HRM6001 Managing Self and Others

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Table of Contents


Question 1..................................................................................................................................3

Managing stress, positive thinking and assertiveness to produce your own career
development plans..................................................................................................................3

Goal setting plans................................................................................................................3

Personal skill audit..............................................................................................................4

Personal SWOT..................................................................................................................4

Individual PDP achieved for past 12 months.........................................................................5

Planned development for next 12 months..............................................................................6

Question 2..................................................................................................................................7

Assess how strategies for skills development and lifelong learning support personal career
development and team colleagues’ developments..................................................................7

Personal Career development.................................................................................................7

Self-stress management......................................................................................................7

Positive Thinking skills.......................................................................................................8

Developing Assertiveness...................................................................................................8

Strong Communication skills..............................................................................................8

Team colleagues’ development...............................................................................................9

Innovative skills and creative ideas....................................................................................9

Developing Management skills..........................................................................................9

Performance Management and Appraisal Review............................................................10

Question 2: High performance teams and individuals.............................................................10

A: Blog for high performance people...................................................................................10

B: Illustrated report..................................................................................................................13



The concept of managing self and others ensures understanding one's own behavioural
patterns, words and actions supporting a commitment of personal career growth achieving
equality of opportunity and diversity. The report shows how an individual manages
workplace stress, conducts self and team motivation, achieving personal and professional
settings through self-management, developing Personal Development Plan showing evidence
about standard of self-development achieved in the past 12 months. The report practises in-
depth focuses on self-management through tackling workplace stress, developing positive
thinking and assertiveness along with researching new goat setting plans, applying personal
SWOT analysis and visualising the personal planned developments for next 12 months.

Question 1

Managing stress, positive thinking and assertiveness to produce your own career
development plans.

Goal setting plans

As a marketing individual, I am now working as a Marketing executive and want to see
myself as Chief Marketing Officer and I am confident about my communication skills,
innovative thinking and creative skills and exploring new target markets. I am quite
adaptable and flexible in nature and ambitious to achieve personal career growth and use my
present analytical skills to solve complex marketing issues. I am currently developing my
leadership skills to manage the team, time management, developing better decision-making
skills, but lack proper technical competencies and need to learn better skills and techniques to
manage teams.

Smart Goals Short-term Goals Mid-term Goals Long Term-Goals

Specific Set personal goals and Comprehensive Develop international

KPIs and track them marketing plan and interactive skills and
through a consolidated brand promotion analytical skills

Measurable Achieving bachelor's Conduct field work Leadership skills and

degree in marketing or marketing interaction marketing
MBA in marketing and new marketing management skills

Actionable Apply positive thinking Analysis the work Successfully using

skills and stress- experiences and work both the academic
management skills and applying it knowledge and
personal professional

Realistic Developing management Application of the Implement

skills and team building learned knowledge collaborative team-
and work on areas of work performances

Timely Need to be achieved Need to be achieved Needs to be achieved

within 3 months within 6 months with 3 months

Personal skill audit

Presently, being a marketing executive, I possess good communication skills as well
reasoning skills to convince my customers to purchase my products or services. I have the
skill and expertise for my own stress management and am capable of applying my positive
thinking instincts in dealing with complex marketing problems. Additionally, the
improvement of enhancing my analytical and technical skills as well as developing
interactive skills while working as a team[CITATION Cot15 \l 16393 ]. Moreover, I need to
improve my resources allocation and utilisation skills and to finish off marketing projects
within deadlines so that I can become an efficient marketing manager having team building
enhancing organisational performance standards becoming eligible to be a Chief Marketing

Personal SWOT

Strengths Weaknesses

● Strong Communication Skills ● Need to develop technical skills

● Positive Thinking skills ● Need improvement in understanding

analytical skills
● Positive stress management
● Need learn team building decision
● Applying innovative and creative ideas
making skills

● Need to learn more about performance


Opportunities Threats

Bachelor and master degree course of ● Need learn new set of analytical skills
marketing will provide greater otherwise personal growth may fall
specialisation knowledge and expertise behind

Greater Assertiveness skills will be ● Need to develop the intellectual skills

● Academic issues such as university
Better problem-Solving skills will be competition

