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All students have to submit the questions from any three Modules.Last date of submission :

1)Explain the various types of engineering materials.

2) Describe the Bravias crystal system Also explain different types of crystal structures.
Define the Atomic packing factor.

3) Explain Bragg’s law of diffraction? How X-rays are used to find the inter planar spacing
in crystal lattice .X-rays of beam 0.824Å wavelength is incident on a crystal on a
glancing angle of 8ᵒ35´, when first order diffraction occurs. Determine the glancing angle
for third order diffraction and inter planar spacing of the crystal?

4) Calculate the inter planar spacing for (110), (111),(120),(123),(221) plane of the iron.
Which of the planes has greatest inter planer spacing? The atomic radius of iron is

5) X-rays of beam 0.934Å wavelength is incident on a crystal on a glancing angle of 27ᵒ35´,

when third order diffraction occurs. Determine the glancing angle for first order
diffraction and interplanar spacing of the crystal?

6) Determine the packing factor of the various types of simple cubic structure.

7) (a) Iridium has a FCC structure . Its density is 22.4gm/cm3 and atomic weight is
192.2gm/mol.Find out the atomic radius and also the volume of the unit cell.
(b) Iron has a BCC structure . Its atomic weight is 55.85gm/mol and atomic radius is
0.124nm .Find out the density and also the volume of the unit cell.

8) Explain Miller Bravais Indices and their significance in material science. Find out the
Miller indices of a crystal plane that is making 2/3 intercept on x-axis, 3/5 intercept on
z-axis and parallel to y-axis.

9)Explain BCC, and FCC lattice structure? Derive the number of effective atoms per unit
cell and atomic packing factor for each of these.

10) Calculate the number of Frenkel defect per unit volume of calcium fluoride, if the energy
of defects formation is 2.7eVat 1300K.The molecular weight of CaF2 is 0.079kg/mol
and the specific gravity is 3.17
11). Explain the mechanism of plastic deformation. What are various types of point
imperfections that occur during the crystal growth?

Module- II

1) What is the necessity of knowing true stress-strain diagrams? What are the utilities of
these curves to a production engineer? Draw the Stress- strain Diagrams of Brittle
materials, Ductile materials, and Plastic Materials.
2) Show different stages of Strain in the structural Steel. Also describe the various changes
in the dimension on a stress-strain curve and explain it properly.
3) Compare linearly and non-linearly elastic material.
4) Sketch any hardness testing machine; show its constructional details and explain the
5) Define notch impact strength. Quote the situation as where to use Charpy’s test or Izod’s
test. Compare them from different viewpoints.
6) Name the various non-destructive testing methods and explain any three of them.
7) Explain the ultrasonic method of NDT with the help of a diagram. Also describe the
construction and working of a crystal probe.
8) What do you understand by Creep? Describe the various stages of creep fracture. How
does it affect the performance of materials?
9) What do you understand by Fatigue? How does it affect the properties of the materials?
10) What are the limitations of Brinell’s hardness test? Why should we adopt Rockwell
hardness test?

Module -III

1. What do you mean by stainless steel? What are its different types? Compare their
properties and applications.
2. Name any ferrous alloys and write their composition, properties and applications.
3. Differentiate between cast iron and wrought steel based on composition and applications.
4. Draw carbon equilibrium diagram and show their salient features. Indicate significance of
this diagram for heat treatment of steel.
5. Suggest reasons that necessitate annealing of steel. Compare different types of annealing.
6. Why is it necessary to temper hardened steel? What are the gains and losses in the
properties of materials due to Aus tempering and martempering?
7. Explain the difference between hardenability and hardness.
8. State the heat treatment processes to be performed on eutectoid steel to obtain
transformation from: (i)martensite to pearlite (ii)pearlite to banite (iii)austenite to ferrite.
9. Enlist various non-ferrous metals and present briefly their characteristics and
10. Name five alloys of each ferrous and nonferrous metals. Write their composition,
properties and applications.
11. Distinguish between brass and bronze. Discuss various kinds of brasses and bronzes
stating their composition and applications.
12. Write composition, salient characteristics and uses of the following alloys:
Constantan , Invar, Duralumin.
13. Differentiate between Quenching, tempering and case hardening.
14. Draw and explain the Time- temperature-transformation(TTT) diagram of steel.
15. Describe the essential features of the advanced Materials/Alloys that could be used in the
designing and manufacturing of
(i) Satellites (ii) Robots

Module -IV

1.What are the salient features and properties of superconductors? Why don’t they obey
Ohm’s law below their critical temperatures and hence explain the mechanism of super
2.Explain the effect of critical magnetic field, critical current and isotopic mass on critical
temperature of a superconducting material.
3.Explain the Meissner effect in superconductor and also explain Type I and Type II
4.Expalin how superconductivity is different from conductivity and semi conductivity.
5. Explain the mechanism of polymerization that occurs in (i)monomers of ethylene
(ii)formation of Bakelite.
6.Differentiate between:
(i)Polymerization and degree of polymerization
(ii) addition polymerization and condensation polymerization
(iii)random and block polymerization.
7. Classify plastics. Compare thermosets and thermoplasts.
8.Describe the effects of various constituents in the formation of glasses. Narrate the
properties and characteristics of various types of glasses.
9.Discuss the electrical and mechanical behavior of ceramics. Explain he stress –strain
profile, fracture mode and dielectric strength .
10.Discuss refractories stating their different types.
11.Differentiate the conductors, semi-conductors and insulators on the basis of energy
band gap.
12. What do you understand by Fermi -level? Explain the p-type and n-type semiconductors and
show the fermi level in each of them.

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