I come!", he jumped over her and started to bite her soft ears.

The pup started to make a chuffing sound, kind of a short grunt. Those sounds are
usually made by the pups when they are happy or excited.
Both of them rolled over each other and played as long as they could.

For some reason, Shin was actually behaving like a pup too. It might have been
that his mentality had been affected because of the wolf-like brain but oh well, it
wasn't bad.

After playing for an hour, both of them got tired. Well, not that they were fatigued,
it was just that their hearts were filled with happiness after playing for so long.

Probably this was the first time they had played so it was quite refreshing. Shin
forgot about his human self for a while and enjoyed it for as long as he could.

Both of them fell asleep after an hour. Well, Shin just lied on the ground and stared
at the sky whereas the pup was indeed fast asleep.

Shin was satisfied and probably this was the first time he had felt something like
this, in this world at least.

"Baby, where are you?"

Someone was continuously calling by raising the voice. Shin almost immediately
recognized the voice since he had heard it many times before.


'Is she looking for this pup?', he asked himself in his mind while looking at the small
pup lying just next to him.

Siara was calling out to her under the cliff. She hadn't thought about the possibility
of the pup being on the cliff. In any case, Shin thought that he would wake her up
and let her reunite with Siara.

But he was feeling uneasy. The reason was simple, he could see a weird sense of
fear in Siara's eyes.

Earlier too, he could feel that she was a bit terrified because of him maybe.

He knew the reason for that very well, she was terrified because she saw him
summoning a dragon.

He couldn't help it could he now? Thus he just stood up and walked to the edge of
the cliff and gave her a call by raising his own cute voice.

"Siara, the one you are searching for is here!"

Siara was in fact shocked when she heard someone call her name. Probably, Kira
and Aaron were the only ones who could call her name directly. Yes, even Aaron's
wives perhaps but right now she heard a soft voice as if someone quite young was
calling her.
She was infuriated for a second.

"How dare you call-", while saying this she raised her head by turning to the back
only to find Shin standing on top of the cliff.


Her voice vanished in a moment just after noticing Shin.

She started mumbling to herself.

"What the heck did I do just now?"

"Why did I shout at him?"

"What if he summons the dragon to kill me?"

She kept on mumbling things that only she could hear. Thankfully Shin didn't hear.

"Here, she is here!", he raised his voice again.

"You can come up!", Shin was constantly shouting and rating his voice because he
thought that the voice wouldn't reach her or it would be inaudible.

But little did he know that he was actually sounding a bit intimidating. The clouds
over and the sun shone again due to which the Brightside of Shin vanished and
only his shadow was seen by Siara.

Of course, the sun was behind him. And his shadow was quite long!

Fo Siara, it sounded as if he was ordering her to come up.

Something like this - "Come up or else I will butcher you alive!" - that's what
echoed in Siara's ears.

Thus she rushed up as soon as she could.

To be continued...
Chapter 56 - Exploring The Forest
Siara rushed towards the top of the cliff and arrived within a minute.


She was terrified and was shivering because of what she made herself heard.

Regardless, Shin had no intention of telling her what to do or not. He just wanted to
help her find the wolf pup. The pup was with him so he wanted to let her know at

"Here, she is sleeping here. You were searching for hr right?", Shin said in a low

Siara took a peek and found that the wolf pup was indeed sleeping there. She was
happy to see her safe.

"Oh...", she realized the reason for which Shin had called her.

For a moment she was confused yet again.

'Did I hear wrong?', was what she asked herself now.

In any way, Shin didn't look scary anymore. He was looking like a normal pup now.
Well, Siara didn't have any business with him so she wanted to go away as soon as

She slowly and steadily walked towards the young pup, grabbed her in her mouth,
and then left as soon as she could.

'Sigh looks like she is traumatized because of that...', Shin sighed when he thought

He spaced out for a moment and kept on staring at the blank space while
wondering something.

He was worried about how Kira would respond to him. He then walked towards the
edge of the cliff and then started to recall the moment when he met Kira.

t was like a miracle probably. It would be an understatement to say that he was

completely shocked by Kira's powers. His aura itself was quite terrifying.

Even now, in terms of direct confrontation, Shin would stand no chance against
Kira, Lan, Siara, or Aaron.

But in contrast to that, he had developed some skills that would end up giving him
victory if used wisely,

For example, the dragon summoning skill would easily help him kill all the wolves.
Well, Kira could be an exceptional case because Shin had no idea about his power.
After all, no weakling could obtain the title of Strongest Beast of the forest!

Whatever it may be, Shin wanted to take a look at Kira's stats. That was why he
started walking down the cliff in search of Kira.

"Hello, young pup..."

"Wow, what a healthy pup!"

There were many wolves baffled by seeing Shin. In fact, they were excited to find
such a small pup walking on its own.

Needless to say, a young pup would always be with its mother or any guardian for
protection. It would never wander on its own because even wolves would attack the
pups if they were found to be alone!

Well, the members of the clan were good ones so there wasn't much to worry
about. Also, Shin could definitely defend himself against the attacks if any.

He walked all the way to the edge of the Biola Clan. How were the boundaries
described? Well, one could easily see many tone boulders at the edges or some
sort of markings.

Shin too saw many boulders arranged one after the other as if they acted like a
fence or something. He was completely sure that he arrived near the boundary.

He actually wanted to explore the forest a bit more but thanks to joining the White
Wolf Clan, he could no longer explore the forest.

He had to do everything that the clan did. He couldn't help himself that time. He
was way too immature then.

'No one is looking at me, I guess this is the best opportunity to complete that
mission...', Shin wondered.

[ Mission 0C4 ]

[ Hunt a Mariorack Deer ]

[ Rewards - None ]

There was absolutely no merit in completing such a mission, but he wanted to

explore the forest a bit so completing the mission would be a good thing for him

Also, it had been a day or two since he had something tasty. That's because the
wolves only ate minor beasts. They would sometimes store them in open that is
because of which the taste would become too sour.
Well, that's how Shin survived till date anyway after eating in their places.

Shin hopped over the boulder and arrived on the opposite side. He was finally out
of the terrain.

As mentioned earlier, the terrain leader could sense if someone exits or enters the
terrain. Aaron was no exception, he too sensed that Shin exited the terrain.

But he had absolutely nothing to worry about. In his eyes, Shin was a freaking

He had no control over him so he couldn't hold him back anyway. Therefore, he
didn't mind the matter at all.

One hour passed since Shin left the terrain. He wandered inside the forest here and

Well, he didn't find any beast there, absolutely no dangerous one. Provably that
was because this place had already been hunted by the wolves.

"Hmm, I wonder if any deer would graze around..."

There were tons of grasses found there. A fact that wolves were carnivorous caused
the grasses to remain.

Since most of the times the herbivores were hunted, the grasses grew even more
attracting been more herbivores.

That was why Shin wondered if it was indeed the case that any herbivore could be
found nearby.

Out of them, he was expecting to find a Mariorack Deer.

Another hour passed and all that Shin found were some tiny beasts. But he was
sure that he was slowly entering those areas where more beasts lied.

Another two hours passed and by now he had gone quite far away from the clan.
There was no need to remember the way back because he had the navigating
feature anyway.

But the act was that he couldn't go much farther anyway.

In reality, he was just exploring and didn't mind how far he went. He arrived at a
place where he could see many colorful birds and lizards on trees including colorful
flowers everywhere.


Suddenly he heard some weird noises as if bushes were moving.

'Something is nearby...'

To be continued...
Chapter 57 - Poison Resistance
He didn't have any appraisal skills nor did he have any search skills, but those
weren't required in the first place because he had a system.

Probably he expected the system to do those works.

'System, can you determine what kind of beast is nearby?', Shin asked.

He could feel a faint aura so he was sure that there was something nearby. But he
had no idea of what it was.


[ Affirmative ]

[ Detecting... ]

It took a second or two for the system to find out what kind of beast was nearby.


[ A Green Poison Lizard found ]

[ Advice: The system advises the host to ignore it and move forward for another
mile to find a Mariorack Deer ]

Shin had absolutely no reason to ignore the system's advice. But, he ignored it for
the time being.

His reasoning was way bizarre but was somewhat correct. He wanted to eat the
lizard just because the word 'Poison' was mentioned.

He hadn't gained any skill that immunized him against poison. He had never
encountered any beast that used poison. To be precise, he either dodged the
attacks or escaped from them, never once did he think that he could use them to
his advantage to gain poison resistance!

Finally, his bird-sized brain thought for once and he could now finally gain the
poison resistance!

However, it wasn't to be underestimated. When hit by poison, one would require to

create an antidote to get healed!

Did Shin have the capabilities to create an antidote of a poison completely

unknown? The answer was no, he didn't have any ability or skill that could create
an antidote.

So it was obvious, even if he could gain the Poison resistance skill, he would still be
affected by the poison for the first time!
Was his body's resistance high enough to reject the poison and stay completely
fine? Well, the answer was no!

A pup couldn't possibly strong against poisons! There might be a few poisons that
didn't affect the wolves, but that was for the a.d.u.l.ts!

The Bird-Sized brain wasn't capable of thinking all this. All he imagined was getting
a poison resistance skill and that's all!

'I can easily track down the Mariorack Deer after gaining the resistant skill!', he
thought and went and did what he wasn't supposed to do.

He jumped into the bush as if he was inviting the lizard to bite him and inject
poison inside him.

How foolish could he be?

Doesn't matter, what he wanted was achieved. The tiny lizard, which no longer
than a fist, bit him exactly in his left hind limb.

As soon as it injected the poison, Shin killed by wacking it once with his short
strong right forelimb.


[ You have killed a Green Poison Lizard ]

[ You gain absolutely no merit in killing it ]

It was fine till here, but right after this something unexpected happened.

[ Warning ]

[ You have been infected by a poison ]

[ Your tissues are being damaged ]

[ You have been infected by a poison ]

[ Your tissues are being damaged ]

"What the-"

His vision became blurry. Without a doubt, the poison affected his body almost
immediately causing this.

The warning message appeared again and again but what could he do? All he could
do was hear the voice in his head.

His eyes were too blurry for him to see what was written.

[ You have acquired the passive skill 'Poison Resistance' Lv.1 ]

[ Poison Resistance -> The host will no longer be affected by minor poisons ]

Minor poisons? Was it a minor poison that was affecting his body?

Absolutely no! It was definitely a strong poison. It spread throughout his body
rapidly after all causing him pain and showing symptoms almost immediately.

Shin just fell on the ground right where he had killed the lizard. His body was
insanely weak right now.

His bones were clearly visible! He was probably getting dehydrated!

The poison was not only destroying his tissues but was also causing dehydration?

Well, in any case, the warning notification didn't stop. Not until it started showing
his HP.


[ Warning ]

[ Less than 50% of HP remains ]

[ HP: 32/65 || Max. HP: ??? ]

[ Advice: The system advises the host to activate the class Predator and consume
the Green Poison Lizard ]

Shin heard that and almost immediately activated the class and just swallowed the


[ You have activated the Class Predator ]

-> The host can hunt only those monsters which are considered to be prey.

-> Provides Specific skills and stats on hunting or consuming the monsters or

-> Intimidation increases by 10%

[ You have consumed a high-ranking Poison Lizard 'Green Poison Lizard' ]

[ Due to the Class Predator, a new skill has been generated ]


[ You have acquired the all-round skill 'Poison Destroyer' Lv.1 ]

[ Poison Destroyer -> Acts as both active and passive skill. It remains passive for
the host and can be actively used on the target ]


[ Poison Destroyer has started to create antidote within the body ]

[ ... ]

[ Antidote has been deemed to be effective ]

[ The poison is being destroyed in the host ]

[ Estimated time before the poison is completely destroyed: 00:08:00:00 ( 8 hours )


While Shin heard that, he became unconscious. Of course, he was relieved because
he knew that he would be cured of the poison soon, but a bigger worry laid in his

Would he be safe from other beasts nearby? Well, chances of running into a
dangerous beast were quite low since he hadn't run into one in a while so it could
be considered to be safe.

Well, eight hours were no joke, but now everything was on his luck.

Luck? It would be better to say 'The System'. Because the system definitely had
some sort of defensive mechanism to protect its host at least in some situations.

Regardless, Shin kept on sleeping here, rather, lying unconscious while his body
was being cured. It was a bit painful for him because of the poison, but in the end,
he would be happy to have gained two extra skills.

Well, there was nothing he had to be worried about anymore, but little did he know
about the great moment that was going to come soon!

To be continued...
Chapter 58 - [ The Biola Clan No Longer Exists ]
Shin was in the same state for about eight hours. His body did start to feel light and
he gained his strength back slowly, but he was still weak.

He was quite foolish to do such a thing earlier. He almost died!

Well, the system was good enough to ave him by giving him advises, but who
knows another such reckless behavior could cost him his life!

Regardless, eight hours had passed by and all the poison inside his body was
completely destroyed. But he was still not awake probably;y because his body was

In any case, he was tired probably by constantly fighting against the poison.

Whatever it may be, he wasn't awake yet. It was already late in the evening.
Thanks to his own idiocy, he failed to explore any more of the forest. Needless to
say, he failed to even complete the mission.

'Lub Dub'

'Lub Dub'

'Lub Dub'

His heart was pounding loudly. The blood pressure was good enough. His body was
back to its normal health.

Well, he might have been even now, but the weakness was quite less so it was fine.

He finally opened his eyes after a whole ten hours!

He turned his head here and there, after sitting upright.

"Where am I?", he asked himself.

He was a bit dizzy. He looked at the flowers nearby and then recalled what had

"The heck! I thought I was gonna die!", he exclaimed while swallowing a large
amount of dry saliva.

"Phew, I shouldn't be so reckless...", he realized his foolishness and thank God that
he decided not to repeat what he did earlier.

He could see that the sun was still in the sky but it was soon going t be dark. The
sunset made the sky quite beautiful.

It was looking reddish. Shin admired it for a while and then started to walk back
towards the Biola Clan.
He used the navigation system to locate the place.

"System, mark Biola clan in the map."


[ The clan that you specified no longer exists ]


Suddenly a rather surprising and weird notification popped up. Shin was confused
by seeing that.

"What do you mean by that?", Shin asked for which the system didn't give any

"I'm asking you to locate the Biola clan!", Shin specified again. But no matter how
many times he tried, the result was the same.

[ The clan that you specified no longer exists ]

"No longer exists?", that was the most confusing out of all.

Indeed, if the system had said 'Cannot find' or 'Out of range', it would be
understandable, but it was specifically saying 'No longer exists.'

Something was cl.i.c.k.i.n.g in Shin's head. It was as if he was getting the answer to
his question. But he denied believing that.

"The whole clan got demolished?", that was what his mind said, but the chances for
it were nearly nil.

After all, Kira was present there. Aaron was no less either and Siara was also one of
the best. So it would be highly impossible to demolish an entire clan, basically two
clans namely Biola and White wolf clan!


Now Shin's only concern was to return and find out for sure why the system was
showing such a notification.

Of course, he followed his own footprints which he had left while walking earlier,
but those vanished soon.

It wasn't sandy completely. The area was filled with an abundant amount of grasses
so the little clue that was present was also of no help right now.

It was soon dark and now it would be harder to find the footprints if any, but
contrastingly enough, a bigger clue was found.
"What the-"

He could still see the sky to be a bit red. In fact, the red light was coming from a
particular direction, that is, right ahead of him.

It was quite weird because he could even see clouds like black smoke forming in
that particular area.

Indeed, he was in a forest due to which he couldn't see exactly for which he used
his mind to transform into a Half-Dragon.

After doing that he jumped as high as he could. He ended up being higher than the
trees nearby.

"What the heck!? Why is that area covered with fire?", Shin was awed.

He could stay in the air only for a moment, for as long as the jump carried him up.

While using his little knowledge, he transformed back into a little pup thanks to
which his weight got reduced and he stayed in the air for a little longer. Due to
that, he was able to analyze what he was seeing better.

"That area..."

"Isn't that the area where the Terrain of the Biola clan lied?"

Shin finally realized that what he had been fearing or thinking about came true.
Probably the terrain was attacked!

The fire was proof for what he concluded. But then again, that could be an illusion.

It was the best to know by going back so he used the skill Dash to rush back as
soon as possible.

He ran quite fast and just before arriving at the terrain, he felt another presence

"Who?", he turned his gaze towards his left.


The bushes moved vigorously. Shin had no idea who it was, but he was sure that it
was something weak because its presence was almost nil.

But it was too early to conclude anything. The beast or whatever could be
concealing its presence and might have been pretending. So Shin was on his

He asked again, "Who?"


The sound of something falling on the ground was heard.

Shin failed to understand that and started to walk slowly but steadily towards the

He slowly moved the bushes only to find the unexpected. A wolf that was half burnt
was lying on the ground.

He had no idea who it was. It definitely didn't look like Siara nor like Kira or any
other strong wolves since it was quite smaller in size. It didn't even seem to belong
to the White wolf clan.

"Are you alright?", he asked and started to use the skill 'Heal'on the wolf.

In a moment he was able to heal all the injuries that the wolf had suffered but it still
didn't show any movements.

Indeed, no more movements were seen, not even breathing movements.

He thought about taking a look at its status when he found one thing that
confirmed that the skill Heal would have no more effect at all.

-< Status >-

-> [ Dead ] <-


To be continued...
Chapter 59 - The Massacre - Part 1: The Flame Wolf
-< Status >-

-> [ Dead ] <-

That was the only thing mentioned in its status. Nothing else, no name, no age, no
rank, nor any skills.

Shin was bewildered by it. Surely he had seen many dead beasts, he himself had
hunted many.

But he never once saw their stats after they were dead. In fact, he never got the
need to do it.

What else was left to say? Shin was already near the large flashy red light and now
he was certain that something had definitely happened.

He walked further only to reach the boundary of the terrain. As mentioned earlier,
the boundaries could be identified with some distinct signs and here there were
boulders that were placed.

Shin identified them almost immediately. Unfortunately, he couldn't see the other
side because he was quite small while the boulders were large.

He jumped on the boundaries quite easily but right after that, he couldn't move
even a single muscle of his body!

"What the hell is this?"

Right in front of him, he could see the land catching fire. To be precise, everything
in front of him was engulfed in flames.


He turned his head here and there and widened his vision, but amidst it, he
couldn't find anything. The only things visible were the flames, the red hot flames
were burning with such vigor that they made hell right in front of him.

"You are kidding me right?"

Even though he wasn't amidst the flames, e could feel the heat getting into him.
When he was approaching the area, he could feel the temperature rising. It was
quite inconvenient for him but he didn't think about it because at that moment all
he wondered was about the clan!

"Please tell me that this is a dream...", he hoped for it to be a dream but

unfortunately enough it was reality.

Everything in front of him was burning down completely and was turning into
His eyes were shaking just by looking at the scene. He started to sweat profusely.

Why? Because he was scared to lose all of them?

Well, that was partly the reason but in reality, he was traumatized too.

When he was way too younger, he was exposed to fire in a somewhat similar
manner. The fire had basically surrounded him at that time and he escaped
narrowly. Well, the original body died just because of the heat and that was when
Shin took over it!

Whatever may be the case, his body remembered the fear. Even without realizing
he was trembling at the sight of the fire.


"Search for survivors..."


[ Do you want to search the survivors from Biola Clan? ]



[ Command Accepted ]

[ Searching... ]


[ No survivors found in 500-meter radius ]


Shin was at a loss for words. He could hardly believe what he was hearing from the
system. Of course, he didn't even care about reading the texts because all he could
see in front of him was the fire!

"Then, search for survivors from the White Wolf Clan...", that was the last thing that
Shin asked for.

He hadn't developed that great of a bond between them, but surely he loved
seeing all of them happy.

How long had it been anyway since he had joined them? 2 days? 3 days?

Whatever it may be, he was a bit emotional at the moment.


[ Command accepted ]

[ Searching... ]


[ 3 survivors found within the range of 500-meters ]

[ One lies 200 meters to the north, another lies 300 meters to north-east, the last
one lies 400 meters to the northwest and 10 meters above the ground ]

When Shin heard those texts, he licked away his tears almost immediately.

He wanted to save those three members at all cost.

He rushed almost immediately as per what the system had said but unfortunately,
he had to stop as soon as he entered the area that had caught fire.

It was way too hot for him to walk any further. If he couldn't bear the heat, all the
remaining three members would also end up dying.


"What do I do?", he was trying to find a way via which he would be able to save
them but unfortunately the time he took to wonder caused the death of one of
those three.


[ One out of the three survivors is dead ]

[ Researching... ]

[ Two survivors found within the range of 500 meters ]

[ One lies 300 meters to north-east and the other one lies 400 meters to the
northwest and 10 meters above the ground ]


Shin blamed his own lack of experience due to which another one of the lives was

"I don't care what happens to me..."

Well, that wasn't completely true. More than them, he cared about himself.
Indeed, he didn't think twice about saving them, but he was much more self-
conscious about himself.


[ You have used the skill Dash ]

[ You have used the skill Heal on yourself ]

He ran with all his might and reached near the wolf who was towards the northeast.

"Hey, are you alright?", Shin asked.

Well, it was no time to ask. Each and every moment was precious. Luckily enough,
he found the wolf still breathing and thus he rushed back as fast as he could and
arrived at the boulder.

"Rest here! I will grab the other survivor...", Shin said in a low voice.

The wolf was barely breathing. More than half of its body had burnt marks.
Needless to say, its fur had been burnt too.



Shin was preoccupied with saving all of them that he didn't even get the time to
heal the wolf.

But right before he went to save the other one, the previous wolf stopped as if he
had to say something. At this moment he started to use the skill Heal on the wolf.


[ You have used the skill Heal ]

"Yes?", Shin asked.



"They betrayed us..."

"They orc.h.e.s.trated the massacre!"

"They betrayed His Highness, Kira..."

"Please, get revenge for us...", just after saying this the wolf passed away.


"Hey! Wake up!"

'Damn, what happened to him now?'


[ You have used the skill Heal ]

"Hey! Speak! Who were they?", he continuously asked but there was no reply.

"Don't tell me..."

When he tried to check the status, it again showed just one thing 'Dead'.

-< Status >-

-> [ Dead ] <-


He could see that the wolf also had severe burns on his body. Of course, he had
been using Heal on him, but it seemed like the healing couldn't keep up with the
burning power of the flame.

It was probably some special sort of flame.

"Damn, now how do I save the other one..."

"It's the farthest one, it will also get burnt if I try to save it while trying to heal

'What do I do?'

'System, please help me!'


[ Advice: The system advises the host to use the Skill Transformation to transform
into the 'Flame Wolf' ]


To be continued...
Chapter 60 - The Massacre - Part 2: One Survivor

[ Advice: The system advises the host to use the Skill Transformation to transform
into the 'Flame Wolf' ]

It was practically good advice. If Shin would transform into a flame wolf, then he
would have nothing more to worry about.

Indeed, the fire would have no effect on his body due to which he would easily be
able to save the other wolf that had been trapped.

Shin wasted no time, he almost immediately used his skill to transform despite not
knowing what the Flame Wolf would be like.

A thing to note, Shin really hated hot stuff so was not Flame Wolf a fire type?
Wouldn't that cause him inconvenience?

The answer is no, the moment he would become a Flame Wolf, he would no longer
have trouble with the heat that was being generated from the fire in the

That was why it was safe to assume that he wouldn't have any problems after
transforming into that.

Also, the Flame Wolf's body would definitely be hotter than a normal wolf's body.
That would imply that the external temperature would be less and thus he would
feel cold instead of hot!

It was as if this class was made for him and probably that was why this had the
highest chance of evolution during the start - [ 95 % ].

In any case, Shin didn't think about those things. All he did was use the skill and
think about using the skill Dash to rescue as soon as possible.


[ You have used the skill Transformation ]

[ ... ]


[ Previous existing Link detected ]

[ Link: Half-Dragon Wolf ]

[ Would you like to proceed with the previous link? ]

[ -> Yes/No ]
At one of the most important times, the system was making it difficult for him by
asking tons of questions instead of transforming directly.


Shin rejected as soon as the question was asked.


[ Command Accepted ]

[ Choose the one to which you would like to be transformed ]

[ -> Midnight Wolf ]

[ -> Dark Wolf ]

[ -> Flame Wolf ]

[ -> Half-Dragon Wolf ]

Shin had no patience for all the options to appear. As soon as the choice was given,
he picked up immediately by shouting - "I choose Flame Wolf!"

It did sound weird but he had no time to think about it.

Well, thanks to that the transformation did start earlier, at least a second earlier.

[ You have used the skill Dash ]

[ You have used the skill Heal ]

He started running while his body was glowing. He was constantly healing himself
right now.

Yes, he could have run earlier, but the intensity of the flames kept getting stronger
so he had to opt for this option.

In any way, he had no time to think about himself. But why was he so desperate to
save someone else?

Wasn't he a murderer in his past life? How could his mentality change so easily?
Well, that's a mystery.

Whatever he just ran as fast as he could to save the last probably a survivor from
the Midnight Wolf Clan.

All of a sudden, the light growing from Shin's body intensified.


[ The fire from the surrounding is being absorbed into the body causing an
irregularity ]

[ Warning ]

[ The transformation 'Flame Wolf' has exceeded its limit in absorbing the heat ]

The notifications popped up but Shin had no idea about what was happening.


[ All the fire in the surrounding will be absorbed to cause an evolution in the
transformation 'Flame Wolf' ]


Shin was obviously not reading any of the texts. The only thing that he did was
hear the voice. That was much simpler.

But when he heard saying that, he could hardly understand it.

Why would a transformation stop in the middle because of the surrounding?

Shin felt confused, but his legs didn't stop. Yes, the confusion couldn't stop his legs.

The light that his body was emitting started to faint and almost disappeared.

Thankfully he was using the sill Heal to heal the burns and other injuries in his

Anyway, he was about to reach the place where the system was indicating just
before reaching which he realized where he was going.

"The cliff?"

Indeed, he was dashing towards the cliff on which he had relaxed a few hours ago.
Was it some sort of coincidence that a wolf laid there or was it some destiny to find
someone there.

Shin had no idea who it was on the top but one thing was for sure, the flames kept
getting bigger and bigger.

Shin finally reached the cliff only to find nothing! Yes, there was nothing other than
some boulders.

"What the-"

He was confused and was about to check the system when suddenly he heard
some noises from the boulder.


When he took a careful look, he could see a small piece of stone rolling down from
the boulder.

'There is definitely someone present there...', Shin realized that.

He started to walk slowly and calmly because he didn't want to surprise the wolf.
But little did he know that he would end up being surprised.

"You...?", yes, it was the unexpected.

He found a small wolf pup shivering with fear. It basically had its forelimbs covering
its head just like a human.

"You are..."

The moment Shin said that the pup suddenly stopped shivering.

Perhaps it was because it heard Shin's voice and recognized it.



"Woof?", it sounded funny because that was how puppies of Dogs would usually
respond but oh well, that was how the pup responded anyway. It is not that
common among wolves.

The pup then all of a sudden jumped towards Shin and literally hugged him. Shin
fell backward due to the sudden jerk that he received due to the pup which was
almost half of his weight.

It started l.i.c.k.i.n.g Shin on the face, eyes, ears, nose, and paws too. It had tears
in its own eyes, but it tried to lick away all the little burn marks that Shin had.

"Calm down...", Shin said in a low but trembling voice.

Trembling? Indeed Yes, he had a trembling voice. That was probably because he
was relieved a bit to find at least someone alive and that someone was whom he
knew and played with.

Well, he was probably happy the reason for which was quite simple, whoever
associated with him, vanished without a trace left. Either it may be the past life or
the present, they would end up vanishing some or the other way.

He thought that the same would happen this time too and it did, but he was
thankful for having at least one wolf surviving!
To be continued...
Chapter 61 - The Massacre - Part 3: Betrayal
Shin was quite delighted to see at least someone survive. However, he was now
wondering a way to save the young pup.

He hadn't evolved yet, it was taking quite some time. Due to that, Shin was a bit

He could use the skill on both of them, but the effect would decrease. Already the
healing failed to reach the level of burns, it wasn't even necessary to think what
would happen if the effect of heal would decrease or get split up.

Well, while he was thinking intensely, the flames kept rising. It was weird because
the flames seemed never-ending.

Also, the flames never once touched or moved towards the forest. It stayed exactly
within the boundaries.

Probably the boulders could have been the reason, but a few large boulders
couldn't possibly stop the gigantic flames!

Even if tiny embers of the flames were to be carried via wind, the forest would end
up catching fire, but that wasn't happening either. A weird phenomenon perhaps!

Shin thought about that too and was wondering if it was some sort of magic when
suddenly a notification popped up.


[ All the flames have will be absorbed in 00:00:00:30 ( 30 seconds ) ]


That was all he could say before his body started absorbing the flames.

He did push the wolf pup a bit because he was worried that it could get some
burns, regardless, his body was heating up and the pup felt the heat too.

The pup walked a step or two towards Shin but then stopped when it saw Shin
showing his paw as if he didn't want the pup to get closer.

The pup trusted Shin because it had been saved by him once. It trusted what he
said and waited there without moving a muscle.

Of course, it was scared. If the entire world went silent, one could hear the pup's
heart pounding like crazy!

All the flames that were present below the cliff and those that had reached almost
the cliff started to move towards Shin. They all were merging and were entering his
'Damn, what's with this intense heat?'

His body was getting heated. He hadn't transformed into a flame wolf yet due to
which he could clearly feel the excessive heat from the surrounding and since the
flames were getting absorbed by his body. the heat that he felt seemed to get even
more intense.

Did it hurt? Of course, it did, such a massive amount of energy entered his body
causing pain like none.

However, he bore it all as if it was nothing. Shin had already leveled up many times
which had caused his body and willpower to grow stronger so such a minute pain
was nothing for him right now.

The pup kept staring at Shin intensely before it withdrew its eyes from him. It was
because all the flames in the surrounding were absorbed by him and now his body
was emitting a strong red-colored light.


[ The evolution trait Flame Wolf has changed to 'Flame Wolf Emperor' due to the
immense energy absorption ]

[ Conducting the transformation... ]

Shin was now completely fine because all the energy had been used up for the
change in trait. The Flame Wolf trait had literally changed to a Flame Wolf Emperor.

Well, a wolf has many evolutionary forms out of which there are special ranks
denoted when one evolves. The ranks are quite normal.

The lowest of all was Normal Wolf. After that came Warrior Wolf.

The other ranks were - Knight Wolf, Paladin Wolf, General Wolf, Warlord Wolf, and
Emperor Wolf.

To jump even one rank, would take quite a lot of effort. However, Shin's Flame Wolf
just jumped from the lowest rank to the highest rank!


[ Failed ]

[ Flame Wolf Emperor transformation failed ]

[ Host's body is too weak to form a link to transform into a Flame Wolf Emperor ]

Shin didn't understand what was going on. He had no idea about the ranks either
but on hearing the word 'Emperor', he did expect it to be the strongest form.
But now again he received a message saying that he couldn't transform because
his current body was too weak to accept the link.


[ Evolve into a higher form for the transformation to proceed ]

And that was the last notification about transformation.

He was about to frown because of that since he was hoping to transform into a cool
flame beast. Well, it was for his own good anyway.

Also, the flames in the surrounding had vanished. They had been absorbed by his
body thanks to which now there was no need of having a flame body or using the
Heal skill.

He had nothing to worry about now. The flames no longer existed near him and
now he could carry the young wolf pup with him to safety.

Of course, he was thinking of everything that could happen in the future. More than
that, he was worried about what the previous wolf had said to him before it died.

'What betrayal? And who did?', Shin failed to understand what the wolf meant.

The first thing that struck his mind was that Aaron betrayed Kira, but that was too

But in this world, nothing could be trusted because many things would tend to give
unexpected results.

Logic did apply here, but in most of the cases, that logic failed because of
unexpected behaviors!

So Shin thought about rechecking and reconfirming his doubts.

He asked the system, 'System, check how many members of Biola Clan have died


[ Searching... ]

The system started searching for all the members of the Biola Clan. It took some
time because the Biola Clan's members weren't registered in the system.