Individual PDP achieved for past 12 months

Current Personal Working as a Marketing executive after acquiring both

Situation bachelor and master degree in Marketing team colleagues’

Career Goals To achieve the position of a Chief Marketing Executive

Personal skills Strong Communication Skills

Positive Thinking skills

Positive stress management

Intellectual skills Developed innovative and creative ideas and its


Emotional intelligence gained

Aligned team building capabilities achieved

Performance Self-performances and work efficiency standards has reached

management required marketing professional standards

Coursework knowledge Marketing Specialisation knowledge and expertise has been

achieved to meet deadlines projects successfully

Action Plan Team building and training skills has been achieved developing
interactive skills

Planned development for next 12 months

Technical skills and expertise Need to engages myself in marketing project

management software development program

Analytical skills Need more learning practices to gain in-depth

understanding about how to use the technical software
skills in specific marketing areas

Decision making skills Need to explore and learn self-potential in a tactical

manner practising accurate decision-making skills for
workforce engagement and support

Communication tools and devices Need learn to handle the communication tools and
devices to stay connected with the team members and
the senior managements of the marketing project

Leadership skills Need learn to manage advance training and

developments through developing coaching skills as a
competent marketing leader

Action Plan Need to develop technological skills and technical
expertise through enrolling a digital marketing media
software program and techniques of team building and
team engagement

Evaluation Need to achieve all the requirements of the personal

development plan within an upcoming 1 Year upcoming

Question 2

Assess how strategies for skills development and lifelong learning support
personal career development and team colleagues’ developments.
Personal Career development
Self-stress management
In order to manage and control the workplace stress level, I need to identify my own
weaknesses and workplace situations when I experience stress. Here, I need to use my strong
communication skills to understand the reasons behind it and I need to reject any employee's
demand which is not justified for me as a marketing executive. I will apply my reasoning and
tactical skills as well as my knowledge gained from my academic career to confront the
stressful situation boldly. Additionally, my lifelong academic career support knowledge
backed by bachelor and master degree in Marketing coursework will boost my confidence to
handle stressful working situations. This in turn serves me to achieve personal growth and
motivates me to face further workplace challenges and overcome them confidently. It has
been evidently proved that having strong communication skills and good reasoning skills help
to get over personal as well as workplace oriented stressful situation[ CITATION Tur83 \l
16393 ].

Positive Thinking skills

There are multiple ways of individual thinking process which includes filtering out positive
thoughts and memories, self-blaming, worst anticipation outlook and polarising. As opined by
[ CITATION Cot15 \l 16393 ], all these negative aspects of personal thinking restricts both
personal and professional development for an individual. These are the ways where the

thinking process may be inaccurate and identifying such gaps develops personal growth
applying and assessing the positive thinking skills-based strategies. This approach will
develop and expose the positive impacts of the transformed thinking skills of a marketing
executive to handle pressure situations and putting a Positive Spin on personal growth
aspects. This will further promote the positive thought awareness that will serve to apply the
positive thought instincts only and a positive thinking mindset of a marketing executive will
develop rational, positive thoughts and affirmations. Moreover, the academic course
knowledge always helps to back the positive mindset approach identifying the negative
situation and its impacts early offering logical justification overcoming negative mindset.

Developing Assertiveness
Both the impact and influences of personal skills development strategies and lifelong
Academic course learning of higher specialisation studies supports the negotiation of
workplace stress-full conditions, gaining self-capabilities and abilities to express openly
without any hesitation or dilemma. The skills, knowledge and expertise gained through the
academic courses of bachelor and master degree of Marketing will develop the assertiveness
accuracy to implement the best workplace decisions in managing teams and developing
personal leadership skills. This will promote engagement, change positive behavioural skills
and create bonded workplace relationships with the team to solve workplace challenges and
align personal performance management according to the business goals and objectives.

