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- Perennialism is an educational philosophy that believes in teaching enduring ideas and

timeless knowledge. It emphasizes the study of classical literature, history, and

mathematics to provide students with a strong foundation for understanding the world.
The goal is to cultivate intellectual and moral virtues that are considered universal and
essential throughout one's life.

• Aims of education: Means focusing on teaching students to think critically, use reason,
and develop their minds, fostering a strong foundation of knowledge and problem-solving

• Role of education: teachers help students with reason because the philosophy values the
development of critical thinking and rationality. By guiding students to think logically
and analyze information, teachers aim to cultivate intellectual skills that will serve them
well throughout their lives.

• Focus in the curriculum: In perennialism, “classic subjects” means studying timeless

topics, “literary analysis” involves understanding literature deeply, and a “constant
curriculum” means sticking to enduring knowledge. The idea is to focus on fundamental,
enduring ideas to provide a solid and unchanging educational foundation.

• Curriculum and trends: In perennialism, “use of great books” means studying important
writings, and “return to liberal arts” emphasizes a broad education in subjects like
literature, history, and science. The idea is to explore significant works and have a well-
rounded understanding of various disciplines.
- Essentialism in education is like focusing on the basics. It believes in teaching essential
knowledge and skills, emphasizing subjects like math, science, and literature. It aims to
provide students with a strong foundation, preparing them for practical life.
In essentialist education, an example would be prioritizing core subjects like reading, writing,
and math. Imagine a school that emphasizes mastering these fundamental skills to ensure
students have a solid educational base for future learning and real-world challenges.
•Aim in education: “to promote the intellectual growth of the individual and educate a
complete person” Essentially, in essentialism, the goal is to help each person become smarter
and well-rounded. It’s about developing their mind and educating them to be a
knowledgeable and capable individual in various aspects of life.
• Role of education: the idea is that the teacher is seen as the main authority in the subject
they teach. This means they have a significant role in guiding students and deciding what
should be taught. For example, in a history class, the teacher, being the sole authority, would
determine the curriculum, select the topics to cover, and provide the main insights about
historical events to the students. It emphasizes the importance of a knowledgeable and
authoritative figure leading the learning process.
• Focus in the curriculum: In , the “3 R’s” essentialists believe that these skills are
fundamental and should be at the core of education. This means that education should focus
on teaching these essential skills and subjects to provide a strong foundation for students’
learning and development. It emphasizes the importance of mastering these fundamental
skills to navigate various aspects of life and education.
- Progressivism in education is like learning by doing. It focuses on hands-on experiences,
critical thinking, and problem-solving. The idea is to help students understand the world
through active engagement and practical learning rather than just memorizing facts.

• Aim of education: promoting democratic and social living means teaching students to
work together, share ideas, and respect each other. It's about preparing them for a society
where collaboration, communication, and understanding are essential for a harmonious

• Role of education: the idea is that gaining knowledge leads to personal growth and
lifelong learning. Learning actively through hands-on experiences helps individuals
develop skills and habits that continue throughout their lives. It’s like saying learning by
doing makes you a learner for life, always growing and adapting.

• Focus in the curriculum: the curriculum is designed to be interdisciplinary, meaning it

involves multiple subjects and connects different areas of knowledge. It’s integrative,
aiming to bring together various aspects of learning. The focus is on what students are
interested in, real-world human problems, and current affairs. This approach encourages
interactive learning, where students actively engage with the material and collaborate
with each other. Essentially, progressivism seeks to make education more relevant and
applicable to students’ lives by connecting it to their interests and the world around them
- Reconstructionism in education is like preparing students to change and improve society.
It focuses on addressing social issues and encourages students to think critically about
how to make positive changes in the world. The aim is to educate individuals who can
contribute to shaping a better and more just society.

•Aim of education: The idea is to use education as a tool for making positive changes in
society. It’s about teaching students to analyze and improve the world around them,
fostering a mindset that actively seeks positive transformations in various aspects of

• Role of education: teachers play the role of change-makers. They actively work to
improve education and society through projects and research. Essentially, they act as
agents of positive change, striving to make a difference by reforming and enhancing the
educational experience for students and beyond.

• Focus in curriculum: It means educators consider current and upcoming trends and
issues that impact society, aiming to prepare students to understand and address these
important matters as they grow and contribute to the world.

• Curriculum trends: In reconstructionism, the concept of equality of educational

opportunities means ensuring that everyone has a fair chance to access education. It also
emphasizes providing educational access on a global scale, recognizing the importance of
learning opportunities for individuals worldwide. The focus is on creating a system where
everyone, regardless of their background or location, has a chance to receive a quality

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