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Engineering Mechanics Statics 7th

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Polybia, nests of, 81, 82, 83
Polyctenes fumarius, 560
Polyctenidae, 560
Polyergus lucidus, 151;
P. rufescens, 150 f.
Polymorpha (Coleoptera), 189, 190, 213 f.
Polymorphism, 139 f., 143
Polyphylla fullo, antenna, 191
Polyploca, 386
Polyplocidae, 386
Polyplocotes, 248
Polyrhachis, 155;
P. pandurus, 156;
P. spinigera, 138
Pompilidae, 93, 101 f.
Pompilus, 103;
P. polistoides, 104;
P. sericeus, 106
Ponera contracta, P. ergatandria, P. punctatissima, 172
Ponerides, 132, 170 f.
Porphyraspis tristis, 284
Porphyrophora polonica, 597
Porrorhynchus, 216
Portschinsky, on habits and development of Muscidae, 507, 512
Post-metamorphic growth, 141
Post-scutellum, 307, 312
Potamogeton pectinatus, beetle on, 280
Potamophilus acuminatus, 244
Potassium hydroxide, 328, 384
Potato-beetle, 278
Pouch, abdominal, 350, 362
Poulton, on colours, 336, 339
Praecostal nervures, 319
Praescutum, 312
Pratt, on imaginal discs, 453 n.;
on Melophagus, 519
Prepona, larva, 354
Prey, of Fossores, table, 92
Pria dulcamarae, 232
Primitive, beetles, 251, 252;
Diptera, 475
Priocnemis affinis, 5;
P. bicolor, 107
Priodont, 193
Prionides, 287
Proboscis, 13, 14, 16, 17, 304, 307, 309, 311, 443, 482, 485,
Processional maggots, 464
Processionary caterpillars, 376, 408
Prodoxidae, 432;
mouth, 309
Prodoxus, 433
Pro-legs, 323
Prolific, Aphids, 589;
Coccids, 594;
Hepialus, 397;
Lice, 601;
Meloe, 274;
Stylops, 301
Prominents, 383
Pronuba, 321;
P. yuccasella, 432;
P. synthetica, 432
Pronymph, 453
Propodeum, 131, 133
Propolis, 63
Propygidium, 187
Prosopis, 21, 22;
hair of, 11;
proboscis of, 17;
P. signata, 21
Protection, 43, 413;
of trees by ants, 158;
of plant by ants, 168
Proterhinidae, 298
Proterhinus lecontei, 298
Protolepidoptera, 336
Protoparce carolina, 309
Protopaussus, 214
Psammorycter vermileo, 481
Pselaphidae, 223;
and ants, 182
Psen atratus, P. concolor, 127
Psephenus, 244
Pseudholoptic, 440 n.
Pseudocorylophidae, 228
Pseudodicthadia, 180;
P. incerta, 177
Pseudodoxia limulus, 431
Pseudomeria graeca, 99
Pseudomorphides, 205, 206
Pseudomyrma bicolor, 168
Pseudomyrmini, 168
Pseudoneuroptera, 527
Pseudopaedogenesis, 303
Pseudopod, 188, 264, 267, 290, 449, 492
Pseudopontia paradoxa, 357
Pseudo-pupa, 271, 273
Pseudotetramera, 190
Pseudotrimera, 239
Pseudovespa, 88
Pseudovarium and Pseudovum, 584
Pseudovitellus, 588
Psilidae, 504
Psiliglossa, larva, 8
Psilocephala, 484
Psilura monacha, 407
Psithyrus, 53, 57, 59 f.;
P. campestris, 60;
P. vestalis, 60
Psocidae, 248
Psyche helix, 394
Psychidae, 369, 392
Psychina, 394, 395, 404
Psychoda, 466
Psychodidae, 470
Psylla pyricola, 579, 580;
P. succincta, 579;
P. buxi, 580
Psyllidae, 578
Pterocheilus, 76
Pterodecta, 400
Pterophoridae, 340, 371, 425, 426
Pterophorinae, 426
Pterostichus, 205
Pterothysanidae, 369, 406
Pterygodes, 312
Pterygogenea, 542
Ptilinum, 442, 503, 520
Ptilinus pectinicornis, 253
Ptilocnemus sidnicus, 557
Ptilomacra, 395
Ptilomera laticaudata, 553
Ptinidae, 246
Ptomaphila lacrymosa, 222
Ptychoptera, 466
Ptychopterinae, 472
Ptyelus goudoti, 577
Pugs, 411
Pulex avium, P. irritans, P. serraticeps, 525;
P. obtusiceps, 525
Pulicidae, 522 f.