Strong Communication skills

The practices of establishing strong communication skills can be achieved through workplace
experiences and the skills, knowledge and expertise gained through the academic courses of
bachelor and master degree of Marketing engaging reasoning practices and sharing
transparent information with the marketing team. The effective personal skills of a marketing
executive is having strong communication capabilities who will be able to connect with the
fellow teams and senior management to exchange real-time information achieving personal
career development goals and ensure organisational growth. A marketing executive having
strong communication skills helps to minimise organisational conflicts and solve the team
members' problems developing emotional intelligence skills for making employees satisfied
in the workplace. Moreover, an affluent personal communication skill joins the entire human
resources capital to deliver performances aligned with the organisational future

Team colleagues’ development
Innovative skills and creative ideas
The personal intellectual efficacy of applying innovative skills and creative ideas serves to
promote team building and grabs their interest towards any marketing project ensuring team
colleagues development achievement. The scope of gaining Innovative skills and creative
ideas is enhanced through the academic learning and working on college projects based on
marketing activities offering real-life marketing situations where the students need to
showcase his personal intelligences and skill evidence. This automatically develops trained
marketing instincts within the students once the students finish off his or her academic or
higher education and get hired as a competent marketing executive handling teams better than
other individuals. Additionally, a strong self-resilience and tactical quality gets developed to
manage and handle team members getting transformed as competent leader to hold the
organisational positions like marketing manager or chest marketing officer. Moreover, the
available backup academic coursework knowledge serves the executive to be confident and
motivate the other team members aligning their performance outcomes according to the
organisational requirements.

Developing Management skills

Both the impact and influences of personal skills development strategies and lifelong
Academic course learning of higher specialisation studies empowers self-performance
management and overall workplace management. The personal skills like communication,
emotional intelligence, technical expertise, managing teams and academic educational skills
and knowledge like modules learning about the marketing concept serves to enhances string
managerial skills within an individual to handle team pressure and promote team building
activities[CITATION Mul10 \l 16393 ]. The personal management skills develop a leadership
quality within the marketing executive aiming to become a chief marketing officer gaining
knowledge about resources allocation and its proper utilisation by all the team members
solidifying personal developments and team growth.

Performance Management and Appraisal Review

The personal managerial skills promote quality team building and assessing the right team
members to be placed in the right areas of the marketing activities to achieve both personal
and professional career growth as a collective team. The personal managerial and leadership

skills support a strong platform of applying performance to the engaged teams to track their
performances and gather feedbacks. ‘This sort of performance appraisal review skills
developed by the individual working as marketing executive will serve to lead larger teams
and achieve its career goals of becoming an efficient Chief Marketing officer. The developed
personal technical managerial skills will serve to maintain a marketing project management
software where each team member's performance measurements will be done through KPI
application and it be handled and managed by the experienced marketing executive building
team’s quality employees.

Question 2: High performance teams and individuals

A: Blog for high performance people

Any form of business firm that wants to effectively produce a higher and large quantity of
qualified goods at lesser price is required to methodically and consistently raise their levels of
employee productivity during an intense competition and due to advanced shifts in economic
landscape. An individual who has accurate form of data based on the company’s overall
situation can effectively choose a qualified approach and influence the managerial functions
that is going to help in enabling in producing effective and measurable effects. As per the
module of future planning, career development, and reflective practice it has been
undermined that by identifying effective flaws one can accurately undermine what are the
qualified things that should be progressed in order to make things accurate[CITATION
Dow15 \l 16393 ]. In today’s time it has become very difficult to optimise the overall
company’s operations without effectively monitoring and then evaluating the required
resources which are designated to be employed at lower values and then effectively raise their
designated quantities and overall output quality. Due to this derivation, the system for time
tracking has frequently helped in serving as a form of foundation which has helped the
business firms to move along with their qualified business operations.

On the other hand, due to the advanced growth in modernisation based on the production
strategy that effectively targets the areas of issue, there has been some form of financial and
time expenditures that has helped in monitoring the derivations and definite time-frame. In
addition, the rate of market competiveness has also got tougher which has resulted in
economy globalisation widely. This derivation has become a definite problem, as many
domestic firms are now recommended to effectively maximise their potential rates of
workforce and effectively foster their sustainable and competitive advantage. There have

been qualified and effective business firms and organisations that have effectively recognised
the derivations of productivity norms and has effectively accomplished the overall
organisational objectives. This has helped the companies to increase the needs for consulting
services for qualified individuals. On the other hand, many firms still incurs a cursory and
derivative understanding of performance management which makes these firms to make
frequent mistakes while putting them into practice. Some of the reflective instances are
confusing performance management with the norms of performance appraisal as well as
treating it as a form of subcategorised human resource management.

