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Help File
Osai NBIConfigurator – Help File


1. NBI Config .................................................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Preface ...................................................................................................................................................................................3

1.1.1 Configurator NBIconfig ...........................................................................................................................................3
1.1.2 Translation ...................................................................................................................................................................3

1.2 General configuratio n .......................................................................................................................................................5

1.2.1 Saving the changes ...................................................................................................................................................5
1.2.2 Language config uration ..........................................................................................................................................5
1.2.3 Disabling WinNBI applications ..............................................................................................................................6

1.3 BootController .....................................................................................................................................................................6

1.3.1 Disabling auto-r un of ProcessController ...........................................................................................................6

Osai NBIConfigurator – Help File

1. NBI Config
1.1 Preface
1.1.1 Configurator NBIconfig

The NBIconfig configurator is a tool developed to allow the parameters the WinNBI application to be

The following figure shows the screen that is seen by the user.

1.1.2 Translation

All the OSAI applications included with WinNBI can be translated into the required language.

To translate the Principal Menu, the Softkeys and all the dialogue boxes it is necessary to build a
structured file containing the text in the desired language. For this operation it is possible to start with
the files belonging to another language (with this software version the Eng lish and Italian languages are
available). The files contain different groups and keys. Retaining the structure of the file, the groups and
the keys, the text that follow the symbol " =." must be translated.

In some cases the symbol " &." precedes the text. This symbol precedes the letter that will be used as a
"shortcut" (a command initiated by pressing ALT+letter) for the activation of the corresponding command.
When translating a file it will not be possible to maintain the original letters as short cuts. During the
translation it is necessary to ensure that the commands associated with a menu don't use the same letter

Osai NBIConfigurator – Help File

as another short cut.

Attention: the translation must be done for all the applications associated with WinNBI as the selection of
the language is common to all the applications. The applications that don't have the correct translation
file will be translated in Eng lish.

The files dedicated to translation of the texts are found in the sub-directory " Language " a sub-directory
of the directory in which the WinNBI application is installed.

The names of the translation files must be defined with the following criteria:

the first three letters followed by the symbol " _ " are a key that identifies the WinNBI

the following letters, up to the "." indicate the language key that will be used by the WinNBI

the extension of the file has to be " .INI ".

e.g. the file PRO_ENGLISH.INI identifies the Eng lish translation file for the WinNBI applicatio n Process

The keys that identify the applications are:

CIO_ for the I/OConfig

DGT_ for the DigiCad

MPL_ for the MachinePlot

ODM_ for the ODM

OSC_ for the Oscilloscope

PRO_ for the ProcessController

SEC_ for the Security

SYH_ for the SystemHistory

TBE_ for the TableEditor

TMO_ for the TimeMonitor

BOO_ for the BootController

PHW_ for the PathView

CFG_ for this application (NBIconfig)

Osai NBIConfigurator – Help File

1.2 General configuration

1.2.1 Saving the changes

To save the modified parameters it is possible to follow on e of the following procedures:

Menu Procedure

Click on File > Save

Toolbar procedure

Click on the icon: on the toolbar

Main Window procedure

Click on the button for the updating of the configuration parameters:

When you save the modification NBI config ask for the OEM password (it is the same that is used by
ProcessController). After the first WinNBI installation the default password is " OEM".
The password can be changed with a specific ProcessController dialog.

Generally speaking, to actuate the configuration changes for an already opened WinNBI application it is
necessary to close and open again teh application.

1.2.2 Language configuration

The selection of the language to be used for each WinNBI application is normally made during installation.

For the configuration, through NBI config, of the language that will be used by the WinNBI application,
insert the appropriate text in the following field:

With the current software version the English, Italian, Spanish and French languages are available for
which the text ENGLISH, ITALIAN, SPANISH or FRENCH should be used.
For Spanish and French languages the translation is available for the menus, dialogs etc. of end -user
applications. The MTB applications and the online help will be translated in English.

All the WinNBI applications can be trans lated to the desired language (Trans lation).

The WinNBI application checks that the configuration parameter is correct and that the related translation
file exists when the application is activated and displays any errors.

Osai NBIConfigurator – Help File

1.2.3 Disabling WinNBI applications

Using the section

it is possible to disable the ProcessController and BootController commands used to start the WinNBI

1.3 BootController
1.3.1 Disabling auto-run of ProcessController

Using the field

it is possible to disable the automatic start of ProcessController by BootController.

BootController check wheter the selected and connected CNC is in the R UN boot phase that is the
standard CNC activation. In this case it runs (or shows if it is already active) the ProcessController to
manage the machine data.
If you check the "Disable auto-run of ProcessController" field, BootController will not apply anymore the
described operation.



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