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Table of Contents

Lesson 1: Sex, Gender, and Sexuality...........................................................................................................2

Lesson 2: Gender and Sexuality Across Time...............................................................................................4

Lesson 3: Gender and Sexuality as a Subject of Inquiry...............................................................................6

Lesson 4:The Anatomy and Psychology of Reproduction............................................................................7

Lesson 5: The Process of Reproduction.....................................................................................................10

Lesson 6: Sexual Health and Hygiene........................................................................................................11

Lesson 7: Risky Behaviors of Adolescents.................................................................................................13

Lesson 1: Sex, Gender, and Sexuality

Sex, gender, and equality are complex and interrelated topics that have been the subject of
extensive research and discussions. Here are some key points and areas of research related to
these topics:

Sex and Gender Distinction:

Sex refers to the biological attributes that distinguish individuals as male, female, or intersex.
These attributes typically include genitalia, chromosomes, and hormone levels. However, it's
essential to recognize that not all individuals fit neatly into the binary categories of male or
female, as some are born with intersex variations.


Gender refers to the social, cultural, and psychological attributes and roles that society assigns
to individuals based on their perceived sex. Gender is an individual's internal sense of their own
gender, which identity may or may not align with their assigned sex at birth. Gender identity
can be diverse and includes categories such as transgender, gender, queer, non-binary.

Gender Identity

is like a deep-down feeling inside you about whether you are a boy, a girl, both, neither, or
something else entirely. It's how you see and feel about yourself in terms of your gender,
regardless of what other people might think or what your body looks like. It's a personal sense
of who you are in terms of your gender.

Sexual Orientation

Sexual orientation is about who a person is attracted to romantically or sexually, like being
attracted to people of the opposite gender (heterosexual), the same gender (homosexual), or
both genders (bisexual), among other possibilities.


Is about your body parts and physical characteristics that make you either a boy or a girl. When
you're born, doctors often say you're a boy if you have certain body parts like a penis and

certain chromosomes, or a girl if you have different body parts like a vulva and different

Appreciating Diversity

Identifying as a heterosexual, lesbian, bi, gay, or transgender is a deeply personal process, so it

may be more difficult for others to come out' or for them to become comfortable enough with
their sexuality that they feel safe to share it with other people. For others, it comes early in
adolescence while for some, it may take time to understand and discover themselves.


The complexities of the human sexuality can be quite overwhelming. We need to look at our
own experience on our journey of discovering our sense of being a man and a woman for us to
understand others. We also need to engage in conversations with others for us to appreciate
the many different faces of human sexuality.

Lesson 2: Gender and Sexuality Across Time

Gender is an area that cuts across thinking about society, law, politics and culture, and it is
frequently discussed in relation to other aspects of identity and social position, such as class,
ethnicity, age and physical ability. Gender is also an important concept within a range of social
and political debates and may influence these debates differently according to cultural context.

Society has progressed so much in a way that information and knowledge is available to
everyone. This gives us an opportunity to examine our social and political conditions in more
detail than when information was scarce and limited to only a few individuals.


A close examination of our society can lead us to see the invisible layers of oppression in our
society like patriarchy-a system based on the control and oppression of women wherein they
are perceived to be the weaker sex. It is a structure that upholds male supremacy in the law, at
home, in the workplace, and in society.

Women Empowerment

Women's liberation movement, women's movement, or feminism is a continuing series of

social movements that aim to challenge the patriarchal society that creates these oppressive
political structures, beliefs, and practices against women. It started at different decades in
different countries, some are far more advance in their struggle while others are still starting a


Recognizing patriarchy in the simple things we do is very important for us to identify these
instances so we can change it. Even the simplest acts that are seemingly harmless can be
analyzed and seen as a way to force women into submission and compliance. That is the power
of putting labels on oppressive acts, and you can call it out and stop it.
Feminism gained women access to education, right to vote, right to work, take control of their
reproduction, and the right to say no instead of just obeying However, there is still much to be
done for gender equality. Make the world a better place for women by learning to respect and
recognizing that women deserve the same rights as men-that women are not to be treated as
the weaker sex or the submissive sex, but rather as an equal.

Lesson 3: Gender and Sexuality as a Subject of Inquiry

Gender studies is not just for women or men, it is about everyone throughout our history and
how it created inequalities. One hundred years ago, women were not allowed to study at
universities since their role was only restricted to do.