The system had to go into Shin's inner consciousness to see all the members and
register them into the system.

After searching and matching the shapes, figures, and characteristics, the system
finally gave a notification.

[ Search completed ]

[ Number of members of Biola Clan that got killed due to fire: 153 ]


"That many? Surely, Aaron wouldn't have betrayed, it was just me making up

And when he had convinced himself that he was wrong, the very next notification
of the system confirmed his suspicion!

[ 153 members of Biola Clan died and approximately 848 members survived ]


To be continued...
Chapter 62 - The First Vessel
When Shin heard and read that, it was as if the ground under him broke.

He could hardly believe what he was reading.

'That many survived?'

'Were there that many wolves in the clan?'

He never once saw so many wolves. It kind of weird seeing the system tell that. But
the system couldn't possibly lie.

Shin tried to recall everything and found out that he never once counted the
number of wolves that were present in the Clan.

Also, it was indeed true that he hadn't seen all the places of the Biola Clan. It was
only the front area in which all were resting.

'Come to think of it, the Biola clan's front area itself was twice as big as White
wolves' Clan!', Shin realized that.

"So they indeed betrayed us and killed all?", Shin asked himself.

But that seemed impossible. He had seen the great friendship between Aaron and
Kira. It was absolutely impossible for Aaron to betray them!

Also, even if they did, Kira wouldn't just stand seeing everyone getting killed!

Kira was the strongest wolf in the forest so without a doubt he would have fought
relentlessly to save everyone!

"The story doesn't feel right..."

"The Biola Clan betraying the White wolf clan..."


Shin thought with all his might but wasn't able to figure out anything else. But he
knew one thing for sure, if he were to meet up with all the survivors then
everything would be revealed.

'For now, I should get away from this place...', Shin thought it was best to leave the

Also, he had to look after the pup by himself.

"Alright, shall we go?", Shin looked towards the pup and asked this.

the pup nodded its head as if it understood that. Well anyway, Shin had something
else to worry about.
He couldn't possibly call the pup 'Pup'! He had to give it a name.

"Hmm, but will it be alright?", he stopped right after walking for a second.

Shin now knew that names were quite important and special for the beasts because
of which he was a bit reluctant to name the pup.

However, that didn't mean that he wouldn't name the pup. If the pup would ever
meet a stronger beast or someone of higher order, then it could always get another
name if it didn't like it!

"Ahem, listen to me..."

The pup had stopped and was staring at Shin. NOw it started to listen to what he
wanted to say.

"I'll be giving you a name..."

"Is that fine?", Shin asked.

The pup suddenly got excited right after hearing that. It started to jump around and
lick Shin all of a sudden.

"Haha, are beasts always that excited to get a name?", Shin laughed.

"I will consider it as a Yes..."

"So your name will be..."

Shin thought about it for a moment. He wanted to give an awesome name to the

Of course,e he was aware that the pup was a female so he thought of a name that
sounded feminine and had great meaning in it.

'She has a skill which has the attribute of the wind...'

'So a name that would have the same meaning as a wind might end up giving a
boost to her powers...'

Shin didn't know much about the benefits of the names. Therefore he decided to
give a name symbolizing wind.


"That will be your name starting this moment..."

Just as he said that a system notification popped up.


[ Would you like to name the White wolf as Aella? ]

Shin had absolutely no idea why the system would pop up and ask such a question.

It was up to him and his free will if he had to name someone or not. Regardless, he
had to answer the question of the system, or else the text would stick in front of his
face for hours!


Of course, he went with Yes, and thanks to that the female wolf pup now had a

Well, just before that another system notification popped up.

[ Command Accepted ]

[ Forming Link between the host and the First Vessel ]


"The first Vessel?", Shin was confused when he saw that. He was then about to
question the system when suddenly the system displayed what it meant on its own!

[ Vessel -> A living being with the power to store the host's power. During need,
the vessel would be able to use a tiny amount of the host's power. The host would
be able to use all the skills of the vessel ]


What he read was insane. Basically, the system was providing him with such a
facility that, he could just laze around all the time while his vessels would work
hard. In the end, whatever skills they would learn, would also be learned by him!

If this wasn't a cheat then what else was it?

Oh well, it was the best thing for him anyway.

The young wolf began to shine. An immense amount of white light engulfed its
body almost immediately.

The light was quite bright. The dark sky enhanced the brightness of the light and
made it look somewhat like a moon.

Needless to say, the light was visible from many parts of the forest because it took
place at a cliff which was at a higher elevation.

Regardless, Shin had finally named the pup which not only benefitted the pup but
also benefitted Shin.

"Aella originally means Storm Wind..."

"It will definitely enhance your powers...", Shin smiled while saying this.


[ Link established ]

[ Named a White wolf as Aella ]

The pup's body stopped glowing. Shin turned his head to take a look at the pup
only to get surprised on seeing the pup.

"What the-"

He had seen many surprising facts until now. Most of them were something which
he never expected to happen, but right now the surprise which he received was
more like exceeding his expectations.

He had expected something to happen, but something out of the ordinary ended up



To be continued...
Chapter 63 - Evolved State
Shin was taken by surprise when his gaze fell on Aella. Her body had stopped
emitting the light, but despite that, her body shone brighter than before.

The pure white fur matched the moonlight. It was basically shinning.

Aella had grown in size too. Not much, but she was definitely a bit bigger than her
previous self.

Indeed, Shin was the same size as her earlier, but now, she was a bit bigger than

Shin was enchanted by the shinning fur but more than that, he was baffled by the
mindblowing stats.

He thought that all this change had occurred because he named her, but there was
another thing that had occurred that caused the change.

Yes, it was evolution. Aella had reached the maximum level after Shin had left to
wander probably when the massacre had started and should have evolved earlier,
but unfortunately, she hadn't met one of the requirements that were required to

A name, she didn't have a name due to which she couldn't evolve. Fortunately
enough, Shin named her causing her to evolve which enabled her to move on to
the next step in becoming a predator!

Shin took a peek at her status only to get awed. He realized that after seeing the
change in rank and other stats that she had indeed evolved!

'System, show me her profile...'


[ Profile ]

Name: Aella

S.e.x: Female

Age: 20 days 13 hours 43 minutes 55 seconds

Weight: 0.7 Kg

Race: Lupus (wolf race)

[ White Wolf Warrior ]

Rank: D || Max. rank: ???

Level: 05 || Max. level: 25

HP: 25/25 || Max. HP: 50

MP: 23/23 || Max. MP: 50

Exp: 40 || Max. Exp: 2000

Atk: 25 || Max. Atk: 60

Def: 21 || Max. Def: 50

Speed: 110 || Max. Speed: 250

Int: 21 || Max. Int: 30

[ Skills ]

[ Active Skills ]

1] Wind Run Lv.1

-> Uses the power of the wind to increase the speed by 50%

-> Can be used for 00:00:02:00 ( 2 minutes )

-> Cool Down Timer: 00:06:00:00 ( 6 hours )

2] Aero Slash Lv.1

-> A piercing slash of wind emerging from the sharp claws/nails in the paw.

-> Gives critical damage if the target is twice the level of the user.

[ Passive Skills ]

1] Protection Of Wind Lv.???

-> A blessing of the Wind Goddess disguised as a skill providing protection

-> Activates if hostility detected

[ Title ]

1] The First Vessel Of Shin

-> The first vessel of Ruler of the Swamps, Shin.

-> Provides 10% boost in all stats.

-> Gives 50% boost in swampy areas.

-> Can use the skill 'Heal' when the HP drops to 20% to heal itself.


Speechless, Shin was completely speechless. He read all that in monstrous speed
but unfortunately, the stats were so awesome that he lost all his words to say.

Especially the title which she received made him fascinated. Indeed, its description
awed him too.

He could feel a strong link between himself and her.

He was trying to accept the fact that Aella had undergone a superb evolution when
suddenly he heard a stunning soft voice.


"Huh?", when Shin heard this voice, he flinched all of a sudden.

"What the-"

He was looking at the texts so he didn't see Aella moving her jaw while calling that.

Of course, it was only after she said the next thing that he finally realized that it
was Aella that had suddenly started to speak.

"Thank you for saving me, master!", was what she said.

It gave a weird tickle in his ear. It was probably the softest and kindest voice he
had heard so far.


He was just staring at her while his mind went blank. He just enjoyed the little tickle
that he felt in his ears.

"Master...?", Aella called him to see if anything was wrong.

"Is something wrong?"

"Ah, nothing..."

Aella started talking slowly. She talked about many things but most of the things
were related to her being thankful to Shin for saving her and playing with her!

"Haha, you can thank me later..."

"Let's leave this place for now..."

Aella nodded her head after hearing that and walked away from the place with
Shin. Both of them entered the forest and headed towards the South.

It was already night time so it wasn't probably safe to enter a forest due to which
Shin suggested resting nearby.

Of course, they were already inside the forest, but they weren't much far from the
terrain of the Biola Clan either.

Since the wolves ruled this area, they would have definitely hunted so there wasn't
much of a need to get scared since no dangerous beast would roam around.

In any case, Aella had already fallen asleep. She was probably tired and Shin
realized that due to which he didn't ask much.

Of course, he wanted to know about how the fire started and about this betrayal
which he had heard earlier, but right now, he controlled himself and refrained from
asking her and disturbing her.

Also, he didn't pester himself by thinking all this stuff. He had some other things to
worry about too.

'Ah, I wonder why I didn't gain any skills?'

'Didn't the system say that I would be gaining the skills that my vessel would
learn?', Shin asked himself.

Shin tried to recall what the system had said but his memory wasn't that good.
Also, it wasn't something he thought to remember.

"Uh, I could just ask the system instead of breaking my head...", well, that was
wiser indeed.

'Hey system, why didn't I gain any of my Vessel's skills?', Shin asked.


[ The host will be able to use the skills of the Vessel directly without converting it
into a skill ]


And now Shin was completely confused because he had no idea as to how to do

"Wait, do you mean to say that I won't get any skills but will still be able to use it?",
Shin tried to confirm.

[ Affirmative ]


"If I don't have a skill, then how the heck will I be able to use it?"

Shin was confusing himself by asking many questions. He was basically twisting the

Well, he wanted to understand what the system meant and even if he did
understand, he wanted to verify if it was true because he couldn't possibly use
untested things when his life would be in danger!


[ The skills will be gained by the vessel but the host will be able to activate the
same skill and use it ]


"I give up..."

"Let's just sleep!"

It wasn't that hard to understand but right now he was quite sleepy. He was tired
too afterall.

In any case, both Aella and Shin slept near each other under a massive tree that
had quite a beautiful pink flower which shone in the moonlight.


To be continued...
Chapter 64 - Wind Run
Soon the sun was up. The chirping of some bird-like beasts could be heard.

Shin woke up from a deep sleep only to find Aella sitting right next to him.


Shin thought that she would sleep longer because he knew that she was quite tired,
but it seemed like that was not the case.

"Master, I woke up in order to protect you from dangers...", she said while lowering
her head.

"Wait, you were awake the whole time?", Shin asked.

"No Master, I woke up just recently...", she said in a calm tone but Shin knew that
something was suspicious.

Of course, he could see some foot marking here and there which clearly belonged
to Aella since they were a bit larger than his own.

The marl did look fresh but not too fresh, he predicted it to be some two-three
hours older.

"Tell the truth, when did you wake up exactly?", she asked.

"Pardon me for lying master..."

"I never slept in the first place."

"I was just lying down and was about to fall asleep when I felt your back touching

"I realized that you fell asleep so I decided to stay up and look after you and
prevent danger from approaching you.", was what Aella said.

"That means you were awake the entire time!", Shin raised his voice.

Of course, he could see that she was quite tired. Even though he was a bit sleepy
himself, he couldn't possibly miss the red sleepy eyes!

"I said you right, this part of the forest couldn't have large beasts."

Of course, Shin hadn't discovered this part of the forest, nor had he seen any other
parts except the one he had wandered earlier. But he could tell that with
confidence based upon deductions and his instincts.

"But one could never get careless even if there were no dangers nearby.", Aella
made the statement which left Shin speechless.

'Is this the same little pup that I knew?', Shin asked himself after smirking a bit.

"Haha, you are right."

"My bad, now sleep, I am awake, I'll protect you for now.", Shin decided to let Aella
rest for now.

They had to travel to some different place and explore the forest too, but resting
and recovering was the priority in all cases. Of course, protecting themselves too.

Shin had another reason to be happy. All this time, he explored the forests alone.
Of course, not the entire forest, but how much ever he did, he did it all alone.

So now that he had a partner to explore the forest with, he felt a bit excited, happy,
and elated.

'Hmm, I wonder what I should do next.'


While Shin was thinking about exploring the forest, he recalled the fact that an
entire clan had been massacred probably due to a betrayal which the dying wolf
told about.

"Hmm, I need to know more about this..."

Aella was awake just a while ago but now she finally went to sleep. Thanks to that
Shin couldn't ask her because he didn't want her to be disturbed right now.

Also, he wasn't sure if she knew much about to because she was just a pup day
back and probably now too is, but in contrast to what she was now, she was like a
baby back then,

She could hardly understand what was going on sp she could hardly tell about the
betrayal, at last, that's what Shin thought. But it wouldn't pain to ask, would it?

Shin took a look around and enjoyed the sweet fragrance of the flowers. He didn't
enjoy those last night because he fell asleep too quickly, but now he had quite a lot
of time to spare so he thought about enjoying the beauty around.

Well, whatever the case, he had to now pass the time. So he thought about trying
his best to understand what the system was trying to explain last night.

'Last night, the system told me that I could use the skills of my vessel without even
gaining them for myself...'

'Is that actually possible?', Shin asked himself.

'Well, it wouldn't hurt to try.'

He walked a few steps away from Aella and took a stance. He glared at a tree that
was right in front of him.

It was not as tall as the tree under which they slept last night, but in case of width,
it was definitely wider than the other tree.

'Hmm, so, let's try using that skill...'

'What was that skill again?'

'Wind Run?', Shin was fascinated by that skill long before Aella had evolved. He
would gladly accept such skills and use them because of the unimaginable benefits
from them.


[ Would you like to use the skill Wind Run Lv.1? ]


"Yes!", he exclaimed.

[ Command Accepted ]

All of a sudden Shin's entire body was covered with an immense amount of wind.

[ Speed: 85+43 || Max. Speed: ??? ]

Shin vanished from the area. His speed had increased tremendously.

'What the-'

He could hardly see anything because all the wind was gushing towards his face
forcing him to close his eyes.

Of course, he stopped himself, but the split-second experience was a lot for him. He
turned back only to find that he had traveled more than fifty meters in that split
second or a second which was absolutely crazy!

It was estimated that sound could travel 330-350 meters in a second and just now
Shin traveled 50 meters in a second. He was basically one-seventh time as fast as
sound which was indeed insane!

Shin started to walk back towards the place where Aella was resting when suddenly
another notification popped up.

[ The skill Copy has been activated due to the abnormality caused ]


[ You have gained a new active skill 'Wind Run' Lv.1 ]

[ Wind Run -> Uses the power of the wind to increase the speed by 50%

-> Can be used for 00:00:02:00 ( 2 minutes )

-> Cool Down Timer: 00:06:00:00 ( 6 hours ) ]


To be continued...
Chapter 65 - Revelation

"What's the use of vessel then?"

"I did gain the skill but still, I don't know what's their use."

"Why would I use the skill from them when I gain the skill for myself?", Shin asked
himself in a low voice while walking towards Aella.

For some random curiosity, he took a look at her stats. And out of all her stats, the
MP picked his interest.

[ MP: 20/23 || Max. MP: 50 ]

Everything was the same as the previous time he checked except the MP stat.
Three MPs were missing.

Shin then found out what the system actually wanted to say.


'I get it now...'

'I can use her skills at the cost of her MP!'

He realized that when he took a look at Aella's MP. Of course, the cost for MPs was
never written probably because it wasn't necessary or probably because the
system wasn't modified.

Whatever the case, Shin realized this after looking at Aella.

This meant that if Shin was out of MP, he could still use the skills of his vessel at the
cost of the vessel's MP.

That would mean that he would never run out of skills! While he would use the
vessel's MP, his own MP would restore and when he will use his own, his vessel's
would restore during that interval!

It would be a loop of an unlimited supply of MP. Basically, he understood that now.

He thought about copying all of Aella's skills while she was asleep. It was absolutely
clear that more skills would give more options and different patterns for attacks or

Therefore, Shin wanted to grab all the chances that he got and now was one of
those few chances.

He walked fifty meters and then tried to use all the skills to copy them. But
unfortunately, he could copy only one more skill!

[ You have gained an active skill 'Aero Slash' Lv.1 ]

[ Aero Slash -> A piercing slash of wind emerging from the sharp claws/nails in the

-> Gives critical damage if the target is twice the level of the user.]

He did get a skill but more than rejoicing, he frowned because he couldn't use the
passive skill.

He was interested in that because of the unknown level that was mentioned. He
only later found out from the system that he couldn't copy nor use the 'Passive'
based skills.


[ The 'Passive' skills or the titles of the vessel will have no effect on the host ]

[ The host will neither be able to use nor copy the Vessel's 'Passive' skills ]

Right after that notification, he understood. Regardless, it wasn't much of a thing

anyway because he could develop such skills sometime later if he wanted to, at
least that's what he thought.

He waited for five whole hours after which Aella woke up.

*sniff sniff*

Aella could smell something that ended up causing her stomach to grumble.
Probably the hunger was the reason that caused her to wake up.

"Master?", she found Shin sitting next to her while trying to do something.

Shin was startled because Aella called him so suddenly. He turned almost
immediately towards her.

"Master?", Aella ended up getting surprised when she saw Shin because there was
a small fish in his mouth.


*chew chew*


"Aella, you finally woke up!"

"Here you go!", Shin threw a fish towards Aella after grabbing it in his mouth.

The fish fell right before Aella on the grass bed. She was totally awed to see such a
creature, It was probably her first time seeing it.

She could see Shin eating it so without wasting any time, she too started to eat it.


All of sudden a pointy edge of one of the many bones prick her mouth.


She spat it almost immediately. Right away she started bleeding.

Shin turned towards her and saw the little drops of blood that were dripping down
her mouth.

"Wait, did a bone prick your tongue?", Shin asked.

Aella nodded her head while trying to cover the pain. Pricking the tongue is
definitely painful, especially for animals like wolves who have extra-s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e

"Look out for the bones, they might end up choking you...", Shin said this while
using the skill Heal on her.

"Yes...", Aella nodded her head.

She then carefully removed the small bones and then started eating the fish. It was
a bit of a hassle and tool sometimes, but it was better than getting injured.

Aella finished eating the fish and was probably full. Though, she wanted to eat
more because of the taste. she controlled herself after seeing that Shin too had
only one fish. Well, in reality, Shin had already finished ten fishes when he was near
the stream.

"Is there a stream nearby?", Aella asked to which Shin nodded.

He continued eating and finished the one and only fish which he had been eating
for a long. Well, he was trying to chew the bones but all he had were sharp canines
and hardly any teeth to grind the bones. Also, his canines were not too long or
sharp. He was a pup after all!

"Ah, by the way, I wanted to ask you something...", Shin moved a bit closer to Aella
after finishing the fish.

The smell still persisted but it didn't matter. All the blood from fishes was licked
away with their own tongues.
"Yes, Master?"

"I want to know, what had actually happened that caused such a fire to appear..."

"What happened to everyone?"

"And, Is Kira really dead? What about Siara?", Shin was a bit anxious.

He didn't have much to think but he was indeed grateful for being a part of the
clan. Although it was only for two to three days, he enjoyed the stay.

Especially the happy faces that he got to see after he healed them touched his
heart because of which he wanted to at least know what had happened to them.

Somewhere in his heart, he was feeling a little bit of pain, but he didn't realize it.

The atmosphere suddenly changed. Aella had a serious expression on her face and
so did Shin.

"Yes Master, we were betrayed..."

"My father was betrayed by them..."

"That time..."

And then she started narrating what she had seen and heard others shouting.

To be continued...
Chapter 66 - Lurion: The Monster Feared By The Celestials
Right after Shiro left, many of the wolves went hunting in another direction. Of
course, it was a day for them to hunt.

They had to hunt as many beasts as possible and bring them back so that they
could share with everyone. Of course, if they wanted they could eat at the spot, but
they had to ensure that he could hunt at least one beast as big as their sizes apart
from eating their own share at the spot.

It was a tedious task indeed, but the wolves of the Biola clan were very good
hunters. They were quite fast on their feet due to which they could hunt the fast-
running beasts as well.

Not to mention, they were highly skilled. Of course, they would for groups while
taking on larger prey but in terms of smaller prey, they would kill them swiftly even
before they would get the chance to run or attack.

Around fifty of the wolves were sent to hunt, at least that's what everyone thought.
But in reality, something entirely different was planned because of which they went
away as quickly as they could.

"Haha, so tell me, Aaron, should we have a spare against each other?", that was
the first thing Kira asked after waking up. Aaron was surprised. It seemed as if he
was preoccupied with something else.

"Well, I would love to fight with you but not now..."

"I'm a bit busy...", Aaron averted his gazes and walked away.


Kira found it rather surprising to see Aaron reject an opportunity to have a duel.

'What was that?'

'Did he just reject me?'

It seemed as if Kira knew Aaron very well. Perhaps that was why he found this small
rejection as a great change.

'Is he troubled by something?'

Kira thought of a way to help Aaron because he was completely sure that Aaron
was in some sort of trouble. In fact, he was absolutely certain that the trouble was
huge enough to cause trouble to Aaron therefore he rushed towards him to ask
about that.

"Tell me, Aaron, are you troubled by something?"

"Or is your health not good?", indeed, health could also be a problem so Kira ended
up; asking that too.

"Ah, no Kira, actually I have a meeting with someone today due to which I'm a bit
worried...", Aaron said in a low voice.

"Meeting with someone?"

"Can I know who that someone is?", Kira was now interested.

"His Highness Lurion..."

The moment Kira heard that name, it was as if the ground under his legs slipped

"He sent a messenger bird today morning and asked for me to meet him alone..."


'Why would he contact Aaron?', Kira's eyes were shaking. In fact, he was way too
lost in his own thoughts that he could no longer hear what Aaron said.

'Something is definitely up...'

"Aaron, I guess it's best for you to stay here and not go anywhere near him...", Kira
said in haste.

"...", Aaron seemed displeased after hearing that.

"But...", Aaron wanted to go to know the reason for the summon.

Of course, he was way too scared to even speak properly, but even so, he was
much more scared of the rage of Lurion that would emerge if he were to know that
his summon was rejected.

"Listen, Aaron, you know about him better than myself..."

"Do you really want to go near a monster who is feared by the very Celestials?"


Both of them swallowed a large amount of dry saliva. Shivers ran down their spines
as they continued to think about this.

"But if I don't go, he would end up destroying this entire forest in search of me..."

"That would end up hurting others too!", Aaron was tensed.

So who exactly was this Lurion whom even Kira feared? Needless to say, he was
feared by Celestials as mentioned by Kira.
Lurion was just another wolf-like any other but it had a special property, it had the
power of necromancy!

Necromancy? That does sound familiar. Well indeed, it is one of the rarest evolution
or attributes in the world, and only a few, in numbers, it could be represented
within single digits, were present in the entire world who could use necromancy.

So was the power of the undead that feared? Indeed, it was. The reason was way
too simple to understand.

If a wolf could command an army of undead, then no one would even be able to
stand against such a monster. Of course, the main reason why everyone feared
Lurion was because he had five undead out of which four were previous Celestials
and one was a dragon!

That was why any single Celestial was afraid of it too because a single celestial
couldn't possibly defeat five Celestials on its own!

So it was clear why everyone feared Lurion. But one question remained, why did
Kira say that Aaron knew him better?

"But you would be killed!"

"Are you crazy?"

"Why would you go somewhere to die?", Kira failed to understand.

Kira thought that Aaron could just run away with everyone so that Lurion would
never find him, but it seemed like Aaron had something else in his mind.

"Why don't you just run away?"

"I'm sure with your skills you can easily run away!", Kira finally said. He wanted to
persuade Aaron but in the end, he failed.

"I sure can, but what about my Clan? My people, won't they become his target?",
he made a valid point.

"As you said, I know him better..."

"Of course, that's because he is my Blood-related brother..."

"I'm sure, he could never forgive me for what happened 'that day'."

"He would hunt me even if meant for him to go to hell."

"That's why..."

"I have to go and answer his summon..."

"Why shouldn't we protect something when it can still be protected?", Aaron said
this in a low voice and walked away from there while Kira stood with his head


'The protection that you speak off...'

'It comes with a sacrifice...'

'And right now, the sacrifice is you.'


To be continued...
Chapter 67 - The Biola Clan's Escape
Kira was indeed sad. He knew Aaron for a long time due to which he couldn't just
let Aaron go and do whatever he pleased, not when it would cause him to lose his

Aaron had just left the place and had entered the forest when suddenly he saw Kira
rushing towards him.


"What are you doing?"

"Why are you following me?", Aaron asked.

Aaron knew that Kira was aware of the danger so it was obvious that he would stay
out of this, but it seemed like he was wrong.

Well, Kira was indeed the strongest wolf in the forest but he wasn't so in the whole
world! The rest was just a small part of the world. There were tons of other forests
that were twice as big as the current one and inevitably there existed stronger
forms of wolves.

Therefore, it was inappropriate to say that Kira was the strongest wolf in the entire

"Aaron, listen to my words and stop going!"

"Do you really think that Lurion would stop after killing you?", Kira said in a loud

Aaron was completely aware of what Kira said but it seemed like he had some
other plan in mind. Regardless, Kira insisted on not letting Aaron go but Aaron was
stubborn too.

"Kira, by the Oath of brothers I ask you to refrain from stopping me!"


The moment Kira heard that he paused. He stopped saying anything else and stood
there thinking many things.

"Why would you bring the Oath here?", Kira asked.

"My bad, but it was the only possible way to stop you...", right after this Aaron
started walking again when suddenly he heard Kira say something that made him
paralyzed for a moment.

"I get it..."

"I finally understand what you are trying to do..."


"You are planning to die in the hands of Lurion for sure..."

"You know that first brother won't be able to handle the loss of a brother due to
which he would hunt down Lurion..."


And just after saying that Kira paused.

Aaron turned back and said with a gentle smile, "Then please, after I die, tell him to
protect the members of my clan..."

Right after saying that, Aaron dashed away. He was indeed quite fast and thus
while running at his top speed, even Kira couldn't catch him.

Well, Kira didn't even try to go behind him. He was lost in thoughts after hearing
such a thing.

But his thoughts were all over the place. Even though Aaron did ay that, Kira was
thinking otherwise.

'How long will it take to inform 1st brother about this?'

'Who knows how much damage Lurion would cause by then...'

No matter what, Kira didn't want Aaron to die due to which he finally decided to
follow him. But he knew that he wouldn't be able to catch up to him now that Aaron
had used all his strength to run away.

However, he had a skill that led him to follow Aaron without actually running at top

'Summon of the Dark...'

'Dark Ravon...'

'Follow him.'

Jut when he thought that in his mind, a black colored circle appeared from which a
Crow-like beast appeared. Needless to say, it had teeth in its beak which was weird.
Its red eyes were quite beautiful but at the same time a bit terrifying.

It was twice the size of any crow. It rushed towards Aaron almost immediately
according to Kira's orders while Kira followed it at his own pace.

While Kira and Aaron were away, something entirely different was happening in the
clan. Both Kira and Aaron failed to notice that this was all a trap!


The sound of something blasting nearby was heard quite loudly. The sound echoed
throughout the terrain.

None could understand what was going on but they knew that something abnormal
was definitely happening.

Siara was the strongest one now in the terrain who was also surprised by the noise.
She could even hear the chaos that was occurring within the Clans.

"What the-"

Some of the wolves from the Biola clan were picking a fight with the wolves of the
White wolf clan which was way too weird.

"Stop, just what are you doing?", Siara walked out down of the cliff where she was
resting with Aella earlier.

She tried to stop them from causing a scene but it was no use, they didn't listen to

In fact, it was as if they wanted to kill each other. There was absolutely no merit in
fighting right now when weird noises could be heard.

Well, the White wolf clan were not the ones to blame since they were just standing
and trying to comprehend what the sound was. The ones who started this were the
members of the Biola Clan.

"Just what...", Siara was way too confused to think that was going on.

However, she knew that now was not the time to be confused. She observed the
troublemakers who were raising their voices.


She closed her eyes for a moment and then shouted at the top of her voice right
after opening he closed eyes!

"Just shut your bloody mouths, you bastards!"

Her eyes were giving off a faint bluish light. Needless to say, she used a skill to
grab everyone's attention.

Well, that was not all, the skill literally paralyzed all of them.

Indeed, it was the skill 'Intimidation' which gave chills to all who were scared of her
all of a sudden,

Troublemakers or not, now everyone was looking towards Siara.

"Listen to me, I think some strange phenomenon has started to its best if we stop
fighting amongst ourselves and take a look at the situation!"

The effect of the skill was over and everyone could move again. In any case, she
wanted to get reported about the situation thus she was about to go towards the
place from where the sound was heard.

But just before she could say that one of the wolves from the Biola clan who was
responsible to start the Chao said, "Your highness, I have a suggestion..."

"Let's send some of our members to know about the situation!"

Well, that was acceptable by her as well since all she wanted to know was about
the situation so she nodded her head and agreed. Then she just went towards the
members of the White wolf clan to advise them not to fight.

Thanks to that she failed to notice that not one or two, but more than 200 wolves
from the Biola clan had already left!

To be continued...
Chapter 68 - The Undying Flames
She noticed it only when she found whiteness everywhere.

Whiteness? Indeed, the only ones that were left were the white wolves.

As stated earlier, a few members of the Biola clan were white while the rest of
them were brown in color. They belonged to the Midnight Wolf clan after all!

Earlier, White and brown were mixed and for quite some time Siara had been
looking at them due to which it had become quite normal, but then suddenly when
200 of the wolves of the Biola clan vanished, the weird sensation resurfaced.

Of course, it was the same with some other wolves - The elders.

There were a total of nine elders in the clan who were also having this weird feeling
but they failed to describe what it was. It was only after seeing Siara panic that
they realized what had happened.

"The wolves of the Biola clan..."

"Where are they!?", Siara raised her voice and asked that.

Indeed, her intuition was saying that something was wrong but it was only after
seeing the flames covering them did she realize what had happened.

The Biola clan consisted of around 900-1000 wolves out of which the majority were
already outside of the Clan even before Kira and the gang had arrived.

When Kira questioned about this earlier, Aaron just said that the members were
present in the main area of the terrain which was a bit interior to the outer area.
Kira was convinced by that but Siara wasn't.

Well, she too heard that but on seeing that Kira accepted whatever Aaron said, she
refrained herself, from questioning after all her authority was lower than that of
Kira's and Aaron's!

Needless to say, that memory clicked in her mind right now. She almost
immediately ran towards the west of where she was standing only to arrive at the
main area. Of course, she found many wolves there, and indeed, all of them
belonged to the Biola clan, unfortunately, they were dead.

Yes, all the wolves whom Siara had found were dead. It was pretty evident that
they were covered with some black markings which were actually 'Curse', but Siara
was unaware of that.

She was puzzled after seeing this. Many thoughts crossed her mind however she
couldn't stick to one.

But now she was aware of the reason why most of the wolves of the Biola clan
stayed in the frontal area.
'I asked myself the reason for which we stayed only in the outside area just

'Looks like I finally found an answer to it...'

The wolves who belong to the group of seven followed Siara and found the place.
They were baffled but it too just like Siara.

They wanted to inquire about the place when suddenly a series of massive howling
was heard.



They howled twice with all their might and the sound reached Siara and the rest of

They rushed towards the front area only to find fire engulfing the entire area.

"What is happening?", Siara saw many of the wolves die.

She was shocked by the scene. The flames that rose to the sky were too intense.
The heat was way too high to even approach the area.

