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Jumlah Pertemuan :3
Final Test CEPT :1
Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 60 menit
Sember Alokasi
Unit Cakupan Materi Pertemuan Indikator Pencapaian Kegiatan
Belajar Waktu
 Listening Part A:  Peserta mengerti jenis soal pada bagian - Diskusi - CD Audio 120 menit
multiple choice Listening Part A berupa pilihan ganda - Latihan - Handout
questions about
tentang percakapan sehari-hari.
daily conversations
in different  Peserta mampu menjawab soal pada
situations. bagian Listening Part B berbentuk isian
Pertemuan ke-1
Listening (melengkapi ringkasan) dengan topik dari
 Listening Part B:
Comprehension berbagai bidang, seperti bidang
completion from pendidikan, kesehatan, ilmu pengetahuan,
particular topics:
teknologi, dan lain-lain.
academic, health,
science, technology,
et cetera.
 Peserta mampu mengerti tentang aturan - Diskusi - Handout 120 menit
 Subject-Verb dan pola: - Latihan
Agreement - S-V agreement
UNIT 2  Dependent Clauses - Dependent Clauses
Structure  Inverted Sentences - Inverted Sentences
Pertemuan ke-2
and  Proper Style and - Proper Style and Word Choice
Written Expression Word Choice - Error with Pronouns
 Errors with  Peserta mampu menjawab soal yang
Pronouns berkaitan dengan:
- S-V agreement
- Dependent Clauses
- Inverted Sentences
- Proper Style and Word Choice
- Error with Pronouns
 Peserta mampu mengerti tipe soal yang - Diskusi - Handout 120 menit
dihardirkan dalam bentuk: - Latihan
- multiple choice
 Multiple choice - True/False/Not Given
 True/False/Not - Finding Paragraph
UNIT 3 Given - Sentence Completion
Reading  Finding Paragraph - Summary Completion
Pertemuan ke-3
Comprehension  Sentence  Peserta mampu menjawab soal yang
Completion berbentuk:
 Summary - multiple choice
Completion - True/False/Not Given
- Finding Paragraph
- Sentence Completion
- Summary Completion
Final Test Pertemuan ke-4 120 menit


A Listening Part A: Short Dialogs 1

1. Listening Part A Exercise 1 ……………………………………………………… 3
2. Listening Part A Exercise 2 ……………………………………………………… 7
B Listening Part B: Longer Dialogs 11
1. Listening Part B Exercise 1 ………………………………………………………… 13
2. Listening Part B Exercise 2 ……………………………………………………… 13
3. Listening Part B Exercise 3 ……………………………………………………… 14
4. Listening Part B Exercise 4 ……………………………………………………… 14
5. Listening Part B Exercise 5 ……………………………………………………… 15


1. Subject-Verb Agreement ………………………………………………………………

2. Dependent Clauses ………………………………………………………………………
3. Inverted Sentences ………………………………………………………………………
4. Proper Style and Word Choice ……………………………………………………… 30
5. Error with Pronouns ……………………………………………………………………… 32
Structure and Written Expression Exercise PART A ……………………… 34
Structure and Written Expression Exercise PART B ……………………… 36


1. Multiple Choice ……………………………………………………………………………… 38

2. True, False, Not Given Statement ………………………………………………… 43
3. Finding Paragraph ………………………………………………………………………… 45
4. Sentence Completion …………………………………………………………………… 46

5. Summary Completion …………………………………………………………………… 47

Reading Comprehension Exercise …………………………………………………… 50

References 57
CEPT Short Course 1

Listening Comprehension
Sesi pertama pada tes CEPT adalah Listening Comprehension. Sesi ini terdiri dari
dua bagian yaitu Part A dan Part B. Bagian Part A terdiri 20 soal berupa dialog singkat
mengenai percakapan sehari-hari dengan latar belakang situasi yang berbeda. Terdapat 4
(empat) pilihan jawaban yang tersedia untuk setiap dialog dimana peserta diminta untuk
memilih salah satu jawaban yang merupakan respon atau lanjutan dari percakapan yang
Bagian Part B terdiri 4 rekaman berupa dialog dengan durasi yang lebih panjang.
Ketika dialog tersebut diputar, peserta diminta menyimak dan mengisi bagian ringkasan
yang kosong dengan kata, frasa, atau angka sesuai dengan yang didengar dari dialog
tersebut. Untuk setiap isian yang kosong dalam ringkasan, peserta harus mengisi jawaban
tidak lebih dari 3 (tiga) kata.


 Terdiri dari 20 percakapan pendek (short dialogs)

 Bentuk soal adalah pilihan ganda
 Jeda soal 8-9 detik
 Topik percakapan berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari, seperti:

- complimenting - asking for and giving suggestions

- greeting - asking for and giving information
- complaining - asking for and giving direction
- expressing simpathy - talking about hobbies
- ordering food - talking about job and workplace
- thanking - going to the doctor or drugstore
- inviting - going shopping
- hotel reservation - at railway station
- buying something - at the airport
- renting a car - etc
CEPT Short Course 2

1. Baca dengan cepat keempat respon jawaban.
2. Kenali topik dalam percakapan dengan memperhatikan apa yang pertama kali
diucapkan oleh penutur pertama.
3. Dengarkan secara cermat apa yang dikatakan oleh penutur terakhir dalam
percakapan tersebut.
4. Temukan respon yang paling sesuai.
5. Berhati-hatilah dengan kata yang berbeda makna tetapi memiliki bunyi
pengucapan yang sama.

Berikut ini merupakan dialog yang diputar sebelum memulai mengerjakan sebagai contoh
pengerjaan Part A :

DIRECTIONS: Choosing the best response from the short dialog. You will hear short dialogs.
After listening to the dialogs, you should choose the best response to complete the dialog.

For example, in the recording you will hear :

A : Where have you been, I’ve been waiting for you.

B : Sorry, my bus was late again. So, what the books are we going to discuss
A : ......................................................................

You will read in your test book:

A. Yes, we are.
B. I have booked for this afternoon.
C. Poverty in Africa

Since the correct response is C, therefore you will choose C.

CEPT Short Course 3



1. Listening Part A Exercise 1

DIRECTIONS : Choosing the best response from the short dialog. You will hear short dialogs.
After listening to the dialogs, you should choose the best response to complete the dialog.

1. A. I have been working these days.

B. I’m great, Alice.
C. Well, my job is going crazy.
D. Yes, I have been waiting for her for long time.

2. A. Of course. I cannot wait to see your friends there.

B. I want to buy a birthday cake.
C. Yes, the birthday party was really great.
D. I’m afraid Liza will not join us.

3. A. The two people have been driving a car together.

B. The table is very clean, Ma’am.
C. Alright. For what time, Ma’am?
D. You can go downstair to find the people.

4. A. Think twice to buy the medicine.

B. Twice a day after having breakfast and dinner.
C. You mean your fever is getting worse?
D. At 3 p.m

5. A. Well, riding a bicycle is really awful.

B. I can’t stand when he is talking about his hobby.
C. I really like doing yoga to spend my spare time.
D. Having a hobby will release your stress.
CEPT Short Course 4

6. A. Go straight this road then turn left after the first traffic light. The bus stop is
next to a drugstore.
B. The bus stop is far away. People always complain about it.
C. The bus will operate twice a day.
D. You can buy the bus ticket by resevation.

7. A. My proposal discusses about global warming, Ma’am.

B. Alright Ma’am. I was wondering what time you will be availabe on Tuesday,
C. I meet him on Wednesday, Ma’am.
D. Thank you for checking my proposal, Ma’am.

8. A. The finance manager is now on her duty in Borneo.

B. The company has four branches up to now.
C. I’m a web programmer as you expected few years ago.
D. Now, I will meet my finance manager at 3 p.m. Wanna join?

9. A. You can’t take English subject next semester.

B. I am happy anyway.
C. The mark is ranged from A to D.
D. Simply expose yourself with English everyday.

10 A. It will be 5 p.m. sir.

B. Cardiff is the last train we have.
C. Could I have your ID please?
D. The departure time is still be a trouble.
CEPT Short Course 5

11. A. I will move my chairs to garage.

B. That’s very kind of you. Thanks.
C. Thank you but I think I have to move now.
D. Nice to see you.

12. A. I will perform next Saturday. Please come.

B. Thanks a lot. I just do my best.
C. The concert was getting crazy when the G-star hit the stage.
D. See you at the concert, Samantha.

13. A. I’m really sorry to hear that.

B. The hospital is located near the bank.
C. What time her party will be held?
D. Of course. We have to be careful when driving a car.

14. A. Let’s go to send the postcard.

B. Are you kidding? I love it so much.
C. They love to collect the stamps so much.
D. It costs $3.4. Is there anything else?

15. A. The red ties are just sold out.

B. My husband likes drinking orange juice.
C. Yes. Colour brings different look for my husband.
D. I think a grey tie will suit him best.

16 A. I want compact size but in black colour.

B. Can we pay it tomorrow?
C. I want to book two cars.
D. I can’t agree more.
CEPT Short Course 6

17. A. Let me see first. Could you show me the front-loading first?
B. Thank you for the discount.
C. Crap. I can’t afford it.
D. Where can I buy the good washing machine?

18. A. The final project will be held next week.

B. You have to put the book reference.
C. Yes, I lend my book.
D. It is “Historical Places in Yogyakarta”.

19. A. I’d like a room with a sea view please.

B. Do you have a family room?
C. I need extra bed in my room.
D. Two nights would be fine.

20. A. Boston, Massachusetts.

B. Yes. I have reached the destination.
C. But tomorrow morning is not a great time to fly.
D. I haven’t any idea yet.
CEPT Short Course 7

2. Listening Part A Exercise 2

DIRECTIONS : Choosing the best response from the short dialog. You will hear short
dialogs. After listening to the dialogs, you should choose the best response to complete
the dialog.

1. A. How do you do?

B. Nice to meet you, Jenny.
C. Very well, thank you
D. Good bye

2. A. Two rooms for this weekend, please.

B. Yes, please.
C. I’d like to book a table for two people.
D. I want a cup of tea please.

3. A. Okay. Let me check for a moment.

B. Thank you
C. How much is that?
D. The rooms are there.

4. A. I don’t mind.
B. What about action movies?
C. I don’t like movies.
D. Do you know where to rent?

5. A. Where is it?
B. Thanks
C. I want a cup of coffee.
D. Okay, no problem
CEPT Short Course 8

6. A. That’s terrible!
B. Wow, amazing!
C. I can’t believe it.
D. So wonderful.

7. a. Maybe you should go to the doctor.

b. Oh that’s nice.
c. You should go home then.
d. I’m sorry to hear that.