Gender role or sex role are "sets of culturally defined behaviors such as masculinity and
femininity". These roles are not fixed such that the "culturally defined behaviors" for men and
women may be very different 50 years ago or very different for people from other countries or
tribe. In a binary system of viewing gender roles, we only see the male and the female where
men are expected to be masculine while women are expected to be feminine. This is the norm
or the accepted standards of how to behave like a woman (mahinhin) or how to behave like a
man (matipuno matapang). In gender studies, we are asked to disrupt and question these kinds
of social expectations, gender roles, and gender norms.


Human Ecology, as a field, recognizes the interplay among internal and external environments-
physical, socio-economic, cultural (Bronfenbrenner 1994: Buboz and Sontag 1984). Hence, to
look at realities from an ecological perspective is to appreciate that human development across
lifespan is influenced by these environments.


Gender, being male or female, has socially constructed meanings, and it is different in every
culture and may change with time. It is important to analyze how society enforce gender roles
everyone so we can further understand how power relations in gender roles can limit an
individual's freedom and promote inequality.

Lesson 4:The Anatomy and Psychology of Reproduction


Humans experience various physical and emotional changes from childhood to adulthood.
These changes are gradual and progress at different ages and speed in different people. These
stages are based on human growth and development from childhood, adolescence, adulthood,
and old age. This chapter focuses on the adolescent stage of human development, which is
characterized by dynamic changes in physical and behavioral traits.


The menstrual cycle marks the beginning of puberty in females. The first episode occurs
between II to 15 years of age referred to as menarche. Menstruation pertains to the sloughing
of the uterine lining if conception has not occurred. It may last within two to six days which
follows a cycle ranging from 24 to 42 days. Regardless of the length of the cycle, menstruation
begins about 14 days after ovulation (plus or minus one to two days). The overall cycle is
governed by the hypothalamus as it monitors hormone levels in the bloodstream.


Anatomy the study of body structure

in relation to body parts. The female
sexual anatomy is designed for the
production and fertilization. of
ovum, as well as carrying and

delivering infant offspring. Puberty signals the final development of primary and accessory
organs that support reproduction.


The male sexual anatomy is designed for the production and delivery of sperm for fertilization
of the female's ovum. Puberty signals the final development of primary and accessory organs
that support reproduction.


Humans experience various physical changes

from childhood to adulthood. The adolescent
stage is characterized by dynamic changes in
physical and behavioral traits Despite differences in physical appearance, the sexual organs of
men and women arise from the same structures and fulfill similar functions.

Lesson 5: The Process of Reproduction

Although human beings are fully sexually differentiated at birth, the differences between males
and females are accentuated at puberty. This is when the reproductive system matures,
secondary sexual characteristics develop, and the bodies of males and females appear more

Female puberty usually begins at about 8-13 years of age; the reproduction maturation of boys
lags about two years behind that of girls. The physical changes of female puberty include breast
development, rounding of the hips and buttocks, growth of the hair in the pubic region and the
underarm, and the start of menstruation.

How does pregnancy occur?

For pregnancy to proceed, the sperm needs to meet up with an egg. Pregnancy officially starts
when a fertilized egg implants in the lining of the uterus. Pregnancy happens 2-3 weeks after
sexual intercourse. This is redundant so it was it redacted.

A normal pregnancy lasts 37-42 weeks (nine months). This is measured from the first day of the
last period. Pregnancy is discussed in terms of trimesters (three-month periods), since each
trimester is very different from the rest. After eight weeks, the embryo is officially referred to as
a fetus.

Lesson 6: Sexual Health and Hygiene


Puberty causes all kinds of changes in the adolescent's body. These bodily changes are normal
part of developing into an adult. There are instances when these changes can be a source of
anxiety to the growing teen. Does anyone not worry about smelly breath and underarms! This
further puts personal hygiene and healthy habits being important life skills for the teen.

Oily Hair

The hormones that create acne are the same ones that can make you feel like you're suddenly
styling your hair with a comb dipped in motor oil. Each strand of hair has its own sebaceous (oil)
gland which keeps the hair shiny and waterproof. But during puberty. when the sebaceous
glands produce extra oil, it can make your hair look too shiny, oily, and greasy. Washing your
hair every day or every other day can help control oily hair.

Sweat and Body Odor

Perspiration, or sweat, comes from sweat glands that you have always had in your body but
thanks to puberty, these glands not only become more active than before, they also begin to
secrete different chemicals into the sweat that has a stronger smelling odor. You might notice
this odor under your arms in your armpits. Your feet and genitals might also have new smells.

