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Organic Chemistry and Everyday Chemistry

Question- Answers
Q1. Two adjacent members of a homologous series have :
(a) a difference of –CH2 in their structure
(b) a difference of 14 a.m.u. in molecular mass
(c) same general methods of preparation
(d) all of the above
A homologous series can be defined as group of compounds in which the various members have
similar structural features & similar chemical properties & the successive members differ in their
molecular formula by ‘CH2’ . Individual member of series are called homologue.
Characteristics of Homologous Series –
1 ) All compounds in the series are composed of same elements and contain the same functional group.
2) All compounds in the series can be represented by one general formula .
Ex. Homologous series of alcohol-
General formula = Cn H2n+1 OH
3) The molecular mass of every two adjacent members differ by 14 or CH2 .
4) All members of series have similar chemical properties because of the presence of same functional group.
5) The members of series show a gradual gradation in their physical properties like solubility, density, melting point &
boiling points. The physical properties generally increases as the molecular mass increases.
Q2. Alkenes are characterized by
(a) C –--- C bonds (b) C = C bonds
(c) C C bonds (d) cyclic structure

Q3. Which of the following contains carbonyl group?

(a) Ketones (b) Aldehydes
(c) Esters (d) All of these

Q4. The functional group present in CH3COOC2H5 is

(a) ketonic (b) aldehydic
(c) ester (d) carboxylic
Ethyl ester of ethanoic acid , it is called ethyl ethanoate.
Iupac (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) name is ethyl ethanoate; Common name is
ethyl acetate.

Q5. Butanone is a four-carbon compound with the functional group

(a) carboxylic acid (b) aldehyde
(c) ketone (d) alcohol

Q6. Which of the following is incorrectly matched?

(a) Vinegar → carboxylic acid
(b) C2H6 → alkane
(c) Ethanol → alcohol
(d) Methanol → ketone
Methanol, also known as methyl alcohol with the formula CH₃OH
Ethanol, also called alcohol, ethyl alcohol with the chemical formula C ₂H ₅OH

C2H6 (Ethane)
Vinegar is a liquid consisting of about 5–20% acetic acid (CH3COOH), water (H2O), and trace chemicals
that may include flavorings.

( --COOH)

Q7. If a hydrocarbon has any double bond, it is

(a) alkyne (b) alkane
(c) alkene (d) All the above
Alkenes have double bond.

Q8. Alkynes are characterized by –

(a) C –-- C bonds (b) C = C bonds
(c) C C bonds (d) cyclic structure

Q9. How many different isomers are possible for a hydrocarbon with the molecular formula C4H10?
(a) 1 (b) 2
(c) 3 (d) 5

Q10. The general formula Cn H2n O2 could be for open chain

(a) diketones (b) carboxylic acids
(c) diols (d) dialdehydes
General formula CnH2nO2 could be for open chain carboxylic acid.
For example: Acetic acid : C2H4O2 i.e. CH3COOH
The general formula of a carboxylic acid is R–COOH, with R referring to the rest of the molecule.

Q11. The IUPAC name of CH3CH2COCl is

(a) propanoyl chloride (b) ethanoyl chloride
(c) acetyl chloride (d) chloroethane

Q12. General formula of alkenes and alkyl radicals are respectively:

(a) Cn H2n and Cn H2n+1 (b) Cn H2n and Cn H2n+2
(c) Cn H2n–1 and Cn H2n (d) Cn H2n+1 and Cn H2n+2
Eg. Ethene/ IUPAC name ethylene (Alkene) : C2H4
Ethyl group is an alkyl substituent derived from ethane (C2H6). It has the formula –CH2CH3 or C2H5

Q13. The IUPAC name of CH3COOC2H5 will be –

(a) ethyl acetate (b) ethyl ethanoate
(c) methyl propanoate (d) none of these

Q14. Which is a general formula of alkanes?

(a) Cn H2n+2 (b) Cn H2n
(c) Cn H2n–2 (a) None of these
For alkene it is Cn H2n

Q15. Organic compounds will always contain

(a) carbon (b) hydrogen
(c) nitrogen (d) sulphur
Q16. Methane, ethane and propane are said to form a homologous series because all are
(a) hydrocarbons
(b) saturated compounds
(c) aliphatic compounds
(d) differ from each other by a CH2 group
They belong to homologous series as they successively have a difference of a – CH2 group

alkanes (Cn H2n+2)

Q17. General formula of alkyne is

(a) Cn H2n+2 (b) Cn H2n
(c) Cn H2n–2 (d) Cn Hn
Q18. Which among the following are unsaturated hydrocarbons?