8. A. You are welcome, sir.

B. Thank you. Two pounds please.
C. Not really expensive I guess.
D. No problem, sir.

9. A. I don’t think so.

B. You are welcome.
C. I couldn’t agree more.
D. I'd love to, but I have a test tomorrow.

10 A. I’d like to buy a medicine.

B. It’s a cold.
C. I don’t think so.
D. Yes, my throat hurts.
CEPT Short Course 9

11. A. Yes, it is.

B. Thank you
C. I’m a student.
D. Three years

12. A. Ok, no problem

B. Let me see.
C. Oh i’m sorry but we don’t sell map.
D. I think this is the one for you.

13. A. In a hotel near here

B. I’m not staying anywhere.
C. Okay, I will stay here.
D. I’ll be staying here for two weeks.

14. A. Oh that sounds great!

B. Oh yeah let’s go to the museum.
C. I want to go to Indian restaurant.
D. No, thanks

15. A. There is a supermarket at the end of this road.

B. This is the one for you.
C. Here you are.
D. Ok. No problem
CEPT Short Course 10

16 a. It’s about five kilometers.

b. Less than twenty minutes.
c. No longer.
d. The museums are there.

17. a. I’ll go with the full-size car.

b. I don’t like mid-size car.
c. Please give me another one.
d. The car is not available.

18. a. We need meat for barbeque.

b. We are going to need some hamburger meat.
c. How about three pounds of hamburger?
d. I don’t eat hamburger.

19. a. She is not here.

b. She is coming back.
c. She’ll be here at 4.30.
d. I will be back later.

20. a. Neither do I.
b. You have to buy the ticket first.
c. Tokyo Tower is on the Hibiya.
d. You should go to train station.
CEPT Short Course 11


 Terdiri dari 4 dialog panjang yang diputar.

 Soal hadir dalam bentuk melengkapi bagian ringkasan yang kosong atau melengkapi
 Peserta ujian diminta untuk mengisi bagian informasi yang kosong dengan tidak lebih
dari 3 (tiga) kata.
 Jawaban dapat berupa kata benda, kata kerja, kata sifat, kata keterangan, angka, dsb
 Apabila jawaban berupa mata uang, peserta diperkenankan menggunakan simbol mata
uang seperti $ (US dollar), Rp (Rupiah), dsb.
 Jawaban yang berupa angka dapat ditulis dengan angka (contoh: 150) atau dengan
kata-kata (contoh: one hundred and fifty).
 Perhatikan bentuk jamak atau tunggal untuk kata benda (knife vs knives).
 Kata terakhir yang muncul sebelum bagian yang dikosongkan adalah penanda akan
munculnya jawaban.
 Disediakan waktu 30 detik di akhir keempat dialog diputar untuk memindah catatan ke
kolom yang dinilai.


1. Pada saat contoh pengerjaan soal diputar, gunakan waktu tersebut untuk
membaca soal.
2. Semakin peserta ujian mengenali atau familiar dengan teks soal, semakin
mudah mengenali kata yang diputar dalam rekaman.
3. Kenali jenis kata yang sesuai untuk mengisi bagian yang kosong, misalnya kata
benda, kata kerja, dsb.
4. Segera tulis kata yang hilang ketika Anda mendengarkan jawabannya.
Perhatikan ejaan katanya.
5. Jawaban akan muncul berurutan sesuai dengan rekaman yang diputar, apabila
tidak menemukan jawaban, jangan terpaku pada bagian itu dan langsung fokus
ke soal berikutnya.
CEPT Short Course 12

Berikut ini merupakan dialog yang diputar sebelum memulai mengerjakan sebagai contoh
pengerjaan Part B :

In this part of the test, you will hear longer dialogs, discussions, and some lectures.
While listening, you must complete the information on your answer sheet. At the
end of the test, you will be given a half minute to transfer your answer to your
answer sheet.

DIRECTIONS: Listen to the dialogs that you hear from the recording while supplying
the information to complete the following notes.

For example, you will hear:

While listening, complete these notes:

The couple destination : CARIBBEAN

Length of delay : 12 Hours
Reason of delay : Bad Weather
CEPT Short Course 13



1. Listening Exercise 1

Solar Energy

Solar cooking uses _________ (1) of the sun. It is used because it’s clean, ___________
, and an abundant form of energy. It is ________(3) in countries near the equator since it
comes as a very simple alternative to the cooking using firewood.
Cooking use trees causes a __________(4), puts more ________ (5) and more pressure on
already poor families. Solar even has a box, a foldout ________(6) or a _________ (7) and
each is covered in shiny material reflecting the sunrays onto black pot in which the food
Solar cooking can be made using everyday __________ (9) and it is safer than open fire
since it uses __________ (10) not a flame.

2. Listening Exercise 2

Climate Change

The greenhouse effect happens when the sun heats the __________ ________ and the
earth radiates energy back out into space. Some of the radiation gets trapped in the
atmosphere by ________ ________ (2).
The problems are carbon dioxide and _______(3) released from paddy fields,
____________(4) and gas from landfills. Today, there are more greenhouse gases than before
because of _________ ________ (5) and the burning of fossil fuels.
The rising ice caps and __________ _________ (6) rising eventually make some cities to be
submerged , but some scientists believe that without the greenhouse effects, volcanoes can
________ (7) us.
CEPT Short Course 14

3. Listening Exercise 3
The continents and ocean floors are always moving. The movement sometimes is
__________ (1) and might result in great destruction. Scientists know that the earth surface
is not as ____________ (2) as had been thought. It is always in motion. Continents move
about the earth like _____ ______ (3) at sea and float on a pieces of crust. New crust is
created as ________________ (4) pushes up from inside the planet.
Since ___________ (5) the scientists have begun understand that the earth is a great,
living structure. This is one of the most important revolutions in scientific thought. The
revolution is based on the work of scientists studying the continents movement, a process
called _________ _________ (6). Plate tectonics is the area of science explaining why
____________ (7) of the Earth changes and how those changes cause ___________ (8).
Scientists say the earth surface is cracked like a giant eggshell. The call the pieces
tectonic plates. Tectonic plates can cause earthquakes as they move. Modern instruments
show that about ________ (9) of all earthquakes happen a long a few lines in several places.
These lines follow underwater mountains where hot liquid rock flows up from deep inside the
panet and when the melted rock comes out with a great burst of pressure, it _______ (10)
apart pieces of the earth’s surface in a violent earthquake.

4. Listening Exercise 4

About half a billion telephones lines worldwide, …………………… (1) per cent of those telephone
lines are in the developed world. Italy has …………………… (2) telephones as China, which has
population 200 times bigger.
The strength: you can send a message ………………… (3) to another computer anywhere in the
world instantly.
The weakness: you might wait days, weeks later to get the reply when he is busy.
It was invented 150 years ago. It can allow messages to be sent …………………… (4) most
CEPT Short Course 15

5. Listening Exercise 5

Thanksgiving celebrates a group …………………… (1) for their first year survival. They celebrate
the first Thanksgiving with the …………………… (2) They eat a huge amount of food like a couple
of different kinds of meat, potatoes, green stuff, and also traditional food such as cranberry
relish and …………………… (3) After eating dinner, they watch ………………… (4) with their poor
groaning stomach. If people cannot gather on that holiday, they will ……………………… (5) to
their family.
CEPT Short Course 16

Structure and Written Expression
Sesi ke-2 tes CEPT terbagi menjadi 2 (dua) bagian yaitu Part A : Structure dan Part B :
Written Expression. Kedua bagian tersebut terdiri dari 20 soal dengan alokasi waktu
pengerjaan 15 menit.
Pada bagian Structure terdapat 10 soal dalam bentuk kalimat yang belum selesai.
Bagian kalimat tersebut bisa pada bagian awal, tengah, maupun akhir kalimat. Peserta
diminta untuk memilih salah satu dari 4 (empat) pilihan jawaban yang tersedia untuk
melengkapi kalimat agar menjadi lengkap dan benar.
Pada bagianWritten Expression terdapat 10 kalimat dengan 4 (empat) bagian kalimat
yang digarisbawahi. Keempat bagian yang digarisbawahi tersebut dapat berupa kata maupun
frasa yang salah satunya salah dari segi gramatikal. Peserta diminta memilih salah satu dari
keempat bagian tersebut yang merupakan bagian kalimat yang membuat kalimat tersebut

Berikut ini merupakan garis besar cakupan materi yang diujikan dalam sesi Structure and
Written Expression:

1. Subject-Verb Agreement
Bagian ini menguji kemampuan peserta dalam kaitannya dengan ketersesuaian subjek
dan kata kerja dalam suatu kalimat. Perlu diketahui bahwa, kata kerja dalam suatu kalimat
harus menyesuaikan apakah subjek hadir dalam bentuk tunggal atau jamak. Beberapa hal
yang harus diperhatikan terkait dengan S-V Agreement adalah sebagai berikut:
a. Aturan S-V Agreement: Subjek Tunggal (Singular Subject)
1) Kata-kata berikut ini apabila digunakan sebagai subyek selalu merepresentasikan
subjek tunggal, meski terdapat beberapa pengecoh yang mengisyaratkan kata
bermakna jamak.
everybody, everything, seomeone, somebody, something, anyone, anybody,
anything, no one, nobody, nothing, each, either, neither
Everyone is in the meeting room.
Neither of these cars is very new.
CEPT Short Course 17

2) Ketika “each” dan “every” hadir sebelum subjek tunggal yang dihubungan
dengan “and”, kata kerja yang diperlukan juga dalam bentuk tunggal (singular

Every man and woman is eligible to vote.


3) Introductory “it” selalu diikuti oleh kata kerja tunggal (singular verb).
It was the dogs that bark outside my house.

4) Subjek yang diikuti dengan frasa preposisi di bawah ini tidak mengubah jumlah
in addition to
The man along with his four children is leaving.
S as well as V

5) Apabila sebuah kalimat diawali dengan there, here, atau where, subjek kalimat
hadir setelah kata kerja (verb).
There are no dogs in this neigborhood.

b. Aturan S-V Agreement: Subjek Jamak (Plural Subject)

6) Kalimat yang memiliki dua kata benda sebagai subjek yang digabungkan dengan
“and” atau “both…and…” memiliki kata kerja jamak (plural verb) kecuali
diawali dengan each atau every (lihat aturan poin 2).
A red Honda and a blue Ford are parked outside.

7) Kata-kata seperti several, many, both, few/a few merepresentasikan benda

yang jamak oleh karena itu diikuti oleh kata kerja jamak pula.
Only a few have passed the exam.

