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Universidad de Sta. Isabel de Naga Inc.

Elias Angeles, Naga City

Name: APRIL D. RAMIREZ COURSE: BA-FM Date: 8/31/23

Movie Analysis: “God’s not Dead”

Guide Questions:
1. What struck you most in the movie “God is not dead”?
For me, while watching the movie 'Gods Not Dead, the film's final debate scene features Josh
Wheaton confronting his professor about the existence of evil in the world. God is used as the
standard of truth and goodness in a biblical argument. However, Wheaton's foundation does not
allow for preaching about a God who removes death and suffering from a perfect world. Old-
earth views must accept the existence of death, disease, suffering, natural disasters, and the
constant struggle for existence. The debate scene does not mention the real reason for these evils
or the biblical description of man's original condition. Because I knew the other theories he had
before, in this scene I understood better what God meant for us. We can say whether God exists
or not. and also when he asks the professor if he hates God. and because of that, I became more
enlightened because we get angry with God if we don't get what we ask of him, and we don't
recognize him if we have everything.

2. Why does God allow bad things to happen?

We know he is all-powerful. We know he is in control. We know he wants what’s best
for us. But there continue to be horrific tragedies, pain, and suffering throughout the
world. And we continue to face temptation, sorrow, and a multitude of trials within our
own lives. Sometimes we just want to know why. What’s the purpose of all this
suffering? Why does he allow bad things to happen? Unfortunately, we might not always
know the why, but we can always draw faith and strength from remembering the things
we do know. This is what I thought while watching the movie: But when you see the
deep meaning of the movie, you can see how powerful God is because when the
professor tells all of his students that God does not exist, he presents three main
arguments for the existence of God to the class of freshman students, and they act as the
jury. In the three sections that follow, you will find a transcription of the debate
segments. l realize that God allows bad things to happen because we seek answers. We
cannot fully comprehend the reasons behind this, as we live in a sin-ridden world.
However, seeking discernment can help understand why God may allow such
Universidad de Sta. Isabel de Naga Inc.
Elias Angeles, Naga City

experiences and how suffering can be used to redeem them. The Lord is the only source
of comfort and refuge in an evil world. To respond to evil, we must trust in God's help
and understand that pain and suffering are designed to strengthen our desire for Him.
Trusting and leaning into God during trials and suffering is crucial for overcoming
3. Why faith is important in our life?
Base on the "God's Not Dead" film that discusses the concepts of faith, skepticism, and the
presence of God. Faith plays an important role in the lives of the characters, providing a tool for
overcoming uncertainty, a source of identity and purpose, and a catalyst for personal growth,
comfort, serenity, and hope. Josh, the protagonist, is pushed by his philosophy professor to
establish the presence of God, emphasizing the significance of faith in overcoming doubt. Faith
is also regarded as a source of identity and purpose, directing activities, establishing values, and
offering a sense of direction. Despite problems, faith brings peace and strength, serving as a
sanctuary during times of uncertainty. The protagonists' steadfast faith is evidenced by their
relentless belief. Miracles are also seen in the film, reaffirming the protagonists' faith in God and
a higher force. Overall, "God's Not Dead" stresses faith's transformational and uplifting role in
facing life's difficulties. Faith is essential in life, assuring success in personal, family,
relationship, and plans in the face of adversity.

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