(a) (i) and (iii) (b) (ii) and (iii)

(c) (ii) and (iv) (d) (iii) and (iv)
Unsaturated hydrocarbons have double or triple bond.

Q19. Pentane has the molecular formula C5H12. It has

(a) 5 covalent bonds (b) 12 covalent bonds
(c) 16 covalent bonds (d) 17 covalent bonds
The structural formula of pentane is

Number of C - C covalent bonds = 4

Number of C - H covalent bonds = 12
Total number of covalent bonds = 16

Q20. The heteroatoms present in CH3 — CH2 — O — CH2— CH2 Cl are

(i) oxygen (ii) carbon
(iii) hydrogen (iv) chlorine
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iii)
(c) (iii) and (iv) (d) (i) and (iv)
All except Carbon & Hydrogen

Q21. Isomers of a substance must have the same

(a) structural formula
(b) physical properties
(c) chemical properties
(d) molecular formula
Organic compounds having same molecular formula but differ from each other in physical properties or chemical
properties or both are known as isomers.It has the same molecular formula as the other molecule, but with a
different chemical structure. Isomers do not necessarily share similar properties, unless they also have the same
functional groups.

Isomers of C5H12

Q22. The aliphatic hydrocarbon which contain double covalent bonds are known as alkenes . Alkenes are
A] Saturated hydrocarbons
B] Unsaturated hydrocarbons
C] aromatic Hydrocarbons
D] none of the above
Unsaturated hydrocarbons have double or triple bond.
Methane is the simplest aliphatic compound and benzene is the simplest aromatic compound.

Q23. the compounds having same molecular formula but differ in their structures are called
A] isomers b] isotopes c] polymers d] allotropes
Q24. the gas used for Artificial ripening of Green fruit is
A] acetylene b] ethylene c] ethane d] Carbon dioxide
Ethylene is a hydrocarbon which has the formula C ₂H ₄ or H₂C=CH₂. It is a colorless flammable gas
with a faint "sweet and musky" odour when pure. It is the simplest alkene.

Q25. Match the following

A. Alkanes 1. Cn H2n
B. Alkenes 2. Cn H2n+2
C. Alkynes 3. Cn H2n+1 OH
D. Alcohol 4. Cn H2n–2
A] 4321
B] 2143
C] 2134
D] 1234
Alkanes (single bonded Methane, Ethane, Propane, Butane) are inert under normal conditions as they
do not react with acids, bases and other reagents. Hence, they are also known as paraffins. They are
Unsaturated hydrocarbons i.e. alkenes and alkynes (Ethylene, Acetylene etc.) Are chemically very
reactive due to the presence of double bond or triple Bond.
saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons are collectively called aliphatic hydrocarbons.
Acyclic/ Aliphatic/ Open chain compounds : Consists of straight or branched open chains.
Cyclic/ring/Closed chain compounds : Carbon atoms joined in the form of ring; no open chain/branch.
Saturated compounds : Contains single bonds.
Unsaturated compounds : Contains double or triple bonds.
Homocyclic/Carbocyclic compounds : Chain is made up of only carbon atom.
Heterocyclic compounds : Chain contains other atoms (eg. Oxygen, Sulphur, Nitrogen) with carbon atoms.
Aromatic compounds : Contains one or more benzene ring.
Alicyclic compounds : Closed chain formation other than benzene ring.

Q26. The chloroform (CHCl3) if kept in the coloured bottle or container because it directly reacts with air and
light and forms a toxicated substance__
A] phosphine b] phosgene c] mustard gas d] CO
Phosgene : COCl2

Q27. Synthetic ethanol is produced by reacting ethene (in the presence of phosphoric acid) with
A) hydrogen
B) potassium dichromate
C) oxygen
D) water (steam)
Ethanol can also be manufactured by reacting ethene (from cracking crude oil fractions) with steam. A
catalyst of phosphoric acid is used to ensure a fast reaction. Ethanol is the only product. This is a
continuous reaction - as long as ethene and steam are fed into the reacting vessel, ethanol will be
The flavour of Apple is mainly because of the presence of Ethanol in it.