Her fur was literally catching fire just by approaching it. It was the same or others

"Oh no!"

'My baby...'

"She-", Siara suddenly recalled that she had left Aella on the top of the cliff.

She almost immediately raised her head only to find that the fire hadn't reached
the cliff. They were still too low due to which she thought about running and saving
her, but she had no idea how to do that.

The reason was simple, she could see all the wolves practically getting burnt down.

"Your majesty!"

"Save us!"

"Please save us!"


Their bodies were melting down. They could hardly get out of the place. The reason
for that was quite simple too, there was a barrier that covered the entire place.

The barrier had a lot of magic circles that caused the fire!

Had she been in the same area, she would have been captured inside the barrier

'No, what do I do?'

'How can I save them?', those were the only questions in her mind.

Right now her mind wasn't functioning properly. She could hear their cries of agony
which were piercing her heart!

"Where is His Highness?"

"And Sir Aaron?"

"What about master Shin?", she kept on asking herself those questions loudly while
expecting an answer but unfortunately no one answered that.

"I can't take this anymore!"

"I have to do something!"

She took a deep breath and then glared at the barrier from which flames were
emitting constantly.

"There is only one way to stop that barrier from emitting any more flames..."

"Your highness..."

"You can't possibly be thinking to..."

Siara opened her mouth widely. Air started acc.u.mulating between her two jaws.
They were practically forming a sphere.

Her eyes were shining with greenish-blue light while a white magic circle formed
around her.

"Her highness is using the Wind Spirit Magic..."

"She would be unconscious for days if she were to use that magic..."

"She is actually leaving her life on us...", the members discussed amongst them
and waited for Siara to finally blast off the barrier.




The barrier literally broke with just one shot of a large sphere that was three times
bigger than Siara. Of course, it was made by wind due to which it kept getting
bigger before hitting the barrier.

Siara lived up to their expectations. In any case, her MP was nearly zero and she
hardly had any stamina left.



That was all that she said before fainting. The wolves did as they were asked to do
and saved others.

Each of them had a special ability which was granted by Siara to them after all
Siara had named them!

It was indeed, the same skill which Aella had too - 'Protection Of The Wind'.

A skill of that caliber took effect and all of them were protected from the flames
that hadn't extinguished yet.

Of course, how could one of the strongest flames - The Undying Flames -

Oh well, all the remaining were saved and dragged away along with Siara.
Unfortunately, they never came to know about Aella thus left her on the cliff. Also,
a very few wolves were unconscious but thinking that they were dead, the wolves
left them behind too.

And that was how 413 wolves from the White wolf clan survived and escaped from
the flames!

To be continued...
Chapter 69 - Lurion's First Appearance
The Ravon that Kira had summoned had been following Aaron all this time. It was
true that Aaron was quite a fast runner, but by no means was he faster than the
summoned Ravon's flight.

Of course, Ravon prevented itself from being detected by Aaron. Also, the Ravon
was quite careful in following because it couldn't possibly forget about informing

Well, the Ravon maintained an equal distance between Kir and Aaron. It didn't miss
Aaron because it had exceptional eyesight which was called 'Eyesight of the Dark

'Just how far has Aaron gone to?'

Kira was worried even now, in fact, his worries didn't cease. But there was
something else that he was worried about at the same time.

'I hope nothing wrong would happen while I'm not around...'

'I guess Siara would take care of them...'

That was what Kira was thinking. He trusted Siara to take care of anything so he
had nothing to worry about. But little did he know about the little but terrifying trap
that was laid in front of all of them!

It took around an hour for Aaron to reach where he had planned to go from the
start however for Kira, it took ten more minutes.

Indeed, Kira was slow when compared to Aaron if it were in terms of a long run, but
he was pretty much one of the fastest runners in the forest.

Also, he had long and strong legs with almost never-ending stamina thanks to
which he was able to run continuously.

'Alright, I'm almost there...'



Kira was running with all his might when suddenly he lost contact with the Ravon.
Of course, he was detecting Ravon's presence and was using it to follow Aaron, but
just when he thought that he had arrived at the right place, he could no longer
contact the Ravon.

"What just happened?"

He was confused indeed. The power of darkness wasn't to be underestimated, since

Ravon was a dark summon, it could essentially be indefinitely strong as long as it
lived in a dark area.

Since it had been flying and hiding in the shadows of the trees which were rather
dark, it was able to gain and conserve a large amount of strength so it was wild to
think that the Ravon had died.

Kira could still feel the little connection between the Ravon and himself but he had
no idea where it exactly was so he was completely sure that it was alive but
something had definitely happened to it!

He was about to summon another dark creature to find the Ravon when suddenly
he could feel an intent amount of blood l.u.s.t.



"Who is it?"

"Show yourself!", Kira raised his voice.

Suddenly he felt the blood l.u.s.t getting closer. He could sense that the bloodl.u.s.t
from his back.

He almost immediately turned back and opened his mouth as if he was going to
attack when he found that the one behind him was Aaron.

He almost immediately refrained from launching the attack because it was Aaron
after all. He would never want to kill his own brother, not blood related, but still,
Aaron was a brother by the Oath so he decided to stop the preparation of the

But to his surprise, Aaron just tackled Kira without hesitation.

Kira was pushed back however the attack didn't have much of an effect on him.
Kira was quite large in size, larger than Aaron so the attack didn't have any more
effect other than pushing him back.

At first, Kira was startled after getting hit by Aaron but then he thought that Aaron
might have ended up attacking him by mistake.

'The momentum of his jump might have led him to dash me...', that was all that
Kira thought off.

He could never imagine that Aaron had attacked him purposefully while being
completely in control of the attack.

"Aaron, are you alright?", Kira asked.

It was supposed to be Aaron to ask the question but oh well, why would an enemy
ask such a thing?

Aaron rushed towards Kira once again with his fangs poised towards him. In the
blink of an eye, a part of the fang grazes Kira.

Indeed, Kira dodged it but not completely.

"Aaron?", he was confused.

For a moment he thought that Aaron was joking however he realized that Aaron
was actually aiming for his life the moment he felt the same bloodl.u.s.t as earlier
being emitted from Aaron!

"Fool, do you really think that I wouldn't attack you?", right after saying that Aaron
rushed towards Kira again.

But Kira was no pushover, he was strong and his strength had come through hard
work and no shortcuts. Thus he trusted his strength more than anything and moved
his right forelimb with all his might.


Aaron's head was slammed into the ground. There was a huge crack right where he
was slammed.

"You forced me to do this Aaron...", Kira was still thinking if something was wrong
with Aaron.

For a moment he thought that Aaron was being controlled but that too didn't seem
to be the case. He concluded in such a manner because he had a great sense for
detecting spells but there seemed to be nothing of that sort that could control

"Well well, you are indeed as strong as all the beasts of the forest tell...", while
saying this another wolf appeared in front of him.

It was a bit far away, around ten to twenty meters, but its presence and aura could
be felt all the way.

But the only thing that was visible was the shadow of the wolf that had appeared. It
would be appropriate to say that the wolf had blended itself with the shadow of a
tree because of which it wasn't clearly visible.

However, as soon as it walked forward, Kira was finally able to look at it. He almost
immediately figured out who the wolf was.

Well, he did call its name while trembling, "Lurion?"


To be continued...
Chapter 70 - Disadvantage
Lurion was standing right in front of him. He was as big as Kira.

Moreover, while in contrast to Kira, it was black in color.

Though Kira owned the attribute of darkness, he was still white. However, Lurion
had black fur.

"You sure are strong aren't you Kira?", Lurion asked in a dominant tone.

A thing to note was the Lurion was able to call out the name 'Kira'. Without a doubt
that meant that Lurion was stronger or had higher authority when compared to


While he was distracted, Aaron twisted his body and kicked Kira. Due to that Kira
was pushed back again thanks to which Aaron was now free to move again. Aaron
used the opportunity and ran far away from Kira.


"What the heck is going on?"

"Why are you attacking me?", Kira still didn't have answers to these questions.

Due to that he was confused and wanted to know the reasons for the attack. Also,
he was surprised to see Aaron walking towards Lurion without any fear. It was
almost as if Lurion was his brother and Kira wasn't.

"There is no use in telling you about that stuff...", Lurion said.

"All you need to know that you are about to be killed!", right after saying that
Lurion dashed towards him with the sharpened fangs.

It was as if he wanted to bite Kira to death. Kira understood that so he backed off
too in order to protect himself.

However, even after stepping back, Lurion's fang grazed him just like Aaron's did
earlier. He was in fact surprised by Lurion's speed.

"Damn you!"

Kira's eyes started to glow with a reddish light. All of a sudden, a black smoke-like
substance engulfed him. It was his aura that he was emitting.

It was so strong and dominant that it made all the birds and other weak beasts flee
from the surrounding areas.

"You both want to kill me?", Kira asked in a raised voice.

He wasn't trying to confirm it. He had already understood that from the attacks that
were being aimed at his vitals.

"It will be me who will kill you!"

Kira knew, he definitely knew that he would fail to defeat all the Celestials and the
Dragon which Lurion had, however, Lurion hadn't summoned them yet. So he felt
like he still had a chance.

Because of that, he rushed towards Lurion to attack him after raising his power to
the fullest.

He was emitting a large amount of bloodl.u.s.t freely and openly as if he didn't care
for anyone. His attacks were all over the place, though he still aimed for vitals too.

However, not even a single attack landed on Lurion. He was fast enough to dodge
every attack. Kira aimed at Aaron too who was in his sight.

"Aaron!", a black sphere formed in his mouth and was fired towards Aaron.


A huge cloud of dust appeared which prevented Kira from looking at Aaron. Kira
used the perfect perception skill which he had and was able to detect Aaron
through the cloud of dust.

'The attack missed?', Kira asked himself because he spotted Aaron in mid-air.
However soon he realized that Aaron's left hindlimb was injured.

It was now bleeding constantly. The injury occurred due to the shards of earth that
were blasted away due to Kira's attack.

Kira didn't have time to enjoy the view or attack Aaron again because Lurion was
also attacking continuously with sharp claws.

Kira had to avoid them because he couldn't afford to get hurt right now!

However, he failed to defend himself and ended up getting hurt. A huge claw mark
appeared on his c.h.e.s.t. Kira was bleeding because of that.

But, he was not hurt for naught! He was hurt because he disregarded the defense
and put all his attention to the offense and attacked Lurion with all his might.

Thanks to that, Lurion had a huge claw-like mark on his face which started from the
forehead and ended up till the upper jaw while passing through the left eye.


A large amount of blood was coughed up by Kira after the lethal attack but he
didn't mind that. Right now all he wanted was to kill Lurion before he could use his


"You bastard!", Lurion raised his voice.

His voice was loud enough to cause the entire forest tremor. He was engulfed in his
own rage after witnessing the attack from Kira.

"I will kill you!", right after saying that Lurion rushed to attack Kira, but yet again,
the attack failed to land.

Kira swiftly got up and dodged the attack by jumping to the left while Lurion rushed
straight with his claw.

'Why isn't he using his summons?'

'Were the things about his summon a lie?', now Kira started to wonder about that.

However Kira knew one thing, Lurion wasn't to be underestimated. Even without his
summons, he was pretty powerful.

That was why Kira was worried about his summons because if he were to summon
them, his strength will know no bounds.

"Hyaa!", Kira dashed forward and successfully bared his fanged in Lurion's right


A large amount of blood gushed out. Lurion was freed from the bite but the
bleeding didn't stop.

Kira thought that he now had a chance to end Lurion for good. Since Lurion's leg
was injured, he couldn't run at the top speed anymore due to which Kira could
finish him off with just one another attack.

Because of that he took a long stance and jumped while trying to swing the large
right forelimb in order to behead Lurion.


Just before his limb reached Lurion, a fire sphere suddenly appeared in front of him
and blasted him away.


He coughed up more blood, The bleeding from his c.h.e.s.t region increased too.
*tap tap*

Up until now, he thought that he had an upper hand but little did he know that he
was at a disadvantage from the start. It became evident when three more wolves
appeared in front of him.

To be continued...
Chapter 71 - The Dark Devourer
Three more wolves appeared out of nowhere. They walked towards Lurion and
stood right next to him while glaring at Kira.

Aaron too walked towards them and joined the line. He was climbing a bit but it
was fine. He could walk somehow.

"What just happened...?", Kira shook his head and then lifted his head only to find
five wolves standing in front of him.


"What are you all doing here?", Kira asked.

But there was no reply. He was confused and for some reason, he started to
remble. Of course, that was because of the large wolf that was standing alongside
the others. It was twice as big as Kira.

"Tell me..."

"What are you doing here..."

"Brothers?", he asked.

Other than Lurion, there stood four more wolves who were Kira's brothers. Other
than Aaron, the three others were also his brothers.

Kira wasn't sure what was going on anymore. Al he could do is ask them directly
and he did that for which there was no reply.

Well, they did start speaking after hearing which, Kira felt betrayed.

"Haha, I told you right?"

"No wolf can win against Kira in a one-on-one fight...", said the largest wolf that
stood among the five.

"Tsk, you were right...", Lurion accepted that.

"Haha, so you finally admit it!", the big wolf said that.

"Yes, I have completely failed in defeating him without my summons..."

Lurion replied with a dead-serious tone but that didn't mean anything. He was quite
furious because he failed to kill Kira before they arrived.

"In any case, I am helping you so don't forget about the deal!", Lurion replied.

"Haha, don't worry, we will keep our promise.", right after saying that, all wolves
other than Lurion started walking towards Kira.
"Do you know how long we had to wait in order to kill you?", asked one of the
wolves. Of course, Kira could clearly see who was speaking and was able to hear
what they were saying.

A wolf covered with flames walked towards Kira first and was closest to him. He
opened his mouth and fired a sphere of fire.


It was the same attack that had blasted Kira away and now too the same
happened. Kira, who was already injured, failed to dodge that.

"Hmm, looks like that wasn't enough to kill you either...", the wolf said.

He had orange fur all over his body. His eyes were shining with red light. He was a
bit smaller than Kira but his firepower wasn't to be underestimated.

Next, another wolf came forward. It had green fur. It opened his mouth and fired a
sphere that was made up of wind. It was somewhat similar to what Siara had used
but had a lot more power!


The attack made direct contact with Kira's body just like the previous attack and
blew him away. He ended up dashing a tree causing a huge crack on the tree's

Not only that, Kira could feel that his own bones of the abdomen were shattered
because of the attack since it hit his abdomen.


Blood? Yes, he continuously spat blood seconds after second. His body was already
past its limit, he could barely hold his life.

Then Aaron, the brown wolf, waked as slowly as he could and bit Kira's abdomen
with all his might while tearing a leg amount of flesh from his body.


Kira howled, the howl was definitely filled with pain and agony.

And finally, the largest of all the wolves walked towards Kira. He was so large and
heavy that every step that he took, caused the ground to shake a bit. Of course, his
paw marks were being engraved on the land.

The wolf had greyish fur with purple shining markings all over the body. One could
clearly see the color and tell the attribute which the wolf had.

"First brother?", Kira mumbled.

A pool of blood had already been formed around him right after Aaron had torn a
large amount of flesh from his abdomen. It was a miracle that he was still alive.

A large number of clouds gathered in the clear sky and thunder started to emerge
from them. The lightning stroke Kira.


Each and every cell of Kira's body felt the shock. It was so painful that Kira wanted
to die almost immediately but for some reason, he was still hanging on.

Perhaps because of his clanmates, or maybe because of something which he had

left undone.

Kira was somewhat roasted because of the lightning!

Some of the blood from the pool had evaporated because of the intense lightning
but thanks to Kira's sturdy body he was still alive somehow.

"Would you look at that?"

"He is alive even after my 'Descending Lightning', he is the first to live after facing
that...", the purple wolf said that with a smirk.

"It's a pity that you will die today..."

"It's necessary for you to die today, we can't allow you to mess up with the Clan
Wars like last year..."

Right after that all five of them, including Lurion, attacked Kira from all sides after
surrounding him.

Could he have ever imagined this happening?

Everything around him had become slow as if time had stopped. He was heavily
injured and didn't have any more power left to even lift his own body!

Needless to say, he had already closed his eyes and had accepted his death.
However, that didn't mean that he would die in vain.

He was Kira after all, named by the great God of Death!

'Ultimate move...'

'Dark Devourer...'
That was his final move and perhaps the strongest attack he had even unleashed.

All the wolves had already jumped to attack him and just as they were about to
land the attack on him, a dark cloud appeared and started to spread in all


"What the heck is this!?", all the wolves shouted in unison while getting devoured in
the attack.

To be continued...
Chapter 72 - A Promise
And that eas end of everything that Aella said to Shin. Indeed, she didn't see or
hear everything that actually happened, but she was somehow able to relate to

All she said was how the terrain was set to fire, she had no idea about what had
happened to Kira or Siara. Nor she had any idea about what had happened to

She didn't even mention that Aaron was the one who betrayed them, but it was
quite evident when she mentioned the vanishing of all the wolves from the Biola

Also, she had mentioned the magic circle that caused the havoc. The barrier was
also mentioned by her.

Shin was easily able to deduct that this was all a trap or some sort of evil plot. But
he had no idea why someone would do that, so when he thought for some time, he
finally realized that this was all a setup made to eradicated Kira and his clan

'I don't know the exact reason but it seems like this is related to the Clan wars in
some or the other way...', that was what Shin deducted from whatever Aella said.

In any case, he had to survive now with Aella, and look forward to the future, at
least that's what he thought earlier. But when he saw tears flowing down Aella's
eyes, he had to think otherwise.

"What happened Aella?"


"Why are you crying?", he asked.


"I... I don't know...", tears just kept flowing down her eyes.

Shin was confused by that and so was Aella but perhaps Shin had already guessed
the reason for that.

'Is it because her parents are no more?', Shin asked himself.

Well, he was right. Aella was indeed crying because of the sudden loneliness that
she started to feel.

All this time she had been with Siara and Kira. No matter how small she was, she
felt the love from them.

Also, there were tons of wolves to keep her company. Many even gave their
blessings when she was born.

The wolves used to chat a lot due to which it was never too quiet in the White wolf
clan. She missed all of them but more than that she missed Siara and Kira.

'But I still doubt that Kira is dead...'

'I guess he might have survived after all he was pretty strong!'


'What about Siara? She should have survived too right?', he kept asking himself
since Aella had no idea about them, to begin with.

Now SHin was also sad after seeing Aella shed tears. He walked towards her and
licked her tears away.

'Yikes, it's salty!', he said to himself.

Of course, it would be salty, what else did he expect?

"Don't cry, you need to be strong."

Though he believed that Kira and Siara were fine, it was a fact that they were
missing so he couldn't completely confirm that they were alive!

That was why he couldn't even reassure Aella that they were fine.

"I will avenge them...", it automatically came out of his mouth.

Aella heard that and stopped crying but her heart was still in pain. A weird pain it
was because she herself couldn't describe it.

In any case, even if she couldn't remember them completely, she could still recall
the feeling of love and probably that was the source of pain. But that didn't mean
that she would forget the feeling of love in order to avoid pain!

That was probably why Shin said that. Without a doubt, it reduced her pain but it
never vanished.

"Yes...", that was all she said as she leaned on him.

Shin didn't move from his place and allowed her to lean while thinking something.

After that, both of them moved away from the place and decided to explore the
forest. Of course, they promised themselves to get stronger as time passed but
that didn't mean that they would put themselves in danger!


Days passed one by one and within a blink of an eye, a year had already passed

Somewhere in the middle parts of the great forest of Thuren, the fourth largest
forest in the world...

Both of them had grown in size too, but Aella had a much greater growth rate when
compared to Shin.

Shin was now the same size as Aella from the past when she had just evolved,
whereas Aella was half the size of any normal wolf.

Both Aella and Shin were in a cave while trying to shelter themselves from the rain.
They literally raced each other to reach the cave earlier and of course, Aella won it.

"Hehe, I'm much faster than you, don't you agree Master Shin?", Aella asked.

"Sigh, indeed you are, now quit bragging about it and come closer, or else you will
get cold!".

Aella obeyed him and got closer to him. Aella's fur was quite wet since she had run
in the rain. It was the same for Shin too, however, it took no time for him to dry

However, Aella liked cold things, especially rain, well somewhat like Shin!

It was not as if SHin had started to dislike cold things, it's just that he started to
avoid cold things in order to prevent Aella from getting sick.

Perhaps, he had started to see her like a family member for whom he was ready to
go to any extent. Thanks to his human-like mentality, he thought that Aella would
end up getting sick which was quite contrasting since Wolves rarely or almost
never get sick since they do not catch a cold!

That didn't mean that they were immune to everything! They would still suffer from
tons of injuries and other problems!

When Aella got close to Shin, she started to blush and her words started to stutter.
In any case, she was quite uncomfortable when she got closer to Shin, probably
because she was in love?

She had been with him for over a year and had seen many things. She had seen his
kindness and many other things thanks to which she was indeed in love.

A wolf's reproductive period lies from one year to three years, so it was normal for
her to get attracted to Shin who seemed quite charming in her eyes.
As for Shin, this attraction didn't matter, at least not for now.

'She is indeed like her...'

'Like my sister...'

Shin rubbed her wet body so as to dry her by taking water from her fur to his own
fur and then drying it by twisting his body or using leaves.

They were having pretty normal lives till now. Hunting, playing, eating, playing,
hunting again and sleeping, it was a part of their lives.

Aella had almost forgotten about the pain of losing Kira and Siara, however, Shin
had never once forgotten about the promise that he had made that day.

'Am I strong enough?'

'I guess not...'

'Just a bit more I guess...'

'I will become the strongest wolf, take revenge for Kira and Siara, and unite all the

'That way the Clan Wars will be stopped!'

[ Level: 71 || Max. level: 80 ]


To be continued...

Chapter 73 - Growth In The Past Year
[ Profile ]

Name: Shin

S.e.x: Male

Age: 1 year

Weight: 9.1 Kg

Race: Lupus (wolf race)

[ Highlord Wolf ]

Rank: A || Max. rank: ???

Level: 71 || Max. level: 80

HP: 800/800 || Max. HP: ???

MP: 490/500 || Max. MP: ???

Exp: 5859 || Max. Exp: 9999

Atk: 280 || Max. Atk: ???

Def: 250 || Max. Def: ???

Speed: 540 || Max. Speed: ???

Int: 95 || Max. Int: ???

[ Skills Gained ]

[ Active Skills ]

1] Bite Lv.8

2] Dash Lv.9

3] Copy Lv.4

4] Heal Lv.6

5] Transformation Lv.3

6] Flame Wave Lv.2

7] Dark Manipulation Lv.2

8] All Seeing Eye Lv.6

9] Aura Control Lv.8

10] Dragon's Roar Lv.1

11] Dragon's Aura Lv.2

12] Hymn Of The Dragons' Lv.???

13] Total Curse Immunity Lv. Max

14] Curse Eraser Lv.3

15] HP Eater Lv.2

16] Wind Run Lv.5

17] Aero Slash Lv.4

18] Dispel Lv.3

19] Hurricane Lv.1

20] Winter Breeze Lv.1

21] Wind Manipulation Lv.1

22] God Wind Lv.???

[ Passive Skills ]

1] Cold Resistance Lv.9

2] Heat Resistance Lv.9

3]Shock Resistance Lv.6

4] Predator Lv.???

5] Hunter Lv.???

6] Moonlight Warrior Lv.2

7] Language Translation Lv.3

8] Poison Resistance Lv.3

9] Poison Destroyer Lv.4

10] Protector Lv.1

11] Pain Nullification Lv.1

12] Fire Resistance Lv.1

13] Mindcraft Resistance Lv.3

14] Gift Lv.???

15] Ultimate Growth Lv.???

'This past one year I've trained a lot...'

'There were times when I had to leave Aella alone for a day or two...'

'I've hunted countless beasts however I am not strong enough to take care of the
Clan Masters...', Shin thought while looking at his profile.

'This is the third forest that we've visited since then...'

'Soon, we will go to the forest of Runo, the forest where the Clan War will occur...'

The Clan War was postponed when all the clans were informed of Kira's death due
to which it was decided to be held after another 12 months! It had to occur six
months earlier, but then the elders of all the clans decided to postpone it to
another twelve months after six months! So basically, a total of 18 months' time
was given to grow stronger for everyone.

Shin had used a time of one year to reach where he was right now, but he still
hadn't made any clan or anything.

Basically, he had never once met any wolf other than Aella in the past year. That
was the same for Aella too. She too hadn't met anyone other than Shin, maybe
that's why she was in love with him.

'Sigh, I have kept my aura under control...'

'Thankfully Aella hasn't noticed how strong I've become...'

However it was true, he had grown way too strong in just a year! It was indeed
something since Shin was able to rise from Warrior wolf to a Highlord wolf!

'Maybe such a boost in growth of stats was possible because of that passive skill...'

'The Ultimate Growth...'

He guessed it right, his rapid and insane growth was thanks to the passive skill
which he had received three months earlier!
In any case, he was shocked not because of his own growth, he was shocked
because of Aella's growth.

Although she wasn't as high leveled as Shin and wasn't such high ranked, her
speed and MP were higher than Shin which was the most surprising thing.

[ Profile ]

Name: Aella

S.e.x: Female

Age: 1 year

Weight: 10 Kg

Race: Lupus (wolf race)

[ Wolf Lord ]

Rank: B || Max. rank: ???

Level: 53 || Max. level: 65

HP: 690/690 || Max. HP: 750

MP: 310/330 || Max. MP: 400

Exp: 3591 || Max. Exp: 4999

Atk: 250 || Max. Atk: 268

Def: 212 || Max. Def: 230

Speed: 545 || Max. Speed: 600

Int: 68 || Max. Int: 80

[ Skills ]

[ Active Skills ]

1] Wind Run Lv.5

-> Uses the power of the wind to increase the speed by 60%

-> Can be used for 00:00:05:00 ( 5 minutes )

-> Cool Down Timer: 00:01:00:00 ( 1 hour )

2] Aero Slash Lv.8

-> A piercing slash of wind emerging from the sharp claws/nails in the paw.

-> Gives critical damage if the target is twice the level of the user.

-> multiplies damage by 5 if the target is 30 levels higher than the user.

3] Hurricane Lv.3

-> Forms heavy and strong winds causing cyclones.

-> Area of impact: 300 meters

-> Deals double the damage to foes with five levels higher than the user.

4] Winter Breeze Lv.2

-> Summons cold and chilly winds from places experiencing winter.

-> Decreases temperature and creates a mini-territory of 200-meter radius to give

territorial advantage

[ Passive Skills ]

1] Protection Of Wind Lv.???

-> A blessing of the Wind Goddess disguised as a skill providing protection

-> Activates if hostility detected

2] Wind Creator Lv.3

-> Able to form or generate winds with 50% extra efficiency

3] Summoner Of Winds Lv.2

-> Able to summon winds from different locations with ease.

[ Title ]

1] The First Vessel Of Shin

-> The first vessel of Ruler of the Swamps, Shin.

-> Provides 10% boost in all stats.

-> Gives 50% boost in swampy areas.

-> Can use the skill 'Heal' when the HP drops to 20% to heal itself.

2] Runner

-> Provides 200% increase in speed stat when faced against a target with a higher
level than user for 200 seconds

3] Wind Guardian


'Indeed, learning a new skill is quite difficult...'

'I learned that after seeing how few skills Aella gained in the past year...'

'I wonder if I am different...'

Shin was completely right, no one could gain skills just by exposing themselves to
abnormality! He learned this after looking at Aella.

Needless to say, growth rates vary. Even if he was special, he could see the
monstrous growth which Aella had showed.

She was already at a level where she could defeat Siara with ease, but oh well, her
rank was low without a doubt. Of course, when compared to other wolves, Aella
would be considered abnormal or a genius!

'The past year was indeed hard...'

While Shin wondered about that and thought about the future events, some
dangerous ones had already snuck to the forest where they resided.

Needless to say, Shin wasn't aware of the danger that was kept in store for him and


To be continued...
Chapter 74 - The Humans From Levonia
While Shin was busy playing with Aella, some dangerous creatures had snuck into
the forest.

Of course, right now they were in the forest Thuren where a large number of strong
beasts resided. Needless to say, the danger was everywhere.

But something far more dangerous than wild animals or beasts could be humans,
sometimes that is.

And probably that time was now. A large number of humans had entered the forest.
They were probably looking for something or someone.

"Sir Balton, thirty soldiers have entered the forest so far...", a man riding a typical
brown horse and wearing armor that looked like steel said this loudly.

Of course, he was addressing to General Balton, who was present there riding a
bigger horse.

He too wore armor but it was quite bigger than others. Well, that was obvious
because he was quite large when compared to normal humans.

That was why he rode larger and stronger horses.

In this world where many mythical beasts reside, normal animals are also present.
Some use them as pets while others use them for other necessary works.

Needless to say, humans showed no mercy towards the ones who were tasked to
perform works.

"Good...", Balton nodded his head after hearing that.

"But Sir Balton, are you really sure about trusting that psychopath?", the man

"Wendy! Mind your words!"

"The one whom you are calling as a psychopath is the one and only Sage of our
empire who has reached High-Sage Rank!", Balton raises his voice and said this.


"I am aware of that Sir, but everyone knows that he is weird..."

"No one understands most of his words..."

"Also, his behavior is like that of a drunkard."

"Should we really trust what he says?", Wendy asked.

He wasn't completely wrong, the so-called High-sage about whom they were talking
was one of the strongest Sages in the world!

Of course, he was the only sage in the Empire of Levonia. The General, Balton, and
his right-hand man, Wendy, both belonged to the said empire.

"Hmm, even I doubt what he said...", Balton said in a low voice.

He didn't want the soldiers to hear this and get distracted, but what he thought was
necessary too.

He wanted to discuss it with Wendy since Wendy was quite clever, much cleverer
than most of the soldiers!

He and Wendy moved towards one side and started to discuss that.

"Yes Sir, what is said was completely ridiculous!", Wendy started the discussion
after arrived at a corner or a different spot.



"For a moment I did take him seriously but whatever he said could only be a prank
and nothing else!", was what Balton said.

"After all, how can there exist a monster that can pose danger to humanity itself?",
said Wendy sarcastically as if he was making fun of the Great Sage.


"That old man Kelton might have finally become crazy..."

"Not that he wasn't crazy before, haha.", Balton said this and laughed at his own
joke and so did Wendy.

Kelton seemed to be the name of the High-Sage whose words they had been


"He said that the one being who can destroy the entire of humanity exists in the
forest of Thuren..."

"Don't anger him, if he were to be angered, then his rage would end up swallowing
the whole world along with humanity!"

"Haha, what bullshit was he saying?", Wendy laughed constantly while ridiculing
He was clever indeed, but his arrogance and pretty useless attitude has wasted the

He was pretty easygoing right now. The General who was only great at strength
was also going along his jokes and ridicule.

"Haha, indeed. He was acting as if he could see the future. But if you think about it,
wouldn't it be quite ridiculous?", Wendy said again and Balton laughed along with

Why were they laughing over something like this? Was there absolutely no
possibility that there existed a beast that could possess danger to the entire

Well, many such beasts existed but were never heard of. Also, now that the Sage
said about that, the men became curious due to which they thought about messing
up with the forest where the Sage has forbidden from entering.

What they thought that the Celestials existed to protect each race from extinction
probably from such beasts! That was why they were the least bit scared and saw it
as some sort of joke.

In any case, they were thinking of Sage's words as dirt, but little did they know that
the Sage was indeed capable of seeing a glimpse of the future according to which,
what he had said was indeed true.

It wasn't clear if the one that was being mentioned was Shin or some other
monster, but it was true. The one being that could end the entire humanity or even
engulf the entire world resided in the forest.

And it was these foolish humans who went inside the forest to mess up and check if
the words held even a little bit of truth or not!

"But Sir Balton, was it really necessary to bring a thousand soldiers with us just to
check the validity of his statement?", Wendy asked.