Puliciphora lucifera, 495
Pulvillus, 446
Pupa, of beetles, 188 f.;
coarctata, 452;
obtecta, 227, 327, 451;
depositing eggs, 469;
hairy, 407, 426;
of Lepidoptera, 326 f.;
with mandibles, 436
Puparium, 452
Pupation, of Badamia, 365;
of Parnassius and Thais, 363
Pupipara, 456, 513, 517
Purple emperor, 344
Pusci, 504
Puss-moth, 328, 383, 406
Pygidium, 187
Pyralidae, 340, 370, 420
Pyralidina, 420, 426
Pyrameis atalanta, 353;
P. cardui, 353;
P. tameamea, 353
Pyraustidae, 421
Pyrochroa rubens, 266
Pyrochroidae, 266
Pyrophorus, 258;
P. noctilucus, 259
Pyrrhocoridae, 549
Pyrrhocoris apterus, 535, 549
Pyrrhopyge, 364
Pythidae, 265
Pytho depressus, 266

Quartenia, 89
Queen, 66, 67, 69, 140

Races, of Apis, 68
Radial nervures, 319
Raffray, on Pogonostoma, 204;
on classification of Paussidae, 214;
on classification of Pselaphidae, 224
Railway-beetle, 251
Ranatra linearis, 563
Raptorial legs, 493, 554, 556
Réaumur, on Xylocopa, 33
Receptaculum seminis, 140
Rectal cauda, 538
Red admiral, 352
Red ant—see Formica rufa
Reduviidae, 555 f. 537
Reduvius personatus, 558
Régimbart, on Gyrinidae, 216
Resemblance, between ant, wasp, and spider, 169;
between Anthophora and Bombus, 33;
between Arctia villica and Eusemia villicoides, 410;
between beetle-larva and Termite, 206;
between Bombus and Eulema, 35;
between Bombyliidae and Hymenoptera, 489;
between bug and ant, 556, 557;
bug and Tipulid, 556, 558;
bug and fly, 547;
in butterflies, 348;
between Callidulidae and Lycaenidae, 400;
between Celyphus and Hemiptera, 505;
between Cleridae and insects they destroy, 254;
between Dioptinae and Ithomiides, 409;
between Diptera and Hymenoptera, 499, 500;
between Epicopeia and Papilio, 418;
between Flatides and Lepidoptera, 576;
of flies and bees, 502;
to galls, 403;
between host and parasite-bees, 30;
between Insects of different Orders, 339;
of Ithomiides to other butterflies, 346;
between lady-bird and Endomychid, 237;
of larva to a colony of larvae, 418;
of larva of Odynerus and of Chrysis, 4;
between larvae, 162;
in Limacodidae, 401;
of Lobster caterpillar, 385;
between Longicorns and Hymenoptera, 287;
of moth to bird-excrement, 401;
of parasite and prey, 95;
of Pericopinae and Heliconiides, 409;
between protected butterflies, 345;
between Psithyrus and Bombus, 59;
of Reduviid and Pepsis, 558;
between Rhyphus- and Mycetobia-larvae, 463;
of Syntomids to other Insects, 388 f.;
of Tipulids and Hymenoptera, 475;
between two kinds of ants, 162
Resting-larva, 306
Retinaculum, 316, 319, 420
Retort-shaped bodies, in mouth of Hemiptera, 535
Reuter, E., on classification of butterflies, 343 n.