8) Beberapa kata benda selalu hadir dalam bentuk jamak:

Clothes : trousers, pants, jeans, sunglasses
Tools : scissors, pliers, tweezers
CEPT Short Course 18

Namun, apabila benda di atas didahului oleh bentuk satuan seperti “a pair of…,
a word of…” maka kata kerja yang mengikuti dalam bentuk tunggal.
1) His pants are still at the cleaners. 2) A pair of pants is dirty.

c. Aturan untuk S-V Agreement: Pilihan: (alternatives)

9) Ketika “neither…nor…, either…or….,” atau “not only…but also” digunakan
dalam suatu kalimat untuk menunjukkan dua alternatif subjek, kata kerja yang
digunakan akan mengikuti bentuk subjek yang kedua atau yang terdekat dengan
kata kerja.
Neither the students nor the teacher isn’t allowed to smoke.
S1 S2 V

10) None, all, some, any, majority, most, half, dsb dapat hadir dalam bentuk
tunggal maupun jamak tergantung dari jumlah kata benda yang diterangkan.

1) All of the book has been published. 2) All of the books have been published.

11) “A number of” memiliki makna jamak sedangkan “The number of” memiliki
makna tunggal.

• A number of students were missing from class


• The numner of Mexican students in class is small.


d. Aturan S-V Agreement: Subjek Tunggal Khusus (Unusual

Singular Subject)
12) Ungkapan (expression) yang digunakan untuk menyatakan waktu (time), uang
(money), berat (weight), isi (volume) terkadang memiliki nilai atau kuantitas
lebih dari satu, namun kata kerja yang mengikutinya selalu hadir dalam bentuk
Two weeks is enough for a nice vacation.

13) Beberapa kata benda terlihat seperti bentuk jamak tetapi bermakna tunggal
sehingga kata kerja yang mengikutinya juga berbentuk tunggal.
Academic subject : mathematics, physics, economics, statistics.
Diseases : measles, mumps, herpes
Abstract noun : news, politics

CEPT Short Course 19

Mathematics is taught by Mr. Ahmad.


14) Judul buku atau film, meskipun hadir dalam bentuk jamak, akan selalu memakai
kata kerja tunggal.
Star Wars was a great movie.

e. Aturan S-V Agreement: Subjek tunggal dan jamak dengan

berpola sama
15) Bentuk collective noun atau kata benda yang mewakili suatu kelompok orang
selalu hadir dalam bentuk tunggal (class, team, police, audience, family,
faculty). Meskipun bentuknya tunggal, kata tersebut dapat bermakna jamak
pula. Hal yang mendapat penekanan adalah. Bentuk pronoun yang menggantikan
kata-kata tersebut harus bersesuaian dengan bentuk kata kerja.
That class has its final test on Friday.
S V pron.

The class are working on their individual projects today.

S V pron.

16) Beberapa kata benda memiliki kesamaan dalam bentuk jamak dan tunggalnya
(species, series, dsb). Modifiers seperti this, that, these, those yang
mengawali kata benda tersebut digunakan untuk menentukan bentuk kata
kerjanya apakah tunggal atau jamak.
That species is rare. Those species are common.
17) Kata seperi Chinese, French, English dapat digunakan untuk menunjukkan
kebangsaan (nationality) atau bahasa suatu negara (language). Kata tersebut
bermakna jamak, ketika digunakan untuk merujuk pada rakyat suatu negara.
Apabila menunjukk pada bahasa, kata tersebut bermakna tunggal.

French is a Romance language The French are romantic.

18) Beberapa kata Bahasa Inggris diambil atau diserap dari bahasa lain.
Konsekuensinya, kata tersebut memiliki bentuk tunggal dan jamak yang tidak
Origin Singular Plural singular (plural) examples
Greek -is -es basis (bases), crisis (crises)
Greek -on -a criterion (criteria)
Latin (m) -us -I radius (radii), alumnus(alumni)
Latin (f) -a -ae alga(algae), vita(vitae)
Latin (n) -um -a datum(data), medium(media)
Latin -ix/ex -ices index(indices), appendix (appendices)

CEPT Short Course 20

The algae in the pool are hard to remove.

2. Dependent Clauses
a. Adjective Clause
Adjective clause (relative clause) adalah dependent clause (klausa yang tidak
dapat berdiri sendiri) yang berfungsi sebagai adjective (kata sifat) dan menerangkan
kata benda (bisa subject, object, atau complement) dalam sebuah kalimat majemuk
bertingkat (complex sentence).
Adjective clause ini diawali dengan clause marker atau connector yang dapat
berupa relative pronoun (who, which, that, whom, whose). Dalam bahasa Indonesia
clause marker ini berarti “yang”. Hal yang perlu dipahami adalah adjective clause harus
memiliki Subject dan Verb dan diawali clause marker atau connector.

S1: subjek pada kalimat a
S2: subjek pada kalimat b
(a) The house was very big. V1: kata kerja pada kalimat a
V2: kata kerja pada kalimat b
S1 V1 C1 C1:complement
(b) The house was bought by Anita last week.
S2 V2 O2 Adv2
(c) The computer which was bought by Anita last week was very big.
S1 S2 V2 O2 Adv2 V1 C1

Pada kalimat di atas, kalimat (b) dijadikan sebagai adjective clause, subyek kalimat
(a) sama dengan subyek kalimat (b), maka pada adjective clause setelah clause marker
“which” langsung diikuti kata kerja dan tidak perlu menambah subjek sebab clause
marker berfungsi sebagai subjek kalimat.

Reduced Adjective Clause

Seringkali adjective clause ini di-reduced (direduksi). Adjective clause yang di-
reduced ini disebut participial phrases. Syarat sebuah adjective clause yang di-
reduced adalah:
1) Subject kalimat dalam adjective clause (dependent clause) sama dengan
subject kalimat dalam main clause atau kalimat utama (independent clause).
2) Apabila kata kerja dalam adjective clause itu aktif maka :
• hilangkan clause marker atau connector
• hilangkan auxiliary verb-nya, ubah kata kerja utamanya (main/ordinary
verb) menjadi Verb-ing (present participle)
CEPT Short Course 21

The students who attended the seminar last week got the certificate.
S1 S2 V2 O2 dv 2 V1 O1

Kalimat di atas adalah gabungan dari dua kalimat tunggal, yaitu:

The students got the certificate.

S1 V1 O1
The students attended the seminar last week.
S2 V2 O2 adv2

Perhatikan, subjek kedua kalimat sama, yaitu “the students”, maka jika kalimat
kedua dijadikan adjective clause maka “the students” diganti clause marker “who”
sebagai pengganti subyek kalimat dalam adjective clause nya. Kalimat di atas kalau di-
reduced menjadi:

1) hilangkan clause marker “who”,

2) ubah kata kerja utamanya yaitu “attended” menjadi “attending”.

The students who attended the seminar last week got the certificate.

Ubah menjadi Ving


Kalimat reduced-nya menjadi:

The students attending the seminar last week got the certificate.

3) Apabila kata kerja dalam adjective clause-nya pasif, maka hilangkan clause
marker dan auxiliary verbnya, sisakan ordinary verb-nya.(sebab sudah dalam
bentuk V3)
The book that was written by my lecturer has been published.


• hilangkan “that”
• hilangkan auxiliary “was”
• karena ordinary sudah dalam bentuk V3 maka tidak perlu diubah.
CEPT Short Course 22


The book that was written by my lecturer has been published.

hilangkan sisakan

Kalimat reduced-nya menjadi:

The book written by my lecturerhas been published.
Catatan: adjective clause yang di-reduced ini bisa juga ditaruh di awal kalimat
dengan memberi tanda koma setelahnya.

• The book, which was written by my lecturer, has been published.(belum di-
• The book, written by my lecturer, has been published.(sudah di-reduced)
• Written by my lecturer, the book has been published.(di-reduced dan
ditaruh di awal kalimat)

4) Apabila terdapat be-verb (pada kalimat nominal), maka be-verb dan clause
marker dihilangkan.

The computer that is on the table is mine.

Jika di-reduced menjadi:

• hilangkan clause marker “that”
• hilangkan be verb “is”


The computer that is on the table is mine.


Kalimat reduced-nya menjadi:

The computer on the table is mine.

CEPT Short Course 23

Appositive adalah frasa kata benda yang menjelaskan kata benda/frasa kata
benda lain dalam kalimat. Appositive ini posisinya biasanya setelah kata benda yang
dijelaskan atau sebelum subjek dalam sebuah kalimat. Appositive tidak memiliki clause
marker, subyek dan kata kerja.

Iwan Fals, who is an Indonesian singer, has a lot of fans. (adjective clause)
Iwan fals, an Indonesian singer, has a lot of fans. (appositive)
An Indonesian singer, Iwan Fals has a lot of fans. (appositive)

Appositive biasanya dipisahkan dari kalimat dengan koma, tetapi appositive yang berupa
nama tidak dipisahkan dengan koma.

b. Noun Clause
Noun clause adalah klausa yang berfungsi layaknya seperti kata benda (noun) yang
dapat berfungsi sebagai subjek, objek, maupun sebagai pelengkap (complement) dalam
kalimat. Seperti klausa yang lainnya, noun clause juga diawali dengan clause marker
atau connector dan diikuti oleh subject dan verb. Noun clause ini terbagi menjadi
tiga, yaitu:
1) Noun clause yang berasal dari kalimat pernyataan (statement)
Noun clause ini berfungsi sebagai objek dari kalimat utama. Connector yang
dipakai adalah that diikuti oleh Subjek dan Kata kerja.

Her house is located near the campus. (statement)

They don’t know that her house is near the campus.

S1 V1 CM S2 V2 C

Pada kalimat di atas, noun clause (that her hose is near campus) berfungsi
sebagai objek dari klausa atau kalimat utama.

2) Noun clause yang berasal dari kalimat berbentuk YES/NO QUESTION

Clause marker yang dipakai adalah whether/if yang diikuti subjek dan kata

CEPT Short Course 24

Is her house near the campus? (YES/NO QUESTION)

They don’t know if (whether) her house is near the campus.

S1 V1 CM S2 V2 C2
----------------------------------- Object 1----------------------------

Noun clause pada kalimat di atas berfungsi sebagai objek kalimat utama.

The question is if (whether) her house is near the campus.

S1 V1 CM S2 V2 C2
---------------------------- Complement 1-------------------

Noun clause pada kalimat di atas berfungsi sebagai pelengkap / complement.

If(whether) her house is near the campus is the question.

CM S2 V2 C2 V1 C1
---------------------------Subject 1 --------------------------

Noun clause pada kalimat di atas berfungsi sebagai Subjek kalimat.

3) Noun clause yang berasal dari information question

Noun clause ini diawali dengan Clause marker seperti what, when, where, dsb
dan diikuti oleh subjek dan kata kerja.


Where did he leave?

They don’t know when he left.