When the derivatives and norms of performance management is undermined and conducted
haphazardly and without any systematic and scientific form of knowledge then the business
firm is designated to fail for improving the overall financial performance during an
accounting period. In addition, the firms are also designated to also waste the norms of
effective resources and also lower the morale rates of the workforce and their employers
during a financial year. When these business firms effectively makes and justifies their norms
of fair performance management and measurement system for breaking down the corporate
plan and vision they effectively sue the derivations of indicators, and effectively distribute the
derivations of qualified job directions and distribute the variances of resources effectively and
then put their norms of performance management into qualified practice. In addition, the
collective and overall term based on the effective management procedures helps in
guaranteeing that the norms of productivity based on a diverse enterprise platform and
department and their employees can effectively be inside a qualified line which are directly
proportional to the overall goals and business requirements of the company or business firm
during an accounting period. On the other hand, the norms of performance management
primarily refers and undermines the ongoing and iterative process based on performance
planning, appraisal of performance, and overall implementation of effective performance
results and derivatives where the employees and their managers are determined to realise the
company’s overall developmental objectives.

The overall performance plan, usage of performance outcomes and the appraisals are
reflected to be the four critical components that are present inside the “corporate performance
management cycle or system”. The norms of performance coaching have been reflected to be
a crucial norms and derivation that helps in implementing the performance management. In
addition, this is also reflected to be a crucial component as the performance management is
going to be less effective if the derivation has any form of issues. The overall assessment and

analysis of the management’s effectiveness are reflected to be key applications based on
determining and undermining the performance results. Hence, for comprehending whether
the incentives of employees and the restraint mechanism incur any form of issue a company
is recommended to encourage the potentiality of the employees. Similarly, the norms of
enterprise salary management effectively refers to the overall creation of any form of pay
structure after following with the effectiveness of the company’s external and internal
environment. These internal and external forms of returns are primary topics where the
internal return is reflected to be a subject of decision-making and accountability and external
returns of a company are reflected for bonus, benefits, and every other typ of rewards. With
the help of performance management, and multiple compensation system it may help in
developing the accordance levels of the employees with the help of various performance and
their overall behaviour can be effectively controlled. The norms of performance coaching
have been reflected to be a crucial norms and derivation that helps in implementing the
performance management This also helps in appropriate distribution of salary and the
distribution system can be effectively established which is ultimately going to foster the
inventiveness of the employees.

Managers are also designated to incur a good and qualified communication norm between
differentiated levels and departments so that the managers inside different departments can
effectively understand the suggestions and views of the employees during the overall system
of performance management. With the help of this derivation, employees are designated to
continuously develop and effectively improve their performance management derivative and
also improve their applications for performance. Furthermore, the enterprise administrators
are also recommended to adopt the effective methods of communication. For instance, to
achieve downward and upward communication, interpersonal communication and business
communication the firms are required to incur these derivatives in their communication plans.
Instead of effective and ethical work, the career advancements is becoming increasingly
dependent and the overall seniority inside the organisations are increasing every
day[ CITATION Pag14 \l 16393 ]. In addition, the ordinary office workers are effectively and
frequently becoming an essential derivative and are essentially becoming invisible inside the
huge organisations. These workers are required to effectively carry out their tasks effectively.

B: Illustrated report

High performance norms and strategies can be pointless and can effectively and frequently
work within the internal departments such as Finance, HR, marketing, for solving real-life
problems within the norms of organisational and departmental growth. Some of the
derivatives that these strategies cover are stated as follows:

 What are possible count of workers that are required for the business?
 How can a business firm effectively deal with a qualified issue if they do not have
effective human resource?
 What are the possible ways that are going to help in inspiring the workforce for
putting their best effort in supporting the objectives of the company?
 In what ways a firm can effectively modify the structure of organisation and their
personnel allocation after it grows in terms of size and numbers?