Rhachicerus, 480
Rhagovelia plumbea, 552
Rhaphiorhynchus, 483
Rhegmatophila alpina, 305, 386
Rheumatobates bergrothi, 553
Rhinomacerides, 291
Rhinopsis, 115;
R. ruficornis, 169
Rhinosimus, 266
Rhipicera mystacina, 256
Rhipiceridae, 256
Rhipidiini, 267
Rhipidioptera, 543
Rhipiphoridae, 267
Rhipiphorides, 268
Rhipiptera, 298 [in error for Rhiphiptera]
Rhizophagus, 232
Rhizotrogus, 191
Rhodoneura, 405
Rhogmus, 179, 180
Rhopalocera, 340, 341 f.
Rhopalomelus angusticollis, 206
Rhopalomeridae, 504
Rhopalosoma poeyi, 100
Rhopalosomides, 100
Rhygchium brunneum, R. carnaticum, R. nitidulum, R. oculatum,
Rhynchites betulae, 291, 292
Rhynchitides, 291
Rhynchophora, 190, 277, 288 f.
Rhynchophorous series, 240
Rhynchopsylla pulex, 526
Rhynchota, 532
Rhyphidae, 478
Rhyphus, 463
Rhysodidae, 201, 234
Riley, on Epicauta, 270, 271;
on spermathecal bodies, 321;
on Yucca-moth, 432
Ripidius pectinicornis, 269
Rippe, of Schäffer, 334
Robber-flies, 491
Rose-chafers, 200
Rosema, 401
Rostrum, 291, 472
Rothney, on Ampulex, 115;
on Sima, 169;
on Sphex, 110
Rothschild, N. C., on morphology of fleas, 523 n.
Royal jelly, 66
Rozites gongylophora, 167
Ruby-wasps, 1 f.
Rurales, 342
Rutelides, 195, 198

Saccoderes, 558;
S. tuberculatus, 537
Saccus, 314
Sagra splendida, 279
Sagrides, 279
Salda, 560
Saldidae, 544, 562
Salivary, duct, 320;
gland, 320
Sand-flea, 525;
-flies, 477
Saperda populnea, 285, 286
Sapromyzidae, 504
Sapyga quinquepunctata, 100
Sapygides, 99
Sarcophaga, 510;
S. carnaria, 510
Sarcophagidae, 510
Sarcophila magnifica, S. wohlfahrti, 510
Sarcopsylla gallinacea, S. penetrans, 525
Sarginae, 479
Saropoda, 32
Sarrothripus, 410
Sasaki, on parasite of silkworm, 508
Saturnia, 307, 310;
S. pavonia, 313, 374
Saturniidae, 368, 372
Satyrides, 347
Sauba, or Sauva, ant, 137
Saunders, E., on feathered hairs, 11;
on proboscis of bees, 16
Saunders, Sir S., on Hymenopterous larvae, 8
Scale, 131, 133, 315, 467;
development of, 329 f.;
-formation, 333;
-holder, 331
Scale-Insects, 592 f.;
enemy of, 356, 357, 417, 425, 430
Scalpella, 443
Scape, 441
Scaphidiidae, 229
Scaphisoma agaricinum, 229
Scaphium, 314
Scapulae, 312
Scarabaeidae, 194 f.
Scarabaeini, 196
Scarabaeus sacer, 196, 197
Scatomyzidae, 504
Scatophagidae, 504
Scatopse, 477
Sceliphron, 112;
S. nigripes, 91
Scenopinidae, 484
Schäffer, on structure of wings and nervures, 330
Schiödte, on Anoplura, 599 f.;
on Hemiptera, 543
Schistocerca peregrina, enemy of, 506, 514
Schizocarpus mingaudi, 220
Schizometopa, 504
Schizoneura, 589
Schizophora, 455
Schmidt-Schwedt, on Donacia, 280
Schoenbergia, 360, 361
Schoenobiinae, 425
Sciapteron, 387
Sciara militaris, 464
Sciomyzidae, 504
Sciophila unimaculata, 462
Scolia bifasciata, S. haemorrhoidalis, 97
Scoliidae, 93, 94 f.
