Writing - Question 8 - Progressive Practice

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A. Read the sample question. Then answer the questions that follow.

Sample Question 8
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? A small town is a better place than a
big city to raise children. Support your answer with specific reasons and examples.
1. This question asks about
a. preference. c. agreement.
b. advantages and disadvantages. d. importance.
2. The topic is about
a. the best place to live. c. the best place to take a vacation.
b. the best place to work.
B. Complete the brainstorming notes for the question in Part A by answering the
questions. Use the sentences given to respond.
Brainstorming Notes
1. What is the question asking for? ____________________________________
2. What is my viewpoint? ____________________________________
3. What is my thesis? ____________________________________
4. Why do I feel this way? ____________________________________

Sentences for Notes

I agree with the statement.
Small towns are safer, people in small towns are nicer, and life in small towns is less
I agree that a small town is a better place to raise children.
Do I agree or disagree that a small town is better than a city for raising children?

C. Read the sample response to the question in Part A. Then choose the correct number
from the box to label each part of the response.
1. Body paragraph 5. Second supporting idea
2. Concluding paragraph 6. Third supporting idea
3. Introductory paragraph 7. Thesis statement
4. First supporting idea

D Write your own response to the question in Part A by completing the template.

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