Q28. an organic compound is used in making picric acid (explosive), phenolphthalein (an indicator), bakelite
(first plastic made from synthetic components), salol (Phenyl salicylate), aspirin, salicylic acid etc. The organic
compound is
A] benzene b] phenol c] nitrobenzene d] aniline

Molecular formula C6H5OH

Q29. Which of the following compounds does not contain a carboxylic acid group?
A] picric acid b] vinegar c] salicylic acid d] benzoic acid
Carboxylic acid group: -COOH
Picric acid formula (O₂N)₃C₆H₂OH. Its IUPAC name is 2,4,6-trinitrophenol.
Vinegar is a liquid consisting of about 5–20% acetic acid (CH3COOH), water (H2O)
Salicylic acid has the formula C₇H₆O₃.
Benzoic acid, C₇H₆O₂, is a colorless crystalline solid and a simple aromatic carboxylic acid.
The tracking of people by trained dogs is based on the recognition of carboxylic acid in the sweat from
Oxalic acid (C2H2O4) is it dicarboxylic acid. Calcium oxalate is present in human urine, sometimes this
compound deposits in the Kidney and appears as kidney or prostate stone.

Q30. Consider the following statements

I. saturated hydrocarbons undergo substitution reaction
II. carbon black is obtained when Methane is heated in the absence of air
which of the above statement(s) is/ are correct?
A] only I b] only II c] I & II d] None

Q31. Ethanol containing 5% water is known as

A] Rectified spirit
B] absolute alcohol
C] dilute alcohol
D] power alcohol

Q32. Match the following

A. Vodka 1. Apples
B. Brandy 2. Potatoes
C. Cider 3. Barley
D. Whisky 4. Grapes
A] 2413
B] 4321
C] 2134
D] 1423

Everyday Chemistry

1. The hair dye available in the market contains two bottles, one containing dye and other containing hydrogen
peroxide. The bottles are mixed before applying the dye. The function of hydrogen peroxide is
A] to dilute the dye
B] to oxidise the dye to give desired colour
C] to reduce the dye to give desired colour
D] to acidify the dye solution

2. Soaps cannot be used in acidic condition because they lose their cleansing effect due to the formation of
A] esters
B] alcohols
C] hydrocarbons
D] long-chain fatty acids

3. Consider the following statements

I. antiseptics can kill or prevent the growth of microorganisms
II. antiseptics can be applied to the skin
III. antiseptics are toxic to the living tissues therefore they cannot be applied to the skin
Which are correct?
A] only I b] only II c] I & II d] I, II ,III

4. Farmers are requested to mix lime with soil while farming their fields. This is because
A] lime is very helpful in maintaining the water content in the soil
B] lime decreases the acidity of soil
C] lime decreases the basicity of soil
D] high concentration of lime is necessary for the plant growth

5. The polymeric fibres used as a substitute for wool in making synthetic blankets, sweaters etc. is
A] nylon b] Teflon c] orlon d] bakelite

6. Sodium stearate is a salt and is used

A] in gunpowder
B] in Paint
C] to make soap
D] to make fertilizer

7. Cement, the most important building material at the present time, is used in the construction of buildings,
roads, dams etc. It does not contain
A] calcium silicate
B] calcium aluminate
C] calcium sulpho-aluminate
D] calcium phosphate

8. Alcohol obtained in the saponification process is

A] ethyl alcohol b] methyl alcohol c] wood spirit d] glycerol
When triglycerides in fat/oil react with aqueous NaOH or KOH, they are converted into soap and
glycerol. This is called alkaline hydrolysis of esters. Since this reaction leads to the formation of soap,
it is called the Saponification process.

9. Which one of the following fibre is made from natural raw materials?
A] rayon b] nylon c] polyester d] polystyrene
Rayon is extracted from cellulose which is naturally found.

10. KMnO4 Can be used as

A] Insecticide b] fertilizer c] pesticides d] disinfectant

11. A thick paste of cement, sand and water is called

A] concrete b] RCC c] mortar d] kiln
Setting of cement is an exothermic process. Gypsum is added to cement to Slow Down its setting.

