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Research paper doi: 10.30822/arteks.v5i3.487

The hedonistic sustainability concept in the works of Bjarke Ingels

Nita Dwi Estika1* , Yudhistira Kusuma2, Dewi Retno Prameswari3 ,
Iwan Sudradjat1
History, Theory, and Criticism in Architecture Research Group, School of Architecture,
Planning, and Policy Development (SAPPD), Institut Teknologi Bandung, Jl. Ganesha, no.
10, Bandung, Indonesia
Architectural Planning Research Group, Department of Architectural Education,
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi, no. 229, Bandung, Indonesia
School of Architecture, Planning, and Policy Development (SAPPD), Institut Teknologi
Bandung, Jl. Ganesha, no. 10, Bandung, Indonesia


Article history: Contemporary architects highlight past ideas and present new
Received April 29, 2020 manifestos often perceived as utopian. Bjarke Ingels introduced
Received in revised form May 12, 2020 hedonistic sustainability in response to the demand for
Accepted July 26, 2020 environmentally friendly and sustainable living through different
Available online December 01, 2020 perspectives. This paper comprehensively explains the concept of
hedonistic sustainability through the designs of Bjarke Ingels, a
Keywords: contemporary architect. Literature from various sources is examined
Bjarke Ingels to describe Bjarke Ingels' idea. Hedonistic sustainability combines
Contemporary sustainable ideas, fun, and community. Bjarke Ingels's architectural
Hedonistic sustainability design is applied through simulation and an ironic approach. Its
Manifesto representation facilitates the exploration of the design objects
planned concretely. The idea of playful and communality was raised
through the design that accommodates various user activities. Bjarke
Ingels's idea is expected to contribute to the knowledge and
*Corresponding author: Nita Dwi Estika contemporary architecture design process in Indonesia.
History, Theory, and Criticism in Architecture
Research Group, SAPPD, Institut Teknologi
Bandung, Indonesia
ORCID: 0000-0003-2117-482X

Introduction what architecture can do at its maximum point.

However, it is also a challenge since it may
Architects become famous in other media because highlight the main weaknesses of the architecture
of their manifesto. A good manifesto combines a (Jencks 1997). Rem Koolhaas, a founding partner
bit of terror, emotion, the prestige of capabilities, of the OMA (Office for Metropolitan
and utilizes rhetorical tools such as rhymes, word Architecture), was assisted by an apprentice
plays, and jokes. Jencks and Kropf (1997) named Bjarke Ingels in 1998. Manifesto Bigness
grouped manifestos into five time periods, Koolhaas inspired Ingels to be one of the
including, Post-Modern, Post-Modern Ecology, innovative, ambitious, creative, and most famous
Traditional, Late Modern, and New Modern contemporary architects of the younger
(Jencks 1997). generation. This success is also attributed to skills
The appearance of Rem Koolhaas in 1994 in using various platforms, including social
with the manifesto of Bigness made him a new media. Ingels won many awards because of the
modern figure. The Manifesto Bigness represents

Copyright ©2020 Nita Dwi Estika, Yudhistira Kusuma, Dewi Retno Prameswari, Iwan Sudradjat. This is an open access
article distributed the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License
ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur, Volume 5, Issue 3, December 2020
pISSN 2541-0598; eISSN 2541-1217