Scoliides, 97 f.
Scolytidae, 294
Scopariidae, 421
Scopariinae, 421
Scopelodes, 401
Scopulipedes, 20, 32 f.
Screw-worm, 512
Scudder, on butterflies, 543
Scutata or Scutati, 546
Scutellerides, 545
Scutelligera, 501
Scutellum, 307, 312, 537
Scutum, 307;
S. proboscidis, 443
Scydmaenidae, 223
Scymnites, 238
Scymnus minimus, 238
Seasonal dimorphism or variation, 335
Seitz, on Syntomid resemblances, 388, 389
Semi-loopers, 415
Seminal duct, 321
Semi-pupa, 271
Semper, on development of wing, 333
Sense-organ, 442, 448;
thoracico-abdominal, 414;
in Uraniidae, 419
Sepsidae, 504
Sericaria mori, 375
Sericteria, 325
Seroot-fly, 482
Serricornia, 189, 213, 255
Sesia, 387;
S. scoliaeformis, 321
Sesiidae, 386, 388, 370 (for Syntomidae), 389
Setae, 534 f.;
aërostatic, 408
Setina, 410
Seventeen-year Cicada, 569
Sex, differences, 92, 95;
production of, 32, 67;
in larva, 325
Sexuparous, 586
Sharp, on classification of Dytiscidae, 213 n.
Sheep, bot-fly, 517;
-tick, 518
Shield, 592
Shoulder, -lappets, 312;
-tufts, 312;
of wing, 316, 319
Siagona, 206
Siculodidae, 423
Siebold, von, on Strepsiptera, 301
Sigara minutissima, 568
Sight, of Pompilus, 104
Silk-glands, 325
Silkworm, 375;
affected by parasitic fly, 507, 508;
Madagascar-, 405
Silpha, 221;
Silpha atrata, S. laevigata, S. lapponica, 222;
S. obscura, 222;
S. opaca, S. thoracica, 222
Silphidae, 221 f., 252, 256
Sima, 168;
S. leviceps, stridulating organ, 169;
S. rufonigra, 169
Simuliidae, 477
Simulium columbaczense, 477
Sinodendron cylindricum, 194
Siphon, 563, 581, 589
Siphonaptera, 522 f.
Siphonophora, 239
Siphunculata, 600
Sitaris, 33;
S. humeralis, 272
Sitodrepa, 247
Skippers, 363
Slave-making ant, 149, 150, 163
Sloth, 430
Slug-worms, 402
Smallest Insect, 228
Smerinthini, 380
Smerinthus populi, 309, 381
Smith, F., on Mellinus arvensis, 123
Snails, enemies of, 205, 222, 510;
parasite of, 495
Social, bees, 35;
wasps, 78, 84
Sociales, 20, 53 f.
Solanum dulcamara, beetle on, 232
Soldiers, 132
Soldier-ant, 150
Solenobia, 395, 430
Solenopsis fugax, 137
Solitary wasps—see Fossores and Eumenidae
Song, of Cicada, 572
Soronia, 232
Sound-organs, 448;
of Ageronia, 354;
of Hecatesia, 371;
of Cicada, 573, 574—see also stridulating organs
Sound-production, 155, 156;
by Aegocera, 411;
by Arctiidae, 410;
by Sphingidae, 382—see also Stridulation
Spalacopsini, 288
Spatula, 459
Spencer, Herbert, on Weismann, 143
Spercheus emarginatus, 218, 219
Spermatheca, 320, 321
Spermophila, 506
Sphaeridiides, 219
Sphaeriidae, 227
Sphaerites, 223
Sphaeritides, 229
Sphaerius acaroides, 227
Sphaerocarides, 279
Sphecia, 387
Sphecius speciosus, 123
Sphecodes, 21, 22;
S. gibbus, 23, 23;
S. rubicundus, 22;
S. subquadratus, 23
Sphegidae, 93, 107 f.