12. Consider the following statements

I. soaps are sodium or potassium salts of higher fatty acids
II. soaps are commonly made from coconut, groundnut and mahua oils
III. Is soap molecule has tadpole shaped structure whose ends have differential polarities
Which are correct?
A] only I b] only II c] I & III d] I, II ,III
Sodium soaps, prepared from sodium hydroxide, are firm, whereas potassium soaps, derived from
potassium hydroxide, are softer or often liquid.

13. Consider the following statements

I. Synthetic detergents are alkyl sulphonates produced from Petroleum And sulfuric acid
II. detergents have stronger cleansing action than soaps
III. mostly detergents are biodegradable
Which are correct?
A] only I b] only II c] I & II d] I, II ,III
The organic compounds present in soap (Fatty acids and oils) make them more biodegradable than
detergents. Hence we can say that soaps are somewhat biodegradable while detergents are not.

14. Thermosetting Polymers can melt and take shape once after they have been solidified and they stay solid.
In thermosetting process a chemical process takes place that is Irreversible. Which of the following is
thermosetting polymer?
A] PVC b] vulcanised rubber c] polystyrene d] polyethylene

15. This plastic is heat and wear resistant. This plastic is used to build gears, plain bearing, valve seats and
seals. Which call of the following plastics is referred above?
A] rubber b] nylon c] PVC d] polystyrene
Nylon will melt around 400° F.

16. Consider the following statements

I. Glass is a supercooled liquid having infinite viscosity
II. violet coloured glass is obtained by adding MnO2
III. Glass is a man made silicate
IV. Glass is a crystalline substance
Which are correct?
A] I, II & IV b] II, III & IV c] I, II & III d] I & III
Two important man-made silicates are glass and cement.
Glass is an amorphous solid. It exhibits an atomic structure close to that observed in the supercooled
liquid phase but displays all the mechanical properties of a solid.
17. The principle of cleaning by soap is
A] surface tension b] floatation c] viscosity d] elasticity

18. Cosmetic powders are prepared from

A] asbestos b] talc c] gypsum d] serpentine
Talc or talcum is a clay mineral composed of hydrated magnesium silicate with the chemical formula
H2Mg3(SiO3)4 or Mg3Si4O10(OH)2

19. The percentage of Nitrogen present in Ammonium Sulphate is

A] 30.5% b] 18% c] 21% d] 25%
It contains 21% nitrogen and 24% sulfur.

20. Empty seats are found in drug that give relief to

A] eyesight b] stomach ache c] acne d] headache

21. Match the following

A. Gypsum 1. prevent UV rays
B. Nylon 2. non stick utensils coating
C. Teflon 3. textile fabrics
D. Crookes glass 4. Cement
A] 4321
B] 2143
C] 2134
D] 1234

22. Which of the following is the residual product in the formation of soap?
a) Glyceraldehyde
b) Glycerol
c) Glycerine
d) Acrylonitrile

23. Which of the following is a typical soap molecule?

a) Calcium stearate
b) Potassium permanganate
c) Sodium bicarbonate
d) Sodium stearate

24. State true or false.

Soaps do not act efficiently in hard water and in acidic solution.

25. State true or false.

Potassium soaps are soft to the skin than sodium soaps.
26. Which of the following chemical is added in washing powder for keeping it dry?
a) Sodium silicate
b) Inorganic phosphate
c) Carboxy-methyl cellulose
d) Sodium perborate

27. Which of the following chemical is added in washing powder for keeping the dirt suspended in water?
a) Sodium silicate
b) Inorganic phosphate
c) Carboxy-methyl cellulose
d) Sodium perborate

28. Which one of the followings is a Natural Dye ?

A. Methyl orange
B. Congo red
C. Malachite green
D. Alizarin

29. state true or false–

Rubber is a Natural Polymer.