ability to produce innovative architectural works processing methods were used to extract text from
and international reputation (Sagdıc 2016). various sources. Furthermore, content analysis
Bjarke Ingels founded the Bjarke Ingels techniques were used to determine the inference
Group (BIG) in 2005, which is known by the of the selected work to provide an overview of the
manifesto Yes is More, a theory of evolution interpretation of ideas or hedonistic sustainability
(Bjarke Ingels Group 2009). This manifesto was concepts proposed by Bjarke Ingels
founded on the abstraction from the thoughts of (Krippendorff 2012). The essence was responded
naturalist Charles Darwin and philosophers to by associating this thought with a broader case
Friederich Nietzsche (Møller 2013). "Yes is to make a more general and comprehensive
More" by Ingels was juxtaposed with six other conclusion on the hedonistic sustainability
legendary architectural manifestos, including concept.
Vitruvius, Le Corbusier, Steen Eiler Rasmussen,
Aldo Rossi, Roberto Venturi, and Rem Koolhaas
(Arcspace 2014). Stable manifestos can become a Result and discussion
theory, which is a discourse that explains the
practice of architectural production along with a The Ingels architecture process with Koolhaas
description of its challenges (Jencks 1997; Nesbitt provides show that each project is handled
1996). The manifestos stated by architects can be uniquely based on specific conditions. Projects
categorized into groups of theories to form the start with a story attached to a city, about art and
architecture theory (Sudradjat 1997). The theory technology, and the institutions that develop.
represents how architects develop and use Therefore, Ingels concludes that architecture is
principles, knowledge, techniques, and other part of society and is based on societal issues
resources in the design process (Sudradjat 2020). (Parker 2012).
It underlines the background of the architect's “Yes is More” might be perceived as a joke
design process, such as the use of media and ways from a famous quote by the founding father of the
of acting, enriching historical and cultural modern revolution Mies Van Der Rohe, “Less is
diversity (Widodo 2019; Subroto 2019). More.” However, the choice of phrases has a solid
Through the Yes Is More manifesto, Ingels basis. Apart from the concrete form of the Less is
synthesized various concepts, including More spell, which results in the repetition of
Hedonistic Sustainability. This paper explains identical square buildings dominating, “Yes is
Hedonistic Sustainability's design concept, More” also refers to the fact that the architecture
ranging from the origin, principles, development is a contradiction and revolution of
implementation, and context of application previous ideas. Ingels intended to free
through the architectural works of Bjarke Ingels. architecture from traced cliches and viewed
The purpose of choosing this concept was to modern life as an inspiring challenge. As an
appreciate the BIG for its exciting design architect in the 21st century, he shows that the
philosophy and challenging the idea of project's importance is not formulated under the
sustainable living principles. This concept is also basic guidelines and principles of architecture, but
a contextual idea with the urgency of today's is focused on concept research on architectural
architectural design that must prioritize projects expected to be the best in the market.
environmentally friendly principles. According to Ingels, the need in architecture
today is not revolution, but evolution.
Architecture should adapt progressively to the
Method development of life. It should follow the way of
life, rather than slowing the progression of life by
This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach, adjusting to obsolete ideas from the past. Perfect
commonly used to build knowledge patterns architecture should say "yes!" to every desire and
based on constructive perspectives sourced from need (Bjarke Ingels Group 2009).
individual experience and historical values "Yes is more" represents Ingels's optimism as
(Creswell 2014). Data collection involved a designer in the contemporary era to produce
literature studies of various sources, including perfect architectural works. Instead of positioning
books, articles, and information from the official themselves toward "pragmatics" that kill the wild
website of Bjarke Ingels's works. Text data ideas of an architect or "utopians" that reject

Nita Dwi Estika, Yudhistira Kusuma, Dewi Retno Prameswari, Iwan Sudradjat:
The hedonistic sustainability concept in the works of Bjarke Ingels

various realities, Ingels merge the two poles in an challenge." (Sanders and Sanders 2019;
architectural design entitled "pragmatic- Ingels 2012).
utopianism" (Bjarke Ingels Group 2009). Hedonistic sustainability is a vision to respond
Through the Pragmatic Utopianism idea, he was to current challenges in line with the need for new
confident and optimistic that architectural works ways of addressing the evolving contemporary
should not be partial. Architectural work should lives, multicultural issues, economic problems,
reach both sides through the creativity of an and technological and communication
architect and produce outcomes that developments. Hedonistic sustainability is a
accommodate various needs. mind-set that integrates aspects of sustainability
“How could the ecosystem live with playfulness into a building to improve
sustainably when humans continue to do human life.
what they want?” (Fiore, Phillips, and Ingels doubt that the environment is currently
Sellers 2014). undergoing an ecological regression (Bjarke
The Hedonistic Sustainability concept also Ingels Group 2009). In his view, the environment
emanated from the foundation of pragmatic is ecologically "possible" in progress. The
utopianism. The hedonistic preposition seems to statement seems to show the quality of the built
contradict with the main idea, which is environment whose development is not
sustainability. This concept can be expressed proportional to the needs and lifestyles of humans
using the term "extravagant while saving." This currently. This situation indirectly forces humans
concept is against sustainability, which denotes to adjust their lifestyles for sustainability.
that living sustainably is a sacrifice (investment) As an architect with authority and
for the greater good (Fiore, Phillips, and Sellers responsibility to change the built environment for
2014). Ingels and BIG are active in defining urban the better, Ingels stated that an architect should
scenarios, bringing concepts related to society, create a sustainable design and still accommodate
economy, and ecology to create synergies the way humans want to live, rather than precisely
between sustainability, community needs, and imposing limits on their life (Bjarke Ingels Group
spectacular design. (BIG – Bjarke Ingels Group 2009). Ingels change the sustainable paradigm
2018; Bjarke Ingels Group 2018). that cramps the society because it has to limit
everything. A sustainable life is not merely about
Bjarke Ingels’s thoughts: Hedonistic changing existing lifestyles, and the world can be
sustainability changed to suit human life.
Architectures are artistic three-dimensional, Ingels developed the idea of a pro-community
and ecosystem designs that unite ecological and built environment design in which expending
economic systems. Architects should integrate energy produced more of it (Bjarke Ingels Group
everything resourcefully in a plan and ensure the 2009). Therefore, the Hedonistic Sustainability
flow of resources is sustainable (Ingels 2012). concept is needed. In his book Yes is More, Ingels
When ecology and economics are combined, criticized some of the contents of "Ten
people tend to focus on the boundaries that Commandments of Good Consumption," as
emerge as rules, eliminating the community shown in table 1.
values built in architecture. According to Ingels,
this is a challenge to determine new ways of Table 1. Hedonistic sustainability critiscism of ten
building a pro-community ecological and commandments of good consumption
economic system (Bjarke Ingels Group 2009). Ten commandments of
Hedonistic sustainability
good consumption
There is a general misconception of
Reduce, reuse, recycle Use, reuse, recycle
sustainability regarding how much the Stay close to home Hit the road
community's life quality should be sacrificed to Minimize the use of Maximize the use of
achieve sustainability (Ingels 2012). This is the combustion engines hydrogen engines
underlying concept of hedonistic sustainability. Reduce fuel
Produce energy while driving
According to Ingels, the solution to the conflict is consumption
Support government
purely a matter of design. regulation with political
Support youth own
“Sustainability cannot be like a choices
household with energy
moral sacrifice or political dilemma or a Support thoughtful
philanthropic cause. It has to be a design innovation

ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur, Volume 5, Issue 3, December 2020
pISSN 2541-0598; eISSN 2541-1217

Ten commandments of
Hedonistic sustainability
and irony. Specifically, this was meant to achieve
good consumption a synergistic and sustainable design.
The more you use, the more The simulation approach is analogous as a boy
you get
Vote Waste
playing with a Lego model or a digital computer
Do not feel guilty (agree) game. Many Ingels buildings oppose the
Enjoy what you have Enjoy more conventions and dimensions of traditional
Source: (Bjarke Ingels Group 2009) architecture and highly eccentric and photogenic.
Ingels uses the camouflage perspective learned
Through the hedonistic sustainability concept, from Koolhaas and used digital technology to
Ingels offers expectations and beliefs that humans formulate influential designs (Sagdıc 2016). For
can live in a utopian architecture world that is instance, the use of simulation, imitation, and
beautiful but still be responsible. Sustainable representation by BIG was applied to The
design provides fun and enthusiasm and can Mountain project (2007) in Copenhagen. The
improve the quality of life for individuals and project explores the experience (simulation) of
communities (Fiore, Phillips, and Sellers 2014). life on the "mountain," and therefore, an artificial
However, to create a pleasant sustainable mountain was built. It is a view of new
environment, public and community participation mountainous settlements in the sub-urban area of
in the design process is needed (Fiore, Phillips, Copenhagen (Ingels 2012). Simulation is a
and Sellers 2014). representation of reality that is considered equal
"... to look at some different because it produces several authentic
approaches where sustainable cities and characteristics. In this project, reproduced
buildings increase the quality of life" "mountains" emerge as imaginative theatrical
(Ren 2016). realities (Balık and Allmer 2015a).
Hedonistic sustainability, as the design The ironic approach is also used as a design to
principle of BIG in various articles, is considered create an ironic expression and form a more iconic
closer to the joke in architecture. Szczegielniak building. An ironic expression on Ingels
(2015) explained that BIG is an expert in making architecture is a design input that develops
jokes in architecture with a funny design process. pragmatic-utopian design ideas, such as rational
However, it is a solution to problems in various and irrational binary, usual and unusual, or
contexts faced by the development of Ingels serious and funny. Ingels developed irony as a
architecture. With this approach, they expect collective creation tool to produce ideas with
architecture to be readily accepted and understood other architects.
by the wider community, attracting society's For example, in The Mountain project (Figure
involvement in its architectural work. 2), Ingels deliberately made the residential block
"The Mountain" look like a mountainous
settlement. In reality, the Copenhagen plain is a
flat without mountains. The irony approach arises
because the resulting design contradicted the
situation in Copenhagen.