Balton didn't reply to what he asked. In fact, he just looked at him with a weird

"Sir?", Wendy was confused because of this and called out to him again.

"Aren't you smart? Can't you tell by yourself?", Balton asked.

It seemed like he was not a pushover, or probably he was acting like a superior
right now.

For him, probably the fun time was over now.

Wendy was speechless after hearing it. Well, he was indeed smart so he tried to
think about it when suddenly he heard some weird noises from the forest.

He turned his head towards the forest. Right after that, his eyes widened as if he
figured it out.

"I get it now..."

"This forest contains many more dangerous beasts..."

"You brought them in order to act as meat shield right?", Wendy asked.


"Yes...", and one heck of a scary smile was seen on Balton's face.

To be continued...
Chapter 75 - The Land Of Lost Ones - Part 1
It was as if he was showing his evil side. Indeed, he has brought the soldiers only to
protect themselves.

If anything were to happen, they would toss the soldiers and use them as pawns
because they were expendable!

Also, Wendy had a similar idea. He had thought about bringing soldiers for that
very reason but on seeing Balton actually doing that, he was rather thrilled as if he
had made a partner in crime.

"Alright then, let's enter the forest!", Balton announced after laughing and smirking
for a while.

He basically wanted to hunt some beasts too and bring them back as some sort of
gift. Of course, that would raise his status and that was specifically what he wanted
to do.

Many of the soldiers mounted on the horses while others walked on foot. They
surrounded Balton and Wendy and walked in the same Circle formation.

If any Beast were to attack, that would first be dealt by the soldiers and they were
indeed doing the same.

Many small-sized beasts were being taken care of by them which Balton didn't even
care about.

Of course, his aim was in Hunting a bigger beast, but more than that, he had
another plan in his mind.

'What if I use the prophecy or whatever the old man said to my advantage?', he
asked himself.

This idea struck him when he entered the forest. It was indeed, some idea that
could earn him endless fame.

What he planned to do was kill the so-called imaginary beast that the Sage has
talked about and spread the rumor, that was the entire empire would acknowledge
his might.

In such a manner, it wouldn't take him much longer to become a Grand General!

Of course, he was thinking of a way to somehow spread the rumor by killing such a

'What if I kill some random beast and showcase it saying that it was the mentioned
beast?', that was indeed a good idea too.

Since no one had seen the said beast, they wouldn't be able to raise suspicion. And
even if they did, it would end soon since there would be no proof.
Regardless, he was thinking cleverly for the first time in his life, Well, it was for his
self-interest after all so it wasn't much of a thing to brag about.


Suddenly many of the bushes started shaking vigorously.

All the soldiers were shocked by that. They pointed their swords towards the

Balton was also startled and so was Wendy. Up until now, it was completely quiet
as if it was the silence before the storm.

That was why Wendy was a bit more cautious and now when suddenly the bushes
started to move, he was caught off-guard.

"What's going on?", Wendy asked after flinching.

All of them were confused but then all of a sudden the bushes stopped shaking.

"Huh? They stopped?", Wendy was confused even more now.

"Probably wind...?", said one of the soldiers.

Others nodded their heads after hearing that but Wendy and Balton weren't
convinced with that.

They were completely sure that something wasn't right here. Wendy knew it thanks
to his intuition and clever thinking whereas Balton knew it thanks to his instincts of
a fighter!

Regardless, they continued to walk and soon twenty minutes were passed by.

They thought that they were walking along a safe path, but little did they know that
they were entering one of the largest and dangerous zones of the fourth largest
forest - The Land Of Lost Ones!

They had already reached that place but none of them had any idea. They
continued to walk.

Balton didn't want to go any further since all he concerned about was finding a
large and easy prey so that he would be able to kill it easily and take it back.

He thought about going for a bit more since he hadn't found the beast he wanted.
In reality, he hadn't even found any beast that was bigger than a dog!

All till now, only small dog-sized beasts had appeared, although of different
attributes, they were far too weak and of course, no one would be convinced if
those were taken back!
That was why he asked them to keep moving. How we all of them stopped all of a
sudden in Wendy's commands.

"Everyone stop!", Wendy raised his voice and ordered.

"Wendy? What happened?"

"Why did you ask then to pause?", Balton asked.

He was already furious because he wanted to end the tiresome journey but now
Wendy stopped all of them from moving forward.

"Something is not right..."

"Didn't we just pass through this area a while ago?", Wendy asked.

"Huh?", Balton was puzzled when he heard that.

"We passed through this area already?", he scratched his head a bit and then
looked here and there.

But there was nothing significant to notice. Therefore he couldn't really make out if
they had passed by this area.


But it seemed like Wendy was sure that they had passed from the area earlier.

"You must have imagined if.", was what Balton said however Wendy didn't agree to

But now what could he do when no one was ready to believe him?

Indeed, all he could do was prove them. Therefore he threw a spear which he had
been holding all this time towards a tree. It pierced it easily.

A soldier was about to go that was to get the spear back but Wendy shouted and
asked him to refrain from getting the spear.

All of them thought that Wendy was behaving strangely. Regardless, they move
forward on Balton's command.

An hour passed and they still kept on moving when suddenly Wendy started to feel

Wendy was sweating profusely because when he looked towards his left, he found
his own spear on the bark of the tree in the same manner as it had pierced through
"Sir Balton, you were laughing earlier right?"

"Would you care to explain about this?", he asked while pointing his index finger
towards the spear.


Balton's eyes were widely opened and it was the same for others too.


They all swallowed a large amount of dry saliva while hearing Wendy say, "I'm
afraid to say but it seems like we have entered the Land Of Lost Ones!"


To be continued...
Chapter 76 - The Land Of Lost Ones - Part 2
The moment Wendy said that, all of them started to tremble.

They definitely knew about the Land Of Lost Ones. There were many stories about
that place.

The Land was somewhere in the forest, no one was able to navigate its exact
location but they were able to make a simple estimation from the incidents of
missing people.

Even the beasts were scared to enter the area. No one had any idea about what
that place exactly was because no one was able to escape the place after entering

Needless to say, after experiencing the uncanny situations, Wendy was sure that
the place where they were was the same land that was told in stories.

"What do we do now?"

"We won't be able to escape from here..."

"No! I don't want to die here..."

"I have a family!"

All the soldiers were quite scared after hearing that and started to say whatever
came to their minds.

Of course, Balton could hear that. Well, he was nervous too because he too had no
idea about the exit.

Also, he had no idea about the dangers of the land.

'I might have underestimated the forest a bit too much...', was the thought that
crossed his mind.

Indeed, he thought that the only danger in the forest would be the beasts but it was
only now that he realized that he was completely wrong.

Of course, he realized that there were tons of other ways due to which they could
end up dying in the forest.

Regardless, now he had to think of a way to escape from the area and for that, he
kept on looking towards Wendy.

All the soldiers were grumbling and were cursing themselves for coming to the
forest just to look at the so-called beast that was mentioned by the Sage.

"But something is weird...", Wendy said in a low voice.

"Weird...?", Balton asked.

Wendy had probably noticed something due to which he said that.

"Hmm, Sir Balton, please follow me...", Wendy said in a low voice.

"Did you find a way to get out of this place?", Balton asked.

"Not quite..."

"I'm not sure if this will take to the exit, but I think this is the best route to take!",
Wendy exclaimed.

Wendy had a magic item with him. It was a weird item that had no function other
than detecting magic.

'I was tricked by someone to buy this earlier...'

'But who knew that this would be so useful?', Wendy wondered.

Wendy was by no means a genius but he was indeed smart. Sometimes it's quite
easy to trick a smart person and in a similar manner, Wendy was tricked by a

However, it seemed to be a good thing for him. The reason was simple, the forest
had created this land by itself with the excess mana that was emitted on the death
of large beasts.

It was this very mana that was creating illusions. Basically, the excess mana was
trying to replicate everything that it covered due to which tons of similar-looking
trees and similar-looking paths in the forest were replicated.

Those just looked similar when in reality they were different. Many beasts and
humans had already died hereafter getting stuck for many days or even years.

It was evident by the skulls and skeletons that were placed on the ground here and
there. They found all those stuff after entering the deeper area.

'Maybe I'll be the first person to get safely out of the Land Of the Lost Ones...', was
what Wendy thought.

The magic item could detect the exact places where the mana was densely
condensed. Thanks to that he could easily pass through the illusions.

'I knew it...'

'Something was weird about this area...'

'It's completely filled with dense mana causing illusions...'

It took them two hours finally after which they were indeed out of the dangerous
area. However, they only noticed that when they finally sighted a beast!

"A beast?", Balton looked at the soldiers and the beasts continuously.


"Does that mean...", he almost immediately looked towards Wendy.

"Yes Sir Balton, we are out of the Land Of Lost Ones!", he said in a raised voice.



"Long live Sir Wendy! Long live Sir Balton!", they started to cheer for them and
wished them.

It was because they were extremely happy about surviving the dangerous place.
Not only that, they were happy cause their names would go down the history as the
first people to get out of the Land Of Lost Ones!

But little did they know that they would never get a chance to get out of the forest!
At least, not when they went and messed with Shin!

A fun fact, Shin and Aella were resting near the Land Of Lost Ones! The reason was
simple, Shin identified that place as the safest.

Despite the fact that it extended till the edge of the forest, it was rather safe since
no beast would voluntarily come near such an area. The same was for humans so
he rested near the area.

Unfortunately, the humans who came out of the place spotted a cave-like den
which was originally created by Shin and Aella.

Both of them used to spend the night there while trying to recover from the

Of course, they couldn't possibly sleep anywhere they wanted since there were
many beasts stronger than them roaming around the forest.

As they went towards the center area, the stronger the beasts got therefore it was
necessary for them to find a place to stay.

The humans discovered the small den. Well, it wasn't that small, two humans could
easily fit inside it simultaneously.

"Sir, we've discovered a den...", said one of the soldiers who went to take a look at
the surroundings.

"A den?", Balton looked towards Wendy.

"Yes, and we found some white fur inside the den which I assume belongs to a
wolf.", was what the soldier said.

"Interesting, a den near this area?"

"What kind of beast stays there to be so powerful and fearless?", Wendy asked.

Their thoughts were interesting indeed. Since they found some fur, they were
pretty sure that it wasn't an abandoned den.

Also, Wendy was surprised to hear the existence of a den there.

He wanted to make some remark about this when suddenly Balton spoke, "Could it

"Could the den belong to the same monster that the Sage talked about?", Balton

The moment he did, all of them shut their mouths. Of course, Wendy and Balton
didn't believe such a story, at least not till now.

After hearing them say about the cave and the fur, they started to think of
whatever the Sage said was true.

However, one point was to note that, the fur that was mentioned belonged to Wolf,
which was confirmed by the soldiers. Probably it was because of the little paw
marks that were present in the cave.

'The Land Of Lost Ones...'

'It's a place where only the Dragons and Elves can enter and leave at will.', Wendy
thought about that.

Dragons could easily detect the direction and source of mana and it was the same
for elves. Of course, fairies could do the same.

They were the race that could easily enter the land and leave, at least that's what
had happened once long ago.

Though, they had to struggle a bit. The dragons, who could crush the celestials and
rival Gods also had a hard time exiting the place. This meant that even the Gods,
who created the place, would have to spend some energy while trying to escape.

Everyone, almost all races feared such places. There were many similar places like
this in the world and all those places were feared.
That was why Wendy kept on wondering about the so-called wolves that the
soldiers spoke of.

'What kind of brave wolves could they be not to fear such a place?', he wondered.

In any case, Balton got excited. Even now he disregarded the saying of Sage.

'No matter what it may be, if I'll be able to hunt the beast that lived inside the cave,
then my name will definitely be written in golden words in history!'

'I would get tons of money and many women to play with!'

His thoughts were rotten just like him. All he cared for was himself.

"Lead the way!", he said to the soldiers that had found the den.

They did as they were commanded and took him to the spot.

"So, this is that den?", Balton asked with his eyes wide opened.

"Yes Sir.", the soldier nodded his head with absolute confidence.

Wendy took a look at the den and said just one word, "Interesting..."

The reason why he said that was pretty simple. The size of the den was quite small
which meant that a small beast lived or at least visited that place.

Right after that, he looked at Balton only to find him grinning as if he was thinking
the same.


"Now let's lay the trap and wait for the beast to arrive..."

"Because as I can see, the paw marks are quite fresh as if it had not been long
since the beast or rather the wolf left the place..."


To be continued...
Chapter 77 - Aella Captured
Balton asked his soldiers to lay traps. He thought that he would soon catch the
beast that visited the den.

The soldiers obeyed him and laid many nets near and inside the den. Of course,
those were no normal nets.

They had special magic imbued in them. They would zap or give a paralytic shock
to the beasts or monsters that would touch them. Needless to say, humans would
also get shocked, therefore it was necessary to handle them with care.

That was why a special glove-like apparatus was given to hold the net without any
problem. Those very gloves ensured that no one got paralyzed because of their
own net.

The soldiers did exactly as they were ordered and placed the nets. They
themselves then hid near the cave. Some of them hid in the trees while others kept
watching from a bit far away place.

Of course, they had binoculars like instruments that enabled them to look into a
farther place.

Now all they had to do was wait for the beast to arrive.

Shin and Aella had gone hunting. They had rested enough and now hunted beasts
that were weaker or smaller than themselves. Of course, they could hunt bigger
beasts easily, however they would fail to carry them due to which all the meat
would go to waste since other monsters or beasts would end up getting attracted to
the smell and would end up finishing the untaken parts.

They waited for thirty minutes but there was no sign of any beast approaching the
area. Needless to say, they were looking out for a wolf since that was what they
had deducted from the fur.

"Master, isn't this enough for tonight?", was what Aella asked Shin.

It was evening time, or even perhaps nighttime by now. Of course, the moon was
visible in the sky but the sun hadn't set. So it was basically a twilight.

Shin was greedy, he wanted to taste tons of beasts. Of course, he hadn't hunted all
the beasts in the forest so he wanted to keep hunting.

But Aella was worried about the dangers that came with the sunset. Therefore she
wanted to return to the den as soon so possible.

Well, she felt safe whenever she was around Shin so she didn't have much to worry
about, but she was cautious. Her thinking ability had been enhanced so this was to
be expected!

"Master, we should go home...", she kept saying that but Shin was looking for one
more beast that he wanted to hunt and savor.

Of course, he was not an idiot to ignore what Aella said. He too knew that he wasn't
invincible. Although he did grow strong, there were far stronger ones in the forest.

However, he was forced to hunt and the reason was quite simple.

[ Quest 96: Hunt A Teronaris ]

[ Teronaris -> A type of spider beast with eight legs. Imbued with poison ]

[ Quest Rank: B ]

[ Time Left: 00:01:50:22 ( 1 hour 50 minutes 22 seconds ) ]

[ Failure will result in a decrease in host's level by 1 ]

Shin didn't want his level to drop. He had worked hard for each and everything so
yes, he wanted to keep going forward.

That was why he was searching for the beast, needless to say, the navigation was
quite helpful.

[ 0.5 miles to the west ]

He kept going towards that area. Aella was quite irritated because Shin never once
listened to him.

Well, it was not his fault, he was now receiving daily quests that he had to
complete every day! Of course, he had to complete them before the sunset!

"Fine then, I will be going back!"

"Come whenever you want! Hmph!", right after saying that Aella ran away using
the skill Wind Run!

Of course, that was not the way to speak with a master who saved one's life. But
she had gotten quite close to him and now perceived him as a lover.

Well, it was indeed one-sided, but love was still love. Or perhaps it was affection.
Whatever it may be, she looked at Shin in a different manner when compared to
how she looked at him a year ago.

Nevertheless, she had already left the area and was not that far away from the den
which she and Shin had discovered, modified, and perhaps created too.

"Sigh, she became angry again..."

That was all that Shin said.

'But, for some reason, my heart feels heavy...'

'It's beating faster than normal as if...'

'As if I am going to lose something...'

Those were his thoughts which were completely natural and genuine. He had no
idea why he felt like that.

Probably it was because he was closely attached to Aella and was used to seeing
her every day and every time and since she was heading towards danger, he too
could feel the sense of uneasiness.

"Nah, I must be overthinking..."

"It must be because I'm quite tired..."

And there went his one and only chance to save Aella.

Well, Aella wasn't weak. However in front of humans, who are highly intelligent and
have extreme tools and weapons, beasts as small as Aella could easily get killed.

Although she was strong, she wasn't ready to face the humans and their might.
Well, she never met humans in the first place.

Ever since her birth, all she had seen were wolves. The only time when she saw
other beasts were when the bears attacked their clan and when she went on
hunting with Shin. Until then she had no idea about what she was eating or what
she was sleeping on!

In any case, she herself hadn't realized that she was heading towards death doors.
It was a pretty bad idea to leave Shin's side because even if Shin were to face a
strong monster, he would be able to escape it with ease thanks to his sharp

She indeed regretted the decision of being separated from Shin the moment she
fell into their trap!


She howled. The electric shock that zapped her almost made her lose
consciousness. She was barely hanging.


'What just happened?', she asked herself.

Because of the Wind run, she arrived at the place quite quickly. She didn't even
realize that there were humans in the surrounding.
Well, she didn't have the time to detect the smell or anything. She didn't have any
idea about who they were.


"Sir Balton!"

"The wolf has fallen in our trap!", the soldiers raised their voices.

They were shouting in joy as if they had achieved something great. Of course, they
would be happy because as per what Balton had said, the wolf was the same beast
that was mentioned by the sage.

Balton rushed towards them on his horse as fast as he could. Wendy did the same
because they wanted to look at the wolf.

The moment they arrived near the place and took a look at the wolf, they were
surprised and were shocked.

'A wolf pup?', was what Wendy asked himself.

Not that Aella looked like a wolf pup, but she was not big enough to be called an a.

Of course, she was just a little bigger than a pup and was half the size of any wolf.

That was what led Wendy to conclude that Aella was nothing more than a pup.

Well, that was not the only reason why Wendy was surprised. He was also baffled
by the color of Aella's fur.

It was white, like that of the moon. Perhaps whiter than that.

'Is it really a strong beast? Or is it some random beast that was wandering around
this part?', was what he asked himself again.

As mentioned earlier, the darker the fur of the wolf, the stronger it is. That was the
classification that the wolves used and that was how humans too studied the

Since Aella was a white wolf, her fur was white thus causing them to think that she
was one of the weakest wolves out there. That was what led Wendy to question
himself if Aella was the beast that they were looking for.

All of the soldiers were laughing loudly in joy. Of course, that could attract other
beasts, but there were not many beasts that would dare to come closer to the
place that was just next to the Land of lost ones.

'What are they saying?'

'Who are they?'

'What are they?'

And those were the last thing that she thought about before she tried to free
herself from the net.

To be continued...
Chapter 78 - Unexpected Trap - Part 1: [ Recap ]
"What the heck is happening?", Shin wondered.

For some reason, he started to feel uneasy. Not only that, he could feel something
changing in his body. It was as if he had lost something and was gaining something
at the same time.

Indeed, it was indescribable, however for Shin, it was more like something which he
had already experience earlier.

'I don't think I was hit by any poison...'

'And even if I was, I wouldn't be affected by it because of my skills...'

Indeed, he was right. His skills were quite a high level so any minute or even a high-
level poison couldn't weaken him right now, at least not until the highest level of
poison was injected directly into his blood!

'Something is wrong...'

'I can feel that something is wrong...'

'But my body is definitely fine, it's healthy for sure...'

'Then what the heck is happening to me?'

His vision kept getting blurry and his senses were vanishing.

However, that didn't mean that he had become blind. Although he couldn't see
anything in front of him, he could see something else which was entirely different
of course, it happened only after he closed his eyes.


'That is...'


[Kill The Grigard ]

-> kill the grigard in front of you.

-> compulsory

-> Failure Will lead to appropriate punishments.

-> Appropriate rewards will be given on completion.

TIME LIMIT: 00:00:02:00 [ 2 minutes ]

Timer starts in - 00:00:00:05 ( 5 seconds ) ]

The very first mission that he had given after his arrival in the new world was being
shown to him which was way too weird to be normal.

'The heck?'

'What's with this mission?'

'Hadn't I failed it long ago? Why is it popping up again?', he asked himself.

He thought that the system might have been giving him another chance to
complete the same mission, however, when he took a look at the mission number,
it was stating '01'. That meant that this was definitely the first mission in terms of
order while in reality he had completed over fifty to a hundred missions already!

He was trying his best to figure that out when suddenly something else started to
flash in front of his eyes.



-> kill and eat the swamp Ruler Fendas.

-> Compulsory.

-> Failure will lead to appropriate punishments.

-> Appropriate rewards will be given on completion.

TIME LIMIT: 00:00:03:00 [ 3 minutes ]

-> The Mission will automatically start as soon as Fendas appears in front of you. ]

That was not all, many more notifications kept on being shown to him.

[ You have met all the requirements for evolution ]

[ Please select your future evolved form - ]

-> Midnight Wolf

-> Dark Wolf

-> Flame Wolf

-> Half-Dragon Wolf

[ Midnight Wolf ]
-> One of the strongest predators among the wolf clans.

-> Usually nocturnal.

-> Due to the silver fur, it's often confused with the inferior species of white wolf.

-> They have extremely sharp fangs and strong limbs that allows them to run
faster than any other wolf.

-> Their strength increases by 500% during midnight for 10 minutes. ( Duration
may vary from one wolf to another )

-> Chance of evolution to this race --> 87%

[ Conditions -> White wolf species with at least one titles ]

[ Dark Wolf ]

-> Higher Wolf Species

-> Specializes in Dark Magic

-> Power increases by 200% during nighttime.

-> Power increases by 100% during daytime in the dark regions.

-> Chance of evolution to this race --> 53%

[ Conditions -> White wolf species with at least one class ]

[ Flame Wolf ]

-> One of the rarest but strongest predators among the wolf species.

-> Specializes in Fire magic.

-> Strength increases by 300% in fire habitat.

-> Weakness: Water element. (Can be fatal depending on the exposure amount)

-> Immortal

-> Chance of evolution to this race --> 95%

[ Conditions -> White wolf species with Heat resistance ]

[ Half-Dragon Wolf ]

-> Information cannot be provided due to the interference of Celestials.

[ Enabling forceful extraction of the details ]

[ Error code: 03015 ]

[ Details cannot be provided due to the interference of the Celestials ]

[ The skill Copy has been activated due to the abnormality caused ]


[ You have gained a new active skill 'Wind Run' Lv.1 ]

[ Wind Run -> Uses the power of the wind to increase the speed by 50%

-> Can be used for 00:00:02:00 ( 2 minutes )

-> Cool Down Timer: 00:06:00:00 ( 6 hours ) ]

And those were only some amount of messages. Many more messages were being
shown which were completely unnecessary.

He had completed everything, to begin with so it was way too weird for the
messages to pop up again.

He had no idea about what was happening to him in the first place and amidst this,
the messages didn't cease to pop.

Many more messages kept popping finally after which only the two profiles that
Shin had seen recently popped up.

[ Profile ]

Name: Aella

S.e.x: Female

Age: 1 year

Weight: 10 Kg

Race: Lupus (wolf race)

[ Wolf Lord ]

Rank: B || Max. rank: ???

Level: 53 || Max. level: 65

HP: 690/690 || Max. HP: 750

MP: 310/330 || Max. MP: 400

Exp: 3591 || Max. Exp: 4999

Atk: 250 || Max. Atk: 268

Def: 212 || Max. Def: 230

Speed: 545 || Max. Speed: 600

Int: 68 || Max. Int: 80

[ Skills ]

[ Active Skills ]

1] Wind Run Lv.5

-> Uses the power of the wind to increase the speed by 60%

-> Can be used for 00:00:05:00 ( 5 minutes )

-> Cool Down Timer: 00:01:00:00 ( 1 hour )

2] Aero Slash Lv.8

-> A piercing slash of wind emerging from the sharp claws/nails in the paw.

-> Gives critical damage if the target is twice the level of the user.

-> multiplies damage by 5 if the target is 30 levels higher than the user.

3] Hurricane Lv.3

-> Forms heavy and strong winds causing cyclones.

-> Area of impact: 300 meters

-> Deals double the damage to foes with five levels higher than the user.

4] Winter Breeze Lv.2

-> Summons cold and chilly winds from places experiencing winter.

-> Decreases temperature and creates a mini-territory of 200-meter radius to give

territorial advantage

[ Passive Skills ]
1] Protection Of Wind Lv.???

-> A blessing of the Wind Goddess disguised as a skill providing protection

-> Activates if hostility detected

2] Wind Creator Lv.3

-> Able to form or generate winds with 50% extra efficiency

3] Summoner Of Winds Lv.2

-> Able to summon winds from different locations with ease.

[ Title ]

1] The First Vessel Of Shin

-> The first vessel of Ruler of the Swamps, Shin.

-> Provides 10% boost in all stats.

-> Gives 50% boost in swampy areas.

-> Can use the skill 'Heal' when the HP drops to 20% to heal itself.

2] Runner

-> Provides 200% increase in speed stat when faced against a target with a higher
level than user for 200 seconds

3] Wind Guardian


That was completely normal and Shin was fine with it, but he still had no idea why
he was being shown all these things.

However, he knew that now the only thing that was left was his own profile and
according to what he thought, the profile did show up!

But something was weird, the stats kept fluctuating and everything was changing
constantly. It was as if someone was tampering with them.

[ Profile ]

Name: Shinnnnnnn

S.e.x: Male
Age: 1 year

Weight: 9.1111111111212 Kg

Race: Lupus (wolf race)

[ Highlord Wolf ] [ Wolf ] [ White ] [ ??? ]


Rank: A || Max. rank: ???

Level: 71 || Max. level: 80

HP: 800/800 || Max. HP: ???

MP: 490/500 || Max. MP: ???

Exp: 5859 || Max. Exp: 9999

Atk: 280 || Max. Atk: ???

Def: 250 || Max. Def: ???

Speed: 540 || Max. Speed: ???

Int: 95 || Max. Int: ???

[ Skills Gained ]

[ Active Skills ]

1] Bite Lv.8

2] Dash Lv.9

3] Copy Lv.4

4] Heal Lv.6

5] Transformation Lv.3

6] Flame Wave Lv.2

7] Dark Manipulation Lv.2

8] All Seeing Eye Lv.6

9] Aura Control Lv.8

10] Dragon's Roar Lv.1

11] Dragon's Aura Lv.2

12] Hymn Of The Dragons' Lv.???

13] Total Curse Immunity Lv. Max

14] Curse Eraser Lv.3

15] HP Eater Lv.2

16] Wind Run Lv.5

17] Aero Slash Lv.4

18] Dispel Lv.3

19] Hurricane Lv.1

20] Winter Breeze Lv.1

21] Wind Manipulation Lv.1

22] God Wind Lv.???

[ Passive Skills ]

1] Cold Resistance Lv.9

2] Heat Resistance Lv.9

3]Shock Resistance Lv.6

4] Predator Lv.???

5] Hunter Lv.???

6] Moonlight Warrior Lv.2

7] Language Translation Lv.3

8] Poison Resistance Lv.3

9] Poison Destroyer Lv.4

10] Protector Lv.1

11] Pain Nullification Lv.1

12] Fire Resistance Lv.1

13] Mindcraft Resistance Lv.3

14] Gift Lv.???

15] Ultimate Growth Lv.???

Did the system finally burn out? Or was someone doing this voluntarily?

What was happening in reality?

Was Aella fine? And what was exactly happening to Shin? Wasn't he just completing
a mission?

"Ke ke ke"

"Looks like he won't last more than 5 minutes...", a weird voice was heard from the
darkness that covered Shin and his surroundings including the trees and bushes.

To be continued...
Chapter 79 - Unexpected Trap - Part 2: A Goblin
Shin could see the system changing everything in front of him. Of course, the tons
of messages were confusing him even more. He had no idea of what was going on.

But he knew one thing for sure, whatever was happening was related to some sort
of magic or illusion.

The reason for that was simple, despite being confused, he could feel a weird sense
of concentrated mana.

He had been exposed to the mana of the Land of Lost ones which was quite dense.
Other than that, no other part of the forest gave off that kind of mana, at least not
that dense.

Well, that included only the parts that he had visited earlier. Of course, the place
where he was now was an area where he hadn't visited earlier, but he had been
searching for the beast there for quite some time.

All this time he could sense that the mana was quite less in the surrounding so a
sudden increase definitely meant the activating of some spell.

'Dang, it's as if a part of me is slowly trying to get away...', he was trying to

describe the feeling that he continuously felt because of that.

'I have no idea about what is happening, but I'm sure that if I try to use the system,
I would be able to get out of this predicament...'

This was unforeseen, Shin was quite strong, therefore he couldn't have been
cornered so easily. But it seemed like he had fallen into some sort of trap.

Of course, that was because he became careless. Not only was he overconfident
about his skills, but also had his mind diverted while thinking about Aella probably
because right after she left, he started to feel that he had lost something

'Tsk, I hate this...'

'Just who the heck is toying with me?', he asked himself.

He was pissed off and now couldn't bear it anymore.

'I hate this ridiculous feeling...'

'I'm done waiting...'

Actually, this was an abnormal condition to which he was subjected to, therefore he
was waiting for the system to let him learn a new skill, but it seemed as if the
system had become quite stubborn, at least after the latest evolution in which Shin
had evolved into a Highlord wolf!
'Sigh, it's enough...'

He gathered all his thoughts and left out all the annoying feelings. His mind all of a
sudden became empty thanks to that.

Everything was calm for a moment at least exactly when Shin disabled a skill that
he had been using all this time.

Of course, using a skill would be wise since he would be able to attack or do

something else, however, he disabled a skill.

Would disabling a skill really help? Was there any such skill that would help him
when it would be disabled?

Yes, there was one, a strong skill which he received during the start which had
been active all this time.


[ You have disabled the skill active skill Aura Control ]

[ Host's entire aura will no longer be concealed ]

[ The aura will emerge and start to spread in all direction with a radius of 5 Km ]


The moment the skill got deactivated, the pressure in the entire area changed.


[ You have gained a new passive skill 'Mental Defense' Lv.1 ]

[ Most mental attacks will be cut down and will have no effect on the host ]

[ Efficiency of magic usage will increase by 10% ]

That was an odd timing to receive a skill. He should have gained that earlier, but oh
well, the bottom line was that he got it and after getting it he was sure that he was
attacked with some skill that was related to affecting his mind.

In any case, he had disabled a skill earlier thanks to which the attack on him
vanished too.


"Spare me..."

Shin heard a weird voice, of course, he was no longer confused.

He now felt completely fine. He turned his head towards his right only to find a
goblin standing there.

"A goblin...?", Shin was way too surprised to see that.

It was a dead reality that goblins were one of the weakest creatures in this world,
however, he had never met one.

Of course, the weaker the race, the farther they would be from the center. This
meant that they should be found near the edges of the forest, but that wasn't the

Shin had never once encountered any goblin until now. It was his first time seeing a
creature that resembled the elves a bit, their pointy ears did for sure.

But the Goblin in front of him was somewhat different. It was wearing a violet-
colored rob which usually the mages or sorcerers would prefer wearing.

It was holding a staff too and just by seeing that Shin realized that the creature in
front of him was capable of using some sort of sorcery.

He didn't hesitate to take a look at its stats because he could see that the goblin
was terrified. Of course, he knew the reason, after all, it was because of his
terrifying dragon-like aura.


"Please spare me..."

The goblin could see a dragon covered with smoke emerging from Shin. The dragon
was as huge as any tree that was present there.

The red light that was shining from the eyes of the dragon was what terrified the
single goblin even more.

Of course, Shin kept walking towards him at a slow pace, but that didn't matter to
the goblin.

Shin's aura was so intense that the small plants nearby suddenly died and
withered. Well, he didn't observe that because his attention was towards the
goblin's stats.

From Goblin's perspective, the aura kept growing and so did the dragon. The goblin
had no idea about the situation anymore.

It threw the staff that he was holding. Needless to say, the staff and the blue
crystal ball on top of the staff didn't break.

