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Lonliness and
Digital Citizenship
Bible Verse for Webinar 1
1 PETER 2:4
"As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but
chosen by God and precious to him." Rejection can be hard and can
lead to loneliness. But always remember, God is always here to help
us deal with it. We can also learn from rejection and make ourselves

Bible Verse for Webinar 2

"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from
it." There is a lot of negativity around everywhere so we should
protect ourselves from it. Even on the internet, there is so much
negativity that we have to protect ourselves from. We need to use
the internet wisely and not get ourselves surrounded in negativity.

Experience #1
I don't really experience rejection and loneliness a lot but some time
back, I first started playing a game. Of course, I wasn't the best at
playing the game so when I asked if I could join some friends to play
with them. They just ignored me. So, I improved and played with
other friends that accepted me. Now, I have a higher rank than the
people who rejected and made me feel lonely.

Experience #2
As a teen, of course, I have all types of social media. I have seen a lot
of negativity, have been addicted to social media. But now, with the
help of my parents and other things, I avoid those stuff and use
social media to its full potential.

1. I commit to always turn to God if I ever feel lonely and rejected.
2. I commit to use the internet wisely and use it to learn.

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