S1 V1 CM S2 V2
Noun clause pada kalimat di atas berfungsi sebagai objek kalimat.

When he left is unknown.

CM S2 V2 V1

Noun clause pada kalimat di atas berfungsi sebagai subjek.

The question is when he left.

S1 V1 CM S2 V2

Noun clause pada kalimat di atas berfungsi sebagai pelengkap.

c. Adverbial Clause
CEPT Short Course 25

Adverb clause adalah klausa yang berfungsi menjelaskan kata kerja (verb) dalam
sebuah kalimat. Adverb clayse disusun oleh clause marker atau connector dan
diikuti oleh minimal satu subjek dan satu kata kerja.
The meeting was canceled because the teacher was sick.
s1 v1 CM S2 V2 C
1. Adverb-clause pada kalimat di atas adalah: because he teacher was sick.
Clause marker : because
subject : the teacher
verb : was

2. Adverb clause ini menjelaskan kata kerja was canceled

Jadi, inti dari adverb clause adalah menjelaskan kata kerja dalam klausa
utamanya. Jika kita cermati, klausa the teacher was sick memberikan
tambahan penjelasan atau alasan the meeting was canceled (pertemuan
Cara mudah untuk menentukan apakah klausa itu adverb clause adalah membuat
kalimat tanya dari kata kerja pada kalimat utama yang jawabannya adalah adverb
clause. Sebagai contoh: “Mengapa pertemuan ditunda?” (Why was the meeting
canceled?) dan jawabannya adalah “karena gurunya sakit (because the teacher was
Berikut ini adalah clause marker atau connector yang seringkali dipakai dalam
adverb clause.

Adverb Use Example

Because Cause Because the speaker was sick, the program
was canceled.
Since Cause Since credit cards are so convenient, many
people use them.
Although opposition (contrary Although he earns a good salary, he never
cause) saves any money.
even though opposition (contrary Even though she was tired, she stayed up
cause) late.
If Condition If the automobile had not been invented,
what would people use for basic
Unless Condition I won’t go unless you do.
When. Time Some people like to listen to music while they
while, as, are studying.
CEPT Short Course 26

since, until,
While Contrast Some people arrived in taxis while others
took the subway.
Wherever, any place that Put the box wherever you can find room for
whenever, it.

Reduced Adverbial Clause

Apabila subjek kalimat dalam kalimat utama (main clause) dan subyek dalam
adverb clause sama, maka adverb clause dapat di-reduced dengan cara :

1. Jika kata kerja dalam adverb clause adalah kata kerja verbal aktif maka ordinary
verb (ord V) diubah menjadi V-ing, auxiliary verb (aux V) dihilangkan, subjek (S2)
dihilangkan dan clause marker (CM) atau connector tidak dihilangkan.

a. They don’t watch TV when they study in the night.

S1 V1 O CM S2 ord V

They don’t watch TV when studying in the night.

S1 V1 O CM Ving

b. They didn’t bring the dictionary when they were studying English yesterday.
S1 V1 O CM S2 aux V ord. V

They didn’t bring the dictionary when studying English yesterday.

S1 V1 CM Ving O

2. Jika kata kerja dalam adverb clause adalah kata kerja pasif maka ordinary verb-
nya diubah menjadi Verb-3, auxiliary verb dihilangkan, subjek dihilangkan, dan
clause marker tidak dihilangkan.

The assignment will be corrected if it is submitted this week.

S1 V1 CM S2 aux V ord V

The assignment will be corrected if submitted this week.

S1 V1 CM V3
CEPT Short Course 27

3. Jika klausa adverb clause adalah nominal (bukan melakukan kerjaan), subjek, be-
verbnya dihilangkan dan sisakan complement-nya.

She still taught grammar in my class although she was very tired.
S1 V1 CM S2 V2 C

She still taught grammar in my class although very tired.

S1 V1 CM C

3. Inverted Sentences
Dalam Bahasa Inggris, terdapat beberapa syarat ketika subyek dan kata kerja pada
suatu kalimat dibalik posisinya (inverted sentences). Sedangkan dalam tes CEPT, syarat
yang seringkali muncul adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Place expressions
- Jika place expression terletak di depan kalimat dan ungkapan tersebut
diperlukan agar pola kalimat menjadi lengkap, maka subyek dan kata kerja
dibalik. Contoh kata yang menunjukkan ungkapan suatu lokasi atau tempat,
misalnya here, there, atau nowhere. Selain itu, frasa preposisi yang
menujukkan tempat atau lokasi juga termasuk place expressions, sepeti in
the house, around the corner, beyond the mountains dan sebagainya.
PLACE (necessary) V S
In the classroom were some old desks.
Pada contoh di atas, frasa preposisi in the classroom menyebabkan subyek
old desks berada setelah kata kerja were.
- Ketika terdapat ungkapan yang menunjukkan lokasi terletak di depan kalimat
dan hanya berperan sebagai informasi tambahan saja, subyek dan kata kerja
tidak perlu dibalik.
PLACE (extra) S V
In the classroom, I studied very hard.
Pada contoh kedua, subyek I dan kata kerja studied posisinya tidak dibalik
karena I studied very hard sudah merupakan bentuk informasi yang lengkap
walaupun tanpa dilengkapi dengan ungkapan tempat atau lokasi in the
CEPT Short Course 28

2. Negative expressions
Ketika negative expressions hadir pada awal kalimat, maka posisi subyek dan
kata kerja juga dibalik. Kata-kata yang termasuk dalam ungkapan tersebut adalah
no barely seldom
not hardly
never only
neither rarely
nor scarcely

Never has Mr. John taken a vacation.

Pada contoh di atas, kata atau ungkapan negatif never mengakibatkan subyek
Mr. John hadir setelah kata kerja has.

3. Negative expressions pada dua klausa.

Ketika ada ungkapan yang diawali kata-kata berikut hadir pada awal kalimat, maka
subjek dan kata kerja pada klausa yang kedua di balik.
only if only until only after
only because only when


Only if you have a lot of money, can you buy this car

Klausa pertama yang ada only if- nya tidak perlu dibalik subjek dan kata
kerjannya. Klausa yang kedua adalah you can buy this car. Pada klausa kedua
ini subjek you harus hadir setelah kata kerja bantu can. Jadi, susunan klausa
kedua menjadi can you buy this car.

4. Conditional Sentences
Ada tiga tipe kalimat pengandaian yaitu tipe pertama yang masih mungkin
terjadi jika syaratnya terpenuhi; tipe kedua sudah tidak bakal terjadi karena
kenyataan bertolak belakang maknanya dengan keadaan pada waktu sekarang
sedangkan tipe ketiga pengandaian terhadap fakta pada masa lalu dan maknanya
CEPT Short Course 29

Kalimat pengandaian atau conditional sentences yang bisa diinversi itu hanya
yang mengandung kata had, should dan were pada if clause-nya. Berikut ini
adalah pola kalimat conditional sentences.

Type If Clause Result clause

Type 1 .Real in the present / If + Simple Present Simple Present
future. Masih ada kemungkina S + V1 (s/es) + O Simple Future
terjadi kalau syaratnya S + is/am/are + S +will + V1 + O
terpenuhi. C S + will be + V3
Contoh: S + is/am/are + S + will be + C
If I have enough money, I will V3
treat you .
Type 2. Unreal in the present/ If + Simple Past Simple Past Future
future. Berkebalikan dengan S + V2 + O S + would + V1
waktu sekarang atau masa S + were + C S + would be + V3
datang catatan: were S + would be + C
Contoh: dipakai untuk semua
If I had money, I would buy a subject, meskipun
car. orang/benda ketiga
Fakta: I don’t have money now. tunggal.
If she were you, she would
help me.
Fakta: She is not you so she
doesn’t help me.
Type 3. Unreal in the Past. If + Past Perfect Simple Future Perfect
Berkebalikan dengan S + had + V3 S + would + have + V3
kenyataaan di waktu lampau. S + Had + been + S + would + have + been + C
Contoh: V3 S + would + have + been + V3
If I hadhad money, I wouldhave S + had + been + Catatan: would dapat
bought a car. C diganti modal yang lain.
Fakta: I didn’t have money.

Inverted Sentences pada kalimat Conditional Sentences

Jika pada if clause terdapat kata were, had, dan should maka kalimat itu dapat
diinversi dengan cara:
• Hilangkan if
• Letakkan had, were, or should di depan subjek dari if-clause
1. If I were you, I would help you to find the book.
Were I you, I would help you find the book. (Inverted)
2. If I had received the letter, I would have gone to Jakarta
Had I received the letter, I would have gone to Jakarta. (inverted)
CEPT Short Course 30

4. Proper Style and Word Choice

a. Parallel Structure
1) Parallel Structure dengan coordinative conjunction.
Coordinative conjunction atau berfungsi untuk menggabungkan struktur yang
sama dalam sebuah kalimat. Struktur di sini dapat berupa kata benda, kata kerja,
kata sifat, frasa, dan klausa baik anak kalimat (subordinate clause) maupun induk
kalimat (ordinate clause). Apabila yang digabungkan klausa maka dipisahkan
dengan koma.

Coordinate conjunction Fungsi

and (dan ) menggabungkan struktur yang sama
or (atau) pilihan
but (tetapi) pertentangan
so (jadi) akibat
nor (juga tidak) sangkalan

• Menggabungkan kata benda (noun)
I want to buy a computer or a television.
• Menggabungkan kata kerja (verb)
Anne always gets up early and prepares for her breakfast.
• Menggabungkan kata sifat (adjective)
They are very diligent and clever
• Menggabungkan frasa
The students are in the class and in the library
• Menggabungkan klausa
I don’t know where she lives or where she studies.