As per the module of groups and teams these are reflected to be some of the qualified issues
that are in accordance with the real-world derivatives and are directly proportional to the
needs of strategic planning. On the other hand, the following functions are justified and stated
under human resource management:

 During a basic development process, it helps in making sure that the firm can
effectively access the required human resources
 It also helps in adequately planning the structure of the organisation, training, hiring,
placements and effective demotion process
 It helps in assisting the business while keeping the effective labour costs within
reasonable bounds
 It also helps in encouraging the staff and the managers to maintain incentive measures
 Lastly, it helps in minimising the needless talents inside the firm and helps in
preventing the key and required personnel from incurring a negative outlook and
effect upon the company’s overall business operations and derivatives

While there are a company that incurs an unique plan for their strategy they are required to
effectively go through the similar process of development such as the expansion period,
forming period and trial period. In addition, there are also different tactics that are effectively
required for various development phases and the required time-frame for the strategic trial is
designated to be fixed. For effectively promoting the strategic objective there is going to be a
clear and identified strategy and model that are required to be developed during an overall
strategic and formation period based on a higher degree of consensus based on the strategic

objectives. The overall expansion period is required to be directly proportional to the control
model and efficient management. The increase in delegation and improvement in strategic
thinking, execution, and discipline are also primary norms in efficient management. On the
other hand, the effective determination of the company’s external and internal environment
activities is effectively going to help in enabling the definite human resource management to
effectively develop strategies which are appropriate for the company’s effective development
needs, disadvantages and advantages. As per the module of motivation, rewards, and
performance management it also helps in judiciously combine the effective and four methods
of selection, talent, retention, cultivation and employment. On the other hand, when it comes
to effective implementation stage, the effective human resource and their strategic planning is
recommended to take into reflective account based on qualified regulations and rules. As per
the module of getting people involved the companies are also required to keep a definite
balance between the norms of other resources and human resources, as well as they must
coordinate the interest and effective relationships between the firm’s individuals and other
organisations while the effective and regulated business development strategy. As per the
module of appraisal performance review there is always a room for unidentified issues during
a definite implementation process and therefore the human resource management based on
the department needs are required to assess the overall impact of the initial and strategic plan
based on the designated feedback of data and make qualified and necessary revisions.

A high performance plan is effectively required to implement across every department for
getting desired and qualified outcome. This is effectively because the firms are effectively
interrelated which ultimately is essential to the norms of communication, effective operations
and for determining efficiency. As per the module of communication skills, the overall
internal personnel flow and planning is reflected to be a crucial process for the high-
performing teams in relation to the high-performance plans. This specifically refers to the
internal staff members, promotions, job adjustments, demotions, transfers and rotations etc.
The overall planning of the hiring of external personnel is also essential which have also
reflected to be insufficient can achieve effective development objective. In addition, the
human resource management division is also required to provide new energy to the
companies. The system planning based on the staff training is an effective norm for the
company’s overall staff and training programme is reflected to be incurred inside a system. In
addition, it is also going to be vital norm to increase the overall quality based on personnel
through systematic training for matching company’s job effectively needs because a larger

company and a greater norm based on professional standards for effective post. In an overall
basis, the reflective and fundamental duties of the human resource management effectively
include the norms of employee retirement and the resignation plans[ CITATION Arm10 \l
16393 ]. This specifically refers to the internal staff members, promotions, job adjustments,
demotions, transfers and rotations etc. The overall planning of the hiring of external
personnel is also essential which have also reflected to be insufficient can achieve effective
development objective If this connection is also not handled properly, then it can effectively
damage the overall morale of the company’s workforce, which is going to leave them with a
definite sense of belonging and security and effectively prevents them from working
unethically. An individual is also required to effectively prioritise these workings if they want
their company to effective grow in a healthy and identified direction and in a sustainable and
stable way.


Armstrong, M., 2010. Essential Human Resource Management Practice..

Cottrell, S., 2015. Personal Skills and Employability.3rd Edition. Skills for Success.

Dowson, P., 2015. Personal and Professional Development for Business.

Mullins, L. J., 2010. Management and Organisational Behaviour.. 9th Edition, Harlow:Pearson

Page-Tickell, R., 2014. Learning and Development.

Turner, X., 1983. Developing Interpersonal Skills. Bristol Further Education College Staff..


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