However that couldn't be said about the goblin, the way it behaved, it felt as if it's
heart was soon going to burst and come out from its mouth.

To be continued...
Chapter 80 - An Uneasy Feeling
'System, show me its profile...', just with this one command, the system displayed
the goblin's profile.

[ Profile ]

Name: ???

S.e.x: male

Age: 12 years

Weight: 21 Kg

Race: Goblin

[ Mage ]

Rank: D || Max. rank: A

Level: 29 || Max. level: 30

HP: 110/110 || Max. HP: 112

MP: 210/330 || Max. MP: 340

Exp: 950 || Max. Exp: 999

Atk: 85 || Max. Atk: 88

Def: 36 || Max. Def: 40

Speed: 51 || Max. Speed: 55

Int: 64 || Max. Int: 70

[ Skills ]

[ Active ]

1] Illusions Lv.3

-> Able to confuse the target by showing fake objects.

-> Decreases foes stats by 20%

-> Speed decreased by additional 50%

2] Fire Blast Lv.2

-> A large sphere of fire forms and is fired.

-> Ranged attack

-> Radius: 50 meters

-> Inflicts 10% extra damage to the foes within a radius of 20 meter

3] Clone Formation Lv.1

-> Forms clones of itself.

-> Drains 50% of MP.

[ Passive ]

-< none >-

In terms of age and weight, it had bigger numbers displaying the seniority however
all other stats were pretty normal, the only thing that caught Shin's eyes was the
intelligence stat.

Of course, the intelligence was way too less when compared to Aella or Shin,
however, their levels were quite higher at the same time in comparison.

So such high intelligence didn't make sense for such a low leveled beast, that was
the first thought that crossed Shin's head.

However, when he thought about it a bit, he understood the reason for the high
intelligence. Although he hadn't played that many games in his earlier life, he had
indeed tried them at least once.

He had even heard some crazy game addicts saying 'Rase the intelligence stat for
higher magic efficiency', or something similar.

When he thought about that and related it to the word 'Mage', which was displayed
in the profile, he could finally understand the reason for higher intelligence.

"So that's what this is...", he said in a low voice but for the goblin, it sounded like

Of course, that was too much of an exaggeration but oh well, it was somewhat

"Please forgive me O' Supreme One, I was just trying to get something to eat for
my clan members..."

"I'm so very for offending you..."

The reason why the goblin attacked Shin was because his size was quite small.
Well, if his aura wasn't being concealed, all the beasts would have run away even
before approaching him and that would be the same for the goblin too, however
since it was concealed, he approached with a mind in ease.

In any case, she wasn't angry at all. Probably that was because the lingering feeling
of losing something was back again. That was bugging him causing him to get
irritated, however, his attention was off and he didn't care about the goblin.

"Ah, it's fine, just get going...", that's all he said right after which he activated the
skill to conceal his aura again.


[ You have used the skill Aura Control ]

[ Your aura will be concealed completely ]

And that was all, just after saying that Shin spaced out.

The goblin was confused after hearing that. For a moment he thought that SHin
was lying and would hunt him the moment he started to run.

He also thought that Shin would follow him all the way to his clan and hunt all the
members, however after seeing the aura practically vanishing, it gained some


'I am getting a chance to live so why not grab it?', right after thinking this the
goblin then just went back the same way from where it had come.

Needless to say, Shin's next task was to hunt the spider after which the mission
would be completed for the day, however, he had no interest to do that.

'It's weird...'

'This is probably the first time that I am not feeling any thirst for hunting...', Shin

"For some reason, I want to see Aella...", he said in a low voice.

He then took a look at the mission which was still displaying in the form of a small
tab in the screen of the system.

When he thought about checking it, it enlarged and started to display.

[ Quest 96: Hunt A Teronaris ]

[ Teronaris -> A type of spider beast with eight legs. Imbued with poison ]
[ Quest Rank: B ]

[ Time Left: 00:01:25:20 ( 1 hour 25 minutes 20 seconds ) ]

[ Failure will result in a decrease in host's level by 1 ]

Another hour was still left but that didn't mean that he could slack off, but what to
do, he was not in the mood.

He was just walking at the slowest speed possible.

He took a look at the navigator to see how much more he had to walk.

[ 0.9 miles to the west ]

Well, earlier 0.5 miles were left however due to the goblin he failed to go and hunt
it right away.

It seemed like the spider ran away with all its might after feeling the intense aura
which Shin had let out freely. Of course, it was only for few seconds thanks to which
the spider didn't go that far!

"Let's wrap it up..."

Right after saying that his eyes started to shine with green light. In the blink of an
eye, he vanished from the spot where he was standing initially.


[ You have used the skill Dash ]

-> Your speed is raised by 100%

-> Dexterity of the limbs is increased by 50%

-> Fatigue will start to get acc.u.mulated by 0.05 per second.

-> Skill will get deactivated automatically the moment fatigue reaches 20

And thanks to the skill, he covered the distance in no time. He arrived near a tree
and jumped as high as he could and just used the skill Bite to kill the spider on the
tree itself.

Of course, since it was a different tree, there weren't many webs. Thus, it got killed
instantly and had no time to even use the poison of which it was proud.

[ You have used the skill Bite ]

-> Dexterity of the jaws has been increased by 500%.

-> Power of the jaws has been increased by 300%.

-> Dexterity of the teeth has been increased by 200%.


'Crunch Crunch'


[ You have... ]

To be continued...
Chapter 81 - Aella Disappeared
[ You have killed a wild Teronaris ]

[ You have gained 128 Exp ]

Right after that, another notification popped up.


[ Congratulation ]

[ You have completed the daily quest ]

[ Quest 96: Hunt A Teronaris ] [ completed ]

[ You have gained the daily quest reward -> 100 exp ]

Well, he gained 100 exp every time he completed the daily quest so it wasn't any
surprise to him. Whatever he now eagerly started to run towards their home.

He was so anxious, because of the weird feeling that kept on clinging to him, that
he left the prey as it was.

He basically ran without even eating it which was probably the first time he had
done it.

[ You have used the skill Dash ]

-> Your speed is raised by 100%

-> Dexterity of the limbs is increased by 50%

-> Fatigue will start to get acc.u.mulated by 0.05 per second.

-> Skill will get deactivated automatically the moment fatigue reaches 20

He ran with all his might right after using that skill. He was so worried that he
ended up using the skill which he had gained thanks to Aella.


[ You have used the skill Wind Run ]

[ -> Speed has been increased by 60% ]

[ -> the skill will last for 00:00:05:00 ( 5 minutes ) ]

[ -> Cool Down Timer: 00:01:00:00 ( 1 hour ) will be enacted after the first five
minutes finish ]
He ended up activating to speed-boosting skills. Because of the skill dash, his
speed had already increased by several folds and now thanks to the skill Wind Run,
his speed almost doubled.

It took him almost no time to reach the place which he considered as his home, of
course, it took him around a minute or so after increasing his speed tremendously.

"Huh?", all the skills had been deactivated by now.

It seemed like he was shocked by something after arriving at the place.

'What the heck?', he was baffled by the sight.

The area that surrounded the den was completely destroyed. It was as if some
storm had swept away every tree in the area, of course, it was an exaggeration
since the trees were lying down on the ground but they had definitely been

There were many cut marks on the bark of the trees and the same could be seen
on some boulders or rocks that were present in the surrounding place.

'This devastation...'

'Isn't it due to the hurricane skill?', he asked himself.

'And these cut marks...'

'Probably Aero Slash?'

He was almost sure about it because he had the same skills. Of course, he had
used them countless times so he was familiar with the effects and the marks that
usually get imprinted in the place due to the attacks.

'Other than me, the only one who possesses these skills is Aella...', he realized that
something was wrong.

Of course, he hadn't arrived near the den, he was still a bit far from the den, maybe
100 meters?

He rushed almost immediately and finally arrived near the den without actually
using any skills because he had no time for the skills to get activated, or perhaps
he didn't get the thought to use them.

"No way..."

"It can't be..."

He could see blood marks here and there, of course, there were corpses too.

"Humans!?", Shin was almost sure that they were humans, of course, by seeing the
bodies that were lifeless.



He was somewhat speechless and his mind was almost blank. All he could think of
was Aella, he wanted to know where she was and while he was searching for her,
he hoped for her safety!

"Aella!", he shouted at the top of his voice but there was no response.

He ran towards the den and eventually entered it. However, there was no one
inside it. Of course, since the den wasn't large enough, one could tell if anyone was
inside or not by just seeing from the entrance.

"Aella! Where are you!?"

"Aella!", he shouted many times and called her name but she was nowhere to be

"Just what the heck is going on?", tears started flowing down his eyes when he
couldn't find her.

His mind was overflowing with tons of thoughts.

"Where is she!?", he ran here and there.

He shouted numerous times but there was no reply. He thought about looking a bit
more around when suddenly he was zapped with a large amount of intense electric


[ The electric discharge has no effect on the host due to high immunity against
thunder/electric shocks/ mental shocks ]


[ Skill Shock Resistance has immunized the host's body completely against electric
shocks ]

That didn't even sting him, such low-level electric shocks were nothing to him. Of
course, that was because of the high leveled skill that he had.

Regardless, Shin didn't care about that. Right now there was only one thing that he
thought about, and that was about Aella!

"Where is she!?", he raised his voice.

He then turned towards the humans that were dead. Until now he had been blinded
by emotions so he had failed to see that there were bite marks on the humans that
had killed them!


He walked closer to them in order to check the marks that were present on them.

"These marks definitely belong to..."

"They belong to..."


He was able to recognize them almost immediately. Well, he had spent a lot of time
with her.

He knew how big her mouth was and had an idea about the length and width of her
teeth since he had seen her bite marks on the leftover meat in many cases!

"Just what did you humans do with her?", he asked with rage.

He was infuriated because he knew that the humans were the ones responsible for
Aella's disappearance.

"I don't want to lose her..."


"I just don't want to lose anyone else...", his tears were unstoppable.

Of course, a wolf would usually howl while crying, however, he could barely even
make any voice because of how powerless he felt as if he had lost something

"Not again..."

"I don't want to lose again..."


To be continued...
Chapter 82 - The Serial Killer - Part 1: Start Of The Doom
"Haha, thank you, mom..."

"I love this!"

"But more than this, I love you both..."

"Thanks for giving birth to me, Mama, and papa..."

A boy, who was celebrating his fifth birthday, was smiling so brightly that even the
sun would be put into shame!

The brightness on his face was mesmerizing, he was cute and his charm had taken
over his family.

"Haha, would you look at that, he knows how to flatter others, he is just like you,
don't you think that's true, Darling?", a man who was in his thirties asked this while
looking at a woman who was c.a.r.e.s.sing the boy's head.

"What do you mean by that, honey?"

"My words her flattery?", she started to pout while scolding the man.

Both of them seemed to be husband and wife. They were quite cheerful and joyful.

It was their son's fifth birthday, however, they were the ones happy, much happier
than the boy.

"Mama, let's cut the cake together!", the boy advised and they did as he told.

They held the plastic knife together and then cut the cake at the same time.

A typical birthday song was sung and the gifts were being given. Of course, the
only ones present in the room were the boy, his dad and mom, and another small
girl who seemed to be a year younger than the boy. Needless to say that the girl
was the boy's younger sister.

Yes, they were the ones who gave two or three gifts which the boy opened right
after he cut the cake and fed all of them.

"I will never forget this day!", the boy said.

He was quite happy and so were the others. The day was soon over, and then the
next day was too.

One by one many days passed by and soon the boy was sixteen years old and by
now he was about the graduate the middle school.

No one could beat him in studies, of course, many a time even the teachers asked
him many things.
Of course, his happy life was going just fine, at least until he met this certain man
who changed his entire fate and life.

His' so smooth going happy life changed into a horror movie.

'Ding Dong'

'Ting Tong'

While he was on his way to his home, he found a man coming out of his house.

The man then passed by right after which he entered the home after opening the

'Who was that man?'

'Such a weirdo...'

Of course, the person whom he saw had many tattoos on his face. He was smoking
a cigar and had piercings all over his ears and lips. That included the nose too. He
looked somewhat like a gangster or a thug.

"Mom, I am hungry, what did you make?", he said in a loud voice right after which
he went upstairs even before hearing and got changed into informal wear that he
wore in his home normally.

"Mom! What have you prepared for food?", he asked again, but there was no

He switched the T.V. on and kept on watching. An hour was passed and his
stomach started to grumble for real.

"Mom! Have you gone deaf? I am hungry!", he got up from the sofa on which he
was sitting and watching the show and walked towards the kitchen where the
dining table was placed.

"Sigh, come on mom, if you are placing the food on the table then you should have
informed me at least!", he said this when he found the food on the table.

It included sandwiches which he loved the most. Of course, he loved it with sauce
which was way too weird a combination for him because he would basically dip the
sandwich completely in the sauce as if he were painting it in red.

"Mom! Where is the sauce? Why haven't you..."

It was weird, his mom never once forgot placing the bottle of sauce while giving
him sandwiches so why now?

But just as he got up to get the bottle of sauce from the kitchen, he found a bowl
that had the sauce filled in it.

"Sigh, mom poured it in the bowl but forgot to give it to me?", he said in a low

Until now he hadn't heard her voice nor had he seen her, however, he didn't care
about that.

All he thought about was the sandwiches to fill his stomach!

He dipped the sandwich in the bowl and covered it with the sauce completely.

'Weird, the sauce is thick today...'

'I guess it's of good quality...', was what he thought and then took a bit of the

*nom nom*



"What the-"

"Mom, just what the heck is this sauce? It made the sandwich taste awful!"

He got up from the table and spit the food from his mouth in the sink and washed
his mouth.

"Damn! This ruined my mood!", he was a bit angry.

"Mom! What are you doing!?"

"I hate this..."

"Where are you?"

*tap tap*

"Tell me, from which mall did you bring thi-"

And while saying this, he walked towards the bedroom where his mom and dad
slept and as he was about to open it, someone rang the doorbell of his home.

"Ugh, who is it?", right after saying that he rushed towards the door and opened it.

"Who...?", he asked in a low voice as if he was being polite.

"Uh, excuse me, your father passed out while drinking..."

"I have brought him...", it was the same man whom the boy had seen earlier.


He could smell the alcohol from his dad who was being balanced or basically being
carried by the man.

"Ah, thank you very much!", right after saying that he held his dad's hand and got
him inside.

"No worries...", the man grinned and then turned back and went the same way as
he had arrived.


"What a weirdo..."


To be continued...
Chapter 83 - The Serial Killer - Part 2: The Death Of Parents
The boy then shut the door and took his dad near the dining table and helped him
to sit on the chair placed there.

"Sigh, dad, why did you drink in broad daylight?", he asked in a low voice as if he
was scolding.

Well, it wasn't even evening, in fact, there were still two to three hours before the
sun could set. Of course, the boy had probably come earlier from the school or
maybe the school had a half-day.

Whatever the case may be, it was confirmed that his dad had drinks even before it
was nighttime.

After leaving his dad, he went to fetch water so that he could give it to his dad, but
the moment he left, his father fell on the ground.


It was as if something hit the ground with a loud smack.


The boy was shocked by the sudden noise, of course, only he and his dad were
present here so it was quite unusual. He hadn't seen his mom so the thought about
her didn't cross his mind either.

He turned his head towards the direction of the sound, of course, it was towards
the dining table.

Since the table was in his sight and was clearly visible from the kitchen, all he had
to do was turn his head and he did that precisely and flawlessly.

"Well, I guess I heard it wrong...", was all that he said after seeing that nothing was

Everything seemed normal to him, of course, because of the chairs and the high
shelf-like half-wall that was built, he failed to see his father since that blocked the
end part of the table where his father fell.

He didn't bother checking if the sound was real, he just assumed that almost
immediately that it was fake and was probably his imagination!

He filled water in a glass from the filter that was hanging on the wall which purified
the water. He almost immediately brought that towards the table only to find his
dad missing from his sight.

"Da-", and just when he was going to call him, his sight landed on his body that was
lying on the ground.
"Dad!", he raised his voice and rushed towards him while still holding the glass of
water, needless to say, a little bit of it spill on the ground due to his rushing.

"Dad, are you alright?", he asked.

He had a worrisome expression on his face and was legitimately panicking right
now. Of course, he blamed himself because he hadn't placed him in a proper place
because of which he fell on the ground due to an irregular sense of balance after

He touched his dad and turned him towards himself.

"Sigh, there are no marks of getting hit...", of course, one could easily hurt his head
or some other part while falling just from a height that was no more than a meter
while being unconscious!

'What the heck?', all of sudden, he started to get chills.

The glass of water that he held slipped from his hand and all the water spilled over,
well, it would be appropriate to say that his grip weakened due to which the glass
of water fell.



"You must be joking right?"

The boy noticed something that left his hand and his entire body trembling,
probably that was why his grip weakened.

"Come on dad..."

"Why are you doing this?", he asked his dad.

He was surprised by the fact that his dad wasn't breathing. No movement in the
abdomen or the c.h.e.s.t was seen. Of course, that was what surprised the boy.

He thought that his dad was just joking, but after seeing that there were no
breathing movements even after saying that, he started to sweat profusely.

Not only that, his dad was showing no other signs as well, earlier, when he held his
dad and brought him to the kitchen, he could feel his breathing, but it was getting
weaker each second.

He failed to notice that though and unfortunately even before he could take any
necessary steps to save his dad, his breathing had already stopped.

Tears ran down his eyes because of the constant negative thoughts that consumed
his mind.

"Dad!", he called him again and again, but there was no response.

Of course, when he touched him again, he could feel that the body was a bit cold.

Well, some amount of warmth, in fact, a lot was left, but its temperature had
indeed come down by quite a lot.

"Beverages increase the temperature of the body! But why is your temperature
less than normal?", he asked. Indeed, he was no thermometer, but he was quite s.e.
n.s.i.t.i.v.e to changes in temperature, probably that was why he could say that his
body was cold.

"Dad!", he shouted at the top of his voice.

"Why?", although he didn't want to admit it, he realized that his dad was dead.

How? Well, he checked if his heart was beating, but unfortunately, he could hear no

Of course, for a moment he thought that it was only him making some mistake
because o which he thought about calling an ambulance, but when he noticed that
blood started oozing out of his ears and eyes with no respiration, in fact, breathing
at all, he realized that he was dead.

"The heck is going on!?"

"This isn't real!"

"This can't be real!", he kept on saying that, but poor boy, what could he possibly
do other than denying it?


"What are you doing?"

"Can't you hear me shout and scream?", he stood up and walked towards their
bedroom to tell them what had happened.

He wanted an arm to rely on, he wanted a c.h.e.s.t that could make him feel good,
he wanted a shoulder that could carry the burden which he had.

Burden? Yes, a burden, after all, he had started to blame himself for his father's

He wasn't stupid, he was a topper, so he could clearly tell that his father hadn't
died by falling from a chair, but oh well, sometimes emotional geniuses are too
much of a fool than a fickle-minded dumb person.
"Mom...", he opened the sliding Japanese-styled door only to find something much
more shocking.



The bedsheets that were laid were fully covered with red paint, well not paint, in
fact, they were blood.

How did he realize? Of course, he was able to after seeing body parts fallen all over
the place.

Of course, the head was also detached from the body like the arms and legs. In
fact, even the eyeballs and ears were missing.

"Mom...?", he easily recognized it to be his mom. Well, the face was somewhat


"Interesting, so this is supposed to be the sauce which I ate earlier right?"

"Mom is just toying with me right?"


"Hahahaha!", he started laughing like someone who had gone insane.

A small pool of blood had been formed in front of the bedsheets near the head. He
jumped right over it and started to play and bathe with the blood as if it was
rainwater in a pothole.


"This is definitely a dream! Hahaha!", he lost a screw maybe after seeing all the
blood and the parts of the body such as intestines that were tied around the head
on the hair as if it were some decoration piece.


"It's so beautiful!", he kept on laughing as if he was some creep.

He kept on rolling in the pool of blood for ten minutes or longer, of course, while
anticipating waking up from the dream.

But the dream seemed way too long for him so he basically stopped hoping for it.

All of a sudden a lot of cops appeared out of nowhere. They had pistols and guns in
their hands which were aimed at the boy.

"Hands up!", they said in a loud voice while being cautious after seeing that he
looked somewhat like a maniac.

"Arrest him immediately!", said one of them.

"Huh? Cops?", the boy was confused by seeing them in his house.

'How did they even get inside?', that was a normal question that one would ask in
such a situation.

Oh well, the question was answered much quicker than expected. His sister stood
in front of him while having a terrified look on her face.

She was only fifteen and had to look at the blood and deaths of her dad and
mother. Of course, she thought that it was her brother who did this.

Who wouldn't think that after seeing his bizarre behavior?

"You...", that was all the boy said when he found his sister way too terrified to even
look at his eyes.

Well, he was covered with blood after all.

The cops then arrested him and took him away while some remained behind to look
after his sister and check the crime scenes.


To be continued...
Chapter 84 - Circles And Crosses
The boy sentenced to ten years of imprisonment. Needless to say, they did this
while thinking about his sister.

Of course, she was young and could live with her uncle or aunt, but he had to play
an essential role because he was the one that stole her parents from her.

He had to look after all her expenses after she was to turn twenty-seven, probably
that was why he was allowed to go only after ten years.

It was pretty weird because no one to date was given such a less punishment. Of
course, maybe this was possible because his father's friend had a high position and
influenced the judgment.

He realized that this was not a dream only after spending two to three days in
prison. Till then he was quite violent and even hit many prisoners who were present
alongside him.

But oh well, after that, he became quiet as if he had not done anything.

All he did was weep because of the happenings.

What else could he possibly do? Of course, when he started to show this side of his,
many prisoners who were beaten up by him, took revenge.

Needless to say, he made many friends however that kept spoiling him. He started
to act like a thug while being around them because he couldn't chicken out in front
of them since he would end up becoming their target!

He was given schooling too, of course, probably because of his father's friends. The
authorities thought that he would fare well in exams and sine he was like a genius,
he could be given the opportunity to study.

But he had already been spoiled, his attitude was completely different from before.
He skipped from his studies and the kid's school where he was sent was also filled
with many other prisoners.

Needless to say, they were from different prisons and picked a fight with him. Since
he wasn't someone who ever got into fights, he never knew how to fight nor did he
have any idea about self-defense.

He wanted to kill his own sister who didn't even think twice before reporting him to
the cops, well, who could remain calm while facing a psycho?

Therefore, he always thought about killing her too, but then again, he could never
do that since he had never once killed even a fly out of his own will.

When he turned twenty, his school was stopped and he then started to get into
fights. It was exactly at this time that his sister started to visit him.
However, he didn't wish to see her at all and no matter how many times she came,
he would either reject seeing her or would just ignore her.

Not once did he see her even after so many years. Well, he did hear her voice while
she asked for forgiveness each and every time she visited, but oh well, he didn't

Soon another five years passed by and he was released from prison. Needless to
say, his sister was present at the time he was released, she was happy and sad at
the same time.

Happy, cause he was released and sad before of her wrong thinking and
wrongdoing. She constantly blamed him for killing his parents but it was later that
she realized the truth behind the incident.

He finally saw her after so many years.

'She has become quite pretty...', he said to himself.

Of course, he was happy to see her healthy, but at the same time, he didn't and
couldn't say anything to her.

He walked past her when she asked for a hug, which was weird.

'Brother...?', and she kept staring at his back as he walked.

Well, she too followed him and took him to a different house where she and her
uncle and aunt lived.

He was treated quite badly, f course, that was probably because he was considered
a murderer.

He walked into his own room which was present in the house and shut himself
because he didn't want to hear anything from anyone. Needless to say, his
neighbors were too loud after hearing the news and seeing him for themselves.

'Tsk, I wish I could just quit this heartless world...', was what he said to himself at
the spun of the moment but he wasn't being serious.

He lived in the same house day after day without going outside. His uncle and aunt
were too scared to remain at home alone due to which they leave the house early
in the morning and would only come at late night.

They could hardly sleep because of his mere presence. He was basically isolated by
them, he used to have breakfast, lunch, or dinner in his own room, not that anyone
would be present when he used to have those.

'Everything was going fine in my life...'

'Just what went wrong?', when he asked himself that, all of a sudden he
remembered the moment when he met the person with piercing and tattoos
coming out of his house.

'My life changed the day I met him...'

"Haha, I guess mom was killed by him...", he laughed when he said that, but tears
ran down his eyes.

Even to this date, he had sorrow locked inside his heart!

He got up and went to the washroom and while returning, he ended up entering his
sister's room instead of his'. It was a mistake of course.

Her room was just beside his, it was as if she wasn't scared or afraid of him, not
anymore at least which was one thing he could be happy about.

"Uh, I should go back to my room!", he said this when he realized that he had
entered the wrong room.

But then he stopped walking when he spotted something on the wall.


There was a calendar in which dates were marked with different colored pens.

"What's with this calendar...?", he was confused because of that.

He walked closer to it and placed his index finger on each date while moving from
one day to the other.

"This is..."

"3rd August...?"

"The day when I lost my parents..."

"9th of August..."

"The day I was released from the prison..."

"And today is 21st August, it has a circle on it done with a red marker..."

"What's special about it?", he wondered.

"Wait, the other dates on which there are red circles...", he checked on them.

Out of five, three had crosses while two had circles. He had already checked one,
then he took a look at the next.

"26th August?", that was the next one having a red circle.
Well, all five had circles, to begin with, but the dates 6th, 11th, and 15th had
crosses on the circles that was why he left them alone, what he wanted to see were
the circles that were yet to be crossed.

'So, today is 21st August, let's see if she puts a cross mark on it today...', while
thinking this he left the room, however, everything about the calendar was still
going on his head.

He closed the room exactly the same way it was in order to prevent his sister from
knowing anything. Well, whatever, it's not as if he was concerned with what she
was doing.

'Are these the days on which she had planned to go on a date but failed?', he asked
to himself because he had seen her go out today early in the morning while being
dressed elegantly.

"Whatever...", and after saying that he lied in his room.

Time passed by soon enough and it was the next day. His sister didn't find out that
he had entered the room the day before, which was a good thing.

In any case, he couldn't contain his curiosity and entered the room right after she
left the house, though, she wore a normal dress.

And when he entered her room, he found the mark which had been a circle till
yesterday, having an 'X' like similar cross mark as the others.

"What the-", and that was not all.

He found some texts written on the top of the calendar where there was white
space, of course, with the same red marker.

'It is improper to enter a woman's room without her permission, brother.', and that
was what written on it.

To be continued...
Chapter 85 - Returning To The Prison: A Crime Again?
"She knew that I was here?", he raised his voice and asked this.

"What the-", he could hardly keep calm.


'But how did she know that I entered her room?', he asked himself.

'Did I leave behind something that made her sure that I had entered the room?'

But that wasn't the biggest thing that he was surprised about. What baffled him the
most was that she had written it on the calendar.

It was as if, she knew that he had seen the calendar. More than that, she had
written on it as if she was expecting him to enter the room yet again after she left!

"Just what is she?", he asked himself.

It was literally as if she had predicted the future or had seen the future for herself.

'But I wonder...'

'What this mark symbolize?', when he came to know that his sister had found out,
he couldn't help but panic.

But then again, even after knowing, she never spoke a word about him. Also, it was
as if she allowed him to enter and exit the room as he pleased.

However this was not something that he should be worried about, what he had to
think about were the marks and the dates.

After all, he had never since heard that she had a boyfriend. Of course, even if she
did then she wouldn't be so mysterious or would have at least told him.

"Something is not right...", the criminal sixth sense which he had developed after
being locked up with the criminals suddenly got activated.

It was as if his sixth sense warned him about the room.

'Maybe I should search the room a bit...', he said to himself and started to search
the entire room.

He had no idea about her job, he had no idea about what she did to mean money,
and he had no idea if she was really up to something, but he knew one thing for
sure, she was different, way different than how she was during childhood.

He searched the entire room but there was nothing suspicious, of course, nothing
other than the calendar which he had spotted earlier.
"Am I just overreacting?", he asked himself.

That could have been a possibility. He could have just been overreacting until now
but then again, his sister's sharpness didn't make any sense.

'Come to think of it, she even found out that I had bought cigars...'

'How did she find it out when I hadn't even smoked?'

'Was she following me?', he wondered about something that had happened three
days ago.


Indeed, everything was weird, at least, it seemed to be.

"Sigh, I give up..."

"I don't want to break my head...", and right after saying that, he got up from the
floor and started to walk out of the room when suddenly his gazes fell on the desk
on which there were many notebooks kept.



"Does she study here?", he asked himself.

But what was there to study? He had heard that she was doing some sort of job,
which was definitely not teaching because she never once behaved like a teacher
or someone taking or bringing a book or anything else.

Of course, he picked a random book, the book with the number 21, probably
because that number was on his mind after seeing the calendar.

The moment he opened the book, he found something unexpected written on it.

His eyes started to shake vigorously just after seeing the pictures that were pasted
in the book.

"Are you kidding me?", he swallowed a large amount of dry saliva right after seeing

"I must be dreaming!", that was the first thing coming to his mind.

In the book, especially the page which he opened, there was a picture of a person
lying on the ground after being stabbed with a knife.

The picture of the knife was quite clear, needless to say, it was because the picture
was taking at a close range.
"This person..."

"Where have I seen him again?", the boy tried to recall.


"I have definitely seen him somewhere...", it had been quite a long since he had
used his brain.

Probably that was why it took him longer to recall the person who was showed in
the photo.


"Isn't that Uncle Jo?'', he asked in a low voice after finally recalling.

"Just what the heck in this book?"

"Why does this have a picture of his body being stabbed with a knife and posing as
if looking at the sky?", he was trembling.

"Wait, I had heard from Uncle that he was the one who was managing the company
that dad left behind during my absence..."

His father was the CEO of a company, though not huge, it was still ranked among
the top 10 of the country which was a big thing.

They were indeed rich, but were always down to earth! They would use the money
to donate to the poor or to someone needy.

"This is weird..."

"Way too weird..."

He was thinking about taking care of the company as soon as he was released, but
he could never get a chance to talk to him.

He ran downstairs with full speed and then dialed the private number of the
company and gave a call.

Needless to say, he found out that the person passed away a day before, in fact, he
was murdered by someone.

It was shown in the news too, but the boy never cared about the news anyway so
he had no idea about it.

He ran and took a look at the news finally on the television. Of course, the death
case was viral.
Especially, it was because of the boy, they were trying to make some connection
between the boy getting out of the prison and the death of the new CEO who had
been looking after the company for a few years!

"What the f*ck?"

"Do they want to say that I was the one who killed him?", that was what being told
in the news.

"Just what the-", and when he was cussing, the house got caught in fire all of a

"This...", the fire spread quickly.

The best to do in that situation was to run out of the house and he did exactly that.

He ran with all his might out of his house and exactly at that moment the police
arrived near the house.

"The house is on fire!"

"Call the Fire station!", the cops took immediate action so that the fire could be
stopped from being spread to other buildings, of course, they did this by asking
others to get out of the houses to prevent casualties.

And just when the boy was trying to find out their reason for coming here, one of
the cops shouted, "Capture him!"

"That's why one shouldn't let the criminals go!", was what one of the cops said
right after handcuffing the boy.

"What the-"

"What did I do?", was what he asked.

"You were the one who killed your father's friend, the CEO of MKS company, Sir
Renan Jo!", was what the cop said.

"The heck are you saying?"

"I didn't even leave the house, just when do you think I would have got the chance
to kill him?", and just when he had said that the cop slapped him.

Then he gripped his right hand tightly and snatched the picture which he was

"This picture explains everything!"

The picture was from the same notebook that the boy had found in his sister's
room. Needless to say, he had forgotten to leave the picture in the book.
He had rushed to confirm if what was shown in the picture was true or not and
perhaps because of that, the cops got a huge clue that was against him.

"No this is..."

"This is..."


"This is what?"

"This clearly shows that you were at the crime scene so close that you could take a
clear picture of the knife as well as of his face!"