2) Parallel Structure dengan paired conjunction


1. Both the teacher and the students are in the class.

noun noun
2. Either the teacher or the students are in the class.
noun noun
3. Not only the students but also the teacher is in the class.
noun noun
4. Neither the teacher nor the students are in the class.
noun noun
CEPT Short Course 31

3) Parallel Structure untuk perbandingan (comparison)

a) Membandingkan dua benda berbeda
adjective/adverb -er than contoh:
more adjective/adverb than My car is bigger than your car.
less adjective/adverb than To say is more difficult than to do.
Fishing is more interesting than dancing.

b) Menyatakan dua benda sama

Pola Contoh:
As adjective/adverb as My house is as large as your house.
The same as What have you done is similar to
Similar to what they have done.

c) Double comparative
Untuk menyatakan dua perbandingan yang berarti semakin….. semakin …,
maka kita memakai double comparative. Hal yang perlu diingat adalah
perbandingan pertama menunjukkan sebab (cause) dan perbandingan
kedua menunjukan hasil (result). Comparative (pembanding) yang dipakai
di sini adalah more/less dan adjective atau adjective + -er.
Polanya yaitu:

b. Like, alike, and unlike

Like, alike, dan unlike memiliki arti yang sama yaitu “mirip / similar” namun
seringkali mengecoh karena masing-masing memiliki jenis kata yang berbeda.
Perhatikan tabel di bawah ini:
Grammar Arti Use
Like Adjective mirip Sebagai kata sifat, like digunakan sebelum kata benda
Alike Adjective mirip Sebagai kata sifat, alike diletakkan setelah be-verb
Like Preposition Mirip Keduanya diikuti oleh objek. Keduanya juga bisa muncul
Unlike Preposition Berbeda dalam berbagai posisi, baik di awal maupun akhir kalimat.
- My pen and yours are alike. (kata sifat)
- Like your father, you are a hard worker. (preposisi)
CEPT Short Course 32

5. Errors with Pronouns

Berikut ini adalah tabel yang menunjukkan berbagai macam pronoun atau kata ganti

Jenis pronoun yang lainnya:

• Relative pronouns (adjective clause markers): who, whose, which, that, dsb
• Demonstrative Pronouns: this, this, that, these, those

Berikut ini merupakan kesalahan yang berkaitan dengan pronoun:

a) Sebagian besar kesalahan yang berkaitan dengan personal pronouns, reflexive

pronouns dan demonstrative pronoun adalah pronoun yang tidak tepat karena
kata benda yang ditunjuk berbeda, sebagai contoh pronounnya tunggal sedangkan
yang ditunjuk kata benda jamak dan sebaliknya.

The cars are broken and they want to repair it.

Kata ganti benda it tidak tepat karena yang ditunjuk adalah cars yang berbentuk
jamak. Pronoun yang benar seharusnya adalah them.

b) Kesalahan yang berkaitan dengan relative pronoun adalah pemakaian who yang
seharusnya menunjuk pada orang diapakai untuk menunjuk benda dan juga
sebaliknya pemakaian which yang menunjuk pada benda dipakai untuk menunjuk

The students which haven’t turned in the assignment have to meet Mr. Joko.

Pemakaian which salah karena kata benda yang ditunjuk adalah students dan
berupa orang, seharusnya yang dipakai adalah who.

c) Kesalahan pemakaian this/that dan these/those

Hal yang perlu diperhatikan adalah kalau this benda yang ditunjuk tunggal dan
dekat, that benda yang ditunjuk tunggal dan jauh sedangkan these untuk menunjuk
CEPT Short Course 33

benda jamak dan dekat serta those dipakai untuk menunjuk benda jamak dan posisi

Although those cars is broken, they still want to use it.

Kata is seharusnya are karena those cars adalah bentuk jamak.

d) Kesalahan pemakaian bentuk kata ganti benda (pronoun), misal kata he dipakai
pada posisi object him, atau kata hers dipakai untuk possessive adjective her.

They gave the book to he.
Kata he seharusnya him karena posisinya sebagai objek dalam kalimat.

e) Kesalahan pemakaian kata ganti benda / pronoun. Misalnya, reflexive pronoun

dipakai sebagai personal pronoun atau personal pronoun dipakai ketika reflexive
pronoun dibutuhkan.
Danu and myself are going to Borobudur together with my friends next month.
Kata myself salah karena yang dibutuhkan adalah subject yaitu I bukan myself.

f) Kesalahan dalam penggunaan pronoun yang sebenarnya tidak perlu digunakan.

Misalnya, pemakaian personal pronoun yang tidak perlu pada adjective clause.

The directors, who are having meeting now, they have been in Jogjakarta for a
Kata they tidak lagi perlu digunakan karena sudah ada subject the directors.
CEPT Short Course 34

Structure and Written Expression

Time Allocation: 15 minutes


Direction : Questions 1-10 contain unfinished sentences. Choose the appropriate answer to
complete the sentence.

Jeanne used to be the first woman who became a sheriff in her area. She is often interviewed
because …………. .

A. being a sheriff
B. not common
C. she was
D. great

The correct answer to complete the above sentence is (C). Therefore, you have to choose

1. The forum is expected to help the government meet ____ target to cut carbon
emissions by 26 percent from current levels by 2020 to combat climate change.

A. it’s
B. it
C. its
D. itself
2. Hummingbird wings which connect to the body only at the shoulder joint which
allows them to fly not only forward but also straight up and down, sideways, and
backward _______ the wings of other birds.

A. is like
B. are unlike
C. are alike
D. are like

3. The faster you do the assignment, _________ you get the score.

A. more good
B. the more better
C. the better
D. better
CEPT Short Course 35

4. The reporter is the man ……… his son was arrested by police last week.

A. whose
B. his
C. whom
D. who

5. Snowshoes allow a person ……… on snow without sinking into it because they
distribute the person’s weight over a wide area.

A. to walk
B. walk
C. walking
D. to walking

6. Migrant Care, an organization that provides legal advocacy for Indonesian migrant
workers, questions _____ .

A. why the fund’s management is not transparent.

B. why is the fund’s management not transparent.
C. why did the fund’s management is not transparent.
D. why was the fund’s management not transparent.

7. The National Civil Rights Museum in the US plans to open the balcony ____ Martin
Luther King Jr. was shot to the public.

A. that
B. where
C. when
D. which in

8. Automobiles, airplanes, and buses use more energy per passenger ……. .

A. as do trains
B. than trains do
C. trains do
D. like trains
CEPT Short Course 36

9. Jakarta is the commercial, financial, and ___ of Indonesia.

A. center of administration
B. administrative center
C. center for administrating
D. administering center

10. Scarcely ___________ except if he is sick.

A. the lecturer comes late

B. the lecturer late came
C. does the lecturer come late
D. does the lecturer comes late

Direction(s): In question 11-20 each sentence has four underlined words or phrases
marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one word or phrase that must be changed in order for the
to be correct. Then, on your answer sheet find the number of the question and write down
the number that you have chosen.
Aspirin is recommend to many people for its ability to thin the blood.

The sentence would read,” Aspirin is recommended to many people for its ability to thin
the blood.” Therefore you should choose answer (A).

11. Jokowi, who was elected as the new governor of Jakarta last month, he comes from
Solo where I was born.

12. Bill Clinton, which won the 1992 presidential election, was formerly governor of the
state of Arkansas.

13. Casablanca is essentially a cinematic story about an expatriot American whom decides
that he is living in neither the time nor the place for moral ambiguity.
CEPT Short Course 37

14. The World Healt Organization (WHO) said that polio virus had been found in sewage
water samples collecting from Gadap town in Pakistan’s city of Karachi.

15. Not only the students and the teachers agreed to have an extra class for preparing the
next examination.

16. The spirit of the pesantren includes honesty, dedicated, humbleness, cooperation, and

17. All the teachers from English department which teach at this semester are attending
the meeting to discuss about the new classes right now.

18. Giant clams, regardless of species, they are among the most immediately recognizable
animals on coral reefs.

19. A group of academicians from various countries, including Indonesia, are set to
conduct a research on Lake Towuti.

20. The main religious activity done in Besakih are the ceremonies of Bathara Turun Kabeh
which is celebrated regularly.
CEPT Short Course 38

Reading Comprehension
Reading comprehension merupakan sesi ke-3 dalam tes CEPT. Sesi ini terdiri dari
60 soal dengan waktu pengerjaan 60 menit. Pada umumnya, terdapat 3-4 teks dengan
jumlah soal antara 10-20 soal untuk setiap judul teks atau bacaan.

Pola soal dalam sesi reading comprehension adalah:

 Nomor 1-10 adalah soal multiple choice dengan pilihan jawaban A-E
 Nomor 11-15 adalah tipe soal True/False/Not Given
 Nomor 16-20 adalah tipe soal Sentence atau Summary completion dengan pilihan
jawaban A-G
 Nomor 21-30 adalah tipe soal multiple choice dengan pilihan jawaban A-E
 Nomor 31-35 adalah tipe soal True/False/Not Given
 Nomor 36-40 adalah tipe soal Sentence atau Summary completion dengan pilihan
jawaban A-I
 Nomor 41-50 adalah tipe soal multiple choice dengan pilihan jawaban A-E
 Nomor 51-55 adalah tipe soal finding paragraph dengan pilihan jawaban A-D
 Nomor 56-60 adalah tipe soal soal Sentence atau Summary completion dengan
pilihan jawaban A-I

Berikut ini adalah materi-materi yang diujikan dalam sesi Reading comprehension:

1. Multiple Choice (Pilihan Ganda)

A. Pertanyaan tentang Ide Bacaan (The ideas of the passage)
a. Pertanyaan tentang main idea atau ide pokok
Pertanyaan terkait dengan main idea seringkali muncul berupa pertanyaan
mengenai topic (topik), subject (subyek), main idea (ide pokok), title (judul)
dan primarily idea (ide utama) dari paragraf.

What is the topic of the passage?

What is the subject of the passage?
Pertanyaan What is the main idea of the passage?
What is the author’s primarily concerned?
Which of the following would be the best title?

Lihat pada kalimat pertama pada masing- masing paragraf.

1. Baca baris pertama (kalimat pertama) pada paragraf.

2. Cari tema atau ide dari baris tersebut.
3. Baca cepat hingga akhir paragraf dan pastikan kalau sudah menemukan
jawaban yang tepat
4. Pilih jawaban yang paling tepat dan hindari jawaban yang salah atau mungkin
tidak ada dalam bacaan atau makna berkebalikan dari 5 pilihan jawaban yang
CEPT Short Course 39

b. Pertanyaan tentang organisasi dari ide bacaan

Soal ini berkaitan dengan hubungan antara ide pokok suatu paragraf dengan
paragraf yang lain dalam sebuah teks bacaan.

How is the information in the passage organized?

Pertanyaan How is the information in the second paragraph related to the
information in the first paragraph?

Letak jawaban
Carilah di kalimat pertama masing- masing paragraf pada bacaan.

1. Baca kalimat pertama pada setiap paragraf dari bacaan.

Tips 2. Cari kata yang dapat menunjukkan hubungan antara masing- masing
3. Pilih jawaban yang menunjukkan hubungan yang tepat.

B. Pertanyaan dengan jawaban yang langsung disebutkan di dalam bacaan

a. Pertanyaan dengan jawaban berupa rincian (a stated detail question)
A stated detail question adalah pertanyaan mengenai sebuah informasi
dari bacaan dan jawabannya tersedia dalam susunan bacaan. Jawaban tersebut
berupa pernyataan ulang (restatement) dari apa yang ada dalam bacaan (ide
sama, kata beda).
Yang perlu dilakukan adalah mencari kata kunci dari pertanyaan kemudian
mencarinya dalam bacaan lalu cari pilihan jawaban yang berupa pernyataan
ulang (ide sama, kata beda).