Sphegides, 107 f.
Sphex coeruleus, 110;
S. flavipennis, 108;
S. lobatus, 110;
S. maxillosus, 108
Sphindidae, 245
Sphingidae, 309, 315, 316, 368, 380 f.
Sphinx ligustri, 380
Spider parasite, 490
Spilosoma, 408
Spinneret, 324, 325, 403, 417
Spirachtha, 227
Spiracles, 188, 191;
of Diptera, 449 f.;
of Hippoboscidae, 519;
of Lepidoptera, 313, 314;
of Lipara, 451;
of Nepa, 564;
of Thrips, 528
Spondyliaspis, 581
Spondylidae, 288
Springing plant-lice, 579
Spuler, on nervures, 317 n.
Squama, 448
Squeakers, 209
Staetherinia, 401
Stag-beetles, 193
Stalk, 317, 319
Staphylinidae, 223, 224 f.
Staudinger, Schatz and Röber, on butterflies, 343 n.
Stauronotus maroccanus, 489
Stauropus fagi, 385
Stelis minuta, 29;
S. nasuta, 30, 43;
S. signata, 30
Stelocyttares, 81
Stenamma westwoodi, 159
Stenopteryx hirundinis, 519
Stephostethus, 240
Sternorhyncha, 544
Sterrhopteryx, 394
Stethopathidae, 496
Stigmata—see Spiracles
Stigmatomma, 180
Stigmus pendulus, 128
Sting, 4, 5, 6, 58, 144;
development of, 8, 9
Stinging, 98;
by Calicurgus, 102;
by Pompilidae, 104;
by Sphex, 109
Stingless bees, 61
Stink-gland, 257, 533;
-vessel, 225
Stipes, 309
Stizinae, 123
Stomach, 320
Stomoxys calcitrans, 512
Stratiomyidae, 478
Stratiomys, 452
Straus-Durckheim, on Melolontha, 198
Strawberries, eaten by beetles, 205
Streblidae, 521
Strepsiptera, 189, 298 f.
Streptoperas, 401
Stridulating organ, of Myrmica, 133;
of Heterocerus, 243;
of Passalus-larva, 192;
of Sima leviceps, 169
Stridulation, of ants, 134;
of Corixa, 568;
of Criocerides, 281;
of Dynastides, 199;
of Geotrupes, 195;
of Ipides, 232;
of Lomaptera, 200;
of Longicorns, 287;
of larva of Lucanus cervus, 194;
of Megalopides, 282;
of Melolontha-larva, 198;
of Mutilla, 94;
of Pelobius, 208;
of Phonapate, 246;
of Phyllomorpha, 548;
of Praogena, 264;
of Siagona, 206;
of Trox, 195
Strigil, 568
Striphnopterygidae, 376
Strongylognathus huberi, S. testaceus, 162
Strumigenys, 170
Style, 442
Stylopidae, 298
Stylopised bees, 26
Stylops dalii, 299
Styx infernalis, 340, 358
Suana, 405
Subcostal nervure, 318
Submedian nervure, 318
Suboesophageal ganglion, 320
Sucking-stomach, 311, 449
Suction by Lepidoptera, 311
Suctoria, 526
Supericornia, 546
Swallow-flies, 519
Swarming of wasps, 70 n.
Swarms, 62, 65, 67, 80, 135, 467, 505, 584
Swift-moths, 396
Symbiosis, of ants and plants, 139;
of bee and Acarid, 70.
See also Ants'-nest Insects, and Association
Symbius blattarum, 269
Symphily, 183
Synecthry, 183
Synemon, 371
Synoeca cyanea, nest, 82
Syntelia westwoodi, 229
Synteliidae, 229
Syntomidae, 339 n., 369, 388
Syntomis phegea, 390
Syringe, 535, 536
Syrphidae, 439, 498 f.