The best way to keep clean is to bathe or shower every day using a mild soap and warm water.
This will help wash away any bacteria that contribute to the smells. Wearing clean clothes,
socks, and underwear each day can also help you to feel clean. If you swear a lot, you might
find that shirts, T-shirts, socks, and underwear made from cotton or other natural materials will
help absorb sweat more effectively. If you are concerned about the way your underarms smell,
you can try using a deodorant or deodorant with antiperspirant.

Dental Hygiene

Dentists say that the most important part of tooth care happens at home. Brushing and flossing
properly, along with regular dental checkups, can help prevent tooth decay and gum disease.
To prevent cavities, you need to remove plaque, the transparent layer of bacteria that coats the

The best way to do this is by brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing at least once a day.
Brushing also stimulates the gums, which helps to keep them healthy and prevent gum disease.
Brushing and flossing are the most important things that you can do to keep your teeth and
gums healthy. Toothpastes contain abrasives, detergents, and foaming agents. Fluoride, the
most common active ingredient in toothpaste, is what prevents cavities.


Remember that sexual health and hygiene can vary based on individual preferences, cultural
norms, and sexual orientation. It's important to stay informed, seek medical advice when
needed, and prioritize safe and consensual sexual practices to maintain a healthy and fulfilling
sex life.

In this chapter, we have identified the important health habits for the developing adolescent to
address the various changes that take place in the growing adolescent. Practical tips on
observing good and healthy hygiene daily have been highlighted as well as indications when to
seek help, especially from a healthcare professional.

Lesson 7: Risky Behaviors of Adolescents


a behavior of doing something regardless of potential loss. It is defined as participation in

potentially health-compromising activities with little understanding of, or in spite of an
understanding of, the possible negative consequences.

Majority of the youth mature successfully through adolescence without apparent long-term
problems. All adolescents should be considered at risk due to the prevalence of risk behaviors,
the inherent developmental needs of adolescents, and the various risk factors for their
initiation and maintenance. Adolescents experiment with new behaviors as they explore their
emerging identity and independence. Guidance of family is also important as the adolescent
develops into a mature adult.


regular use of drugs and alcohol, repeated violation of the law or school regulation;

aggressive outbursts/impulsiveness;

dark drawings or writings:

refusal to work/non-compliance;

chronic lateness;

falling asleep in class;

changes in physical appearance; and excessive daydreaming.

Majority of the youth mature successfully through adolescence without apparent long-term
problems. All adolescents should be considered at risk due to the prevalence of risk behaviors,
the inherent developmental needs of adolescents, and the various risk factors for their
initiation and maintenance.

Sex and Media have been identified as key influencers among adolescents engaging in high-risk
behaviors, as shown in studies in NCR and CALABARZON. Three in five have watched X-rated
movies and videos, the fourth highest in the country. Three in ten have sent or received sex
videos through cell phones or Internet, the second highest in the country Six in 100 have
engaged in phone sex, higher than the national average.

Harmful practices

Culture and tradition play a significant role in shaping the way young people and adolescents
behave and lead their lives. However, young people have become victims of some harmful
traditional practices, which affect their human and reproductive rights. These practices differ
from place to place but primarily affect women.

Common drugs abused by young people and their effects:

1. Marijuana

is a plant grown and used worldwide. Usually, people smoke the leaves, but the leaves and the
stem can be made into tea, or even cookies. The effects vary. You can stay under the influence
for about two or three hours. Some people become relaxed and happy while others feel panic
or fear. Users' eyes usually become red, and their throats and mouths will become dry.
Appetite may increase.

2. Mairungi

is the common name for a stimulant leaf that is chewed in much of East Africa. Chewing
Mairungi can help someone feel more awake, confident, and energetic and can also reduce

3. Alcohol

Alcohol is the most common drug and is used worldwide. Because it is legal, often kept in the
home and comes in extremely cheap local brews, alcohol is extremely easy to find and
consume. At first, alcohol causes relaxation and people feel less self-conscious. After more
alcohol, and individual gets drunk; reaction time slows down and thinking straight becomes
difficult. (This is why people who are drinking are often involved in car accidents).

4. Cigarettes (tobacco, cigars)

Many young people start smoking tobacco products for different reasons including influence of
friends, seductive advertisements, and olde role models like siblings' or celebrities, to mention
a few. Young people find smoking 'cool' thing to do, but they become addicted to one of the
most addictive and dangerous substances, Nicotine, which is an active ingredient in tobacco


The developing adolescent is very vulnerable to high risk-taking behaviors that can harm their
growth and pose a threat to their future. Warning signs of a troubled teen should be recognized
and managed early on to prevent devastating effects on the growing adolescent.


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