Figure 1. Schema of hedonistic sustainability concept

Design approach
In the design process, Ingels uses two Figure 2. The mountain building
approaches to achieve optimal design: simulation Source: (Bjarke Ingels Group 2007)

Nita Dwi Estika, Yudhistira Kusuma, Dewi Retno Prameswari, Iwan Sudradjat:
The hedonistic sustainability concept in the works of Bjarke Ingels

The design decision is not merely the The Hedonistic Sustainability concept is
fulfillment of utopian desire. There are widely applied to projects directed by Ingels and
sustainability values accommodated in The BIG. The explanation of this concept's
Mountain's design, including land reduction implementation is based on the analysis using two
(building function integration), natural lighting Ingels design approaches, including a simulation
and ventilation, the view of each occupancy, and (SA), and an ironic approach (IA). Several iconic
sustainable technology (Bjarke Ingels Group projects by Ingels withthe Hedonistic
2007). Sustainability concept are briefly explained in
table 2.
Implementation of the hedonistic
sustainability concept in Bjarke Ingels’ work

Table 2. Implementation of hedonistic sustainability concepts in Several BIG Projects

Project Design approach Hedonistic sustainability value
The Mountain (2007), Kopenhagen • SA: The parking building is likened • Hedonistic: The pleasure of living
to a mountain, and then dwelling is in the mountains; Sub-urban life in
placed on it (the experience of urban density.
settlement life on the mountain). • Sustainability: Integration of two
• IA: Design residential blocks like in building functions; Natural lighting,
the mountains, while Copenhagen is fresh air, views, and parking in each
a city without mountains. residential unit; Roof garden with irrigation from rainwater collection

8 House (2009), Kopenhagen • SA: The experience of normative • Hedonistic: Horizontal residential
residential life (horizontal land) life inside a vertical housing
such as on a city roadside with (pedestrian path for walking and
bicycle and pedestrian paths to biking).
access various facilities. • Sustainability: Integration of various
• IA: Transform the idea into vertical facilities in one residential block
residential typologies on confined area; Roof garden to reduce the
land. effects of urban heat island;
rainwater collection technology.

Amager Resource Center (2019), • SA: Making the incinerator facility • Hedonistic: Mountain recreation
Kopenhagen community-friendly (obscuring the (ice skating, hiking, wall climbing).
image of industrial buildings); • Sustainability: Turn obsolete
Making "mountains" for recreation incinerator into a green building
Copenhagen community. landmark; Educational facilities
• IA: Mountain recreation in an area about sustainability for the
without mountains; Recreation on community (waste-to-energy plant);
top of industrial facilities large roof garden for new natural
(incinerator). ecosystems; New recreation area.
Source: (Bjarke Ingels Group 2020; Støa 2008; Balık and Allmer 2015b; Vyzoviti 2013; Ingels 2012)

Many Ingels architectural works that apply and ways of life of the community, sourced from
similar design patterns, include Copenhagen the societal stories, and adding pleasure
Harbor Bath (2005) in Copenhagen, Danish (playfulness) in the design.
Pavilion (2010) in Shanghai, and VIA 57 West The Hedonistic Sustainability concept is a
(2016) in New York. The idea of these works was contemporary thought that can be used in
to mergepleasure into a sustainable environment architectural design. It is in line with the urgency
system. It relieves the burden of boundaries of the current design that should meet the
arising from sustainable principles. Ingels created standards of green architecture and sustainable
an environmental nuance that makes ordinary development. Therefore, the assertion that the
people interested and willing to understand quality of sustainable physical design needs to be
sustainable living and living. In this case, the supported by the involvement of the surrounding
critical thing is the design following the desires community is disputed. Ingels, in his design, has

ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur, Volume 5, Issue 3, December 2020
pISSN 2541-0598; eISSN 2541-1217

successfully integrated both aspects. Through horizontal, vertical, and diagonal axes. Therefore,
creativity as an architect, an unusual way to make repetition back and forth, rise-and-sink, as well as
the community to live with sustainable principles up and down in the design, produces a building
was discovered. mass with a dynamic impression.
Sustainable architectural design approaches Ingels responds to the surrounding
may vary with the context. Ingels' hedonistic environment to bring up sustainability aspects of
sustainability concept widely applied in the each design. He uses every field in building works
Scandinavian region can be successful since it is to respond to the surrounding climate and
ready in various aspects. In other regions, conditions. The green elements on the roofs and
architects must be very creative in finding walls of buildings maintain and enhance green
solutions to the spirit of sustainable community- open spaces in the city where the building stands.
based design. Contextuality is very important The use of materials responding to the
since designing a built environment improves the environment optimizes design performance. This
quality of life of its users based on their needs. A is one of Ingels's efforts to harmonize work with
well-designed and sustainable built environment the surrounding environment.
persuades users to be indirectly integrated into it.

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ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur, Volume 5, Issue 3, December 2020
pISSN 2541-0598; eISSN 2541-1217


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