30. Which of the following is the synthetic fibre ?

a. Cotton
b. Rayon
c. Silk
d. Jute

31. Which of the following is a natural fibre ?

a. Polyester
b. Nylon
c. Rayon
d. Silk

32. cheese is an example of ?

a. Emulsion
b. Foam
c. gel
d. sol

33. Contact lenses are made from ?

a. polyvinyl chloride
b. Polystyrene
c. lucite
d. Telfon

34. The major component used in preparation of different types of glasses is?
a. Silica
b. sodium borate
c. calcium silicate
d. sodium silicate

35. The main constituent of Vinegar is ?

a. citric acid
b. acetic acid
c. ascorbic acid
d. tartaric acid

36. Which one of the following will you put into pure water in order to pass electric current through it ?
a. Kerosene
b. mustard oil
c. lemon juice
d. Sugar

37. One of the occupational health hazards commonly faced by the workers of ceramics, pottery and glass
industry is
a. stone formation in gallbladder
b. Melanoma
c. silicosis
d. stone formation in kidney

38. The major component in the LPG is?

A) ethane
B) propane
C) methane
D) butane


(Amartya Maity - M.Sc in Organic Chemistry: 3rd Sem)

Chemistry is linked with many aspects in our daily life. Such as-(1) Drugs (2) Food additives (3) Cosmetics &
cleaning agents (4) polymer industry (5) other uses

(1) DRUGS :-
(a) Antipyretic=To consume the normal body temperature in the presence of fever.
Example-Paracetamol.Analgin.Aspirin etc.
(b) Analgesic=uses for relieve pain
Example=Paracetamol.Analgin.Aspirin etc.
(c) Anaesthetics (also called painkiller) :cause a temporary loss of sensation with or without loss of
Example= two types of pain killer uses (1) normal anaesthetics=it effected whole body loss of sensation
example=chloroform.cyclopropane. Nitrous oxide.
(2) Local anaesthetics= particular selective part loss of sensation. Example=Ethyl chloride(use as a spray).
(d) Tranquilizers (psychotherapeutic drug)= treatment of anxiety. Fear. Tension. Agitation.& disturbances of the
Example= Veronal. Luminal. Seconal
(e) Antiseptics & Disinfectants= uses to the prevent of growth of micro organisms. The main difference
between antiseptics & disinfectant. Antiseptic is applied to the human body but other applied to the non living
surfaces. Common example a doctor will apply an antiseptic to the surgical site on a persons body and use
disinfectant to sterilize the operating table.Example= Phenol.Cresol.Ethanol. Resorcinol.
(f) Antacid=Its neutralizes stomach acidity and is used to relieve heartburn .indigestion or an upset stomach.
Example= sodium bicarbonate. Calcium carbonate. Aluminium hydroxide. Most common antacid are Gelusil(
magnesium trisilicate + aluminium hydroxide) Digene. Diovol.
(g) Antibiotics= for bacterial infection
Example= penicillin. Gentamicin
(h) Antimicrobials (also known as sulfa drugs) = it is used for against bacteria & fungi. Example=
(i) Antihistamine= to control the allergic in our human body.
Example= promethazine. Brompheniramine.


The chemicals which are added to food to improve its qualities appearance taste odour and nutritive value are
called food additives.
(a) Preservatives= which are used to protect food against bacteria yeasts and moulds. Some example of
preservatives. (1) sodium benzoate= used in soft drinks acidic foods breads & cakes.
(2) sodium metabisulphite= used for jams pickles squashes & preservative for fresh fruit & vegetables.
(3) sorbic acid= to control the growth of yeasts & moulds in cheese baked food pickles & certain meat, fish
(4) p- hydroxybenzoate esters= used in soft drinks beer olive pickles & syrups. Its inhibit the growth of moulds
& yeasts but are less effective on bacteria.
(b) Artificial sweeteners = sucrose (known as table sugar) fructose are most widely used . uses saccharin
(chemically o-sulphobenzimide) Aspartame known as Nutra sweet(it is used only cold foods & soft drinks)
.sucralose. cyclamate. Etc.
(c) Anticaking agents= this are added to hygroscopic foods to prevent caking in humid weather. Table salt
(sodium chloride) is to caking in presence of moisture. The additive (magnesium chloride) incorporates its
structure so NaCl remains dry.
(d) Kitchen chemistry:
Meat tenderisers- shorter heating time meat tenderisers are usually plant products such as papain (a protein
splitting enzyme) from unripe papaya.

