Hazard-Based Safety Engineering A Process Based Presentation of Safety Principles

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Feature Article

Gary Weidner, Product Safety Consultant

Safety Engineering
A process based presentation of Safety Principles

he term “Hazard Based Safety Engineering,” or HSBE,
emerged a few years ago at Agilent Technologies (then a
part of Hewlett Packard) during development of an in-
house product safety seminar. That seminar has matured into
a two day UL seminar which presents safety in the context of
“applying engineering fundamentals to the design and
analysis of provably safe products.” This article reviews the
motivation for the HSBE approach and gives an overview of a
curriculum that has been successful in presenting it.

Historically, product safety has sometimes been seen as an

add-on to the design process. All too often, the product
designers would work within a minimum set of safety
guidelines and call in the safety staff for detailed compliance
shortly before production was scheduled to commence. In
today’s world, that approach is inefficient. The proliferation
of new and complex products, combined with increased
regulatory and liability concerns, make product safety
engineering more important than ever.

Early integration of safety compliance concerns into the

product design cycle yields obvious benefits in the areas of

time and cost. Time is money. There are immense pressures

to shorten the “time to market”; redesigns due to safety
compliance concerns can slow product introduction and
increase cost.

Another area of concern is, or course, legal liability.

Application of product safety standards through certification
is a start, but is no longer a complete safety net against HSBE instructors setting up electrical leakage demonstration.
liability actions. A plaintiff’s attorney in a product liability Students experienced low-level, controlled shocks.
suit will certainly assert that a manufacturer should have There’s no teacher like experience!


Feature Article

foreseen a hazard, regardless of anticipating them. The Hazards Based presented on pain and burn thresholds
whether the language in a standard Safety Engineering approach brings the as a function of exposure time and
used for certifying the product focus back to engineering principles energy absorption rate.
addresses it. that fulfill the “prevent injury”
objective. How hot is a watt? After some
With these considerations in mind, it is calculations for what will happen to a
easy to see why the role of the safety The seminar continues to lay its finger in contact with a 1 cm2 hot spot,
engineer is both evolving and foundations by asking what “safety” the class is exposed to a number of
expanding. A professional example and “hazard” really mean. The process “hands on” thermal demonstrations. A
recognizing this reality is the recent oriented premise of HSBE is this: Any number of materials maintained at the
creation of the IEEE Product Safety product that causes injury does so same temperature but with different
Engineering Society. through the transfer of some energy to thermal conductivities are presented for
or from a body part as depicted by the the class to touch.
Industry is ahead of academia in HSBE three-block model shown in
addressing these issues. Engineering Figure 1. The energy may be thermal, The accumulated information on heat
schools rarely teach even the basics of or electrical, or may even be kinetic, transfer and burn injury is organized
product safety engineering. An involving the transfer of a mass of into a burn injury “fault tree” which
engineering course in that subject material. makes clear the relationships between
would likely relate safety conditions, causes, effects, and
measurements to the physical principles At first glance the three-block model safeguarding mechanisms.
involved—which is the HSBE looks overly simplistic. However, its
approach. With that in mind, let’s power in helping to quantify hazardous HSBE And Electrical Shock
examine the main topics in the HSBE situations should not be Electric shock is the next topic to be
seminar curriculum. underestimated. If we can quantify the explored. The understanding of shock
energy source, the transfer mechanism, hazards begins with an understanding
Overview and Basic Principles and the effect (e.g., the human body’s of how electricity affects the body’s
Most product safety education is susceptibility) we can predict whether nerves, muscles, and electro-chemical
devoted to the detailed requirements of or not injury will occur. To set the system. The levels of electric shock are
particular standards. The HSBE stage, the seminar introduces a number explained in detail, progressing from
approach is different. HSBE is an of common products, such as power the threshold of sensation, through the
engineering process. The seminar tools, heaters, and appliances. level of involuntary reaction, to the
described in this article combines “can’t let go” level, and finally to the
lectures, visuals, and hands-on The last foundation topic is fault tree levels that produce cardiac fibrillation
experiments along with problem- analysis. This concept is based on the and cardiac and respiratory arrest.
solving examples. It starts off with U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission These physiological reactions are
basic engineering principles, and then Fault Tree Handbook. The energy related to the stimulus in terms of
relates them to the hazards electrical transfer model for injury is developed voltage, current, frequency, and
products present. into the “HSBE standard injury fault exposure time.
tree” and employed throughout the
Laws, regulations, liability concerns, course. Given an electrical source, the resulting
and third-party certification all have the current will be related to the source’s
objective of injury prevention. The Application To Thermal Hazards voltage and frequency by the
waters can get muddied when the focus Burns from contact with hot surfaces is impedance of the load. Unfortunately,
is on addressing the effects of injury a major product safety concern. when electrical shock is at issue, the
rather than focusing on the causes and Protecting personnel against burns impedance involved is that of the
involves understanding human body. Its impedance is a

and controlling the complex function, but data is available

mechanisms of heat on its variation with voltage frequency,
production, storage, and the upper and lower limits that will
and transfer. be found from person to person.
Understanding heat
storage involves a Again, since experience is the best
discussion of heat teacher, a controlled leakage
generation, thermal demonstration is presented. Volunteers
capacity, thermal can have their hands exposed to modest
resistance, and heat levels of AC current. A video is then
Figure 1: The HBSE three-block energy transfer model for injury
transfer. Information is presented which shows the effects