According to the passage,

It is stated in the passage,
The passage indicates that
Which following is true?

Letak jawaban
Lihat susunan bacaan

1. Cari kata kunci pertanyaan

Tips 2. Saring bacaan dengan cara mencari kata kunci dari pertanyaan.
3. Baca kalimat yang berisi kata kunci dengan hati- hati.
4. Pilih jawaban yang tepat ,hindari jawaban yang salah.

b. Pertanyaan dengan jawaban yang tidak disebutkan secara rinci di dalam

Pada soal jenis ini, peserta tes diminta untuk mencari jawaban yang tidak
dinyatakan (not stated), tidak disebutkan (not mentioned), atau tidak benar
(not true) dalam bacaan. Dalam pilihan jawaban, terdapat jawaban yang
disebutkan (mentioned), dinyatakan (stated), benar (true), serta satu jawaban
yang salah (not true).
CEPT Short Course 40

Dari 5 (lima) pilihan jawaban yang tersedia, jawaban yang sesuai

pertanyaan adalah not mentioned atau not stated. Contoh pilihan jawabannya
A. (stated)
B. (mentioned)
C. (true)
D. (not true)
E. (not mentioned)

Which of the following is not stated?

Which of the following is not mentioned?
Which of the following is not discussed?
All of the following are true except?

Letak jawaban
Lihat dalam susunan bacaan.

1.Cari kata kunci (key word) dalam kalimat tanyanya.

2. Pindai bagian dari bacaan untuk mencari kata kunci atau ide.
3. Baca teliti kalimat yang berisi kata kunci atau ide.
4. Carilah jawaban yang sekiranya benar sesuai bacaan.
5. Pilih jawaban yang tidak benar atau tidak didiskusikan dalam bacaan.

c. Pertanyaan dengan jawaban yang berisi kata tunjukkan dari kata ganti benda
(pronoun referents)
Pada bagian ini, peserta test diminta untuk mencari kata manakah yang
ditunjuk oleh kata ganti benda (pronoun). Umumnya, kata benda (noun) hadir
terlebih dahulu kemudian baru ada kata ganti benda (pronoun) yang merujuk
pada kata benda tersebut.
Intinya adalah, peserta harus menjawab kepada “siapakah” atau “apakah”
kata ganti benda (pronoun) tersebut merujuk/menunjuk.

Pertanyaan The pronoun “…” in line X refers to which of the following?

Cari line (baris) yang mengandung pronoun dan carilah kata benda yang
Letak jawaban ditunjuk dari pronoun (biasanya terdapat sebelum kata ganti benda
(pronoun) tersebut.

1. Cari pronoun pada bacaan.

2. Cari kata benda (Noun) yang terdapat sebelum pronoun.
Tips 3. Coba cari noun yang ditunjuk oleh pronoun
4. Buang jawaban keliru, cari jawaban yang tepat dari sisa pilihan
CEPT Short Course 41

C. Pertanyaan dengan jawaban yang tidak langsung disebutkan di dalam

bacaan (Indirectly Answered Questions)
a. Pertanyaan dengan jawaban tersirat (implied detail questions)
Peserta test diminta untuk memilih jawaban yang merupakan kesimpulan dari
peryataan yang paling sesuai dengan teks bacaan. Jawaban yang benar pada
salah satu pilihan jawaban tidak secara langsung disebutkan dalam bacaan
(hanya tersirat).

It is implied in the passage that …

Pertanyaan It can be inferred from the passage that ….
It is most likely that ……
What probably happened?

Letak jawaban Ada dalam susunan bacaan.

1. Cari kata kunci pertanyaan

2. Pindai bacaan untuk cari kata kunci
3. Baca seksama kalimat yang mengandung kata kunci
4. Cari jawaban yang benar, berdasarkan kalimat tersebut.

b. Pertanyaan dengan jawaban yang berisi transisi antar paragrap (transition

Pertanyaan pada bagian ini berkaitan dengan hubungan antar paragraf dari suatu
teks bacaan yang berupa:
- Hubungan antara paragraf dalam soal dengan paragraf sebelumnya
(preceding paragraph)
- Hubungan antara paragraf salam soal dengan paragraf setelahnya (following

The paragraph preceding the passage probably ….

What is most likely in the paragraph following the passage?

a. untuk preceding question, lihatlah kalimat pertama atau baris

pertama dari paragraf.
Letak jawaban
b. untuk following question, lihatlah kalimat terakhir atau baris
terakhir dari paragraph

1. Baca kalimat pertama atau baris pertama untuk preceding question.

2. Baca kalimat terakhir atau baris terakhir untuk following questions.
Tips 3. Buat kesimpulan apa yang hadir sebelum atau sesudah.
4. Pilih jawaban yang mencerminkan kalimat/baris pertama atau
terakhir bacaan.
CEPT Short Course 42

D. Vocabulary Questions
Soal pada jenis ini menanyakan makna atau definisi dari sebuah kata dalam bacaan.
Makna atau definisi tersebut sebenarnya sudah tersedia dalam bacaan yang berupa
kalimat yang terletak sebelum atau sesudah kata tersebut berada. Kata tersebut
dapat pula ditemukan dari struktur atau konteks kalimat dalam bacaan.

1. What is the meaning of “X” in line Y?

Pertanyaan 2. The word “X” in line Y is closest meaning to ….
3. The word “X” in line Y could be best replaced by …..

Tanda baca (punctuation) : koma (comma), tanda pisah (dash)

Petunjuk Jawaban Pernyataan ulang (restatement) : or, that, is, in other words

Contoh (examples) : such as, e.g, for example

Informasi yang dapat membantu untuk menjawab pertanyaan biasanya

Letak jawaban
terdapat setelah punctuation, restatement atau examples clue.

1. Temukan kata dalam bacaan.

2. Cari penunjuk jawaban.
3. Baca bagian setelah penunjuk (clue).
4. Hindari jawaban yang salah dan pilih jawaban yang paling tepat.

E. Overall Review Questions

a. Menentukan letak sebuah informasi yang ditemukan dalam bacaan
Bagian ini menanyakan tentang letak dari sebuah informasi yang dapat
ditemukan dalam bacaan.

Pertanyaan Where in the passage …….?

Jawaban dapat berada pada baris (line) yang disebutkan dalam pilihan
Letak jawaban

1. Pilih kata kunci atau ide dari pertanyaan.

2. Baca cepat bagian tertentu bacaan untuk menemukan kata kunci atau
3. Pilih jawaban yang mengandung kata kunci atau ide.

b. Menentukan nada (tone), tujuan (purpose), dan bidang kajian (course) dari
Pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan “tone” bertanya tentang perasaan
(emotion) dari penulis yang dituangkan dalam tulisannya. Hal yang perlu
dipahami adalah hampir seluruh bacaan dalam CEPT bernada factual tanpa
emosi (perasaan). Tone yang lain dapat bersifat informational (memberi
informasi), factual (bersifat terkini) dan explanantory (berisi penjelasan).
Pertanyaan berkaitan dengan “purpose” (tujuan) bertanya tentang “apa
yang coba dilakukan atau apa tujuan penulis melalui tulisannya”. Jawaban
CEPT Short Course 43

didapat dari membuat kesimpulan dari ide pokok (main idea) dan susunan
kalimat dalam bacaan.
Pertanyaan yang berkaitan dengan “course” berkaitan dengan bidang kajian
dari topik bacaan. Jawaban didapat dari main idea dan susunan kalimat dalam

What is the tone of the passage?

Pertanyaan What is the author’s purpose in this passage?
In which course would this reading be assigned?

Tone → Cari penunjuk (clue) dari seluruh bacaan yang memperlihatkan

emotion (perasaan) apa yang dituangkan penulis dalam tulisannya.

Purpose → Buatlah kesimpulan mengena tujuan antara ide pokok (main

Letak jawaban
idea) dan ide penjelas (supporting ideas),

Course → Buat kesimpulan mengenai bidang kajian apa (course) dari

topic bacaan dan ide penjelasnya.

1. Baca cepat bacaan, cari penunjuk yang menunjukkan perasaan/emosi
penulis yang tertuang dalam bacaan
2. Pilih jawaban yang menjelaskan “emotion “(perasaan)

1. Pelajari ide pokok dalam kalimat topiknya dan rincian yang dipakai
untuk mendukung ide pokok

1. Pelajari ide pokok dalam kalimat topik dan rincian yang dipakai untuk
mendukung ide pokok

2. True, False, or Not Given Statements

Pada jenis soal ini, peserta tes diminta menentukan pernyataan berdasarkan informasi
yang diperoleh dari bacaan dengan memilih salah satu pilihan :

a. True (benar)
Pernyataan (statement) dinyatakan benar apabila isi pernyataan itu sesuai dengan
informasi yang ada dalam bacaan meskipun dalam bentuk kalimat lain.

b. False (Salah)
Pernyataan (statement) dinyatakan salah apabila isi dari pernyataan itu tidak sesuai
(berkebalikan) dengan informasi yang ada dalam bacaan.

c. Not Given
Pernyataan dinyatakan NOT GIVEN apabila informasi dari pernyataan tidak ada dalam
bacaan. Pengecoh dalam tipe soal ini adalah penggunaan subjek yang sama dalam
konteks pembahasan yang berbeda.
CEPT Short Course 44

 Baca soal dengan seksama dan pikirkan mengenai makna dari pertanyaan
 Baca sekilas teks untuk menemukan bahasan dalam soal menggunkan kata
kunci yang terdapat pada pertanyaan.
 Pertanyaan sangat mungkin menggunakan sinonim dari kata yang ada dalam
 Pertanyaan akan mengikuti pola urutan ide dalam teks. Jadi, jika tidak dapat
menemukan jawaban nomer 3, peserta tes dapat mencari jawaban pada teks
yang terletak antara nomer 2 dan nomer 4 ditemukan.
 Berhati-hatilah dengan kata only, all, some, never, always, dst.

Contoh soal:

Carbon Footprint
Measuring your carbon footprint means calculating the amount of CO 2 and emissions
and other greenhouse gases you produce from your lifestyle. For example, a city
executive living in a big air-conditioned house, who drives to work everyday in a high-
powered car, and regularly takes business trips abroad will have bigger “carbon
footprint” than a farmer living in a rural area, who only uses a bicycle and has a small
house without air conditioning.

Taken from Kang Guru Magazine September 2007 edition p.2

Carbon footprint means the amount of CO2 which is produced by the

greenhouse gases.

1. Pembahasan: F
Perhatikan pada kalimat pertama secara jelas menyebutkan bahwa
Carbon footprint is produced by the people from their lifestyle bukan
dari the greenhouse gases.
The CO2 level in a city is higher than that in a village.