Question & Answer

(1) Which statement about aspirin is not true

(a)aspirin belongs to narcotic analgesics
(b) it is effective in relieving pain
(c) it has anti blood clotting action
(d) none

(2) The compound that causes general antidepressant action on the central nervous system belongs the class
(a) Analgesics
(b) Tranquilizers
(c) Narcotic analgesics
(d) Antihistamines

(3) A narrow spectrum antibiotic is active against

(a) Gram positive or gram negative bacteria
(b) Gram negative bacteria only
(c) Single organism or one disease
(d) None of these

(4) The most useful classification of drugs for medicinal chemists is

(a) On the basis of chemical structure
(b) On the basis of drug action
(c) On the basis of pharmacological effect
(d) On the basis of molecular targets

(5)which is the statement about birth control pills

(a) contain estrogen only
(b) contain progesterone only
(c) progesterone enhances ovulation
(d) contain a mixture of estrogen & progesterone derivatives.

(6) compound which is added to soap to import antiseptic properties is

(a) bithional
(b) rosin
(c) all the above
(d)none of these

(7) equanil is
(a) artificial sweetener
(b) antihistamine
(c) tranquilizer
(d)antifertility drug

(8) which is the enhances leathering property of soap

(a) sodium rosinate
(b)sodium carbonate
(c) sodium stearate
(d)all the above

(9) glycerol is added to soap .it functions

(a)as a filter
(b) to increase leathering
(c) to prevent rapid drying
(d)to make soap granules

(10) which of the following are sulfa drugs

(b) nardil
(c) salvarsan
(d)all the above
Sulfa drug, also called sulfonamide

(11) Which of the following are antidepressants ** Bold phrases are all answers.
(c) equanil
(d)salvarsan *** a,b,c are answers

(12) which of the following compounds are administered as antacids

(a)sodium carbonate
(b )aluminium carbonate
(c)sodium hydrogen carbonate
(d)magnesium hydroxide

(13)amongst the following antihistamines. Which are antacids


(14)which of the following are not used as food preservation

(a) table salt
(b) sodium hydrogen carbonate
(c)cane sugar
(d)benzoic acid

(15) which of the following will not enhance nutritional value of food
(a) artificial sweeteners
(b) minerals
(c) vitamins
(d)amino acids

(16)which chemicals can be added for sweetening of food items at cooking temperature and does not provide
(17)which is not a target molecule for drug function in body
(b) vitamins
(c) lipids
(d) None

(18) polyethylene glycols are used in the preparation of which type of detergents
(a) cationic detergents
(b)anionic detergents
(c) non ionic detergents


SOAPS-soaps are water soluble sodium or potassium salts of fatty acids.soaps are made from fats & oils by
treating them chemically strong alkali.
DETERGENTS-mainly synthetic detergents known as detergents. Its mainly three types (1) anionic detergents
(2) cationic detergents (3) non ionic detergents
Soaps & detergents mainly work basic principle of surface tension.


BAKING POWDER-Sodium hydrogen carbonate(NaHCO3)

USES- bekary industry .breds. biscuits. Plastics & paper industry.

ALUM- double salts of potassium sulfate & aluminium sulfate is alum [k2 so4. Al2(so4)3.24H20]
USES-purify water. In medicine. Tanning. Dying. Cosmetics(deodorant & antitranspirants)

COPPER SULPHATE(CUSO4.5H2O)-Copper sulphate is known as blue vitriol. Blue stone. Roman vitriol.
Vitriol of copper.
USES- Bordeaux mixture- is used to control fungus. Horticulture. To treat aquarium fishes for parasitic

CALCIUM LACTATE(CH3CHOHCOO)2Ca= the solution of lactic acid in calcium salt

USES- in medicinal chemistry. Food preservatives.

PLASTER OF PARIS(2CaSO4.H2O)---Calcium sulfate hemihydrate or gypsum

USES- in medicine to fractured bones . blackboard. Chalks. Making toys. Decorative materials….

PHENOL(C6H5OH)- it is also known as carboxylic acid..

USES-plastic industry. Backelite. Good antiseptic.