"You are the one who killed him!"

"Get ready to go to prison again...", was what the cops said and threw him inside
the van which they had brought along with them.

'But this...'

'This picture was in my sister's book...'


To be continued...
Chapter 86 - Killing My Sister For Her Sake
He was taken away in a minivan. He was going back to prison now, needless to say,
there would be another trial for what he had done.

Earlier, he wasn't mentally stable despite which he was thrown into prison because
of his sister's testimony, and this time he couldn't talk back.

'Should I really say that this belonged to my sister?', was what he was asking
himself while he was on his way to the prison.

He had no idea about the incidents that were taking place. Even though he had no
faults, even though he did no crimes, he was the one getting punished.

At least earlier, he could deny the fact that he hadn't done the crime, but now he
had no idea but to admit that he was the one that did probably because he loved
his sister?

Well, even if that wasn't the case, he couldn't still tell anyone that it was his sister
that did this because he himself wasn't sure if she was the one that killed Jo. Also, if
anyone was to hear him say that, he would just mock him for blaming a sister who
used to visit him almost daily.

Needless to say, he would be given no mercy for doing so and so. No one would
ever believe him for what he had done because he was already registered as an old

But the biggest mystery was left unsolved, were his parents killed by his sister?

And even if they were killed by her, what could have been the reason? Because as
far as he knew his sister, she was against such things.

She would even get scared of bugs so killing something would be far off a dream
for her. Just what the heck happened that caused all this?

In any case, the trial was soon going to take place, probably in seven days' time!
The day after his arrest, his sister came to visit him, needless to say, he got the
answer to all the questions right after meeting her and asking her about all this.

"You...", he was shocked to see her in the prison.

Of course, she wasn't arrested or something, she had just come to visit him.

Since it was just a local police station, he couldn't have possibly asked her about
anything because the cops would be around and they could hear everything.

However, luckily, the cops went out for lunch at the exact same time. Probably
some of them wanted to go to the restroom or some wanted to eat or do something
else, whatever it may be, the bottom line was that all the cops left.

"Tell me..."

"Why was the picture in your book?", the boy asked.

Well, that was the first question that he could think of asking.

His mind was full of thoughts about his sister murdering someone, but he tried to
suppress it. Needless to say, he hoped that his sister should have nothing to do
with the case, but oh well, just by hoping or wishing, one couldn't possibly change
the truth.

"It was me, brother..."

"I killed him..."

"And I took a picture right after his death to store them...", she said as if it was

She had a calm face while contrast to what the boy had imagined.


"You really killed him?", he said with a low voice.

His hands, that grabbed the bars until now, were shaky. Probably his entire body
was trembling.

That was because of the next thought that struck his mind.

'Then, was she the one who killed our parents?', was the question that he asked
himself after hearing what she said.

"Tell me..."

"Were you the one who killed our parents?", he asked this directly.


However, she didn't answer him when she heard the question. In fact, she had a
weird expression on her face. It was as if her expression were asking, 'What the
heck are you saying, brother?'


But the boy didn't look at her face, probably because he just didn't or rather
couldn't do that.

Moreover, the silence that covered them after the question made him think that his
sister had really killed his parents, not that she said it herself.
She didn't say anything else and just started to walk away from him. He wanted to
shout and ask her to stay with him because he really needed some damn comfort,
but no, he just couldn't call her.

Probably he was disgusted with her?

In any case, he had never expected his sister to kill his parents, but one thing was
for sure, he couldn't let her kill anyone else.

'She will become a serial killer...'

'She will definitely become a murderer who would kill people for fun...'


All those thoughts gathered around him and cornered him. It was as if the whole
world was against him. He had to carry all the pressure on himself.

'I don't want her to face the same thing that I did...', even after all this time, he still
thought of her as his sister.

He didn't want her to die s a criminal, he wanted her to die like a normal person, or
rather, die as someone who would gain sympathy from many to have a good


"I will become a bad person for you..."

Criminal thoughts had already been installed in his brain, and it only required a
stimulus to get activated.

Probably this was the stimulus that he had been looking for!

It was a dark day for him, and probably a dark night for his sister, because it was
on this day, on 25th August, the boy ran away from the jail miraculously.

Needless to say, it was raining heavily and the power was cut. It was dark since it
was night and during the time of shift change, only a single officer would be

He acted as if he was getting a heart attack or breathing problem and then tackled
the officer, hit him brutally to render him unconscious, and ran away!

He arrived at the new house where his uncle and aunt had been shifted, needless
to say, his sister too.

He waited near the house while hiding near the telephone tower. Since it was dark,
no one could spot him.

He waited quietly until he found his sister walking towards the house.

Of course, she had an umbrella and a torch because the path was quite dark to
walk without a light source. Well, the boy too stumbled and hit the walls many
times when he came this way.


"How are you?", he said in a low voice by sneaking behind her.

"Huh?", she was taken by surprise when she heard that.

She almost immediately turned back only to find his brother standing in front of
her, of course, that was because the light flashed on his face.



"This...", she was way too surprised to see a knife entering her stomach.

The blood dripped and started to flow like a small stream reaching the boy's hands
via the knife.

"Why...?", was the only question she asked right when she saw his crying face.

Just like how the knife and his hands were covered with blood, his face was covered
with tears in a similar manner.

"Why did you murder our parents?"

"They were good to you, weren't they?", he said in a shaky voice.


He then paused momentarily and said, "Don't worry, I will take every blame of
yours on me..."

"You can die peacefully..."

And just after he said that the girl slowly moved towards him despite the fact that
the knife was piercing her abdomen more and more.

t was just halfway through, but as she walked towards him, almost the entire part
went in except the hilt or the handle.

She then hugged him gently and said, "Don't cry, brother..."
"It's fine..."

"I will give your wishes to mother and father when I meet with them..."

"Don't cry anymore...", she said in a soft and shaky voice.

Well, that was all, right after that she said just one statement and her life ended in
his arms.

"I wish..."

"I could have been with you longer..."


To be continued...
Chapter 87 - Assassin
His sister died in his hands. But something was different.

For some reason, she had a smile on her face as if she had achieved something or
had found happiness. At the same time, the boy's c.h.e.s.t felt heavy as if he had
done something wrong.

Of course, killing was a crime and it was his first time doing it, and it was probably
the feeling of killing someone that was making him get the weird feeling, however
it was way too uncomfortable to describe.

He lifted her body which was already lifeless. The water from the rain had washed
away the blood from his hand and the knife.

Needless to say, the road was a bit tainted now because of the blood. As she was
killed, the rain got intense.

He then lifted his sister in his arms while keeping the knife in the back pocket and
then walked all the way back to the prison.

He soon reached the police station where he could see that the cops were getting
ready to leave in search of him.

An order for the encounter was probably given but the moment they saw him
coming towards them, they forgot about it and rushed towards him.

They took his sister away from him and handcuffed him right after which they
called the ambulance and his sister was taken away.

But unfortunately, she was dead long back. Well, sometimes it's possible to bring a
person back to life, of course, if they were to enter a death-like state probably
because of which the ambulance took her despite knowing that she wasn't

Regardless, the news soon became official that she was dead.

His uncle and aunt rushed to the hospital and then back to the police station.

"You bastard! What did she ever do to you!?", the uncle practically grabbed his
collars and slapped his face while saying that.


The boy had nothing to say. He kept his mouth closed and let his uncle and aunt hit
him as much as they could.

It was indeed painful for them to hear the news of her death!

What else could they do but hit him and shed tears while doing so? Not that she
would come back to life after doing all this.
They eventually stopped after they became tired but their anger was nowhere near

The cops didn't stop them because they too thought that he did something

Of course, the cops had heard about how he murdered his parents and now after
seeing this, they thought that he deserved a beating at the least, needless to say,
they wanted to kill such a mad psycho criminal!

After they stopped, the cops started to hit him brutally.

He was in pain, immense pain, both physically as well as mentally.

The pain of losing his sister was already too much on top of which he was getting
beaten up by the cops.

Of course, he took the beatings without resistance thinking that the pain from the
beatings could overtake and erase the pain of losing his sister!

After that, they too got tired and left him to rot in the prison. He was bleeding, but
not enough yet.

Of course, with little bleeding, he wouldn't die. All that would happen was he would
suffer from pain which the cops thought was the best torture for him at the

Since he caused a crime just after commuting one, that is, killing Jo, his trial was
kept the very after another seven days as it was considered to be a major case!

Well, that's what everyone thought, but the one who was pulling the strings was a
friend of his father, whom he often referred to as Uncle Rebok.

"Are you alright...?", was the voice that he heard while he had fainted from the

He opened his eyes slowly only to find the said uncle in front of him.

The cops were forced to leave, that is, he held a high position so they had to obey,
after all, who could deny the World's Best Prosecutor?

He had tons of money with the help of which he was able to manipulate the
decisions taken by the Chief judge, probably even threatened many!

"Do you remember me?", he asked.

"You are..."

The bit could remember the person with ease because he had seen his father and
mother roaming and partying with him tons of times, needless to say, he had
visited their house many times.

"Uncle Rebok?", he asked in a low and shaky voice.

"Yes...", while saying this, he tried his best to wipe aay the blood that had covered
his face and hands.

"What are you doing here uncle?", the boy asked.

"I'm here to rescue you..."

"You will be taken to some other place for interrogation but it would be nothing
other than a facade."

Just by listening to that, the boy understood that the man in front of him was trying
to help him.

"I don't deserve to be rescued, uncle...", was his reply.

"I don't deserve to live..."

"Huh...?", his uncle was surprised to hear that.


"Didn't you hear uncle, I killed my parents, then I killed uncle Jo and then I killed my
sister with my own hands", he shed tears while looking at his hands which were
covered with blood even now.

Well, he thought that he didn't deserve to live anymore after killing his sister, but
then all of a sudden his uncle revealed something which made him think otherwise.

"You have to live..."

"You have to live in order to take revenge for your parents who were killed

"You have to teach them a lesson..."

When the boy heard that, not only was he confused, but also couldn't understand




"The uncle Jo that you are mentioning about, he was killed by your sister..."
"The picture that she took ended up in your hands due to which you became a
primary suspect..."

"But it's true, she was the one who killed him..."

The boy knew about it all along after all she had come and told him about it. So
saying this didn't change much other than the fact that someone else other than
himself knew this!


"How did you find that out?", he asked.


"Well, I didn't find it out..."

"I knew it all along because I and you sister made the plan to kill him and we did it


The boy was completely shocked by the revelation.

"So, you were the one who suggested her to do this?", indeed, that was the only
conclusion he could draw out of this conversation.

"Yes, I did..."

"I was the one who provided her trainers in combat..."

"I was the one who turned her into a super-genius..."

"And I was the one who made her an assassin...", was what he said.

The boy's eyes trembled the moment he heard that.

The fact that his sister was an assassin shocked him much more than anything

Needless to say, he understood why she was so sharp and found that he had
entered her room despite the fact that he hadn't left any noticeable clues.

"...", he was speechless, he didn't know what to say or ask.

"You might have wanted to know who killed your parents...", Rebok asked.

He was right, the boy had been desperate the know who killed his parents.

"You will know everything..."

"You just have to come with me..."


"But I'm a sinner...", was what the boy said.

That was the only thing he kept saying and it was probably that guilt feeling that
was binding him.

The man turned towards the exit and straighten the hay which he was wearing.

He then put on the yellowish-white coat which he had been holding all this time on
the black suit.

"I won't deny that..."

"You have indeed committed a sin..."

"A single..."

"But a major sin..."

"That is..."

"Killing your sister who did nothing wrong...", he said with a low voice.


"You need to come with me to wash that sin away..."


To be continued...
Chapter 88 - Avenged
He knew that killing his sister was a big sin, and it was something his heart couldn't
handle, but oh well, he had already done that.

Of course, while she was in his arms, he could remember all the time that he had
spent with her.

But for him, proving her innocence was the biggest thing.

"Hey, open this up...", Rebok asked a cop to open the prison and remove the
handcuff too.

The cops obeyed because he had an official statement to take the boy away.
Needless to say, after that the boy followed the man because he wanted to know
about the killers.

Well, he was no longer a boy, he was a man by now. He had a lot of muscles,
needless to say, got after fighting many gangsters or other prisoners earlier when
he was sentenced to imprisonment.

He then sat in the car which Rebok had driven till here. After that, they went away
as far as they could, at least, far away from the station.

'I really want to know who did this...', he thought.

'Who was the one that killed my parents?'

Anger had started to pent up inside him. His guilty feeling had turned into anger by
now and that was what creating a volcano inside of him, of course, instead of
steam and lava, only anger was filled in it.

Rebok stopped the car after driving for thirty minutes straight.

The boy took a look at where he was and found himself near a mansion that was
huge enough to be called a palace!

"Come on, let's go...", Rebok said after getting down the car.

The boy did as he was asked. He followed him all the way till he reached the
mansion's door.

Both of them entered, of course, after Rebok opened the door. The door made an
eerie sound probably because it had been days since it was opened.

The boy kept feeling that something was wrong, well, he couldn't find any houses
or shops nearby so he was cautious of the mansion which was built in a deserted

Regardless, he kept following him. He had no idea as to why he was brought here,
well, he couldn't feel any danger from Rebok because he knew him very well.

"We have arrived...", he said while standing in front of a door that was on the
second floor of the mansion.

They had climbed the steps just a while ago and it was probably because Rebok
wanted to come to the room in front of which he was standing now.

Rebok then opened the door.

He entered first right after which the boy followed too.

"Wha-", the boy was surprised and shocked by what was in front of him.

He had no idea why Rebok had brought him all the way here, but after seeing the
pictures hanging on the wall, he now understood the reason.

"This is-"

"Aren't these similar to the books and pictures that your sister had?", he asked.

Well, he had seen only one picture from the book, but it definitely had many more,
though, he didn't get a chance to take a look at them.

"Yes, and take look at that...", Rebok said while pointing his finger towards the
calendar that was stuck on the wall around which all the remaining photos were

"The dates...", the same marks that the boy had seen on the calendar in his home
were present on the calendar that was stuck on the wall.

"This is the same as...", he was speechless.

He realized that whatever Rebok had told him was all true, of course, he didn't
completely believe him earlier.


"I'll repeat myself..."

"The only crime that you have committed is killing your sister...", Rebok said after
taking his hat off and keeping it on a chair along with his coat.

"...", the boy was speechless.

Well, not that he could make any excuse in the first place.


"The one who killed your father and mother, as well as my wife..."

"Is none other than Ryuk...", was what he said.

"Ryuk?", the boy had no idea about whom he was speaking about.

"Here...", he then flashed a photo.

"Huh...", the moment the boy took a look at the picture, he was shocked.

It was the same person whim e had seen a long time ago, needless to say, his bad
time started from that time.

"He is..."

"Ryuk?", he asked in a low voice.

"Yes, he is the one who killed your father and mother and my wife too..."

"He was the one who attempted to kill your sister too, by setting the house on
fire...", was what he said.

"What the-"

The house that caught fire all of a sudden wasn't some sort of accident, rather, it
was planned and was carried out so that his sister could be killed.

"But why would they want to kill my sister?", the boy asked.

"Sigh, I said right..."

"She worked under me, I provided her many people and trained her to become a
master assassin..."

"She had gathered tons of proofs against him, also, she was in charge of killing

"But because of your foolish intervention. everything got ruined!", Rebok shouted
as if he had lost something precious too!

Indeed, it was probably because he had invested a lot in her and now she died
before even attaining his goal!


"So now, I've brought you here because you need to fulfill what your sister had left
undone...", was what he said.
It was as if he was commanding!

Although the boy had great muscles and had been with thugs and prisoners for
quite some time, ironically his talks hadn't changed.

But, he did try to be as hard as possible.

"And, why should I listen to you?", was his question.

Indeed, he could be grateful since Rebok helped him to get out of the prison, but he
never once asked for it.

Therefore, he had no obligation to obey him.

"Don't you want to take revenge?", this one question changed the boy's thinking.


He didn't answer that question probably because he indeed wanted to kill them
with his own hands.

"Your father died from the poison that was given to him in the alcohol..."

"Your mother was butchered alive..."

"These were confirmed from eh reports, don't you think they should get the same
punishment in return?", the man asked.

The boy agreed and then shook hands with him.

Right now, Rebok didn't want an assassin, he just wanted someone smart enough
to deceive others and kill Ryuk.

Ryuk was the head of a gang that was formed in the last ten years, thus it was
going to be a tough task.

In any case, the boy had agreed, he then asked for the plans and soon enough, in a
day, commenced the mission, that is, when it was 26th August!

He successfully killed Ryuk and many of his men. Well, he was somewhat skilled in
martial arts since he had learned some of it in the past ten years, of course, a
prisoner taught him.

Thanks to that, the plan went much more smoothly than what was anticipated. The
bottom line was that the leader died and the same was for the other men.

After he returned, he got to know that Uncle Jo was also a part of this due to which
he was killed by his sister.

He learned that his sister had done nothing wrong due to which his guilt feeling just
kept on increasing.

Since Rebok had isolated or taken him away while asking three-day permission, he
had to go back to the trail.

But since he had avenged Rebok's wife, Rebok thought about bailing him out and
preventing him from getting a huge penalty, not that it could be done easily but he
ould at least try.

"I hope I avenged them..."

"But that does not matter..."

"I killed my sister when she did nothing wrong..."

"I was the worst brother..."

"I lost everything..."

"The worked, the time, and the God, took everything away from me..."

"What would I do living alone?", after saying this he accepted all his crimes.

It was then soon revealed that he wasn't the one who murdered his parents, the
blame shifted to Ryuk. The authorities felt shame for giving him such long
punishment and making such a mistake.

But they didn't reveal this to the public because they didn't want their reputation to

However, he couldn't be forgiven for killing his sister and his uncle Jo, which he

He was given the death penalty. but as if they wanted to ask for forgiveness, they
asked him to state his last wish, of course, that was doable.

"I want..."

"I want a month more to live...", was what he said.


A month later...

"Haha, it's better if I die on my own instead of being killed by those bastards...",
was what he said to himself because he didn't want to die in those hands which
never once tried to understand him or tried to find the actual culprit.

And so ended his story in that world which lead to a new beginning, indeed, a
beginning after the end, that is, in a new world.

It was as if God listened to his prayers and wishes, he didn't want to let the soul
remain pitiful due to which he gave him another chance to live, but that was as a
monster or animal or beast, and why was that?

No one knows, probably he had something on his mind, or probably that was his
destiny, that is, getting reincarnated as a wolf, of course, with Cheats!


To be continued...
Chapter 89 - Lost In The Land Of Lost Ones
"And that was how I lost my parents, killed my own sister, and in the end died while
being branded as a criminal...", was what Shin said to himself.

"Ya, that boy was me..."


"Not again..."

"I don't want to lose again..."

"I don't want to lose as I did in my previous life...", was what he said to himself.

Well, his bond with Aela was quite great perhaps, not to mention, he considered her
as his own sister!



But then soon enough he realized that just sitting and crying here won't do any
good, he had to run and search for Aella.

That was because of the stat that displayed that she was alright.

[ The First Vessel: Active ]

This meant that she was fine and alive, at least that's what he understood.

Well, he had no idea about the path that he had to take. Of course, he thought for a
few minutes and figured out something.


"Why don't I just try to smell them?", he asked himself.

It was a good idea that he thought about.

It was a technique used by them to even detect their territories, well, they were
indeed smart so they could identify the places, but in case there was some
abnormality, they could use their great sense of smell to detect whatever they
wanted if once smelled earlier!

"I remember Aella's smell, but it has been spread out in the area and many other
places that it is difficult to track her...", he said in a low voice.

So he had to think of some other alternative such as detecting the smell that could
lead him directly to the humans.
He turned his head here and there while thinking when suddenly his gazes stopped
at a dead man's body.


"Can't I just follow the scent of the humans?", he asked.

Indeed, not many humans came to the forest, to be precise, a human would visit
the forest once in ten years or so.

Therefore, he wouldn't find any problem if he were to follow their scent since it
would be in only one direction, the direction from which they had come initially.

He immediately rushed towards the dead body and started to smell it and
memorize it.

It took him seconds to memorize the smell of the person right after which, he
turned his attention towards the den and tried to detect the smell.

In an instant, he was able to detect the human scent, of course, a bit different from
the ones lying here.


[ You have used the skill Dash ]

-> Your speed is raised by 100%

-> Dexterity of the limbs is increased by 50%

-> Fatigue will start to get acc.u.mulated by 0.05 per second.

-> Skill will get deactivated automatically the moment fatigue reaches 20

He ran as fast as he could, well, he thought about using the Wind Run too because
his speed would be increased tremendously, however even before he got the
chance to use it, he was forced to stop.

"The land of lost ones?", he had arrived near the entrance of the area.

To be precise, he was just a meter away from the land. Well, mana in nature isn't
stationary, it always tends to move.

The mana in the Land of lost ones is no exception, it also moves, but it moves quite
slowly because of the high intensity and density!

"I can't detect their scent anymore..."

"It's as if it never existed in the first place...", his eyes were shaky and his body
started to tremble.
"The scent is only still here..."

"Don't tell me..."

"Don't tell me that those foolish humans entered the Land of lost ones by
mistake?", he said to himself.

Of course, he could even see slight footmarks and the horseshoe marks on the
ground which disappeared right after entering the said area.

He was nervous. He tried to take a look if they had taken any other route, but he
could find none.

'This is weird...'


"There should be some marks left behind, at least I should be able to smell the
route which they took to come here..."

"But there is nothing like that..."

"It's as if they just teleported here...", he said to himself.

Since the humans had entered the land of lost ones right after entering the first, it
could be said that their scent had vanished.

Needless to say, due to that, he couldn't find the way which they took, of course,
he could never imagine that they were able to easily get out of the Land of lost


'What do I do?'

"I thought I could find Aella if I could follow the scent, but this method failed too!"

He thought about entering the Land of lost Ones. Well, the place was made up of
mana of high density due to which Wind type of attacks would be useful.

One could blow the mana away causing the Area to turn into normal, but no one
had any idea that the land was created due to Mana.

Shin thought that he could use the system's navigation technique to locate Aella,
but it seemed like that too failed.

[ Specified target cannot be found ]

That was the response of the system when Shin asked to detect, well, that didn't
mean that she was dead. It just meant that the system failed to find her.

"I should have expected this much...", Shin said in a low voice.

Since Aella and all the humans had entered the land, their presence had been
erased which meant any type of detection spell wouldn't work. Probably that's why
many couldn't get out of such laces.

And that eas why those areas were known as danger zones!



"I don't care what happens!", right after saying this, he entered the Land in order to
find Aella.

Was it because of the deep bond between her and him? It could be, but entering
the land while knowing that it could be his graveyard was just foolishness.

Just what had happened this past year that made him so attached to her? Well, that
was a story for some other time, for now, the bottom line was that Shin had
entered the Land of lost ones in search of Aella.

"What's this...", it was foggy, indeed, he could hardly see anything in front of him.

Even if he turned his head here and there while trying to see if he could spot any
places, he still couldn't see anything.

The humans would have no problem since they had that magic tool, Wendy had at
least and everyone followed his lead.

They soon got out of the place and even exited the forest without a problem,
however, Shin failed to even decide which way to go!

He wasn't even sure in the first place that they had entered the said land, he just
assumed because he couldn't smell them.

Did that mean that he trusted his sense of smell more than his intelligence? Maybe,
but it was the sense of self-sacrifice and guilt of his past life that allowed him to
enter without any hesitation.

"Damn it, when I can't even see anything, how would I even know where to go?",
he asked himself.


"Was entering this a bad idea?"

"Maybe I should head out and summon 'Him', and ask help from him..."
"But I'm not sure what he will ask in return this time...", Shin sighed.

He turned back so in order to get put when suddenly he found the place filled with
fog too. In fact, he could no longer tell which path he had taken to enter the area.

"Did I enter from this side...?"

"Or this side?"


Finally and successfully, he was lost in the Land of Lost Ones while attempting to
find Aella and those humans whom he suspected to have messed up his and hers
sweet time!

Who knows when he will get out of the area, but once he does, it's probably the
end for those humans who had taken Aella with them!


To be continued...
Chapter 90 - Blocked Skills And A Faulty Plan
Shin was now trapped in the area. He couldn't get out of it.

Well, he entered it to find Aella in the first place so it was for some reason good,
but since the humans had already exited the place, he was just getting delayed
there since he didn't know how to get out of it!


'I wonder if I can summon 'Him' here...', was what he asked himself.

He thought about summoning the dragon while being lost. Well, since he couldn't
get out of that area, it was perhaps the best possible thing that he could do.

He didn't know that dragons or elves could navigate through such places, of course,
it was possible for them because of their hypersensitivity to mana.

But that didn't mean that it was easy for them since the mana was spread through
a wide area. it would turn to be a bit tough for them too!

He closed his eyes after deciding that and then used the skill in order to summon
the dragon.

A moment after, a huge dragon appeared in front of him while roaring, at least
that's how it should have been.

"What the-", when Shin opened his eyes, he found nothing more than the same
white smoke-like fog surrounding him.

There was no sign of activation of any skill or any spell nor was there any summon

"No way..."

A notification popped up on his screen.


[ Skill 'Hymn Of The Dragons' cannot be used ]


"What the heck?"

He was shocked and baffled to see such a message appearing on the screen,
needless to say, it was weird and confused him.

"Why can't I use this skill?", he tried again and again but the same notification kept

[ Skill 'Hymn Of The Dragons' cannot be used ]

[ Skill 'Hymn Of The Dragons' cannot be used ]

[ Skill 'Hymn Of The Dragons' cannot be used ]

[ Skill 'Hymn Of The... ]


Shin was speechless because of this.

He could hardly imagine this happening because he had trusted that this skill would
help him and save him from any danger that he faced!

"Is it only this skill or..."

Right after saying that, he tried to use some other skills to see if others were
working perfectly or not.


[ Skill Dash cannot be used ]

[ Skill Heal cannot be used ]

"I cannot use any of these skills?"

"Then what about those that I gained from Aella earlier...?"

[ Skill Wind Run cannot be used ]

And he couldn't use that either.

He was way too confused to think anything straight. He almost immediately took a
look at his profile to see if he could actually use any other skill since he couldn't
think of one.

And just when his profile was shown, he was completely shocked.

[ Profile ]

Name: ???

Age: ???

Weight: ???
Race: ???

[ Highlord ??? ]

Rank: ?? || Max. rank: ???

Level: ??? || Max. level: 80

HP: ???/800 || Max. HP: ???

MP: ???/500 || Max. MP: ???

Exp: ???? || Max. Exp: 9999

Def: ??? || Max. Def: ???

Speed: ??? || Max. Speed: ???

Int: ?? || Max. Int: ???

[ Skills Gained ]

[ Active Skills ]

1] Bite Lv.8 [ error ]

2] Dash Lv.9 [ error ]

3] Copy Lv.4 [ error ]

4] Heal Lv.6 [ error ]

6] Flame Wave Lv.2 [ error ]

7] Dark Manipulation Lv.2 [ error ]

8] All Seeing Eye Lv.6 [ error ]

9] Aura Control Lv.8 [ error ]

10] Dragon's Roar Lv.1

11] Dragon's Aura Lv.2

12] Hymn Of The Dragons' Lv.??? [ error ]

13] Total Curse Immunity Lv. Max [ error ]

14] Curse Eraser Lv.3 [ error ]

15] HP Eater Lv.2 [ error ]

16] Wind Run Lv.5 [ error ]

17] Aero Slash Lv.4 [ error ]

18] Dispel Lv.3 [ error ]

19] Hurricane Lv.1 [ error ]

20] Winter Breeze Lv.1 [ error ]

21] Wind Manipulation Lv.1 [ error ]

22] God Wind Lv.??? [ error ]

[ Passive Skills ]

1] Cold Resistance Lv.9 [ error ]

2] Heat Resistance Lv.9 [ error ]

3]Shock Resistance Lv.6 [ error ]

4] Predator Lv.??? [ error ]

5] Hunter Lv.??? [ error ]

6] Moonlight Warrior Lv.2 [ error ]

7] Language Translation Lv.3 [ error ]

8] Poison Resistance Lv.3 [ error ]

9] Poison Destroyer Lv.4 [ error ]

10] Protector Lv.1 [ error ]

11] Pain Nullification Lv.1 [ error ]

12] Fire Resistance Lv.1 [ error ]

13] Mindcraft Resistance Lv.3 [ error ]

14] Gift Lv.???

15] Ultimate Growth Lv.???

16] Mental Defense Lv.1 [ error ]

"The heck is this?"

"Why is my profile in this state?", he was shocked to see that.

All the numbers were replaced with numbers, at least most of them. Also, '[ error ]'
appeared in front of almost all the skills.

Though there were a few exceptions, in total, one could say that all the skills were
practically sealed off!

[ Dragon's Roar Lv.1 ]

[ Dragon's Aura Lv.2 ]

[ Gift Lv.??? ]

[ Ultimate Growth Lv.??? ]

"These are the only skills that don't have the error stats on them...", Shin observed.

"But does that mean I can use them?", indeed, that was the biggest question.

Just because there was no 'error' word, he couldn't be assured that the skills
worked perfectly fine.

He had to use them and check them only after that would he be convinced!

The place had so much mana, that the mana couldn't circulate! Because of that
skills that depended on mana were practically useless!

That explained why even the wind mages or the wind-type monsters couldn't
escape the area despite having wind spells!

It would be useless to have such spells, though they could blow mana away if one
couldn't use them.

Dragons and Elves specialized in using mana. They were in fact one of the most
gifted creatures who could manipulate mana with ease and professionally even
without any effort!

Thus, they wouldn't be affected even by such high mana density, in fact, even if
they would be affected, they would get used to it soon enough.

All of Shin's wind-type skills were sealed off, even the skill with the name 'God'
couldn't be used. Of course, that was because all of them depended on mana which
could hardly circulate within Shin's body at the moment.

So, No circulation meant no activation of skills or spells!

That was why those skills were blocked in the first place, the only skills that
required no mana or could be activated in excess mana were fine.

But the skills that were shown to him were something that he didn't need right
now. What he actually wanted was a skill that could help him summon someone for

Of course, if navigation was working, he wouldn't have required to use the skill in
the first place, so the system was to be blamed for everything.

In any case, he couldn't use the current skills because they were practically useless
for now.

So he decided to think of an alternative.


"Is there really no way to escape this place?", he asked himself.


After thinking for a few seconds, he then thought about walking in just one

"Ya, why don't I just walk in one direction?"

"That way, I wouldn't have to worry about which way to take..."

"Some or the other way I would be out of this area after which I would be able to
use navigation!", was what he said.

That was a fantastic idea and it could actually work, but there was a small problem.

The obstacles that lied in his area were real objects!

If he were to walk in a straight path without taking any deviations, he would end up
hitting a tree. When that happens, he would inevitably take a detour walk towards
the side in order to pass the tree, and in that exact moment he would get lost again
since the same tree and same parts of turning would appear again and again.

Well, he didn't realize the small fault in his plan and tried to follow that in order to
escape the area.

He was able to walk for a minute or two without actually facing any problem when
suddenly he was forced to stop, of course, the reason was a tree!

He then tried to take a detour or turn a bit only to find similar scenes everywhere.
Unfortunately, he was lost again and had no idea about the direction in which he
had been walking for a minute or so.

It was only after this that he realized that his plan wouldn't succeed.
"Tsk, then what should I do?", he was angry now because he was way too helpless!


To be continued...
Chapter 91 - A Way To Exit
[ Dragon's Roar Lv.1 ]

[ Dragon's Aura Lv.2 ]

[ Gift Lv.??? ]

[ Ultimate Growth Lv.??? ]

He was angry because of the situation, he couldn't use a majority of the skills and
the only things that he could use couldn't help him to get out of the place!

'So what should I do now?', was the only question on his mind.

Well, since he recalled his past, he was quite sad. It was as if everything passed
and happened in front of him.

In any case, now he had to find Aella at all costs because losing someone else
might end up causing him to change forever, perhaps he would even start hating
the Gods and the Fat itself for giving him a lot of grief!