2 Pembahasan: NG
Perhatikan bahwa teks tersebut tidak membahas mengenai
perbandingan kadar level CO2 di kota dan di desa.
People in a big city have higher level of carbon footprint than those
in a village.

3. Pembahasan: T
Perhatikan kalimat pada baris ke-4 bahwa bigger mempunyai makna
yang mirip dengan higher dan rural area pada baris ke-5 memiliki
kesamaan dengan village.
CEPT Short Course 45

3. Finding Paragraph
Pada jenis soal ini umumnya terdapat pernyataan kemudian peserta tes diminta untuk
menentukan diparagraf manakah informasi tersebut ditemukan. Teks bacaan akan
ditandai paragrafnya dengan A,B,C, dan D atau A,B,C,D, dan E.

 Temukan kata kunci pernyataan dalam soal dan carilah sinonim atau parafrase
kata tersebut dalam teks.
 Baca seluruh informasi dalam paragraf untuk memetakan ide-ide dari tiap
paragraf dan mengetahui ide pokok dari tiap-tiap paragraf.

Contoh soal:
Find the best paragraph that discusses the following points.

Paragraph A ________________ 1. inexpensive homer

Paragraph B ________________ 2. greener than older towns
Paragraph C ________________ 3. travelling around
Paragraph D ________________ 4. construction details


A The fundamental principle underlying the new generation of British eco-towns is

that they are more ecologically and environmentally friendly than traditional towns. To
achieve this, guidelines have been drawn up which town planners should adhere to.
B The guidelines state that the towns should aspire to be low energy and carbon
neutral developments, with buildings being constructed from recycled materials.
Environmentally-friendly waste disposal is also at the heart of the concept.
C A second principle is that the new towns provide housing that is affordable to key
workers, such as teachers, nurses and civil servants, and first-time buyers. With the
largest eco-towns providing housing for some 20,000 residents, it is anticipated that 30
to 40 per cent of this will be in the form of affordable housing.
D Reliable, efficient, and cost-effective public transport will be essential to the
success of the eco-towns. The aim is to develop urban and suburban spaces that are as
car-free as possible, with the speed limit on main roads being restricted to 15 mph.

Taken from IELTS for Academic Purposes: A Short Intensive Course p.48

1. Paragraph A  2. Greener than older towns
Kata kunci pada paragraf A adalah more ecologically and environmentally friendly
than traditional towns. Oleh karena itu, ide pokok yang paling sesuai adalah nomer
2 yaitu greener than older towns.
CEPT Short Course 46

2. Paragraph B  4. Construction details

Perhatikan kata constructed yang merupakan kata kunci bahwa paragraf tersebut
membahas mengenai detail konstruksi yang berasal dari materi yang didaur ulang
(…with buildings bening constructed from recycled materials).

3. Paragraph C  1. Inexpensive homer

Kata kunci paragraf ini terletak pada baris pertama, yaitu …that the new towns
provide housing that is affordable….Kata affordable memiliki makna yang mirip
dengan inexpensive. Sedangkan homer memiliki makna yang mirip dengan housing.
Jadi, poin yang dibahas adalah inexpensive homer.

4. Paragraph D  3. Travelling around

Perhatikan bahwa reliable, efficient, and cost-effective public transport pada
paragraf ke-empat adalah ide pokok yang merupakan salah satu faktor penarik
masyarakat untuk berkeliling kota.

4. Sentence Completion
Pada bagian ini, peserta tes diminta untuk melengkapi kalimat berdasarkan informasi
dari bacaan dengan memilih salah satu kata atau frasa yang paling paling tepat dari
pilihan jawaban yang disediakan. Kalimat-kalimat tersebut hadi dalam bentuk
pernyataan atau statement yang diparafrase atau yang terdiri dari beberapa sinonim.
Jenis pilihan kata yang disediakan terdiri dari kata sifat, kata benda, kata kerja,
bahkan kata keterangan namun yang seringkali jawaban berupa noun phrase (frase
kata benda), misalnya regular test, temporary members, dsb.

 Pastikan bahwa kata atau frasa yang dipilih untuk melengkapi kalimat sesuai
dengan kaidah tata bahasa. Misal yang diperlukan adalah kata kerja untuk
melengkapi kalimat, maka pastikan jawaban yang Anda pilih adalah kata kerja
 Berhati-hatilah bahwa pernyataan atau kalimat dalam soal tidak akan sama
persis dengan informasi atau kalimat dalam teks bacaan.
CEPT Short Course 47

Contoh soal:
Read the following text and then complete the sentence below by choosing the
correct answers from the available options.

European Settlement of Australia

European settlement of Australia began in 1788 when a British penal colony was
established on the east coast. From this starting point Australia grew rapidly and
continually, expanding across the entire continent.
A number of reasons contributed to Britain's decision to colonise Australia. The
most important factor was Britain's need to relieve its overcrowded prisons. Several
violent incidents at overcrowded prisons convinced the British government of the need
to separate unruly elements from the rest of the prison populace.
Additionally, Australia was of strategic importance to Britain, and it provided a
base for the Royal Navy in the eastern sea. Also, Australia could be used as an entry
point to the economic opportunities of the surrounding region. All these points figured
in the decision by Lord Sydney, secretary of state of home affairs, to authorise the

Taken from

1. Australia was originally founded as (a penal colony).

2. Australia grew fast and continually after the (settlement) of the European.
3. It was the secretary of state of home affairs who (authorize) the setlement.

A. settlement
B. starting pont
C. overcrowded
D. unruly
E. a penal colony
F. authorise
G. Autralia Day

1. Australia was originally founded as (a penal colony).
Perhatikan pada kalimat pertama di paragraf pertama secara jelas disebutkan
kependudukan atau kolonisasi Eropa atas Australia dimulai ketika koloni dari Inggris
terbentuk di pantai Timur dan sejak saat itu Australia terus berkembang (From this
starting point Australia grew rapidly….). Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa
pemukiman Australia berasal dari koloni Inggris.
2. Australia grew fast and continually after the (settlement) of the European.
Pernyataan ini sudah disebutkan pada paragraf pertama dan merupakan informasi
kelanjutan dari jawaban nomor 1. From this starting point Australia grew
rapidly…kalimat sebelumnya menyebutkan pemukiman atau kependudukan Eropa
merupakan awal dari perkembangan Australia (European settlement of Australia
began in 1788 when…)
CEPT Short Course 48

3. It was the secretary of state of home affairs who (authorise) the setlement.
Jawaban secara jelas dapat ditemukan pada paragraf ketiga kalimat terakhir yaitu
All these points figured in the decision by Lord Sydney, secretary of state of home
affairs, to authorise the colonisation.
4. Summary Completion
Summary completion adalah jenis soal dimana peserta diminta untuk melengkapi
paragraf atau ringkasan menggunakan kata atau frase yang disediakan dalam pilihan
jawaban. Ingat bahwa pilihan jawaban yang disediakan jumlahnya melebihi dari
nomor soal. Jadi, akan ada beberapa pilihan kata atau frasa yang tersisa. Sama seperti
sentence completion, jenis pilihan kata yang disediakan terdiri dari kata sifat, kata
benda, kata kerja, bahkan kata keterangan.
 Baca paragraf dalam soal dengan seksama dan pastikan Anda paham mengenai
 Baca isian yang pertama, dan pikirkan jenis kata yang sesuai (kata sifat, kata
benda, kata kerja, kata keterangan, dsb).
 Cermati pada pilihan kata atau frasa yang disediakan.
 Pilih salah satu jawaban yang paling tepat untuk melengkapi informasi dalam

Contoh soal:
Read the paragraph below and then fill in the blanks from the sentences that follow
with the correct words from the box.

Taken from Cambridge Insight into IELTS

CEPT Short Course 49

1. The Antarctic ice sheet is not a __________ entity.

2. The cartographers even must __________ with big and fast changes in the physical
geography of Antarctica.
3. Map revision is usually concerned with features made by human, such as _________
and roads.
A. dynamic
B. struggle
C. stable
D. structures
E. continent


1. The Antarctic ice sheet is not a stable entity.

Perhatikan bahwa dalam soal terdapat kata NOT padahal dalam teks terdapat
pernyataan The Antarctic ice sheet is a dynamic entity. Jadi, Anda harus mencari
lawan kata dynamic yaitu stable atau stabil.

2. The cartographers even must struggle with big and fast changes in the physical
geography of Antarctica.
Perhatikan kalimat pada baris ke-6 …the cartographers have to contend with big….
Kata must memiliki sinonim have to maka Anda harus menemukan sinonim dari kata
contend yaitu struggle atau berjuang.

3. Map revision is usually concerned with features made by human, such as structures
and roads.
Perhatikan kalimat baris ke 3 mengenai revisi pada peta biasanya karena perihal yang
berkaitan dengan fitur buatan manusia seperti buildings and roads. Karena kata roads
sudah terdapat pada soal, Anda harus mencari sinonim dari building yang tersedia
pada pilihan jawaban, yaitu structures atau bangunan.
CEPT Short Course 50

Reading Comprehension

Reading Passage 1 for Multiple Choices,

T/F/NG, and Sentence Completion

Overcoming Jet Lag

Experts give recommendations on what works and what doesn‟t in trying to escape the
effects of crossing time zones.