EPSOM SALT=Magnesium sulfate(MgSO4.7H2O) It is known as English salt. bitter salts. Bath salts
USES= Majority uses in agriculture. Polymer. Cosmetics.
BORIC ACID(H3BO3)-It is known as hydrogen borate. Orthoboric acid.
USES- cosmetics. Eye lotion. Food preservative. Pharmaceutical

Polymer chemistry
Polymer-high molecular mass formed by the combination of a large no. of simple molecules is called polymers
& the simple molecules unit is its monomer.
Polymerisation-the process in which monomers get combined & transformed is known as polymerization.
Eg; n[monomer] to polymer

Classification of polymer:
(1) Natural polymers=starch. Cellulose. Proteins.natural rubber
(2) Synthetic polymers= (man made polymer) polythene. Synthetic rubber. PVC. Teflon. Nylon-66
(3) Semisynthetic polymers= some modification in natural polymers by; cellulose. Rayon.
Vulcanized rubber.
(4) Polythene=the monomer of ethylene or ethane
Uses= low density polythene:- insulation of electricity. Manufacture of squeeze bottles. Toys. Flexible pipes
High density polythene :- making containers. House wars. Toyes.
(5) Polystyrene=monomer of styrene
Uses= rain Radio & tv cabinets. It is hard & resistant to heat & chemicals.
(6)polypropylene= monomer of propylene
(7) polytetrafluoroethylene= Teflon
Uses=making oil seals. It is chemically inert & resistant to attack by corrosive reagent
(8) Nylon-66:- it is obtained by condensation of adipic acid & hexamethylenediamine with the elimination of
water molecule.
USES=nylon-66 is usually fabricated into sheets & textile.
(9) BUBBLE GUM contains styrene butadiene rubber.
(10) BUNA-N:- it is copolymer of buta 1,3 diene & acrylonitrile
Uses=making conveyor belt & printing rollers.
(11) polyesters= polymers contain an ester linkage. eg=decron.
(12) natural rubber= which is coiled linear 1,4 polymer of isoprene. It is not use very extensively for commercial
(13) poly vinyl chloride (PVC)= monomer vinyl chloride.

Question & Answer

(1) Which is the thermoplastic polymer?

(a) Rubber (b) nylon-66 (c) PVC (d) bakelite

(2)the term PVC full name-poly vinyl chloride

(3) natural rubber is polymer of

(a)isoprene(b) styrene (c) vinyl acetate (d) butadiene

(5) Bakelite is the product of

(a) Addition polymerization
(b) Condensation polymerization
(c) Co-polymerization
(d) All of the above
(6)high polymerization of ethylene is done by using
(a) Ziegler natta catalyst (b) lindner catalyst (c) H2 catalyst

(7)Muriatic acid used in household work in diluted form

(a)acetic acid (b) hydrochloric acid(c) oxalic acid(d) aqua regia

(8) washing soda is common name=sodium carbonate

(9) L.P.G cylinder contains= propane & butane

(10) phenyl used in household work is a derivative of= benzene

(11) naphthalene has the formula- C10H8

(12) marsh gas is (a) methane (b) ethane (c) ethylene

(13)which is the known as RDX


(14)which is natural polymer


(15)which is used as an explosive

(a)phosphorous trichloride(b)mercuric oxide
(c)graphite (d)nitro glycerine

(16) gun powder (black powder) consists of a mixture of

(a) sand & TNT(b) Sulphur sand & charcoal
(c) potassium nitrate Sulphur & charcoal
(d)TNT & charcoal

(17) land fill gas is the other name of methane.

(18) compressed natural gas (C.N.G) is the other name

(a)ammonia (b) ethane (c) methane(d)carbon dioxide

(19) paraffin wax is

(a) ester(b) alcohol (c) unsaturated hydrocarbons
(d) saturated hydrocarbons

(20)The following compound is not a persistent organic pollutant

(a)DDT (b) endosulfan (c) BHC (d) methane

(21) which gas is used for ripening of fruits


(22)jam- jelly can be preserved by adding
(a) HCHO (B)EDTA (C)Sodium benzoate (d)CH3COOH

(23) DDT was invented by Paul Muller. Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane, commonly known as DDT, is a
colorless, tasteless, and almost odorless crystalline chemical compound, an organochlorine, originally
developed as an insecticide, and ultimately becoming infamous for its environmental impacts.

(24) Heavy water discovered by H .C .Urey. Heavy water is water that contains heavy hydrogen or deuterium.


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