Standing at the same place would do no good due to which he started to walk while
thinking about a way to get out of the place.

He tried walking in a single direction while hoping to find a way out but et again an
obstacle, that is a tree, appeared in front of him and stopped him.

Whatever it may be, one thing was for sure, he no longer had the energy to run or
do anything else. To be precise, he didn't want to do that.

That was because he was concentrating to find a way out or think of a solution.

An hour passed by soon but nothing changed, the only thing that might have
changed is his energy level.

He was way too tired, probably the exhaustion was due to him getting randomly hit
my things while running into them, for example, a boulder or a tree or some thorny

'Damn, just what the heck is going on?', he asked himself.

'I cannot find a way out...'

'Just what should I do?'

And while his hopes were being lost and he had been tired, he found someone, in
fact, met someone who could help him to get out of the place.

"Well, nice to meet you again!", Shin heard a voice, in fact, a familiar voice.
'This voice...'

'I can never forget this...', was what Shin said to himself.

He turned his head right and left to see from where the voice came, of course, he
failed to find it because of the fog.

He walked a bit towards his right, probably with his instincts. Indeed, he was right
and after walking a few steps, he heard the voice again!

"Looks like you are impatient to meet me.", was what Shin heard.

He almost immediately raised his head as if he was looking at the sky when he
found someone sitting on the branch of the tree.

Of course, he couldn't look at his face clearly because even at such a close range
the fog blocked his vision.


The person or to be precise, the elf jumped off the tree and landed on the ground

He then looked at Shin and said, "Nice to meet you again, young rookie."

This time Shin could clearly see the elf's face.

"You are..."

"The Elf Celestial?!", Shin said with surprise.

He never expected to meet him again, at least not so soon.

It had hardly been long since he had met him, of course, it had been a year, but
that was nothing when compared to an Elf's lifespan!

"Yes, it's me, haha.", the elf laughed as if he was genuinely happy.

Well, Shin had mixed emotions at the moment. He was both shocked as well as
happy to see him here.

He could take the elf's help to get out of the area, of course, he had no idea that
Elf's could navigate through such areas.

Despite that, he thought that he could get out of the place because he was a
'Celestial', which was definitely not a small thing!

"What are you doing here?", was what Shin asked.

Well, one wouldn't enter such an area unless and until he would insane so he
wanted to know the elf's reason to enter the place.

"Haha, that's not the right question..."

"The real question is, what are YOU doing here?", was what he asked.

It was as if he wanted to know what Shin was doing here, this proved that he was
definitely not following Shin all this time.

If he had been, he would have known it all along, Shin's reason and his struggles fo
entering the place and trying to leave respectively.


Shin then explained everything about what had happened.

He was helpless after all and now finally he was able to see a ray of hope which he
wasn't ready to let go of!

"That's why..."

"I want your help...", Shin asked the elf to help him.

Well, normally the Celestials wouldn't lend a hand to anyone.

They were highly dignified and were someone who didn't meddle with daily lives
because of which it was clear that the Elf Celestial would reject Shin's request.


Silence covered the area as Shin awaited the Elf's answer. Indeed, he wanted the
elf to agree to his request, but he had no idea what he was going to do because of
which his heart was beating twice as fast as normal.

"Earlier you were quite arrogant weren't you...?", was what the elf asked.

"Huh?", when he said that, it took Shin by surprise.

"You even called me by my name and just walked away...", was what the Elf said.


'I did call him 'Elvion' earlier...', Shin grit his teeth while thinking that.

He could only ask for forgiveness and nothing else because right now all he cared
for was Aella.

"I'm sorry..."

"Please forgive me for my insolence...", although it was quite hard for him to
apologize, he did it regardless.


Elvion didn't say a single thing after what Shin said. The silence was regained and
remained for quite some time.

It was broken soon enough when Elvion started to walk as if he going away.

*tap tap*

Shin raised his head only to see him leaving, and while this happened, he was
much more regretful.

He was ready to beg for forgiveness again and again but he couldn't possibly
change Elvion's mind.

He saw Elvion's vanishing in the fog while the only thing that was left was his

Even that seemed to be disappearing slowly and steadily. It was as if the world was
falling apart, for Shin that is.

At least that's what he thought when suddenly he heard a voice.

"Just how long will you lie there?"

"Don't you want to get out of the place?", it was Elvion's voice.

He basically raised his voice and called him as if he wanted to follow him.

"Huh...?", Shin's tears that were going to leave his eyes stopped.

He was happy all of a sudden because Elvion was actually ready to extend a hand
of help.

He got up and followed Elvion who was using magic that had cleared the area
around, it was like a circle with a radius of 5 meters, him which had become visible!

"I wonder why you even entered this area if you didn't even know a way to get out
of it...l, was what Elvion said to Shin.


"I was just emotional..."

"I didn't want my friend to die and I'm pretty sure that the Humans might have
entered this area..."

"If they have, then they would be somewhere here, but I don't seem to find anyone

Shin initially thought that the humans and Aella might have been in the fog due to
which he thought about finding them in the fog.

But when he realized how intelligent humans were, he thought that they might
have made some Aerial way to get out of the place probably due to which he
couldn't find any marks left by them or their smell or scent!


"I did see some humans enter this place...", Elvion nodded his head while saying

"What!?", Shin was surprised to see that the humans had indeed entered the place.

"Then...", Shin was about to ask Elvion to help him find them in the fog when he
was cut short!

"But it's no use, they have already exited the place.", was what he said.

"They were able to exit!?"


To be continued...
Chapter 92 - Exited!
Shin was already surprised that they had entered the forest, but now after hearing
that they were able to exit too baffled him for sure.

'Just how smart are humans?', was what he asked himself.

Well, how did Shin even come to know that the Land Of Lost Ones was a dangerous

Did someone tell him or did he come to know that by instinct?

It was neither of them, in fact, he became aware of it when a system notification

popped up.


[ Lost Zone detected ahead ]

[ Name: Land Of Lost Ones ]

[ 300 miles ahead towards the north ]

This was the notification that had popped up long ago when he has arrived in the
forest and was hunting beasts.

Well, he had noticed this earlier too. When he was checking the map for navigation,
a particular area was completely blank.

Sometimes it was either filled with only white color while the other times it was
displayed as completely black.

Of course, he found it weird, and only after arrived close to it did he find out what it
was. But he hadn't exactly experienced such a place due to which he knew no fear
regarding the area.

Probably that was why he was able to enter the area easily, indeed, while thinking
about Aella that is.

In any case, now Elvion was leading the way. He was using some magic that
cleared the area around him thanks to which he was able to see the area clearly.

And while he was walking and following Elvion, he noticed some spears on the

"This is...", Shin could tell that those were the spears used by humans, maybe
because of the detailing or because he had seen a similar spear before near the
dead body which he had found earlier!

"This belonged to those humans...", was what Elvion said.


Elvion confirmed it and now Ashok was completely sure that they had come to the


'Not that I want to mess with humans...'

'But this is probably the third time that they have messed with me or my friends or

When Shin said three times, he included the time when his parents were killed in
the other world!

The next time was when he Reincarnated to this world and faced the humans the
moment he opened his eyes.

And now was the third time when Aella went missing with their appearance making
them the prime suspect!

"By the way..."

"Your growth rate is quite higher than any other wolves that I've seen..."

"What's the secret behind that?", Elvion asked.

"...", Shin became speechless when he heard this.

He didn't want to tell anything about that, but he couldn't possibly ignore Elvion
because right now he was helping Shin!


"I'm also shocked to see this.", Shin nodded his head while saying this as if he was
trying to feign innocence.

Then continued to walk with the awkward silence that surrounded them and
followed them.

A few more minutes passed by when suddenly Elvion asked, "You're surely not
thinking that I'm helping you for free right?"

The moment he asked this, Shin paused walking.


"Ah, why did you stop...?", Elvion asked after walking a few steps ahead.

Shin started to walk again and joined him, but he failed to answer the question that
Elvion ask.

Well, he did r even expect an answer because he knew that help from a Celestial
was not something everyone would receive.

So without a doubt, he believed that Shin would be ready to do everything and

anything for him, but he had his doubts.

"I want you to do something for me...", was what Elvion said while walking.

He no longer asked Shin any questions, he just started ordering!

And it seemed as if Shin had to obey him, there were two reasons for that - first of
all Shin had received help from Elvion so he was indebted. He had to pay the debt
back! The second reason was simple, Elvion was one of the strongest, so agreeing
to him wouldn't hurt him.

Offending him would indeed put him at a disadvantage!

"Alright, so what should I do?", Shin asked.



"Now is not the time for you to know, I will tell you once you have attained human
form...", was what Elvion said.

The moment Shin heard that he stopped walking.

It was as if the ground under his legs broke apart into pieces.

"Human form?", that was indeed something that Shin wanted to attain.

He really wanted to become a human again because of tons of limitations in animal


But that was much more difficult than becoming a Celestial! So he never expected
to hear something so soon, and that too from Elvion.

One thing to note was Elvion's confidence. He didn't mention the word 'If', instead,
he said 'When'.

It was as if he wasn't doubtful at all, he was completely sure that Shin would be
able to attain the human form and probably he was keeping a task for him which he
could do only when he was eligible!

In any case, this made Shin much more intrigued.

He wanted to know why Elvion trusted that he could transform into a human
because till now there had been only one wolf who was able to do it, of course, it
was the God of wolves, Fenrir also called Shin!

"Do you think I will be able to do that?", Shin asked in a low voice.

His primary concern was still Aella, but since the topic about transformation and
humans was started by Elvion, Shin thought about asking and clearing his


"I think..."

"You will be able to do it...", was what Elvion said.

A Celestial saying this is no less than a God saying himself!

Anyone's hope would peak up after hearing this.

"Your path will be difficult and you will face many challenges, but you will definitely
be able to attain a human form!"


It was as if Elvion was telling the future.

Whatever, Shin was happy when he heard that. On top of it, he was excited to see
that day come true.

But for now, he continued to worry about Aella.

Soon enough Elvion and Shin reached the edge of the area. They were about to exit
the place when suddenly Elvion stopped.

"Huh? What happened Elvion...?"

"Why did you stop?", Shin said after turning back since he had moved a bit forward.


"I just got this doubt..."

"What are you going to do after editing this place?", Elvion asked.

"Isn't it obvious? I'll get out of the forest and kill all those humans who kidnapped
Aella!", was what Shin said.


"Is that so...?", Elvion stood at the same place and thought for a second.
Then, as if he made up his mind, he started to walk again.

Of course, Shin followed him closely and was soon out of the Land Of Lost Ones!

He was sure of that when the fog vanished!

"I'm finally out!", Shin howled probably because he was happy.

Well, it was Shin's foolishness that led him to run inside the Lost place!

If Elvion hadn't been there in the forest, then what would have Shin done?

"Thanks, Elvion! I'll see you later..."

"I'll fulfill the promise for sure and come to help you when you are in need!", after
saying this, Shin dashed away from the place.

It seemed like Shin promised Elvion that he would definitely attain human form
before he died, he also promised to come and help him when he needed the most,
although that might rarely happen and he could hardly be any help!



"This is going to be interesting for sure..."

"One wolf against an entire kingdom..."

"Haha, he is more like a pup rather than a wolf..."

"So, one pup against an entire kingdom, who would win?", Elvion asked himself
while laughing.

"This is indeed interesting but what is much more interesting is that..."

"He was emitting this new aura which I had never seen before..."

"A true dragon aura..."

"It was as if I was meeting a real dragon!"

"Haha!", Elvion continued to laugh.

"But what's more interesting than that is something which I had ignored earlier..."

"This happened not one nor twice, but numerous times!"

"He kept calling me by name, didn't he!?"


To be continued...
Chapter 93 - A Way To Enter Levonia
"Who the heck is he again?"


"Shin was it?", he said in a low voice.

Of course, the climate changed a bit, probably because he recited Shin's name
without knowing that there already existed such a name which was of much higher
status than his own!

The same thing had happened earlier too, but he was just too immersed to even
notice such a thing.

"I guess I should follow him to see how strong he is in reality...", was what he said.

Although Lenovia was a nation built by humans, it wasn't that prosperous.

It was indeed a large nation, it could easily be considered as the third-largest in the
continent, but despite that, the condition was rotten. Humans would even kill each
other just for fun and sometimes for food and other things.

Indeed, if the kingdom is supposedly large, the management would be tough. Much
tougher would be maintaining peace and prosperity.

The content on which Shin was right now was called 'Maya Land', which meant an
Illusion or appearance of the phenomenal world!

Who kept this name or who came up with that word was unknown, all that was
known that it existed since the beginning.

The word consisted of eight continents and the Maya Land was one of them. The
number of human Kingdoms in the Maya land ranged from thirty to fifty only.

Of course, there were other races existing between humans like Eleves and other
beast-like creatures.

They existed in other continents as well so there was nothing to worry about, the
land was sufficient after all.

Then why was Levonia so poor? Why was the management so poor?

There were three main reasons for that, the current king of the Kingdom, called
Adenas, was someone who put all the money in the military!

It was because the kingdom's borders were overlapping with the great forest
thanks to which monsters would attack quite randomly and it would be quite often!

That was why he thought that using the money for defense and the military was
the best thing.
That was because he used the money to buy weapons from others causing the
money to go out of their own kingdom.

The money that came inside the kingdom was barely 1% of the total money sent
out, which led to poverty and revolts!

The second reason was that the Kingdom had faith in an old religion that believed
in prophecies!

Due to that, some foreign kingdoms took advantage by making fake prophecies
which led the kingdom to suffer several losses, including manpower, wealth, and
even health!

The third reason was that the King was way too greedy than any other.

He would take everything for himself and would even starve his own guard,
sometimes that is.

In any case, these were the main reasons as to why the kingdom was almost

Now Wendy and Balton were similarly rotten since they were also born in the
kingdom. Although they had human intelligence, they were no different than beasts
in terms of behavior!

They too were greedy till the core and would do anything for their own gain.

He didn't even know anything about them, all he cared for was the bring Aella back
because he could finally see her in his navigation system.


[ Searching Aella... ]

[ Search completed ]

[ The being Aella found ]

[ 15 miles due north ]

This was the notification that he got due to which he rushed as fast as he could.

Shin had observed one thing during this entire year, he had hunted around ten
names beasts that had been named by some mysterious entity.

When he hunted them, even after their death, their names remained the same
however it was no longer associated with them.

How so?
It was because he tried naming tiny ant-like beasts while he was doing

When he names an ant, it evolved and grew in size a bit, however after killing it, he
could name another ant too and with the same name!

That was what surprised him because the previous ant's dead body showed the
same name too.

He tried to see if it happened with living ants, however, he failed.

This puzzled him even more and perhaps now he was aware how he could name
himself 'Shin'.

If the actual Shin, the God Of wolves wouldn't have been dead, then he might have
had no chance to name himself that!

Well, there was something that surprised him even more and probably that
answered how he was able to gain skill so easily!

When a named beast was to die, and if another beast were to assume the same
name, it would get some skills and characters from the previous owner of the

A normal wolf, even with a system, shouldn't have been able to gain skills so

The reason for the fast growth and quick learning of skills was because he had the
name of a God who was dead.

"So this is my second cheat?", he asked himself.

The first cheat was getting a system and the second was the name that aided him
in his growth!

In any case, he had been in the Land Of Lost Ones for quite a long time due to
which Balton and Wendy had already entered the kingdom.

Shin was still outside. He had to pause after some time because he spotted the
huge walls of the kingdom which were almost impossible to climb.

Regardless, he had to find a way that would help him to get inside.

When he was thinking about that, many notifications started to appear.


[ Skill Heal has been... ]

[ Skill... ]

Whatever he took a glance at the texts and after realizing that they were just
activation messages, he ignored them.

He then looked here and there to find a way that would let him enter the kingdom

He didn't want to draw any attention towards himself, all he wanted to do was save
Aella and for that, he had to know where she exactly was.

He was standing out of every human's sight behind a small rock in the vast

Many humans were standing while trying to get inside the kingdom, however, there
was a crowd, twice as big as them trying to exit the kingdom!


'How do I get in...?'

He was thinking about that one thing when suddenly another notification popped

[ 20 miles due north ]

Aella just kept going farther. Shin could no longer wait after seeing the screen.

He wanted to just run directly inside but that would only make things difficult.

And just when he was worried thinking about it, he found a cart to his left side.

The crowd was long due to which the cart was in just one place, on seeing that,
Shin smiled.

"I found a way to pass through this damn gate...", was what he said.

Right after that, he used the skill dash to reach the cart.


[ You have used the skill Dash ]

-> Your speed is raised by 100%

-> Dexterity of the limbs is increased by 50%

-> Fatigue will start to get acc.u.mulated by 0.05 per second.

-> Skill will get deactivated automatically the moment fatigue reaches 20
Right after doing that, he climbed inside the cart which had many goods in it.

He just hid in one of the barrels that were open, it had some typical fruits in it.
Probably the man was a fruit dealer.

Since food was short in the kingdom, it made sense that lots of the dealers and
traders that came in brought food since it would be over almost immediately.

Regardless, he hid in the barrel that was empty and was open. He squeezed
himself so that he wouldn't be found.

He didn't even close the lid and just hid inside, probably he thought that no one
would check!

However, as soon as the cart arrived near the gates, the soldiers stopped and
almost immediately rushed near the cart and started to check the boxes.

Shin was nervous because they were checking the boxes because right next to
them was the barrel which was completely open and he was hiding inside it.

"Ah, you brought fruits...", said one of the guards who was bald.

"Yes...", said the trader.

"Okay, you can pass...", said the same man.

On hearing that Shin was happy and without knowing made a little movement with
his tail causing a bit of sound from the barrel.

"Wait a second..."

"What was that?"


The man then walked towards the barrel because he saw it moving clearly while
hearing the sound as a bonus.

He then took a look at the same barrel where Shin was hiding.

"What the-?"


To be continued...
Chapter 94 - Mimics
"What the-"

"There is nothing inside this..."

"Why would you even carry an empty drum?", was what the guard asked.

"Ah, it had fruits in it too but it got emptied while I was on the ay.", the trader said.

The guard just nodded his head and then walked back towards his position.

'Then what was that sound that I heard?'

'Was it my imagination?', the guard asked himself.

The guard had found nothing other than the shadow of the barrel and the darkness
at the bottom. That was why he returned back, but if that was the case, then where
did Shin go?

Did he learn some skill that allowed him to become invisible?

Well, the skill which he used was somewhat similar, but its main function was not
about being invisible.

'Phew, that was close...'

'If I hadn't used this at the right time then I would have been found out!'


[ -> You have turned yourself into darkness ]

This was the skill that Shin had used a moment ago, since he had become darkness
himself, he was able to hide easily in the dark areas of the barrel.

[ Dark Manipulation ]

[ -> the host will be able to command darkness ]

[ -> the skill will be at its highest potency when used by a being with Dark attribute

[ -> the level of skill will affect how much MP will be consumed and the area of
effectiveness ]

[ -> 1 MP consumed in 2 seconds ]

[ -> Area of effectiveness: 20 sq. meter ]

The skill was quite useful and the best thing about it was that it didn't need any
transformation to be used, perhaps that was limited to Shin.

He took a look at his MP and then almost immediately disabled the skill.


[ The skill Dark Manipulation has been deactivated ]

The cart then started to move and successfully passed through the gates. It was
now heading towards the market so that the trader could sell with his regular
customers or other buyers.

Of course, since he didn't have that many barrels, he wouldn't go to maid buyers
because they used to buy tons at once which he didn't have at the moment.

Shin knew about this, he knew the fact that the trader would go towards the market
so he was thinking of a chance to sneak out.

He had never once seen human settlement, so h had no idea how the humans

Of course, he had the memory about how they used armors and arrows which
confirmed to him that they weren't that advance, however, he had never since
seen their towns so he was a bit nervous.

At the same time, he was thinking about where Aella would have been taken.

'Elvion had said to me earlier...'

'The humans looked as if they were closely associated with the army.'

'Hmm, then wouldn't that mean they would have gone to the army encampment or
somewhere they could brag about what they had done?'

When he heard Elvion say that this was the first time any human was able to exit
the Land Of Lost Ones, Shin realized that they would brag about it and tell about
their deeds.

Without a doubt, their location would be exposed the moment they would do that
and he could then follow them to see where they would have kept Aella.

'The link is still active so I know that Aella is alive...'

'However I do not know if she is perfectly fine.', was what he said to himself.

The cart all of a sudden stopped, it was as if they had arrived at the market.

.'Damn, that was sooner than I expected it to be!', Shin was legitimately surprised.

'This isn't good...'

He reached out his hand after arrived at the rear end and started to put things
down one by one.

Of course, if he had removed even one more thing, then SHin would have used his
skill to blend with the darkness yet again.

But thankfully, he removed only two boxes and one barrel. The trader then had
some chatter with a human in a language which Shin couldn't understand, of
course, that was because he had asked the system for a skill in exchange for the
direct translation by the system, needless to say, the system advised him to do

However the skill was a passive one and was enabled all the time regardless of
whether he wanted it or not, but despite that, he failed to understand the trader
and his companion with whim he was chatting.

But when he listened carefully, he could understand a word or two like 'Busy',
'Hectic', 'Rates' and 'War'.

Everything else went right out of his head as if he hadn't heard it in the first place.

'System, what is wrong with the translation skill?', Shin asked.

The system immediately answered his question.


'Then why isn't it working properly?'


[ The human language are of 5000 different types out of which the translation
works only on 300 types ]

[ Advice: The system advice the host to try and learn the languages in order to
increase the skills level to unlock many more features ]

'I see, that was why the skill didn't have much effect.'

'I need to try and learn a language too?', that was something difficult to do but if
put his mind to it, he could do it easily, of course, with a bit of hard work.

In any case, he couldn't sit and learn in the barrel when Aella was in danger!

'I need to escape from here...'

He stood up on two of his legs and peeked a bit towards the outside to see the
Unfortunately, the sudden flash of light from the outside was too bright due to
which he had to close his eyes all of a sudden, but that didn't mean he couldn't see

He opened his eyes only to find many people walking here and there.

There were so many voices and other noises that were bugging him, he could
understand none of them!

'Damn, there are way too many humans here...'

'And many of them have that weird expression of worry on their faces.'

Since he was a human before, he could differentiate human facial expressions. He

could see that many of the humans who were either buying or selling were

Either they were tired or were frustrated by something, this was different from the
many traders that had entered the gates, including the one in whose cart Shin was

'The atmosphere is weird...'

'Way too weird when compared to our group...', Shin was talking about Kira's clan
which he missed at the moment.

'I can't get lost in my own thoughts!'

'I need to look for Aella, goddammit!'

He knew that he couldn't roam freely in a city that was inhabited by humans.

'I need to disguise myself.', he said to himself.

The only foreign animals or inhabitants that he could see while peeking were none
other than crows!

'Those will do...'


[ You have used the skill transformation ]

[ Choose the category from which you would like to transform ]

[ -> Links ]

[ -> Vessels ]

[ -> Mimics ]
'One day when the transformation skill reached the third level, it suddenly started
showing these three options...'

'If I were to click on the link, it would show me other evolved options...'

[ -> Links ]

[ --> Midnight Wolf ]

[ --> Dark Wolf General ]

[ --> Flame Wolf Emperor ]

[ --> Half-Dragon Wolf ]

[ --> Spider Wolf ]

[ --> Aqua Wolf ]

'Well, I had only four of them out of which two evolved, however, I soon gained two

How did he gain another two? It is a story for another time.

These were the options that popped up when he clicked on the links, he didn't want
to evolve into any of these.

'And if I were to click Vessel, then...'

[ -> Vessels ]

[ --> Vessel 1: Aella ]

'When I found this, I was super surprised.'

'I tried this and it literally worked!', Shin was indeed surprised when he had seen
such a transformation.

'However, the one that surprised me the most was...'

[ -> Mimics ]

[ --> Option 1: Toxos Cenepede Lv.15 ]

[ --> Option 2: Heavy Slime Lv.10 ]

-< choose a beast into which you need to save as mimic >-

'I had nearly fainted when I got this skill.'

'Of course, who wouldn't be happy if he were to transform into whatever he


'However the option had a setback, it could only allow me to mimic beings less than
Lv.20 and only those that are smaller than myself.'



[ Do you want to save a normal crow as the third mimic? ]



To be continued...
Chapter 95 - Finding Aella - Part 1

[ Command Accepted ]

[ Scanning the normal crow ]

[ ... ]

As Shin continued to stare at the crow, the scan started.

Within a minute the scan was over, however, it seemed like the system was
copying and processing the image and structure.

[ Processing... ]


[ Normal Crow Lv.4 has been saved as the third mimic ]

[ -> The host can now use the mimic to transform into one ]

Shin's eyes started to glow as he selected the third option that was flashing on the
screen which appeared after the scanning process.

[ -> Mimics ]

[ --> Option 1: Toxos Cenepede Lv.15 ]

[ --> Option 2: Heavy Slime Lv.10 ]

[ --> Option 3: Normal Crow Lv.4 ]

-< choose a beast into which you need to save as mimic >-

The reason why the levels for the mimics were written was because Shin's actual
level would regress!

He would become the same level as the mimic, and would no longer be able to use
any skill of his own except 'Transformtaion' to transform back that is. Of course, the
other skills that he would have are passive skills! None of the active skills other
than transformation would be inherited, not now at the least.


[ You have chosen to transform into a mimic ]

[ You have chosen option 3 ]

[ You will be transformed into a Normal Crow Lv.4 ]

All of a sudden his body started to emit faint light and in a blink of an eye, his size
was halved and he turned into a crow!

[ Profile ]

Name: Shin

S.e.x: Male

Age: 1 year

Weight: 0.5 Kg

[ Normal Crow ]

Rank: E || Max. rank: C

Level: 4 || Max. level: 5

HP: 40/40 || Max. HP: 45

MP: 30/30 || Max. MP: 40

Exp: 10 || Max. Exp: 25

Atk: 12 || Max. Atk: 15

Def: 13 || Max. Def: 15

Speed: 18 || Max. Speed: 20

[ Skills Gained ]

[ Active Skills ]

1] Transformation Lv.3

2] Fly Lv.2

-> A skill that allows the host to fly

3] Clone Lv.1

-> A skill that allows the host to duplicate himself and confuse the foe.

4] Focus Lv.3

-> A skill that allows the host to increase the focus of any one of the organs.
1] Cold Resistance Lv.9

2] Heat Resistance Lv.9

3]Shock Resistance Lv.6

4] Predator Lv.???

5] Hunter Lv.???

6] Moonlight Warrior Lv.2

7] Language Translation Lv.3

8] Poison Resistance Lv.3

9] Poison Destroyer Lv.4

11] Pain Nullification Lv.1

12] Fire Resistance Lv.1

13] Mindcraft Resistance Lv.3

14] Gift Lv.???

15] Ultimate Growth Lv.???

16] Mental Defense Lv.1

There were three main advantages of mimic, one was that Shin was able to
transform into other beings.

The second was that his entire stats changed, of course, the exception was his
passive skills, age, name, and intelligence. The advantage of these changes was
unique, he could use the active skills of the mimic, and even if his HP were to drop
to zero, he wouldn't die.

He would just return his normal form with full HP. If his MP was to be exhausted,
after returning to real form, he would have full MP.

The third and last thing was that, even in mimic form, he could garner exp points.
Of course, that exp would be added to the mimic leading to the mimic's evolution
or leveling up, in total, it was something that would help him grow as a whole!

How advantageous was it?

Shin knew all this, he had experimented with them earlier. He wasn't wasting his
time this entire time after all.
His body was covered with black feathers at the moment, of course, he mimicked a
crow after all!

Instead of a long extended facial bone with sharp teeth, he had a beak, another
normal feature of a normal crow.

When he tried to stretch his wings, because he had to fly and get out of the cart,
his wings ended up touching the barrel.

'Damn, I need to fly with the least amount of stretching...', he said to himself.

Right after that, he decreased the extension of the wings by half and then looked
towards the ceiling of the cart.


[ You have used the skill Fly ]

[ -> The weight of the body in total will be reduced by half ]

[ -> The dexterity of your wings will be increased by 10% ]

His eyes shined with green light right after which his body started to levitate.

Well, this was thanks to his wings which were able to push enough amount of air
downwards that lifted his body, following newton's third law of motion after all!

Of course, mana wasn't involved in this case probably because this was the innate
skill of the crow or birds!

He was out of the barrel however he hit the ceiling because of uncontrollable flight!

"Ouch!", he said in a low voice.

Well, he didn't actually get hurt, his pain nullification was active after all.

It was something that came out of his mouth just because he thought that it would
pain by hitting the ceiling, which happens quite normally with humans!

In any case, he stabilized his flight a bit however it was still quite uncontrollable!

He ended up falling on the ground, of course out of the cart after hitting the ceiling.

"Shooo!", said the trader after observing Shin.

He thought that it was a crow due to which he said that, if it had been anything
else, probably it would have gotten a hit or something.

Shin almost immediately flew away without wasting any time.

'This is my first time flying.', was what he said to himself while looking at all the
houses and shops that were below him.

Even in his past life, he had not once traveled in a plane.

In any case, he didn't have the leisure to enjoy the views and everything.

'System, search Aella.', he commanded the system.

The system couldn't possibly do everything. It did have a navigation option and
could search objects, however, that too had a range!


[ Command Accepted ]

[ Searching for Aella... ]

A buffering-like moving icon popped up as if it was symbolizing the process of


Whatever he was just flying at a height where normal birds used to fly too.

He could view many places and out of that, he was trying to spot the place with the
majority of the crowd!


[ You have used the skill Focus ]

[ -> Your eyes have been enhanced with increased in focus ]

Shin was then able to take a look at the places much more easily.

Now he could accurately even look at the people's faces, of course, he had no need
for that.

And just when he was searching for Aella, he found a rather large crowd just north
of him, of course, below him!

A lot of people with armor were moving here and there while most of them were
standing at the same place.

Some drums were bring beaten and loud noises were being made as if they were
celebrating something.

'Could it be...', and just when Shin had thought it was the same crowd that he was
trying to find, the system notification popped up confirming that he was right!

[ Search completed ]

[ Aella found ]

[ 0.5 miles towards north, 0.1 miles towards the ground ]

As soon as this notification popped up, Shin was completely sure that he had found

Needless to say, he was now ready to rescue her, but for that, he had to actually
look if she was indeed alright.

In any case, since he had found the humans, now his task was to find where exactly
they had kept Aella.

'It's such a pity that I can't transform into a human...', was what he said to himself.

'There sure are many humans there, but where is she?', was what he asked

Although he had used the skill focus he couldn't make his eyes see everything.
After all, his current level was hella low when compared to his actual level.

He thought that it would be quite hard for him to spot Aella since they would have
kept her inside some container or something, however, he found her much earlier
than he expected when he found a man, riding on the horse and flashing a bag
which was drenched with blood.

To be continued...
Chapter 96 - Finding Aella - Part 2
"That is..."

The bag which the man had was drenched with blood, for some reason, Shin
imagined the worst thing out of all.

'Is Aella dead...?'

On seeing that much amount of blood, his mind stopped temporarily for some
reason, of course, it was partially due to the skill focus.

Aella was by no means dead, this thought popped up in his head because of the
word 'Active' that was still visible on the screen.

This meant that Aella was alive, however, was she fine?

Was she completely alright?

Those were some important questions that were to be considered.

Indeed, if she was alive, then what could explain the immense amount of blood in
the bag?

For a moment Shin thought that the blood belonged to the soldiers however his
heart was saying something else!

In any case, at the moment he could see the bag clearly, and no matter what, he
had decided to take that bag away.

When Shin used his focused vision to look at the weapons which the soldiers had,
all he could find was some swords, spears, and shields.

Other than that, some soldiers held some sort of nets and other kinds of stuff,
however, he could find no guns.

This meant that they couldn't fire t him and their long-ranged attack wouldn't work,
at least, that's what he hought.