By Monica Brooks

The day before a long flight you are frantically doing last-minute chores and
errands, packing, and reading guide books. Then, on the plane, you have several drinks
with dinner and stay up late watching the movie. After a brief nap, it‟s time for breakfast
and a morning arrival in, let‟s say, Paris or Rome. Adrenaline flowing, you spend the entire
day sightseeing and taking pictures. By evening, exhaustion has set in, and the next
morning, you can hardly wake up before noon. Jet lag has taken hold.
Most people who travel by air across multiple time zones fall victim to this
affliction of modern air travel. They may suffer from any of a number of unpleasant
symptoms, including insomnia, fatigue, nausea, sleepiness, and lethargy.
According to Dr. Harriet Minsky, professor of psychology at Montral University, the
symptoms of jet lag vary from person to person, and also vary according to how far a
traveler has flown. Recovery from jet lag also varies, with some sufferers feeling better
gradually and others experiencing alternative days of feeling better or worse.
Dr. Minsky points out that there are three primary causes of jet lag, and of these,
two are avoidable. First, people often wear themselves out getting ready for a trip, so they
are already exhausted when they get on the plane. Second, long-distance travelers often
have a couple of drinks to pass the time. The alcohol can cause stomach distress and
interfere with getting a good night‟s sleep.
The third and unavoidable cause of jet lag is the fact that long distance air travel
upsets your internal biological clock. Dr. Alvin Lacy, chief of general medicine at Northern
Medical College, explains that our inner clock controls our cycle of sleeping and waking.
The brain takes its cues from the amount of light and other features in the
environment. Without environmental cues, the brain tends to set its biological clock to a
longer day. This means that, for most travelers, the effects of jet lag are less severe on
trips toward the west, because the travel is following the sun. In travelling toward the
east, the body must adjust by shortening its day, going against the body‟s natural
tendency. This explains why trips from west to east often result in greater suffering from
jet lag.
Individuals are not all affected to the same degree by jet lag. For example, “night
owls,” people who are usually most alert and lively late at night are less likely to feel the
effects of jet lag. Younger people suffer less than older travelers. In terms of personality
types, extroverts (people who are sociable and like to be in groups) tend to suffer less than
CEPT Short Course 51

Many people believe that there must be some quick and easy cure for jet lag – and,
in fact, all kinds of cures have been popularized, from vitamins to special diets, but
research has shown that none of these are very effective.
However, Dr. Minsky assures travelers that if they follow certain common sense
strategies, they will overcome jet lag more quickly.
- Get plenty of rest and eat healthy meals prior to taking a long flight.
- On the plane, set your watch to your destination‟s time immediately. Then allow that
time to guide your behaviour. During the trip, eat and sleep according to the new time
- Once you arrive, begin to follow a normal routine for that time zone. Try not to take
naps. Set an alarm clock to wake you in the morning. Spend time outside during the
day, and sleep at night.
- Avoid sleeping pills, alcohol, or other drugs that you do not normally use.

Taken from More Reading Power p. 141-142

Question number 1 to 10
Choose one of the following options for the best answer.

1. The following activities are usually done by the passengers prior to their flight,
except ….
A. packing
B. reading guide books
C. doing regular jobs
D. staying up late watching movie
E. doing last-minute duty

2. The word hardly in paragraph 1 means ….

A. almost not
B. easily
C. always
D. ever
E. early

3. According to the writer, which of the following symptoms that does not include the
symptoms of jet lag?
A. nausea
B. lethargy
C. sleepiness
D. extreme tiredness
E. adrenaline flowing
CEPT Short Course 52

4. Which of the following statement that belongs to the avoidable cause of jet lag
according to Dr. Minsky?
A. People often have an adequate time to sleep before a long flight.
B. People avoid drinking any alcohol or drug before having a flight.
C. People often make themselves tired even before they get on the plane.
D. The fact that long distance flight disrupts people‟s biological clock.
E. People often eat healthy meal before they have a long flight.

5. What controls the cycle of sleeping and waking of a person?

A. The brain
B. The inner clock
C. The Jet lag
D. The amount of light
E. The body‟s natural tendency

6. What is meant by night owls according to the text?

A. People who prefer to be awake and active at night.
B. People who are usually most alert and lively late at noon.
C. People who have owls in their house.
D. The owls that most alert and lively late at night.
E. People who have insomnia and cannot sleep early.

7. Which of the following people who have the least suffering from jet lag?
A. People who are active and most alert at noon.
B. People who have introvert personality.
C. People who have extrovert personality.
D. People who are old.
E. People who have flight from the east toward the west.

8. Which of the following ways that is more effective to overcome jet lag?
A. Eating more vitamins
B. Having special diets
C. Taking sleeping pills or drugs
D. Taking a nap after arriving the destination
E. Getting enough time to take a rest.

9. The underlined word they in the last paragraph refers to ….

A. People who get jet lag
B. Common sense strategies
C. All travelers
D. All people
E. Sick people
CEPT Short Course 53

10. What is „jet lag‟ according to the text?

A. It is a feeling of exhaustion and adrenaline flowing prior to make a long flight.
B. It is a feeling of tiredness and confusion when people having a long flight to the
country which has different time zone.
C. It is a condition in which people feel extremely shock after arriving in a country
with different time zone.
D. It is a kind of psychological disorder which has varied symptoms from a person
to person.
E. It is a condition in which people feel insecure and frightened when they have a
long-haul flight.

Questions number 11-15


11. The symptoms of jet lag also may depend on each person‟s experience of having a
12. People who prefer to be awake and doing activity at night would suffer jet lag
more than those who have an early night.
13. People who have a trip toward the east often result in greater suffering from
14. The most effective cures for jet lag according to the researcher are vitamins and
special diets.
15. Passengers of an airplane are not allowed to take some sleeping pills during the
flight in order to avoid jet lag.

Questions number 16-20

Complete the sentences below by choosing one of the available options. Then, on your
answer sheet, fill in the space corresponding to the letter of the answer you have chosen.

16. After arriving at the destination, travelers usually feel __________ in the evening and
cannot wake up early in the following morning.
17. The long-haul flight which can disrupt people’s biological clock is an __________ of
jet lag.
18. It is __________ which set the biological clock based on the amount of light and
other cues in the environment.
19. Each people may have different ____________ of suffering from jet lag.
20. One of the strategies to overcome jet lag is by setting the watch to the destination’s
time which will guide the ___________ during the flight.

A. exhaustion D. inner clock G. behaviour

B. affect E. degree
C. unavoidable cause F. brain
CEPT Short Course 54

Reading Passage 2 for Finding Paragraph

READING PASSAGE 2 and Summary Completion

Being the founder of the Internet’s largest encyclopaedia means Jimmy

A Wales gets a lot of bizarre emails. There are the correspondents who
assume he wrote Wikipedia himself and is therefore an expert on everything
– like the guy who found some strange chemicals in his late grandfather’s
attic and wanted Wales to tell him what to do with them. There are kooks
who claim to have found, say, a 9,000 year-old fifteen-foot human skeleton
and wonder if Wales would be interested. But the emails that make him
laugh out loud come from concerned newcomers who have just discovered
they have total freedom to edit a Wikipedia entry at the click of a button.
‘Oh my God,’ they write, ‘you’ve got a major security flaw.’
Wikipedia is a free open-source encyclopaedia, which basically means that
anyone can log on and add to it or edit it. And they do. It has a stunning
1,5 million entries in seventy-six languages – and counting. Academics are
upset by what they see as info anarchy. An Encyclopaedia Britannica editor
once likened Wikipedia to a public toilet seat because you do not know who
used it last. Loyal users claim that collaboration improves articles over time.

But what exactly is a wiki and how does it work? Wikis are deceptively
B simple pieces of software that you can download for free. You then use them
to set up a website that can be edited by anyone you like. Need to solve a
thorny business problem overnight and all the members of your team are in
different time zones? Start a wiki. And the name? Believe it or not, the name
came about because the inventor of the wiki had his honeymoon in Hawaii,
where you catch the ‘wiki wiki’ (quick) bus from the airport.
Anyway, just five years ago, Jimmy Wales was looking for a way to combine
his two major hobbies: perusing the Encyclopaedia Britannica and surfing
the internet. ‘I met all these great people online,’ he says, ‘and we were all
discussing things on mailing lists no one ever looks at. I thought, why not
build something more long-lasting, more fun and entertaining?’
Ah, fun. Spend enough time talking to Wales – a confessed ‘pathological
optimist’ – and you’ll believe his life has been one long riot of laughter.
Options and futures trading, which he did in Chicago in the 1990s, was ‘fun
and cool’. Quitting his job to start an internet company? Delightful. Paying
the mortgage purely from investments? Fantastic. And Wikipedia’s growth?
Simply amazing.

Wikipedia is the cumulative work of 16,000 people, the bulk of it done by a

C hard-core group of around 1,000 volunteers. Its 500,000 entries in English
alone make it far larger than the Encyclopaedia Britannica. And Wales pays
just one employee who keeps the servers ticking.
CEPT Short Course 55

Naturally there are a lot of idiots, vandals and fanatics, who take advantage
of Wikipedia’s open system to deface, delete or push one-sided views.
Sometimes extreme action has to be taken. For example, Wales locked the
entries on John Kerry and George W. Bush for most of the 2004 Presidential
election campaign. But for the most part, the geeks have a huge advantage:
they care more. According to an MIT study, obscene comments randomly
inserted on Wikipedia are removed within 1000 seconds, on average.
Vandals might as well be spray-painting walls with disappearing ink.

As for edit wars, in which two geeks with opposing views delete each other’s
D assertions over and over, well, they are not much of a problem these days.
All kinds of viewpoints co–exist in the same article. Take the entry on, er,
Wikipedia: ‘Wikipedia has been criticized for a perceived lack of reliability,
comprehensiveness and authority.’ Indeed, Larry Sanger, Wikipedia’s former
editor-in-chief (now a university lecturer), still loves the site but thinks his
fellow professionals have a point. ‘The wide-open nature of the internet
encourages people to disregard the importance of expertise,’ he says. Sanger
does not let his students use Wikipedia for their papers, partly because he
knows they could confirm anything they like by adding it themselves.

Taken from Total English Advanced p. 24-25

Question number 21-25
Find the best paragraph that discusses the following points.
21. The statistic data related to Wikipedia.
22. The weird emails received by the founder of Wikipedia.
23. How fanatics and vandals misuse Wikipedia.
24. The idea of creating Wikipedia.
25. The opinion of Wikipedia‟s former chief editor related to the critique to Wikipedia.
CEPT Short Course 56

Question number 26-30

Below is the summary of the above text. Fill in the blank by using the available options.
The Internet’s Largest Encyclopaedia

The internet’s largest encyclopaedia here refers to Wikipedia. The founder of

Wikipedia is Jimmy Wales. The name of Wikipedia came from the word ‘wiki wiki’
which means (26)_________ in Hawaii. Wikipedia is a combination of Wales’ two
hobbies: (27)_________ encyclopaedia and surfing the internet. Wikipedia is a
(28)_________ encyclopaedia, which allows anyone to log on and add to it or edit it.
It has a stunning 1,5 million entries in seventy-six languages. Sometimes there is a
war between two geeks with (29)___________ statements delete each other’s
assertions since they are free to add or edit the information. However, this is not
much of a problem these days. Although some people benefit from Wikipedia, some
people (30)__________ its information which is perceived as lack of reliability,
comprehensiveness, and authority.

A. quick F. same
B. bus G. free open-source
C. perusing H. opposing
D. reading I. cumulative
E. criticize
CEPT Short Course 57

Azhar, Betty Schrampfer. 2002. Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd
Edition. New York: Longman.

Phillips, Deborah. 2001. Longman Complete Course for the TOEFL® Test:
Preparation for the Computer and Paper Tests. New York: Longman.

Rogers, Bruce. 2005. Peterson’s TOEFL® Success. Lawrenceville: Peterson’s.

Research and Development Department. 2016. Improving Your CEPT Score: a Book
to help You Prepare for the CEPT test. Unpublished.
A Great Place to Start Your Success

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