Systoechus oreas, 489
Systropus crudelis, 489

Tabanidae, 481, 492

Tabanus, 482
Tachinidae, 507, 514
Tachysphex panzeri, 117
Tachytes, 116;
destroyer of, 275;
T. australis, 113, 117;
T. pectinipes, 117
Tachytides, 116
Taenia, fleas as hosts of, 526
Tajuria diaeus, pupa, 357
Taleporia, 395
Taleporiidae, 430
Tanypezidae, 504
Taphroderides, 296
Tapinoma erraticum, 157
Tarantula-killer, 105
Tarphius, 233
Tarsolepis, 383
Taschenberg, on anatomy of flea, 523 n.
Tascina, 372
Tea-plant bug, 562
Teara melanosticta, 408
Tegula, 71, 187, 307, 311, 312, 447
Tegmina, 539
Teleodont, 193
Telephorides, 248
Telmatophilus, 235
Temnochila coerulea, 232
Temnochilides, 233
Tenebrio molitor, 263
Tenebrionidae, 263
Tenebroides mauritanica, 232
Tentacle, maxillary, 309, 432
Tenthredinidae, parasite of, 4
Terebrantia, 531
Termites, 203, 206, 227, 231
Terrifying attitude, 384
Tesseratomides, 546
Testes, 321, 324, 400, 429;
in larva, 325
Tetanocera ferruginea, 504
Tetanoceridae, 504
Tetragona, 53, 61
Tetramera, 190
Tetramorium caespitum, 160, 163
Tettigometrides, 567
Teucrium, bug and galls on, 550
Thais, pupation of, 363
Thanaos, 342;
T. tages, androconia, 332
Therevidae, 484
Thiridopteryx, 420
Thomas, on androconia, 331
Thorictidae, 236
Thorictus, 236
Thrips, 526 f.;
Thrips lini, 531;
T. secalina, 530
Throscides, 260
Thyatira batis, T. derasa, 386
Thymaridae, 392
Thynnides, 96
Thyreophoridae, 504
Thyrididae, 370, 404
Thyridopteryx ephemeraeformis, 394
Thysanoptera, 526 f.
Tiger-beetles, 201 f.
Tiger-moths, 409
Tillus elongatus, 253, 254
Tinaegeriidae, 370, 387
Tinea, 305;
T. pellionella, 429, 430;
T. vastella, 430;
T. vivipara, 430
Tineidae, 340, 370, 394, 427, 428
Tineodidae, 423
Tineola biselliella, 430
Tingidae, 549
Tipula brobdignagia, 475
Tipulidae, 471 f.;
T. Brevipalpi, 472, 473;
T. Longipalpi, 472, 475
Tipulinae, 475
Tiresias serra, 241
Titanus giganteus, 287
Tithorea, 346
Tomicides, 295
Tomognathus sublaevis, 161
Tongue, 309
Tortoise-shell butterflies, 352
Tortricidae, 340, 395, 427, 432
Tortricina, 395
Toxorrhina, 472
Toxotrypana, 506
Trechus, 205
Trichiini, 200
Trichocera, 473
Trichodes alvearius, T. ammios, T. apiarius, 254
Trichophaga tapetzella, 430
Trichoptera, 306, 425
Trichopterygidae, 227
Trichopteryx fascicularis, 227
Trichroism, 351
Trichterwickler, 294
Trichura, 389, 390
Trictenotomidae, 275
Triecphora, 543
Trigona, 53, 61;
T. carbonaria, 63;
T. crassipes, 65;
T. mosquito, 62
Trimera, 238, 544
Trimeria, 89
Trineura aterrima, 494
Triodites mus, 489
Trioza rhamni, 580
Triphaena, 415
Triphleps, 530
Tritoma bipustulata, 236
Triungulin, 262, 268, 270, 271, 272, 299, 300
Trochalopoda, 543, 544
Trochanter, 307;
divided, 123
Trochilium, 387
Trogini, 195
Trogositidae, 232, 235
Trogosita mauritanica, 232
Tromoptera, 457

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