However, he forgot to think about the arrows, he thought of them as some other
weapons too.

This was probably because he was way too busy thinking about Aella and her
condition. Also, he was taking a look at the system's screen again and again while
noting the navigation portion.

He then deiced to just fly away with the bag. Wendy was the one who was holding
it while others were busy being proud.

They were being praised due to which they had let their guards down. Needless to
say, Shin took this as an opportunity.
Because Wendy was distracted, the grip in the bag was loose. Shin had nothing to
worry about at all.

Yes, he had nothing to worry about other than the fact that Aella was quite heavy
for his current state!

He didn't even consider that and almost immediately dived down from the height in
which he was flying.

Everyone was way too busy getting praised, this was the same with the citizens

They were praising them without stopping even for a second.

Of course, they didn't have any proof of what they did but no one even asked about
the proof, so there was nothing to worry.

Since no one was free enough to notice a crow flying straight towards them, Shin
could freely move!

Within a few seconds, Shin arrived near Wendy with such speed that he was taken
by surprise.

It was as if some str0ong wind passed by, of course, it was Shin who passed by.

Wendy dusted away the direct particles that landed on his body due to the strong
wind. He made sure to see if he was alright or something had happened and found
nothing changed.

However, it was only after a few seconds he realized that he was no longer holding
the bag which had been lying on his shoulder!

"The bag!", was what he said right after identifying that it was missing.

The blood was all over his shoulder and his right palm so he was sure that he was
holding the bag, but now it was nowhere to be found.

He turned his gazes towards the ground however found no bag nearby.

"Just where did the bag go?", he raised his voice a bit when suddenly a guard from
behind shouted.

"Th crow!"

"It's taking away the beast!", a guard shouted, it was the same guard who had
informed about the den earlier!

"What!?", said all of them because his voice was quite loud.
Balton heard it too despite the fact that he was far away.

He turned back to check his hearing and indeed found Wendy troubled.

Then he turned his head towards the eat and raised a bit towards the direction
which the soldier was pointing when he found a crow flying in an unnatural

"What the-", he was surprised to see the crow carry8ing such a huge bag with just
its beak.

The capacity of a crow to carry a thing in its beak was only 1.5 pounds ( nearly 0.6
Kg ). That was why all were surprised to see a crow, a normal one, carrying
something that was 14-15 times its capacity!

That was quite ridiculous indeed, no wonder that Shin found it way too hard to even

Well, normally even Shin would have failed, he wouldn't have even been able to lift
it in the first place.

So how was he able to do?

The answer lied in the skill that he used!

[ You have used the skill Fly ]

[ -> The weight of the body in total will be reduced by half ]

[ -> The dexterity of your wings will be increased by 10% ]

Since the weight of the body in total would be halved, this meant that anything that
he was carrying would also have less weight!

It was almost confirmed the Aella was in the bag and without a doubt that was true
because SHin could actually recognize the subtle scent that was being emitted
from the bag.

Indeed, it was overtaken by the scent of the blood, however, it was still detectable.

It could be concluded that Aella's weight was reduced by half or nearly half. The
rest was managed by the dexterity of his wings thanks to which he was able to fly
further reducing the effect of the weight!


"Fire the arrows and kill the crow!", a loud cry took over the praise that was heard a
while ago.

How were the archers able to detect Shin? Shouldn't his black body have blended
with the black sky?

Were the archers that amazing that they could detect him even in the nighttime
despite the blending?

the answer was no, they were average archers. So there was nothing about them
that was able to distinguish the night sky and Shin.

The reason was clear, it wasn't a night in the first place!

It was daybreak when Shin had arrived at the city and that was the only reason why
he was visible, perhaps he wasted way too much time in the foggy area!

The arrows were fired almost immediately after Balton gave the command.

The archers fired the arrows, however, their aim was off.

In a minute, SHin had already gone far from their sight, he wasn't that fast, but was
still fast enough to escape the soldiers who were busy trapped in the crowd!

Shin didn't go out of the town. He never passed the border or the gates. He just hid
on top of a roof of a building.

Although the large buildings weren't that modern, they were still well built.

Shin had no problem at all hiding on top of the roof of probably the tallest building
in the town.


'That was close...'

*huff huff*

He was panting a lot, his stamina was almost nil and he had acc.u.mulated a lot of

[ Level: 4 || Max. level: 5 ]

[ HP: 5/40 || Max. HP: 45 ]

[ MP: 8/30 || Max. MP: 40 ]

[ Exp: 21 || Max. Exp: 25 ]

His HP had almost become nil probably because his beak was at its limit.

Thanks to the pain nullification, he felt no pain, but his HP depleted way too much.

When he took a look at his own beak, he could find that it was almost torn from his
body, he was bleeding a lot!

'Damn, this pain nullification is turning to be dangerous...', was what he said.

Right after that, he didn't think about himself and tried to remove the knot of the
thread which kept the bag closed.


"Aella...", that was the only thing that he was saying when suddenly he found
something which he couldn't believe at all.


There was an arrow piercing right through the bag.


Everything in front of him turned a bit blank when this notification popped up.

[ Status ]

-< dead >-


To be continued...
Chapter 97 - The Past: Another Promise
3 months ago...

It was raining heavily, Shin and Aella were sitting under a tree.


[ You have used the skill Heal ]

[ The damage on the target is detected to be less ]

[ Estimated time for complete recovery: 00:00:01:00 ( 1 minute ) ]

"Aella, don't run on your own...", Shin said while using the skill Heal on her.

It seemed as if her legs were bleeding, the rear ones.

"Listen Aella, from now on we need to stay near each other...", Shin said with a low

"Yes...", Aella replied with a similar tone.

The sound of raindrops striking the ground and the tree leaves and branches were
being heard.

Silence had filled their surrounding.

"We ran away and somehow ended up reaching this great forest..."

"We know nothing about this so I hope you don't do anything foolish.", was what
Shin said.

Aella nodded while agreeing to what he said.


[ You have entered the forest Thuren ]

[ -> The 4th largest forest in the continent ]

[ -> 5th most dangerous forest in the continent ]

Shin said this based on the notification that had popped up not long ago.

"It's good that I arrived in time, otherwise you would have been dead by now!"

"You should be glad that the only thing that happened to you was a bit of bruise
and wound in your legs...", was what Shin said.

He was basically giving a lecture and was telling her about what would have

"We have been together for 3 months, and I want to be together with you for
longer...", Shin said.

The moment he said that, Aella's heart fluttered all of a sudden. This was the first
time this had happened.

Until now she was playful due to which she wouldn't listen to Shin now and then,
however now she was hearing him out without saying much.

Shin meant what he said, he didn't want to lose anyone else.

Shin took a look at his profile to see how much of a change he had undergone in
three months.

Although it wasn't much, it was still remarkable.

[ Profile ]

Name: Shin

S.e.x: Male

Age: 128:00:06:51 ( 128 days 0 hours 6 minutes 51 seconds )

Weight: 4.7 Kg

Race: Lupus (wolf race)

[ Knight Wolf ]

Rank: C || Max. rank: ???

Level: 39 || Max. level: 50

MP: 320/350 || Max. MP: ???

Exp: 3155 || Max. Exp: 3499

Atk: 220 || Max. Atk: ???

Def: 210 || Max. Def: ???

Speed: 430 || Max. Speed: ???

Int: 93 || Max. Int: ???

[ Skills Gained ]
[ Active Skills ]

1] Bite Lv.6

3] Copy Lv.4

4] Heal Lv.5

5] Transformation Lv.2

6] Flame Wave Lv.2

7] Dark Manipulation Lv.1

8] All Seeing Eye Lv.5

9] Aura Control Lv.5

10] Dragon's Roar Lv.1

11] Dragon's Aura Lv.2

12] Hymn Of The Dragons' Lv.???

13] Total Curse Immunity Lv. Max

14] Curse Eraser Lv.2

15] HP Eater Lv.2

16] Wind Run Lv.3

17] Aero Slash Lv.2

18] Dispel Lv.2

19] Hurricane Lv.1

[ Passive Skills ]

1] Cold Resistance Lv.4

2] Heat Resistance Lv.5

3]Shock Resistance Lv.2

4] Predator Lv.???

5] Hunter Lv.???
6] Moonlight Warrior Lv.2

7] Language Translation Lv.2

8] Poison Resistance Lv.2

9] Poison Destroyer Lv.2

10] Protector Lv.1

11] Pain Nullification Lv.1

12] Fire Resistance Lv.1

'I wonder how we will survive here...', this was because Shin knew nothing about
the place where they had run to.

They had spent three months in the previous forest and had searched many places.
They probably roamed the entire forest due to which they had an idea about each
and every location.

However, now that they were in a totally new place, they had to be cautious.

Just a while ago, a large centipede attacked Aella due to which she was injured.

Shin took care of it with ease, Aella had shown almost no growth for the past three
months, at least SHin felt that her growth was quite less.



Shin had stepped saying anything else, he was just healing her when suddenly she

"Why do you care about me?", was what she asked.

"Huh?", Shin initially didn't understand the question and dodged it.

However, she asked it again and now he has to listen to it properly.

"Why are you helping me and taking care of me, master...?", was what she asked.


Shin didn't want to answer that because he was too busy healing her.

However, he thought that there was a need to answer her question due to which he
said, "Because I am your master and you are my vessel."
When Aella heard this, she was somewhat disappointed and happy at the same

She was happy to see that Shin thought of her as his vessel, however, she was sad
because that was the only reason why Shin took care of her.

The silence returned, and the only sound that was heard again was of the raindrops
that splashed on the muddy water nearby.


[ You have completely healed the target ]

Since Aella had become his vessel, Shin had been restless. It was because he was
always thinking about protecting her.

Also, he didn't want to be alone. The forest scared him, more than that loneliness
scared him.


When Shin thought that silence had finally returned, Aella called out to him again.


"If this is the only reason, then why did you save me back then?"

"I was just a stranger, you had no idea who I was so why...?"

"Why would you go out of your way and protect me against a natural predator?",
Aella was referring to the Grizzly against which Shin was thinking of battling.

When she asked this, Shin was forced to ask the same question to himself.

'Why did I save her again?', he questioned himself.

'Was it because she resembled my sister?', his sister was definitely a human, in the
previous life that is.

Also, he never even got a chance of mingling with her, so it was almost impossible
to see a human-like figure or character in a pup!

He thought about it for a few seconds while Aella waited patiently for him to

She was curious and right now she raised a question that had been lingering on her
mind for a long time!

"It's because..."
"I had met a wolf after a long time.", Shin answered.

"Eh...?", Aella was surprised by his answer.

But whatever he said as the truth, he had indeed met a wolf, someone similar to
himself after a long time. That was why he thought that it would be good if he were
to save her.

However, that didn't explain why he went out of his way and put his life in danger
just so that he could protect someone of his kind.

Was it because of his human nature?

But his human nature had been corrupted enough and be selfish and think like a
killer, so it couldn't have been that.

Then what was it exactly?

'It was just a feeling - I wish I could tell her that.', he said to himself.

In any case, he had answered after which Aella didn't question anymore. All that
they did was wait there until the rain stopped.


"I wonder how long it would take for the rains to stop...", Shin said it out loud
because he was genuinely frustrated.

It was daytime however the clouds covered the sky. Everything was visible despite
that, Shin was worried that the ones that were following might end up finding them
since they were only at the edge of the forest!

"Master...", Aella called him again.


"Master, if one day I would be hunted by some evil enemy..."

"What will you do?", Aella asked.

Shin didn't hesitate and almost immediately said, "I will rip the bastard apart and
eat him completely while he would be alive!"

He was referring to any and everyone that would harm her, the instant answer was
what pleased Aella!

Aella was shocked by his sudden reply and stared at her for a moment.

She smiled and then lied down on the ground.

She was probably the happiest at the moment, regardless it seemed like she had
something else to say.

"Then, can you promise me one thing...?"

"Hmm...?", Shin wondered about the promise which she talked about.


"And only if..."

"I were to die, then please run away instead of doing anything crazy..."


Shin's eyes widened right after which he asked in a low voice, "Are you still worried
about what that crazy bastard said?"


Aella didn't say anything and decided to keep her mouth shut.

"Haha, don't worry, no one will be able to kill you..."

"Not until I am alive at least..."


Back to the present...

"I promised to protect her..."


[ Status ]

-< dead >-



To be continued...
Chapter 98 - Shin's Rage - Part 1: Monster

[ You have used the skill transformation ]

[ -> Revert ]

Well, since there was only one option, it would get automatically activated if not
chosen for ten seconds.


[ You have returned to your true self ]

The drawback of the transformation skill was that, without returning to your former
self, you couldn't transform into anything else.

That was the reason for a single option appearing in front of him.

It was only after this that he recalled the past and then howled while being filled
with agony.


'lub dub lub dub'

His eyes were opened widely all this time as he stared at the system screen in front
of him.

How did it even pop up?

It was because of Shin since he wanted to check Aella's condition when he spotted
the arrow.

Not even a drop of tear was found in his eyes. He got a big shock after all.

After howling, his heart started to beat faster instead of calming down.

Most of the time pups, wolves, dogs, or other similar animals howl when they either
lose someone of their own kind or when they lose their loved ones.

Shin had no intention of howling, it just happened on its own.


"This is funny...", was what he said.

Especially the soldiers were searching for Shin probably because they knew that he
couldn't fly away with the heavy load and even if he tried, he wouldn't have gone
that far.
They weren't wrong at all. Shin was in their own territory, however, was that a good

"I broke a promise..."

"I couldn't protect you.", was what Shin said in a low voice.

He hadn't blinked even once till now after he had seen the death status!

"And now I'm gonna break another..."

"I don't think I can forgive them for doing this.", he said and jumped down the tall

While he did get hurt because of the jump from the great height, it wasn't much.
Needless to say, only an ounce of HP was lost while he felt no pain thanks to his
pain resistance.

"That is...", the soldiers were just searching for the crow and the bag when
suddenly they found Shin in front of them.

Balton rode the horse and arrived at the scene too when he found Shin.

Behind Shin, the huge building stood, towards his right Balton, and soon Wendy
arrived and blocked his left side.

In front of him, there were the soldiers who had come earlier!

The building was exactly in the middle of the town due to which there were four
routes or paths around it. Needless to say, since his back was blocked by the
building, he couldn't go around it to reach the fourth path to escape.

He didn't want to escape in the first place.

"A beast?"

"What is a beast doing here?!", all the soldiers were shouting and were causing

Despite being in the chaos, Shin couldn't hear anything, not even the notification
that popped up.


[ Lv.3 -> Lv.4 ]

[ The host will now be able to understand languages in a better manner ]

[ 5 varieties of previously exposed languages will be added ]

Clearly, this meant that he could understand the human language which the people
were speaking in the town since he had been exposed to that earlier.

It was of no surprise that the skill leveled up since he had been hearing a lot of
words all this time while this skill was trying to convert them to understandable

Shin didn't mind this at all. In fact, the silence that he was hearing was quite scary.

Silence can't be heard, it can only be maintained, however, he was actually hearing
the silence!

A voice, the voice of the silence was echoing in his mind. He was way too emotional
and unstable to realize that it was his own inner voice!



'Kill them!'

That was the only thing that he was hearing, Aella's words and memories about her
flashed in front of his eyes but it included the times when he was happy. The
memories about her words and promise seemed to have been restricted.

"Well well, we did lose that beast..."

"However we got someone similar to that one!", was what Balton said.

Taking this beast would also get them fame when they would either lie or

"I'm sorry Aella..."

"I'm going to leave everything to my rage and instant..."

"I'm too tired...", was what Shin mumbled.

Surprisingly, the soldiers and Balton including Wendy heard this even in the chaotic

"Did that beast just speak...?", was what Wendy asked in a low voice while
sweating profusely.

However it was only him and a few men around him who heard this, Balton failed to
hear this and others didn't too because of what he announced.

"A talking wolf!"

"Kill it! The one who brings me the wolf will get 1000 gold coins!", Balton

The soldiers heard that and charged like mad fools.


Some wielded spears and some wielded swords. The groups of archers were quite
back and were not at the scene.


"First you killed Aella, and now you want to kill me?", Shin asked.

The ones who had rushed to kill him suddenly halted.



[ Immense Rage is detected from the host ]

[ The foes will be intimidated ]

[ The skill Aura control will be disabled ]

It seemed like the system fully supported what Shin was doing.


"Monster!", all the soldiers who neared him shouted in unison after seeing and
feeling the dominating aura.

A shadow suddenly seemed standing which had red glowing eyes.

"Monster!", they kept shouting.

Some rushed and tried to kill him due to fear, unfortunately, that was the exact
moment when they lost their lives.

The moment they felt the aura or the moment they saw a talking of, they should
have realized that they were messing with the wrong being.

If they had tried to run away, they might have even got away from him because of
the large number, but once they pointed the weapons at him, they should have
realized that they were sending an invitation to the DEATH itself!



Fifteen fountains of blood were created all of a sudden. The blood gushed out of the
necks of the fifteen soldiers who had surrounded Shin and were trying to attack.

Their heads were missing and precisely because of that the blood gushed out
upward while covering the shiny silver armor of many soldiers.


[ You have used the skill Aero Slash ]

The heads that were missing soon fell on the ground.

One of the heads went flying a bit bizarrely and ended up landing on Wendy's hand.
It was as if he was trying to catch the head, however, he has just placed it near his
belly when suddenly the head landed.

"S-sir...", the cut head said this and then his eyes just rolled up.


"Ahhhhhhhh!", Wendy shouted with all his strength after seeing the sliced head on
his hand.

The slicing happened so suddenly that the man who died failed to realize that his
head was shut.

More than that, he spoke even after his head was cut.

The blood gushed out of the heads too which made it look like a rain of blood!
Blood dripped and flowed out of the head which Wendy was holding.

His hand was already tainted with blood however that made no difference because
he had a small pool of blood in his hand when the head just fell down.

Basically, the blood ripped down his hands when the space between his fingers was


Everyone started to shout, including Wendy.

The humans were no match to him at all.

How so?

It was because Shin had confirmed their levels earlier when he was flying like a
[ Name: Balton ]

[ Rank: B || Max. rank: A ]

[ Level: 47 || Max. level: 100 ]

Balton did have some skills due to which he was able to harm Aella, however, he
possessed almost no harm to Shin.

When the general was so weak, then why was there a need to fear the average

"Monster!", this word seemed like a chant at the moment.

Everyone, even Wendy, was shouting this with fear!


"Monster...", Balton said in a low voice while sweating profusely.


To be continued...
Chapter 99 - Shin's Rage - Part 2: Flame Wolf Emperor
'I didn't see movements, then how did they die...?', and just when Balton said that,
he recalled the moment when he had tried fighting Aella.

'Didn't that wolf use this?', was what he wondered.

He could clearly remember the skill because this was what killed a soldier in front
of him while slashing him into two pieces.

Also, he was hit with the attack too. The huge cut on his armor was due to that skill
that Aella had used earlier.


'No way...'

'Is this wolf related to that one?', he asked himself.

But more than that, he was confused about something else.

'Weren't white wolves supposed to be the rarest and weakest?'

'That's what we were told, but according to what we saw, they are strong, stronger
than any normal wolf!', Balton wondered about this after thinking about Aella and
Shin at the same time.

Right now he didn't have the leisure to think anything more. It was because he was
in front of the said being which the old sage had mentioned.

'My body...'

'It keeps heating up...', Shin said.

While many tried to attack him earlier, many more tried to run away now.

The chaos was no more when compared to earlier. Wendy ran away along with
many soldiers while Balton was still there. He wasn't able to make any quick

In any case, he kept thinking about Aella and the attack because Shin was
replicating the same thing that had happened.


[ You have used the skill Transformation ]

[ Choose the category from which you would like to transform ]

[ -> Links ]
[ -> Vessels ]

[ -> Mimics ]

"Links...", Shin said in a low voice as he started to walk towards the only soldiers
that were left, on the Balton's side that is.

Other than them, all others had run away!

[ -> Links ]

[ --> Midnight Wolf ]

[ --> Dark Wolf General ]

[ --> Flame Wolf Emperor ]

[ --> Half-Dragon Wolf ]

[ --> Spider Wolf ]

[ --> Aqua Wolf ]

"Flame Wolf Emperor...", Shin said this while howling.


Balton at the same time extended his right hand and fired an attack.

"Fire Blast!", he said in a loud voice.

Right after that, a red-colored magic circle appeared in front of his right hand from
which a sphere of fire emerged and was blasted off towards Shin.


The attack destroyed the surrounding area a bit. Of course, no one was affected by
it because they had escaped from the place.

The only one who was affected by that was Shin but was that really true?

It seemed like Balton was a second late when he fired that because Shin had
already used his skills to transform.

A tornado of flames rose till the sky. Shin was at the center of it.


[ All your stats will be changed and will be temporarily replaced ]

[ Temporary skills would be added ]

[ Class-specific and evolution specific skills will be retained ]

[ Passive skills will be retained ]

[ Profile ]

Name: Shin

S.e.x: Male

Age: 1 year

Weight: 20 Kg

[ Flame Wolf Emperor ]

Rank: A || Max. rank: ???

Level: 71 || Max. level: 80

HP: 800/800 || Max. HP: ???

MP: 500/500 || Max. MP: ???

Exp: 5859 || Max. Exp: 9999

Atk: 280 || Max. Atk: ???

Def: 250 || Max. Def: ???

Speed: 540 || Max. Speed: ???

[ Skills Gained ]

[ Active Skills ]

1] Flame Vortex Lv.2

2] Dash Lv.9

3] Flame Wings Lv. 2

4] Flame Heal Lv.1

5] Transformation Lv.3

6] Flame Wave Lv.2

7] Fire Manipulation Lv.4

8] All Seeing Eye Lv.6

9] Aura Control Lv.8

10] Dragon's Roar Lv.1

11] Dragon's Aura Lv.2

12] Hymn Of The Dragons' Lv.???

13] Flame Destroyer Lv.2

14] Burn Lv. 1

15] Heatwave Lv. 3

16] Fire Wall Lv. 2

[ Passive Skills ]

1] Cold Resistance Lv.9

2] Heat Resistance Lv.9

3]Shock Resistance Lv.6

4] Predator Lv.???

5] Hunter Lv.???

6] Moonlight Warrior Lv.2

7] Language Translation Lv.3

8] Poison Resistance Lv.3

9] Poison Destroyer Lv.4

10] Protector Lv.1

11] Pain Nullification Lv.1

12] Fire Resistance Lv. Max

13] Mindcraft Resistance Lv.3

14] Gift Lv.???

15] Ultimate Growth Lv.???

16] Mental Defense Lv.1

He did get some extra skills that replaced many of his original skills. Also, the
passive skill Fire Resistance was maxed out which was understandable. He had
used this transformation earlier so he wasn't surprised by this.

Even if this was the first time, he wouldn't have been surprised because he simply
wasn't stable at the moment!

The fire tornado subsided soon enough right after which Shin, in his fire wolf form
became visible.

Shocked? The people were way beyond the point of being shocked!

Shin had not only grown in size but also had gained weight, he was now double the
original, both, in size and weight!

This shocked all of them. Also, the breathtaking heat that was being emitted from
his body made them bathe in sweat.

Their clothes soon became drenched with sweat which they didn't see coming.

*tap tap tap*


The sound of his walking and the ground being burnt was heard. HIs paw marks
were literally getting imprinted on the ground.

The mark seemed reddish because of the heat that was being emitted from the


"Why is such a beast here?", Balton asked in a loud voice.

When Shin raised his gazes and looked at Balton who was preparing to escape, he
understood that he was the leader, at the moment at least!

Balton swiftly tried to escape while many soldiers followed him closely.

Did they really think that they would live after angering Shin? How foolish.


[ You have used the skill Fire Wall ]

[ -> A wall of fire would appear in front of the foes ]

[ -> No foes in the range of 100 meter will be able to escape ]

A wall of fire emerged and cut off Balton's escape route!

They did stop because of the wall of fire, but they heard a loud scream right when
the fire wall emerged!


The people who were standing at the place were literally burned completely and
were turned into ashes almost immediately because the wall of fire emerged right
where they stood and watched the happening.

The bright light emerging from the flames flashed on Balton's and the soldiers'

The citizens of the Kingdom who were on the other side of the wall were terrified by
that. They are away as soon s they saw that because staying there would be fatal!

"Where do you think you are going?", Shin asked with a heavy tone.

His voice was the same but it sounded heavy and dominating. All of them were
scared not only because of the flames and Shin's fire form but also because of the
Aura and killing intent that Shin had been emitting.

The sky was bright, because of the sun indeed, but at the same time, the flames
made it brighter!


[ You have used the skill Burn ]

[ -> Select foes ]

The skill burn is a powerful skill that allows the host to choose the foe and burn

It's somewhat like a curse, it continuously burns and causes immense pain until the
target dies!

"All humans in the range of the skill...", Shin said.

Basically, it didn't matter if they were normal citizens or soldiers. He was consumed
by rage after all.

Anyone could say that after seeing his red glowing eyes amidst the aura and the
flame that had been coming out of his body.

[ Command Accepted ]
[ All humans within the range of 100 meters will be affected by burn ]

"Huh...?", the soldier that was closest to Shin suddenly started to feel something


"Ahhhhh!", his skin started to change all of a sudden.

Burn marks started to appear throughout his body, his eyes were no exception. The
white part of the eyes were turning brownish.

Even without fire, he was being burnt alive!

The scream then spread from one person to the other, all the soldiers stayed to

There were still some citizens within the hundred-meter range who were affected
by this. They started to scream and shout because of the immense pain which
made them seek death!

"It's better if all of you die..."

"My thirst for blood won't get satisfied until I kill every one of this kingdom!", Shin


To be continued...
Chapter 100 - Shin's Rage - Part 3
The skill worked like a curse and spread from one person to the other.

The color of the skin started to change rapidly and so did the screams, at first, the
screams were filled with agony and fear, but now they contained they were much
louder and painful even for those who weren't affected by that.

In any case, it seemed like all the humans were going to die today. Shin was
definitely powerful in his normal form, but while being in Flame Wolf form, he was
essentially unbeatable.

"Yes, scream more..."

Shin was enjoying this while it was the opposite for the others.

Well, he was already out of his mind because he came to know about Aella's death.

Yes, Balton was strong, but he wasn't strong enough to stop Shin. No matter what
he would do, in the end, he would be doomed!

Many tried to remove the armor thinking that it would cool their body. But it just
made them hotter.

Well, Shin was nasty too, he used a skill that made the surroundings hotter.


[ You have used the skill Heatwave ]

[ The temperature in the surrounding will be raised ]

[ All beings in the surrounding range of 50 meters will be affected ]

The moment he used the skill, the temperature inevitably increased which only hurt
the humans even more.

He was not a fan of the heat himself, but he didn't think anything of that sort at the

*tap tap*

He walked towards the soldiers who were dying one by one.

How did he know that they were dying and were not fainting? Of course, it was the


[ You have killed 34 humans ]

And right after a moment, a similar message would pop up.


[ You have killed 39 humans ]

With this, he was finally sure that he was killing those idiotic humans who caused
him so much pain!

Other than eating the ones he killed, he couldn't think of anything else.



He started biting the humans who were still alive.

Yes, he left the dead alone while he continued eating those humans who had just
fainted or were still under the effect of the skill.

He just wanted them to suffer and nothing else.

"Ahhhhh!", who wasn't shouting?

Literally, any and everyone was shouting, the ones who weren't affected tried their
best to run away.

The ones who were affected just hoped to die as soon as they could, the reason
was simple, the pain was just unbearable.

Also, they didn't want to get eaten by Shin because he was basically biting and
tearing off their flesh which only increased their pain.

Shin only bit the arms and legs so that their de4aths would be further delayed
while pain would be increased by several folds.


Blood kept spilling and almost all the soldiers were dead except Balton.

Balton was still alive probably because of his high level.

He was definitely affected by the skill however due to his high HP when compared
to others and higher endurance, he managed to stay alive until and unless Shin
arrived near him.

"What do we have here?", Shin said in a weird dialect.

In any case, Balton was completely scared of Shin, he was so scared that he had
already pissed himself.
Not that Shin cared about that, he was just staring at his face.

He wanted to see fear and Balton was showing that exactly.

"So, how would you like to die?", Shin asked.

"Ah-", Balton could hardly speak.

The pain with which he was suffering was immense. He could hardly muster any
strength to even hear him.

Not that he could do anything about the situation.

"Answer me..."

"Balton bastard...", was what Shin said.

"I-", of course, at this stage, he would want to die peacefully.

However, he knew that Shin wouldn't let that happen.


"Why are you trying to kill us?", was what Balton asked.


Shin got even more pissed when he heard his question. The person who killed
Shin's beloved one, couldn't even remember what he did.

Shin felt as if he was the bad one here.


[ You have used the skill Burn on the target ]

[ Because of previously affected Burn skill, the effect will be amplified ]

"Arghhhh!", Balton shouted.

He was now being tortured in a much more horrible manner.

Now the pain had doubled and the intensity with which the burn marks started to
appear increased too. His entire body was soon going to be covered by the marks.


But, he didn't give up. Probably because he knew that help was on its way!
The magic dwellers can handle the magic beasts, this was a piece of common

Although the adventurers' others could use magic, the ones who could use that
professionally were called the mages who were given a separate position entirely!

He was hoping for them to arrive as soon as possible but that didn't seem possible.

"Why do I attack you ask...?"

"Haha, foolish bastard..."

"It's because you killed my dear one!", he said with a loud voice.

Balton felt as if he was going to be blown away because of the voice, but after
hearing that, he became even more confused.


'Is he really talking about that Wolf?', Balton asked himself.

He was thinking about the Aerlla at the moment, earlier, he had seen that Shin's
attack was similar to that of Aella's that was why he thought that they might have
been related.

But when he thought about that again, he concluded that all the white wolves could
use that type of attack. But now after hearing Shin, he understood that he was

He realized that Shin was indeed talking about Aella!

"So you finally remembered?", Shin asked after seeing Balton's sudden expression
of realization.


"But...", it seemed as if Balton wanted to say something.

However, Shin didn't give him an opportunity to say anything.


[ You have used the skill Flame Vortex ]

[ Heat in the surrounding will be doubled ]

[ Damage to the foe will be doubled ]

A tornado appeared all of a sudden. It emerged from the ground and looked as if it
was touching the sky.
At the center, only Shin and Balton were present.

Although all the air gets s.u.c.k.e.d out of the center and it becomes quite hard to
breathe, both were fine because due to fire the air remained in the center.

'Haha, this is fun...', Shin said to himself because he heard the screams

When this happened, Balton's skin started to disappear for real!


"Please listen to me!", Balton started to cry.

No matter how brave one tries to pretend and accept death, it would always be
painful and one would always be afraid of it.

The same was the case with Balton, although he was asking for death a while ago,
now he wanted to live!

Shin's eyes were still glowing with red light. It was scary as hell.


[ The blood pressure has gone beyond the limit of the host ]

[ Detected, Rage is harming the host ]

[ Suppressing Rage ]

[ ... ]


[ Failed to suppress host's rage ]

[ Finding an alternative ]

[ ... ]


[ Restricting MP usage ]

By doing that, the skills that Shin had used started to weaken and soon enough
they disappeared.

Of course, the burn skill was still in effect however the vortex that had been
spawned a second ago disappeared!
Shin was much angrier at the moment.

He knew what had happened because he noticed the system notification.

In any case, he knew that his body was being harmed however he didn't care about

All he thought about was killing Balton!


'I want to rest now...', Shin said to himself.

He had over-exerted himself so what he said was absolutely right.

He was now tired of what he was doing, he just wanted to go back to the den and

'Let's wrap it up...'

While this was on his mind, his gaze seemed much more terrifying, probably
because he was finally advancing because he wanted to bite Balton's neck off of his

He opened his mouth and was about to bite Balton's head off when suddenly
Balton's words made him pause what he was doing.

"What did you say?", Shin asked.

" That Wolf wasn't killed by us!!", was what he said.

To be continued...

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