Feature Article

when a brave subject is exposed to The UL HBSE Seminar is offered While this is a logical pair of ideas, in
considerably higher current levels, such several times per year. practice, considerable thought may be
as 12 mA, through his arm. needed to decide what kind of testing
Remaining dates this year:
should be done. That is where specific
On the basis of the foregoing product safety standards come into
June 15-16, Northbrook, IL
presentation, a model and fault tree for play, and the motivation for their
September 14-15, Princeton, NJ
electric shock injury is developed. requirements. Remember that safety
These tools are used to determine testing is performed on all products,
applicable safeguards. In the shock For details visit:
whether intentionally by the
source/body load model, the variable www.ul.com/hbse/index.html
manufacturer, or unintentionally by the
parameters include voltage and current end user.
limitation, isolation, and protective be discussed. The likelihood of ignition
grounding. Solid and air insulation are can be reduced by managing the Conclusion
also treated in detail, along with their sources of heat, the way heat couples to
typical implementation and a The seminar closes with a look at
potential fuel materials, and by the
discussion of insulation failure modes. larger issues. Is the information used in
selection of less flammable materials.
the HSBE modeling process relevant to
A more detailed discussion of these the product and its anticipated
Heat sources may be managed by
topics follows. For example, the issue environment? In the real world, most
controlling temperature, power
of equipotential bonding, which is used things are variable. Manufacturing
dissipation, power density, and the
to shunt fault energy to ground, is more variations will affect both energy
duration of possible fault conditions.
complex than it might appear at first. sources and safeguards. People will
Reducing the cross-sectional area of the
That is why the National Electrical vary in their susceptibilities to hazards.
thermal pathway between source and
Code devotes 26 pages to it! To identify the hazards and their levels,
fuel reduces the likelihood of ignition
we have to think beyond product
by controlling the coupling between
Insulation is presented in terms of specifics.
basic, supplemental, and reinforced heat sources and flammable material.
types. The issue of what makes Fuel management choices are
Another theme is the wider emergence
supplemental insulation work is somewhat limited to the selection of
of the HBSE philosophy in the product
addressed in detail. Philosophically, it materials that are flame-retardant or
safety arena. Standards can be
is a secondary layer or level of have a high volatilization temperature.
developed and viewed either as a recipe
insulation added to a basic level, but it Heat sinking can also play a part by
of design details or the logical outcome
can come in a number of different diverting heat from the flammable
of a hazard-based performance
forms. It might take the form of an material.
analysis. This philosophy has taken
insulating enclosure, an isolation root in Europe. For example, the
transformer, an additional layer, or an Two additional fire safety measures
Machinery Directive’s Essential
extra-robust, “reinforced insulation”. involve the enclosure: containment and
Requirements contain a risk and fault
These are all presented and related to oxygen regulation. A fire-containing
tree analysis. In electronics IEC
an electrical hazards fault tree. enclosure prevents or slows the escape
Technical Committee TC 108, which is
of flames from the enclosure until the
concerned with the safety of
Understanding Fire Hazards fuel is depleted. An oxygen-regulating
audio/video, information technology
Product-related fires are always enclosure prevents or slows air
and communications equipment has a
unintentional. However, an HSBE replacement, starving the fire. There is
group working on a hazard-based
basics-first approach focuses on the a tradeoff in the decision whether to
assessment standard.
combustion process itself before provide more openings to vent heat
addressing the faults that may cause it. buildup and reduce the chance of fire,
The purpose of HBSE based analysis is
Combustion requires an ignition versus using fewer openings, to contain
not to provide a magic “silver bullet”
source, fuel, and oxygen. The manner the fire and reduce the airflow.
prescription for safety. What it does
of provision of fuel may not be

provide is a philosophy and set of tools

obvious—for example, under heat, Enter Safety Testing
for designing safety into products. 
many plastics decompose in a process The last module of the course discusses
known as pyrolysis (literally, “fire
safety testing. Philosophically, HSBE About The Author
splitting”) to yield combustible gases
unites with the safety process in a
and other flammable byproducts. The Gary Weidner is an independent
simple two-step process:
details of ignition are discussed, as are product safety certification consultant
the types of flame and combustion. ● First, test (or examine) to confirm the specializing in advice on meeting
existence of hazardous energy requirements of cleaning equipment
Once the mechanism of fire generation sources standards. He may be reached at:
and maintenance is understood, the ● Next, test to determine the gweidner@mchsi.com.
process of safeguarding against it can effectiveness of protective safeguards


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